Spitzer Space Telescope
Nominal Science Operations - 2006 Schedule of Executed Science and Calibration Observations (ObsLog)

TargetName                   Observer-specified target name
RA(J2000)                    Right ascension of the target position (J2000.0)
Dec(J2000)                   Declination of the target position (J2000.0)
PI                           Principal Investigator
ProgName                     Short Program Nickname
pid                          Program IDentification number
AOT                          Observing Mode:
                               iracmap = IRAC Mapping/Photometry AOR; 
                               irac = IRAC IER;
                               mipsphot = MIPS Photometry AOR;
                               mipsscan = MIPS Scan Mapping AOR;
                               mipssed = MIPS Spectral Energy Distribution AOR;
                               mipstp = MIPS Total Power AOR;
                               mips = MIPS IER;
                               irspeakup = IRS Peak-Up Imaging AOR;
                               irsmap = IRS Spectral Mapping AOR;
                               irsstare = IRS Staring-Mode Spectroscopy AOR;
                               irs = IRS IER;
min_dur                      Duration of the observation in minutes
Start Of Execution (UTC)     UTC Time at the start of the execution of the observation
AOR_key                      Unique observation identification number
AOR_LABEL                    Observer-specified observation title 

TargetName                RA(J2000)    Dec(J2000)    PI                ProgName     pid   AOT         min_dur Start Of Execution (UTC)   AOR_key    AOR_LABEL
COSMOS 8                  09:57:52.00  +02:27:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     157.87   2006-01-01 01:50:47.5     15553280  Cosmos 8 - epoch 3                      
COSMOS 9                  10:02:58.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.93   2006-01-01 04:25:27.2     15539712  Cosmos 9                                
COSMOS 9                  10:02:58.00  +02:00:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.93   2006-01-01 08:19:33.6     15544320  Cosmos 9 - epoch 2                      
COSMOS 9                  10:02:52.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.94   2006-01-01 12:04:53.3     15543552  Cosmos 9 - epoch 3                      
COSMOS 10                 10:01:18.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.94   2006-01-01 15:50:16.1     15546368  Cosmos 10                               
DC2742-04                 09:28:51.40  -51:35:58.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      26.38   2006-01-01 19:40:29.8     14609152  IRAC - DC2742-04 - DEEP                 
NGC288                    00:52:47.50  -26:35:24.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap      65.93   2006-01-01 20:10:24.8     14502912  IRAC-288                                
16863                     01:09:34.44  +00:20:22.70  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 iracmap      13.20   2006-01-01 21:16:25.1     14276864  IRAC - 16863                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best c28                  00:08:20.35  -04:32:48.24  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 iracmap       3.93   2006-01-01 22:26:05.4     16570880  latent_safe_best_c28 - copy - 0016      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 irac          7.31   2006-01-01 22:26:23.6     16559872  anneal                                  
HD4182                    00:44:25.37  +09:57:09.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.63   2006-01-01 22:36:19.6     16546048  IRAC_calstar_HD4182_s2l12 - copy - 0015 
COSMOS 10                 10:01:18.00  +02:00:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.95   2006-01-01 22:57:11.7     15553024  Cosmos 10 - epoch 2                     
COSMOS 10                 10:01:12.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.96   2006-01-02 02:42:33.1     15552512  Cosmos 10 - epoch 3                     
COSMOS 11                 09:59:38.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.98   2006-01-02 06:28:03.5     15546112  Cosmos 11                               
COSMOS 11                 09:59:38.00  +02:00:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     228.99   2006-01-02 10:22:04.7     15542528  Cosmos 11 - epoch 2                     
COSMOS 11                 09:59:32.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     229.00   2006-01-02 14:07:23.2     15541504  Cosmos 11 - epoch 3                     
MS 1054-03                10:57:17.40  -03:39:03.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 iracmap     151.43   2006-01-02 17:54:22.4     15063808  IRAC-0001                               
HE1104-1805               11:06:33.40  -18:21:23.00  Kochanek          KOCHANEKLENS 20451 iracmap      29.21   2006-01-02 20:24:14.3     14723328  IRAC-0000 - HE1104-1805 - copy          
2mass1114513-261823       11:14:51.15  -26:18:23.80  Burgasser         ABURGASSER_C 20544 iracmap      10.76   2006-01-02 20:51:16.5     14824960  IRAC-2m1114                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best c28                  00:08:20.35  -04:32:48.24  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 iracmap       3.93   2006-01-02 22:05:26.4     16571392  latent_safe_best_c28 - copy - 0018      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 irac          7.31   2006-01-02 22:05:52.0     16560384  anneal                                  
HD4182                    00:44:25.37  +09:57:09.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.62   2006-01-02 22:15:26.2     16546560  IRAC_calstar_HD4182_s2l12 - copy - 0017 
CFg                       01:03:08.47  +13:16:39.50  Houck             JH_CLUSTER     138 iracmap     130.54   2006-01-02 22:24:34.2     12538624  CFg_IRAC                                
COSMOS 12                 09:57:58.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     157.90   2006-01-03 00:44:09.0     15545856  Cosmos 12                               
COSMOS 12                 09:57:58.00  +02:00:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     157.90   2006-01-03 03:18:31.4     15551744  Cosmos 12 - epoch 2                     
COSMOS 12                 09:57:52.00  +02:02:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     157.90   2006-01-03 05:52:57.5     15551232  Cosmos 12 - epoch 3                     
COSMOS 13                 10:02:58.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.51   2006-01-03 08:27:44.0     15545344  Cosmos 13                               
COSMOS 13                 10:02:58.00  +01:35:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.51   2006-01-03 11:44:08.8     15538688  Cosmos 13 - epoch 2                     
COSMOS 13                 10:02:52.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.51   2006-01-03 14:52:07.5     15538176  Cosmos 13 - epoch 3                     
COSMOS 14                 10:01:18.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.51   2006-01-03 18:00:07.2     15544832  Cosmos 14                               
151146                    10:43:51.60  +06:45:36.20  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 iracmap      13.19   2006-01-03 21:09:49.8     14279168  IRAC - 151146                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best c28                  00:08:20.35  -04:32:48.24  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 iracmap       3.93   2006-01-03 22:30:34.2     16571904  latent_safe_best_c28 - copy - 0020      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 irac          7.31   2006-01-03 22:30:55.6     16561152  anneal                                  
HD4182                    00:44:25.37  +09:57:09.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.61   2006-01-03 22:40:43.2     16547072  IRAC_calstar_HD4182_s2l12 - copy - 0019 
DC2573-25                 08:17:05.20  -39:54:17.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      26.40   2006-01-03 22:58:21.0     14607360  IRAC - DC2573-25 - DEEP                 
irasf11374                11:39:60.00  -20:17:12.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 iracmap       7.72   2006-01-03 23:25:36.6     14852352  IRAC - irasf11374                       
COSMOS 14                 10:01:18.00  +01:35:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.51   2006-01-03 23:33:17.8     15550464  Cosmos 14 - epoch 2                     
COSMOS 14                 10:01:12.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.52   2006-01-04 02:41:19.8     15549952  Cosmos 14 - epoch 3                     
COSMOS 15                 09:59:38.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.53   2006-01-04 05:49:23.5     15544576  Cosmos 15                               
COSMOS 15                 09:59:38.00  +01:35:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.53   2006-01-04 09:06:17.5     15537408  Cosmos 15 - epoch 2                     
COSMOS 15                 09:59:32.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     191.53   2006-01-04 12:46:24.5     15536896  Cosmos 15 - epoch 3                     
COSMOS 16                 09:57:58.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     131.64   2006-01-04 15:45:09.8     15543808  Cosmos 16                               
COSMOS 16                 09:57:58.00  +01:35:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     131.64   2006-01-04 17:45:58.3     15548160  Cosmos 16 - epoch 2                     
NGC 3690                  11:28:31.88  +58:33:45.20  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.70   2006-01-04 19:46:16.5      5000448  TNG-SN-NGC3690-08                       
SDSSJ135355.9+664800.5    13:53:55.90  +66:48:00.60  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 iracmap       6.02   2006-01-04 19:52:26.1     14622208  IRAC-SDSS J1353+6648                    
SDSS_J151448.07+562715.7  15:14:48.07  +56:27:15.78  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.62   2006-01-04 19:57:06.1     14113792  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J151448.07+562715.7    
NGC 7469                  23:03:15.62  +08:52:26.40  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.69   2006-01-04 20:11:59.7      5003520  TNG-SN-NGC7469-10                       
pks_1580                  00:34:13.80  -11:56:00.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 iracmap      69.21   2006-01-04 20:20:53.3     14932736  pks_1580_irac                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 iracmap       3.93   2006-01-04 22:26:12.0     16566016  latent_safe_best_nep - copy - 0001      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 irac          7.31   2006-01-04 22:26:39.5     16561408  anneal                                  
ESSENCE-C                 02:04:56.09  -03:49:03.70  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.38   2006-01-04 22:46:16.6     16328704  IRAC-0000C                              
ESSENCE-C                 02:04:56.09  -03:49:03.70  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.38   2006-01-05 04:13:02.0     16330240  IRAC-0001C                              
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      10.67   2006-01-05 09:57:42.8     16540416  skydrk_0.02_subarray - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       6.19   2006-01-05 10:05:03.4     16540672  skydrk_0.1_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       9.04   2006-01-05 10:07:56.4     16540928  skydrk_0.4_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.12   2006-01-05 10:13:40.8     16541184  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.12   2006-01-05 10:18:25.8     16538624  skydrk_2 - 0001                         
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      11.40   2006-01-05 10:23:08.4     16539392  skydrk_12hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      11.04   2006-01-05 10:31:03.6     16538880  skydrk_12 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      17.31   2006-01-05 10:38:40.2     16539648  skydrk_30hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      16.29   2006-01-05 10:52:32.6     16539136  skydrk_30 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      41.76   2006-01-05 11:05:25.0     16540160  skydrk_100hdr - 0001                    
Best NEP                  17:40:33.60  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      54.54   2006-01-05 11:43:47.5     16539904  skydrk_100 - 0001                       
zody_field_1              00:08:20.35  -04:32:48.24  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap     240.69   2006-01-05 12:42:20.0     16541696  skyflt_zody_field_1 - 0001              
COSMOS 16                 09:57:52.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     131.67   2006-01-05 16:51:12.6     15547648  Cosmos 16 - epoch 3                     
SDSS_J115132.93-022222.0  11:51:32.94  -02:22:22.02  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.61   2006-01-05 19:02:25.9     14113536  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J115132.93-022222.0    
SDSS_J115314.10-032432.2  11:53:14.10  -03:24:32.24  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.61   2006-01-05 19:10:08.4     14113024  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J115314.10-032432.2    
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      11.60   2006-01-05 19:24:47.6     16576000  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30_1           
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.58   2006-01-05 19:33:51.6     16578560  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12_1             
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      11.58   2006-01-05 19:39:14.8     16578048  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30_1            
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      11.58   2006-01-05 19:47:50.4     16577536  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30_1            
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap      11.58   2006-01-05 19:56:05.4     16577024  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30_1            
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       6.90   2006-01-05 20:04:42.0     16579584  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       6.90   2006-01-05 20:09:18.0     16580096  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2_1      
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       6.95   2006-01-05 20:14:38.4     16576512  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.60   2006-01-05 20:19:22.6     16579072  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12_1       
HD89562                   10:20:08.87  +03:11:55.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1131 iracmap       8.39   2006-01-05 20:32:19.8     16611072  IRAC_calstar_HD89562_2xspt4l2_20        
RXJ1131-1231              11:31:51.60  -12:31:57.00  Kochanek          KOCHANEKLENS 20451 iracmap      50.84   2006-01-05 20:40:12.0     14723840  IRAC-0000 - RXJ1131-1231 - copy         
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1231 irac         14.94   2006-01-05 21:35:36.4     16565248  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-05 23:34:12.1     16582144  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips         16.68   2006-01-05 23:44:12.0     16581376  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips         16.42   2006-01-06 00:04:16.3     16600064  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      6.33   2006-01-06 00:22:52.5     16602624  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot     17.60   2006-01-06 00:27:24.1     16603136  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
zodi_31a[355]             23:52:17.79  -06:17:06.65  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1870 mipsphot    175.54   2006-01-06 00:48:51.8     16592384  calflt-28MC-24photsmall - smd           
zodi_0a                   00:19:54.66  -04:33:52.25  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1870 mipsscan     17.28   2006-01-06 03:49:19.3     16592640  calflt-28MC-fastscan.aor                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-06 03:49:31.8     16584960  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.72   2006-01-06 04:15:30.1     15552256  MIPS-D1a-Cosmos                         
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.72   2006-01-06 07:09:36.0     15553536  MIPS-D1b-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-06 07:12:16.2     16587776  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-06 11:09:12.0     16590592  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.72   2006-01-06 11:31:23.6     15554048  MIPS-D1c-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-06 14:18:30.6     16594688  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.72   2006-01-06 14:28:15.1     15537664  MIPS-D1d-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-06 17:17:10.8     16597504  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.72   2006-01-06 17:22:21.0     15538432  MIPS-D1e-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-06 20:11:38.5     16599040  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.72   2006-01-06 20:16:26.9     15550720  MIPS-D3z-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 00:14:11.8     16599296  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-07 00:36:31.7     15540480  MIPS-D2a-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 03:27:40.3     16599552  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-07 03:33:31.7     15545088  MIPS-D2b-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 06:22:15.5     16582400  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-07 06:27:39.7     15548416  MIPS-D2d-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 09:16:45.0     16582656  anneal                                  
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     90.43   2006-01-07 09:41:38.8     14402560  B.26308.2.01                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 12:04:11.6     16582912  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-07 12:26:03.8     15546624  MIPS-D2c-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 15:13:31.5     16583168  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-07 15:19:57.1     15546880  MIPS-D3w-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 18:11:51.3     16583424  anneal                                  
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-07 18:36:44.0     14402816  B.26308.2.02                            
NGC0337                   00:59:50.30  -07:34:44.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      51.46   2006-01-07 20:11:54.6      5579008  MIPSS-0001                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-07 21:42:11.5     16583680  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-07 22:04:04.3     15549440  MIPS-D2e-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 00:51:31.6     16584192  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-main          10:00:28.60  +02:12:26.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    165.63   2006-01-08 00:58:29.1     15548928  MIPS-M6-Cosmos                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 03:41:11.0     16583936  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-main          10:00:28.60  +02:12:26.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    165.60   2006-01-08 03:47:33.0     15547136  MIPS-M5-Cosmos                          
NGC3511                   11:03:23.77  -23:05:12.40  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed       7.50   2006-01-08 06:32:37.8     10635776  MIPSE-Generic - NGC3511                 
TWA7                      10:42:30.30  -33:40:17.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     17.18   2006-01-08 06:38:41.6     16184320  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-TWA7_160                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 07:52:11.3     16584448  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    108.28   2006-01-08 08:16:56.7     15544064  MIPS-D3v-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 10:03:19.2     16584704  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-08 10:08:36.6     15548672  MIPS-D3x-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 12:57:41.5     16585216  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-main          10:00:28.60  +02:12:26.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    165.57   2006-01-08 13:02:57.1     15545600  MIPS-M4-Cosmos                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 15:47:13.6     16585472  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-deep          10:00:00.00  +02:32:60.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    170.73   2006-01-08 15:51:58.9     15549184  MIPS-D3y-Cosmos                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 18:41:52.5     16597760  anneal                                  
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-08 19:06:46.3     14403072  B.26308.2.03                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-08 21:38:41.1     16585728  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Cosmos-MIPS-main          10:00:28.60  +02:12:26.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    165.59   2006-01-08 22:01:59.3     15542016  MIPS-M3-Cosmos                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 00:47:26.3     16585984  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-main          10:00:28.60  +02:12:26.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    165.61   2006-01-09 00:51:01.1     15539456  MIPS-M2-Cosmos                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 03:36:57.9     16586240  anneal                                  
Cosmos-MIPS-main          10:00:28.60  +02:12:26.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 mipsscan    165.64   2006-01-09 03:40:07.1     15537920  MIPS-M1-Cosmos                          
S18                       11:10:23.33  +05:00:20.10  van Gorkom        OUTLIERS     20410 mipsphot     13.06   2006-01-09 06:24:32.1     14653696  MIPSP-0017                              
S22                       12:01:08.46  +06:07:02.50  van Gorkom        OUTLIERS     20410 mipsphot     13.04   2006-01-09 06:36:27.2     14654720  MIPSP-0021                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 07:50:11.0     16586496  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
PG0043+039                00:45:47.20  +04:10:24.30  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-01-09 08:00:41.3      4170752  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-0402 - PG0043+039         
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-09 08:25:05.2     14403328  B.26308.2.04                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 11:37:37.9     16586752  anneal                                  
zody_13_N07               00:36:44.34  +11:34:24.92  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-01-09 11:45:44.9     15858944  zody_SE100_13_N07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 14:16:54.3     16587008  anneal                                  
zody_13_N13               00:26:02.11  +16:59:19.57  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-01-09 14:21:03.0     15856384  zody_SE100_13_N13                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 16:52:31.7     16587264  anneal                                  
zody_13_N19               00:14:18.88  +22:19:35.12  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-01-09 16:56:16.9     15855360  zody_SE100_13_N19                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 19:28:09.9     16587520  anneal                                  
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-09 19:43:55.4     14403584  B.26308.2.05                            
split-Chernykh                1000011      Chernykh  Gehrz             RDG-COMETS     131 mipsphot     19.83   2006-01-09 21:23:34.3     15734272  split-Chernykh                          
SDSSJ005527.46-002148.7   00:55:27.46  +00:21:48.80  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     21.37   2006-01-09 21:40:37.7     14619648  MIPSP-SDSS J0055-0021                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-09 22:53:45.8     16588032  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
m33-pos1                  01:35:09.00  +30:56:37.00  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 mipsscan    119.08   2006-01-09 23:09:45.4      3649792  M33M-05-pos1                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 01:07:05.6     16588544  anneal                                  
m33-pos2                  01:34:10.00  +30:47:02.00  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 mipsscan    101.85   2006-01-10 01:12:20.1      3650048  M33M-05-pos2                            
NGC 604 scan              01:34:32.76  +30:47:02.00  Houck             BRB_HTWOR       63 mipsphot     16.95   2006-01-10 02:50:53.0      4388096  MIPSP-e-brb-htwor021                    
NGC 595                   01:33:33.76  +30:41:31.80  Houck             BRB_HTWOR       63 mipsphot     16.95   2006-01-10 03:04:45.6      4387328  MIPSP-e-brb-htwor024                    
ngc507                    01:23:40.00  +33:15:21.90  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     24.75   2006-01-10 03:19:30.6     14254080  PT_MIPSP-0001 - ngc507                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 03:43:34.3     16588288  anneal                                  
MRK348                    00:48:47.14  +31:57:25.10  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-01-10 03:49:13.1     10628096  MIPSE-Generic - MRK348                  
delta And B               00:39:17.69  +30:51:53.70  Jura              GIANTG           9 mipsphot     10.68   2006-01-10 03:59:51.7     16172544  MIPSP- Delta And B                      
irasf00212                00:23:53.64  +32:03:35.20  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.52   2006-01-10 04:08:24.5     14860800  MIPSP - irasf00212                      
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-10 04:35:06.7     14403840  B.26308.2.06                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 06:47:10.7     16588800  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_156_N07              10:41:48.91  +15:48:25.14  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.91   2006-01-10 07:09:04.6     15862016  zody_SE115_156_N07                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 09:35:42.8     16589568  anneal                                  
zody_156_N13              10:50:07.03  +21:29:14.76  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.91   2006-01-10 09:43:09.4     15859200  zody_SE115_156_N13                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 12:09:55.5     16589312  anneal                                  
zody_156_N19              10:57:53.22  +27:15:35.47  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.91   2006-01-10 12:17:14.1     15858432  zody_SE115_156_N19                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 14:48:35.8     16589056  anneal                                  
zody_156_N25              11:05:16.96  +33:07:36.39  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.91   2006-01-10 14:54:17.1     15855872  zody_SE115_156_N25                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 17:22:45.0     16598016  anneal                                  
betaUma                   11:01:50.48  +56:22:56.70  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-01-10 17:30:08.8     14501120  MIPSP-0010b                             
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Sugerman          SUGERMAN     20320 mipsphot     11.57   2006-01-10 17:57:27.7     14531072  MIPSP-SN2004et-epoch-3                  
SN 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Sugerman          SUGERMAN     20320 mipsphot      9.61   2006-01-10 18:05:55.2     14528512  MIPSP-SN2002hh-epoch-3                  
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-10 18:28:32.1     14404096  B.26308.2.07                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-10 21:00:10.5     16589824  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot     17.60   2006-01-10 21:15:32.2     16603904  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_2      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      6.33   2006-01-10 21:31:13.8     16603392  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_2    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      6.33   2006-01-10 21:36:08.5     16603648  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_2    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot     14.88   2006-01-10 21:39:07.8     16619520  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HD159330     
HD118232                  13:34:27.26  +49:00:57.50  Roberge           AKIR         20280 mipsphot     11.81   2006-01-10 21:54:16.9     14486272  MIPSP-hd118232-1                        
NGC5195                   13:29:59.60  +47:15:59.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      51.46   2006-01-10 22:03:32.7      5594880  MIPSS-0063                              
HD 114905                 13:13:03.62  +38:16:37.70  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     12.67   2006-01-10 22:53:21.1     14999552  MIPSP-HD114905                          
NGC4151                   12:10:32.58  +39:24:20.60  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-01-10 23:04:41.6     10637568  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4151                 
HD109358                  12:33:44.54  +41:21:26.93  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1870 mipsphot      9.94   2006-01-10 23:15:51.7     16592896  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HD109358-1   
HD096833                  11:09:39.81  +44:29:54.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      9.97   2006-01-10 23:24:34.9     16619008  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HD096833     
HD98230J                  11:18:10.90  +31:31:44.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      9.96   2006-01-10 23:33:24.4     16619264  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HD098230J    
HD114710                  13:11:52.39  +27:52:41.46  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1870 mipsphot      9.94   2006-01-10 23:42:51.7     16593152  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HDHD114710-2 
HD102647                  11:49:03.58  +14:34:19.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      9.94   2006-01-10 23:52:23.2     16618752  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HD102647     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 00:03:45.3     16590080  anneal                                  
Io_cluster                    2000085            Io  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot     26.54   2006-01-11 00:19:19.0     16617728  MIPSP-CAL028-Io-160um                   
Io                            2000085            Io  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      5.71   2006-01-11 00:47:46.1     16617984  MIPSP-CAL028-Io                         
zody_156_S07              10:20:49.28  +02:47:43.87  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.91   2006-01-11 00:52:52.3     15856640  zody_SE115_156_S07                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 03:19:14.0     16590336  anneal                                  
zody_156_S19              09:57:55.88  -07:51:37.78  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.91   2006-01-11 03:27:45.2     15862272  zody_SE115_156_S19                      
HD071129                  08:22:30.84  -59:30:34.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      7.09   2006-01-11 06:02:25.6     16620032  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HD071129     
HD 071129                 08:22:30.84  -59:30:34.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1870 mipsphot     13.05   2006-01-11 06:06:14.2     16591872  MIPS-CALMC28-NF-HD071129                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 07:07:10.3     16590848  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_156_S13              10:09:59.71  -02:35:23.67  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.91   2006-01-11 07:25:01.2     15862784  zody_SE115_156_S13                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 09:55:34.2     16591104  anneal                                  
zody_13_S07               00:58:42.83  -01:19:04.41  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-01-11 10:09:43.5     15862528  zody_SE100_13_S07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 12:40:56.8     16591360  anneal                                  
zody_13_S13               01:07:41.68  -06:53:08.13  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-01-11 12:44:57.4     15859968  zody_SE100_13_S13                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 15:16:33.4     16591616  anneal                                  
zody_13_S19               01:16:32.28  -12:28:47.06  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-01-11 15:20:11.3     15859456  zody_SE100_13_S19                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 17:52:10.6     16592128  anneal                                  
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-11 18:07:07.8     14404352  B.26308.2.08                            
ff0050-0039               00:50:09.81  +00:39:00.60  Dowell            DOWELL_FF    20427 mipsphot     15.85   2006-01-11 19:41:46.9     14667776  MIPSP-DOWELL-FF0050                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-11 20:54:10.1     16593408  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
m33-pos3                  01:33:30.00  +30:32:11.00  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 mipsscan    101.84   2006-01-11 21:09:55.9      3650304  M33M-05-pos3                            
m33-pos4                  01:32:31.00  +30:22:35.00  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 mipsscan    119.05   2006-01-11 22:48:30.9      3650560  M33M-05-pos4                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 00:46:05.4     16593664  anneal                                  
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-12 01:02:10.4     14404608  B.26308.2.09                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 02:34:37.4     16593920  anneal                                  
NGC4736                   12:50:53.00  +41:07:14.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      99.18   2006-01-12 02:52:28.9      5593088  MIPSS-0056                              
GAM-2344+514              23:47:04.84  +51:42:17.88  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     26.45   2006-01-12 04:35:06.1      4694784  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0087                       
HD 222143                 23:37:58.49  +46:11:57.97  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     30.99   2006-01-12 04:59:39.4      4059904  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 118                  
SDSSJ012341.47+004435.9   01:23:41.47  +00:44:35.92  Strauss           TYPE2QSO      3163 mipsphot     27.55   2006-01-12 05:31:46.7     10415360  mips - SDSSJ012341.47+004435.9          
2MASSJ002614.50+184612.4  00:26:14.50  +18:46:12.40  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-01-12 05:58:39.4      4150528  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0005 - 2MASSJ002614.50+
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 07:14:10.0     16594176  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Nemausa_cluster               2000051       Nemausa  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot     26.54   2006-01-12 07:25:01.4     16618240  MIPSP-CAL028-Nemausa-160um              
Nemausa                       2000051       Nemausa  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      5.71   2006-01-12 07:53:26.4     16618496  MIPSP-CAL028-Nemausa                    
UM311                     01:15:34.40  +00:51:46.00  Thuan             THUANBCD      3139 mipsphot     45.65   2006-01-12 07:57:06.6     13630976  MIPS-redo-UM311                         
3c33                      01:08:52.85  +13:20:13.80  Birkinshaw        3CRR_LOWZ     3418 mipsphot     35.53   2006-01-12 08:41:30.0     12416256  3c33-mips-70+160                        
lp 467-16                 01:11:25.42  +15:26:21.40  Gizis             DMEEXCESS     3562 mipsphot     25.59   2006-01-12 09:14:36.0     11170304  MIPSP - lp 467-16                       
PG0049+171                00:51:54.80  +17:25:59.00  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.45   2006-01-12 09:38:11.5      4171008  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-0403 - PG0049+171         
HD 3651                   00:39:21.81  +21:15:01.70  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     28.51   2006-01-12 09:56:32.5      4031744  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 4                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 10:26:53.1     16594432  anneal                                  
PG0026+129                00:29:13.73  +13:16:04.35  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     15.51   2006-01-12 10:32:47.3      4697856  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0099                       
2MASSJ000810.86+135452.4  00:08:10.86  +13:54:52.40  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-01-12 10:46:16.8      4150272  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0002 - 2MASSJ000810.86+
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.41   2006-01-12 11:14:29.2     14404864  B.26308.2.10                            
NGC 470                   01:19:44.85  +03:24:35.80  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     26.54   2006-01-12 12:48:17.9     16319232  SIGS_MIPS - NGC0470                     
NGC0514                   01:24:03.90  +12:54:59.00  Fazio             MIDIRATLAS      69 mipsphot     24.35   2006-01-12 13:13:15.3      4430080  NGC0514 MIPS-P                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 13:34:14.4     16594944  anneal                                  
CFg                       01:03:08.47  +13:16:39.50  Houck             JH_CLUSTER     138 mipsphot     44.33   2006-01-12 13:42:22.2     12538880  CFg_MIPS24                              
2MASSJ002924.53+242430.4  00:29:24.53  +24:24:30.40  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-01-12 14:25:23.8      4150784  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0006 - 2MASSJ002924.53+
HD 166                    00:06:36.78  +29:01:17.41  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     24.72   2006-01-12 14:43:59.4     12717056  VLS Follow-up-021                       
HD 225239                 00:04:53.76  +34:39:35.27  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     20.60   2006-01-12 15:06:44.7      4060416  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 120                  
2MA0015+3516              00:15:44.70  +35:16:03.00  Rieke             STANS_MLT       56 mipsphot     41.91   2006-01-12 15:24:48.9      4298752  MIPS_MLT_033                            
UGC0128                   00:13:47.10  +35:58:44.00  Fazio             MIDIRATLAS      69 mipsphot     24.32   2006-01-12 16:03:51.4      4500224  UGC0128 MIPS-P                          
HIP115341                 23:21:44.50  +45:10:34.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-01-12 16:26:51.3     16178432  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP115341_70             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 16:41:51.9     16595200  anneal                                  
2MASSJ233200.68+291423.7  23:32:00.68  +29:14:23.70  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-01-12 16:48:56.7      4162816  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0109 - 2MASSJ233200.68+
UGC 12914 center          00:01:39.83  +23:29:20.80  Houck             BRB_IAGAL       21 mipsphot     39.31   2006-01-12 17:07:45.0      3839488  MIPSP-e-brb-iagal023                    
NGC7798                   23:59:25.50  +20:44:59.00  Fazio             MIDIRATLAS      69 mipsphot     23.79   2006-01-12 17:44:43.8      4499456  NGC7798 MIPS-P                          
2MASSJ234905.26+183315.2  23:49:05.26  +18:33:15.20  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.45   2006-01-12 18:06:11.4      4163328  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0111 - 2MASSJ234905.26+
HD009927                  01:37:59.56  +48:37:41.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      9.97   2006-01-12 18:27:01.3     16619776  MIPS-CALMC28-various-24a70-HD009927     
HD7590                    01:16:29.30  +42:56:22.00  Werner            MWWSTARS1       80 mipsphot     11.83   2006-01-12 18:35:13.1      4634624  MIPSP-MWW-STARS-0000 - HD7590           
HD_377                    00:08:25.76  +06:37:00.30  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     17.18   2006-01-12 18:47:35.5     14831104  MIPS-GO2-22                             
psr J0034-0534            00:34:21.90  -05:34:36.30  Jura              PDISK           23 mipsphot     20.61   2006-01-12 19:03:23.4     12542720  MIPSP-j0034                             
2MASSJ0058+160            00:58:12.84  +16:02:01.40  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     15.52   2006-01-12 19:23:22.9      4680704  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0012                       
Mrk331                    23:51:26.80  +20:35:10.00  Rieke             CHAD_STARBUR    59 mipsphot     17.56   2006-01-12 19:37:53.3      4358656  MIPS-SB-0128                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 21:04:09.8     16595712  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD 4307                   00:45:28.69  -12:52:50.91  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     20.61   2006-01-12 21:15:34.8      4032512  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 7                    
IRQ-F01267-2157           01:29:10.70  -21:41:57.00  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     18.44   2006-01-12 21:34:54.5      4710912  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0177                       
Abell 267                 01:52:41.90  +01:00:27.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.23   2006-01-12 21:52:48.2      4768768  A267-24a                                
Abell 267                 01:52:41.90  +01:00:27.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.23   2006-01-12 22:28:44.1      4769024  A267-24b                                
IRQ-F02132-1524           02:15:38.50  -15:10:13.90  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     18.46   2006-01-12 23:06:52.1      4711168  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0178                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-12 23:24:11.2     16595968  anneal                                  
C/2003 T4 (LINEAR)            1000459        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 mipsphot     19.52   2006-01-12 23:41:59.7     15786496  T4_3.9AU_o -mips                        
tau3Eri                   03:02:23.50  -23:37:28.10  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-01-13 00:01:53.0     14498048  MIPSP-0013a                             
HR 943                    03:07:50.85  -27:49:52.10  Jura              MAINA           10 mipsphot      9.62   2006-01-13 00:25:00.2      3696896  MIPSP-0023                              
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.40   2006-01-13 00:41:40.6     14405120  B.26308.2.11                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-13 02:18:21.5     16596224  anneal                                  
NGC 474                   01:20:06.70  +03:24:55.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     39.00   2006-01-13 02:24:45.0     16318464  SIGS_MIPS - NGC0474                     
ngc533                    01:25:31.53  +01:45:32.40  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     81.71   2006-01-13 03:00:59.8     14254336  PT_MIPSP-0002 - ngc533                  
PKS0034-01                00:37:04.14  -01:09:08.24  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-01-13 04:21:12.7     14422528  MIPSP-0001                              
irasf01166                01:19:07.85  -08:29:12.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.51   2006-01-13 05:08:03.9     14861056  MIPSP - irasf01166                      
GRB041006                 00:54:50.17  +01:14:07.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-01-13 05:24:02.3     14566656  MIPSP-GRB041006                         
arp 10                    02:18:26.36  +05:39:13.80  Appleton          APPLETON     20369 mipsphot     15.13   2006-01-13 05:51:11.8     14553088  MIPSP-RING-Arp10                        
Mrk331                    23:51:26.80  +20:35:10.00  Rieke             CHAD_STARBUR    59 mipsphot     17.56   2006-01-13 06:06:56.6      4358912  MIPS-SB-0129                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-13 07:14:09.7     16596480  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips         16.68   2006-01-13 07:30:20.4     16581632  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_2                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips         16.42   2006-01-13 07:47:13.8     16600320  mips_drk70160cvz_2                      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      6.33   2006-01-13 08:05:41.6     16604160  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_3    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot      6.33   2006-01-13 08:10:32.1     16604416  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_3    
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mipsphot     17.60   2006-01-13 08:15:51.9     16604672  MIPS-CALMC28-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_3      
QR And                    00:19:49.84  +21:56:53.10  Lanz              CBSS02       20130 mipsphot     27.93   2006-01-13 08:44:16.9     14138880  MIPSP-QRAnd-SecEcl                      
PG0003+158                00:05:59.20  +16:09:48.80  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-01-13 09:10:25.5      4170496  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-0401 - PG0003+158         
QR And                    00:19:49.92  +21:56:52.10  Hoard             CVCBDISKS    20221 mipsphot     59.53   2006-01-13 09:29:03.3     14412544  QRAnd-MIPSP                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-13 10:27:52.3     16596736  anneal                                  
Mrk930                    23:31:58.30  +28:56:50.00  Engelbracht       CENGELBRACHT 20176 mipssed      20.65   2006-01-13 10:34:12.4     14265856  MIPSS-0001                              
PKS0038+09                00:40:50.53  +10:03:26.80  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-01-13 10:54:18.2     14423040  MIPSP-0003                              
CL J0023+0423B            00:23:51.80  +04:22:41.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     84.80   2006-01-13 11:40:42.2     13809664  CLJ0023-24                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-13 13:06:13.7     16596992  anneal                                  
ngc720                    01:53:00.40  -13:44:18.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     24.75   2006-01-13 13:12:10.4     14255104  PT_MIPSP-0005 - ngc720                  
CLJ0023+0423B-offset      00:23:51.81  +04:22:41.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     53.10   2006-01-13 13:36:46.8     13809920  CLJ0023-70                              
26308 (1998 SM165) cluste     2026308                Spencer           BINARIES_2   20217 mipsphot     96.40   2006-01-13 14:40:32.0     14405376  B.26308.2.12                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1732 mips          6.83   2006-01-13 16:17:38.6     16597248  anneal                                  
betaLeo                   11:49:03.58  +14:34:19.40  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-01-13 16:36:03.0     14496768  MIPSP-0008a                             
NGC4388                   12:25:46.75  +12:39:43.50  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed       7.50   2006-01-13 16:59:37.6     10638080  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4388                 
NGC5055                   13:15:49.20  +42:01:49.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      99.18   2006-01-13 17:06:59.0      5594368  MIPSS-0061                              
NGC3799                   11:40:11.40  +15:20:00.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     26.55   2006-01-13 18:46:10.7     16308992  SIGS_MIPS - NGC3799                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          67.09   2006-01-13 21:10:42.0     16674560  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-01-13 22:17:40.2     16674816  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.99   2006-01-13 22:29:37.5     16689408  caldrk_IRS-28_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-13 22:41:54.9     16680704  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-13 23:06:31.7     16682752  caldrk_IRS-28_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long      
HD5133                    00:53:01.14  -30:21:24.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.84   2006-01-13 23:36:44.2     16009728  HD5133_IRS                              
PSS J0018-0220            00:21:27.40  -02:03:33.80  Helfand           ANDREEA_PETR 20573 irsstare    125.82   2006-01-14 00:03:14.8     14848000  IRSS-J0018                              
LT41                      00:07:57.70  -04:33:33.00  Appleton          APPLETON     20369 irsmap      198.20   2006-01-14 02:06:49.7     14551808  IRSM-RING-LT41cen                       
HD1461                    00:18:41.87  -08:03:10.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.06   2006-01-14 05:22:54.3     16013056  HD1461_IRS                              
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     74.57   2006-01-14 05:50:10.0     16695552  calsfx-28A-eta1Dor                      
NGC 3513                  11:03:46.05  -23:14:43.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     15.76   2006-01-14 07:15:19.6     16300544  SIGS_IRS- NGC 3513                      
irasf11374                11:39:60.00  -20:17:12.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       19.23   2006-01-14 07:29:21.8     14858752  IRSM - irasf11374                       
HD103932                  11:57:56.21  -27:42:25.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     17.06   2006-01-14 07:47:12.4     16032512  HD103932_IRS                            
HD100623                  11:34:29.49  -32:49:52.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     14.14   2006-01-14 08:02:31.9     16017408  HD100623_IRS                            
HD91324                   10:31:21.82  -53:42:55.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     12.85   2006-01-14 08:16:03.3     16002816  HD91324_IRS                             
TWA22                     10:17:26.90  -53:54:28.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     20.20   2006-01-14 08:28:35.4     14972928  IRSS-twa22                              
HD102438                  11:47:15.81  -30:17:11.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.05   2006-01-14 08:46:40.6     15999488  HD102438_IRS                            
sn 2004gn                 12:34:12.10  +02:39:34.40  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.82   2006-01-14 09:10:24.9     14463232  PUI-sn2004gn-2                          
SDSS_J124433.42+014412.9  12:44:33.42  +01:44:12.97  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-14 09:29:35.7     14107392  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J124433.42+014412.9    
1999 XD38                     2071003     1999 XD38  Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 irspeakup    12.47   2006-01-14 10:03:42.6     14249472  karins_71003_PUI                        
SDSS_J123746.48-024653.9  12:37:46.48  -02:46:53.95  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-14 10:14:26.3     14105856  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J123746.48-024653.9    
1994 CN2                      3005918      1994 CN2  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare    108.05   2006-01-14 10:41:11.7     14524672  IRS_1994CN2                             
karin                         2000832         Karin  Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 irspeakup     8.30   2006-01-14 12:32:09.5     14244864  karins_karin_PUI                        
UM461                     11:51:33.35  -02:22:21.90  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irsstare    102.99   2006-01-14 12:37:58.4     16204032  IRSS-e-jrh-UM461_deep                   
SDSS_J115314.10-032432.2  11:53:14.10  -03:24:32.24  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-14 14:18:51.7     14105600  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J115314.10-032432.2    
22                        11:57:54.34  +01:22:05.00  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-14 14:40:42.9     15071488  hao_sdssagn_0022                        
SDSS_J115735.29+021004.1  11:57:35.30  +02:10:04.17  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-14 15:03:38.9     14107648  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J115735.29+021004.1    
58                        11:30:21.42  +00:58:23.10  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-01-14 15:25:50.7     15080704  hao_sdssagn_0058                        
pg1126-041                11:29:16.66  -04:24:07.60  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     22.10   2006-01-14 15:49:08.2     14193920  IRSS-0024                               
IRAS11223-1244            11:24:50.71  -13:01:16.70  Houck             LA_ULIRGS2     105 irsstare     26.37   2006-01-14 16:09:39.4      4976128  IRSS-la-ulirg052                        
HD 100764                 11:35:42.75  -14:35:36.70  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.71   2006-01-14 16:35:30.6     16262656  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-012                      
sn2005ad                  02:28:29.45  -01:08:20.00  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.84   2006-01-14 16:52:55.2     14466816  PUI-sn2005ad-2                          
sn 2005E                  02:39:14.34  +01:05:55.00  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.83   2006-01-14 17:11:17.5     14463744  PUI-sn2005E-2                           
IC 0195/IC0196 CLUSTER    02:03:49.79  +14:44:20.90  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.31   2006-01-14 17:31:07.2     16313344  IRSS-0000B                              
PHL 1092                  01:39:55.77  +06:19:22.50  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare     31.68   2006-01-14 18:03:02.9     14449408  NLS1-0011                               
PHL 1092 off              01:39:55.77  +06:18:22.50  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare      9.13   2006-01-14 18:31:21.5     16423936  NLS1-0011-off                           
Undina                        2000092        Undina  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       18.22   2006-01-14 18:46:59.8     14735360  IRSM-92_Undina                          
3C15.0                    00:37:04.15  -01:09:08.10  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-14 19:08:00.4     15034368  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C15.0               
2MASSJ015727.30+133226.6  01:57:27.30  +13:32:26.60  Low               LOWSTARS        72 irsstare     17.31   2006-01-14 19:32:24.7     16180224  IRSS-LOW-QSO-901 - 2MASSJ015727.30+13322
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-14 20:50:53.0     16677120  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.72   2006-01-14 21:02:45.0     16683264  caldrk_IRS-28_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.79   2006-01-14 21:14:25.3     16683520  caldrk_IRS-28_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.76   2006-01-14 21:26:05.8     16689152  caldrk_IRS-28_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-14 21:36:05.4     16704256  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.09   2006-01-14 22:01:52.9     16695808  calsfx-28B-HD173511                     
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.81   2006-01-14 22:33:42.6     16696064  calsfx-28B-sky                          
NGC6543-edge              17:58:31.40  +66:37:59.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     15.58   2006-01-14 22:50:42.8     16702464  calwav-28A-NGC6543edge                  
NGC6543-edge2             17:58:35.05  +66:38:12.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     15.58   2006-01-14 23:03:01.3     16702720  calwav-28B-NGC6543edge2                 
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-01-14 23:15:58.5     16676608  anneal                                  
Undina                        2000092        Undina  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.14   2006-01-14 23:42:15.4     16223488  IRSM-92_Undina_shadow                   
2001 OZ13                     2068359     2001 OZ13  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare     79.93   2006-01-14 23:50:04.6     14526208  IRS_2001OZ13                            
Schwassmann-Wachmann 1        1000079 Schwassmann-W  Woodney           COMETS5AU    20639 irsstare    205.25   2006-01-15 01:14:54.5     14950144  lmwCometSW1                             
irasf01452                01:48:03.85  +22:55:12.10  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       53.60   2006-01-15 04:36:44.8     14856192  IRSM - irasf01452                       
HIP 8920                  01:54:50.34  +21:18:22.50  Weinberger        HIP8920      20227 irsstare     39.55   2006-01-15 05:28:00.6     14416384  IRSS-HIP8920                            
HIP 8920 BKGD             01:54:37.34  +21:18:20.00  Weinberger        HIP8920      20227 irsstare     29.16   2006-01-15 06:04:14.4     16521728  IRSS-HIP8920-LHBKGD                     
1995 SM55                     2024835     1995 sm55  Cruikshank        DC_IRS_SED_C    67 irsstare     24.31   2006-01-15 06:36:05.6      4411648  IRSS-n-jvc-ck22062                      
GJ 68                     01:42:29.76  +20:16:06.60  Cushing           MCUSHING     20409 irsstare    100.57   2006-01-15 06:57:58.8     14648320  CLWHC-GJ68                              
Gl 29.1                   00:42:48.25  +35:32:55.60  Cushing           MCUSHING     20409 irsstare     16.57   2006-01-15 08:37:53.8     14648576  CLWHC-GJ29.1                            
3C33.0                    01:08:52.86  +13:20:13.80  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-15 08:53:38.6     15035136  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C33.0               
38                        00:47:19.39  +14:42:12.60  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-15 09:16:42.8     15075584  hao_sdssagn_0038                        
42                        00:45:08.65  +15:25:42.10  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-15 09:47:39.3     15076608  hao_sdssagn_0042                        
54                        00:42:52.55  +15:32:46.80  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-15 10:10:02.9     15079680  hao_sdssagn_0054                        
pg0049+171                00:51:54.80  +17:25:58.40  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-01-15 10:32:56.2     14189056  IRSS-0004                               
Mrk 359                   01:27:32.55  +19:10:43.80  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare     31.69   2006-01-15 11:04:22.6     14448384  NLS1-0007                               
Mrk 359 off               01:27:32.55  +19:09:43.80  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare      9.13   2006-01-15 11:32:42.2     16423168  NLS1-0007-off                           
sn 2002ic                 01:30:02.55  +21:53:06.90  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.82   2006-01-15 11:39:14.0     14461696  PUI-sn2002ic-2                          
HD8997                    01:29:04.90  +21:43:23.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     54.33   2006-01-15 11:57:05.4     16018432  HD8997_IRS                              
[HB89]0123+257            01:26:42.79  +25:59:01.30  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     22.39   2006-01-15 12:49:20.2     14754816  IRSS-003                                
mcm8                      01:32:48.66  +30:25:53.20  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 irsstare     99.98   2006-01-15 13:09:40.1     16212992  M33S-05-mcm8                            
M331x3d-251-301-623       01:33:36.70  +30:20:13.00  Rubin             M33          20057 irsmap      148.02   2006-01-15 14:46:23.1     13848064  m331x3d                                 
M33 small HII-b           01:33:03.40  +30:11:18.70  Fazio             GTO1_SPW       520 irsmap       66.69   2006-01-15 17:11:30.1     16273152  M33S-11Hii-b                            
M33-X8                    01:33:50.89  +30:39:36.70  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 irsstare     21.09   2006-01-15 18:17:05.0     12645888  M33S-03-X8                              
M331x2-27                 01:33:46.10  +30:36:54.00  Rubin             M33          20057 irsmap       35.65   2006-01-15 18:33:31.6     15714816  m331x2b                                 
delta And B               00:39:17.69  +30:51:53.70  Jura              GIANTG           9 irsstare     19.15   2006-01-15 19:09:41.4     16174080  IRSS - delta And B                      
3C31.0                    01:07:24.96  +32:24:45.20  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.78   2006-01-15 19:25:18.7     15034880  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C31.0               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-15 21:05:47.7     16678656  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.49   2006-01-15 21:17:58.0     16688896  caldrk_IRS-28_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.31   2006-01-15 21:29:11.6     16683008  caldrk_IRS-28_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     54.03   2006-01-15 21:39:03.3     16682496  caldrk_IRS-28_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.99   2006-01-15 22:29:00.6     16690944  caldrk_IRS-28_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     16.86   2006-01-15 22:42:46.5     16696320  calsfx-28C-delDra                       
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     13.77   2006-01-15 22:56:27.3     16696576  calsfx-28C-sky                          
SN 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Sugerman          SUGERMAN     20320 irsstare     49.33   2006-01-15 23:12:02.3     15460864  IRSS-SN2002hh-epoch-3                   
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Sugerman          SUGERMAN     20320 irsstare     49.80   2006-01-15 23:58:30.5     14530816  IRSS-SN2004et-epoch-3                   
irs521                    17:13:41.34  +58:57:03.73  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-01-16 00:47:55.6     15526912  irs521                                  
irs322                    17:14:24.80  +59:29:47.93  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 01:54:05.3     15527424  irs322                                  
irs159                    17:13:33.46  +59:27:46.95  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 03:13:20.7     15516160  irs159                                  
irs22356                  17:20:14.55  +59:14:43.48  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 04:32:45.9     15499776  irs22356                                
irs22397                  17:20:05.97  +59:17:45.00  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 06:00:48.6     15528192  irs22397                                
irs22725                  17:19:03.69  +59:26:57.00  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 07:19:54.5     15508480  irs22725                                
irs351                    17:16:59.16  +59:08:11.76  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 08:39:12.2     15510272  IRS351                                  
irs22527                  17:18:15.52  +59:12:00.81  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 09:58:24.9     15509248  irs22527                                
irs22235                  17:20:17.25  +59:16:37.30  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     52.35   2006-01-16 11:17:39.1     15518720  IRS22235                                
49                        15:40:12.91  +56:09:46.70  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-01-16 12:08:59.4     15078400  hao_sdssagn_0049                        
SBS 1533+574B             15:34:14.35  +57:17:01.20  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irsstare     53.34   2006-01-16 12:33:55.9      8996352  IRSS-e-jrh-areg50                       
SDSS_J151448.07+562715.7  15:14:48.07  +56:27:15.78  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-16 13:25:37.0     14106368  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J151448.07+562715.7    
NGC 5905/NGC 5908         15:15:23.30  +55:31:02.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.66   2006-01-16 13:46:48.0     16302336  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5905/NGC 5908             
SWIRE N1:209462           16:10:52.75  +54:37:40.50  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     45.38   2006-01-16 14:18:48.6     16160000  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire10                    
SWIRE N1:144942           16:05:32.72  +53:52:26.50  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     45.36   2006-01-16 15:01:34.6     16160768  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire9                     
V592 Cas                  00:20:52.21  +55:42:16.30  Hoard             CVCBDISKS    20221 irspeakup    29.34   2006-01-16 15:48:52.9     14412032  V592Cas-IRSI                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          67.08   2006-01-16 17:24:11.3     16673024  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-01-16 18:31:09.1     16675328  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.72   2006-01-16 18:43:24.5     16685824  caldrk_IRS-28_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.79   2006-01-16 18:55:05.0     16686080  caldrk_IRS-28_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-16 19:07:06.8     16704512  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.08   2006-01-16 19:32:44.8     16696832  calsfx-28D-HR6606                       
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.81   2006-01-16 20:04:34.9     16697088  calsfx-28D-sky                          
irs512                    17:16:55.65  +59:10:46.35  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 20:22:26.9     15529984  irs512                                  
irs331                    17:15:05.75  +59:18:20.20  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-16 21:41:38.3     15515136  IRS331                                  
SST 1711+5858             17:11:47.48  +58:58:39.80  Lacy              LOWZ_QSOS    20083 irsstare     87.93   2006-01-16 23:01:12.0     14016000  IRSS-SST1711+5858                       
irs562                    17:12:39.63  +58:59:55.12  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-17 00:26:01.5     15504640  IRS562                                  
SWIRE N1:218820           16:12:04.90  +54:41:49.20  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.79   2006-01-17 01:46:46.9     16161280  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire7                     
HD132254                  14:56:23.04  +49:37:42.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     17.04   2006-01-17 02:43:32.6     16025344  HD132254_IRS                            
NGC5907-1N                15:15:53.69  +56:19:43.90  van der Werf      H2-DISKS-CYC 20658 irsstare    125.15   2006-01-17 03:06:58.0     14965504  NGC5907-1N                              
HD128165                  14:33:28.87  +52:54:31.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.04   2006-01-17 05:10:30.4     16004096  HD128165_IRS                            
NGC5907-5N                15:15:39.00  +56:24:18.10  van der Werf      H2-DISKS-CYC 20658 irsstare    155.53   2006-01-17 05:32:39.3     15564800  NGC5907-5                               
NGC5907-4N                15:15:39.00  +56:24:18.10  van der Werf      H2-DISKS-CYC 20658 irsstare    167.98   2006-01-17 08:04:54.2     15565056  NGC5907-4                               
NGC5907-3N                15:15:53.69  +56:19:43.90  van der Werf      H2-DISKS-CYC 20658 irsstare    135.16   2006-01-17 10:49:35.0     14966016  NGC5907-3N                              
mrk1490                   14:19:43.25  +49:14:11.70  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     18.23   2006-01-17 13:03:24.8     14839552  IRSS-0015                               
3C285.0                   13:21:17.83  +42:35:15.30  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-17 13:20:25.9     15040512  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C285.0              
HD114710                  13:11:52.39  +27:52:41.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     11.54   2006-01-17 13:44:35.2     16019456  HD114710_IRS                            
3C277.3                   12:54:11.68  +27:37:32.60  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-17 13:53:52.0     15040256  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C277.3              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-17 15:30:52.5     16678912  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.76   2006-01-17 15:43:23.5     16690688  caldrk_IRS-28_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.48   2006-01-17 15:53:16.9     16681216  caldrk_IRS-28_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     44.19   2006-01-17 16:06:06.8     16680960  caldrk_IRS-28_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.08   2006-01-17 16:46:52.1     16697344  calsfx-28E-HR6348                       
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.80   2006-01-17 17:18:41.8     16697600  calsfx-28E-sky                          
irs446                    17:14:09.08  +59:17:48.40  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.47   2006-01-17 17:37:44.3     15532288  IRS446                                  
irs268                    17:12:08.87  +59:30:24.93  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.50   2006-01-17 18:57:19.8     15534080  irs268                                  
IRS_FLS_714               17:14:27.02  +58:38:36.70  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     89.61   2006-01-17 20:17:10.2     14135552  IRS_LIRGs_055_9                         
SWIRE N1:88272            16:18:52.95  +54:33:35.90  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.85   2006-01-17 21:45:09.1     16162816  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire3                     
SWIRE N1:66561            16:17:44.60  +54:00:31.40  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.81   2006-01-17 22:50:15.0     16161792  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire5                     
SWIRE N1:228435           16:13:01.68  +54:46:10.00  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.62   2006-01-17 23:55:12.1     16161536  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire6                     
SWIRE N1:267974           16:16:24.26  +55:16:13.80  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.90   2006-01-18 00:59:33.0     16163840  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire1                     
IRS_BOOTES_1304           14:30:00.39  +35:38:14.60  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     24.48   2006-01-18 02:07:30.2     14129408  IRS_LIRGs_025_8                         
pg1444+407                14:46:45.90  +40:35:05.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.07   2006-01-18 02:38:55.0     14199296  IRSS-0045                               
pg1415+451                14:17:00.80  +44:56:06.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-01-18 03:10:03.1     14197504  IRSS-0038                               
pg1427+480                14:29:43.00  +47:47:26.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-01-18 03:40:48.1     14198528  IRSS-0042                               
NGC 5480/NGC 5481         14:06:21.60  +50:43:30.20  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.23   2006-01-18 04:11:39.3     16321536  IRSS-0005                               
NGC5055 SL extranuclear t 13:15:58.07  +42:00:26.20  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       28.84   2006-01-18 04:43:27.7     11702016  IRSM-0024 SL extranuc                   
NGC5055 extranuclear targ 13:15:58.07  +42:00:26.20  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       47.18   2006-01-18 05:09:02.5     11703296  IRSM-0035 LH/SH extranuc                
NGC5055 extranuc backgrou 13:15:49.30  +41:42:46.00  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       11.65   2006-01-18 05:53:17.1     15454208  IRSM-0107 SL bg                         
NGC 5350/NGC 5353 CLUSTER 13:53:21.60  +40:21:50.20  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.11   2006-01-18 06:03:09.7     16328192  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5350/NGC 5353 CLUSTER     
NGC 5394/NGC 5395 CLUSTER 13:58:33.65  +37:27:12.60  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.08   2006-01-18 06:33:59.3     16321280  IRSS-0006                               
NGC 5394/NGC 5395 CLUSTER 13:58:33.65  +37:27:12.60  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.12   2006-01-18 07:03:55.3     16316672  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5394/NGC 5395 CLUSTER     
NGC 5544/NGC 5545 CLUSTER 14:17:02.50  +36:34:17.80  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     32.71   2006-01-18 07:34:46.2     16299776  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5544/NGC 5545 CLUSTER     
Bootes_pos1               14:25:09.20  +35:25:15.90  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irspeakup    36.38   2006-01-18 08:04:37.6     16205312  IRSI-0001                               
xnoao142537.7+351735      14:25:37.81  +35:17:35.80  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.94   2006-01-18 08:38:24.7     16166144  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX12                    
10bootes39                14:25:54.57  +34:46:03.20  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     23.07   2006-01-18 09:33:33.4     16350208  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes2                    
70noao142651.9+343135     14:26:51.93  +34:31:35.04  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.55   2006-01-18 09:53:34.9     16159744  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes1                    
70noao143050.8+344849     14:30:50.84  +34:48:48.49  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.71   2006-01-18 10:58:18.1     16158720  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes5                    
10bootes56                14:30:39.27  +35:23:50.97  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     23.07   2006-01-18 11:27:56.5     16349440  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes5                    
10bootes53                14:30:46.32  +35:13:13.62  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     38.07   2006-01-18 11:48:03.1     16347904  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes11                   
ModzSED_boo25             14:32:39.56  +35:01:51.30  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     20.35   2006-01-18 12:23:03.7     14086656  IRS_MODZSED_MIR20-0001                  
ModzSED_boo13             14:31:19.76  +35:34:18.00  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     16.61   2006-01-18 12:40:30.0     14081792  IRS_MODZSED_MIR02-0003                  
ModzSED_boo05             14:31:21.12  +35:37:21.80  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     16.66   2006-01-18 12:54:14.6     14082048  IRS_MODZSED_MIR02-0004                  
ModzSED_boo00             14:35:18.21  +35:07:08.30  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     15.60   2006-01-18 13:08:17.8     14081024  IRS_MODZSED_MIR02-0000                  
ModzSED_boo12             14:36:41.23  +34:58:24.20  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     19.10   2006-01-18 13:21:04.3     14081280  IRS_MODZSED_MIR02-0001                  
ModzSED_boo03             14:31:56.23  +33:38:33.10  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     16.57   2006-01-18 13:37:39.1     14081536  IRS_MODZSED_MIR02-0002                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-18 15:05:52.3     16679168  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     54.03   2006-01-18 15:18:41.4     16685056  caldrk_IRS-28_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-18 16:09:27.9     16685312  caldrk_IRS-28_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-18 16:30:25.8     16704768  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
SA 103-526                11:56:54.18  +00:30:13.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare    108.55   2006-01-18 17:03:50.2     16693504  calsfx-28F-SA103526                     
NGC 4273 Group            12:19:47.26  +05:17:02.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     59.46   2006-01-18 18:50:45.8     16307200  SIGS_IRS- NGC 4273 Group                
pg1216+069                12:19:20.88  +06:38:38.40  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.26   2006-01-18 19:47:35.9     14194688  IRSS-0027                               
SDSS_J123502.56+052529.5  12:35:02.56  +05:25:29.52  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-18 20:19:15.8     14110464  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J123502.56+052529.5    
PG1307+085                13:09:47.03  +08:19:49.30  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 irsstare     10.53   2006-01-18 20:42:52.4      4735488  IRSS-QSO-PG1307+085                     
HD 117176                 13:28:25.81  +13:46:43.63  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 irsstare      9.77   2006-01-18 20:49:53.2     12717312  VLS Follow-up-012                       
irasf13442                13:46:39.26  +23:06:18.50  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       53.51   2006-01-18 20:57:47.9     14856704  IRSM - irasf13442                       
pg1351+236                13:54:06.43  +23:25:49.10  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.07   2006-01-18 21:48:53.5     14196736  IRSS-0035                               
pg1341+258                13:43:56.74  +25:38:47.60  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-01-18 22:19:38.0     14196480  IRSS-0034                               
3C293.0                   13:52:17.84  +31:26:46.50  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-18 22:50:31.4     15040768  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C293.0              
3C293                     13:52:17.84  +31:26:46.50  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-01-18 23:12:23.8     14808576  IRSS-3c293                              
ModzSED_boo20             14:25:52.68  +34:02:40.10  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     29.25   2006-01-19 00:33:15.5     14087680  IRS_MODZSED_MIR55                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          67.08   2006-01-19 02:19:48.9     16673536  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-01-19 03:26:46.7     16675584  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.99   2006-01-19 03:37:22.0     16691712  caldrk_IRS-28_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.49   2006-01-19 03:49:18.6     16690432  caldrk_IRS-28_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-19 04:00:51.7     16705024  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR 5467                   14:38:15.22  +54:01:24.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     54.31   2006-01-19 04:27:26.6     16693760  calsfx-28G-HR5467                       
ngc 4861                  12:59:01.00  +34:51:23.00  Houck             SBGAL_DEVOST    73 irsmap      107.70   2006-01-19 05:21:19.4      4571136  IRSM-e-dd-0018                          
NGC4631 extranuclear targ 12:41:40.83  +32:31:51.20  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap      133.38   2006-01-19 07:06:48.9     11681536  IRSM-0034 LH/SH extranuc                
10bootes34                14:31:20.00  +34:38:04.20  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     23.07   2006-01-19 09:19:56.2     16349184  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes6                    
10bootes5                 14:31:15.23  +32:46:06.17  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     23.07   2006-01-19 09:40:35.7     16348672  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes8                    
10bootes33                14:31:57.96  +34:16:50.13  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     38.07   2006-01-19 10:00:59.9     16348160  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes10                   
10bootes38                14:37:28.80  +34:45:47.56  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     23.07   2006-01-19 10:36:22.9     16348928  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes7                    
70noao143830.6+344412     14:38:30.62  +34:44:11.98  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.70   2006-01-19 10:56:26.6     16158464  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes6                    
10bootes35                14:36:31.98  +34:38:29.26  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     23.07   2006-01-19 11:26:13.3     16349952  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes3                    
Bootes_pos3               14:34:08.00  +34:19:34.40  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irspeakup    23.13   2006-01-19 11:54:50.8     16204800  IRSI-0003                               
Bootes 16micron 3         14:30:40.01  +33:32:53.20  Houck             BTS_NOAO_BLU   521 irspeakup    82.86   2006-01-19 12:15:14.4     16203264  IRSI-0002                               
Bootes_pos2               14:26:53.60  +34:04:14.50  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irspeakup    41.21   2006-01-19 13:35:02.5     16205056  IRSI-0002                               
10bootes23                14:25:43.59  +33:45:27.58  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     23.07   2006-01-19 14:13:41.0     16349696  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes4                    
10bootes16                14:26:59.15  +33:33:05.08  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     27.09   2006-01-19 14:33:50.5     16347648  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes12                   
10bootes32                14:31:32.17  +34:14:17.88  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     38.07   2006-01-19 14:58:12.3     16347392  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes13                   
70noao143218.1+341300     14:32:18.11  +34:13:00.12  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.57   2006-01-19 15:33:19.2     16158976  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes4                    
3C465                     23:38:29.52  +27:01:55.90  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-01-19 16:45:50.1     14812160  IRSS-3c465                              
Harrington-Abell              1000039 Harrington-Ab  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsstare     78.86   2006-01-19 18:22:21.5     13824512  IRSS-cw-039 - shadow                    
2mass0034515+052305       00:34:51.54  +05:23:04.86  Burgasser         ABURGASSER_C 20544 irsstare    305.13   2006-01-19 19:36:45.0     14825728  IRSS-2m0034                             
IRAS02054+0835            02:08:06.90  +08:50:04.30  Houck             LA_ULIRGS2     105 irsstare     23.80   2006-01-20 00:41:27.6      4966400  IRSS-la-ulirg015                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-20 02:04:56.8     16679424  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-20 02:16:08.2     16705280  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.76   2006-01-20 02:40:04.6     16691456  caldrk_IRS-28_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_3 
NGC 650                   01:42:16.91  +51:34:08.50  Rieke             LATTER_SE       77 irsstare     19.85   2006-01-20 02:54:44.1      4615936  IRSS-SEPN-N650                          
m24v                      01:34:12.87  +30:29:38.80  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 irsstare     72.66   2006-01-20 03:14:08.4     16212736  M33S-05-m24v                            
k50                       01:33:23.40  +30:31:35.40  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 irsstare     43.74   2006-01-20 04:23:49.3     16212480  M33S-05-k50                             
IRAS02433+0110            02:45:55.36  +01:23:28.40  Houck             LA_ULIRGS2     105 irsstare     37.24   2006-01-20 05:07:57.8     12257536  IRSS-la-ulirg019-LH                     
Mrk590                    02:14:33.56  +00:46:00.10  Werner            MWWGTO-XRAYA    86 irsstare     25.57   2006-01-20 05:43:49.1      4850688  mwwgto-irs-xrayagn - Mrk590             
IRAS00275-0044sky         00:30:09.09  +00:26:44.40  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-01-20 06:09:08.8     16416256  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg004sky                 
IRAS00275-0044            00:30:09.09  +00:27:44.40  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.20   2006-01-20 06:25:28.8     14573056  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg004                    
3C15                      00:37:04.15  -01:09:08.10  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.60   2006-01-20 06:50:03.0     14804992  IRSS-3c15                               
3C17                      00:38:20.52  -02:07:40.70  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-01-20 08:09:45.3     14805248  IRSS-3c17                               
HD4813                    00:50:07.59  -10:38:39.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     14.16   2006-01-20 09:30:38.9     16012032  HD4813_IRS                              
IRAS01199-2307sky         01:22:20.84  -22:52:57.30  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-01-20 09:43:48.4     16416512  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg009sky                 
IRAS01199-2307            01:22:20.84  -22:51:57.30  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.20   2006-01-20 10:00:08.9     14573568  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg009                    
tile32_355858             03:31:03.49  -28:20:05.24  Werner            SWIRE_GAL_IR   134 irsstare     83.23   2006-01-20 10:27:24.1     16211456  IRSS-chandra-tile32_355858              
tile32-328659             03:31:11.88  -28:46:59.88  Werner            SWIRE_GAL_IR   134 irsstare     63.35   2006-01-20 11:47:42.5     16753664  IRSS-chandra-tile32-328659              
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     74.58   2006-01-20 13:01:32.0     16700160  calsfx-28A-eta1Dor_2                    
HD91889                   10:36:32.38  -12:13:48.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     17.08   2006-01-20 14:18:57.8     16004864  HD91889_IRS                             
pg1103-006                11:06:31.77  +00:52:52.50  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.42   2006-01-20 14:34:50.8     14192896  IRSS-0020                               
SDSS_J111054.19+010530.4  11:10:54.20  +01:05:30.47  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-20 15:06:25.8     14105344  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J111054.19+010530.4    
NGC4254 SL extranuclear t 12:18:49.14  +14:23:59.10  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       53.91   2006-01-20 15:29:50.7     11692800  IRSM-0021 SL extranuc                   
NGC4254 extranuc backgrou 12:18:49.60  +14:15:01.00  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       11.65   2006-01-20 16:20:33.2     15457280  IRSM-0104 SL bg                         
PG1352+182                13:54:35.93  +18:05:18.10  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 irsstare     10.55   2006-01-20 16:33:05.5      4736512  IRSS-QSO-PG1352+182                     
M101-BG                   14:03:26.50  +54:37:35.00  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap       10.80   2006-01-20 16:42:25.3     14800896  M101-BG-SL                              
M101_SLmap_01             14:03:01.90  +54:17:01.00  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      362.10   2006-01-20 16:50:08.2     14800128  M101-SLPos01                            
xnoao143715.1+345323      14:37:15.13  +34:53:23.70  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.89   2006-01-20 22:51:46.0     16166400  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX11                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-21 01:07:26.0     16679680  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.49   2006-01-21 01:18:39.1     16691200  caldrk_IRS-28_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.31   2006-01-21 01:29:52.7     16685568  caldrk_IRS-28_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-21 01:39:29.9     16705536  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.09   2006-01-21 02:05:24.8     16700416  calsfx-28B-HD173511_2                   
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.81   2006-01-21 02:37:14.7     16700672  calsfx-28B-sky_2                        
M101-waypoint             14:03:10.50  +54:20:10.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare      4.66   2006-01-21 02:56:32.2     16753920  IRS-M101 waypoint                       
M101_SLmap_00             14:03:10.50  +54:20:10.80  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      362.10   2006-01-21 02:57:54.1     14799872  M101-SLPos00                            
M101_SLmap_02             14:02:53.30  +54:13:51.20  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      362.10   2006-01-21 08:56:46.8     14800384  M101-SLPos02                            
NGC3938 extranuclear targ 11:52:46.42  +44:07:01.00  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap      133.19   2006-01-21 15:07:56.5     11693824  IRSM-0031 LH/SH extranuc                
NGC4631 SL extranuclear t 12:41:40.83  +32:31:51.20  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       79.11   2006-01-21 17:20:29.0     11691008  IRSM-0023 SL extranuc                   
NGC4631 extranuc backgrou 12:42:07.80  +32:22:11.00  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       11.65   2006-01-21 18:36:23.6     15455232  IRSM-0106 SL bg                         
NGC4321 SL extranuclear t 12:22:58.95  +15:49:35.30  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       78.98   2006-01-21 18:47:14.3     11706624  IRSM-0022 SL extranuc                   
NGC4321 extranuc backgrou 12:22:54.90  +16:03:24.00  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       11.65   2006-01-21 20:03:04.4     15456000  IRSM-0105 SL bg                         
NGC4321 extranuclear targ 12:22:58.95  +15:49:35.30  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap      133.19   2006-01-21 20:11:40.0     11683328  IRSM-0033 LH/SH extranuc                
NGC4254 extranuclear targ 12:18:49.14  +14:23:59.10  Kennicutt         SINGS2         193 irsmap       90.16   2006-01-21 22:22:19.7     11688448  IRSM-0032 LH/SH extranuc                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-22 01:15:32.6     16679936  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.72   2006-01-22 01:26:21.6     16687104  caldrk_IRS-28_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.79   2006-01-22 01:38:02.4     16687360  caldrk_IRS-28_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.48   2006-01-22 01:49:57.9     16682240  caldrk_IRS-28_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_2    
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     16.86   2006-01-22 02:02:54.1     16700928  calsfx-28C-delDra_2                     
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     13.77   2006-01-22 02:16:35.3     16701184  calsfx-28C-sky_2                        
4U0142+61                 01:46:22.41  +61:45:03.20  Jura              PDISK           23 irsstare    354.48   2006-01-22 02:31:38.9     16102400  IRSS-0001                               
psr0154                   01:57:49.80  +62:12:25.00  Wachter           WACHTER_SGR  20747 irspeakup    24.25   2006-01-22 08:23:13.1     15092736  psr0154_irsi                            
HD 14422                  02:21:50.81  +57:23:11.60  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irspeakup     5.97   2006-01-22 08:45:32.4     14218496  IRSI-HD14422                            
BPMG-BD+30397AB           02:27:28.10  +30:58:41.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     16.38   2006-01-22 08:53:57.3     14983168  IRSS-BPMG-BD+30397AB                    
NGC 595                   01:33:33.92  +30:41:25.50  Houck             BRB_HTWOR       63 irsstare     53.76   2006-01-22 09:07:18.0      4387072  IRSS-e-brb-htwor023                     
M33 small HII-a           01:33:36.54  +30:20:13.40  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 irsmap       71.60   2006-01-22 09:57:40.8     12662016  M33S-03-Hii                             
mcm39e                    01:33:44.10  +30:48:36.20  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 irsstare     57.55   2006-01-22 11:06:16.2     16212224  M33S-05-mcm39e                          
M33-X7                    01:33:34.05  +30:32:11.40  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 irsstare     45.24   2006-01-22 12:10:57.4     12646144  M33S-03-X7                              
NGC 604 scan              01:34:32.87  +30:46:55.50  Houck             BRB_HTWOR       63 irsmap      122.76   2006-01-22 12:51:49.9      4388352  IRSM-e-brb-htwor019                     
NGC628-BG                 01:36:54.13  +15:37:59.00  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap        9.19   2006-01-22 14:53:25.9     14803200  NGC628-BG-LL                            
NGC628 - HalfStrip Offset 01:36:45.70  +15:45:05.30  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      246.96   2006-01-22 14:59:23.2     14802944  NGC628-LLdither                         
Arp 118 center            02:55:11.95  +00:10:57.30  Houck             BRB_IAGAL       21 irsmap       99.66   2006-01-22 19:05:33.2      3839744  IRSM-e-brb-iagal012                     
NGC0274/NGC0275 CLUSTER   00:51:01.86  -07:03:25.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     32.78   2006-01-22 20:45:14.7     16314112  SIGS_IRS- NGC0274/NGC0275 CLUSTER       
IRAS 04544-6849           04:54:14.29  -68:44:14.10  Onaka             ONAKA_TIMV    3583 irsstare     17.59   2006-01-22 21:20:33.8     11220224  IRSS-0001-5                             
HD104731                  12:03:39.57  -42:26:02.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     15.51   2006-01-22 21:39:34.7     16016640  HD104731_IRS                            
HD111786                  12:51:57.90  -26:44:17.80  Jura              YOUNGA          84 irsstare     22.22   2006-01-22 21:54:02.8     16176896  IRSS-ASTAR-FOLLOWUP-006                 
TWA21                     10:13:14.78  -52:30:54.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     21.21   2006-01-22 22:16:41.6     14972672  IRSS-twa21                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          67.08   2006-01-22 23:59:55.6     16673792  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-01-23 01:06:53.4     16675840  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     44.19   2006-01-23 01:19:04.8     16681984  caldrk_IRS-28_100-DCVZN-SH-long_2       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.31   2006-01-23 01:58:26.7     16686848  caldrk_IRS-28_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_3 
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.07   2006-01-23 02:09:12.5     16701440  calsfx-28D-HR6606_2                     
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.80   2006-01-23 02:41:02.0     16701696  calsfx-28D-sky_2                        
Bootes 16micron 4         14:31:43.36  +32:49:43.70  Houck             BTS_NOAO_BLU   521 irspeakup    79.30   2006-01-23 03:00:28.7     16203008  IRSI-0003                               
70noao143205.6+325835     14:32:05.60  +32:58:35.00  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     29.96   2006-01-23 04:16:36.2     16160256  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes11                   
10bootes7                 14:31:56.40  +32:51:38.10  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     38.06   2006-01-23 04:43:34.7     16346880  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes15                   
70noao143151.8+324328     14:31:51.82  +32:43:27.80  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     55.03   2006-01-23 05:18:33.6     16158208  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes7                    
xnoao142731.4+324436      14:27:31.37  +32:44:34.60  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     45.05   2006-01-23 06:10:45.7     16168704  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX2                     
16noao143050.44+333857.0  14:30:50.44  +33:38:57.00  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     80.39   2006-01-23 06:52:55.9     16157184  IRSS-e-dww-16bootes2                    
xnoao142609.0+333304      14:26:09.00  +33:33:03.70  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.91   2006-01-23 08:10:31.6     16168448  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX3                     
10bootes2                 14:26:29.15  +32:29:06.69  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     38.05   2006-01-23 09:05:49.0     16348416  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes9                    
ModzSED_boo15             14:26:23.88  +32:44:35.80  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     20.22   2006-01-23 09:40:46.2     14084352  IRS_MODZSED_MIR07-0002                  
xnoao143723.5+334308      14:37:23.48  +33:43:08.80  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.80   2006-01-23 09:58:36.6     16165888  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX13                    
70noao143820.7+340234     14:38:20.73  +34:02:33.76  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.47   2006-01-23 11:03:17.3     16157696  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes9                    
70noao142733.0+324543     14:27:32.97  +32:45:42.55  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.54   2006-01-23 11:42:01.0     16159488  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes2                    
xnoao143048.3+322531      14:30:48.35  +32:25:32.20  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.77   2006-01-23 12:46:43.0     16168960  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX1                     
SDS1254-0122              12:54:53.90  -01:22:47.40  Houck             IRS_LT-STARS    51 irsstare     47.46   2006-01-23 13:19:56.4     12495872  IRSS-n-jvc-dsT1254R                     
7968 Elst-Pizarro             2007968  Elst-Pizarro  Cruikshank        ASTEROIDS-1     88 irsstare     72.35   2006-01-23 14:17:14.1      4870400  IRSS-AST_7968                           
NGC4038 scan take2a       12:01:53.70  -18:52:04.00  Houck             BRB_IAGAL       21 irsmap      100.71   2006-01-23 15:28:46.0     16708096  IRSM-e-brb-iagal_north_take2a           
NGC4038 scan take2b       12:01:54.50  -18:53:05.00  Houck             BRB_IAGAL       21 irsmap       35.14   2006-01-23 17:06:06.9     16707840  IRSM-e-brb-iagal_north_take2b           
NGC4038 scan missing      12:01:54.50  -18:53:05.00  Houck             BRB_IAGAL       21 irsmap       35.14   2006-01-23 17:37:54.5     16708352  IRSM-e-brb-iagal_north_missing          
NGC4038S                  12:01:25.60  -19:00:34.00  Houck             SJH_TDGS       198 irsstare     74.08   2006-01-23 18:10:14.0      6010368  IRSS-0000                               
J1036-3441C               10:36:53.05  -34:41:38.40  Houck             IRS_LT-STARS    51 irsstare    169.93   2006-01-23 19:23:52.9     12494592  IRSS-n-tlr-lstar037                     
HD100180                  11:31:44.95  +14:21:52.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.09   2006-01-23 22:15:20.3     16000512  HD100180_IRS                            
ugc6436                   11:25:45.05  +14:40:35.90  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     20.86   2006-01-23 22:36:42.3     14839040  IRSS-0013                               
HR 736 + offset           02:32:06.17  +36:08:50.20  Jura              GIANTG           9 irsstare     14.34   2006-01-23 23:06:15.0     16173312  IRSS - HR 736 + offset                  
irasf02230                02:25:58.80  +27:16:14.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       19.26   2006-01-23 23:17:52.6     14857216  IRSM - irasf02230                       
ngc695                    01:51:14.24  +22:34:56.50  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     16.15   2006-01-23 23:35:34.3     14836480  IRSS-0002                               
NGC628-BG                 01:36:54.13  +15:37:59.00  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap       10.80   2006-01-23 23:50:00.5     14803456  NGC628-BG-SL                            
3C40.0                    01:25:59.84  -01:20:34.40  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-23 23:59:46.0     15035648  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C40.0               
3C29.0                    00:57:34.92  -01:23:27.90  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-24 00:22:43.1     15034624  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C29.0               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-24 01:55:16.1     16680192  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     54.03   2006-01-24 02:06:38.6     16686336  caldrk_IRS-28_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-24 02:57:25.0     16686592  caldrk_IRS-28_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.07   2006-01-24 03:19:26.3     16701952  calsfx-28E-HR6348_2                     
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.80   2006-01-24 03:51:15.2     16702208  calsfx-28E-sky_2                        
irs8521                   17:12:18.94  +60:10:03.83  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.41   2006-01-24 04:07:27.2     15522560  irs8521                                 
IRS_FLS_911               17:13:08.57  +60:16:21.00  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     52.85   2006-01-24 05:26:46.3     14131712  IRS_LIRGs_035_10                        
QR And                    00:19:49.84  +21:56:53.10  Lanz              CBSS02       20130 irsstare     86.52   2006-01-24 06:22:28.5     14137600  IRSS-QRAnd-PrimEcl                      
irs505                    17:15:59.30  +59:27:33.18  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-01-24 07:51:57.9     15532544  irs505                                  
IRAS17463+5806sky         17:47:04.76  +58:06:22.10  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-01-24 08:59:25.4     16415488  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg090sky                 
IRAS17463+5806            17:47:04.76  +58:05:22.10  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.20   2006-01-24 09:15:46.4     14579712  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg090                    
irs15771                  17:20:11.41  +59:36:00.82  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     52.35   2006-01-24 09:40:43.0     15530752  irs15771                                
irs15755                  17:18:34.93  +59:45:33.93  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     52.36   2006-01-24 10:29:58.3     15529472  IRS15755                                
NGC 5981/NGC 5982/NGC 598 15:37:53.50  +59:23:30.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     42.33   2006-01-24 11:21:10.9     16303104  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5981/NGC 5982/NGC 5985    
SBS1425+606               14:26:56.18  +60:25:50.90  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     12.24   2006-01-24 12:02:02.0     14757120  IRSS-013                                
Bootes 16micron 1         14:26:35.05  +34:10:06.20  Houck             BTS_NOAO_BLU   521 irspeakup    80.76   2006-01-24 12:22:32.9     16203776  IRSI-0000                               
HD 14956                  02:26:45.70  +57:40:45.00  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irspeakup     5.97   2006-01-24 13:46:42.6     14218752  IRSI-HD14956                            
HD 14956                  02:26:45.70  +57:40:45.00  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irsstare     22.49   2006-01-24 13:49:23.9     14203904  IRSS-HD14956                            
NGC628_SLmap_00           01:36:48.10  +15:43:56.20  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      272.54   2006-01-24 14:12:51.2     14802432  NGC628-SLmap_00                         
NGC628_SLmap_01           01:36:43.30  +15:46:14.40  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      272.54   2006-01-24 18:42:01.9     14802688  NGC628-SLmap_01                         
Q0256-0000                02:59:05.64  +00:11:21.90  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     22.87   2006-01-24 23:14:26.4     14758912  IRSS-020                                
hbc553                    08:08:22.15  -36:03:47.00  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     11.86   2006-01-24 23:41:01.9     14922240  IRSS-0024                               
NGC 3132                  10:07:01.76  -40:26:11.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsmap       37.92   2006-01-24 23:52:38.7     16703744  calwav-28C-n3132cluster                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-25 01:52:21.1     16680448  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.99   2006-01-25 02:02:45.4     16692480  caldrk_IRS-28_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_4
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-25 02:15:02.8     16705792  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-25 02:39:39.8     16687872  caldrk_IRS-28_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_4    
Mrk231                    12:56:14.29  +56:52:25.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     36.52   2006-01-25 03:03:50.2     16694016  calsfx-28H-redagn3                      
Mrk231 sky                12:56:14.23  +56:50:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     22.71   2006-01-25 03:37:08.7     16694272  calsfx-28H-sky                          
pg1259+593                13:01:12.90  +59:02:06.40  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.07   2006-01-25 03:57:31.5     14195456  IRSS-0030                               
Mrk1499                   16:35:21.07  +52:12:52.80  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irsstare     42.25   2006-01-25 04:30:38.0     16205824  IRSS-e-jrh-Mrk1499_deep                 
irs350                    17:15:50.71  +59:23:15.46  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-01-25 05:11:22.3     15516416  irs350                                  
irs168                    17:17:55.08  +59:28:45.15  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     62.35   2006-01-25 06:17:34.3     15505664  IRS168                                  
irs8233                   17:17:31.54  +59:40:33.95  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-25 07:16:46.4     15517184  IRS8233                                 
irs8315                   17:13:56.95  +59:44:37.66  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.41   2006-01-25 08:36:12.9     15527168  irs8315                                 
irs8371                   17:13:25.04  +59:45:57.45  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.41   2006-01-25 09:55:37.4     15507200  irs8371                                 
irs22634                  17:21:13.55  +59:22:15.21  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.42   2006-01-25 11:15:16.0     15525888  irs22634                                
1996 TP66                     2015875     1996 tp66  Cruikshank        DC_IRS_SED_C    67 irsstare     24.31   2006-01-25 12:51:51.2      4409856  IRSS-n-jvc-ck07210                      
SDSS J000013.54+255418.6  00:00:13.54  +25:54:18.20  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 irsstare    255.08   2006-01-25 13:26:14.6     14796288  IRSS-SL1-SDSS0000                       
MBM12a_4                  02:56:37.56  +20:05:37.10  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     14.61   2006-01-25 17:44:36.4     14974976  IRSS-MBM12a-4                           
SBS0335-052W              03:37:38.42  -05:02:37.50  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irsstare     19.83   2006-01-25 17:57:00.0     16206336  IRSS-e-jrh-SBS-W                        
20                        03:34:58.01  -05:48:53.20  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.34   2006-01-25 18:14:07.2     15070976  hao_sdssagn_0020                        
Q0302-0019                03:04:49.86  +00:08:13.40  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     22.74   2006-01-25 18:38:10.2     14759168  IRSS-021                                
sst03t1                   03:02:27.73  +00:06:53.50  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.39   2006-01-25 18:58:15.5     13983744  IRSS-sst03t1H                           
QR And                    00:19:49.84  +21:56:53.10  Lanz              CBSS02       20130 irsstare     46.73   2006-01-25 21:36:54.0     14137856  IRSS-QRAnd-SndEcl                       
5                         03:03:50.45  +00:12:16.00  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.27   2006-01-25 22:24:58.3     15067136  hao_sdssagn_0005                        
sst03t2                   03:02:31.81  +00:10:31.30  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.39   2006-01-25 22:47:31.4     14007296  IRSS-sst03t2L                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-26 02:34:54.6     16677376  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.72   2006-01-26 02:45:47.0     16688384  caldrk_IRS-28_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.79   2006-01-26 02:57:27.5     16688640  caldrk_IRS-28_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.76   2006-01-26 03:09:08.1     16692224  caldrk_IRS-28_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-26 03:19:07.8     16706048  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR 5467                   14:38:15.22  +54:01:24.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     54.31   2006-01-26 03:45:57.1     16694784  calsfx-28G-HR5467_1                     
SWIRE N1:522040           16:01:38.04  +54:59:20.10  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.67   2006-01-26 04:39:04.2     16161024  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire8                     
SWIRE N1:205744           16:11:26.32  +54:27:17.90  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.92   2006-01-26 05:43:56.1     16163328  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire2                     
SWIRE N1:13982            16:10:51.35  +53:23:26.20  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.93   2006-01-26 06:49:16.6     16162304  IRSS-e-dww-N1swire4                     
Bootes 16micron 2         14:35:24.66  +35:47:09.80  Houck             BTS_NOAO_BLU   521 irspeakup    79.73   2006-01-26 07:56:26.1     16203520  IRSI-0001                               
xnoao143301.5+342343      14:33:01.49  +34:23:41.50  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.77   2006-01-26 09:13:21.7     16167168  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX8                     
10bootes26                14:34:09.54  +33:46:49.40  Houck             DWW_AXAF        16 irsstare     38.05   2006-01-26 10:08:23.6     16347136  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes14                   
70noao143341.9+330137     14:33:41.90  +33:01:36.88  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.69   2006-01-26 10:43:31.3     16157952  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes8                    
NGC 4933A/NGC 4933B/MGC-0 13:04:13.72  -11:30:45.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     41.72   2006-01-26 11:17:28.3     16316416  SIGS_IRS- NGC 4933A/NGC 4933B/MGC-02-33-
TWA10                     12:35:04.30  -41:36:39.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     10.04   2006-01-26 12:01:34.6     12690944  IRSS-G-DMW-TWA0007-again                
50                        11:11:00.61  +00:53:35.00  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.35   2006-01-26 12:10:59.6     15078656  hao_sdssagn_0050                        
NGC 3799/NGC3800 CLUSTER  11:40:13.51  +15:20:32.50  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.06   2006-01-26 12:35:36.8     16322560  IRSS-0003                               
SDSS J115553.86+055957.5  11:55:53.90  +05:59:57.70  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 irsstare    166.06   2006-01-26 13:16:37.2     14793216  IRSS-SL21-SDSS1155                      
3C29                      00:57:34.92  -01:23:27.90  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-01-26 16:12:47.5     14805504  IRSS-3c29                               
NGC 604 spec              01:34:33.46  +30:46:49.60  Houck             BRB_HTWOR       63 irsstare    119.07   2006-01-26 17:35:40.4     12081920  IRSS-e-brb-htwor020b                    
M331x3b-710-95-88W-87E-79 01:34:13.82  +30:33:43.50  Rubin             M33          20057 irsmap      243.13   2006-01-26 19:31:35.5     13847552  m331x3b                                 
HBS0211                   02:14:29.70  +19:12:37.00  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     22.50   2006-01-26 23:34:04.0     14759680  IRSS-023                                
NGC0935/IC 1801 CLUSTER   02:28:12.76  +19:34:59.40  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     32.72   2006-01-26 23:54:16.2     16317952  SIGS_IRS- NGC0935/IC 1801 CLUSTER       
HR68                      00:18:19.66  +36:47:06.80  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.04   2006-01-27 00:27:37.7     14160384  IRSS-WernerAstars-00 - HR68             
irasf00212                00:23:53.64  +32:03:35.20  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       26.56   2006-01-27 00:42:27.8     14856960  IRSM - irasf00212                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-27 02:20:23.8     16677632  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.49   2006-01-27 02:31:12.7     16691968  caldrk_IRS-28_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.31   2006-01-27 02:42:26.5     16688128  caldrk_IRS-28_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     54.03   2006-01-27 02:52:18.3     16687616  caldrk_IRS-28_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_4      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.99   2006-01-27 03:42:15.6     16693248  caldrk_IRS-28_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_5
29                        14:59:01.35  +61:13:53.90  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-27 03:56:42.9     15073280  hao_sdssagn_0029                        
pg1543+489                15:45:30.20  +48:46:09.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.06   2006-01-27 04:21:03.5     14200576  IRSS-0050                               
MBM12a_5                  02:58:11.23  +20:30:03.50  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     14.31   2006-01-27 05:02:03.1     14975232  IRSS-MBM12a-5                           
1996 TL66                     2015874     1996 tl66  Cruikshank        DC_IRS_SED_C    67 irsstare     24.31   2006-01-27 05:21:06.5      4410368  IRSS-n-jvc-ck09661                      
3C75.0                    02:57:41.57  +06:01:28.80  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.79   2006-01-27 05:43:24.1     15036160  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C75.0               
3C75                      02:57:41.57  +06:01:28.80  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.55   2006-01-27 06:05:20.4     14806272  IRSS-3c75                               
sst03t1                   03:02:27.73  +00:06:53.50  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.41   2006-01-27 07:26:05.1     14007040  IRSS-sst03t1L                           
3C88.0                    03:27:54.19  +02:33:42.00  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.80   2006-01-27 10:01:27.0     15037184  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C88.0               
NGC 1241/NGC 1242         03:11:19.28  -08:54:09.20  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     32.73   2006-01-27 10:25:25.5     16318976  SIGS_IRS- NGC 1241/NGC 1242             
HD16673                   02:40:12.42  -09:27:10.30  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     18.91   2006-01-27 10:56:37.4     16017920  HD16673_IRS                             
0                         02:40:35.72  -08:32:50.70  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-01-27 11:12:49.4     15065856  hao_sdssagn_0000                        
HD14412                   02:18:58.50  -25:56:44.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     20.34   2006-01-27 11:37:33.9     16026624  HD14412_IRS                             
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     74.58   2006-01-27 12:08:29.5     16697856  calsfx-28A-eta1Dor_1                    
N160A2                    05:39:46.10  -69:38:36.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     31.50   2006-01-27 13:21:04.3     16702976  calwav-28E-N160A2                       
HD40307                   05:54:04.24  -60:01:24.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.82   2006-01-27 13:51:11.3     16032000  HD40307_IRS                             
sn2005df                  04:17:37.85  -62:46:09.50  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.82   2006-01-27 14:16:34.5     16299264  PUI-2005df-2                            
HD30422                   04:46:25.75  -28:05:14.80  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.15   2006-01-27 14:38:16.7     14147584  IRSS-WernerAstars-34                    
Fornax 1-8                02:40:12.80  -34:26:25.60  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.59   2006-01-27 14:55:37.8     14541312  IRSS-fornax1-8                          
Fornax 6-13               02:40:31.20  -34:28:44.20  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.65   2006-01-27 17:10:04.2     14542080  IRSS-fornax6-13                         
Fornax 4-25               02:40:10.20  -34:33:21.90  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.62   2006-01-27 19:24:37.5     14541824  IRSS-fornax4-25                         
Fornax 12-4               02:39:12.30  -34:32:45.00  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.56   2006-01-27 21:39:07.0     14541056  IRSS-fornax12-4                         
ngc814                    02:10:37.63  -15:46:25.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       30.34   2006-01-27 23:55:49.2     14855168  IRSM - n814                             
40                        02:06:15.99  +00:17:29.20  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-28 00:25:28.2     15076096  hao_sdssagn_0040                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          67.08   2006-01-28 01:55:11.3     16674048  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-01-28 03:02:09.1     16676096  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.72   2006-01-28 03:12:57.0     16684544  caldrk_IRS-28_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.79   2006-01-28 03:24:37.7     16684800  caldrk_IRS-28_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-28 03:36:39.5     16706304  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.09   2006-01-28 04:02:38.3     16698112  calsfx-28B-HD173511_1                   
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.81   2006-01-28 04:34:28.3     16698368  calsfx-28B-sky_1                        
A1835                     14:01:04.97  +02:52:24.70  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 irsstare     81.71   2006-01-28 04:56:32.0     16209152  A1835                                   
6                         13:35:24.56  +01:24:38.10  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-01-28 06:16:35.3     15067392  hao_sdssagn_0006                        
SDSS_J132955.76+013238.4  13:29:55.76  +01:32:38.43  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-28 06:39:46.7     14106880  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J132955.76+013238.4    
SDSS J133148.90-011651.4  13:31:48.92  -01:16:51.00  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 irsstare    335.03   2006-01-28 07:01:25.9     15492608  IRSS-SL21-SDSS1331                      
25                        13:13:05.81  +01:27:55.90  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-28 12:34:31.1     15072256  hao_sdssagn_0025                        
57                        13:08:42.25  +02:19:24.50  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-28 12:56:59.1     15080448  hao_sdssagn_0057                        
SDSS_J125744.58+024130.2  12:57:44.58  +02:41:30.25  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-28 13:29:12.7     14107136  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J125744.58+024130.2    
SDSS_J125405.15-000604.2  12:54:05.15  +00:06:04.29  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-28 13:51:24.8     14105088  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J125405.15-000604.2    
SDSS_J125538.89-001553.6  12:55:38.89  +00:15:53.61  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-28 14:12:57.7     14104832  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J125538.89-001553.6    
HD 115617                 13:18:24.32  -18:18:40.31  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 irsstare     10.02   2006-01-28 14:36:23.4     12718080  VLS Follow-up-009                       
hd 107649                 12:22:24.85  -51:01:34.30  Jura              YOUNGA          84 irsstare     10.97   2006-01-28 14:48:26.6     16106752  IRSS-SCOCEN-HD107649                    
HD98281                   11:18:22.01  -05:04:02.30  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     54.35   2006-01-28 14:59:32.8     16022016  HD98281_IRS                             
SDSS_J123258.81+043444.9  12:32:58.82  +04:34:44.98  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-28 15:54:17.4     14110208  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J123258.81+043444.9    
SDSS_J124157.06+034909.3  12:41:57.06  +03:49:09.36  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-28 16:16:22.7     14109952  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J124157.06+034909.3    
55                        12:48:59.92  -01:09:35.40  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-28 16:38:29.0     15079936  hao_sdssagn_0055                        
HD3765                    00:40:49.27  +40:11:13.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.19   2006-01-28 17:11:10.3     16028160  HD3765_IRS                              
NGC 520                   01:24:35.00  +03:47:35.00  Armus             LARMUS1      20193 irsmap      353.32   2006-01-28 17:43:48.8     14286336  IRSM-la-0003                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-29 00:46:40.4     16677888  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.76   2006-01-29 00:57:32.9     16692992  caldrk_IRS-28_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.48   2006-01-29 01:07:26.3     16681728  caldrk_IRS-28_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_1    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     44.19   2006-01-29 01:20:16.1     16681472  caldrk_IRS-28_100-DCVZN-SH-long_1       
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     16.87   2006-01-29 02:01:35.1     16698624  calsfx-28C-delDra_1                     
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     13.77   2006-01-29 02:15:16.6     16698880  calsfx-28C-sky_1                        
Cas A filament            23:21:39.96  +59:34:26.90  Krause            RELATIVISTIC 20381 irsmap      121.62   2006-01-29 02:29:08.3     14597632  KRAUSE-CASA-IRS                         
Cas A filament (backgroun 23:21:29.24  +59:34:28.60  Krause            RELATIVISTIC 20381 irsmap       10.27   2006-01-29 04:27:23.8     16484608  KRAUSE-CASA-IRS (LH background)         
IRC+60008                 00:21:24.29  +59:57:11.20  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     37.52   2006-01-29 04:38:13.3     13842944  IRSS-IRC+60008                          
NGC185-IRS-sky            00:38:29.93  +48:24:16.40  Marleau           FMARLEAU     20173 irsstare    107.42   2006-01-29 05:12:36.2     14262784  IRSS-NGC185-sky                         
NGC185-IRS-pos2           00:38:57.97  +48:20:14.60  Marleau           FMARLEAU     20173 irsstare    107.42   2006-01-29 06:56:47.3     14262272  IRSS-NGC185-pos2                        
NGC185-IRS-pos3           00:38:57.50  +48:19:59.40  Marleau           FMARLEAU     20173 irsstare    107.42   2006-01-29 08:41:03.0     14262528  IRSS-NGC185-pos3                        
3C35.0                    01:12:02.23  +49:28:35.20  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-01-29 10:26:21.4     15035392  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C35.0               
HD 10465                  01:43:11.11  +48:31:00.40  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.49   2006-01-29 10:49:19.4     13839872  IRSS-HD10465                            
NGC 0833/NGC 0835/NGC 083 02:09:42.75  -10:11:01.90  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     50.48   2006-01-29 11:39:51.8     16311040  SIGS_IRS- NGC 0833/NGC 0835/NGC 0838/NGC
NGC 470/NGC474            01:19:44.88  +03:24:36.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.75   2006-01-29 12:29:38.3     16305920  SIGS_IRS- NGC 470/NGC474                
BPMG-HD14082              02:17:24.70  +28:44:30.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     20.31   2006-01-29 13:05:27.7     14982400  IRSS-BPMG-HD14082B                      
arp10                     02:18:26.36  +05:39:13.80  Appleton          APPLETON     20369 irsstare    133.07   2006-01-29 13:23:36.5     14557440  IRSS-RING-arp10                         
IRAS02115+0226sky         02:14:10.32  +02:41:59.80  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     24.70   2006-01-29 15:34:34.8     16420608  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg016sky                 
IRAS02115+0226            02:14:10.32  +02:39:59.80  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     37.88   2006-01-29 15:55:53.9     14574592  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg016                    
arp 147                   03:11:18.67  +01:18:51.00  Appleton          APPLETON     20369 irsstare    161.73   2006-01-29 16:32:45.8     15694336  IRSS-RING-arp147                        
HD23356                   03:43:55.34  -19:06:39.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.85   2006-01-29 19:13:54.8     16024576  HD23356_IRS                             
C/2003 T4 (LINEAR)            1000459        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap       78.85   2006-01-29 19:53:56.6     15788800  T4_3.9AU_o -irsm                        
HD54096                   07:05:21.13  -45:19:27.60  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     13.55   2006-01-29 21:11:38.9     14925056  IRSS-0035                               
Hen 3-519                 10:53:59.66  -60:26:44.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsmap       37.47   2006-01-29 21:25:52.4     16703488  calwav-28D-Hen5-319map                  
hd 103703                 11:56:26.56  -58:49:16.80  Jura              YOUNGA          84 irsstare     27.35   2006-01-29 22:03:45.9     16170496  IRSS-SCOCEN-HD013703                    
pg1310-108                13:13:05.78  -11:07:42.40  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-01-29 22:30:35.3     14195968  IRSS-0032                               
pg1302-102                13:05:33.01  -10:33:19.40  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     22.09   2006-01-29 23:01:06.3     14195712  IRSS-0031                               
ModzSED_boo04             14:31:25.43  +33:13:49.70  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     16.06   2006-01-29 23:24:12.8     14080768  IRS_MODZSED_MIR02                       
I Zw 107                  15:18:06.34  +42:44:36.70  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     16.12   2006-01-29 23:38:57.2     14840064  IRSS-0017                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-30 01:10:52.2     16678144  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     54.03   2006-01-30 01:22:19.8     16683776  caldrk_IRS-28_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_1      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     24.61   2006-01-30 02:13:06.2     16708864  caldrk_IRS-28_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_5    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-30 02:34:04.2     16706560  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.07   2006-01-30 02:59:39.0     16699136  calsfx-28D-HR6606_1                     
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.80   2006-01-30 03:31:28.2     16699392  calsfx-28D-sky_1                        
2MASS J12095613-100400.8  12:09:56.11  -10:04:01.10  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 irsstare    185.49   2006-01-30 03:54:56.7     14795520  IRSS-SL1a-2MASS1209                     
C/2003 T4 (LINEAR)            1000459        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap       78.85   2006-01-30 07:15:53.2     15791360  T4_3.9AU_o -irsm_shadow                 
Fornax 3-129              02:39:41.60  -34:35:56.70  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.59   2006-01-30 10:05:49.2     14540800  IRSS-fornax3-129                        
Fornax 13-23              02:38:50.60  -34:40:32.00  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.68   2006-01-30 12:20:14.7     14540544  IRSS-fornax13-23                        
NGC185-IRS-pos1           00:38:56.41  +48:20:20.80  Marleau           FMARLEAU     20173 irsstare    107.42   2006-01-30 14:50:40.5     14262016  IRSS-NGC185-pos1                        
3C31                      01:07:24.96  +32:24:45.20  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-01-30 16:37:05.4     14805760  IRSS-3c31                               
M332x3-638-277-45         01:33:15.95  +30:56:45.00  Rubin             M33          20057 irsmap      291.05   2006-01-30 17:57:31.4     13848320  m332x3                                  
0235+164                  02:38:38.93  +16:36:59.30  Kulkarni          DUSTYDLA     20757 irsstare     82.86   2006-01-30 22:48:13.1     15121152  0235+164irs                             
3C76.1                    03:03:15.01  +16:26:19.00  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.79   2006-01-31 00:08:59.6     15036416  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C76.1               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          67.08   2006-01-31 01:49:57.5     16673280  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-01-31 02:56:55.3     16675072  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.99   2006-01-31 03:07:36.0     16710400  caldrk_IRS-28_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_6
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.49   2006-01-31 03:19:32.6     16692736  caldrk_IRS-28_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-31 03:31:05.7     16706816  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     35.07   2006-01-31 03:56:25.7     16699648  calsfx-28E-HR6348_1                     
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     18.80   2006-01-31 04:28:14.4     16699904  calsfx-28E-sky_1                        
IRS_BOOTES_301            14:26:59.13  +33:33:05.90  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     17.37   2006-01-31 04:47:34.7     14126080  IRS_LIRGs_015_3                         
Arp193                    13:20:35.34  +34:08:22.20  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     18.26   2006-01-31 05:03:46.2     14839296  IRSS-0014                               
HD111395                  12:48:47.05  +24:50:24.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     20.37   2006-01-31 05:20:51.3     16015616  HD111395_IRS                            
pg1229+204                12:32:03.60  +20:09:29.20  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     22.12   2006-01-31 05:39:28.0     14194944  IRSS-0028                               
NGC 4394/M 85 CLUSTER     12:25:55.63  +18:12:50.10  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.88   2006-01-31 05:59:20.6     16322048  IRSS-0004                               
NGC 4567/NGC 4568         12:36:32.70  +11:15:28.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     24.22   2006-01-31 06:31:39.4     16306944  SIGS_IRS- NGC 4567/NGC 4568             
pg1244+026                12:46:35.24  +02:22:08.70  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-01-31 06:54:30.6     15462656  IRSS-0029                               
16                        13:03:54.72  -03:06:31.90  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.34   2006-01-31 07:25:56.3     15069952  hao_sdssagn_0016                        
44                        13:05:09.98  -03:32:09.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.53   2006-01-31 07:48:16.8     15077120  hao_sdssagn_0044                        
45                        13:13:05.69  -02:10:39.20  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-01-31 08:11:25.9     15077376  hao_sdssagn_0045                        
3C278                     12:54:36.10  -12:33:48.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.57   2006-01-31 08:35:13.2     14808064  IRSS-3c278                              
2MASS J12095613-100400.8  12:09:56.11  -10:04:01.10  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 irsstare    185.52   2006-01-31 09:56:27.8     14795264  IRSS-SL2-2MASS1209                      
3C270                     12:19:23.22  +05:49:30.80  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.54   2006-01-31 13:10:14.1     14807808  IRSS-3c270                              
HD5394                    00:56:42.53  +60:43:00.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsmap       36.30   2006-01-31 14:38:43.3     16703232  calwav-28F-HD5394map                    
Mrk 957                   00:41:53.43  +40:21:17.60  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare     31.74   2006-01-31 15:14:32.5     14450432  NLS1-0015                               
Mrk 957 off               00:41:53.43  +40:22:17.60  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare      9.13   2006-01-31 15:42:51.3     16422656  NLS1-0015-off                           
M331x2-sky-42-702         01:32:20.00  +30:36:48.00  Rubin             M33          20057 irsmap       99.96   2006-01-31 15:50:44.5     15715072  m331x2a                                 
M331x3a-230-214-32-33-4   01:33:00.68  +30:34:17.20  Rubin             M33          20057 irsmap      243.32   2006-01-31 17:27:35.1     13847296  m331x3a                                 
HD019356                  03:08:10.13  +40:57:20.30  Jura              YOUNGA          84 irsstare     16.58   2006-01-31 21:30:32.2     16177920  IRSS-ASTAR-FOLLOWUP-001                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-01-31 23:02:04.9     16678400  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-01-31 23:13:10.8     16707072  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.76   2006-01-31 23:37:07.4     16710144  caldrk_IRS-28_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_6 
SA 103-526                11:56:54.18  +00:30:13.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare    108.61   2006-01-31 23:54:03.1     16694528  calsfx-28F-SA103526_1                   
NGC3621                   11:18:16.50  -32:48:51.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 irsmap       88.36   2006-02-01 01:42:53.3      9486592  IRSM-0054 LL/SL nuc                     
NGC3621 background        11:18:16.50  -33:03:18.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 irsmap       11.65   2006-02-01 03:08:21.2     15294464  IRSM-0090 SL bg                         
2mass1114513-261823       11:14:51.15  -26:18:23.79  Burgasser         ABURGASSER_C 20544 irsstare    305.18   2006-02-01 03:18:15.3     14825216  IRSS-2m1114                             
HD104067                  11:59:10.01  -20:21:13.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     69.34   2006-02-01 08:22:14.6     14728704  HD104067_IRS                            
Pox186                    13:25:48.66  -11:36:37.80  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irsstare     99.44   2006-02-01 09:31:14.9     12629760  IRSS-e-jrh-marc01_NED                   
[HB89]1346-036            13:48:44.08  -03:53:24.90  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     12.42   2006-02-01 11:09:09.0     14756352  IRSS-010                                
2MASS J12095613-100400.8  12:09:56.11  -10:04:01.10  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 irsstare    185.50   2006-02-01 11:30:40.8     14795776  IRSS-SL1b-2MASS1209                     
ngc 4676                  12:46:10.80  +30:43:44.00  Armus             LARMUS1      20193 irsmap      349.41   2006-02-01 14:36:56.0     14286592  IRSM-la-0001                            
M332x4-280                01:32:45.45  +30:38:56.00  Rubin             M33          20057 irsmap      131.25   2006-02-01 20:32:22.8     13848576  m332x4                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-02-01 23:58:16.5     16711424  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.49   2006-02-02 00:08:55.4     16709888  caldrk_IRS-28_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_6 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     12.31   2006-02-02 00:20:09.0     16709120  caldrk_IRS-28_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     27.41   2006-02-02 00:29:46.4     16711680  caldrk_IRS-28_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
Mrk231                    12:56:14.29  +56:52:25.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     36.57   2006-02-02 00:57:16.4     16711936  calsfx-28H-redagn3_2                    
Mrk231 sky                12:56:14.23  +56:50:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     22.72   2006-02-02 01:30:37.8     16712192  calsfx-28H-sky_2                        
MRK475                    14:39:05.43  +36:48:20.50  Houck             JRH_BCDS        85 irsstare    158.07   2006-02-02 01:53:21.1     16208640  IRSS-e-jrh-Mrk475_deep                  
pg1354+213                13:56:32.70  +21:03:52.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.50   2006-02-02 04:30:36.8     14196992  IRSS-0036                               
HD121560                  13:55:49.99  +14:03:23.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.82   2006-02-02 05:02:26.5     16011264  HD121560_IRS                            
irasf13361                13:38:41.96  +00:46:28.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       19.23   2006-02-02 05:27:52.0     14859008  IRSM - irasf13361                       
Kleopatra                     2000216     Kleopatra  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       30.03   2006-02-02 05:55:38.2     14738176  IRSM-216_Kleopatra                      
HR 4888 + offset          12:53:06.91  -48:56:35.90  Jura              GIANTG           9 irsstare     15.02   2006-02-02 06:27:57.0     16171776  IRSS - HR 4888 + offset                 
IX Vel                    08:15:18.97  -49:13:20.60  Hoard             CVCBDISKS    20221 irsstare     12.47   2006-02-02 06:42:21.3     14413056  IXVel-IRSS                              
LQSO-0351+026             03:54:09.30  +02:49:30.00  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 irsstare     10.64   2006-02-02 06:59:37.8      4737792  IRSS-QSO-LQSO-0351+026                  
Arp 118                   02:55:12.10  +00:11:02.00  Houck             BRB_IAGAL       21 irsstare    113.94   2006-02-02 07:07:36.6      3838208  IRSS-e-brb-iagal011                     
S 18                      03:02:21.05  +17:10:34.20  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     22.62   2006-02-02 09:00:54.1     14971648  IRSS-MBM12a_S18                         
3C76.1                    03:03:15.01  +16:26:19.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.57   2006-02-02 09:20:38.3     14806528  IRSS-3c76.1                             
MBM12-01_o                02:57:07.90  +19:16:16.80  Ingalls           HLCPAH       20093 irsstare     86.48   2006-02-02 10:40:54.2     14031360  IRSS - MBM12-01_o                       
MBM12-01                  02:56:09.60  +19:26:50.80  Ingalls           HLCPAH       20093 irsstare     86.30   2006-02-02 12:13:16.5     14031104  IRSS - MBM12-01                         
MBM12-12                  02:57:27.20  +20:02:44.90  Ingalls           HLCPAH       20093 irsstare     86.77   2006-02-02 13:36:57.0     14031616  IRSS - MBM12-12                         
MBM12-12_o                02:58:39.00  +20:14:16.20  Ingalls           HLCPAH       20093 irsstare     87.06   2006-02-02 15:01:09.7     14031872  IRSS - MBM12-12_o                       
MBM12a_Mstars_1_7         02:55:25.78  +20:04:51.70  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     46.01   2006-02-02 16:27:08.3     14974464  IRSS-MBM12a-Mstars_1+7                  
HD17573                   02:49:59.03  +27:15:37.80  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.47   2006-02-02 17:10:18.3     14145024  IRSS-WernerAstars-24                    
NGC891HE                  02:22:38.61  +42:22:21.50  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare    143.19   2006-02-02 17:28:26.2     14596608  IRSS-0003                               
3C83.1                    03:18:15.86  +41:51:27.80  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.61   2006-02-02 19:48:36.1     14806784  IRSS-3c83.1                             
3C83.1                    03:18:15.86  +41:51:27.80  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.84   2006-02-02 21:07:57.5     15036672  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C83.1               
IRAS03158+4227            03:19:11.97  +42:38:25.70  Houck             LA_ULIRGS2     105 irsstare     38.29   2006-02-02 21:30:11.0     12256256  IRSS-la-ulirg022redux                   
L1448-IRS2                03:25:22.40  +30:45:12.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsmap       14.97   2006-02-02 22:07:01.2      3620352  IRSM-G-DMW-CLS0015                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.15   2006-02-02 23:32:51.4     16753152  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.72   2006-02-02 23:43:47.2     16752128  caldrk_IRS-28_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.79   2006-02-02 23:55:27.7     16752384  caldrk_IRS-28_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_6 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irsstare     14.48   2006-02-03 00:07:23.1     16752640  caldrk_IRS-28_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_3    
irs15967                  17:19:24.61  +59:28:58.71  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.41   2006-02-03 00:19:49.5     15524096  IRS15967                                
irs15897                  17:20:16.93  +59:27:32.98  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.41   2006-02-03 01:39:07.2     15501824  irs15897                                
IRS_FLS_51                17:20:46.74  +59:22:23.80  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     89.49   2006-02-03 02:58:24.4     14134528  IRS_LIRGs_055_3                         
iras 16541+5301           16:55:19.88  +52:56:34.80  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     46.54   2006-02-03 04:26:20.0     14875392  IRSS-16541                              
J1611+4719                16:12:39.92  +47:11:57.50  Helfand           ANDREEA_PETR 20573 irsstare     46.28   2006-02-03 05:11:12.7     14847232  IRSS-J1611                              
NGC 5929/NGC 5930/UGC 098 15:26:06.20  +41:40:14.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.31   2006-02-03 05:56:08.8     16310016  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5929/NGC 5930/UGC 09857   
irasf15179                15:19:47.02  +39:45:35.10  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       30.34   2006-02-03 06:26:47.3     14855936  IRSM - irasf15179                       
pg1512+370                15:14:43.04  +36:50:50.40  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-02-03 06:55:00.7     14199808  IRSS-0047                               
IRAS14548+3349sky         14:56:58.43  +33:35:40.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     24.70   2006-02-03 07:26:17.0     16418048  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg072sky                 
IRAS14548+3349            14:56:58.43  +33:37:10.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     37.88   2006-02-03 07:47:35.6     14578432  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg072                    
Kleopatra                     2000216     Kleopatra  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.14   2006-02-03 08:34:33.9     16223744  IRSM-216_Kleopatra_shadow               
Sarita                        2000796        Sarita  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsstare     41.58   2006-02-03 08:45:51.9     14740480  IRSS-796_Sarita                         
NGC4631                   12:42:07.80  +32:32:35.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 irsmap      104.15   2006-02-03 09:26:21.5      9512192  IRSM-0056 LL/SL nuc                     
NGC4631 background        12:42:07.80  +32:22:11.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 irsmap       11.65   2006-02-03 11:07:33.3     15293696  IRSM-0091 SL bg                         
Georgia                       2000359       Georgia  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       43.84   2006-02-03 11:26:41.0     14738688  IRSM-359_Georgia                        
Iva                           2000497           Iva  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsstare     46.05   2006-02-03 12:12:15.8     14739200  IRSS-497_Iva                            
NGC5236                   13:37:00.50  -29:51:54.70  Rieke             CHAD_STARBUR    59 irsmap       60.02   2006-02-03 13:06:52.3      4343296  MIPS-SB-0068                            
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          12.05   2006-02-03 14:04:37.5     16676352  anneal                                  
NGC5236                   13:37:00.50  -29:51:54.70  Rieke             CHAD_STARBUR    59 irsmap       47.18   2006-02-03 14:15:53.4     12645376  MIPS-SB-0067                            
BR B 1117-1329            11:20:10.33  -13:46:25.70  Helfand           ANDREEA_PETR 20573 irsstare    154.53   2006-02-03 15:03:27.9     14848256  IRSS-B1117                              
hd 110634                 12:44:01.94  -53:30:20.60  Jura              YOUNGA          84 irsstare     11.05   2006-02-03 17:40:47.8     16108032  IRSS-SCOCEN-HD1100634                   
HD53705                   07:03:57.32  -43:36:28.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     14.64   2006-02-03 17:52:15.7     16019200  HD53705_IRS                             
sst03t2                   03:02:31.81  +00:10:31.30  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.34   2006-02-03 18:09:54.3     13984000  IRSS-sst03t2H                           
MBM12a_2+MBM12a_3         02:56:07.99  +20:03:24.30  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     43.10   2006-02-03 20:48:10.6     14971392  IRSS-MBM12-medium_2+3                   
951 Gaspra                    2000951        Gaspra  Cruikshank        ASTEROIDS-1     88 irsstare     16.61   2006-02-03 21:37:48.8      4870912  IRSS-AST_951                            
L1448N-NW                 03:25:35.66  +30:45:34.19  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsmap       14.96   2006-02-03 21:53:06.3      3620608  IRSM-G-DMW-CLS0016                      
L1448NB                   03:25:36.31  +30:45:15.04  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsmap       14.96   2006-02-03 22:04:48.8      3620864  IRSM-G-DMW-CLS0017                      
L1448NA                   03:25:36.49  +30:45:21.97  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsmap       14.16   2006-02-03 22:16:31.6      3621888  IRSM-G-DMW-CLS0021                      
HD020315                  03:17:47.35  +44:01:30.10  Jura              YOUNGA          84 irsstare     30.35   2006-02-03 22:29:40.9     16199424  IRSS-ASTAR-FOLLOWUP-004                 
HD16895                   02:44:11.99  +49:13:42.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     11.60   2006-02-03 22:58:37.9     16014336  HD16895_IRS                             
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1429  1429 irs          67.08   2006-02-03 23:13:18.6     16674304  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-04 01:45:54.9     16729088  latent_safe_best_nep_1                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-04 01:46:30.1     16723968  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.60   2006-02-04 02:01:54.2     16741120  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.58   2006-02-04 02:10:52.0     16743680  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.58   2006-02-04 02:16:17.4     16743168  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.58   2006-02-04 02:24:54.2     16742656  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.58   2006-02-04 02:33:12.6     16742144  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.91   2006-02-04 02:41:52.6     16744704  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.91   2006-02-04 02:46:30.0     16745216  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.95   2006-02-04 02:51:56.6     16741632  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.60   2006-02-04 02:56:43.6     16744192  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
irasf15179                15:19:47.02  +39:45:35.10  Roussel           NSTB         20577 iracmap       7.72   2006-02-04 03:04:52.0     14853376  IRAC - irasf15179                       
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.93   2006-02-04 03:18:22.8     16745728  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2            
2MASSJ015727.3+133226.6   01:57:27.30  +13:32:26.60  Low               LOWSTARS        72 iracmap       6.24   2006-02-04 03:23:48.4     16180992  IRAC-0001-2MASSJ015727.30+133226.6      
A370                      02:39:58.13  -01:35:53.40  Fazio             A370_Z6        137 iracmap     331.54   2006-02-04 03:29:09.4     12116480  a370-1                                  
A370                      02:39:58.13  -01:35:53.40  Fazio             A370_Z6        137 iracmap     331.53   2006-02-04 08:56:52.1     12116224  a370-2                                  
m 33-outer                01:33:40.70  +30:43:55.10  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 iracmap      73.62   2006-02-04 14:36:56.0     16045312  M33-05d1-out                            
m 33-inner                01:33:40.70  +30:43:55.10  Gehrz             M33M&S           5 iracmap     105.64   2006-02-04 15:46:51.0     16045568  M33-05d-inn                             
sn 2002ic                 01:30:02.55  +21:53:06.90  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      71.06   2006-02-04 17:29:43.3     14455040  IRAC-2002ic-2                           
sn 2005W                  01:50:45.75  +21:45:35.60  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.52   2006-02-04 18:38:26.0     14467584  IRAC-2005W-2                            
NGC0935                   02:28:12.10  +19:35:40.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      11.15   2006-02-04 19:08:08.4     16327680  SIGS-NGC0935/IC1801                     
1996 TL66                     2015874     1996 TL66  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.62   2006-02-04 19:31:02.8     15128064  IRAC-15874_99TL66                       
6C0140+326                01:43:43.85  +32:53:49.70  Fazio             IRAC-HZRG-CL    79 iracmap     186.04   2006-02-04 20:34:40.6      4625664  6C0140+326 IRAC - 3.6/4.5/5.8/8.0       
sn 2005E                  02:39:14.34  +01:05:55.00  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.51   2006-02-04 23:40:32.2     14457600  IRAC-2005E-2                            
SDSS_J024200.36+000052.3  02:42:00.36  +00:00:52.35  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.60   2006-02-05 00:09:04.6     14119424  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J024200.36+000052.3    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-05 01:24:25.3     16729600  latent_safe_best_nep_3                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-05 01:26:21.3     16727296  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      10.67   2006-02-05 01:36:21.4     16736768  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.19   2006-02-05 01:43:42.3     16737024  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       9.04   2006-02-05 01:46:30.3     16737280  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.12   2006-02-05 01:52:14.8     16737536  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.12   2006-02-05 01:56:59.8     16734976  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.40   2006-02-05 02:01:42.6     16735744  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.04   2006-02-05 02:09:38.0     16735232  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      17.31   2006-02-05 02:17:14.8     16736000  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      16.29   2006-02-05 02:31:07.2     16735488  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      41.76   2006-02-05 02:43:59.6     16736512  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      54.54   2006-02-05 03:22:21.9     16736256  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_4              02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap     240.72   2006-02-05 04:20:33.1     16740608  skyflt_zody_field_4                     
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.91   2006-02-05 08:18:06.3     16745984  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy     
HD 10476                  01:42:29.76  +20:16:06.60  Clampin           CLAMPIN      20742 iracmap      90.62   2006-02-05 08:23:44.0     15087104  IRAC-HD53143-PSF-HD10476-1              
sn2005ad                  02:28:29.45  -01:08:20.00  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.54   2006-02-05 09:54:10.4     14466048  IRAC-2005ad-2                           
Sedna                         2090377         Sedna  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.60   2006-02-05 10:31:24.6     15135232  IRAC-90377_Sedna                        
sn 2003lo                 03:37:05.12  -05:02:17.30  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.59   2006-02-05 11:33:27.5     14458368  IRAC-2003lo-3                           
RCS035027-0855.1, z = 0.5 03:50:27.00  -08:55:06.00  Ellingson         RCS_IRAC     20754 iracmap      31.68   2006-02-05 12:02:46.1     15108864  IRAC-0000 - RCS035027-0855.1, z = 0.58, 
1E1048.1-5937             10:50:07.12  -59:53:21.40  Mahoney           PULSEIT        257 iracmap     104.57   2006-02-05 12:38:34.2     15989760  1E1048.1-5937_IRAC_subarray             
hd 113766                 13:06:35.84  -46:02:02.00  Jura              YOUNGA          84 iracmap       4.29   2006-02-05 14:32:09.1     16107008  IRAC-SCOCEN-HD113766                    
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.25   2006-02-05 14:35:27.9     11600896  Kelu1-01                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.25   2006-02-05 14:49:14.1     11601152  Kelu1-02                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.25   2006-02-05 15:03:00.5     11601408  Kelu1-03                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 15:16:46.3     11601664  Kelu1-04                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 15:29:45.6     11601920  Kelu1-05                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 15:42:44.6     11602176  Kelu1-06                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 15:55:43.4     11602432  Kelu1-07                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 16:08:47.2     11602688  Kelu1-08                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 16:21:46.2     11602944  Kelu1-09                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 16:34:45.6     11603200  Kelu1-10                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 16:47:44.6     11603456  Kelu1-11                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 17:00:43.2     11603712  Kelu1-12                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 17:13:42.2     11603968  Kelu1-13                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 17:26:41.1     11604224  Kelu1-14                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 17:39:40.1     11604480  Kelu1-15                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 17:52:39.5     12440064  Kelu1-16                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 18:05:38.1     12439808  Kelu1-17                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 18:18:37.1     13077248  Kelu1-18                                
Kelu1                     13:05:40.20  -25:41:06.00  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      16.46   2006-02-05 18:31:36.5     13076992  Kelu1-19                                
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 18:47:17.1     11612416  sdss1254-01                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 19:01:47.9     11612672  sdss1254-02                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 19:16:18.3     11612928  sdss1254-03                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 19:30:48.8     11613184  sdss1254-04                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 19:45:19.2     11613440  sdss1254-05                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 19:59:49.8     11613696  sdss1254-06                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 20:14:20.2     11613952  sdss1254-07                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 20:28:50.8     11614208  sdss1254-08                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 20:43:21.8     11614464  sdss1254-09                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 20:57:52.8     11614720  sdss1254-10                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 21:12:23.8     11614976  sdss1254-11                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 21:26:54.8     11615232  sdss1254-12                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 21:41:25.7     11615488  sdss1254-13                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 21:55:56.9     11615744  sdss1254-14                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 22:10:27.7     11616000  sdss1254-15                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 22:24:58.9     12442112  sdss1254-16                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 22:39:29.7     12441600  sdss1254-17                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 22:54:00.7     12441088  sdss1254-18                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 23:08:37.1     12440576  sdss1254-19                             
sdss1254-01               12:54:53.89  -01:22:47.40  Goldman           BGOLDMAN      3736 iracmap      17.92   2006-02-05 23:23:07.9     12440320  sdss1254-20                             
WARPS1415+36              14:15:11.10  +36:12:03.00  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-05 23:41:17.5     16188416  IRAC-WARPS1415+36                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-06 01:43:59.9     16730880  latent_safe_best_c29_5                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-06 01:44:35.3     16727808  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.91   2006-02-06 01:56:34.3     16746752  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
1DDDS1                    13:45:33.58  +43:35:59.80  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.19   2006-02-06 02:12:20.4     16196864  1DDDS1-1                                
1DDDS2                    13:45:33.58  +43:35:59.80  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.17   2006-02-06 03:34:03.3     16194560  1DDDS2-1                                
1DDDS2                    13:45:33.58  +43:35:59.80  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.06   2006-02-06 04:55:55.2     16194304  1DDDS2-2                                
1DDDS2                    13:45:33.58  +43:35:59.80  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.02   2006-02-06 06:17:48.1     16194048  1DDDS2-3                                
1DDDS4                    13:45:33.58  +43:35:59.80  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.07   2006-02-06 07:39:40.9     16190464  1DDDS4-2                                
ISCS142918+343725         14:29:18.51  +34:37:25.80  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-06 09:03:07.8     16189696  IRAC-ISCS142918+343725                  
SSG1                      14:32:04.75  +34:16:47.50  Fazio             GTO1_SPW       520 iracmap      26.38   2006-02-06 09:40:33.6     16271872  I-SSG1                                  
2DDDS1                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.22   2006-02-06 10:06:28.6     16198400  2DDDS1-1                                
2DDDS2                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.21   2006-02-06 11:37:20.9     16196096  2DDDS2-1                                
2DDDS2                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.11   2006-02-06 12:59:17.6     16195840  2DDDS2-2                                
2DDDS2                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.07   2006-02-06 14:21:11.4     16195584  2DDDS2-3                                
ngc 4634                  12:42:40.80  +14:17:49.10  Howk              HOWK          3454 iracmap     130.07   2006-02-06 15:44:05.7     10994432  NGC4634-IRAC                            
ECDFS-6                   03:31:43.80  -27:41:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.79   2006-02-06 18:01:07.9     15557376  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-24                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-06 22:50:03.0     16731392  latent_safe_best_c29_7                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-06 22:50:34.5     16728320  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.91   2006-02-06 23:02:38.0     16747264  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
ngc 1614                  04:33:59.85  -08:34:44.00  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.70   2006-02-06 23:13:22.8      4997632  TNG-SN-NGC1614-07                       
2000 VE21                     2093690     2000 VE21  Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 iracmap     134.82   2006-02-06 23:28:18.2     14249728  karins_93690_IRAC                       
Pleiades-Bds              03:44:08.90  +24:38:07.20  Fazio             PLEIADES        38 iracmap      42.93   2006-02-07 01:40:55.4      3969792  IRAC-0003-long-set2                     
vdb 12 map                03:25:23.92  +31:43:51.90  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap     136.94   2006-02-07 02:21:46.8     16275456  IRAC vdb 12 map b2 + b4                 
vdb 12 map                03:25:23.92  +31:43:51.90  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap      97.40   2006-02-07 04:34:11.9     16274944  IRAC vdb 12 map b1 + b3                 
1DDDS4                    13:45:33.58  +43:35:59.80  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.05   2006-02-07 06:15:35.9     16190208  1DDDS4-3                                
1DDDS4                    13:45:33.58  +43:35:59.80  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.19   2006-02-07 07:37:28.2     16190720  1DDDS4-1                                
ISCS143446+351945         14:34:46.33  +35:19:45.80  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-07 09:01:01.7     16188928  IRAC-ISCS143446+351945                  
ISCS143239+343649         14:32:39.20  +34:36:49.00  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-07 09:38:30.9     16189440  IRAC-ISCS143239+343649                  
ISCS143428+342622         14:34:28.52  +34:26:22.90  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-07 10:15:53.3     16189184  IRAC-ISCS143428+342622                  
ISCS143229+333248         14:32:29.18  +33:32:48.30  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-07 10:53:23.0     16189952  IRAC-ISCS143229+333248                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-07 12:40:35.8     16731648  latent_safe_best_c29_8                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-07 12:41:06.4     16728576  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.90   2006-02-07 12:53:11.1     16747520  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
1996 TL66                     2015874     1996 TL66  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.60   2006-02-07 13:02:45.3     15128320  IRAC-99TL66-2                           
135+04                    02:45:47.17  +64:09:32.05  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.55   2006-02-07 14:10:42.5     14770432  IRAC-0001 - 135+04                      
135+02                    02:38:25.82  +62:20:16.92  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.46   2006-02-07 15:16:10.8     14770176  IRAC-0001 - 135+02                      
135+00                    02:31:55.21  +60:29:44.44  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.38   2006-02-07 16:21:32.4     14769920  IRAC-0001 - 135+00                      
B3 0032+412               00:34:53.08  +41:31:31.50  Stockton          STOCKTON-Z3. 20466 iracmap     134.72   2006-02-07 17:28:57.2     14730496  B3 0032+412-IRAC                        
ECDFS-2                   03:32:06.40  -27:36:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.79   2006-02-07 19:46:32.3     15558656  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-20                    
sn2005df                  04:17:37.85  -62:46:09.50  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.59   2006-02-07 23:10:49.7     16298752  IRAC-2005df-2                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-08 00:45:33.4     16731904  latent_safe_best_c29_9                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-08 00:46:03.6     16728832  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.90   2006-02-08 00:58:08.2     16747776  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
ISCS143551+332551         14:35:51.13  +33:25:51.10  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-08 01:14:25.2     16188160  IRAC-ISCS143551+332551                  
ISCS143224+325003         14:32:24.16  +32:50:03.70  Wright            WRIGHTGAL       78 iracmap      40.54   2006-02-08 01:51:58.2     16188672  IRAC-ISCS143224+325003                  
2DDDS4                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.12   2006-02-08 02:31:57.9     16190976  2DDDS4-3                                
2DDDS4                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.27   2006-02-08 03:53:50.5     16191488  2DDDS4-1                                
2DDDS3                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.19   2006-02-08 05:16:05.0     16193536  2DDDS3-2                                
2DDDS3                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.30   2006-02-08 06:38:01.3     16193792  2DDDS3-1                                
2DDDS3                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.15   2006-02-08 08:00:04.1     16193280  2DDDS3-3                                
2DDDS1                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.20   2006-02-08 09:22:10.8     16198144  2DDDS1-2                                
2DDDS1                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.15   2006-02-08 10:44:08.1     16197888  2DDDS1-3                                
RCS132629+2903.1, z = 0.9 13:26:29.00  +29:03:00.00  Ellingson         RCS_IRAC     20754 iracmap      22.34   2006-02-08 12:07:51.3     15104768  IRAC-0001 - RCS132629+2903.1, z = 0.93, 
RCS132631+2903.2, z = 0.7 13:26:31.00  +29:03:12.00  Ellingson         RCS_IRAC     20754 iracmap      22.34   2006-02-08 12:26:46.5     15103744  IRAC-0001 - RCS132631+2903.2, z = 0.71, 
irasf13442                13:46:39.26  +23:06:18.50  Roussel           NSTB         20577 iracmap       7.72   2006-02-08 12:47:04.3     14853120  IRAC - irasf13442                       
SDSS_J135723.58+053425.0  13:57:23.58  +05:34:25.08  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.60   2006-02-08 12:53:42.1     14118144  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J135723.58+053425.0    
irasf13361                13:38:41.96  +00:46:28.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 iracmap       7.72   2006-02-08 13:02:11.7     14852864  IRAC - irasf13361                       
SDSS_J132955.76+013238.4  13:29:55.76  +01:32:38.43  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.60   2006-02-08 13:07:09.6     14114304  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J132955.76+013238.4    
SDSS_J125744.58+024130.2  12:57:44.58  +02:41:30.25  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.62   2006-02-08 13:15:46.2     14114560  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J125744.58+024130.2    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-08 14:43:33.4     16732160  latent_safe_best_c29_10                 
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-08 14:44:00.8     16724224  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.90   2006-02-08 14:56:09.0     16748032  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
HE0435-1223               04:38:14.82  -12:17:14.90  Kochanek          KOCHANEKLENS 20451 iracmap      50.94   2006-02-08 15:06:36.4     14721536  IRAC-0000 - HE0435-1223                 
ECDFS-3                   03:32:29.00  -27:36:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.80   2006-02-08 15:56:19.7     15558400  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-21                    
ECDFS-4                   03:32:51.60  -27:36:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.80   2006-02-08 19:17:21.6     15558144  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-22                    
ECDFS-5                   03:33:14.20  -27:36:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.80   2006-02-08 22:38:28.2     15557888  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-23                    
HD 53143                  06:59:59.66  -61:20:10.30  Clampin           CLAMPIN      20742 iracmap      10.66   2006-02-09 02:03:22.3     15851008  IRAC-HD53143-Short                      
HD 53143                  06:59:59.66  -61:20:10.30  Clampin           CLAMPIN      20742 iracmap      90.61   2006-02-09 02:10:42.7     15085312  IRAC-HD53143-1                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-09 04:47:45.5     16716544  latent_safe_best_c29 - copy - 0011      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-09 04:48:58.9     16724480  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.90   2006-02-09 05:00:20.3     16748800  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
NGC4687                   12:47:23.74  +35:21:07.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1160 iracmap      38.34   2006-02-09 05:13:32.3     16710656  IRAC-N4687                              
IC815                     12:46:22.67  +11:52:35.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1160 iracmap      38.31   2006-02-09 05:50:45.2     16710912  IRAC-IC815                              
IC3574                    12:36:27.82  +12:24:18.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1160 iracmap      38.34   2006-02-09 06:25:57.0     16711168  IRAC-IC3574                             
NGC 4486B                 12:30:31.85  +12:29:26.00  Fabbiano          QUIESCENT_EL 20371 iracmap      12.18   2006-02-09 07:01:03.6     14571520  IRAC-0005                               
NGC4564                   12:36:26.99  +11:26:21.50  Fabbiano          QUIESCENT_EL 20371 iracmap      12.17   2006-02-09 07:10:20.8     14572032  IRAC-0006                               
VCC1308                   12:30:45.95  +11:20:35.50  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.78   2006-02-09 07:19:37.6     16857344  IRAC-v1308                              
VCC1261                   12:30:10.33  +10:46:46.10  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.78   2006-02-09 07:27:19.1     16854528  IRAC-v1261                              
VCC1178                   12:29:21.31  +08:09:23.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.78   2006-02-09 07:35:29.7     16851456  IRAC-v1178                              
VCC1254                   12:30:05.09  +08:04:23.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.78   2006-02-09 07:38:01.9     16856832  IRAC-v1254                              
VCC1192                   12:29:30.26  +07:59:34.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.78   2006-02-09 07:45:33.9     16853504  IRAC-v1192                              
sn 2004gn                 12:34:12.10  +02:39:34.40  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.63   2006-02-09 07:49:13.1     14457088  IRAC-2004gn-2                           
SDSS_J124157.06+034909.3  12:41:57.06  +03:49:09.36  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.63   2006-02-09 08:18:03.9     14117376  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J124157.06+034909.3    
SDSS_J123258.81+043444.9  12:32:58.82  +04:34:44.98  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.63   2006-02-09 08:25:57.7     14117632  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J123258.81+043444.9    
SDSS_J123502.56+052529.5  12:35:02.56  +05:25:29.52  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.63   2006-02-09 08:33:39.3     14117888  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J123502.56+052529.5    
Sedna                         2090377         Sedna  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.59   2006-02-09 09:02:48.2     15135488  IRAC-Sedna2                             
ECDFS-8                   03:31:43.80  -27:46:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-09 10:06:03.8     15556352  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-26                    
ECDFS-7                   03:33:14.20  -27:41:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.80   2006-02-09 13:35:54.3     15556864  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-25                    
ECDFS-1                   03:31:43.80  -27:36:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-09 16:57:01.5     15558912  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-19                    
ECDFS-9                   03:33:14.20  -27:46:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-09 20:18:17.1     15555840  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-27                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-10 00:44:32.5     16717056  latent_safe_best_c29 - copy - 0013      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-10 00:46:25.1     16724992  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.89   2006-02-10 00:57:07.1     16749312  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
ECDFS-18                  03:33:14.20  -28:01:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-10 01:04:50.8     15561472  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-36                    
ECDFS-17                  03:32:51.60  -28:01:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-10 04:25:48.2     15561728  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-35                    
ECDFS-16                  03:32:29.00  -28:01:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-10 07:46:46.2     15561984  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-34                    
ECDFS-15                  03:32:06.40  -28:01:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-10 11:07:49.8     15562240  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-33                    
ECDFS-14                  03:31:43.80  -28:01:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.82   2006-02-10 14:37:44.7     15562496  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-32                    
ECDFS-13                  03:33:14.20  -27:56:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.81   2006-02-10 17:58:54.1     15562752  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-31                    
ECDFS-12                  03:31:43.80  -27:56:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.82   2006-02-10 21:20:01.9     15563008  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-30                    
257.6-04                  08:11:12.72  -40:58:10.67  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      70.43   2006-02-11 00:46:15.6     14775040  IRAC-0001 - 257.6-04                    
2002 ST16                     2065410     2002 ST16  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.91   2006-02-11 02:12:28.0     15174144  IRAC65410 Generic                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-11 03:24:38.8     16717568  latent_safe_best_c29 - copy - 0015      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-11 03:26:25.0     16725504  anneal                                  
Arp 220                   15:34:57.12  +23:30:11.50  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.69   2006-02-11 03:46:27.3      4995584  TNG-SN-Arp220-09                        
Subaru Deep Field-Center  13:24:38.90  +27:29:25.90  Malkan            SDF          20229 iracmap     237.44   2006-02-11 03:54:44.2     14419456  IRAC-0000 - copy                        
2DDDS4                    13:05:49.68  +14:25:11.07  Wright            DIRBESPOT       66 iracmap      86.28   2006-02-11 07:50:04.2     16191232  2DDDS4-2                                
Abell 1689                13:11:29.50  -01:20:28.00  Egami             SPITZER_LENS 20439 iracmap     223.18   2006-02-11 09:14:08.2     14696192  IRAC-A1689-1                            
Abell 1689                13:11:29.50  -01:20:28.00  Egami             SPITZER_LENS 20439 iracmap     223.18   2006-02-11 13:02:35.4     14696448  IRAC-A1689-2                            
GRB030328                 12:10:48.40  -09:20:51.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 iracmap      11.70   2006-02-11 16:44:08.2     14568704  IRAC-GRB030328                          
GRB030429                 12:13:07.50  -20:54:49.70  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 iracmap      11.69   2006-02-11 16:54:18.0     14568192  IRAC-GRB030429                          
ECDFS-11                  03:33:14.20  -27:51:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.82   2006-02-11 17:11:16.5     15564032  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-29                    
ECDFS-10                  03:31:43.80  -27:51:17.00  van Dokkum        DOKKUMCDFS   20708 iracmap     204.82   2006-02-11 20:32:24.7     15564544  IRAC-0000 - ECDFS-28                    
Hyades-Bds                04:04:12.30  +18:59:11.00  Fazio             HYADES          42 iracmap      35.62   2006-02-11 23:57:46.7      4087808  IRAC-0004-long-set2                     
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.90   2006-02-12 00:32:29.5     16749824  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
135-02                    02:26:06.80  +58:38:08.31  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.04   2006-02-12 00:39:42.5     14771456  IRAC-0001 - 135-02                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c29                  02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-12 02:58:43.6     16718080  latent_safe_best_c29 - copy - 0017      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-12 03:00:29.9     16726016  anneal                                  
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.90   2006-02-12 03:11:18.9     16750336  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
sn2005gj                  03:01:11.95  +00:33:14.00  DePoy             SN2005GJ       264 iracmap      47.89   2006-02-12 03:17:12.5     16868096  sn05gj-0001                             
Abell 1689                13:11:29.50  -01:20:28.00  Egami             SPITZER_LENS 20439 iracmap     223.18   2006-02-12 04:13:50.8     14696704  IRAC-A1689-3                            
Abell 1689                13:11:29.50  -01:20:28.00  Egami             SPITZER_LENS 20439 iracmap     223.18   2006-02-12 07:53:11.1     14696960  IRAC-A1689-4                            
Abell 1689                13:11:29.50  -01:20:28.00  Egami             SPITZER_LENS 20439 iracmap     223.19   2006-02-12 11:32:29.9     14697216  IRAC-A1689-5                            
Abell 1689                13:11:29.50  -01:20:28.00  Egami             SPITZER_LENS 20439 iracmap     219.47   2006-02-12 15:20:56.8     14697472  IRAC-A1689-6                            
ngc 4437                  12:32:45.59  +00:06:54.10  de Jong           ROELOF       20268 iracmap      49.73   2006-02-12 18:57:59.2     14480128  IRAC-NGC 4437                           
SDSS_J123746.48-024653.9  12:37:46.48  -02:46:53.95  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.63   2006-02-12 19:44:44.0     14113280  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J123746.48-024653.9    
NGC4933A                  13:04:06.00  -11:30:12.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      18.78   2006-02-12 19:53:41.2     16315136  SIGS-NGC4933A/NGC4933B                  
2M1315-26                 13:15:30.90  -26:49:51.00  Gizis             M1315-26     20716 iracmap       7.72   2006-02-12 20:11:05.2     15033856  IRAC - 2M1315-26                        
IC 4296                   13:36:39.05  -33:57:57.20  Fabbiano          QUIESCENT_EL 20371 iracmap      12.11   2006-02-12 20:16:54.9     14571008  IRAC-0004                               
sn2005af                  13:04:44.06  -49:33:59.80  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.57   2006-02-12 20:27:28.1     14468608  IRAC-sn2005af-2                         
sn 2005P                  14:06:34.01  -05:27:42.60  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.54   2006-02-12 20:59:27.1     14467328  IRAC-2005P-2                            
bd1338                    13:38:16.43  +29:28:22.00  Stern             ECKART       20808 iracmap      70.08   2006-02-12 21:30:55.3     15211520  IRAC-0002                               
135+09                    03:09:10.61  +68:34:51.84  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.45   2006-02-12 22:44:10.0     14770944  IRAC-0001 - 135+09                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 iracmap       3.93   2006-02-13 01:10:20.9     16712448  latent_safe_best_nep                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         11.45   2006-02-13 01:12:44.9     16726528  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      10.67   2006-02-13 01:22:16.9     16739584  skydrk_0.02_subarray - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.19   2006-02-13 01:29:37.4     16739840  skydrk_0.1_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       9.04   2006-02-13 01:32:25.4     16740096  skydrk_0.4_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.12   2006-02-13 01:38:09.7     16740352  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.12   2006-02-13 01:42:53.7     16737792  skydrk_2 - 0001                         
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.40   2006-02-13 01:47:35.1     16738560  skydrk_12hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.04   2006-02-13 01:55:29.9     16738048  skydrk_12 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      17.31   2006-02-13 02:03:05.9     16738816  skydrk_30hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      16.29   2006-02-13 02:16:57.5     16738304  skydrk_30 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      41.76   2006-02-13 02:29:48.7     16739328  skydrk_100hdr - 0001                    
Best NEP                  17:40:10.00  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      54.54   2006-02-13 03:08:10.7     16739072  skydrk_100 - 0001                       
zody_field_4              02:43:00.00  +21:06:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap     240.56   2006-02-13 04:05:40.7     16740864  skyflt_zody_field_4 - 0001              
maffei2                   02:41:55.00  +59:36:15.00  Turner            IC342        20607 iracmap      19.74   2006-02-13 08:05:49.9     14914560  IRAC-maffei2                            
vdb 10 map                03:15:47.97  +57:08:26.20  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap      33.73   2006-02-13 08:22:56.6     16275200  IRAC vdb 10 map b1 + b3                 
vdb 10 map                03:15:47.97  +57:08:26.20  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap      50.45   2006-02-13 08:52:32.2     16275968  IRAC vdb 10 map b2 + b4                 
BP20_417                  02:32:14.40  +20:49:08.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.89   2006-02-13 09:42:05.4     16747008  IRAC_calstar_BP20_417_spt4l2 - copy - 00
CL1354-1230               13:54:09.50  -12:31:08.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     236.96   2006-02-13 09:58:02.7     14995968  CL1354-1230                             
1999 XD38                     2071003     1999 XD38  Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 iracmap      63.07   2006-02-13 14:06:57.0     14249216  karins_71003_IRAC                       
SDSS_J125538.89-001553.6  12:55:38.89  +00:15:53.61  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.63   2006-02-13 15:16:25.7     14112256  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J125538.89-001553.6    
SDSS_J125405.15-000604.2  12:54:05.15  +00:06:04.29  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.63   2006-02-13 15:23:56.3     14112512  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J125405.15-000604.2    
SDSS_J124433.42+014412.9  12:44:33.42  +01:44:12.97  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.63   2006-02-13 15:32:00.5     14114816  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J124433.42+014412.9    
NGC5850                   15:06:29.29  +01:36:20.20  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      19.42   2006-02-13 15:42:32.3     16310272  SIGS-NGC5850                            
Subaru Deep Field-Center  13:24:38.90  +27:29:25.90  Malkan            SDF          20229 iracmap     237.47   2006-02-13 16:01:53.5     14419200  IRAC-0000                               
NGC5272                   13:42:11.20  +28:22:32.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap     123.06   2006-02-13 19:56:20.3     14504192  IRAC-5272                               
NGC5615                   14:24:06.90  +34:51:44.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      11.15   2006-02-13 21:58:15.6     16304384  SIGS-NGC5614/5615                       
NGC5544                   14:17:02.50  +36:34:17.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      11.16   2006-02-13 22:06:43.4     16317440  SIGS-NGC5544/NGC5545                    
203099                    14:00:58.32  +42:51:01.80  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 iracmap      13.20   2006-02-13 22:15:48.8     14280704  IRAC - 203099                           
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.60   2006-02-13 22:29:11.2     16741376  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30 - 0001      
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.58   2006-02-13 22:38:09.0     16743936  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12 - 0001        
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.58   2006-02-13 22:43:33.6     16743424  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30 - 0001       
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.58   2006-02-13 22:52:07.9     16742912  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30 - 0001       
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap      11.58   2006-02-13 23:00:26.3     16742400  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30 - 0001       
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.91   2006-02-13 23:09:10.3     16744960  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2 - 0001 
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.91   2006-02-13 23:13:44.7     16745472  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2 - 0001 
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       6.93   2006-02-13 23:18:57.3     16741888  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2 - 0001     
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1132 iracmap       8.59   2006-02-13 23:23:36.5     16744448  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12 - 0001  
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1232 irac         14.94   2006-02-13 23:30:19.7     16750848  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 01:38:59.9     16757760  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_3a[35]               02:21:44.50  +08:49:26.04  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipsphot    175.48   2006-02-14 01:49:35.6     16864000  calflt-29MC-24photsmall - smd           
zodi_3a[35]               02:21:44.50  +08:49:26.04  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipsscan     17.28   2006-02-14 04:41:54.5     16864256  calflt-29MC-fastscan.aor                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 05:06:26.3     16758016  anneal                                  
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips         16.68   2006-02-14 05:13:24.1     16756480  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips         16.42   2006-02-14 05:30:17.5     16795392  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     17.60   2006-02-14 05:48:55.8     16834304  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      6.33   2006-02-14 06:04:39.5     16833536  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     17.61   2006-02-14 06:09:13.2     16834048  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      6.33   2006-02-14 06:24:33.8     16833792  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
WIR-IRAS14026+4341        14:04:38.72  +43:27:07.30  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipssed      10.60   2006-02-14 06:31:11.3      4724224  MIPS-QSO-SED-0026                       
NGC5005                   13:10:56.23  +37:03:33.10  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed       7.50   2006-02-14 06:40:31.2     10640896  MIPSE-Generic - NGC5005                 
NGC4922 NED01             13:01:24.51  +29:18:30.40  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-14 06:46:20.4     10640128  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4922                 
NGC5347                   13:53:17.83  +33:29:27.00  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-14 06:58:12.3     10642432  MIPSE-Generic - NGC5347                 
ModzSED_boo00             14:35:18.21  +35:07:08.30  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed       8.03   2006-02-14 07:09:45.5     14079232  SED_MODZSED_FIR02-0000                  
NGC5929                   15:26:06.16  +41:40:14.40  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-14 07:16:31.3     10643456  MIPSE-Generic - NGC5929                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 07:33:09.3     16758272  anneal                                  
Cas A field 4 epoch 2     23:23:24.00  +58:48:54.00  Krause            RELATIVISTIC 20381 mipsscan    131.53   2006-02-14 07:39:02.9     15453184  KRAUSE-CASA-MIPS0003-epoch2             
Cas A field 3 epoch 2     23:23:24.00  +58:48:54.00  Krause            RELATIVISTIC 20381 mipsscan    144.30   2006-02-14 09:53:42.1     15452672  KRAUSE-CASA-MIPS0004-epoch2             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 09:54:39.1     16758528  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 13:17:25.5     16758784  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SDSSJ015028.4+130858.3    01:50:28.41  +13:08:58.40  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     21.40   2006-02-14 13:28:11.8     14621184  MIPSP-SDSS J0150+1308                   
32058                     02:11:07.34  +00:39:18.10  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.74   2006-02-14 13:48:13.4     14270208  MIPSP - 32058                           
PKS0235-19                02:37:43.45  -19:32:33.35  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.16   2006-02-14 14:46:56.6     14424576  MIPSP-0011                              
NGC1125                   02:51:40.27  -16:39:03.70  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-14 15:32:57.5     10630144  MIPSE-Generic - NGC1125                 
M-2-8-39                  03:00:30.64  -11:24:56.70  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-14 15:44:15.9     10630656  MIPSE-Generic - M-2-8-39                
NGC1241                   03:11:14.64  -08:55:19.70  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-14 15:55:13.4     10631168  MIPSE-Generic - NGC1241                 
HD 8574                   01:25:12.52  +28:34:00.10  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     57.03   2006-02-14 16:09:15.4      4005376  MIPSP-0000HD8574VLSnew                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 17:10:47.9     16759040  anneal                                  
Cas A field1 epoch 2      23:23:24.00  +58:48:54.00  Krause            RELATIVISTIC 20381 mipsscan    131.62   2006-02-14 17:16:33.4     15452160  KRAUSE-CASA-MIPS0001-epoch2             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 19:29:22.3     16759296  anneal                                  
Cas A field 2 epoch 2     23:23:24.00  +58:48:54.00  Krause            RELATIVISTIC 20381 mipsscan    131.73   2006-02-14 19:31:19.0     15453696  KRAUSE-CASA-MIPS0002-epoch2             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-14 22:34:22.2     16759552  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC3621                   11:18:16.50  -32:48:51.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      99.18   2006-02-14 22:54:05.5      5588480  MIPSS-0038                              
CL1216-1201               12:16:45.33  -12:01:17.60  Desai             EDISCSWF     20389 mipsscan    172.20   2006-02-15 00:32:58.4     14618880  MIPSC-CL1216-1201-1                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-15 03:22:40.7     16759808  anneal                                  
CL1216-1201               12:16:45.33  -12:01:17.60  Desai             EDISCSWF     20389 mipsscan    172.20   2006-02-15 03:27:52.5     14619136  MIPSC-CL1216-1201-2                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-15 06:22:14.9     16760064  anneal                                  
CL1216-1201               12:16:45.33  -12:01:17.60  Desai             EDISCSWF     20389 mipsscan     87.94   2006-02-15 06:25:17.6     14619392  MIPSC-CL1216-1201-3                     
PG1416-129                14:19:03.81  -13:10:44.70  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     12.02   2006-02-15 07:52:24.7     16187392  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-PG1416-129_70             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-15 08:06:47.1     16760576  anneal                                  
HD105211                  12:06:52.90  -64:36:49.40  Beichman          COMPARATIVE_  2324 mipssed      18.30   2006-02-15 08:12:41.0     16605184  HD105211--SEDFollowup                   
HD105211                  12:06:52.90  -64:36:49.40  Beichman          COMPARATIVE_  2324 mipsphot     20.12   2006-02-15 08:27:54.3     16605696  HD105211MIPS160FollowUp                 
HIP14555                  03:07:55.75  -28:13:11.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-02-15 08:51:04.7     16183040  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP14555                 
HD 15798                  02:32:05.23  -15:14:40.84  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     16.21   2006-02-15 09:06:21.2      4035584  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 21                   
HD16141                   02:35:19.90  -03:33:38.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-02-15 09:21:10.4     16178688  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HD16141_70               
HD16287                   02:36:41.80  -03:09:22.00  Werner            MWWSTARS1       80 mipsphot     11.81   2006-02-15 09:34:44.1      4636672  MIPSP-MWW-STARS-0001 - HD16287          
NGC1194                   03:03:49.11  -01:06:13.40  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-15 09:44:37.6     10630912  MIPSE-Generic - NGC1194                 
Arp 118 center            02:55:11.95  +00:10:57.30  Houck             BRB_IAGAL       21 mipsphot     20.60   2006-02-15 09:55:26.6      3839232  MIPSP-e-brb-iagal022                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-15 11:16:49.9     16760832  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
LCDCS 0504v               12:16:48.00  -12:00:34.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     84.79   2006-02-15 11:38:20.6     13810688  LCDCS 0504-24                           
LCDCS 0504v-offset        12:16:48.00  -12:00:34.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     53.10   2006-02-15 12:59:59.6     13811968  LCDCS 0504-70                           
M-3-34-63                 13:22:19.05  -16:42:30.10  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-15 13:51:55.9     10641152  MIPSE-Generic - M-3-34-63               
HD 115617                 13:18:24.32  -18:18:40.31  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     24.72   2006-02-15 14:02:36.6     12712960  VLS Follow-up-050                       
NGC4968                   13:07:05.98  -23:40:37.30  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-15 14:25:15.6     10640640  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4968                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-15 14:36:16.0     16761088  anneal                                  
Chariklo                      2010199      Chariklo  Rieke             STANS_KBO       55 mipssed      20.95   2006-02-15 14:50:18.2      9031936  MIPSE_Centaur-01-p1                     
Chariklo                      2010199      Chariklo  Rieke             STANS_KBO       55 mipsphot     18.99   2006-02-15 15:13:05.5      9038592  MIPSE_Centaur-01_phot                   
NGC5135                   13:25:44.06  -29:50:01.20  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-15 15:30:25.7     10641408  MIPSE-Generic - NGC5135                 
HD 114613                 13:12:03.18  -37:48:10.88  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     14.01   2006-02-15 15:41:50.4      4046848  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 66                   
TWA13                     11:21:17.20  -34:46:45.50  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     17.18   2006-02-15 15:55:17.8     16183552  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-TWA13_160                
TWA12                     11:21:05.60  -38:45:16.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-02-15 16:10:21.7     16202752  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-TWA12_70                 
TWA9A+B                   11:48:24.20  -37:28:49.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-02-15 16:24:54.1     16184576  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-TWA9_70                  
TOL1238-364               12:40:52.86  -36:45:21.10  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed       7.50   2006-02-15 16:39:55.9     10639616  MIPSE-Generic - TOL1238-364             
hr 4796                   12:36:01.03  -39:52:10.20  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipssed      18.30   2006-02-15 16:45:11.5     16169984  MIPSE-TWA-HR4796                        
HD 104731                 12:03:39.57  -42:26:02.60  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     16.21   2006-02-15 17:01:40.3      4045824  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 62                   
hd 110058                 12:39:46.20  -49:11:55.50  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipssed      32.80   2006-02-15 17:16:12.7     16170752  MIPSE-SCOCEN-HD110058                   
hd 110058                 12:39:46.20  -49:11:55.50  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot     11.80   2006-02-15 17:45:53.2     16107776  MIPSP-SCOCEN-HD110058                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-15 17:56:31.6     16761344  anneal                                  
HR 4732                   12:26:31.76  -51:27:02.30  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipssed      32.80   2006-02-15 18:02:08.3     16170240  MIPSE-SCOCEN-HR4732                     
hr 4732                   12:26:31.76  -51:27:02.30  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot     11.80   2006-02-15 18:31:46.7     16107264  MIPSP-SCOCEN-HR4732                     
HR 4888                   12:53:06.91  -48:56:35.90  Jura              GIANTG           9 mipsphot      9.80   2006-02-15 18:41:31.8     16173568  MIPSP - HR 4888                         
HD 113791B                13:06:54.64  -49:54:22.50  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.60   2006-02-15 18:48:50.1      4790272  MIPSP-0057                              
HD 113703B                13:06:16.70  -48:27:47.80  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.60   2006-02-15 18:55:47.5      4790016  MIPSP-0056                              
HD 113524                 13:04:59.44  -47:23:48.50  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.60   2006-02-15 19:02:38.5      4788992  MIPSP-0052                              
HD 116650                 13:25:47.83  -48:14:57.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 19:09:56.8      4792064  MIPSP-0064                              
HD 113901                 13:07:33.50  -52:54:19.70  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 19:17:29.8      4790528  MIPSP-0058                              
HD 116402                 13:24:35.12  -55:57:24.10  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 19:24:58.6      4791808  MIPSP-0063                              
HD 117253                 13:30:25.27  -58:39:51.70  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 19:32:19.0      4792576  MIPSP-0066                              
HD 120178                 13:49:09.22  -54:13:42.30  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 19:39:47.8      4794112  MIPSP-0072                              
HD 121835                 13:59:18.06  -51:53:34.20  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 19:46:59.8      4795392  MIPSP-0077                              
CD-51 7878                13:59:13.82  -51:52:38.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 19:53:25.6      4795136  MIPSP-0076                              
HD 121176                 13:55:01.29  -50:45:02.10  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 20:00:20.9      4794880  MIPSP-0075                              
HD 120326                 13:49:54.50  -50:14:23.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 20:07:07.7      4794368  MIPSP-0073                              
HD 118962                 13:41:13.54  -46:01:41.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 20:14:38.6      4793088  MIPSP-0068                              
HD 120411                 13:50:06.28  -40:50:08.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-15 20:22:11.6      4794624  MIPSP-0074                              
M-6-30-15                 13:35:53.78  -34:17:44.10  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-15 20:30:03.5     10641664  MIPSE-Generic - M-6-30-15               
IC4329A                   13:49:19.26  -30:18:34.00  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-15 20:43:44.5     10642176  MIPSE-Generic - IC4329A                 
HIP69562                  14:14:21.36  -15:21:21.80  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     17.18   2006-02-15 20:55:36.5     16187136  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP69562_160             
HD128987                  14:40:31.10  -16:12:33.00  Werner            MWWSTARS1       80 mipsphot     11.81   2006-02-15 21:10:52.9      4629248  MIPSP-MWW-STARS-0000 - HD128987         
PG1435-067                14:38:16.20  -06:58:21.50  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     12.02   2006-02-15 21:21:05.3     16182528  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-PG1435-067_70             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-15 22:43:53.8     16757248  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Ariadne_cluster               2000043       Ariadne  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     35.34   2006-02-15 22:54:24.7     16832512  MIPSP-CAL029-Ariadne-160um              
Ariadne                       2000043       Ariadne  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      9.69   2006-02-15 23:31:31.8     16832768  MIPSP-CAL029-Ariadne                    
Thetis_cluster                2000017        Thetis  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     35.34   2006-02-15 23:44:59.2     16833024  MIPSP-CAL029-Thetis-160um               
Thetis                        2000017        Thetis  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      7.71   2006-02-16 00:22:12.7     16833280  MIPSP-CAL029-Thetis                     
Bellona_cluster               2000028       Bellona  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     26.54   2006-02-16 00:34:22.5     16830976  MIPSP-CAL029-Bellona-160um              
Bellona                       2000028       Bellona  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      5.71   2006-02-16 01:02:51.7     16831232  MIPSP-CAL029-Bellona                    
Minerva_cluster               2000093       Minerva  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     26.54   2006-02-16 01:13:18.7     16832000  MIPSP-CAL029-Minerva-160um              
Minerva                       2000093       Minerva  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      5.71   2006-02-16 01:41:45.8     16832256  MIPSP-CAL029-Minerva                    
HD020902                  03:24:19.37  +49:51:40.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     14.88   2006-02-16 01:46:43.6     16868864  MIPS-CALMC29-various-24a70-HD020902     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 01:58:25.5     16768000  anneal                                  
HD170693                  18:25:59.14  +65:33:48.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     14.87   2006-02-16 02:10:18.1     16869888  MIPS-CALMC29-various-24a70-HD170693     
HD173398                  18:40:56.41  +62:44:58.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     14.88   2006-02-16 02:22:49.9     16870144  MIPS-CALMC29-various-24a70-HD173398     
HD121370                  13:54:41.10  +18:23:52.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      9.95   2006-02-16 02:39:58.6     16836608  MIPS-CALMC29MC-various-24a70-HD121370-1 
HIP63942                  13:06:15.40  +20:43:45.30  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     17.18   2006-02-16 02:48:20.8     16181504  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP63942_160             
Eleonora_cluster              2000354      Eleonora  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     26.54   2006-02-16 03:14:08.5     16831488  MIPSP-CAL029-Eleonora-160um             
Eleonora                      2000354      Eleonora  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      5.71   2006-02-16 03:42:35.6     16831744  MIPSP-CAL029-Eleonora                   
HD123123                  14:06:22.30  -26:40:56.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     14.87   2006-02-16 03:47:54.4     16869632  MIPS-CALMC29-various-24a70-HD123123     
HD110304                  12:41:31.04  -48:57:35.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     14.87   2006-02-16 04:02:21.5     16869376  MIPS-CALMC29-various-24a70-HD110304     
HD 108903                 12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipssed      33.47   2006-02-16 04:15:35.3     16871680  MIPS-CALMC29-Various-SED-HD108903_p3chop
HD 108903                 12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipssed      33.47   2006-02-16 04:45:39.9     16871424  MIPS-CALMC29-Various-SED-HD108903_p2chop
HD071129                  08:22:30.84  -59:30:34.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      7.09   2006-02-16 05:18:59.5     16868608  MIPS-CALMC29-various-70-HD071129        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 05:24:59.7     16770816  anneal                                  
NGC185                    00:38:57.97  +48:20:14.60  Marleau           FMARLEAU     20173 mipsphot    109.77   2006-02-16 05:40:12.5     14263040  MIPSP-24+70-NGC185                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 07:29:39.9     16762112  anneal                                  
NGC147                    00:33:12.12  +48:30:31.50  Marleau           FMARLEAU     20173 mipsphot    109.77   2006-02-16 07:34:01.8     14263808  MIPSP-24+70-NGC147                      
2MASSJ015727.3+133226.6   01:57:27.30  +13:32:26.60  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     34.63   2006-02-16 09:27:09.2     16185856  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-903-2MASSJ015727.3+133226.
TZ Ari                    02:00:13.20  +13:03:08.00  Rieke             GAUTIER_NEAR    52 mipsphot     31.00   2006-02-16 09:58:59.7      4203264  MIPSGTO-NSTARS-30                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 11:23:59.7     16776448  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-16 11:35:25.7     15470592  HC.01UQ18.01                            
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.83   2006-02-16 12:45:26.3     15475456  CC.02VT130.01                           
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     61.69   2006-02-16 14:07:26.2     15483904  HC.02GJ32.01                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 15:05:10.5     16779264  anneal                                  
NGC4593                   12:39:39.43  -05:20:39.30  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-16 15:15:46.1     10638848  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4593                 
NGC4602                   12:40:36.85  -05:07:58.80  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-16 15:25:53.3     10639360  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4602                 
NGC4941                   13:04:13.14  -05:33:05.80  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-16 15:37:07.5     10640384  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4941                 
arp 240                   13:39:55.20  +00:50:13.00  Struck            SB&T          3247 mipsphot     19.67   2006-02-16 15:48:57.4     10544384  MIPSP-a240-70                           
Huya (2000 EB173)             2038628          Huya  Rieke             STANS_KBO       55 mipsphot     36.53   2006-02-16 16:13:35.9      9040128  MIPS_KBO_Templates-001-p1               
NGC5506                   14:13:14.87  -03:12:27.00  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-16 16:47:38.5     10642688  MIPSE-Generic - NGC5506                 
SDSSJ141315.31-014221.0   14:13:15.31  -01:42:20.95  Strauss           TYPE2QSO      3163 mipsphot     27.54   2006-02-16 16:58:08.7     10419968  mips - SDSSJ141315.31-014221.0          
HD 127648                 14:33:25.78  -34:32:37.60  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-16 17:25:45.4      4797952  MIPSP-0087                              
HD 120690                 13:51:20.33  -24:23:25.32  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     30.99   2006-02-16 17:34:08.7      4048896  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 74                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 18:02:47.9     16782080  anneal                                  
RXJ1347.5-1145            13:47:30.50  -11:45:09.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-02-16 18:10:40.2      4775936  RXJ1347-24a                             
RXJ1347.5-1145            13:47:30.50  -11:45:09.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-02-16 18:46:34.0      4776192  RXJ1347-24b                             
SDSS J1408+0205           14:08:50.91  +02:05:22.70  Fan               FAN_BLLAC     3221 mipsphot     27.93   2006-02-16 19:24:27.3     10478592  MIPSP-00002                             
NGC 5426/ NGC 5427 (syste 14:03:26.30  -06:03:10.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     19.14   2006-02-16 19:50:40.2     16303616  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5426/NGC 5427           
2MA1439+1929              14:39:28.40  +19:29:15.00  Rieke             STANS_MLT       56 mipsphot     15.13   2006-02-16 20:09:15.8      4298240  MIPS_MLT_031                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 20:24:00.8     16784896  anneal                                  
HIG-F14537+1950           14:56:04.90  +19:38:32.00  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     21.37   2006-02-16 20:29:01.8      4715264  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0204                       
2MASSJ151621.10+225944.8  15:16:21.10  +22:59:44.80  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-02-16 20:48:29.9      4158720  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0088 - 2MASSJ151621.10+
PG1519+226                15:21:14.20  +22:27:43.20  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.45   2006-02-16 21:06:08.9      4178944  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-0434 - PG1519+226         
HD 134150                 15:07:54.35  +15:29:58.00  Abraham           FSTARS        3401 mipsphot     22.98   2006-02-16 21:24:42.5     10888960  MIPSP-HD134150                          
NGC5548                   14:17:59.53  +25:08:12.40  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-16 21:46:36.4     10642944  MIPSE-Generic - NGC5548                 
PG1425+267                14:27:35.54  +26:32:13.60  Shang             SHANG_QSOSED 20084 mipsphot     28.91   2006-02-16 21:57:21.3     14021632  MIPSP-QSO-PG1425+267                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-16 23:28:53.4     16787712  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP 12545                 02:41:25.80  +05:59:19.00  Werner            TWA            102 mipsphot     11.81   2006-02-16 23:39:43.8      9020160  bPic-03                                 
HD 16160                  02:36:04.89  +06:53:12.73  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     25.58   2006-02-16 23:48:59.5      4035840  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 22                   
HD 15335                  02:28:48.49  +29:55:54.34  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     20.60   2006-02-17 00:17:24.5      4035328  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 20                   
zody_210_S13              13:31:01.19  -23:30:46.09  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-02-17 00:47:34.3     15856128  zody_SE100_210_S13                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 03:16:59.1     16757504  anneal                                  
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-17 03:42:05.9     15470080  HC.01UQ18.02                            
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-17 04:22:11.3     15474944  CC.02VT130.02                           
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     31.74   2006-02-17 05:14:14.0     15483648  HC.02GJ32.02                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 05:42:00.7     16760320  anneal                                  
zody_210_S19              13:19:15.26  -28:54:48.69  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-02-17 05:52:03.1     15865088  zody_SE100_210_S19                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 08:18:30.3     16763136  anneal                                  
zody_210_S07              13:41:18.90  -18:00:43.82  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-02-17 08:27:38.0     15858688  zody_SE100_210_S07                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 10:54:42.2     16765952  anneal                                  
zody_210_N19              14:16:17.51  +06:31:06.28  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-02-17 11:06:38.4     15860992  zody_SE100_210_N19                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 14:48:59.0     16766464  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_210_N07              14:01:29.95  -04:54:36.48  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-02-17 15:10:53.8     15864064  zody_SE100_210_N07                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 17:37:29.2     16766720  anneal                                  
zody_210_N13              14:09:07.56  +00:46:56.21  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-02-17 17:44:41.7     15861760  zody_SE100_210_N13                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 20:11:23.0     16766976  anneal                                  
HD 108903                 12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipssed      33.47   2006-02-17 20:23:17.0     16871936  MIPS-CALMC29-Various-SED-HD108903_m1chop
HD 108903                 12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipssed      20.86   2006-02-17 20:53:19.5     16839424  MIPS-CALMC29-Various-SED-HD108903       
HD 45348                  06:23:57.11  -52:41:44.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipssed      31.91   2006-02-17 21:15:18.6     16839680  MIPS-CALMC29-Various-SED-HD45348        
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-17 21:58:44.3     15469568  HC.01UQ18.03                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-17 23:01:35.5     16767232  anneal                                  
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.83   2006-02-17 23:15:35.9     15474432  CC.02VT130.03                           
NGC931                    02:28:14.48  +31:18:42.00  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-18 00:25:11.3     10629376  MIPSE-Generic - NGC931                  
HD 138100                 15:28:31.29  +38:43:25.50  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     12.67   2006-02-18 00:43:16.6     15000832  MIPSP-HD138100                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-18 01:48:51.2     16767488  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     61.69   2006-02-18 02:11:16.1     15483392  HC.02GJ32.03                            
HD 108903                 12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipssed      33.47   2006-02-18 03:13:31.1     16872192  MIPS-CALMC29-Various-SED-HD108903_p1chop
HD115892                  13:20:35.82  -36:42:44.30  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-02-18 03:46:10.9     14498816  MIPSP-0001b                             
NGC5236                   13:37:00.80  -29:51:59.00  Rieke             CHAD_STARBUR    59 mipsscan     62.70   2006-02-18 04:09:45.4      4356096  MIPS-SB-0118                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-18 05:10:07.1     16767744  anneal                                  
1999 KR16                     2040314     1999 KR16  Rieke             STANS_KBO       55 mipsphot     54.26   2006-02-18 05:25:44.1      9036288  MIPS_KBO-007-p1                         
SDSS 143223.10-000116.4   14:32:23.10  +00:01:16.40  Houck             SDSS_LBG       126 mipsphot     28.56   2006-02-18 06:18:20.3     12581632  SDSS-LBG-MIPSP-0003                     
UGC 9299                  14:29:35.74  +00:00:55.80  Barlow            SNDUST        3333 mipsphot     44.33   2006-02-18 06:44:03.8     10803200  MIPSP-ugc9299                           
SDSS J1442+0110           14:42:31.73  +01:10:55.30  Fan               FAN_BLLAC     3221 mipsphot     27.93   2006-02-18 07:26:10.8     10479872  MIPSP-00003                             
SDSS 144424.55+013457.0   14:44:24.55  +01:34:57.00  Houck             SDSS_LBG       126 mipsphot     28.56   2006-02-18 07:51:14.5     12581376  SDSS-LBG-MIPSP-0004                     
WIR-IRAS13349+2438        13:37:18.73  +24:23:03.27  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipssed      10.60   2006-02-18 08:19:41.6      4723968  MIPS-QSO-SED-0025                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-18 08:27:44.3     16768256  anneal                                  
NGC5256 NED01             13:38:17.25  +48:16:32.20  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-18 08:36:36.6     10641920  MIPSE-Generic - NGC5256                 
m101-all                  14:03:12.48  +54:20:55.40  Rieke             GORDON_M101     60 mipssed      43.77   2006-02-18 08:48:07.6      4371456  M101-ALL-SED                            
MRK817                    14:36:22.07  +58:47:39.40  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-18 09:30:01.0     10643200  MIPSE-Generic - MRK817                  
GRB000911                 02:18:34.40  +07:44:28.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-02-18 09:48:39.8     14562304  MIPSP-GRB000911                         
BHR78                     12:36:09.60  -63:12:21.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 mipsphot     16.94   2006-02-18 10:22:27.8     14616320  MIPSP - BHR78 - DEEP                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-18 11:23:57.3     16768512  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-18 11:35:14.0     15469056  HC.01UQ18.04                            
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-18 12:15:19.5     15473920  CC.02VT130.04                           
upsilon andromeda         01:36:47.84  +41:24:19.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-02-18 12:52:35.0     14037760  MIPSP-0003                              
HR 736                    02:32:06.17  +36:08:50.20  Jura              GIANTG           9 mipsphot      9.81   2006-02-18 13:07:03.2     16172288  MIPSP - HR 736                          
HIP 11437                 02:27:29.30  +30:58:25.00  Werner            TWA            102 mipsphot     11.80   2006-02-18 13:14:53.0      9020672  bPic-02                                 
SO 025300.5+165258        02:48:58.49  +16:53:31.20  Rieke             GAUTIER_NEAR    52 mipsphot     32.69   2006-02-18 13:25:22.1      6314752  MIPSGTO-NSTARS-58                       
2MASSJ024807.37+145957.7  02:48:07.37  +14:59:57.70  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-02-18 13:55:29.9      4152832  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0025 - 2MASSJ024807.37+
EES-Cetus                 03:01:33.98  +00:24:07.80  Fazio             IRAC-COMBINE    64 mipsphot     56.69   2006-02-18 14:14:37.0      4395520  EES-Cetus - MIPSP                       
vdb17                     03:29:20.72  +31:24:31.00  Houck             IRS_RNDUST      19 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-18 15:14:42.0      3835136  MWW-SEDRN - vdb17                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-18 15:28:54.2     16768768  anneal                                  
1Jy-PKS0202+149           02:04:50.41  +15:14:11.04  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     23.40   2006-02-18 15:34:13.2      4677888  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0000                       
1995 SM55                     2024835     1995 SM55  Rieke             STANS_KBO       55 mipsphot     65.16   2006-02-18 16:06:20.5      9034240  MIPS_KBO_Templates-010-p1               
HD 13555                  02:12:48.09  +21:12:39.58  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     16.21   2006-02-18 17:09:04.9      4034560  MIPS-GTO-VLS-PHOT- 17                   
HD12661                   02:04:34.30  +25:24:51.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     19.27   2006-02-18 17:23:07.9      4563968  MIPSP-LOW-STARS-0209 - HD12661          
RX J0255.4+2005           02:55:25.70  +20:04:53.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-18 17:41:11.1     14979072  MIPSP-0018-MBM12                        
NGC 5831                  15:04:07.00  +01:13:11.70  Surace            SURACE_OLDME  3403 mipsphot     24.33   2006-02-18 18:07:53.3     10902016  NGC 5831 - MIPS                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-18 18:29:45.8     16769024  anneal                                  
HD 136118                 15:18:55.47  -01:35:32.60  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     57.03   2006-02-18 18:36:56.1     12712448  VLS Follow-up-062                       
NGC 5576                  14:21:03.68  +03:16:15.60  Surace            SURACE_OLDME  3403 mipsphot     32.09   2006-02-18 19:32:37.9     10898176  NGC 5576 - MIPS                         
FRI-3C296                 14:16:53.20  +10:48:11.00  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     33.05   2006-02-18 20:02:58.2      4694272  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0082                       
ff1456+3337               14:56:58.43  +33:37:10.00  Dowell            DOWELL_FF    20427 mipsphot      8.85   2006-02-18 20:35:25.4     14671104  MIPSP-DOWELL-FF1456                     
ic 1070                   14:53:51.27  +03:29:04.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     16.21   2006-02-18 20:44:07.6     16312064  SIGS_MIPS - IC1070                      
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     31.74   2006-02-18 21:09:15.4     15483136  HC.02GJ32.04                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-18 21:37:02.9     16769280  anneal                                  
HD 122510                 14:03:01.72  -31:41:02.50  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     12.67   2006-02-18 21:46:33.1     15000064  MIPSP-HD122510                          
GRB020405                 13:58:03.12  -31:22:22.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-02-18 21:56:29.7     14560512  MIPSP-GRB020405                         
NGC5253                   13:39:56.00  -31:38:24.00  Engelbracht       CENGELBRACHT 20176 mipssed      20.65   2006-02-18 22:22:15.3     14267392  MIPSS-0007                              
NGC5236                   13:37:00.80  -29:51:59.00  Rieke             CHAD_STARBUR    59 mipsscan     62.70   2006-02-18 22:40:36.3      4356352  MIPS-SB-0119                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 00:48:57.3     16769792  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
4U0142+61                 01:46:22.40  +61:45:02.90  Jura              PDISK           23 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-19 01:02:07.1     16102144  MIPSP-0001                              
RX J0256.3+2005           02:56:18.30  +20:06:00.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-19 02:02:14.2     14980608  MIPSP-0024-MBM12                        
LkHa 264                  02:56:37.57  +20:05:37.30  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     11.81   2006-02-19 02:17:28.5     14979840  MIPSP-0021-MBM12                        
RX J0258.3+1947           02:58:15.90  +19:47:17.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-19 02:26:12.8     14980352  MIPSP-0023-MBM12                        
S 18                      03:02:21.05  +17:10:34.20  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     11.81   2006-02-19 02:42:11.2     14981888  MIPSP-0029-MBM12                        
NGC1377                   03:36:39.10  -20:54:07.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      51.46   2006-02-19 02:54:18.9      5581312  MIPSS-0010                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 03:44:13.2     16770048  anneal                                  
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-19 04:01:25.4     15468544  HC.01UQ18.05                            
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.83   2006-02-19 05:11:26.0     15473408  CC.02VT130.05                           
V471 Tau                  03:50:24.97  +17:14:47.40  Drake             JDRAKE       20713 mipsphot     35.26   2006-02-19 06:16:16.2     15033600  MIPSP V471 Tau                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 06:47:50.1     16770304  anneal                                  
6C0140+326                01:43:43.85  +32:53:49.70  Fazio             IRAC-HZRG-CL    79 mipsphot     82.97   2006-02-19 07:01:54.0      4626432  6C0140+326 MIPSP                        
GRB040924                 02:06:22.52  +16:06:48.50  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-02-19 08:23:44.5     14567168  MIPSP-GRB040924                         
LkHa 262                  02:56:08.00  +20:03:24.20  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     11.80   2006-02-19 08:50:09.9     14979328  MIPSP-0019-MBM12                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 09:39:28.6     16769536  anneal                                  
Mrk273                    13:44:42.10  +55:53:13.00  Engelbracht       CENGELBRACHT 20176 mipssed      20.65   2006-02-19 09:43:00.8     14268672  MIPSS-0012                              
taurus-l1551              04:31:39.10  +18:11:07.00  Fazio             PMYERS_CLUST     6 mipsscan    104.69   2006-02-19 10:09:05.3     12615168  MIPSC-0001 - taurus - l1551-New         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 12:43:55.5     16770560  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CB_4                      00:39:05.13  +52:51:43.47  Rieke             KEENE_DARKCL    53 mipsscan     62.52   2006-02-19 12:57:12.5     12021504  MIPSC-CB4                               
HD 128311                 14:36:00.56  +09:44:47.50  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipsphot     72.86   2006-02-19 14:04:29.0      4083456  MIPSP-VLSHD128311                       
GD 165                    14:24:39.20  +09:17:13.00  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 mipsphot     13.00   2006-02-19 15:14:56.8     15180800  MIPSP-GD 165B                           
HD 131495                 14:52:53.46  +32:41:27.30  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     12.67   2006-02-19 15:27:15.0     15000320  MIPSP-HD131495                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 15:38:48.7     16771072  anneal                                  
HD 115617                 13:18:24.32  -18:18:40.31  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 mipssed      61.82   2006-02-19 15:48:18.6     12714496  VLS Follow-up-031                       
NGC5850 (MIPS 160)        15:07:10.00  +01:32:32.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     19.15   2006-02-19 16:50:14.7     16326656  SIGS_MIPS-NGC 5850 - MIPS 160           
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     61.69   2006-02-19 17:18:31.3     15482880  HC.02GJ32.05                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 18:16:15.2     16771328  anneal                                  
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-19 18:42:16.0     15468032  HC.01UQ18.06                            
Epsilon Eridani - 160 clu 03:32:55.84  -09:27:29.70  Werner            BIG4DD          90 mipsphot     71.85   2006-02-19 19:19:06.4     12613888  ALLGTO-BIG4-MIPS-04B2-2                 
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-19 20:37:34.5     15472640  CC.02VT130.06                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-19 21:18:25.7     16771584  anneal                                  
Abell 383                 02:48:03.30  -03:31:45.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-02-19 21:25:08.7      4772352  A383-24a                                
Abell 383                 02:48:03.30  -03:31:45.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-02-19 22:01:02.5      4772608  A383-24b                                
arp118                    02:55:09.79  +00:10:40.70  Krmpotic          ERNEST       20671 mipsphot     29.47   2006-02-19 22:38:07.6     14969344  MIPSP-0006                              
tau3Eri                   03:02:23.50  -23:37:28.10  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-02-19 23:06:51.4     14501888  MIPSP-0013b                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 00:23:57.3     16771840  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SY Cha                    10:56:30.47  -77:11:39.40  Kessler-Silacci   KESSLER_FELL  1098 mipssed      51.55   2006-02-20 00:42:09.3     13017344  MIPSE-0024                              
hd 95086                  10:57:03.02  -68:40:02.40  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot     11.80   2006-02-20 01:31:59.8     16106496  MIPSP-SCOCEN-HD95086                    
hd 95086                  10:57:03.02  -68:40:02.40  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipssed      32.80   2006-02-20 01:40:31.5     16171264  MIPSE-SCOCEN-HD95086                    
twa 22                    10:17:26.90  -53:54:28.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-20 02:12:01.0     14978048  MIPSP-0010-TWA                          
1RXS_J122233.4-533347     12:22:33.23  -53:33:48.90  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     17.18   2006-02-20 02:29:33.8     14826240  MIPS-GO2-2                              
twa 20                    12:31:38.10  -45:58:59.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-20 02:45:04.9     14977536  MIPSP-0008-TWA                          
HD 123800                 14:11:19.97  -54:37:55.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-20 03:02:20.9      4796160  MIPSP-0080                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 03:11:15.7     16772096  anneal                                  
EclipticScan              04:36:55.55  +24:47:38.34  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipsscan     28.70   2006-02-20 03:26:25.8     13972480  MIPS_ScanT_N29                          
EclipticScan              04:40:19.70  +19:08:55.57  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipsscan     28.70   2006-02-20 03:53:36.9     13975552  MIPS_ScanT_S29                          
UX Ari                    03:26:35.39  +28:42:54.30  Drake             JDRAKE       20713 mipsphot     35.25   2006-02-20 04:21:11.0     15033344  MIPSP UX Ari                            
MBM 12a 10                02:58:21.10  +20:32:52.70  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-20 04:55:00.0     14981376  MIPSP-0027-MBM12                        
E 02553+2018              02:58:11.23  +20:30:03.50  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-20 05:10:14.4     14980096  MIPSP-0022-MBM12                        
MBM 12a 9                 02:58:13.37  +20:08:25.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-20 05:25:26.6     14981120  MIPSP-0026-MBM12                        
MBM 12a 11                02:58:43.80  +19:40:38.30  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-20 05:40:43.1     14981632  MIPSP-0028-MBM12                        
MBM 12a 8                 02:57:49.02  +20:36:07.80  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-20 05:56:20.5     14980864  MIPSP-0025-MBM12                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 06:16:37.2     16772352  anneal                                  
upsilon andromeda         01:36:47.84  +41:24:19.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-02-20 06:21:13.7     14038016  MIPSP-0004                              
gammaTri                  02:17:18.87  +33:50:49.90  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-02-20 06:35:29.3     14498560  MIPSP-0015a                             
NGC0935                   02:28:09.10  +19:35:38.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     28.40   2006-02-20 06:59:24.8     16305664  SIGS_MIPS - NGC0935                     
NGC 807 70 micron positio 02:04:55.66  +28:59:14.80  Young             CO-RICH-ES   20780 mipsphot    119.92   2006-02-20 09:07:15.1     15166976  ngc807 MIPSP-70                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 09:09:30.7     16772608  anneal                                  
irasf02529                02:55:34.47  +02:23:40.90  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.52   2006-02-20 11:09:47.7     14862080  MIPSP - irasf02529                      
Arp147                    03:11:18.70  +01:18:54.00  Appleton          APPLETON     20369 mipsphot     12.56   2006-02-20 11:25:12.5     15695616  MIPSP-RING-Arp147                       
Arp279 (offset)           03:14:12.50  -02:48:40.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     24.83   2006-02-20 11:35:35.4     16325888  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 1253/NGC 1253A(ARP 279) 
Arp279 (offset-2)         03:14:02.00  -02:50:05.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     10.77   2006-02-20 11:56:58.8     16305408  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 1253/NGC 1253A(ARP 279) 
SDSSJ032845.99+011150.8   03:28:46.00  +01:11:50.80  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     21.38   2006-02-20 12:05:49.4     14625792  MIPSP-SDSS J0328+0111                   
ff0245+0123               02:45:55.55  +01:23:28.60  Dowell            DOWELL_FF    20427 mipsphot     13.08   2006-02-20 12:25:42.7     14668800  MIPSP-DOWELL-FF0245                     
NGC1068                   02:42:40.71  +00:00:47.80  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed       7.50   2006-02-20 12:36:18.1     10629888  MIPSE-Generic - NGC1068                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 13:48:58.9     16772864  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-20 14:00:03.9     15467776  HC.01UQ18.07                            
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-20 15:12:52.2     16105472  MIPSP-lc1A                              
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-20 16:09:04.4     16105216  MIPSP-lc1B                              
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-20 17:05:16.6     16104960  MIPSP-lc1C                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 18:01:41.0     16773120  anneal                                  
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     31.74   2006-02-20 18:19:22.6     15482624  HC.02GJ32.06                            
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.83   2006-02-20 19:06:08.6     15471872  CC.02VT130.07                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 20:09:01.6     16773376  anneal                                  
upsilon andromeda         01:36:47.84  +41:24:19.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-02-20 20:20:08.2     14038272  MIPSP-0005                              
UGC 1503 70 micron positi 02:01:19.88  +33:19:47.20  Young             CO-RICH-ES   20780 mipsphot    119.92   2006-02-20 20:34:13.4     15167232  ugc1503 MIPSP-70                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-20 22:31:29.5     16773888  anneal                                  
HD21620                   03:31:29.34  +49:12:35.20  Roberge           AKIR         20280 mipsphot     56.17   2006-02-20 22:40:19.8     14484224  MIPSP-hd21620-1                         
NGC 5480/NGC 5481         14:06:21.50  +50:43:30.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     14.03   2006-02-20 23:39:49.2     16308736  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5480/NGC 5481           
HIP65359                  13:23:43.10  +42:08:48.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-02-20 23:55:39.2     16181760  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP65359_70              
ModzSED_boo13             14:31:19.76  +35:34:18.00  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      23.43   2006-02-21 00:11:01.9     14080000  SED_MODZSED_FIR02-0003                  
PG1626+554                16:27:56.00  +55:22:31.60  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     12.02   2006-02-21 00:34:17.6     16185088  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-PG1626+554_70             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 01:43:54.8     16774144  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      6.33   2006-02-21 01:59:57.7     16834560  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      6.33   2006-02-21 02:04:43.9     16834816  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_1    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     17.60   2006-02-21 02:08:50.3     16835072  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_1      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     17.60   2006-02-21 02:25:13.9     16835328  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-21 02:43:43.3     16104704  MIPSP-lc2A                              
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-21 03:39:55.5     16104448  MIPSP-lc2B                              
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-21 04:36:05.6     16104192  MIPSP-lc2C                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 05:34:17.9     16774400  anneal                                  
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-21 05:56:35.3     15467520  HC.01UQ18.08                            
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-21 06:36:40.7     15471360  CC.02VT130.08                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 07:09:35.3     16774656  anneal                                  
HD 32297                  05:02:27.44  +07:27:39.70  Schneider         EDGEON         255 mipsphot     43.04   2006-02-21 07:19:44.4     15903488  MIPSP-HD32297                           
upsilon andromeda         01:36:47.84  +41:24:19.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-02-21 08:04:35.1     14041344  MIPSP-0017                              
V592 Cas                  00:20:52.21  +55:42:16.30  Hoard             CVCBDISKS    20221 mipsphot     59.53   2006-02-21 08:19:18.0     14412288  V592Cas-MIPSP                           
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     61.68   2006-02-21 09:33:23.9     15482368  HC.02GJ32.07                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 10:31:06.5     16774912  anneal                                  
189793                    13:08:28.56  +04:22:08.60  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.79   2006-02-21 10:41:58.5     14272768  MIPSP - 189793                          
irasf13361                13:38:41.96  +00:46:28.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.55   2006-02-21 11:39:59.7     14864896  MIPSP - irasf13361                      
irasf13442                13:46:39.26  +23:06:18.50  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.56   2006-02-21 11:56:56.9     14865152  MIPSP - irasf13442                      
HD 125451                 14:19:16.28  +13:00:15.50  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     22.99   2006-02-21 12:13:18.3     15008256  MIPSP-HD125451                          
NGC 5774/NGC 5775 center  14:53:51.00  +03:33:50.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     17.58   2006-02-21 12:35:03.8     16326912  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5774/NGC 5775           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 13:48:56.0     16775168  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD 25570                  04:03:56.60  +08:11:50.20  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     22.99   2006-02-21 14:00:27.1     15002880  MIPSP-HD25570                           
irasf04332                04:35:48.46  +02:15:29.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.55   2006-02-21 14:22:02.1     14862592  MIPSP - irasf04332                      
HD 25953                  04:06:41.53  +01:41:02.10  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     26.45   2006-02-21 14:40:16.8     15009792  MIPSP-HD25953                           
PKS0347+05                03:49:46.50  +05:51:42.31  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-02-21 15:04:50.1     14425088  MIPSP-0015                              
SDSSJ040208.86-050642     04:02:08.87  -05:06:42.10  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     21.37   2006-02-21 15:51:24.5     14619904  MIPSP-SDSS J0402-0506                   
SDSSJ035733.99-053719.7   03:57:33.99  -05:37:19.70  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     21.37   2006-02-21 16:10:04.4     14624768  MIPSP-SDSS J0357-0537                   
HD 124619                 14:16:16.99  -53:49:01.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-21 16:37:01.3      4796416  MIPSP-0081                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 16:46:24.0     16775424  anneal                                  
HD 126488                 14:27:30.45  -52:31:30.40  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-21 16:50:58.0      4797440  MIPSP-0085                              
HD 125896                 14:23:56.39  -50:29:57.90  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-21 16:58:05.8      4796928  MIPSP-0083                              
HD 126318                 14:25:58.51  -44:49:23.30  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-21 17:05:43.0      4797184  MIPSP-0084                              
HD 126838                 14:29:07.15  -43:21:42.80  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-21 17:12:38.3      4797696  MIPSP-0086                              
PKS1355-41                13:59:00.23  -41:52:54.11  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-02-21 17:20:13.3     14428928  MIPSP-0042                              
IC 4296                   13:36:39.05  -33:57:57.20  Fabbiano          QUIESCENT_EL 20371 mipsphot     22.40   2006-02-21 18:06:49.9     14571264  MIPSP-0004                              
PKS1151-34                11:54:21.79  -35:05:29.05  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.19   2006-02-21 18:28:38.5     14428416  MIPSP-0034                              
C/2003 T4 (LINEAR)            1000459        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 mipsphot     27.22   2006-02-21 19:31:05.0     15788032  T4_4.6AU_o -mips                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 19:54:20.7     16775680  anneal                                  
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-21 20:12:31.2     15467264  HC.01UQ18.09                            
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-21 21:22:31.8     15470848  CC.02VT130.09                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-21 22:25:24.3     16775936  anneal                                  
PKS0442-28                04:44:37.67  -28:09:54.62  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-02-21 22:37:21.8     14426112  MIPSP-0022                              
NGC1241                   03:11:14.00  -08:55:10.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     33.35   2006-02-21 23:25:24.3     16314368  SIGS_MIPS - NGC1241/NGC 1242            
HD 30743                  04:49:42.24  -13:46:10.80  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     23.00   2006-02-21 23:58:19.8     15003136  MIPSP-HD30743                           
NGC5480                   14:06:31.50  +50:43:30.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     17.59   2006-02-22 00:29:08.4     16321792  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5480                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 01:48:54.1     16776192  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SMMJ04135+10277           04:13:27.50  +10:27:40.30  Knudsen           SMMJ04135    20631 mipsphot    113.38   2006-02-22 02:00:28.2     14944256  SMMJ04135_mips24_160                    
irasf04259                04:28:26.04  -04:33:49.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.53   2006-02-22 03:52:36.9     14862336  MIPSP - irasf04259                      
irasf05185                05:20:52.60  -13:07:39.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.56   2006-02-22 04:09:15.2     14863104  MIPSP - irasf05185                      
DC2742-04                 09:28:51.40  -51:35:58.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 mipsphot     16.95   2006-02-22 04:29:08.4     14616576  MIPSP - DC2742-04 - DEEP                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 04:44:35.2     16776704  anneal                                  
omega Centauri            13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  van Loon          OMEGACEN     20648 mipsscan    150.04   2006-02-22 04:56:49.4     14956800  MIPSoCen-6                              
MCG-02-33-105             13:04:13.72  -11:30:45.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     16.26   2006-02-22 07:26:52.9     16317696  SIGS_MIPS - MCG-02-33-105 (NGC 4933/MCG-
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 07:45:10.1     16776960  anneal                                  
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     31.74   2006-02-22 08:00:40.9     15482112  HC.02GJ32.08                            
LCDCS 0853v               13:54:12.40  -12:31:42.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     84.79   2006-02-22 08:31:05.4     13810944  LCDCS 0853-24                           
arp271                    14:03:25.00  -06:02:57.00  Krmpotic          ERNEST       20671 mipsphot     36.05   2006-02-22 09:53:57.7     14967552  MIPSP-0002                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 10:26:44.4     16777216  anneal                                  
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-22 10:51:54.8     15465728  HC.01UQ18.10                            
HE_848                    03:29:26.24  +48:12:11.70  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     67.96   2006-02-22 11:28:09.5     14834432  MIPS-GO2-35                             
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-02-22 12:41:58.7     15466496  CC.02VT130.10                           
HD140913                  15:45:07.40  +28:28:12.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-02-22 13:25:25.4     16186112  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HD140913_70              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 13:38:40.2     16777472  anneal                                  
A2151-gal-center          16:05:10.00  +17:43:60.00  Fazio             IRAC-LOZCL      25 mipsscan     54.55   2006-02-22 13:47:37.1      3860480  MIPSC-lozcl-2151                        
IRQ-F15285+2036           15:30:49.50  +20:26:05.00  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 mipsphot     18.44   2006-02-22 14:39:55.5      4714240  MIPS-QSO-PHT-0195                       
deltaVel                  08:44:42.23  -54:42:31.80  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-02-22 15:03:52.0     14498304  MIPSP-0014a                             
CXOU J115908.2            11:59:08.00  -78:12:32.20  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-22 15:28:52.5     14977024  MIPSP-0006-EPSCHA                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 16:48:55.9     16777728  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD21620                   03:31:29.34  +49:12:35.20  Roberge           AKIR         20280 mipsphot     54.18   2006-02-22 17:01:19.5     14484480  MIPSP-hd21620-2                         
NGC 5905                  15:15:23.32  +55:31:01.80  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     38.99   2006-02-22 17:58:26.2     16327936  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5905                    
220755                    15:10:16.80  +58:10:40.10  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.72   2006-02-22 18:40:33.3     14275072  MIPSP - 220755                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 19:40:31.4     16777984  anneal                                  
7023E                     21:02:05.50  +68:08:41.70  Joblin            SPECPDR_MIPS 20281 mipssed      63.20   2006-02-22 19:47:33.5     14490368  MIPS-SED-NGC7023E                       
NGC 281                   00:52:48.40  +56:31:15.00  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 mipsphot     70.46   2006-02-22 20:50:11.6     15053568  NGC281-MIPS                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-22 22:02:37.2     16778240  anneal                                  
IC63_interface            00:59:03.00  +60:53:30.00  Joblin            SPECPDR_MIPS 20281 mipssed      63.20   2006-02-22 22:05:15.2     14491136  MIPS-SED-IC63_interface                 
HR 1335                   04:21:47.65  +60:44:08.30  Jura              GIANTG           9 mipsphot      9.82   2006-02-22 23:07:47.0     16174336  MIPSP - HR 1335                         
2MASSJ152151.07+225120.8  15:21:51.07  +22:51:20.80  Low               LOWQSO          49 mipsphot     20.44   2006-02-22 23:22:04.7      4159232  MIPSP-LOW-2MASSQ-0090 - 2MASSJ152151.07+
upsilon andromeda         01:36:47.84  +41:24:19.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-02-22 23:47:41.9     14041600  MIPSP-0018                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-23 01:18:58.8     16778496  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
psr0154                   01:57:49.80  +62:12:25.00  Wachter           WACHTER_SGR  20747 mipsscan    105.08   2006-02-23 01:32:18.7     15091968  psr0154_mips                            
ngc5044                   13:15:24.00  -16:23:06.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     24.75   2006-02-23 03:23:46.4     14258688  PT_MIPSP-0023 - ngc5044                 
2002 GJ32                     3126203     2002 GJ32  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     61.68   2006-02-23 03:55:07.6     15481856  HC.02GJ32.09                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-23 04:52:51.8     16782848  anneal                                  
2002 VT130                    3143130    2002 VT130  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-23 05:18:39.7     15466240  CC.02VT130.11                           
2001 UQ18                     3092470     2001 UQ18  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-02-23 06:28:42.4     15465472  HC.01UQ18.11                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-23 07:36:32.5     16783104  anneal                                  
ic1805                    02:32:42.00  +61:27:00.00  Wolff             IC1805       20052 mipsphot    177.04   2006-02-23 07:46:18.1     13846784  MIPS visit 03                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-23 10:41:39.9     16782592  anneal                                  
w5m1                      02:48:40.51  +60:13:46.60  Allen             W5MAP        20300 mipsscan    176.45   2006-02-23 10:47:54.8     14507264  MIPSC-w5-1                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-23 14:45:29.1     16778752  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
eps aur                   05:01:58.13  +43:49:23.90  Stencel           EPSAUR       20058 mipssed      32.80   2006-02-23 14:58:20.9     13849856  epsaur-mipsed2                          
eps aur                   05:01:58.13  +43:49:23.90  Stencel           EPSAUR       20058 mipsphot     21.14   2006-02-23 15:28:03.4     13850112  epsaur-mips2                            
w5m4                      02:59:41.57  +60:43:47.27  Allen             W5MAP        20300 mipsscan    178.13   2006-02-23 15:49:14.3     14508288  MIPSC-w5-4                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-23 18:44:43.2     16783360  anneal                                  
w5m3                      02:55:03.43  +60:41:11.27  Allen             W5MAP        20300 mipsscan    176.45   2006-02-23 18:50:16.4     14508032  MIPSC-w5-3                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-23 21:49:05.5     16783872  anneal                                  
w5m2                      02:52:05.86  +60:24:40.40  Allen             W5MAP        20300 mipsscan    167.02   2006-02-23 21:53:04.5     14507520  MIPSC-w5-2                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-24 01:45:01.7     16779008  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC5544                   14:17:02.50  +36:34:17.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     16.25   2006-02-24 02:04:00.9     16307968  SIGS_MIPS - NGC5544                     
noao1432+34_A38           14:36:44.22  +35:06:27.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-24 02:18:08.2     14512128  MIPSP-0001                              
ModzSED_boo12             14:36:41.23  +34:58:24.20  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      23.43   2006-02-24 02:43:01.3     14079488  SED_MODZSED_FIR02-0001                  
noao1432+34_99            14:35:46.10  +35:24:47.10  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-24 03:03:29.2     14512384  MIPSP-0002                              
ModzSED_boo25             14:32:39.56  +35:01:51.30  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      51.55   2006-02-24 03:28:35.0     14085120  SED_MODZSED_FIR20-0002                  
ModzSED_boo28             14:32:28.36  +34:58:38.80  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      61.82   2006-02-24 04:16:51.1     14082816  SED_MODZSED_FIR07-0000                  
ModzSED_boo05             14:31:21.12  +35:37:21.80  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      10.60   2006-02-24 05:15:49.0     14080256  SED_MODZSED_FIR02-0004                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-24 05:23:19.4     16784384  anneal                                  
ModzSED_boo23             14:28:49.79  +34:32:40.20  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      51.55   2006-02-24 05:30:34.0     14084608  SED_MODZSED_FIR20                       
ModzSED_boo21             14:31:14.77  +33:46:23.00  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      51.55   2006-02-24 06:19:19.5     14084864  SED_MODZSED_FIR20-0001                  
ModzSED_boo14             14:32:34.90  +33:28:32.30  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      32.80   2006-02-24 07:07:50.3     14085376  SED_MODZSED_FIR20-0003                  
ModzSED_boo04             14:31:25.43  +33:13:49.70  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      10.60   2006-02-24 07:37:37.1     14078976  SED_MODZSED_FIR02                       
noao1432+34_15            14:35:23.99  +33:07:06.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-24 07:45:20.6     14519296  MIPSP-0030                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-24 08:10:30.2     16784128  anneal                                  
noao1432+34_34            14:32:51.82  +33:35:36.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-24 08:17:25.7     14518784  MIPSP-0028                              
PG1440+356                14:42:07.46  +35:26:22.90  Shang             SHANG_QSOSED 20084 mipsphot     15.53   2006-02-24 08:46:47.3     14021888  MIPSP-QSO-PG1440+356                    
60558 (2000 EC98)             2060558 60558 (2000 E  Bauer             CENTAUR_2000   265 mipsphot     60.80   2006-02-24 09:11:15.3     16922112  MIPSP-0000 - shadow                     
PKS1306-09                13:08:39.17  -09:50:32.62  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.21   2006-02-24 10:10:01.7     14428672  MIPSP-0039                              
NGC 5774/NGC 5775 (160 mu 14:54:00.00  +03:31:58.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     24.43   2006-02-24 10:58:29.4     16309504  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5774/NGC 5775 (MIPS 160)
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-24 12:17:09.9     16779520  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.07   2006-02-24 12:30:35.3     14233344  FRAYER-CDFS-22                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-24 15:18:19.2     16785664  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.08   2006-02-24 15:25:08.5     14234112  FRAYER-CDFS-23                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-24 18:13:01.2     16785408  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.07   2006-02-24 18:19:39.5     14235392  FRAYER-CDFS-31                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-24 21:11:55.5     16785152  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.07   2006-02-24 21:17:21.4     14233088  FRAYER-CDFS-32                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 01:03:06.7     16779776  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.03   2006-02-25 01:16:34.2     14233856  FRAYER-CDFS-13                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 04:04:14.4     16786432  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.08   2006-02-25 04:11:05.3     14235648  FRAYER-CDFS-21                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 06:58:57.9     16785920  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.02   2006-02-25 07:05:46.8     14234880  FRAYER-CDFS-42                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 09:53:42.2     16786176  anneal                                  
NGC4933                   13:03:57.00  -11:30:00.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     26.62   2006-02-25 10:10:34.4     16311296  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 4933                    
60558 (2000 EC98)             2060558 60558 (2000 E  Bauer             CENTAUR_2000   265 mipsphot     60.80   2006-02-25 10:41:51.3     16921856  MIPSP-0000                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 12:36:43.8     16780032  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.08   2006-02-25 12:53:40.7     14234624  FRAYER-CDFS-43                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 15:42:54.9     16786944  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.07   2006-02-25 15:48:13.8     14235136  FRAYER-CDFS-41                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 18:37:34.8     16787200  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.08   2006-02-25 18:42:46.9     14235904  FRAYER-CDFS-11                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-25 22:21:58.5     16780288  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD 145371                 16:07:59.93  +52:19:46.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     22.98   2006-02-25 22:39:33.0     15007744  MIPSP-HD145371                          
216305B                   14:53:05.23  +03:19:54.20  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.71   2006-02-25 23:03:57.8     14274560  MIPSP - 216305B                         
NGC 5666                  14:33:09.19  +10:30:38.90  Young             CO-RICH-ES   20780 mipsphot     62.94   2006-02-26 00:02:15.8     15170304  ngc5666 MIPSP-24/160                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-26 01:02:18.1     16787456  anneal                                  
NGC 5666 70 micron positi 14:33:09.19  +10:30:38.90  Young             CO-RICH-ES   20780 mipsphot    119.83   2006-02-26 01:10:56.7     15168512  ngc5666 MIPSP-70                        
IRAS 13451-6231 24um      13:47:56.10  -62:50:33.50  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot      6.33   2006-02-26 03:13:48.2     14948352  MIPSP-13451 24um                        
LCDCS 0853v-offset        13:54:12.40  -12:31:42.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     53.10   2006-02-26 03:21:53.7     13812224  LCDCS 0853-70                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-26 04:14:34.5     16787968  anneal                                  
R Hya                     13:29:42.78  -23:16:52.80  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot    170.94   2006-02-26 04:20:36.9     14472192  RHya-160-LinearMap                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-26 07:11:22.7     16780544  anneal                                  
R Hya                     13:29:42.78  -23:16:52.80  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot    108.21   2006-02-26 07:15:03.7     14472448  RHya-70-FullMap-LongExp                 
R Hya                     13:29:42.78  -23:16:52.80  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     43.76   2006-02-26 08:59:53.0     14472704  RHya-70-FullMap-MediumExp               
R Hya                     13:29:42.78  -23:16:52.80  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     20.06   2006-02-26 09:40:13.1     14472960  RHya-70-FullMap-ShortExp                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-26 10:57:58.1     16788224  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
MC35                      04:35:08.00  +24:09:10.00  Andre             CORES_SPITZE 20302 mipsscan    171.08   2006-02-26 11:09:39.7     14511872  MIPSC-0006                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-26 13:57:04.9     16788736  anneal                                  
ngc1399                   03:38:29.32  -35:27:00.70  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     87.10   2006-02-26 14:08:51.8     14255360  PT_MIPSP-0006 - ngc1399                 
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.08   2006-02-26 15:36:37.7     14234368  FRAYER-CDFS-33                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-26 18:27:19.4     16788992  anneal                                  
MIPS70-CDFS               03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Frayer            FRAYER_CDFS  20147 mipsphot    171.07   2006-02-26 18:31:12.9     14233600  FRAYER-CDFS-12                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-26 21:22:02.5     16788480  anneal                                  
ic1805                    02:32:42.00  +61:27:00.00  Wolff             IC1805       20052 mipsphot    177.06   2006-02-26 21:33:06.5     13846272  MIPS visit 01                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 01:36:58.0     16780800  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2003 WG166                    3169279    2003 WG166  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     53.37   2006-02-27 01:58:21.7     15893248  dcjcloidsWG166-24um                     
2003 WG166                    3169279    2003 WG166  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     22.80   2006-02-27 02:53:36.2     15894784  dcjcloidsWG166-70um                     
L183map                   15:54:15.00  -02:54:60.00  Rieke             KEENE_DARKCL    53 mipsscan    162.00   2006-02-27 03:14:59.7     12023296  MIPSC-L183-1                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 05:53:02.9     16789760  anneal                                  
EclipticScan              15:17:13.15  -15:24:02.63  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipsscan     28.68   2006-02-27 06:02:08.2     13974016  MIPS_ScanL_N29                          
EclipticScan              15:10:53.51  -20:53:57.03  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipsscan     28.68   2006-02-27 06:27:53.3     13977088  MIPS_ScanL_S29                          
TPMEcliptic               15:08:52.15  -15:55:36.89  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-02-27 06:54:45.4     13959680  MIPS_TPMEcliptic_L29                    
2MASS J12005517           12:00:55.20  -78:20:29.70  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-27 07:14:42.9     14975488  MIPSP-0000-EPSCHA                       
2MASS H12074597           12:07:46.00  -78:16:06.50  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-27 07:29:59.4     14977280  MIPSP-0007-EPSCHA                       
hd 104237                 12:00:05.08  -78:11:34.60  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot      5.62   2006-02-27 07:45:24.2     14976000  MIPSP-0002-EPSCHA                       
2MASS J12014343           12:01:43.40  -78:35:47.20  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-27 07:48:05.7     14976256  MIPSP-0003-EPSCHA                       
CXOU J120152.8            12:01:52.50  -78:18:41.30  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-27 08:03:22.1     14976768  MIPSP-0005-EPSCHA                       
USNO-B 120144.7           12:01:44.40  -78:19:26.70  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.41   2006-02-27 08:18:36.5     14976512  MIPSP-0004-EPSCHA                       
eps cha                   11:59:37.57  -78:13:18.60  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot      5.62   2006-02-27 08:33:50.8     14975744  MIPSP-0001-EPSCHA                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 08:38:46.6     16789248  anneal                                  
twa 24                    12:09:41.86  -58:54:45.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.40   2006-02-27 08:45:50.2     14978304  MIPSP-0011-TWA                          
twa 21                    10:13:14.78  -52:30:54.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 mipsphot     18.42   2006-02-27 09:03:41.8     14977792  MIPSP-0009-TWA                          
HIP_76310                 15:35:16.10  -25:44:03.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-02-27 09:24:42.2     13904896  CarpMipsS033                            
3c338-cluster             16:28:38.48  +39:33:05.60  Birkinshaw        3CRR_LOWZ2   20651 mipsphot     20.37   2006-02-27 09:47:55.7     14957312  3c338-mips-70                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 11:03:03.3     16781056  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Carina                    06:41:37.00  -50:58:00.00  Olsen             CARINADWARF  20469 mipsscan    170.71   2006-02-27 11:19:11.4     14732288  MIPSC-0003 car 3                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 14:06:19.9     16761600  anneal                                  
Carina                    06:41:37.00  -50:58:00.00  Olsen             CARINADWARF  20469 mipsscan    170.71   2006-02-27 14:13:04.6     14733312  MIPSC-0003 car 7                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 17:00:37.3     16790272  anneal                                  
Carina                    06:41:37.00  -50:58:00.00  Olsen             CARINADWARF  20469 mipsscan    170.71   2006-02-27 17:07:06.3     14733568  MIPSC-0003 car 8                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 19:55:07.1     16790016  anneal                                  
hd 35841                  05:26:36.59  -22:29:23.70  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     23.00   2006-02-27 20:04:18.8     15011840  MIPSP-HD35841                           
irasf04461                04:48:35.23  -04:49:10.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.53   2006-02-27 20:26:44.1     14862848  MIPSP - irasf04461                      
3C138                     05:21:09.89  +16:38:21.80  Houck             CRL_3CRR        74 mipsphot     32.02   2006-02-27 20:44:10.6      4592128  MIPSP-e-crl-3CRR0003                    
HD 33276                  05:09:41.96  +15:35:50.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     23.04   2006-02-27 21:13:55.3     15003392  MIPSP-HD33276                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-27 22:28:57.7     16783616  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
pks_0537_8                05:40:22.10  -28:31:40.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.80   2006-02-27 22:46:14.9     14933760  pks_0537_8_mips                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 00:33:33.0     16781312  anneal                                  
pks_0537_38               05:39:20.50  -28:37:21.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.80   2006-02-28 00:39:44.3     14934528  pks_0537_38_mips_2                      
pks_0537_8                05:40:22.10  -28:31:40.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.80   2006-02-28 02:26:24.8     14934016  pks_0537_8_mips_2                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 04:13:53.4     16762368  anneal                                  
pks_0537_41               05:39:17.10  -28:38:16.70  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.80   2006-02-28 04:19:54.2     14934784  pks_0537_41_mips                        
pks_0537_46               05:38:51.00  -28:39:48.90  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.80   2006-02-28 06:06:28.4     14935296  pks_0537_46_mips                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 07:54:07.9     16761856  anneal                                  
pks_0537_41               05:39:17.10  -28:38:16.70  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.80   2006-02-28 07:59:55.7     14935040  pks_0537_41_mips_2                      
IC 405_FUSE-04            05:16:18.64  +34:32:25.20  McCandliss        SRM405       20434 mipsscan     20.74   2006-02-28 09:52:41.1     16032768  MIPSC-0001strip                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 11:07:57.6     16781568  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ModzSED_boo15             14:26:23.88  +32:44:35.80  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      37.94   2006-02-28 11:30:23.7     14083328  SED_MODZSED_FIR07-0002                  
ModzSED_boo26             14:34:45.32  +33:13:46.10  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      51.55   2006-02-28 12:05:50.2     14082560  SED_MODZSED_FIR07                       
ModzSED_boo30             14:36:28.12  +33:33:58.00  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      32.80   2006-02-28 12:54:25.2     14085888  SED_MODZSED_FIR20-0004bis               
ModzSED_boo30             14:36:28.12  +33:33:58.00  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      61.82   2006-02-28 13:23:53.1     14085632  SED_MODZSED_FIR20-0004                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 14:23:20.6     16762624  anneal                                  
noao1432+34_39            14:30:53.11  +33:43:32.10  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-28 14:29:44.1     14518528  MIPSP-0027                              
noao1432+34_44            14:30:01.91  +33:45:38.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-28 14:54:45.7     14512896  MIPSP-0004                              
noao1432+34_0             14:29:31.36  +32:18:28.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-28 15:20:04.0     14515712  MIPSP-0015                              
noao1432+34_37            14:35:39.34  +33:41:59.10  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-28 15:45:41.2     14513152  MIPSP-0005                              
noao1432+34_2             14:29:58.33  +32:26:15.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-02-28 16:11:10.0     14513664  MIPSP-0007                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 16:37:03.4     16763392  anneal                                  
L183map                   15:54:15.00  -02:54:60.00  Rieke             KEENE_DARKCL    53 mipsscan    162.00   2006-02-28 16:47:22.7     12023040  MIPSC-L183-2                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 19:27:30.0     16762880  anneal                                  
F15480-0344               15:50:41.50  -03:53:18.30  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-02-28 19:32:29.6     10643968  MIPSE-Generic - F15480-0344             
SDSS 155359.96+005641.3   15:53:59.96  +00:56:41.30  Houck             SDSS_LBG       126 mipsphot     28.56   2006-02-28 19:43:35.4     12580096  SDSS-LBG-MIPSP--0005                    
PG1552+085                15:54:44.60  +08:22:20.40  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     12.02   2006-02-28 20:10:28.1     16180736  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-PG1552+085_70             
SSG1                      14:32:05.56  +34:16:45.90  Fazio             GTO1_SPW       520 mipsphot     67.04   2006-02-28 20:23:05.2     16273408  M-SSG1                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-02-28 22:30:49.1     16781824  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD 071129                 08:22:30.84  -59:30:34.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipsphot     13.05   2006-02-28 22:47:53.7     16863744  MIPS-CALMC29-NF-HD071129                
B102                      10:42:41.52  -64:21:04.50  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     54.18   2006-02-28 23:00:16.0     14826752  MIPS-GO2-4                              
HD 134255                 15:10:07.32  -38:47:33.00  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-02-28 23:55:44.2      4799488  MIPSP-0093                              
HD 134888                 15:13:27.96  -33:08:50.20  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-03-01 00:03:23.5      4799744  MIPSP-0094                              
CD-40 9577                15:24:04.26  -41:09:41.70  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot      9.61   2006-03-01 00:11:34.2      4800512  MIPSP-0097                              
GRB020531                 15:14:55.80  -19:24:54.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-03-01 00:20:52.0     14561536  MIPSP-GRB020531                         
NGC5850                   15:07:07.69  +01:32:39.30  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     17.57   2006-03-01 00:48:28.8     16324864  SIGS_MIPS-NGC 5850                      
NGC 5845                  15:06:00.78  +01:38:01.70  Fabbiano          QUIESCENT_EL 20371 mipsphot     22.41   2006-03-01 01:03:01.2     14572800  MIPSP-0007                              
219774                    15:06:44.88  +03:46:29.00  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.71   2006-03-01 01:22:58.7     14274816  MIPSP - 219774                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 02:20:49.9     16764160  anneal                                  
SDSSJ143417.15+020742.3   14:34:17.15  +02:07:42.50  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     21.39   2006-03-01 02:30:55.5     14626816  MIPSP-SDSS J1434+0207                   
HD 122106                 13:59:49.28  -03:32:59.20  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     23.02   2006-03-01 02:51:03.5     15005184  MIPSP-HD122106                          
ModzSED_boo10             14:30:24.46  +32:56:16.40  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      20.86   2006-03-01 03:14:44.3     14080512  SED_MODZSED_FIR02-0005                  
211309                    14:33:47.52  +40:05:15.40  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.75   2006-03-01 03:33:49.3     14274048  MIPSP - 211309                          
noao1432+34_109           14:35:04.12  +35:47:43.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.01   2006-03-01 04:31:25.4     14514176  MIPSP-0009                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 04:59:59.1     16763904  anneal                                  
noao1432+34_105           14:29:39.15  +35:35:58.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 05:03:28.5     14514944  MIPSP-0012                              
noao1432+34_104           14:29:24.83  +35:33:20.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 05:28:25.9     14515456  MIPSP-0014                              
noao1432+34_103           14:28:50.91  +35:31:46.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 05:53:23.2     14515968  MIPSP-0016                              
noao1432+34_96            14:26:45.71  +35:19:01.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 06:18:24.8     14516224  MIPSP-0017                              
noao1432+34_83            14:26:26.49  +34:47:31.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 06:43:20.0     14516736  MIPSP-0019                              
ModzSED_boo20             14:25:52.68  +34:02:40.10  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      55.01   2006-03-01 07:08:21.6     14087424  SED_MODZSED_FIR55                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 08:04:06.1     16763648  anneal                                  
ModzSED_boo09             14:26:59.12  +33:33:04.90  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      20.86   2006-03-01 08:07:15.3     14083072  SED_MODZSED_FIR07-0001                  
noao1432+34_30            14:26:44.31  +33:30:51.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 08:24:52.2     14519040  MIPSP-0029                              
noao1432+34_10            14:26:53.23  +33:02:20.70  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 08:49:43.3     14519552  MIPSP-0031                              
noao1432+34_24            14:28:04.12  +33:21:35.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 09:14:53.2     14514432  MIPSP-0010                              
Arp 220                   15:34:57.12  +23:30:11.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipssed      35.65   2006-03-01 09:42:21.6     16871168  MIPS-CALMC29-Various-SED-Arp220         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 11:14:08.7     16782336  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
209126                    14:25:06.48  +03:13:57.60  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.74   2006-03-01 11:35:21.7     14273792  MIPSP - 209126                          
195748                    13:32:55.92  -03:01:37.20  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.79   2006-03-01 12:34:13.3     14273024  MIPSP - 195748                          
199149                    13:46:21.12  -03:25:23.30  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.77   2006-03-01 13:31:45.2     14273280  MIPSP - 199149                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 14:28:35.0     16764928  anneal                                  
ngc5044                   13:15:24.00  -16:23:06.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     81.77   2006-03-01 14:37:23.6     14258432  PT_MIPSP-0022 - ngc5044                 
216305A                   14:53:02.83  +03:17:45.20  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.72   2006-03-01 15:59:27.7     14274304  MIPSP - 216305A                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 16:57:20.1     16764672  anneal                                  
HD_136923                 15:22:46.91  +18:55:08.10  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     59.62   2006-03-01 17:09:55.5     14827520  MIPS-GO2-7                              
noao1432+34_48            14:32:53.36  +33:48:44.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 18:09:01.8     14512640  MIPSP-0003                              
ModzSED_boo03             14:31:56.23  +33:38:33.10  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 mipssed      10.60   2006-03-01 18:33:57.1     14079744  SED_MODZSED_FIR02-0002                  
noao1432+34_32            14:33:08.59  +33:34:01.60  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.02   2006-03-01 18:41:25.8     14513408  MIPSP-0006                              
Arp220                    15:34:57.10  +23:30:11.00  Engelbracht       CENGELBRACHT 20176 mipssed      20.65   2006-03-01 19:08:41.6     14268160  MIPSS-0010                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 19:30:24.9     16764416  anneal                                  
B30-tweak                 05:30:21.00  +11:58:05.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 mipsscan    134.54   2006-03-01 19:44:35.4     14535936  MIPS scan B30                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-01 22:48:58.0     16773632  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2003 WG166                    3169279    2003 WG166  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     22.80   2006-03-01 23:09:45.6     15894528  dcjcloidsWG166shad-70um                 
HIP_78271                 15:58:56.92  -13:10:11.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-03-01 23:31:46.8     13898496  CarpMipsS008                            
Hylonome                      2010370      Hylonome  Rieke             STANS_KBO       55 mipsphot     20.34   2006-03-01 23:55:59.1     12659968  MIPS_Centaur-10-new_visit               
CarpMipsC036              15:41:31.22  -25:20:36.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     38.30   2006-03-02 00:14:42.1     13905664  CarpMipsC036                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 00:49:18.3     16765184  anneal                                  
omega Centauri            13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  van Loon          OMEGACEN     20648 mipsscan    150.04   2006-03-02 01:00:27.3     14956544  MIPSoCen-5                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 03:27:18.6     16928768  anneal                                  
IRAS 13451-6231           13:47:56.10  -62:48:33.50  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipssed      10.60   2006-03-02 03:36:00.1     14948608  MIPSE-13451 SED                         
IRAS 13451-6231           13:47:56.20  -62:48:39.30  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot     20.39   2006-03-02 03:43:16.3     14948096  MIPSP-13451 70um                        
IRAS 14402-5930           14:44:57.80  -59:47:54.80  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot      8.05   2006-03-02 04:02:02.5     14947328  MIPSP-14402 Protostar 70um              
IRAS 14402-5930 SED IRDC/ 14:44:19.37  -59:44:29.30  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipssed      17.59   2006-03-02 04:06:56.1     14947840  MIPSE-14402 SED Protostar/IRDC          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 04:22:20.1     16928512  anneal                                  
HD 117360                 13:33:13.66  -77:34:09.80  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     12.68   2006-03-02 04:30:29.5     14999808  MIPSP-HD117360                          
newcha-cluster            13:07:47.26  -77:45:52.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1871 mipstp      175.67   2006-03-02 04:40:36.7     16928256  MIPST-chamII                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 07:34:38.9     16931072  anneal                                  
HD036167                  05:29:43.98  -01:05:32.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     14.89   2006-03-02 07:47:33.2     16869120  MIPS-CALMC29-various-24a70-HD036167     
SMMJ04135+10277           04:13:27.50  +10:27:40.30  Knudsen           SMMJ04135    20631 mipsphot    139.96   2006-03-02 08:05:32.2     14944512  SMMJ04135_mips70_160                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 11:16:58.0     16765440  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
omega Centauri            13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  van Loon          OMEGACEN     20648 mipsscan    150.04   2006-03-02 11:36:59.9     14955520  MIPSoCen-1                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 14:03:31.1     16930560  anneal                                  
omega Centauri            13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  van Loon          OMEGACEN     20648 mipsscan    150.04   2006-03-02 14:10:47.9     14955776  MIPSoCen-2                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 16:37:40.7     16929536  anneal                                  
omega Centauri            13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  van Loon          OMEGACEN     20648 mipsscan    150.04   2006-03-02 16:44:37.9     14956032  MIPSoCen-3                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 19:11:50.3     16929024  anneal                                  
omega Centauri            13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  van Loon          OMEGACEN     20648 mipsscan    150.04   2006-03-02 19:18:25.9     14956288  MIPSoCen-4                              
IRAS 14402-5930 protostar 14:44:20.37  -59:44:30.30  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot     44.13   2006-03-02 21:50:03.8     14947584  MIPSP-14402 IRDC24um70um protostar24um  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-02 23:33:57.9     16765696  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ngc 891                   02:22:33.41  +42:20:56.90  Martin            MEG          20528 mipsscan    173.37   2006-03-02 23:46:24.1     14816256  MIPS-NGC891-map4                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-03 02:36:23.1     16930304  anneal                                  
ngc 891                   02:22:33.41  +42:20:56.90  Martin            MEG          20528 mipsscan    173.37   2006-03-03 02:42:44.2     14816512  MIPS-NGC891-map5                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-03 05:33:48.4     16930048  anneal                                  
IC59_1                    00:57:36.00  +61:05:30.00  Joblin            SPECPDR_MIPS 20281 mipssed     171.00   2006-03-03 05:41:03.8     14491648  MIPS-SED-IC59_1                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-03 08:31:29.4     16929792  anneal                                  
LDN 1588                  05:21:55.00  +08:27:15.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 mipsscan     92.16   2006-03-03 08:42:00.7     14535424  MIPS scan LDN 1588                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-03 11:11:57.8     16766208  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips         16.68   2006-03-03 11:30:33.2     16756736  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips         16.42   2006-03-03 11:47:26.6     16795648  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     17.60   2006-03-03 12:06:19.6     16836352  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_2      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      6.33   2006-03-03 12:22:03.3     16835584  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_2    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot      6.33   2006-03-03 12:27:02.1     16835840  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_2    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipsphot     17.60   2006-03-03 12:31:06.5     16836096  MIPS-CALMC29-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_2      
GRB991208                 16:33:53.51  +46:27:21.50  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-03-03 12:47:53.1     14559744  MIPSP-GRB991208                         
NGC 5929/NGC 5930/UGC 098 15:26:06.10  +41:40:14.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     18.09   2006-03-03 13:14:47.9     16320000  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5929/NGC 5930/UGC 09857 
NGC 5929/NGC 5930/UGC 098 15:26:06.10  +41:40:14.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     19.25   2006-03-03 13:29:49.7     16301312  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5929/NGC 5930/UGC 09857 
225983                    15:28:14.64  +42:56:12.80  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.72   2006-03-03 13:46:23.7     14275328  MIPSP - 225983                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-03 14:45:05.3     16930816  anneal                                  
irasf15179                15:19:47.02  +39:45:35.10  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.51   2006-03-03 14:50:42.4     14865408  MIPSP - irasf15179                      
HD142926                  15:55:30.59  +42:33:58.30  Roberge           AKIR         20280 mipsphot     56.16   2006-03-03 15:06:34.5     14486528  MIPSP-hd142926-1                        
140033.1-603959           14:00:33.10  -60:39:59.80  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipssed      20.89   2006-03-03 16:07:42.4     16870400  calflt-29MC-SED-IC-01-endCampn          
135150.3-622427           13:51:50.30  -62:24:27.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipssed      20.89   2006-03-03 16:26:03.4     16870656  calflt-29MC-SED-IC-02-endCampn          
140343.6-623206           14:03:43.60  -62:32:06.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mipssed      20.89   2006-03-03 16:44:16.1     16870912  calflt-29MC-SED-IC-03-endCampn          
rcw38                     08:59:05.70  -47:30:41.00  Wolk              SWOLK        20127 mipsphot     49.02   2006-03-03 17:06:19.4     14124800  MIPSP-RCW38 - 0001                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1733 mips          6.83   2006-03-03 17:55:59.0     16789504  anneal                                  
WHYA - 70 cluster         13:49:02.00  -28:22:03.50  Morris            COASTING      3668 mipsphot     58.86   2006-03-03 18:04:08.0     11411968  MORRIS-70-WHYA                          
WHYA - 160 cluster        13:49:02.00  -28:22:03.50  Morris            COASTING      3668 mipsphot    125.71   2006-03-03 19:00:01.4     11412224  MORRIS-160-WHYA                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          67.07   2006-03-03 22:52:20.7     16889344  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.05   2006-03-03 23:59:18.1     16889600  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.99   2006-03-04 00:11:24.7     16907776  caldrk_IRS-29_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-04 00:23:42.0     16922368  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     24.61   2006-03-04 00:48:19.3     16900352  caldrk_IRS-29_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_1    
HD115617                  13:18:24.31  -18:18:40.30  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     11.66   2006-03-04 01:16:59.6     15998976  HD115617_IRS                            
EX Hya                    12:52:24.33  -29:14:56.90  Harrison          HARRISONIP   20003 irsstare     42.91   2006-03-04 01:27:22.5     13807104  IRSS-EXHya                              
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     74.59   2006-03-04 02:16:35.4     16911360  calsfx-29A-eta1Dor                      
HD21197                   03:24:59.73  -05:21:49.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     37.21   2006-03-04 03:33:33.4     16030720  HD21197_IRS                             
MBM12a 8                  02:57:49.02  +20:36:07.80  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     26.17   2006-03-04 04:12:27.2     14974208  IRSS-MBM12a-8                           
MBM12a 10                 02:58:21.10  +20:32:52.70  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     24.75   2006-03-04 04:35:47.2     14974720  IRSS-MBM12a-10                          
AA Tau                    04:34:55.42  +24:28:53.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.62   2006-03-04 05:00:21.9     15112960  IRSS-BaryAA3                            
NGC891-West               02:22:12.28  +42:22:41.00  Burgdorf          GOLDEN_HALOS 20016 irspeakup    29.27   2006-03-04 05:09:03.3     13815808  Halo-NGC891-West                        
NGC891-East               02:22:54.54  +42:19:08.00  Burgdorf          GOLDEN_HALOS 20016 irspeakup    29.26   2006-03-04 05:34:59.5     13814784  Halo-NGC891-East                        
NGC891HE                  02:22:38.61  +42:22:21.50  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare    182.79   2006-03-04 06:02:50.8     14596096  IRSS-0001                               
NGC891HE                  02:22:38.61  +42:22:21.50  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare    182.79   2006-03-04 09:02:16.9     14596352  IRSS-0002                               
NGC891HW                  02:22:34.97  +42:22:37.70  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare    182.79   2006-03-04 12:01:43.8     14596864  IRSS-0004                               
NGC891HW                  02:22:34.97  +42:22:37.70  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare    182.79   2006-03-04 15:10:01.9     14597120  IRSS-0005                               
NGC891HW                  02:22:34.97  +42:22:37.70  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare    143.19   2006-03-04 18:09:27.9     14597376  IRSS-0006                               
NGC891BKGD                02:23:06.40  +42:22:27.00  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare     24.39   2006-03-04 20:29:24.8     14595840  IRSS-0007 - 0003                        
NGC891D                   02:22:36.79  +42:22:27.00  Rand              RAND05       20380 irsstare     44.19   2006-03-04 20:50:32.6     14595584  IRSS-0000                               
FM Tau                    04:14:13.58  +28:12:49.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.37   2006-03-04 21:35:13.1     15119872  IRSS-BaryFM3                            
GM Aur                    04:55:10.98  +30:21:59.50  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare      9.91   2006-03-04 21:43:53.3     15119104  IRSS-BaryGM3                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-04 22:58:42.6     16891648  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.72   2006-03-04 23:10:51.3     16899072  caldrk_IRS-29_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.80   2006-03-04 23:22:31.7     16899328  caldrk_IRS-29_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.76   2006-03-04 23:34:12.4     16899840  caldrk_IRS-29_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-04 23:44:12.2     16922880  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.09   2006-03-05 00:10:02.1     16911616  calsfx-29B-HD173511                     
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.81   2006-03-05 00:41:52.0     16911872  calsfx-29B-sky                          
SWIRE N2:53719            16:39:49.80  +41:26:19.80  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.80   2006-03-05 01:03:47.3     16165120  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire1                     
SWIRE N2:284152           16:30:22.19  +40:49:57.40  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.59   2006-03-05 02:09:04.9     16164864  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire2                     
SWIRE N2:289266           16:32:26.20  +41:10:07.70  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.63   2006-03-05 03:13:37.6     16164608  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire3                     
SWIRE N2:290377           16:32:10.09  +41:09:46.00  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.61   2006-03-05 04:18:02.1     16164352  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire4                     
70noao143449.3+341014.1   14:34:49.34  +34:10:14.05  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     55.04   2006-03-05 05:25:24.2     16160512  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes10                   
xnoao143835.0+343839      14:38:34.91  +34:38:39.30  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.67   2006-03-05 06:17:33.2     16166656  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX10                    
xnoao142707.0+325213      14:27:07.02  +32:52:13.50  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.85   2006-03-05 07:12:59.9     16165632  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX14                    
xnoao142625.5+334052      14:26:25.49  +33:40:51.80  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.90   2006-03-05 08:17:48.1     16167936  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX5                     
xnoao143359.1+331301      14:33:59.08  +33:13:01.10  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.58   2006-03-05 09:13:06.1     16165376  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX15                    
xnoao143234.9+333637      14:32:34.92  +33:36:37.50  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     45.35   2006-03-05 10:17:29.6     16168192  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX4                     
16noao143314.46+342452.9  14:33:14.46  +34:24:52.90  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     80.42   2006-03-05 10:59:48.0     16157440  IRSS-e-dww-16bootes1                    
xnoao143232.7+335903      14:32:32.61  +33:59:03.20  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     44.99   2006-03-05 12:17:12.5     16167680  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX6                     
xnoao142849.0+343433      14:28:49.06  +34:34:32.30  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.41   2006-03-05 12:59:21.1     16166912  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX9                     
xnoao143038.5+340929      14:30:38.48  +34:09:29.30  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     57.84   2006-03-05 13:54:02.0     16167424  IRSS-e-dww-bootesX7                     
pg1404+226                14:06:21.80  +22:23:46.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.21   2006-03-05 15:00:40.8     14197248  IRSS-0037                               
SDSS_J135723.58+053425.0  13:57:23.58  +05:34:25.08  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-03-05 15:33:40.2     14110720  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J135723.58+053425.0    
HD109524                  12:35:33.55  -34:52:54.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     53.63   2006-03-05 15:58:56.7     15997952  HD109524_IRS                            
HD113194                  13:02:20.69  -26:47:13.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     74.48   2006-03-05 16:51:09.7     16011008  HD113194_IRS                            
2M1315-26                 13:15:30.90  -26:49:51.00  Gizis             M1315-26     20716 irsstare     47.33   2006-03-05 18:03:24.6     15034112  IRSS-2M1315-26                          
alp01 lib                 14:50:41.18  -15:59:50.10  Werner            CASTOR_MOVIN   206 irsstare     21.31   2006-03-05 18:52:39.1     16060416  IRSS-CMG_0000                           
HD 134987                 15:13:28.67  -25:18:33.60  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 irsstare     22.14   2006-03-05 19:10:53.9     12718592  VLS Follow-up-006                       
IRAS 13539-4153           13:56:57.10  -42:08:09.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.85   2006-03-05 19:34:38.2     16264448  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-005                      
Hen2-104                  14:11:52.09  -51:26:24.40  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 irsstare      8.80   2006-03-05 19:43:22.7     15203328  IRSS-0003                               
IRAS 13313-5838 (pds 365) 13:34:37.60  -58:53:34.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.91   2006-03-05 19:52:34.8     16263936  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-007                      
IRAS 12327-6523           12:35:40.50  -65:39:42.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      9.52   2006-03-05 20:00:56.5     16264704  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-004                      
BI Cru                    12:23:34.50  -62:37:43.00  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 irsstare      8.84   2006-03-05 20:10:03.5     15750656  IRSS-0005 - extended                    
HD105211                  12:06:52.90  -64:36:49.40  Beichman          COMPARATIVE_  2324 irsstare     10.36   2006-03-05 20:15:07.8     16605440  HD105211IRSFollowUp-4                   
OTS 44-CHEAP              11:10:11.50  -76:32:13.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.53   2006-03-05 20:24:14.7     16271616  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-101                      
HD27274                   04:15:56.90  -53:18:35.30  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.21   2006-03-05 20:31:40.2     15999232  HD27274_IRS                             
IRAS04114-5117sky         04:12:44.92  -51:10:34.20  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-03-05 21:01:37.2     16418560  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg026sky                 
IRAS04114-5117            04:12:44.92  -51:09:34.20  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.20   2006-03-05 21:17:58.2     14575616  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg026                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-05 23:02:49.6     16893184  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.49   2006-03-05 23:13:27.8     16899584  caldrk_IRS-29_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.31   2006-03-05 23:24:41.4     16897280  caldrk_IRS-29_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     54.03   2006-03-05 23:34:33.3     16898560  caldrk_IRS-29_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.99   2006-03-06 00:24:30.7     16908032  caldrk_IRS-29_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_1
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     17.00   2006-03-06 00:38:21.1     16912128  calsfx-29C-ksiDra                       
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     13.77   2006-03-06 00:52:07.2     16912384  calsfx-29C-sky                          
IC348-355?                03:44:39.20  +32:08:13.90  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     66.11   2006-03-06 01:11:15.8     12705536  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-016                      
IC348-076                 03:44:39.81  +32:18:04.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     15.85   2006-03-06 02:14:46.4     16267776  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-006                    
IC348-182                 03:44:18.20  +32:09:59.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     21.03   2006-03-06 02:28:01.4     16266240  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-013                    
IC348-133                 03:44:41.74  +32:12:02.40  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     19.22   2006-03-06 02:46:25.6     16266496  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-011                    
Pandora                       2000055       Pandora  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       18.70   2006-03-06 03:10:30.9     14735616  IRSM-55_Pandora                         
IC348-316                 03:44:57.73  +32:07:41.90  Fazio             BDS_IN_SFR      36 irsstare     76.82   2006-03-06 03:29:06.2     16045824  IRSS-316                                
IC348-622?                03:44:31.33  +32:08:11.50  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     41.06   2006-03-06 04:43:25.7     12706304  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-013                      
IC348-020                 03:45:07.61  +32:10:28.10  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      9.12   2006-03-06 05:21:44.7     16267520  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-007                    
IC348-007                 03:44:08.48  +32:07:16.50  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     25.13   2006-03-06 05:28:26.6     16268544  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-003                    
IC348-037-IC348-055       03:44:37.99  +32:03:29.80  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     34.69   2006-03-06 05:50:58.3     16268800  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-002                    
IC348-097                 03:44:25.56  +32:06:17.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     17.35   2006-03-06 06:23:06.5     16267008  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-009                    
IC348-072                 03:44:22.58  +32:01:53.70  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     19.32   2006-03-06 06:37:57.6     16266752  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-010                    
Pandora                       2000055       Pandora  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.70   2006-03-06 06:59:30.3     16226304  IRSM-55_Pandora_shadow                  
HD18803                   03:02:26.03  +26:36:33.30  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     25.91   2006-03-06 07:03:26.1     16008960  HD18803_IRS                             
IC348-325?                03:44:30.05  +32:08:48.80  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     71.92   2006-03-06 07:29:35.0     12707072  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-010                      
IC348-031-IC348-021       03:44:18.16  +32:04:57.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     48.95   2006-03-06 08:38:58.2     16269056  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-001                    
ngc1333-8                 03:29:26.80  +31:23:40.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap       65.10   2006-03-06 09:23:58.9     12650752  NGC1333MAP-POS8                         
ngc1333-1                 03:28:28.00  +31:12:40.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap       87.15   2006-03-06 10:34:41.2     12650496  NGC1333MAP-POS1                         
ngc1333-3                 03:28:46.80  +31:12:40.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap       87.15   2006-03-06 11:58:40.4     12649984  NGC1333MAP-POS3                         
ngc1333-2                 03:28:37.40  +31:12:40.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap       87.15   2006-03-06 13:22:39.5     12650240  NGC1333MAP-POS2                         
ngc1333-5                 03:29:02.60  +31:16:10.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap      116.55   2006-03-06 14:46:47.2     12649472  NGC1333MAP-POS5                         
ngc1333-6                 03:29:12.00  +31:16:40.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap      116.55   2006-03-06 16:40:12.8     12651264  NGC1333MAP-POS6                         
ngc1333-4                 03:28:55.20  +31:13:40.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap       96.95   2006-03-06 18:33:37.4     12649728  NGC1333MAP-POS4                         
ngc1333-7                 03:29:21.40  +31:17:40.00  Lawrence          N1333MAP       116 irsmap      116.55   2006-03-06 20:07:28.8     12651008  NGC1333MAP-POS7                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          67.07   2006-03-06 23:09:38.7     16887552  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.05   2006-03-07 00:16:36.1     16890112  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.72   2006-03-07 00:27:06.5     16902144  caldrk_IRS-29_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.80   2006-03-07 00:38:46.5     16902400  caldrk_IRS-29_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-07 00:50:48.1     16923136  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.16   2006-03-07 01:16:10.2     16912640  calsfx-29D-HR6606                       
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.80   2006-03-07 01:48:05.3     16912896  calsfx-29D-sky                          
Arend-Rigaux                  1000002  Arend-Rigaux  Gehrz             RDG-COMETS     131 irsstare     31.11   2006-03-07 02:17:44.4     16206592  IRSS-Arend-Rigaux - copy                
ISOCAM 220                11:09:53.37  -77:28:36.56  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     36.85   2006-03-07 02:53:36.5     12686080  IRSS-G-DMW-CHA-023                      
DENIS-P J1109.5-7633-T41, 11:09:28.55  -76:33:28.14  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     40.38   2006-03-07 03:26:10.4     12697088  IRSS-G-DMW-CHA-002                      
Cha208428                 11:09:13.63  -77:34:44.60  Fazio             BDS_IN_SFR      36 irsstare    111.65   2006-03-07 04:05:17.5     16046336  IRSS-Cha208428                          
HV2446                    05:20:01.57  -67:34:42.10  Onaka             ONAKA_TIMV    3583 irsstare     42.70   2006-03-07 05:55:02.4     11218944  IRSS-0000-6                             
C/2003 T4 (LINEAR)            1000459        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap       67.30   2006-03-07 06:45:13.2     15789824  T4_4.6AU_o -irsm                        
HD 34816                  05:19:34.52  -13:10:36.40  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irspeakup     5.97   2006-03-07 07:51:08.5     14219520  IRSI-HD34816                            
Orion Bar centered        05:35:19.20  -05:25:14.00  Cruikshank        PAH EMISSION    93 irsstare     10.28   2006-03-07 07:58:00.5      4908032  IRSS-PAH_56A                            
Orion Bar +4-4            05:35:20.20  -05:25:14.00  Cruikshank        PAH EMISSION    93 irsstare     14.15   2006-03-07 08:05:45.0      4908288  IRSS-PAH_57A                            
Orion Bar +8-8            05:35:19.70  -05:25:22.00  Cruikshank        PAH EMISSION    93 irsstare     14.15   2006-03-07 08:17:21.1      4908544  IRSS-PAH_58A                            
Orion Bar +12-12          05:35:20.00  -05:25:26.00  Cruikshank        PAH EMISSION    93 irsstare     26.04   2006-03-07 08:29:00.7      4908800  IRSS-PAH_59A                            
Orion Bar -4+4            05:35:18.90  -05:25:10.00  Cruikshank        PAH EMISSION    93 irsstare     21.04   2006-03-07 08:52:30.4      4909312  IRSS-PAH_60A                            
CIDA-Ori-47332            05:25:46.75  +01:43:30.40  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     31.02   2006-03-07 09:11:47.2     16264960  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-003                      
HD 38563N                 05:46:44.70  +00:05:21.00  Houck             IRS_RNDUST      19 irsstare     38.31   2006-03-07 09:38:49.0     16207360  KU-IRSRN - vdb59 star                   
HD 37903                  05:41:38.39  -02:15:32.50  Houck             IRS_RNDUST      19 irsstare     38.30   2006-03-07 10:14:45.1     16207616  KU-IRSRN - vdb52 star                   
Crab Follow-Up 3          05:34:33.88  +22:00:52.00  Roellig           22-MICRON ST    24 irsstare    128.99   2006-03-07 11:01:45.8     16201216  IRSS-tlrgto-22m-028LR                   
Crab Follow-Up 3          05:34:33.88  +22:00:52.00  Roellig           22-MICRON ST    24 irsstare    115.89   2006-03-07 13:07:54.9     16201472  IRSS-tlrgto-22m-027HR                   
Crab Follow-Up 2HR        05:34:38.44  +21:59:10.00  Roellig           22-MICRON ST    24 irsstare    171.65   2006-03-07 15:00:39.0     16200960  IRSS-tlrgto-22m-025HR                   
Crab Follow-Up 2LR        05:34:38.44  +21:59:10.00  Roellig           22-MICRON ST    24 irsstare    128.79   2006-03-07 17:48:46.6     16200704  IRSS-tlrgto-22m-026LR                   
UX Tau A-CHEAP            04:30:04.00  +18:13:49.40  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.51   2006-03-07 19:56:13.2     16270592  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-106                      
GG Tau-CHEAP              04:32:30.70  +17:31:41.80  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.51   2006-03-07 19:59:54.8     16271104  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-104                      
HP Tau/G2-CHEAP           04:35:54.15  +22:54:13.50  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.51   2006-03-07 20:04:23.7     16269568  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-110                      
HBC 423-CHEAP             04:42:07.33  +25:23:03.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.51   2006-03-07 20:08:33.4     16270080  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-108                      
DI Tau-CHEAP              04:29:42.48  +26:32:49.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.51   2006-03-07 20:12:44.9     16269824  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-109                      
KPNO-6?                   04:30:07.25  +26:08:20.70  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     27.05   2006-03-07 20:16:30.0     12706048  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-014                      
V819 Tau-CHEAP            04:19:26.27  +28:26:14.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.51   2006-03-07 20:41:10.3     16269312  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-111                      
04108+2803A-CHEAP         04:13:53.26  +28:11:23.60  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.51   2006-03-07 20:44:54.3     16270848  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-105                      
V773 Tau                  04:14:12.92  +28:12:12.40  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.82   2006-03-07 20:50:41.3     16261632  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-018                      
04141188?                 04:14:11.88  +28:11:53.50  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     37.28   2006-03-07 20:59:51.4     12707840  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-007                      
KPNO-12?                  04:19:01.26  +28:02:48.70  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     36.13   2006-03-07 21:34:55.8     12705280  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-017                      
HD 23862                  03:49:11.22  +24:08:12.20  Rieke             CHAS_VLS        41 irsstare     10.99   2006-03-07 22:07:28.4     12713984  Astar Follow-up-002                     
IRAS 03382+3145           03:41:22.11  +31:54:33.57  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsmap       14.08   2006-03-07 22:16:28.0      3622144  IRSM-G-DMW-CLS0022                      
ic348-1905                03:43:28.22  +32:01:59.20  Fazio             BDS_IN_SFR      36 irsstare     14.32   2006-03-07 22:27:41.6     12620288  IRSS-ic348-1905                         
IC348-068                 03:44:28.51  +31:59:54.10  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     21.84   2006-03-07 22:41:27.9     16268032  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-005                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-08 00:10:07.8     16893440  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.76   2006-03-08 00:21:18.2     16902912  caldrk_IRS-29_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.48   2006-03-08 00:31:11.9     16896512  caldrk_IRS-29_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     44.19   2006-03-08 00:44:01.6     16895232  caldrk_IRS-29_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.07   2006-03-08 01:24:31.1     16913152  calsfx-29E-HR6348                       
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.80   2006-03-08 01:56:18.6     16913408  calsfx-29E-sky                          
irs8392                   17:13:43.92  +59:57:14.20  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-03-08 02:12:38.5     15714305  IRS8392 [version 1]                     
irs8479                   17:13:02.15  +59:54:59.80  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-03-08 03:19:01.1     15714049  IRS8479 [version 1]                     
irs419                    17:15:45.19  +59:05:38.69  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-03-08 04:25:42.4     15508993  irs419 [version 1]                      
irs397                    17:15:05.86  +59:09:16.97  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     82.41   2006-03-08 05:31:51.5     15502849  irs397 [version 1]                      
irs532                    17:15:26.04  +58:56:32.76  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-03-08 06:51:16.3     15521793  irs532 [version 1]                      
irs488                    17:15:11.85  +58:49:34.43  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-03-08 07:57:37.7     15517441  IRS488 [version 1]                      
irs463                    17:14:45.21  +58:54:55.10  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-03-08 09:04:01.4     15533825  irs463 [version 1]                      
irs530                    17:13:37.10  +58:46:37.31  Yan               LYANGO2IRS   20629 irsstare     69.61   2006-03-08 10:10:27.8     15522049  irs530 [version 1]                      
iras17132+5313            17:14:20.00  +53:10:30.00  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     20.73   2006-03-08 11:17:52.6     14841344  IRSS-0022                               
HD154345                  17:02:36.40  +47:04:54.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     28.84   2006-03-08 11:36:42.5     16011776  HD154345_IRS                            
A2219                     16:40:19.50  +46:44:00.50  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 irsstare     81.77   2006-03-08 12:12:02.7     16210688  A2219                                   
IRAS16334+4630sky         16:34:52.37  +46:25:53.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-03-08 13:31:18.5     16420864  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg081sky                 
IRAS16334+4630            16:34:52.37  +46:24:53.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.19   2006-03-08 13:47:38.8     14578688  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg081                    
RGJ163656.28+405912.2     16:36:56.28  +40:59:12.20  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.19   2006-03-08 14:12:55.5     15125760  RGJ163656.28+405912.2                   
RGJ163642.74+405515.4     16:36:42.74  +40:55:15.40  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.13   2006-03-08 16:47:05.1     15125504  RGJ163642.74+405515.4                   
3C338                     16:28:38.48  +39:33:05.60  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-03-08 19:21:46.3     14810368  IRSS-3c338                              
SWIRE N2:185921           16:35:11.43  +41:22:57.40  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.88   2006-03-08 20:41:48.2     16163584  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire6                     
HBC 427/1-CHEAP           04:56:02.73  +30:21:04.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.53   2006-03-08 21:19:39.8     16270336  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-107                      
IRAS 03422+3156A          03:45:21.49  +32:05:44.22  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsmap       14.08   2006-03-08 21:25:02.3      3622656  IRSM-G-DMW-CLS0024                      
SSTc2dJ0344385+320801     03:44:38.54  +32:08:00.60  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     23.42   2006-03-08 21:36:10.5     16755456  IRSS-WTTS-0004                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-08 23:10:37.5     16893696  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     54.03   2006-03-08 23:21:55.0     16901632  caldrk_IRS-29_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     24.61   2006-03-09 00:12:41.4     16901888  caldrk_IRS-29_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-09 00:33:39.3     16923392  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR 5467                   14:38:15.22  +54:01:24.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     54.34   2006-03-09 01:00:29.4     16910592  calsfx-29F-HR5467                       
HD 93162                  10:44:10.34  -59:43:11.40  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     25.78   2006-03-09 02:03:24.6     16920832  calwav-29A-HD93162                      
HD 93131                  10:43:52.26  -60:07:04.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     21.89   2006-03-09 02:26:34.3     16921088  calwav-29B-HD93131                      
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     74.59   2006-03-09 02:47:28.4     16913664  calsfx-29A-eta1Dor_1                    
IRAS05189-2524            05:21:01.41  -25:21:45.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     36.25   2006-03-09 04:02:47.1     16909568  calsfx-29G-redagn1                      
C/2003 T4 (LINEAR)            1000459        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap       67.30   2006-03-09 04:49:50.1     15786240  T4_4.6AU_o -irsm_shadow                 
NGC5135                   13:25:44.06  -29:50:01.20  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 irsmap       19.40   2006-03-09 05:59:00.0     12445696  IRSM-Low Res Map - NGC5135              
HD120690                  13:51:20.33  -24:23:25.30  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     22.78   2006-03-09 06:16:54.9     16031232  HD120690_IRS                            
iras 14071-0806           14:09:46.82  -08:20:03.60  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     19.42   2006-03-09 06:38:44.5     14869248  IRSS-14071                              
NGC 5426/NGC 5427         14:03:24.90  -06:04:08.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.16   2006-03-09 06:55:47.8     16301568  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5426/NGC 5427             
HD126053                  14:23:15.28  +01:14:29.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     21.49   2006-03-09 07:27:28.1     16032256  HD126053_IRS                            
56                        14:15:56.83  +05:20:29.50  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.34   2006-03-09 07:46:57.5     15080192  hao_sdssagn_0056                        
3C296.0                   14:16:53.20  +10:48:11.00  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.80   2006-03-09 08:10:07.9     15041024  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C296.0              
3C296                     14:16:53.20  +10:48:11.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.61   2006-03-09 08:31:53.0     14808832  IRSS-3c296                              
pg1425+267                14:27:35.54  +26:32:13.60  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.15   2006-03-09 09:53:30.3     14198016  IRSS-0040                               
NGC 5614/NGC 5615 CLUSTER 14:24:07.59  +34:51:31.90  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.08   2006-03-09 10:24:55.8     16315648  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5614/NGC 5615 CLUSTER     
XZ Tau                    04:31:40.07  +18:13:59.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.84   2006-03-09 11:16:19.0     15118336  IRSS-BaryXZ3                            
iras03359+1523            03:38:46.70  +15:32:55.00  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     23.24   2006-03-09 11:23:31.3     14836736  IRSS-0004                               
CW Tau                    04:14:17.00  +28:10:57.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.33   2006-03-09 11:47:43.6     15109888  IRSS-BaryCW1                            
CY Tau                    04:17:33.72  +28:20:46.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.88   2006-03-09 11:56:18.3     15110400  IRSS-BaryCY                             
BP Tau                    04:19:15.83  +29:06:26.90  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.09   2006-03-09 12:04:02.0     15109120  IRSS-BaryBP1                            
L1448                     03:25:38.71  +30:44:06.50  Nisini            NISINI_JETS  20155 irsstare    191.10   2006-03-09 12:11:19.9     14241024  1448-03                                 
vdb 17.3                  03:29:23.59  +31:24:08.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare    113.33   2006-03-09 15:19:39.7     14121984  IRSS-0003                               
L1448-mm                  03:25:38.80  +30:44:05.00  Jimenez-Serra     JIM_TIMEVL   20276 irsstare     22.08   2006-03-09 17:10:02.0     14483200  IRSS-L1448-mm                           
L1448-mm                  03:25:38.80  +30:44:05.00  Jimenez-Serra     JIM_TIMEVL   20276 irsstare      6.63   2006-03-09 17:28:50.0     16216064  IRSS-L1448-mm-bg                        
IRAS 03282                03:31:20.99  +30:45:30.82  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     13.83   2006-03-09 17:32:48.1      3623936  IRSS-G-DMW-CLS0029                      
HD 14270                  02:20:29.00  +56:59:35.20  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.57   2006-03-09 17:46:18.6     13840640  IRSS-HD14270                            
HD 13136                  02:10:15.79  +56:33:32.70  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.57   2006-03-09 18:22:10.6     13840384  IRSS-HD13136                            
HD 14422                  02:21:50.81  +57:23:11.60  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irsstare    130.43   2006-03-09 18:58:08.8     14203648  IRSS-HD14422                            
HD 236915                 01:58:28.91  +59:16:08.80  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.34   2006-03-09 21:06:26.9     13840128  IRSS-HD236915                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          67.07   2006-03-09 23:06:21.5     16888064  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.05   2006-03-10 00:13:18.9     16890368  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.99   2006-03-10 00:23:53.5     16908544  caldrk_IRS-29_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.49   2006-03-10 00:35:50.0     16902656  caldrk_IRS-29_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-10 00:47:23.1     16923648  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1569  1569 irs         132.97   2006-03-10 01:11:14.0     16886784  irs-017_ll_200601                       
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1569  1569 irs         152.55   2006-03-10 03:25:30.9     16887040  irs-020_ll_200601                       
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.05   2006-03-10 05:58:56.8     16890624  anneal                                  
ModzSED_boo09             14:26:59.12  +33:33:04.90  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     19.21   2006-03-10 06:13:54.0     14084096  IRS_MODZSED_MIR07-0001                  
HD134083                  15:07:18.07  +24:52:09.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     14.16   2006-03-10 06:32:07.8     16014080  HD134083_IRS                            
IRC+60063                 01:46:05.48  +60:59:36.70  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     36.86   2006-03-10 06:52:07.5     13843456  IRSS-IRC+60063                          
HD 14404                  02:21:42.41  +57:51:46.10  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.45   2006-03-10 07:25:47.0     13840896  IRSS-HD14404                            
HD 14826                  02:25:21.86  +57:26:14.10  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.34   2006-03-10 08:01:08.3     13841152  IRSS-HD14826                            
HD 14142                  02:19:21.88  +58:57:40.30  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     37.26   2006-03-10 08:38:57.3     13843712  IRSS-HD14142                            
ngc1333                   03:28:56.50  +31:12:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.84   2006-03-10 09:14:24.0     14585600  ngc1333-sh-1.8-3.6                      
NGC2403-BG                07:36:29.69  +65:27:27.60  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap       10.80   2006-03-10 13:23:20.7     14802176  NGC2403-BG-SL                           
NGC2403_SLmap_01          07:36:44.70  +65:35:23.70  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      272.55   2006-03-10 13:31:00.6     14801408  NGC2403-SLmap_01                        
NGC2403_SLmap_00          07:36:28.90  +65:33:24.50  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      272.55   2006-03-10 18:00:20.8     14801152  NGC2403-SLmap_00                        
IC348-30003               03:43:59.17  +32:02:51.30  Fazio             BDS_IN_SFR      36 irsstare     72.05   2006-03-10 22:36:19.3     16046080  IRSS-30003                              
L1448_S                   03:25:39.07  +30:43:54.50  Nisini            NISINI_JETS  20155 irsstare     70.05   2006-03-10 23:45:00.6     14240768  1448-04                                 
N1333-IRAS4B              03:29:11.99  +31:13:08.90  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     15.88   2006-03-11 00:56:48.2     16265728  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-000                      
N1333-IRAS4B-OFF          03:29:11.99  +31:14:08.90  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     14.39   2006-03-11 01:07:31.9     16265472  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-001                      
L1448_N2                  03:25:37.90  +30:44:34.90  Nisini            NISINI_JETS  20155 irsstare     70.05   2006-03-11 01:19:17.2     14243840  1448-01                                 
vdB17_sky                 03:30:20.00  +31:14:00.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare     34.26   2006-03-11 02:26:37.9     14123264  IRSS-0000                               
3C84.0                    03:19:48.16  +41:30:42.10  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-03-11 02:59:03.8     15036928  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C84.0               
NGC1333-IRAS4A            03:29:10.50  +31:13:31.00  Jimenez-Serra     JIM_TIMEVL   20276 irsstare      9.36   2006-03-11 03:22:20.2     14482944  IRSS-NGC1333                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-11 04:50:41.4     16893952  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-11 05:03:07.9     16923904  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.76   2006-03-11 05:27:04.1     16904448  caldrk_IRS-29_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_3 
IRS_BOOTES_67             14:25:00.18  +32:59:50.60  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     53.03   2006-03-11 05:40:48.5     14127872  IRS_LIRGs_025_1                         
NGC5506                   14:13:14.87  -03:12:27.00  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 irsmap       19.44   2006-03-11 06:34:03.7     12453888  IRSM-Low Res Map - NGC5506              
HD24916                   03:57:28.70  -01:09:34.00  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     54.32   2006-03-11 07:03:00.7     16030976  HD24916_IRS                             
ngc1333                   03:28:56.50  +31:14:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.88   2006-03-11 07:57:04.9     14585344  ngc1333-sh-1.8-1.8                      
ngc1333                   03:29:03.70  +31:16:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.88   2006-03-11 12:00:29.4     14583808  ngc1333-sh-0-0                          
ngc1333                   03:28:56.50  +31:16:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.88   2006-03-11 15:55:05.6     14585088  ngc1333-sh-1.8-0                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-11 21:08:02.4     16894208  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.49   2006-03-11 21:18:35.5     16904192  caldrk_IRS-29_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.31   2006-03-11 21:29:48.9     16897792  caldrk_IRS-29_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-11 21:39:25.9     16924160  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.09   2006-03-11 22:05:03.6     16913920  calsfx-29B-HD173511_1                   
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.81   2006-03-11 22:36:53.5     16916480  calsfx-29B-sky_2                        
CW Tau                    04:14:17.00  +28:10:57.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.33   2006-03-11 23:01:15.0     15114240  IRSS-BaryCW2                            
HD 14242                  02:20:22.46  +59:40:16.90  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     37.15   2006-03-11 23:12:02.5     13843968  IRSS-14242                              
ngc1333                   03:29:10.10  +31:20:32.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.43   2006-03-11 23:47:19.5     14587648  slb-ngc1333+1.5+4.5                     
ngc1333                   03:28:57.30  +31:11:32.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.43   2006-03-12 03:48:38.7     14588160  slb-ngc1333-1.5-4.5                     
ngc1333                   03:28:57.30  +31:16:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.43   2006-03-12 07:58:33.4     14587136  slb-ngc1333-1.5+0.0                     
ngc1333                   03:29:10.10  +31:12:20.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.43   2006-03-12 11:59:52.6     14588416  slb-ngc1333+1.5-3.7                     
ngc1333                   03:29:10.90  +31:18:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.88   2006-03-12 16:01:16.9     14586112  ngc1333-sh+1.8+1.8                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-12 21:09:57.1     16894464  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.72   2006-03-12 21:20:31.4     16903680  caldrk_IRS-29_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.80   2006-03-12 21:32:11.6     16903936  caldrk_IRS-29_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.48   2006-03-12 21:44:07.4     16895488  caldrk_IRS-29_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     16.98   2006-03-12 21:57:07.3     16914432  calsfx-29C-ksiDra_1                     
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     13.77   2006-03-12 22:10:52.4     16914688  calsfx-29C-sky_1                        
ngc1333                   03:28:57.30  +31:19:14.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      137.65   2006-03-12 22:28:03.2     14583040  ngc1333-lh-1.6+3.2                      
ngc1333                   03:29:10.10  +31:18:00.00  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      137.65   2006-03-13 00:42:27.7     14582784  ngc1333-lh+1.6+3.2                      
ngc1333                   03:29:03.70  +31:18:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.88   2006-03-13 02:57:05.7     14583552  ngc1333-sh-0+1.8                        
ngc1333                   03:29:10.10  +31:16:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      137.65   2006-03-13 06:51:55.4     14581760  ngc1333-lh+1.6-0.0                      
ngc1333                   03:29:06.10  +31:13:00.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      137.65   2006-03-13 10:50:48.3     14582272  ngc1333-lh+1.6-3.2                      
ngc1333                   03:29:10.10  +31:16:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.43   2006-03-13 13:05:19.3     14587392  slb-ngc1333+1.5+0.0                     
ngc1333                   03:28:57.30  +31:16:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      137.65   2006-03-13 17:06:32.1     14582016  ngc1333-lh-1.6-0.0                      
ngc1333                   03:28:57.30  +31:12:50.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      137.65   2006-03-13 19:20:53.3     14582528  ngc1333-lh-1.6-3.2                      
IC348-067                 03:43:44.62  +32:08:17.90  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     14.14   2006-03-13 21:38:09.3     16267264  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-008                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          67.07   2006-03-13 23:06:50.9     16888320  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.05   2006-03-14 00:13:48.3     16890880  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     44.19   2006-03-14 00:25:54.1     16896256  caldrk_IRS-29_100-DCVZN-SH-long_2       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.31   2006-03-14 01:05:16.1     16898048  caldrk_IRS-29_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_3 
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.18   2006-03-14 01:15:49.5     16917248  calsfx-29D-HR6606_2                     
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.80   2006-03-14 01:47:45.4     16917504  calsfx-29D-sky_2                        
IRS_BOOTES_993            14:26:18.65  +34:57:03.90  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     73.59   2006-03-14 02:07:45.5     14133504  IRS_LIRGs_045_8                         
IRS_BOOTES_929            14:26:07.93  +34:50:45.40  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     47.15   2006-03-14 03:18:28.9     14133248  IRS_LIRGs_045_7                         
IRS_BOOTES_1089           14:36:06.84  +35:09:27.80  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     90.00   2006-03-14 04:03:12.1     14134272  IRS_LIRGs_055_2                         
IRS_BOOTES_734            14:34:53.85  +34:27:44.40  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     72.14   2006-03-14 05:30:19.5     14130176  IRS_LIRGs_035_4                         
IRS_BOOTES_776            14:28:49.79  +34:32:40.30  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     33.74   2006-03-14 06:39:48.6     14128896  IRS_LIRGs_025_5                         
ModzSED_boo23             14:28:49.79  +34:32:40.20  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     33.07   2006-03-14 07:10:22.1     14086144  IRS_MODZSED_MIR20                       
IRS_BOOTES_702            14:28:19.57  +34:23:34.10  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     73.41   2006-03-14 07:40:18.7     14132992  IRS_LIRGs_045_6                         
IRS_BOOTES_455            14:28:19.51  +33:51:50.10  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     73.36   2006-03-14 08:50:55.7     14132480  IRS_LIRGs_045_4                         
pg1426+015                14:29:06.59  +01:17:06.50  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     22.37   2006-03-14 10:04:32.9     14198272  IRSS-0041                               
NGC1275 position 11       03:19:45.20  +41:31:33.00  Fabian            FILAMENTAO2  20343 irsstare     96.71   2006-03-14 10:42:45.3     14536192  IRSS-0000                               
NGC1275 position 2        03:19:45.80  +41:29:48.00  Fabian            FILAMENTAO2  20343 irsstare     96.71   2006-03-14 12:16:21.4     14536448  IRSS-0001                               
NGC1275 East knot         03:19:50.00  +41:30:47.00  Fabian            FILAMENTAO2  20343 irsstare     37.25   2006-03-14 13:49:56.6     14536704  IRSS-0002                               
NGC1275 blank             03:19:53.75  +41:28:33.90  Fabian            FILAMENTAO2  20343 irsstare     64.63   2006-03-14 14:25:40.6     16754176  IRSS-0003                               
WR4                       02:41:11.67  +56:43:49.70  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare    148.20   2006-03-14 15:27:31.0     14236416  IRSS-WR4                                
WR4-OFF                   02:41:14.60  +56:44:27.30  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     34.63   2006-03-14 17:52:49.4     14237952  IRSS-WR4-OFF                            
IC348-237                 03:44:23.57  +32:09:34.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     44.28   2006-03-14 18:26:49.3     16265984  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-014                    
IC348-291?                03:44:34.05  +32:06:56.90  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     36.87   2006-03-14 19:09:46.8     12708352  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-005                      
IC348-555?                03:44:41.23  +32:06:27.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     46.92   2006-03-14 19:44:04.3     12707584  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-008                      
IC348-008                 03:44:09.15  +32:07:09.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     25.14   2006-03-14 20:28:30.0     16268288  IRSS-G-DMW-IC348-004                    
ZZ Tau                    04:30:51.38  +24:42:22.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     12.93   2006-03-14 20:53:05.8     16261376  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-019                      
DM Tau                    04:33:48.72  +18:10:10.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     29.33   2006-03-14 21:03:39.3     16346624  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-015a                     
BP Tau                    04:19:15.83  +29:06:26.90  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.09   2006-03-14 21:31:33.5     15112192  IRSS-BaryBP3                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-14 22:54:54.5     16894720  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     54.03   2006-03-14 23:06:31.8     16903168  caldrk_IRS-29_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     24.61   2006-03-14 23:57:18.3     16903424  caldrk_IRS-29_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.06   2006-03-15 00:19:12.4     16915456  calsfx-29E-HR6348_1                     
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.80   2006-03-15 00:50:59.7     16915712  calsfx-29E-sky_1                        
IRS_BOOTES_636            14:29:19.77  +34:15:06.20  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     73.70   2006-03-15 01:10:32.6     14132736  IRS_LIRGs_045_5                         
IRS_BOOTES_339            14:29:35.97  +33:37:13.40  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     73.32   2006-03-15 02:21:26.2     14132224  IRS_LIRGs_045_2                         
IRS_BOOTES_407            14:31:14.82  +33:46:22.90  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     68.40   2006-03-15 03:31:43.2     14128384  IRS_LIRGs_025_3                         
ModzSED_boo21             14:31:14.77  +33:46:23.00  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     64.54   2006-03-15 04:37:02.5     14086400  IRS_MODZSED_MIR20-0000                  
70noao143639.1+345222     14:36:39.08  +34:52:22.19  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     80.26   2006-03-15 05:38:58.9     16159232  IRSS-e-dww-70bootes3                    
HD 147809-CHEAP           16:24:59.15  -25:21:18.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      6.53   2006-03-15 07:01:39.3     16271360  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-103                      
wa oph6 cluster           16:48:45.64  -14:16:35.90  Evans             COREPLANETS_   172 irsstare     21.86   2006-03-15 07:06:53.1      5650688  IRSS-0087                               
HD 146850                 16:19:00.42  -14:52:22.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     12.17   2006-03-15 07:29:27.1     16262912  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-011                      
Oph-risingdisks2          16:22:21.01  -23:04:02.60  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     34.68   2006-03-15 07:37:54.7     15920897  IRSS-RISDISK-0001 [version 1]           
KA-162148.5-234027.3      16:21:48.49  -23:40:27.30  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     11.79   2006-03-15 08:09:19.1     15919617  IRSS-BD-0002 [version 1]                
Oph-risingdisks3          16:22:45.40  -24:31:23.90  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     27.56   2006-03-15 08:18:20.2     15920641  IRSS-RISDISK-0002 [version 1]           
SSTc2dJ1627151-245139     16:27:15.14  -24:51:38.90  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     13.99   2006-03-15 08:43:26.2     16754688  IRSS-WTTS-0007                          
SSTc2dJ1628167-240514     16:28:16.73  -24:05:14.30  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     16.59   2006-03-15 08:54:30.6     16754944  IRSS-WTTS-0006                          
CRBR51                    16:26:58.30  -24:37:40.82  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     31.67   2006-03-15 09:09:50.0     12689152  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-022                      
16201-2410-16220-2452-IRS 16:23:09.23  -24:17:04.69  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     44.21   2006-03-15 09:37:24.6     12699392  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-002                      
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.05   2006-03-15 10:22:16.8     16889856  anneal                                  
HIP_78483                 16:01:18.42  -26:52:21.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup     9.09   2006-03-15 10:31:37.0     13887744  CarpIrsS038                             
SSTc2dJ1608126-390833     16:08:12.62  -39:08:33.40  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     11.79   2006-03-15 10:48:07.8     16755200  IRSS-WTTS-0005                          
KA-Oph-cluster            16:23:05.84  -23:38:17.80  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     68.90   2006-03-15 11:00:05.4     15920129  IRSS-BD-0001 [version 1]                
NGC 1569                  04:30:49.10  +64:50:53.00  Houck             IRS_LSO        117 irsmap      133.08   2006-03-15 12:14:42.8      5008128  IRSS-e-dd-hfly002                       
HD 30834                  04:52:37.98  +36:42:11.50  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.44   2006-03-15 14:28:52.3     16263168  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-010                      
HBC 427/1                 04:56:02.73  +30:21:04.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     14.92   2006-03-15 14:38:25.2     16262400  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-014                      
GG Tau B                  04:32:30.28  +17:31:30.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     13.93   2006-03-15 14:53:03.5     16262144  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-016                      
GG Tau A                  04:32:30.35  +17:31:40.60  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.66   2006-03-15 15:04:23.3     16261888  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-017                      
IRAM 04191+1522           04:21:56.90  +15:29:45.80  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     37.28   2006-03-15 15:12:12.7     16754432  IRSS-EMBEDDED-0010                      
MS0451                    04:54:07.12  -03:00:36.40  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 irsstare     81.93   2006-03-15 15:48:42.1     16210432  MS0451                                  
V346 Ori                  05:24:42.80  +01:43:48.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.75   2006-03-15 17:10:58.1     16265216  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-002                      
N05-IRS-A                 05:39:52.41  +29:52:25.30  Roellig           NINE MICRON     22 irsstare     18.40   2006-03-15 17:22:49.7      3849472  IRSS-tlrgto-9m-005a                     
N05-IRS-F                 05:40:49.63  +30:12:18.00  Roellig           NINE MICRON     22 irsstare      9.53   2006-03-15 17:36:28.0     12573696  IRSS-tlrgto-9m-005f                     
N05-IRS-C                 05:39:47.22  +30:04:48.30  Roellig           NINE MICRON     22 irsstare     50.66   2006-03-15 17:44:50.6      3849984  IRSS-tlrgto-9m-005c                     
N05-IRS-E                 05:39:42.27  +30:06:17.40  Roellig           NINE MICRON     22 irsstare    108.81   2006-03-15 18:32:58.2     12573952  IRSS-tlrgto-9m-005e                     
N05-IRS-D                 05:41:18.46  +29:55:15.70  Roellig           NINE MICRON     22 irsstare     28.55   2006-03-15 20:19:50.7      3850240  IRSS-tlrgto-9m-005d                     
N08-IRS-A                 05:40:19.39  +30:41:34.80  Roellig           NINE MICRON     22 irsstare     18.11   2006-03-15 20:45:48.4      3852544  IRSS-tlrgto-9m-008a                     
Einer                         2011728         Einer  Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 irspeakup     8.30   2006-03-15 21:16:22.8     14245376  karins_11728_PUI                        
DQ Tau                    04:46:53.06  +17:00:00.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     11.01   2006-03-15 21:22:56.7     15116800  IRSS-BaryDQ3                            
DM Tau                    04:33:48.70  +18:10:10.00  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.20   2006-03-15 21:33:30.4     15117568  IRSS-BaryDM3                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-15 22:49:08.7     16894976  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.99   2006-03-15 23:00:16.2     16908800  caldrk_IRS-29_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_4
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-15 23:12:33.5     16924416  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     24.61   2006-03-15 23:37:10.8     16904960  caldrk_IRS-29_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_4    
HR 5467                   14:38:15.22  +54:01:24.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     54.40   2006-03-16 00:00:46.5     16910848  calsfx-29F-HR5467_1                     
IRS_BOOTES_1289           14:35:19.42  +35:36:22.20  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     72.39   2006-03-16 00:54:32.8     14130688  IRS_LIRGs_035_6                         
IRS_BOOTES_1322           14:37:11.26  +35:40:36.20  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     72.36   2006-03-16 02:04:12.3     14130944  IRS_LIRGs_035_7                         
C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)          1000507          null  Wooden            WOODEN_TOO_C  3152 irsmap       77.94   2006-03-16 03:25:58.4     12814848  IRSM-w01-5AU                            
CarpIrsC027               16:04:00.24  -19:46:02.90  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    85.02   2006-03-16 04:43:15.6     13884928  CarpIrsC027                             
CarpIrsC057               16:04:39.17  -19:42:46.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    61.54   2006-03-16 06:05:05.7     13892608  CarpIrsC057                             
CarpIrsC010               15:54:41.60  -22:45:58.50  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    61.89   2006-03-16 07:04:08.0     13880576  CarpIrsC010                             
CarpIrsC011               16:08:35.14  -20:45:29.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup   102.60   2006-03-16 08:03:27.8     13880832  CarpIrsC011                             
CarpIrsC002               15:53:53.92  -24:31:59.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    12.27   2006-03-16 09:43:40.6     13878528  CarpIrsC002                             
CarpIrsC050               15:50:04.99  -23:11:53.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    15.09   2006-03-16 09:53:11.3     13890816  CarpIrsC050                             
HIP_77545                 15:49:59.80  -25:09:03.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup     9.10   2006-03-16 10:05:20.5     13888512  CarpIrsS041                             
CarpIrsC006               15:54:39.53  -25:14:37.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    21.17   2006-03-16 10:11:31.9     13879552  CarpIrsC006                             
PBB2002_USco_J155829.8-23 15:58:29.81  -23:10:07.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    14.91   2006-03-16 10:38:40.3     13894144  CarpIrsS063                             
PBB2002_USco_J155729.9-22 15:57:29.86  -22:58:43.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    13.21   2006-03-16 10:50:26.8     13893632  CarpIrsS061                             
PBB2002_USco_J155624.8-22 15:56:24.77  -22:25:55.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    10.28   2006-03-16 11:00:39.5     13892352  CarpIrsS056                             
PBB2002_USco_J155706.4-22 15:57:06.42  -22:06:06.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    14.93   2006-03-16 11:07:49.2     13893888  CarpIrsS062                             
CarpIrsC015               16:01:55.47  -21:58:49.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    75.29   2006-03-16 11:19:53.2     13881856  CarpIrsC015                             
CarpIrsC048               16:01:47.43  -20:49:45.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    14.96   2006-03-16 12:32:07.3     13890304  CarpIrsC048                             
PBB2002_USco_J160210.9-20 16:02:10.96  -20:07:49.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    17.48   2006-03-16 12:44:01.8     13895168  CarpIrsS067                             
PBB2002_USco_J160159.7-19 16:01:59.77  -19:52:20.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    20.07   2006-03-16 12:58:20.8     13895936  CarpIrsS070                             
CarpIrsC059               16:02:45.45  -19:30:37.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    21.46   2006-03-16 13:15:19.3     13893120  CarpIrsC059                             
PBB2002_USco_J161011.0-19 16:10:11.01  -19:46:04.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    16.61   2006-03-16 13:33:56.4     13894656  CarpIrsS065                             
CarpIrsC043               15:58:12.71  -23:28:36.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    26.71   2006-03-16 13:48:19.2     13889024  CarpIrsC043                             
N08-IRS-C                 05:40:10.94  +30:54:42.70  Roellig           NINE MICRON     22 irsstare    161.50   2006-03-16 14:26:36.3      3853056  IRSS-tlrgto-9m-008c                     
Cl* IC 348 LRL 256        03:43:55.26  +32:07:53.30  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 irsstare     61.18   2006-03-16 17:07:43.5     15191552  IC348-256-IRSS                          
zetaPer-E                 03:54:03.20  +31:53:01.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare    204.39   2006-03-16 18:05:44.6     14523392  IRSS-zetPer                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-16 22:38:02.3     16892160  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.72   2006-03-16 22:48:32.0     16905216  caldrk_IRS-29_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.80   2006-03-16 23:00:12.4     16905472  caldrk_IRS-29_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.76   2006-03-16 23:11:53.1     16905984  caldrk_IRS-29_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-16 23:21:52.9     16924672  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
Arp220                    15:34:57.24  +23:30:11.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     37.89   2006-03-16 23:50:17.1     16910080  calsfx-29H-redagn4                      
Arp220 sky                15:34:57.24  +23:31:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     22.69   2006-03-17 00:24:55.4     16910336  calsfx-29H-sky                          
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     93.32   2006-03-17 00:55:06.9     14394880  SW3-Cstare                              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     76.31   2006-03-17 02:30:16.2     14395136  SW3-CstareHL                            
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irspeakup     8.30   2006-03-17 03:48:13.4     14396928  SW3-C-ImageMap                          
BI Cru                    12:23:25.99  -62:38:16.10  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 irsstare      8.02   2006-03-17 04:01:39.7     15203840  IRSS-0005                               
DG Tau                    04:27:04.70  +26:06:16.30  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.82   2006-03-17 04:16:55.4     15115264  IRSS-BaryDG3                            
DR Tau                    04:47:06.21  +16:58:42.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     11.01   2006-03-17 04:24:11.3     15113728  IRSS-BaryDR3                            
Abell 478                 04:13:25.20  +10:27:55.80  McNamara          SUPERCAV     20345 irsstare    255.57   2006-03-17 04:33:52.6     15835392  IRSS-2a-A478                            
HD22951                   03:42:17.90  +33:57:54.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare    188.89   2006-03-17 08:49:39.4     14522112  IRSS-hd22951                            
HD23267                   03:45:31.06  +42:00:24.90  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.07   2006-03-17 12:05:17.6     14148096  IRSS-WernerAstars-36                    
BD+49 896                 03:18:01.60  +49:38:40.10  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     15.40   2006-03-17 12:20:54.7     15023104  IRSS-BD+49 896                          
87-391_off                02:52:45.00  +60:24:24.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare     24.17   2006-03-17 12:34:51.3     14521088  IRSS-JWG87-sky                          
87-391.2                  02:49:15.00  +60:46:18.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare     24.17   2006-03-17 12:56:09.9     14520576  IRSS-JWG87-2                            
eps aur                   05:01:58.13  +43:49:23.90  Stencel           EPSAUR       20058 irsstare     10.54   2006-03-17 13:22:12.9     13849600  epsaur-irs2                             
IC 405_FUSE-03            05:16:30.21  +34:24:56.40  McCandliss        SRM405       20434 irsmap       81.99   2006-03-17 13:29:39.8     16033024  IRSM-0001mid                            
HR1712                    05:16:18.15  +34:18:44.30  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare     30.46   2006-03-17 14:48:21.3     14520832  IRSS-0005 - 0001                        
Psyche                        2000016        Psyche  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        7.89   2006-03-17 15:27:12.2     14734592  IRSM-16_Psyche                          
HR1658                    05:07:48.40  +20:25:06.20  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.04   2006-03-17 15:32:09.7     14139904  IRSS-WernerAstars-03                    
05113+1347                05:14:07.80  +13:50:28.00  Hrivnak           PPN_2130     20208 irsstare      8.12   2006-03-17 15:49:13.0     14399232  IRSS-ppn1                               
HD30652                   04:49:50.41  +06:57:40.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     10.90   2006-03-17 15:54:22.8     14727936  HD30652_IRS                             
irasf04461                04:48:35.23  -04:49:10.40  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       53.50   2006-03-17 16:03:47.0     14856448  IRSM - irasf04461                       
NGC1977_off_1             05:30:30.00  -04:59:00.00  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsstare      5.05   2006-03-17 16:55:37.2     16109312  NGC1977_off_1                           
NGC1977                   05:35:10.45  -04:55:00.30  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsmap       11.29   2006-03-17 16:57:47.4     14928128  NGC1977                                 
omc2                      05:35:17.70  -05:02:09.00  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      235.75   2006-03-17 17:05:52.4     14594816  slb-omc2-1.5+3.7                        
CY Tau                    04:17:33.72  +28:20:46.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.88   2006-03-17 21:04:55.4     15115776  IRSS-BaryCY2                            
BP Tau                    04:19:15.83  +29:06:26.90  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.09   2006-03-17 21:12:39.2     15111936  IRSS-BaryBP2                            
XZ Tau                    04:31:40.07  +18:13:59.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.83   2006-03-17 21:22:27.9     15118592  IRSS-BaryXZ4                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-17 22:37:34.6     16892416  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.49   2006-03-17 22:48:27.3     16905728  caldrk_IRS-29_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.31   2006-03-17 22:59:40.9     16898304  caldrk_IRS-29_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     54.03   2006-03-17 23:09:32.7     16904704  caldrk_IRS-29_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_4      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.99   2006-03-17 23:59:30.1     16909056  caldrk_IRS-29_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_5
HD142860                  15:56:27.18  +15:39:41.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     11.11   2006-03-18 00:16:14.6     16007936  HD142860_IRS                            
3C327.1                   16:04:45.32  +01:17:51.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-03-18 00:26:27.4     14809856  IRSS-3c327.1                            
Sco X-1                   16:19:55.10  -15:38:25.00  Wachter           WACHTER_SCO  20462 irspeakup    16.82   2006-03-18 01:47:57.3     14727680  scox1_peakup                            
CarpIrsC026               16:07:04.68  -16:56:35.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    15.09   2006-03-18 02:02:23.6     13884672  CarpIrsC026                             
CarpIrsC068               16:06:19.36  -19:23:32.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    33.59   2006-03-18 02:14:39.0     13895424  CarpIrsC068                             
UpScoCTIO100              16:02:04.33  -20:50:42.60  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.78   2006-03-18 02:45:36.9     14676736  IRSS - UpScoCTIO100                     
UpSco DENIS 155605        15:56:05.00  -21:06:46.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.91   2006-03-18 02:54:36.9     14679040  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 155605               
UpSco DENIS 155556        15:55:56.00  -20:45:18.50  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     12.03   2006-03-18 03:03:28.5     14678528  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 155556               
TYC6191_274_1             15:58:20.55  -18:37:25.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup     9.08   2006-03-18 03:12:40.1     13888000  CarpIrsS039                             
UpSco DENIS 160440        16:04:40.80  -19:36:52.80  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.72   2006-03-18 03:19:16.9     14679552  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 160440               
CarpIrsC005               16:06:06.38  -23:36:22.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    38.56   2006-03-18 03:28:32.2     13879296  CarpIrsC005                             
UpScoCTIO75               16:00:30.27  -23:34:45.30  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     12.02   2006-03-18 04:04:06.5     14676480  IRSS - UpScoCTIO75                      
UpScoCTIO109              16:01:19.15  -23:06:39.00  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.95   2006-03-18 04:13:09.3     14677248  IRSS - UpScoCTIO109                     
UpScoCTIO67               15:59:25.94  -23:05:08.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.52   2006-03-18 04:22:04.0     14676224  IRSS - UpScoCTIO67                      
UpScoCTIO53               16:00:26.31  -22:59:40.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.79   2006-03-18 04:30:27.9     14675456  IRSS - UpScoCTIO53                      
UpSco DENIS 160019        16:00:19.45  -22:56:28.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.74   2006-03-18 04:39:08.6     14679296  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 160019               
UpScoCTIO131              16:00:19.48  -22:56:28.90  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.74   2006-03-18 04:47:43.9     14678272  IRSS - UpScoCTIO131                     
UpSco DENIS 160455        16:04:55.80  -23:07:43.80  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.67   2006-03-18 04:56:35.7     14679808  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 160455               
UpScoCTIO55               16:02:45.80  -23:04:50.20  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.86   2006-03-18 05:05:03.3     14675712  IRSS - UpScoCTIO55                      
UpScoCTIO66               16:01:49.56  -23:51:08.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     12.05   2006-03-18 05:14:09.7     14675968  IRSS - UpScoCTIO66                      
UpSco DENIS 160514        16:05:14.03  -24:06:52.60  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.46   2006-03-18 05:23:19.4     14680064  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 160514               
UpSco DENIS 160958        16:09:58.50  -23:45:18.60  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.77   2006-03-18 05:31:57.4     14680832  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 160958               
CarpIrsC007               16:13:45.49  -24:25:19.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    27.08   2006-03-18 05:40:44.9     13879808  CarpIrsC007                             
UpSco DENIS 161903        16:19:03.40  -23:44:08.80  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.97   2006-03-18 06:05:04.1     14683136  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 161903               
UpSco DENIS 161916        16:19:16.50  -23:47:23.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     12.03   2006-03-18 06:14:04.3     14683392  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 161916               
UpSco DENIS 161926        16:19:26.35  -24:12:44.50  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     12.04   2006-03-18 06:23:14.2     14683648  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 161926               
UpSco DENIS 161833        16:18:33.20  -25:17:50.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.96   2006-03-18 06:32:29.0     14682624  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 161833               
UpSco DENIS 161929        16:19:29.90  -24:40:47.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     12.06   2006-03-18 06:41:25.2     14683904  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 161929               
UpSco DENIS 155601        15:56:01.05  -23:38:08.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.94   2006-03-18 06:51:21.2     14678784  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 155601               
HIP_77900                 15:54:30.11  -27:20:19.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup     9.09   2006-03-18 07:00:44.3     13880064  CarpIrsS008                             
RX_J1554.0-2920           15:54:03.58  -29:20:15.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup     9.10   2006-03-18 07:07:08.3     13890560  CarpIrsS049                             
CarpIrsC032               15:48:52.13  -29:29:00.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    14.92   2006-03-18 07:13:28.3     13886208  CarpIrsC032                             
HIP_78196                 15:57:59.35  -31:43:44.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup     9.08   2006-03-18 07:26:00.4     13883392  CarpIrsS021                             
HR 5712                   15:23:09.35  -36:51:30.60  Dudley            IREXT        20294 irsstare     25.12   2006-03-18 07:33:50.1     14494208  IRSS-0008                               
PN G333.9+00.6            16:19:40.16  -49:13:59.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     20.49   2006-03-18 07:59:27.1     16920576  calwav-29D-G333.9                       
HD124580                  14:15:38.68  -45:00:02.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.06   2006-03-18 08:27:48.8     16029184  HD124580_IRS                            
sn2005af                  13:04:44.06  -49:33:59.80  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.82   2006-03-18 08:50:28.9     14468864  PUI-sn2005af-2                          
TWA24                     12:09:41.86  -58:54:45.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     21.08   2006-03-18 09:10:21.3     14973184  IRSS-twa24                              
DX_Cha_CDE                12:00:09.30  -78:11:42.40  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsmap       24.03   2006-03-18 09:30:42.7     14973696  IRSM-EPSCHA_DXCha_CDE_SL                
eps cha                   11:59:37.57  -78:13:18.60  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     19.14   2006-03-18 09:51:48.8     14973440  IRSS-EPSCHA_eps_ChaAB                   
HD71243                   08:18:31.55  -76:55:11.00  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     11.66   2006-03-18 10:09:38.9     16009216  HD71243_IRS                             
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     74.60   2006-03-18 10:20:17.9     16918272  calsfx-29A-eta1Dor_3                    
HD30501                   04:45:38.58  -50:04:27.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     48.54   2006-03-18 11:34:20.2     16004608  HD30501_IRS                             
V380Ori                   05:36:36.40  -06:38:58.00  Stanke            TSTANKE      20620 irsmap      154.69   2006-03-18 12:23:38.7     14931712  V380-IRSM-LL                            
HR 1855                   05:31:55.86  -07:18:05.50  Dudley            IREXT        20294 irsstare     25.12   2006-03-18 14:55:48.4     14493952  IRSS-0007                               
HD36003                   05:28:26.10  -03:29:58.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.19   2006-03-18 15:18:47.1     16018944  HD36003_IRS                             
cvso-58                   05:29:23.25  -01:25:15.60  Calvet            DUSTEVOL_ORI 20408 irsstare     31.35   2006-03-18 15:48:30.6     14645504  IRSS-0001                               
cvso-109                  05:32:32.66  -01:13:46.10  Calvet            DUSTEVOL_ORI 20408 irsstare     31.27   2006-03-18 16:17:03.3     14646272  IRSS-0006                               
cvso-107                  05:32:25.82  +00:36:53.50  Calvet            DUSTEVOL_ORI 20408 irsstare     31.38   2006-03-18 16:45:30.3     14646016  IRSS-0005                               
cvso-90                   05:31:20.64  +00:49:19.60  Calvet            DUSTEVOL_ORI 20408 irsstare     30.58   2006-03-18 17:16:01.9     14645760  IRSS-0003                               
AA Tau                    04:34:55.42  +24:28:53.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.61   2006-03-18 17:47:10.1     15113216  IRSS-BaryAA4                            
CY Tau                    04:17:33.72  +28:20:46.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.88   2006-03-18 17:56:23.7     15116032  IRSS-BaryCY3                            
CW Tau                    04:14:17.00  +28:10:57.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.34   2006-03-18 18:04:17.2     15114496  IRSS-BaryCW3                            
FM Tau                    04:14:13.58  +28:12:49.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.36   2006-03-18 18:12:05.7     15120128  IRSS-BaryFM4                            
BP Tau                    04:19:15.83  +29:06:26.90  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.09   2006-03-18 18:19:58.5     15112448  IRSS-BaryBP4                            
GM Aur                    04:55:10.98  +30:21:59.50  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare      9.89   2006-03-18 18:28:25.5     15119360  IRSS-BaryGM4                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          67.07   2006-03-18 19:45:28.9     16888576  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.05   2006-03-18 20:52:26.3     16891136  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.72   2006-03-18 21:04:37.3     16906752  caldrk_IRS-29_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.80   2006-03-18 21:16:17.7     16907008  caldrk_IRS-29_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-18 21:28:19.6     16924928  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.09   2006-03-18 21:56:59.0     16918528  calsfx-29B-HD173511_3                   
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.81   2006-03-18 22:28:49.1     16918784  calsfx-29B-sky_3                        
pg1440+356                14:42:07.46  +35:26:22.90  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     22.14   2006-03-18 22:49:07.4     14199040  IRSS-0044                               
pg1448+273                14:51:08.77  +27:09:27.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.20   2006-03-18 23:09:46.4     14199552  IRSS-0046                               
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     93.33   2006-03-18 23:54:06.3     15895808  SW3-Cstare-Shadow                       
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     76.31   2006-03-19 01:29:25.2     14397696  SW3-CstareHL-Shadow                     
NGC 5774/NGC 5775/IC 1070 14:53:51.27  +03:29:04.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     41.51   2006-03-19 02:40:46.0     16302080  SIGS_IRS- NGC 5774/NGC 5775/IC 1070 CLUS
HD129502                  14:43:03.62  -05:39:29.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     11.71   2006-03-19 03:20:55.6     16023296  HD129502_IRS                            
HD128987                  14:40:31.11  -16:12:33.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     54.35   2006-03-19 03:31:25.3     15997184  HD128987_IRS                            
HD131977                  14:57:28.00  -21:24:55.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     12.13   2006-03-19 04:24:12.5     16031744  HD131977_IRS                            
HD130992                  14:51:40.47  -24:18:14.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     48.56   2006-03-19 04:34:06.5     16016896  HD130992_IRS                            
TWA15AB                   12:34:20.70  -48:15:15.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     27.16   2006-03-19 05:23:22.1     14971904  IRSS-twa15ab                            
HD110810                  12:45:14.41  -57:21:28.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     64.36   2006-03-19 05:49:08.8     16012800  HD110810_IRS                            
HD 112999                 13:01:34.90  -60:40:17.00  Andersson         COALSACKDUST 20159 irsstare    106.45   2006-03-19 06:53:04.8     14253312  IRSS-0002                               
WR52                      13:18:27.99  -58:08:13.60  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     52.04   2006-03-19 08:35:44.2     14237440  IRSS-WR52                               
WR52-OFF                  13:18:27.99  -58:07:17.50  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     34.63   2006-03-19 09:24:53.0     14238720  IRSS-WR52-OFF                           
HD 108639                 12:29:09.51  -60:48:17.50  Andersson         COALSACKDUST 20159 irsstare    106.03   2006-03-19 10:06:40.9     14253568  IRSS-0003                               
iras12063-6259 - map      12:09:01.12  -63:15:52.90  Peeters           EPEETERS     20517 irsmap       70.35   2006-03-19 11:49:15.9     14798848  IRSM-0000                               
RCW49                     10:24:11.04  -57:40:23.44  Wolfire           RCW49PAH     20012 irsmap       69.70   2006-03-19 12:58:35.3     13814528  RCW49-SL-P7                             
HD38858                   05:48:34.94  -04:05:40.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     17.05   2006-03-19 14:11:45.6     15995392  HD38858_IRS                             
NGC2023-PDR-LH            05:41:37.62  -02:16:42.53  Wolfire           PDRH2        20097 irsmap       44.66   2006-03-19 14:26:16.7     14034176  IRSM-NGC2023-LH-01                      
NGC2023-PDR-SH            05:41:37.62  -02:16:42.53  Wolfire           PDRH2        20097 irsmap      126.19   2006-03-19 15:07:43.4     14033920  IRSM-NGC2023-SH-01                      
[BZR99] S Ori 39          05:38:32.44  -02:29:57.30  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 irsstare     73.64   2006-03-19 17:12:56.3     15194368  Sigma-Ori-39-IRSS                       
[BZR99] S Ori 40          05:37:36.48  -02:41:56.70  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 irsstare     86.42   2006-03-19 18:24:03.7     15194624  Sigma-Ori-40-IRSS                       
05341+0852                05:36:54.20  +08:54:10.00  Hrivnak           PPN_2130     20208 irsstare      8.23   2006-03-19 19:49:30.3     14399488  IRSS-ppn2                               
IC 405_FUSE-04            05:16:18.64  +34:32:25.20  McCandliss        SRM405       20434 irsmap       81.98   2006-03-19 19:55:43.2     16033536  IRSM-0001nor                            
HD24451                   04:01:19.62  +76:09:33.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     74.37   2006-03-19 21:18:30.8     16013312  HD24451_IRS                             
BP Tau                    04:19:15.83  +29:06:26.90  Carr              GAS/DUST     20363 irsstare    112.94   2006-03-19 22:33:42.9     14548224  gas-0007                                
DG Tau                    04:27:04.70  +26:06:16.00  Carr              GAS/DUST     20363 irsstare     39.31   2006-03-20 00:27:05.1     14547968  gas-0004                                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-20 02:26:15.1     16892672  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     12.76   2006-03-20 02:38:32.7     16907520  caldrk_IRS-29_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.48   2006-03-20 02:48:26.6     16897024  caldrk_IRS-29_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_3    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     44.19   2006-03-20 03:01:16.4     16896768  caldrk_IRS-29_100-DCVZN-SH-long_3       
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     16.96   2006-03-20 03:42:33.3     16919040  calsfx-29C-ksiDra_3                     
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     13.77   2006-03-20 03:56:17.4     16919296  calsfx-29C-sky_3                        
HD151288                  16:45:06.35  +33:30:33.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     37.19   2006-03-20 04:10:02.0     16022272  HD151288_IRS                            
arp302                    14:57:00.40  +24:36:44.00  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     18.74   2006-03-20 04:46:56.4     14839808  IRSS-0016                               
3C318.1                   15:21:51.86  +07:42:31.90  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.78   2006-03-20 05:04:54.0     15041792  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C318.1              
3C318.1                   15:21:51.86  +07:42:31.90  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.54   2006-03-20 05:26:45.4     14809600  IRSS-3c318.1                            
3C317.0                   15:16:44.49  +07:01:16.60  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.79   2006-03-20 06:46:32.2     15041536  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C317.0              
3C317                     15:16:44.49  +07:01:16.60  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.55   2006-03-20 07:08:15.8     14809344  IRSS-3c317                              
HD135599                  15:15:59.17  +00:47:46.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.86   2006-03-20 08:29:00.8     16004352  HD135599_IRS                            
NGC5850                   15:07:07.70  +01:32:39.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     24.56   2006-03-20 08:53:18.7     16322816  SIGS_IRS- NGC5850                       
UpSco DENIS 162041        16:20:41.45  -24:25:49.00  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 irsstare     11.90   2006-03-20 09:18:09.8     14684416  IRSS - UpSco DENIS 162041               
HD109200                  12:33:31.38  -68:45:20.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.19   2006-03-20 09:31:47.4     16020992  HD109200_IRS                            
dc297.7-2.8-bg2           12:01:45.96  -65:08:58.70  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     35.04   2006-03-20 10:01:53.5     14907392  COREIRS-0055                            
WR23                      10:41:38.32  -58:46:18.70  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     51.87   2006-03-20 10:35:48.3     14237184  IRSS- WR23                              
WR23-OFF                  10:41:46.30  -58:46:08.20  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     12.55   2006-03-20 11:24:25.5     14238464  IRSS- WR23-OFF                          
HD76653                   08:55:11.78  -54:57:56.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     18.94   2006-03-20 11:36:05.1     15998208  HD76653_IRS                             
HD68114                   08:08:49.81  -49:13:43.70  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.77   2006-03-20 11:53:23.4     14155520  IRSS-WernerAstars-65                    
V380Ori_grid_11pos        05:36:36.40  -06:38:58.00  Stanke            TSTANKE      20620 irsmap      340.34   2006-03-20 12:41:15.4     15943936  V380-IRSM-SL-rev                        
omc2                      05:35:31.90  -05:10:23.00  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      235.75   2006-03-20 18:18:51.3     14595328  slb-omc2+1.5-3.7                        
omc2                      05:35:17.70  -05:05:51.00  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.41   2006-03-20 22:11:23.6     14594048  slb-omc2-1.5+0.0                        
DQ Tau                    04:46:53.06  +17:00:00.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     11.01   2006-03-21 02:15:38.7     15117056  IRSS-BaryDQ4                            
DM Tau                    04:33:48.70  +18:10:10.00  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.20   2006-03-21 02:26:13.2     15117824  IRSS-BaryDM4                            
XZ Tau                    04:31:40.07  +18:13:59.20  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.84   2006-03-21 02:34:30.1     16875776  IRSS-BaryXZ5                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-21 03:55:36.3     16892928  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     54.03   2006-03-21 04:07:03.2     16906240  caldrk_IRS-29_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_5      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     24.61   2006-03-21 04:57:49.6     16906496  caldrk_IRS-29_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_5    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-21 05:18:47.7     16925184  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.18   2006-03-21 05:44:14.8     16919552  calsfx-29D-HR6606_3                     
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.80   2006-03-21 06:16:11.3     16919808  calsfx-29D-sky_3                        
SKS1 4                    16:26:01.40  -24:25:20.37  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     18.36   2006-03-21 06:40:55.3     12685568  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-030                      
WSB37-GY352-GY371         16:26:41.28  -24:40:17.84  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     44.05   2006-03-21 06:55:02.8     12694528  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-012                      
GY5                       16:26:21.55  -24:26:00.86  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     18.45   2006-03-21 07:37:58.8     12685312  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-031                      
GY154-GY450               16:26:54.79  -24:27:02.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     37.12   2006-03-21 07:52:06.3     12694272  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-013                      
VSSG8                     16:27:01.64  -24:21:37.02  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     14.31   2006-03-21 08:27:41.9     12689408  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-021                      
HD-147889-SR4-WL17        16:25:24.36  -24:27:56.50  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     49.22   2006-03-21 08:37:42.2     12699648  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-001                      
GY326                     16:27:42.69  -24:38:50.67  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     31.21   2006-03-21 09:25:11.2     12687616  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-028                      
WL18-GY213-IRS33          16:26:48.99  -24:38:25.10  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     36.96   2006-03-21 09:52:15.5     12697856  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-008                      
ROX 3                     16:25:49.65  -24:51:31.71  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     32.25   2006-03-21 10:28:44.6     12687872  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-027                      
GY109-VSSG11              16:26:42.91  -24:22:59.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     77.57   2006-03-21 10:55:57.2     12694016  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-014                      
L 1689S                   16:32:01.01  -24:56:41.94  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     10.56   2006-03-21 12:13:03.6     12704000  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-302                      
IRS-63-16289-2457         16:31:35.67  -24:01:29.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     16.02   2006-03-21 12:18:54.7     12676608  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-202                      
J900                      06:25:57.28  +17:47:27.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsmap       25.99   2006-03-21 12:53:55.2     16921344  calwav-29C-J900                         
HD43042                   06:14:50.88  +19:09:23.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     15.52   2006-03-21 13:17:42.3     16008448  HD43042_IRS                             
IC 443                    06:17:42.68  +22:21:32.00  Rieke             LATTER_SE       77 irsstare     29.99   2006-03-21 13:30:54.4      4616704  IRSS-SESNR-IC443                        
HD 42474                  06:11:56.25  +23:12:25.40  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.14   2006-03-21 13:58:22.8     13841408  IRSS-HD42474                            
Belenus                       2011284       Belenus  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare    141.97   2006-03-21 14:44:39.9     14526720  IRS_belenus                             
omc2                      05:35:29.90  -05:01:21.00  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      235.75   2006-03-21 17:06:45.0     14594560  slb-omc2+1.5+4.5                        
CY Tau                    04:17:33.72  +28:20:46.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.89   2006-03-21 21:05:45.4     15116288  IRSS-BaryCY4                            
CW Tau                    04:14:17.00  +28:10:57.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.35   2006-03-21 21:13:39.6     15114752  IRSS-BaryCW4                            
HD 48391                  06:44:36.30  +31:58:12.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     14.93   2006-03-21 21:22:30.3     15024896  IRSS-HD48391                            
HD50692                   06:55:18.67  +25:22:32.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     17.15   2006-03-21 21:35:49.8     15995648  HD50692_IRS                             
IC446_off                 06:32:28.00  +10:43:60.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare      9.55   2006-03-21 21:52:05.2     14521856  IRSS-0013                               
R Mon                     06:39:09.99  +08:44:09.90  Audard            RMON-HH39    20034 irsstare      6.63   2006-03-21 22:01:31.3     15293184  IRSS-RMon-SH                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          12.15   2006-03-21 23:15:31.4     16891904  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.99   2006-03-21 23:26:05.2     16909312  caldrk_IRS-29_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_6
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     27.41   2006-03-21 23:38:22.8     16925440  caldrk_IRS-29_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     14.49   2006-03-22 00:02:17.9     16907264  caldrk_IRS-29_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_5 
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     35.06   2006-03-22 00:14:52.2     16920064  calsfx-29E-HR6348_3                     
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irsstare     18.80   2006-03-22 00:46:39.6     16920320  calsfx-29E-sky_3                        
SKS1 10                   16:26:18.85  -24:26:10.38  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      9.24   2006-03-22 01:10:42.7     12685056  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-033                      
GY156-IRS26-WL11          16:26:54.99  -24:22:29.59  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     68.41   2006-03-22 01:15:25.3     12693248  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-017                      
CRBR85                    16:27:24.60  -24:41:03.31  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      8.35   2006-03-22 02:22:28.3     12684544  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-034                      
VSSG3-VSSG5-GY291         16:26:49.25  -24:20:02.86  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     47.47   2006-03-22 02:26:39.6     12692736  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-019                      
16293-2424                16:32:21.06  -24:30:35.82  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     20.52   2006-03-22 03:13:44.7     12703744  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-303                      
ROX-42C-ROX-44-ROX-47A    16:31:15.75  -24:34:02.21  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     15.70   2006-03-22 03:29:15.5     12676352  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-203                      
16349-2502                16:38:02.89  -25:08:28.91  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      9.99   2006-03-22 03:44:32.9     12703488  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-304                      
16330-2424                16:36:05.25  -24:30:37.81  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     10.71   2006-03-22 03:49:54.9     12676096  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-204                      
CarpIrsC013               16:24:02.89  -25:24:53.90  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup    15.04   2006-03-22 03:58:00.5     13881344  CarpIrsC013                             
TYC6804_876_1             16:36:52.89  -27:08:18.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 irspeakup     9.11   2006-03-22 04:10:30.4     13889280  CarpIrsS044                             
2000 ly27                     2067367     2000 LY27  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare     51.45   2006-03-22 04:26:05.4     14525184  IRS_2000LY27                            
V1186 Sco                 17:12:51.28  -30:56:37.60  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     38.31   2006-03-22 05:14:35.9     14474240  IRSS_V1186_Sco_No1                      
V1186 Sco BG              17:13:25.28  -30:56:37.60  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     15.20   2006-03-22 05:49:50.2     14476544  IRSS-V1186-BG                           
RZ Nor                    16:32:41.66  -53:15:33.20  Jura              RCRB             7 irsstare     13.49   2006-03-22 06:04:40.8     16109568  CK IRS RZ Nor repeat                    
G333.6-0.2_center         16:22:06.00  -50:05:25.00  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsmap       30.38   2006-03-22 06:15:46.4     14927616  G333.6-0.2_C                            
HD134060                  15:10:44.74  -61:25:20.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     22.74   2006-03-22 06:45:23.4     16025856  HD134060_IRS                            
HD 117111                 13:29:54.57  -65:30:07.20  Andersson         COALSACKDUST 20159 irsstare    106.00   2006-03-22 07:08:19.0     14252800  IRSS-0000                               
lmc1 -cl                  05:40:46.86  -70:11:22.50  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsstare     94.04   2006-03-22 08:53:56.4     16943616  lmcS1                                   
HD36395                   05:31:27.40  -03:40:38.00  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     15.73   2006-03-22 10:30:22.8     16006400  HD36395_IRS                             
DR Tau                    04:47:06.21  +16:58:42.80  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     11.01   2006-03-22 10:45:41.8     15113984  IRSS-BaryDR4                            
DG Tau                    04:27:04.70  +26:06:16.30  Bary              JSB3R        20755 irsstare     10.83   2006-03-22 10:57:39.4     15115520  IRSS-BaryDG4                            
NGC2245                   06:32:41.30  +10:09:58.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare      9.55   2006-03-22 11:06:36.1     14519808  IRSS-0001                               
HD42807                   06:13:12.50  +10:37:37.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.06   2006-03-22 11:22:51.7     16009472  HD42807_IRS                             
IC446                     06:31:07.00  +10:26:29.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare      9.55   2006-03-22 11:44:33.5     14520064  IRSS-0004                               
NGC2245_sky               06:32:50.00  +10:05:00.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare     64.33   2006-03-22 11:51:19.2     14123776  IRSS-0010                               
ngc 2245.2                06:32:39.49  +10:09:20.50  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare     53.09   2006-03-22 12:52:06.5     14123008  IRSS-0008                               
HH 39 knots (LH) with bkg 06:39:05.45  +08:50:57.10  Audard            RMON-HH39    20034 irsstare     11.09   2006-03-22 13:42:34.2     16102912  IRSS-knots-bkg-LH                       
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1430  1430 irs          67.07   2006-03-22 14:04:37.4     16889088  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-22 22:42:42.4     16946176  latent_safe_best_nep                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-22 22:43:23.6     16978944  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.60   2006-03-22 22:55:57.4     16964096  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.58   2006-03-22 23:05:03.0     16965376  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.58   2006-03-22 23:10:31.0     16965120  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.58   2006-03-22 23:19:05.8     16964864  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.58   2006-03-22 23:27:26.2     16964608  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.91   2006-03-22 23:36:03.6     16965888  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.93   2006-03-22 23:40:42.6     16966144  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.93   2006-03-22 23:45:52.8     16964352  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.58   2006-03-22 23:50:30.8     16965632  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
KH 15D                    06:41:10.20  +09:28:35.00  Agol              ERICAGOLKH15  3469 iracmap      17.38   2006-03-23 00:04:25.6     10995968  IRAC Lightcurve - 2 (edge of eclipse)   
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-23 00:21:16.7     16950528  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0012      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-23 00:24:21.0     16979968  anneal                                  
ic2118-irac4th            05:05:17.00  -07:10:38.00  Spuck             IC2118-TNG     266 iracmap     131.11   2006-03-23 00:36:25.7     16941312  IRAC-ic 2118-4th                        
ngc 1614                  04:33:59.85  -08:34:44.00  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.69   2006-03-23 02:42:12.8      4997888  TNG-SN-NGC1614-08                       
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 02:53:25.1     15143168  IRAC-HD28099-01H                        
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 04:50:26.2     15142912  IRAC-HD28099-01G                        
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 06:47:27.5     15142656  IRAC-HD28099-01F                        
135+06                    02:54:10.06  +65:57:12.18  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.41   2006-03-23 08:49:03.4     14770688  IRAC-0001 - 135+06                      
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.57   2006-03-23 09:58:09.3     16969984  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0004
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-23 11:12:52.1     16948224  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0003      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-23 11:13:17.0     16983296  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.57   2006-03-23 11:26:39.9     16968704  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12              
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 11:34:39.6     15141376  IRAC-HD28099-01A                        
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 13:31:40.9     15141632  IRAC-HD28099-01B                        
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 15:28:42.1     15141888  IRAC-HD28099-01C                        
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 17:28:01.7     15142144  IRAC-HD28099-01D                        
HD 28099                  04:26:40.12  +16:44:48.80  Buzasi            BUZASI       20772 iracmap     119.95   2006-03-23 19:25:03.0     15142400  IRAC-HD28099-01E                        
sn 2004dj                 07:37:17.02  +65:35:57.80  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.59   2006-03-23 21:27:30.3     14456064  IRAC-2004dj-6                           
L1551-MC                  04:31:09.90  +18:12:41.00  Swift             STARLESS?    20762 iracmap      15.83   2006-03-23 22:00:53.1     15123456  IRAC-0000                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-23 23:15:54.4     16946688  latent_safe_best_nep - copy - 0001      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-23 23:16:23.5     16979200  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      10.67   2006-03-23 23:27:51.1     16960256  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.19   2006-03-23 23:35:12.0     16960512  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       9.04   2006-03-23 23:38:00.0     16960768  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.13   2006-03-23 23:43:44.4     16961024  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.13   2006-03-23 23:48:30.4     16958464  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.40   2006-03-23 23:53:13.2     16959232  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.04   2006-03-24 00:01:08.8     16958720  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      17.31   2006-03-24 00:08:45.6     16959488  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      16.30   2006-03-24 00:22:37.8     16958976  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      41.77   2006-03-24 00:35:30.2     16960000  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      54.55   2006-03-24 01:13:53.0     16959744  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_7              06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap     240.68   2006-03-24 02:12:32.2     16957952  skyflt_zody_field_7                     
LDN 1603                  05:43:50.00  +06:24:00.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 iracmap     192.93   2006-03-24 06:13:42.5     14534912  IRAC LDN 1603                           
ic2118-irac5th            05:04:24.00  -07:41:48.00  Spuck             IC2118-TNG     266 iracmap      51.59   2006-03-24 09:21:11.4     16941568  IRAC-ic 2118-5th                        
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.56   2006-03-24 10:12:21.3     16969728  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0003
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-24 11:20:34.1     16948480  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0004      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-24 11:21:11.5     16983552  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.56   2006-03-24 11:34:10.2     16968960  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy       
HD33875                   05:06:09.30  -73:02:15.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 11:47:05.0     16951296  IRAC-astars-HD33875-ch1                 
HD33875                   05:06:09.30  -73:02:15.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 11:48:40.4     16953344  IRAC-astars-HD33875-ch2                 
HD33875                   05:06:09.30  -73:02:15.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 11:51:34.1     16954880  IRAC-astars-HD33875-ch3                 
HD33875                   05:06:09.30  -73:02:15.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 11:54:25.2     16956416  IRAC-astars-HD33875-ch4                 
HD 42525                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 11:58:45.1     16951552  IRAC-astars-HD42525-ch1                 
HD 42525                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 12:00:20.5     16953600  IRAC-astars-HD42525-ch2                 
HD 42525                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 12:01:58.2     16955136  IRAC-astars-HD42525-ch3                 
HD 42525                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 12:04:49.4     16956672  IRAC-astars-HD42525-ch4                 
HD 45557                  06:24:13.84  -60:16:52.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 12:08:53.2     16951808  IRAC-astars-HD45557-ch1                 
HD 45557                  06:24:13.84  -60:16:52.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 12:10:28.7     16953856  IRAC-astars-HD45557-ch2                 
HD 45557                  06:24:13.84  -60:16:52.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 12:12:06.4     16955392  IRAC-astars-HD45557-ch3                 
HD 45557                  06:24:13.84  -60:16:52.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 12:14:57.5     16956928  IRAC-astars-HD45557-ch4                 
Okyrhoe                       2052872     1998 SG35  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.84   2006-03-24 12:29:26.1     15134208  IRAC-52872_Okyrhoe                      
ic2118-irac 6th           05:03:10.00  -07:04:57.00  Spuck             IC2118-TNG     266 iracmap      19.74   2006-03-24 13:06:14.7     16941824  IRAC-ic 2118-6th                        
ic2118-irac3rd            05:03:55.00  -06:42:22.00  Spuck             IC2118-TNG     266 iracmap      36.75   2006-03-24 13:22:36.2     16941056  IRAC-ic 2118-3rd                        
ic2118-irac2nd            05:05:52.00  -06:27:52.00  Spuck             IC2118-TNG     266 iracmap     111.35   2006-03-24 13:55:36.2     16940288  IRAC-ic 2118-2nd                        
180-02                    05:37:53.68  +27:52:49.21  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.68   2006-03-24 15:44:10.3     14772736  IRAC-0001 - 180-02                      
Okyrhoe                       2052872     1998 SG35  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.84   2006-03-24 17:01:28.3     15134464  IRAC-Okyrhoe2                           
180-06                    05:22:53.50  +25:41:28.39  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.78   2006-03-24 17:38:17.6     14773248  IRAC-0001 - 180-06                      
NGC2175S                  06:09:30.63  +20:14:10.46  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 iracmap      31.32   2006-03-24 18:44:10.0     16838656  IRAC-NGC2175S                           
Varuna                        2020000        Varuna  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.91   2006-03-24 19:20:06.6     15129088  IRAC-20000_Varuna                       
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap      13.52   2006-03-24 20:02:00.9     16953088  IRAC-astars-NEP-NPM1p60.0581            
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap      13.53   2006-03-24 20:13:12.6     16952832  IRAC-astars-NEP-HD165459                
HD 158485                 17:26:04.84  +58:39:06.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 20:24:20.9     16952064  IRAC-astars-HD158485-ch1                
HD 158485                 17:26:04.84  +58:39:06.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:25:56.6     16954112  IRAC-astars-HD158485-ch2                
HD 158485                 17:26:04.84  +58:39:06.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:28:50.0     16955648  IRAC-astars-HD158485-ch3                
HD 158485                 17:26:04.84  +58:39:06.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:31:41.3     16957184  IRAC-astars-HD158485-ch4                
HD 172728                 18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 20:36:07.6     16952320  IRAC-astars-HD172728-ch1                
HD 172728                 18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 20:37:43.2     16954368  IRAC-astars-HD172728-ch2                
HD 172728                 18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:39:20.9     16955904  IRAC-astars-HD172728-ch3                
HD 172728                 18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:42:12.2     16957440  IRAC-astars-HD172728-ch4                
HD 179933                 19:09:45.81  +65:58:42.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       4.89   2006-03-24 20:46:05.0     16952576  IRAC-astars-HD179933-ch1                
HD 179933                 19:09:45.81  +65:58:42.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:47:40.6     16954624  IRAC-astars-HD179933-ch2                
HD 179933                 19:09:45.81  +65:58:42.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:50:34.2     16956160  IRAC-astars-HD179933-ch3                
HD 179933                 19:09:45.81  +65:58:42.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1161 iracmap       6.15   2006-03-24 20:53:25.7     16957696  IRAC-astars-HD179933-ch4                
KH 15D                    06:41:10.20  +09:28:35.00  Agol              ERICAGOLKH15  3469 iracmap      17.37   2006-03-24 21:34:04.3     10996224  IRAC Lightcurve - 3 (ingress/egress)    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-24 22:58:28.2     16947200  latent_safe_best_c30                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-24 22:59:08.9     16982016  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.56   2006-03-24 23:12:00.8     16970496  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0006
Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresa        1000100 Tuttle-Giacob  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 iracmap      12.44   2006-03-24 23:23:01.2     13820672  IRAC-cw-100                             
L1521E                    04:29:21.00  +26:14:19.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-24 23:34:01.0     14609920  IRAC - L1521E - DEEP                    
L1521F                    04:28:38.90  +26:51:35.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-24 23:45:55.6     14605568  IRAC - L1521F - DEEP                    
TMC2                      04:32:48.70  +24:25:12.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-24 23:58:18.2     14611968  IRAC - TMC2 - DEEP                      
MC35                      04:35:08.00  +24:09:10.00  Andre             CORES_SPITZE 20302 iracmap      81.77   2006-03-25 00:10:18.2     14511616  IRAC-0002                               
CarpIracC018              15:54:41.60  -22:45:58.50  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      19.66   2006-03-25 01:40:26.9     13860352  CarpIracC018                            
CarpIracC084              16:06:19.36  -19:23:32.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      19.15   2006-03-25 01:57:31.8     13877248  CarpIracC084                            
CarpIracC001              16:05:26.25  -19:48:18.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      19.60   2006-03-25 02:13:35.8     13856000  CarpIracC001                            
CarpIracC022              16:01:55.47  -21:58:49.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      15.35   2006-03-25 02:30:24.7     13861376  CarpIracC022                            
CarpIracC047              15:58:29.31  -21:24:04.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      15.78   2006-03-25 02:42:46.5     13867776  CarpIracC047                            
c2d 24 micron core        17:19:39.77  -26:55:38.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap      10.69   2006-03-25 02:56:53.7     14087936  iC2Dcore                                
hd 139664                 15:41:11.38  -44:39:40.30  Clampin           CLAMPIN      20742 iracmap      10.66   2006-03-25 03:06:50.2     15850496  IRAC-HD139644-Short                     
304.21194GLIMPSE          12:59:06.75  -62:55:18.88  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      52.58   2006-03-25 03:17:02.5     16867840  303 cover-up                            
304.21194GLIMPSE          13:03:47.02  -63:08:18.24  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 04:05:48.9     16867328  l303 cover-up 2                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          13:08:14.58  -63:21:01.29  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 04:44:54.0     16867072  l303 cover-up 3                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          13:12:46.98  -63:33:12.19  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 05:23:54.0     16866816  l303 cover-up 4                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          13:17:26.45  -63:43:36.01  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 06:02:59.4     16866560  l303 cover-up 5                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          13:22:08.37  -63:54:39.11  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 06:41:59.3     16866304  l303 cover-up 6                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          12:54:57.11  -62:41:20.67  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 07:21:43.9     16866048  l303 cover-up 7                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          12:50:41.16  -62:27:06.12  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 08:00:51.5     16865792  l303 cover-up 8                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          12:46:29.32  -62:12:22.62  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.81   2006-03-25 08:40:04.3     16865536  l303 cover-up 9                         
304.21194GLIMPSE          12:41:52.93  -61:51:03.30  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      42.82   2006-03-25 09:19:13.8     16867584  l303 cover-up 10                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-25 11:25:26.9     16949504  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0008      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-25 11:26:05.8     16983808  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.56   2006-03-25 11:38:59.9     16969216  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0001
ngc1893                   05:22:50.00  +33:24:60.00  Micela            MICELA1893   20818 iracmap     115.74   2006-03-25 11:49:44.7     15850240  n1893map                                
L1521E                    04:29:21.00  +26:14:29.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-25 13:42:17.8     14610176  IRAC - L1521E - DEEP - ep2              
L1521F                    04:28:38.90  +26:51:45.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-25 13:54:12.4     14605824  IRAC - L1521F - DEEP - ep2              
B35                       05:43:40.00  +09:30:30.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 iracmap     173.06   2006-03-25 14:08:35.2     14534400  IRAC B35 half 2                         
R Mon-5as-Offsets-Array   06:39:09.99  +08:44:09.90  Audard            RMON-HH39    20034 iracmap     131.45   2006-03-25 16:55:22.7     15292672  IRAC-RMon-Subarray-5as-Offsets-Array    
orionb-cloud4             05:54:29.10  +01:49:30.00  Fazio             ORION           43 iracmap      19.95   2006-03-25 19:07:10.6     16214528  orionb-cld4-pos1-epochs                 
orionb-cloud4             05:54:29.10  +01:49:30.00  Fazio             ORION           43 iracmap      16.29   2006-03-25 19:23:37.0     16215040  orionb-cld4-pos2-epochs                 
vdb 35 map                05:14:59.44  +13:00:50.80  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap      97.09   2006-03-25 19:38:13.6     16273920  IRAC vdb 35 map b1 + b3                 
KH 15D                    06:41:10.20  +09:28:35.00  Agol              ERICAGOLKH15  3469 iracmap      17.37   2006-03-25 21:13:23.3     10996480  IRAC Lightcurve - 4 (low egress/ingress)
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-25 23:10:28.4     16947968  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0002      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-25 23:11:03.2     16982784  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.55   2006-03-25 23:24:04.6     16970752  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0007
Ixion                         2028978         Ixion  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.83   2006-03-25 23:46:16.2     15130624  IRAC-28978_Ixion                        
NGC5139                   13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap     103.25   2006-03-26 00:24:48.7     14503936  IRAC-5139                               
omega Centauri            13:26:45.90  -47:28:37.00  van Loon          OMEGACEN     20648 iracmap     194.37   2006-03-26 02:05:55.2     14955264  IRACoCen                                
l338.011                  16:35:12.89  -46:05:10.40  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       4.80   2006-03-26 05:14:53.7     16057088  l338.011                                
ak sco                    16:54:44.85  -36:53:18.60  Jura              YOUNGA          84 iracmap       4.29   2006-03-26 05:17:49.7     16108288  IRAC-SCOCEN-AKSCO                       
NGC6093                   16:17:02.50  -22:58:30.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap     123.02   2006-03-26 05:20:54.5     14504448  IRAC-6093                               
CarpIracC070              15:50:04.99  -23:11:53.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap       8.46   2006-03-26 07:22:13.6     13873664  CarpIracC070                            
CarpIracC061              16:04:21.66  -21:30:28.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap       8.34   2006-03-26 07:28:13.8     13871360  CarpIracC061                            
fls01                     17:14:53.77  +59:52:17.80  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.24   2006-03-26 07:39:31.4     16859136  IRAC - fls01                            
NGC2175N                  06:11:02.21  +20:34:27.03  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 iracmap      64.81   2006-03-26 08:58:48.8     16838400  IRAC-NGC2175N                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-26 11:30:25.8     16949760  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0009      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-26 11:31:00.2     16984064  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.55   2006-03-26 11:44:01.2     16969472  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0002
TMC2                      04:32:48.70  +24:25:22.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-26 11:51:06.8     14612224  IRAC - TMC2 - DEEP - ep2                
180+04                    06:01:32.72  +30:57:41.93  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.85   2006-03-26 12:05:06.0     14772224  IRAC-0001 - 180+04                      
180+02                    05:53:30.08  +29:57:49.93  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.71   2006-03-26 13:09:47.0     14771968  IRAC-0001 - 180+02                      
180-04                    05:30:19.25  +26:47:53.26  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.78   2006-03-26 14:14:57.7     14772992  IRAC-0001 - 180-04                      
vdb 35 map                05:14:59.44  +13:00:50.80  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap     176.17   2006-03-26 15:23:53.9     16274688  IRAC vdb 35 map b2 + b4                 
180+00                    05:45:37.17  +28:56:10.19  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.70   2006-03-26 18:17:36.1     14771712  IRAC-0001 - 180+00                      
180+06                    06:09:45.39  +31:55:39.50  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.94   2006-03-26 19:22:54.5     14772480  IRAC-0001 - 180+06                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-26 21:54:02.3     16948736  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0005      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-26 21:54:32.7     16983040  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.57   2006-03-26 22:07:40.5     16971520  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0010
Pholus                        2005145        Pholus  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      26.02   2006-03-26 22:28:16.6     15126528  IRAC-5145_Pholus                        
CarpIracC065              16:08:56.73  -20:33:46.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      20.90   2006-03-26 22:52:59.7     13872384  CarpIracC065                            
CarpIracC079              16:05:45.40  -20:23:08.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      27.16   2006-03-26 23:10:29.5     13875968  CarpIracC079                            
CarpIracC056              16:02:10.45  -22:41:28.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      10.70   2006-03-26 23:34:40.1     13870080  CarpIracC056                            
hd 139664                 15:41:11.38  -44:39:40.30  Clampin           CLAMPIN      20742 iracmap      90.62   2006-03-26 23:44:16.1     15084800  IRAC-HD139644-epoch1                    
l309                      13:49:02.38  -62:56:04.97  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       5.36   2006-03-27 01:14:14.3     16272128  l309                                    
BHR78                     12:36:09.60  -63:12:21.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      26.39   2006-03-27 01:17:42.3     14608896  IRAC - BHR78 - DEEP                     
295+03                    11:49:30.98  -58:54:53.74  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      70.03   2006-03-27 01:42:02.3     14780928  IRAC-0001 - 295+03                      
300-04                    12:21:47.22  -66:42:10.37  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.22   2006-03-27 02:48:43.0     14781184  IRAC-0001 - 300-04                      
300-02                    12:23:56.55  -64:42:54.68  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.38   2006-03-27 03:54:00.6     14781440  IRAC-0001 - 300-02                      
290+00                    11:04:31.48  -60:09:34.91  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.93   2006-03-27 05:03:28.1     14778368  IRAC-0001 - 290+00                      
SA101                     07:31:18.70  -46:57:44.90  Kim               SERENA       20714 iracmap      41.09   2006-03-27 06:11:49.7     16805888  IRAC-SA101                              
CG4                       07:33:40.00  -46:52:00.00  Kim               SERENA       20714 iracmap      54.04   2006-03-27 06:49:28.0     16805376  IRAC - CG4                              
monr2 ref 1               06:16:40.11  -10:23:06.29  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      11.70   2006-03-27 07:43:33.0     16935680  monr2-ref-1                             
monr2 ref 2               05:59:07.21  -01:38:49.28  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      11.68   2006-03-27 07:53:27.6     16935424  monr2-ref-2                             
KH 15D                    06:41:10.20  +09:28:35.00  Agol              ERICAGOLKH15  3469 iracmap      17.36   2006-03-27 08:03:48.0     10996736  IRAC Lightcurve - 5 (high ingress/egress
vdb 37 map                05:18:04.08  +13:25:03.80  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap      97.21   2006-03-27 08:19:46.2     16273664  IRAC vdb 37 map b1 + b3                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-27 11:15:25.6     16950272  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0011      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-27 11:15:54.5     16979712  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.56   2006-03-27 11:29:05.0     16970240  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0005
MONR2                     06:12:50.00  -06:44:20.82  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      95.32   2006-03-27 11:37:42.2     15572480  MonR2_epoch2                            
Pholus                        2005145        Pholus  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      26.02   2006-03-27 13:27:03.4     15126784  IRAC-Pholus2                            
MONR2                     06:13:13.55  -06:23:14.48  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.64   2006-03-27 14:01:42.8     15569664  MonR2_epoch2 - 0001                     
MONR2                     06:12:11.39  -06:02:25.98  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.61   2006-03-27 15:30:51.6     15569408  MonR2_epoch2 - 0002                     
MONR2                     06:12:17.97  -05:39:34.34  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      72.46   2006-03-27 16:59:54.0     15569152  MonR2_epoch2 - 0003                     
MONR2                     06:07:01.17  -07:17:05.32  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.50   2006-03-27 18:08:05.9     15568896  MonR2_epoch2 - 0004                     
MONR2                     06:06:16.84  -06:55:43.67  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.53   2006-03-27 19:39:43.5     15568640  MonR2_epoch2 - 0005                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-27 22:44:26.5     16947712  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0001      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-27 22:44:51.7     16982528  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.57   2006-03-27 22:58:09.7     16971008  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0008
MONR2                     06:06:45.82  -06:33:43.82  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.46   2006-03-27 23:06:46.1     15568384  MonR2_epoch2 - 0006                     
MONR2                     06:07:11.85  -06:11:36.34  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.56   2006-03-28 00:35:44.0     15568128  MonR2_epoch2 - 0007                     
MONR2                     06:06:27.51  -05:50:04.53  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.55   2006-03-28 02:07:44.8     15567872  MonR2_epoch2 - 0008                     
MONR2                     06:07:24.81  -05:25:34.35  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.56   2006-03-28 03:36:48.7     16937728  MonR2_epoch2 - 0009                     
MONR2                     06:07:31.59  -05:00:55.69  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      70.69   2006-03-28 05:05:50.4     16935168  MonR2_epoch2 - 0010                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c30                  06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.45  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-28 07:25:27.5     16950016  latent_safe_best_c30 - copy - 0010      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-28 07:25:49.4     16979456  anneal                                  
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.56   2006-03-28 07:39:13.5     16971264  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0009
Arp 220                   15:34:57.12  +23:30:11.50  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.70   2006-03-28 07:53:59.3      4995840  TNG-SN-Arp220-10                        
hd 142860                 15:56:27.18  +15:39:41.80  Clampin           CLAMPIN      20742 iracmap      90.62   2006-03-28 08:01:03.3     15086848  IRAC-HD139644PSF-HD142860-1             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 iracmap      40.27   2006-03-28 09:34:56.5     16927488  sw3iracFragC-first                      
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 iracmap      40.32   2006-03-28 10:15:19.0     16926720  sw3iracBridge-first                     
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 iracmap      40.35   2006-03-28 10:55:44.4     16925952  sw3iracFragB-first                      
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 iracmap      44.34   2006-03-28 11:36:16.2     16926208  sw3iracFragC-second                     
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 iracmap      44.37   2006-03-28 12:20:47.2     16926976  sw3iracBridge-second                    
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 iracmap      44.41   2006-03-28 13:05:20.3     16926464  sw3iracFragB-second                     
CarpIracC078              15:56:25.64  -22:40:27.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      31.66   2006-03-28 13:48:54.5     13875712  CarpIracC078                            
CarpIracC051              15:49:59.80  -25:09:03.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap       8.28   2006-03-28 14:17:41.9     13868800  CarpIracC051                            
CarpIracC009              15:50:58.75  -25:45:04.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      15.05   2006-03-28 14:25:13.8     13858048  CarpIracC009                            
CarpIracC011              15:53:53.92  -24:31:59.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      11.08   2006-03-28 14:37:10.2     13858560  CarpIracC011                            
CarpIracC055              15:58:12.71  -23:28:36.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      18.25   2006-03-28 14:45:20.2     13869824  CarpIracC055                            
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 iracmap     119.74   2006-03-28 15:06:44.9     13794816  Rev Groth X-ray IRAC3                   
vdb 37 map                05:18:04.08  +13:25:03.80  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap     176.28   2006-03-28 17:11:14.0     16274432  IRAC vdb 37 map b2 + b4                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 iracmap       3.93   2006-03-28 21:20:42.9     16946944  latent_safe_best_nep - copy - 0002      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         11.45   2006-03-28 21:21:23.4     16982272  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      10.67   2006-03-28 21:32:39.5     16963072  skydrk_0.02_subarray - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.19   2006-03-28 21:40:00.0     16963328  skydrk_0.1_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       9.04   2006-03-28 21:42:48.0     16963584  skydrk_0.4_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.13   2006-03-28 21:48:32.4     16963840  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.13   2006-03-28 21:53:18.0     16961280  skydrk_2 - 0001                         
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.40   2006-03-28 21:58:00.0     16962048  skydrk_12hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.04   2006-03-28 22:05:55.5     16961536  skydrk_12 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      17.31   2006-03-28 22:13:32.1     16962304  skydrk_30hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      16.30   2006-03-28 22:27:24.1     16961792  skydrk_30 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      41.77   2006-03-28 22:40:16.1     16962816  skydrk_100hdr - 0001                    
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      54.55   2006-03-28 23:18:38.3     16962560  skydrk_100 - 0001                       
zody_field_7              06:00:00.00  +18:26:21.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap     240.56   2006-03-29 00:16:55.9     16958208  skyflt_zody_field_7 - 0001              
HD37725                   05:41:54.37  +29:17:50.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.56   2006-03-29 04:15:23.5     16972544  IRAC_calstar_HD37725_s2l12 - copy - 0014
L1544                     05:04:16.60  +25:10:48.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-29 04:31:03.5     14610432  IRAC - L1544 - DEEP                     
B30                       05:30:12.00  +12:15:00.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 iracmap     173.42   2006-03-29 04:44:54.5     14533632  IRAC B30 half 2                         
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 iracmap     228.99   2006-03-29 07:39:12.0     13795072  Rev Groth X-ray IRAC2                   
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 iracmap     229.00   2006-03-29 11:24:47.1     13795328  Rev Groth X-ray IRAC1                   
Ixion                         2028978         Ixion  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.81   2006-03-29 15:31:04.4     15130880  IRAC-Ixion2                             
l357 coverup              17:35:52.44  -30:37:17.33  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      13.47   2006-03-29 16:07:31.7     16876032  l357 coverup                            
CarpIracC005              16:11:59.74  -19:27:38.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 iracmap      23.23   2006-03-29 16:20:15.7     13857024  CarpIracC005                            
Varuna                        2020000        Varuna  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.88   2006-03-29 16:57:17.3     15129344  IRAC-Varuna2                            
L1544                     05:04:16.60  +25:10:58.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 iracmap      15.12   2006-03-29 17:34:27.6     14610688  IRAC - L1544 - DEEP - ep2               
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.60   2006-03-29 17:53:05.4     16966400  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30 - copy      
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.58   2006-03-29 18:02:11.4     16967680  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12 - copy        
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.58   2006-03-29 18:07:39.9     16967424  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30 - copy       
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.58   2006-03-29 18:16:15.1     16967168  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30 - copy       
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap      11.58   2006-03-29 18:24:36.5     16966912  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30 - copy       
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.91   2006-03-29 18:33:13.3     16968192  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2 - copy 
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.93   2006-03-29 18:37:51.3     16968448  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2 - copy 
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       6.93   2006-03-29 18:43:06.5     16966656  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2 - copy     
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1133 iracmap       8.57   2006-03-29 18:47:47.3     16967936  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12 - copy  
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1233 irac         14.94   2006-03-29 18:54:40.1     16984320  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-29 21:13:37.9     16996096  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_7c                   05:19:37.90  +03:54:01.46  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsphot    175.48   2006-03-29 21:25:23.4     17051904  calflt-30MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-30 00:17:21.1     17011968  anneal                                  
zodi_10a[85]              05:31:20.79  +03:15:00.62  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan    138.96   2006-03-30 00:25:11.1     17052160  calflt-30MC-fastscan.aor                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips         16.68   2006-03-30 02:48:27.3     16995328  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips         16.42   2006-03-30 03:05:20.7     17034752  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      6.33   2006-03-30 03:23:44.4     16989952  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     17.60   2006-03-30 03:27:46.6     16990208  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      6.33   2006-03-30 03:43:55.5     16989696  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     17.61   2006-03-30 03:48:24.9     16990464  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-30 04:04:45.7     17014784  anneal                                  
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.48   2006-03-30 04:13:34.9     13794048  01 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-30 06:31:06.9     17017600  anneal                                  
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.47   2006-03-30 06:36:02.8     13792768  02 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
2003 AZ84                     3147316     2003 AZ84  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 mipsphot     28.92   2006-03-30 09:07:50.7     10679040  R1-2003AZ84                             
IRAS 06105+1756           06:13:47.09  +17:54:43.30  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipssed      10.60   2006-03-30 09:38:54.1     14946304  MIPSE-6105                              
IRAS 06099+1800 1         06:12:53.40  +18:00:24.00  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipssed      10.60   2006-03-30 09:46:22.8     14946560  MIPSE-6099                              
IRAS 06099+1800           06:12:53.40  +18:03:50.00  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot      6.33   2006-03-30 09:53:53.7     14945792  MIPSP-6099 24 um                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-30 11:03:47.9     17020416  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.48   2006-03-30 11:21:17.6     13793536  03 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
NGC 5908                  15:16:43.22  +55:24:33.30  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     28.43   2006-03-30 13:37:55.4     16327168  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 5908                    
RNO 90                    16:34:09.18  -15:48:16.80  Kessler-Silacci   KESSLER_FELL  1098 mipssed      10.60   2006-03-30 14:09:26.0      6649344  MIPSE-0010                              
hd 147809                 16:24:59.15  -25:21:18.00  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipssed      18.30   2006-03-30 14:18:33.3     16171520  MIPSE-SCOCEN-HD147809                   
HIP77199                  15:45:47.60  -30:20:56.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-03-30 14:35:35.7     16179456  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP77199_70              
Sz73                      15:47:56.98  -35:14:35.10  Kessler-Silacci   KESSLER_FELL  1098 mipssed      23.43   2006-03-30 14:50:08.1     13017600  MIPSE-0023                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-30 15:11:38.0     17026048  anneal                                  
2002 KX14                     2119951     2002 KX14  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 mipsphot     18.63   2006-03-30 15:26:21.8     10678016  R1-2002KX14                             
mips targ 1               05:06:10.00  -06:47:47.00  Spuck             IC2118-TNG     266 mipsscan    172.95   2006-03-30 15:53:21.8     16940544  MIPS-ic 2118-top                        
mips targ 2               05:03:42.00  -07:29:19.00  Spuck             IC2118-TNG     266 mipsscan    172.97   2006-03-30 18:49:48.2     16940800  MIPS-ic2118-middle                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-30 18:52:10.3     17028864  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-30 22:47:59.9     16996352  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.47   2006-03-30 23:09:46.8     13792000  04 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 01:26:07.2     16999168  anneal                                  
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.48   2006-03-31 01:32:10.5     13793280  05 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 03:48:46.3     17001984  anneal                                  
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.47   2006-03-31 03:54:38.5     13794304  06 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 07:13:13.0     17004800  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.48   2006-03-31 07:31:18.7     13793024  07 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 09:46:11.8     17007616  anneal                                  
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.47   2006-03-31 09:53:46.6     13793792  08 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 12:08:53.8     17010432  anneal                                  
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.48   2006-03-31 12:16:12.5     13792256  09 -Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 14:37:11.3     17010944  anneal                                  
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-03-31 14:56:36.3     15481600  HC.50000.01                             
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.81   2006-03-31 15:15:59.2     15479296  HC.01KA77.01                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 16:18:50.7     17011200  anneal                                  
IM Lup                    15:56:09.17  -37:56:06.40  Kessler-Silacci   KESSLER_FELL  1098 mipssed      10.60   2006-03-31 16:29:21.1     13015296  MIPSE-0014                              
TYC7351_1585_1            16:19:50.58  -33:54:45.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.74   2006-03-31 16:38:13.8     13910272  CarpMipsS054                            
UpSco DENIS 161833        16:18:33.20  -25:17:50.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.57   2006-03-31 16:57:26.2     14691840  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161833              
Carina                    06:41:37.00  -50:58:00.00  Olsen             CARINADWARF  20469 mipsscan    170.70   2006-03-31 17:13:56.0     14732544  MIPSC-0003 car 4                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-03-31 21:13:34.6     17011712  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2002 MS4                      3143122      2002 MS4  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 mipsphot     41.02   2006-03-31 21:35:41.5     10678528  R1-2002MS4                              
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.47   2006-03-31 22:20:32.2     13792512  10 Rev-Groth X-ray MIPS                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 00:35:22.9     17012224  anneal                                  
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-01 00:54:59.4     15481344  HC.50000.02                             
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.48   2006-04-01 01:15:16.8     13791744  11 Rev-Groth X-ray MIPS                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 03:34:19.0     17012480  anneal                                  
Groth-xray                14:17:12.00  +52:23:60.00  Fazio             GS_SURVEY        8 mipsscan    138.47   2006-04-01 03:40:28.4     13794560  12 Rev Groth X-ray MIPS                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 05:56:53.5     17012736  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 mipsscan    181.09   2006-04-01 06:15:54.4     16925696  sw3MIPS-first                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 09:12:13.9     17023232  anneal                                  
GL 584C                   15:23:22.63  +30:14:56.20  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 mipsphot     20.46   2006-04-01 09:21:59.6     15182336  MIPSP-GL584C                            
HD 152598                 16:52:58.06  +31:42:06.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 mipsphot     12.67   2006-04-01 09:41:45.5     15001088  MIPSP-HD152598                          
ff1726+3656               17:26:57.76  +36:56:39.40  Dowell            DOWELL_FF    20427 mipsphot     18.98   2006-04-01 09:52:59.7     14672128  MIPSP-DOWELL-FF1726                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 11:18:24.7     17012992  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             COMDUST2     20039 mipsscan    181.09   2006-04-01 11:40:53.6     16927232  sw3MIPS-second                          
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-01 14:46:08.5     15481088  HC.50000.03                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 14:58:37.0     17013248  anneal                                  
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-04-01 15:12:20.3     15479040  HC.01KA77.02                            
HIP_78207                 15:58:11.36  -14:16:45.50  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-01 15:52:09.0     13899008  CarpMipsS010                            
TYC6191_274_1             15:58:20.55  -18:37:25.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-04-01 16:10:52.0     13908224  CarpMipsS046                            
UpSco DENIS 160440        16:04:40.80  -19:36:52.80  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-01 16:29:09.8     14688768  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 160440              
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-04-01 16:42:45.6     16103936  MIPSP-lc3A                              
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-04-01 17:38:57.8     16103680  MIPSP-lc3B                              
GU Boo                    15:21:55.17  +33:56:04.20  van Belle         GUBOO          259 mipsphot     59.53   2006-04-01 18:35:10.0     16103424  MIPSP-lc3C                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 19:33:11.0     17013504  anneal                                  
mips110                   17:12:15.44  +58:52:27.90  Choi              ASTRBY1      20239 mipsphot     49.46   2006-04-01 19:41:55.6     14443520  MIPSP-0000 - mips110                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-01 21:33:03.6     17013760  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
GRO J1655-40              16:54:00.14  -39:50:44.90  Tomsick           JTOMSICK      3246 mipsphot     68.39   2006-04-01 21:54:53.1     10524928  Target 1 - Quiescence                   
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.81   2006-04-01 23:08:21.3     15478784  HC.01KA77.03                            
Pipe-4m1                  17:14:29.00  -27:19:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     37.64   2006-04-02 00:13:53.5     14096640  mP04b                                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-02 00:47:36.3     17014016  anneal                                  
TYC6804_876_1             16:36:52.89  -27:08:18.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.74   2006-04-02 00:56:21.5     13909504  CarpMipsS051                            
Sco X-1                   16:19:55.10  -15:38:25.00  Wachter           WACHTER_SCO  20462 mipsphot     31.64   2006-04-02 01:18:46.8     14727424  scox1_mips                              
CarpMipsC034              16:07:04.68  -16:56:35.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     38.55   2006-04-02 01:48:14.7     13905152  CarpMipsC034                            
PBB2002_USco_J160959.4-18 16:09:59.33  -18:00:09.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     23.32   2006-04-02 02:23:53.8     13912576  CarpMipsS063                            
UpSco DENIS 161007        16:10:07.50  -18:10:56.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-02 02:44:10.1     14690816  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161007              
IRAS16268-4556            16:30:25.68  +07:00:00.00  Sahai             PPN2         20590 mipsphot      9.29   2006-04-02 02:55:31.7     14881280  RS1-MIPSP-IRAS16268-4556                
ngc6240-70pos1            16:52:58.89  +02:24:03.40  Martin            MEG          20528 mipsphot     49.96   2006-04-02 03:03:14.1     14813696  MIPS-NGC6240-phot70_pos1                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-02 03:52:09.8     17014272  anneal                                  
NGC6240                   16:52:58.90  +02:24:03.00  Engelbracht       CENGELBRACHT 20176 mipssed      20.65   2006-04-02 03:56:40.7     14268416  MIPSS-0011                              
ngc6240-70pos2            16:52:58.89  +02:24:03.40  Martin            MEG          20528 mipsphot     49.96   2006-04-02 04:14:02.9     14813952  MIPS-NGC6240-phot70_pos2                
sch1593237                16:32:47.26  -20:59:37.70  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     20.26   2006-04-02 05:03:36.7     15848448  MIPSP-sch1593237                        
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-02 05:30:57.7     15480832  HC.50000.04                             
CarpMipsC019              16:16:58.77  -21:18:14.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     56.36   2006-04-02 05:46:15.2     13901312  CarpMipsC019                            
sch2749560                16:12:37.58  -23:49:23.40  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     36.77   2006-04-02 06:40:01.7     15843584  MIPSP-sch2749560                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-02 07:15:04.6     17014528  anneal                                  
IRAS15405-4945            15:44:11.06  -49:55:22.10  Sahai             PPN2         20590 mipsphot      9.29   2006-04-02 07:23:24.2     14879488  RS1-MIPSP-IRAS15405-4945                
Pipe-2r                   17:22:45.00  -27:00:15.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     54.50   2006-04-02 07:33:06.2     14096128  mP02b                                   
Pipe-1m                   17:20:50.00  -26:51:06.20  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     54.50   2006-04-02 08:24:09.1     14095616  mP01b                                   
IRAS 05345+3157 3         05:37:56.00  +31:59:24.00  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot     26.52   2006-04-02 09:27:42.7     14945024  MIPSP-5345 70um                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-02 10:54:00.9     17015040  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC3031                   09:55:33.20  +69:03:55.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed     135.11   2006-04-02 11:10:03.1      5585408  MIPSS-0026                              
NGC 2403min-N             07:37:49.00  +65:43:40.00  Zaritsky          DZDUST1      20321 mipsphot     62.37   2006-04-02 13:24:05.7     14531840  MIPSP-0002                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-02 14:23:33.8     17015296  anneal                                  
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-04-02 14:46:16.1     15478528  HC.01KA77.04                            
HIP_77900                 15:54:30.11  -27:20:19.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-04-02 15:22:18.2     13901056  CarpMipsS018                            
Pipe Mouth                17:10:20.00  -27:26:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     37.63   2006-04-02 15:45:15.0     14095104  mP00b                                   
Pipe-5m1                  17:12:58.00  -27:21:16.50  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     54.41   2006-04-02 16:19:55.4     14096896  mP05a                                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-02 17:12:19.7     17015552  anneal                                  
Pipe-4m7                  17:17:25.00  -27:07:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    147.90   2006-04-02 17:18:20.7     14097664  mP07b                                   
Pipe Trail 1              17:37:25.00  -23:27:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     54.42   2006-04-02 19:44:03.7     14101760  mPT03b                                  
HIP_81266                 16:35:52.96  -28:12:57.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.74   2006-04-02 20:37:06.1     13897728  CarpMipsS005                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-02 21:56:43.3     17015808  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-02 22:19:04.6     15480576  HC.50000.05                             
2002 MS4                      3143122      2002 MS4  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 mipsphot     41.02   2006-04-02 22:39:32.4     10678784  R2-2002MS4                              
NGC 2403min-S             07:35:19.00  +65:28:12.00  Zaritsky          DZDUST1      20321 mipsphot     62.37   2006-04-02 23:26:35.2     14532096  MIPSP-0003                              
NGC 2403maj-E             07:38:50.00  +65:23:40.00  Zaritsky          DZDUST1      20321 mipsphot     62.37   2006-04-03 00:25:58.2     14532352  MIPSP-0004                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 01:25:06.3     17016064  anneal                                  
PBB2002_USco_J160449.9-20 16:04:49.97  -20:38:35.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     33.59   2006-04-03 01:41:55.3     15727360  CarpMipsS073                            
alphaCrb                  15:34:41.27  +26:42:52.90  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-04-03 02:17:00.8     14497024  MIPSP-0009a                             
ngc 6240                  16:52:58.89  +02:24:03.40  Martin            MEG          20528 mipsphot     70.29   2006-04-03 02:42:32.8     14813440  MIPS-NGC6240-phot24                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 03:51:25.4     17016320  anneal                                  
ngc 6240                  16:52:58.89  +02:24:03.40  Martin            MEG          20528 mipsphot    137.45   2006-04-03 03:56:24.1     14814208  MIPS-NGC6240-phot160                    
IRAS 05345+3157           05:37:52.34  +32:00:03.50  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipssed      17.51   2006-04-03 06:20:26.4     14946816  MIPSE-5345                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 07:18:49.5     17016576  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
IRAS 06105+1756           06:13:47.09  +17:54:43.30  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot     10.85   2006-04-03 09:06:36.2     14946048  MIPSP-6105 24um 70um                    
B35                       05:43:40.00  +09:30:30.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 mipsscan     91.87   2006-04-03 09:16:32.8     14535168  MIPS scan B35                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 10:49:56.4     17016832  anneal                                  
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-04-03 11:15:14.7     15478272  HC.01KA77.05                            
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-03 12:24:56.4     15480320  HC.50000.06                             
2003 AZ84                     3147316     2003 AZ84  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 mipsphot     28.91   2006-04-03 12:56:29.1     10679296  R2-2003AZ84                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 13:21:26.5     17017088  anneal                                  
LDN 1603                  05:43:50.00  +06:24:00.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 mipsscan     91.87   2006-04-03 13:32:09.2     14535680  MIPS scan LDN 1603                      
HD42111                   06:08:57.90  +02:29:58.90  Roberge           AKIR         20280 mipsphot     56.16   2006-04-03 15:01:40.0     14488832  MIPSP-hd42111-1                         
HORSEHD_A1                05:40:54.50  -02:28:08.00  Joblin            SPECPDR_MIPS 20281 mipssed      63.20   2006-04-03 15:56:22.1     14490880  MIPS-SED-HORSEHD_A1                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 16:57:06.3     17017344  anneal                                  
IRASF07546+3928           07:58:00.05  +39:20:29.10  Shang             SHANG_QSOSED 20084 mipsphot     28.97   2006-04-03 17:08:07.5     14020352  MIPSP-QSO-IRASF07546+3928               
SDSSJ080232.34+391552.6   08:02:32.34  +39:15:52.60  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     24.37   2006-04-03 17:34:14.1     14631168  MIPSP-SDSS J0802+3915                   
NGC 2320                  07:05:42.03  +50:34:51.80  Young             CO-RICH-ES   20780 mipsphot     62.94   2006-04-03 17:57:45.4     15169280  ngc2320 MIPSP-24/160                    
deltaVel                  08:44:42.23  -54:42:31.80  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-04-03 19:05:59.0     14502144  MIPSP-0014b                             
UpSco DENIS 161929        16:19:29.90  -24:40:47.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-03 19:35:04.9     14693120  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161929              
HD_38529                  05:46:34.91  +01:10:05.50  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     17.18   2006-04-03 19:55:02.4     14831616  MIPS-GO2-24                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 21:13:12.6     17018112  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
UpSco DENIS 160951        16:09:51.10  -27:22:42.20  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-03 21:35:35.9     14689792  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 160951              
UpSco DENIS 161103        16:11:03.60  -24:26:42.90  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-03 21:44:51.6     14691072  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161103              
UpSco DENIS 160958        16:09:58.50  -23:45:18.60  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-03 21:53:31.7     14690048  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 160958              
UpSco DENIS 160455        16:04:55.80  -23:07:43.80  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-04-03 22:02:26.5     14689024  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 160455              
hd 147809                 16:24:59.15  -25:21:18.00  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipsphot     11.81   2006-04-03 22:12:05.3     16107520  MIPSP-SCOCEN-HD147809                   
hd 139664                 15:41:11.38  -44:39:40.30  Clampin           CLAMPIN      20742 mipssed       5.80   2006-04-03 22:23:24.8     15085824  MIPSE-0000                              
G294.817+00.000           11:41:58.97  -61:46:21.70  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-03 22:33:06.7     15635968  MIPSGAL_G294.817+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-03 23:50:30.9     17018368  anneal                                  
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-04-04 00:09:37.4     15478016  HC.01KA77.06                            
G295.187+00.000           11:45:00.24  -61:52:07.44  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 00:49:13.5     15617280  MIPSGAL_G295.187+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G295.934+00.000           11:51:10.05  -62:03:00.41  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 02:05:36.3     15604224  MIPSGAL_G295.934+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-04 03:20:34.2     17018624  anneal                                  
G295.559+00.000           11:48:04.08  -61:57:40.75  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 03:28:41.7     15590912  MIPSGAL_G295.559+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G296.310+00.000           11:54:18.14  -62:08:06.03  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 04:45:02.4     15660032  MIPSGAL_G296.310+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-04 06:00:37.3     17018880  anneal                                  
G296.689+00.000           11:57:28.34  -62:12:57.22  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 06:08:12.0     15655424  MIPSGAL_G296.689+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G297.070+00.000           12:00:40.64  -62:17:33.59  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 07:24:30.6     15594240  MIPSGAL_G297.070+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G297.453+00.000           12:03:55.02  -62:21:54.73  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 08:40:49.2     15643904  MIPSGAL_G297.453+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-04 09:57:19.6     17036032  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-04 11:12:50.5     17019136  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.35   2006-04-04 11:24:16.0     17059584  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_1       
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-04 12:08:29.9     15480064  HC.50000.07                             
UpSco DENIS 161939        16:19:39.80  -21:45:35.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-04 12:23:45.3     14693376  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161939              
UpSco DENIS 161840        16:18:40.80  -22:09:48.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-04 12:32:25.4     14692096  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161840              
UpSco DENIS 161621        16:16:32.20  -22:05:20.20  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-04 12:41:05.5     14691584  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161621              
UpSco DENIS 161006        16:10:06.00  -21:27:44.60  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-04-04 12:50:02.4     14690560  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161006              
UpSco DENIS 160514        16:05:14.00  -24:06:52.60  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-04-04 12:59:20.2     14689280  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 160514              
UpSco DENIS 160019        16:00:19.50  -22:56:28.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-04-04 13:08:21.3     14688512  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 160019              
UpSco DENIS 155601        15:56:01.00  -23:38:08.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-04-04 13:17:20.3     14688000  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 155601              
UpSco DENIS 155605        15:56:05.00  -21:06:46.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-04-04 13:26:31.8     14688256  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 155605              
G297.838+00.000           12:07:11.47  -62:26:00.25  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 13:42:51.2     15652096  MIPSGAL_G297.838+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-04 14:59:26.6     17019392  anneal                                  
G298.226+00.000           12:10:30.48  -62:29:50.29  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 15:05:58.7     15644928  MIPSGAL_G298.226+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G298.617+00.000           12:13:51.52  -62:33:23.80  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 16:22:15.2     15579136  MIPSGAL_G298.617+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-04 17:39:31.4     17019648  anneal                                  
G299.011+00.000           12:17:14.57  -62:36:40.35  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 17:45:22.7     15588608  MIPSGAL_G299.011+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G299.407+00.000           12:20:39.60  -62:39:39.50  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 19:01:39.2     15581184  MIPSGAL_G299.407+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G299.805+00.000           12:24:06.57  -62:42:20.83  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-04 20:17:57.8     15639552  MIPSGAL_G299.805+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-04 21:36:12.5     17038848  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-04 22:48:35.0     17019904  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.35   2006-04-04 23:00:13.3     17059840  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_2       
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-04-04 23:44:12.6     15477760  HC.01KA77.07                            
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-05 00:53:54.3     15479808  HC.50000.08                             
sch2314074                16:25:36.71  -22:24:28.90  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     31.64   2006-04-05 01:09:03.4     15842560  MIPSP-sch2314074                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-05 01:37:06.9     17020160  anneal                                  
UpSco DENIS 161916        16:19:16.50  -23:47:22.90  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-05 01:45:05.5     14692608  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161916              
UpSco DENIS 161926        16:19:26.40  -24:12:44.50  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-05 01:53:45.6     14692864  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161926              
G300.206+00.000           12:27:35.44  -62:44:43.90  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 02:07:04.6     15659776  MIPSGAL_G300.206+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G300.606+00.000           12:31:04.49  -62:46:47.36  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 03:23:21.1     15647744  MIPSGAL_G300.606+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-05 04:43:13.4     17020672  anneal                                  
G301.003+00.000           12:34:32.60  -62:48:30.76  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 04:49:12.2     15600640  MIPSGAL_G301.003+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G301.397+00.000           12:37:59.15  -62:49:54.23  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 06:05:26.6     15663616  MIPSGAL_G301.397+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-05 07:23:01.1     17020928  anneal                                  
G301.787+00.000           12:41:24.13  -62:50:58.28  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 07:28:32.1     15588352  MIPSGAL_G301.787+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G302.174+00.000           12:44:47.50  -62:51:43.37  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 08:44:46.5     15657984  MIPSGAL_G302.174+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-05 10:03:03.7     17041664  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-05 11:18:49.0     17021184  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.35   2006-04-05 11:30:06.5     17060096  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_3       
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-04-05 12:14:12.0     15477504  HC.01KA77.08                            
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-05 12:53:58.6     15479552  HC.50000.09                             
HIP_80024                 16:20:05.49  -20:03:22.90  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-04-05 13:09:03.5     13901824  CarpMipsS021                            
G302.558+00.000           12:48:09.23  -62:52:09.98  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 13:31:37.2     15656192  MIPSGAL_G302.558+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-05 14:46:45.5     17021440  anneal                                  
G302.938+00.000           12:51:29.28  -62:52:18.57  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 14:54:40.5     15611904  MIPSGAL_G302.938+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G303.315+00.000           12:54:47.64  -62:52:09.59  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 16:10:54.9     15617024  MIPSGAL_G303.315+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-05 17:31:16.7     17021696  anneal                                  
G303.689+00.000           12:58:04.74  -62:51:43.41  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 17:36:50.3     15644160  MIPSGAL_G303.689+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G304.061+00.000           13:01:20.07  -62:51:00.47  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-05 18:53:02.6     15593472  MIPSGAL_G304.061+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-05 20:11:04.5     17042176  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-05 21:18:05.0     17021952  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.35   2006-04-05 21:29:19.4     17060352  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_4       
HD041371                  06:00:07.71  -64:18:36.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     14.87   2006-04-05 22:00:56.3     16988928  MIPSP-CALMC30-various-24a70-HD041371    
HD035666                  05:18:15.60  -74:41:53.30  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     14.87   2006-04-05 22:14:22.6     16988672  MIPSP-CALMC30-various-24a70-HD035666    
HD034029                  05:16:41.36  +45:59:52.80  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      7.09   2006-04-05 22:35:01.0     16988416  MIPS-CALMC30-various-70-HD034029        
HD070272                  08:22:50.11  +43:11:17.30  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     14.90   2006-04-05 22:42:04.6     16989440  MIPSP-CALMC30-various-24a70-HD070272    
HD137759                  15:24:55.77  +58:57:57.80  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     14.88   2006-04-05 22:59:13.3     16989184  MIPSP-CALMC30-various-24a70-HD137759    
HD 164058                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipssed      31.91   2006-04-05 23:13:38.3     16994560  MIPS-CALMC30-Various-SED-HD164058       
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      6.33   2006-04-05 23:43:49.2     16990976  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_1    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     17.60   2006-04-05 23:47:51.4     16991232  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_1      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      6.33   2006-04-06 00:03:51.9     16990720  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     17.61   2006-04-06 00:08:19.3     16991488  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-06 00:27:02.1     17022208  anneal                                  
2002 KX14                     2119951     2002 KX14  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 mipsphot     18.64   2006-04-06 00:47:47.0     10678272  R2-2002KX14                             
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-04-06 01:10:14.4     15476992  HC.01KA77.09                            
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-06 02:19:56.1     15477248  HC.50000.10                             
OPH_HD_FIL                16:25:52.14  -24:19:08.90  Joblin            SPECPDR_MIPS 20281 mipssed      44.07   2006-04-06 02:35:07.3     14491392  MIPS-SED-OPH_HD_FIL                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-06 03:15:41.7     17022464  anneal                                  
G304.429+00.000           13:04:33.62  -62:50:01.21  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-06 03:27:18.4     15602944  MIPSGAL_G304.429+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G304.795+00.000           13:07:45.37  -62:48:46.04  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-06 04:43:30.7     15625728  MIPSGAL_G304.795+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-06 06:04:52.3     17042432  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-06 07:13:55.0     17022720  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.35   2006-04-06 07:25:08.4     17060608  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_5       
HD 034029                 05:16:41.36  +45:59:52.80  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsphot     13.05   2006-04-06 07:54:39.4     17043712  MIPS-CALMC30-NF-HD034029                
Cybele_cluster                2000065        Cybele  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     26.54   2006-04-06 08:15:29.3     16986368  MIPSP-CAL030-Cybele-160um               
Cybele                        2000065        Cybele  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      5.71   2006-04-06 08:43:56.4     16986624  MIPSP-CAL030-Cybele                     
Ampella_cluster               2000198       Ampella  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     35.34   2006-04-06 09:04:02.2     16987904  MIPSP-CAL030-Ampella-160um              
Ampella                       2000198       Ampella  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      7.71   2006-04-06 09:41:17.8     16988160  MIPSP-CAL030-Ampella                    
CarpMipsC057              16:09:30.30  -21:04:58.90  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     38.44   2006-04-06 09:47:14.3     13911040  CarpMipsC057                            
UpSco DENIS 161903        16:19:03.40  -23:44:08.80  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-06 10:23:37.4     14692352  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161903              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-06 10:31:46.3     17022976  anneal                                  
Pipe-7r                   17:24:48.00  -26:49:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     78.62   2006-04-06 10:40:57.6     14098176  mP08b                                   
UpSco DENIS 162041        16:20:41.50  -24:25:49.00  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.58   2006-04-06 11:57:44.0     14693632  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 162041              
sch2809900                16:17:45.40  -23:53:36.20  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     41.91   2006-04-06 12:06:28.3     15844864  MIPSP-sch2809900                        
sch2682072                16:12:46.92  -23:38:40.90  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     22.83   2006-04-06 12:45:37.1     15839488  MIPSP-sch2682072                        
PBB2002_USco_J161420.2-19 16:14:20.30  -19:06:48.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-06 13:06:18.6     13908480  CarpMipsS047                            
sch2700592                16:26:30.26  -23:36:55.50  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     15.13   2006-04-06 13:25:12.1     15848704  MIPSP-sch2700592                        
UpScoCTIO55               16:02:45.60  -23:04:49.80  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-04-06 13:38:15.4     14684928  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO55                     
G5.972-1.174              18:03:40.56  -24:22:40.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-06 13:49:24.4     15143936  G5.9-MIPS-SED                           
G8.669-0.356              18:06:18.96  -21:37:33.60  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-06 13:53:42.3     15144192  G8.6-MIPS-SED                           
G5.476-0.243              17:59:02.64  -24:20:52.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-06 13:58:08.7     15143424  G5.476-0.243-MIPS-SED                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-06 14:04:10.4     17023488  anneal                                  
V417 Cen secondary        14:15:48.91  -61:51:12.50  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 mipsphot     24.28   2006-04-06 14:13:06.2     15751424  MIPSP-0005 - 24 off                     
G305.157+00.000           13:10:55.29  -62:47:15.39  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-06 14:35:38.9     15654656  MIPSGAL_G305.157+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G305.518+00.000           13:14:03.66  -62:45:29.50  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-06 15:51:53.3     15646208  MIPSGAL_G305.518+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-06 17:10:44.7     17023744  anneal                                  
G305.876+00.000           13:17:10.79  -62:43:28.45  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-06 17:14:54.5     15657216  MIPSGAL_G305.876+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G306.234+00.000           13:20:17.05  -62:41:12.21  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-06 18:31:06.8     15642112  MIPSGAL_G306.234+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-06 19:56:33.9     17042688  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-06 21:21:55.0     17024000  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.35   2006-04-06 21:33:05.1     17060864  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_6       
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-06 22:17:23.2     15476480  HC.50000.11                             
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     36.87   2006-04-06 22:36:46.1     15467008  HC.01KA77.10                            
Philomela_cluster             2000196     Philomela  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     26.54   2006-04-06 23:17:06.2     16986880  MIPSP-CAL030-Philomela-160um            
Philomela                     2000196     Philomela  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      5.71   2006-04-06 23:45:33.3     16987136  MIPSP-CAL030-Philomela                  
sch723326                 16:11:29.58  -19:00:29.30  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     17.69   2006-04-06 23:48:44.1     15839744  MIPSP-sch723326                         
USDEN 161103              16:11:03.61  -24:26:42.90  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 mipsphot     12.56   2006-04-07 00:04:27.8     15200512  USDEN-161103-MIPSP                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-07 00:13:24.9     17024256  anneal                                  
Pipe - 111                17:26:45.00  -26:32:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    101.91   2006-04-07 00:22:53.0     14098432  mP111a                                  
sch2589355                16:23:51.58  -23:17:27.40  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     17.69   2006-04-07 02:02:58.2     15847936  MIPSP-sch2589355                        
HIP_80130                 16:21:21.15  -22:06:32.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-04-07 02:18:02.1     13907456  CarpMipsS043                            
HIP_79606                 16:14:40.16  -20:14:03.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-07 02:36:24.1     13904128  CarpMipsS030                            
G306.590+00.000           13:23:22.01  -62:38:41.27  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-07 02:58:36.8     15604992  MIPSGAL_G306.590+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-07 04:15:12.9     17024512  anneal                                  
G306.945+00.000           13:26:25.63  -62:35:55.89  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-07 04:21:38.1     15607040  MIPSGAL_G306.945+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G307.299+00.000           13:29:27.88  -62:32:56.33  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-07 05:37:50.4     15657728  MIPSGAL_G307.299+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-07 06:55:14.3     17024768  anneal                                  
G307.650+00.000           13:32:28.74  -62:29:42.83  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-07 07:00:51.6     15586304  MIPSGAL_G307.650+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G308.001+00.000           13:35:28.18  -62:26:15.67  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-07 08:17:06.0     15608064  MIPSGAL_G308.001+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-07 09:39:30.5     17042944  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-07 11:01:24.0     17025024  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.35   2006-04-07 11:12:32.1     17061120  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_7       
Quaoar                        2050000        Quaoar  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-07 11:56:52.3     15475968  HC.50000.12                             
2001 KA77                     3078916     2001 KA77  Grundy            CLASSY        3542 mipsphot     66.82   2006-04-07 12:16:15.2     15466752  HC.01KA77.11                            
HIP_79097                 16:08:43.66  -25:22:36.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-07 13:21:45.3     13906176  CarpMipsS038                            
v417 cen 70 secondary     14:15:30.00  -61:52:40.50  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 mipsphot     72.05   2006-04-07 13:43:11.9     15750400  MIPSP-0012 - 70 default                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-07 14:52:25.7     17025280  anneal                                  
G308.350+00.000           13:38:26.18  -62:22:35.09  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-07 14:59:53.0     15628288  MIPSGAL_G308.350+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G308.698+00.000           13:41:23.08  -62:18:40.84  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.23   2006-04-07 16:16:07.4     15606528  MIPSGAL_G308.698+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G309.045+00.000           13:44:18.49  -62:14:33.64  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-07 17:32:21.8     15603712  MIPSGAL_G309.045+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-07 18:48:23.6     17025536  anneal                                  
G309.390+00.000           13:47:12.38  -62:10:13.73  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-07 18:55:25.1     15577600  MIPSGAL_G309.390+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G309.734+00.000           13:50:04.75  -62:05:41.38  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-07 20:11:39.5     15595776  MIPSGAL_G309.734+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-07 21:28:23.8     17043200  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-07 22:41:24.9     17025792  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-07 22:52:35.3     17061376  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_8       
Pipe-18r                  17:33:40.00  -25:30:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    172.68   2006-04-07 23:33:44.7     14099968  mP10a                                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-08 02:24:57.5     17026304  anneal                                  
CarpMipsC027              16:18:28.25  -23:16:27.50  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     55.85   2006-04-08 02:31:40.2     13903360  CarpMipsC027                            
G310.077+00.000           13:52:55.57  -62:00:56.82  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-08 03:28:37.5     15623424  MIPSGAL_G310.077+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G310.419+00.000           13:55:44.81  -61:56:00.37  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-08 04:44:51.9     15589376  MIPSGAL_G310.419+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-08 06:03:25.2     17026560  anneal                                  
G310.758+00.000           13:58:32.35  -61:50:52.46  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-08 06:07:55.2     15576576  MIPSGAL_G310.758+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G311.097+00.000           14:01:18.52  -61:45:32.72  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-08 07:24:11.7     15627776  MIPSGAL_G311.097+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-08 08:43:25.2     17043456  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-08 09:54:54.9     17026816  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-08 10:06:06.2     17061632  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_9       
S5 0716+714               07:21:53.45  +71:20:36.40  Adkins            AGN_GLAST_2    269 mipsphot     18.44   2006-04-08 10:37:15.8     17052672  GTN 3- MIPSP                            
L43                       16:34:36.30  -15:47:11.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 mipsphot     16.94   2006-04-08 11:01:50.1     14617600  MIPSP - L43 - DEEP                      
LDN 69                    17:26:35.00  -24:10:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    121.98   2006-04-08 11:18:01.1     14102784  mPS01b                                  
sch1714402                16:20:21.27  -21:20:29.20  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     30.18   2006-04-08 13:17:59.5     15841280  MIPSP-sch1714402                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-08 13:52:25.0     17027072  anneal                                  
HIP_78963                 16:07:12.67  -27:05:58.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-08 13:56:05.4     13907200  CarpMipsS042                            
G311.435+00.000           14:04:02.96  -61:40:02.03  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-08 14:17:34.1     15640064  MIPSGAL_G311.435+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G311.771+00.000           14:06:45.68  -61:34:20.67  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-08 15:33:50.6     15591424  MIPSGAL_G311.771+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-08 16:53:32.3     17027328  anneal                                  
G312.105+00.000           14:09:26.66  -61:28:28.89  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     78.22   2006-04-08 16:56:56.0     15610624  MIPSGAL_G312.105+00.000_nshortcov6_v0.0 
G312.438+00.000           14:12:05.91  -61:22:26.97  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-08 18:13:10.4     15653888  MIPSGAL_G312.438+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-08 19:20:24.0     17027584  anneal                                  
G312.769+00.000           14:14:43.38  -61:16:15.31  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-08 19:23:03.1     15575552  MIPSGAL_G312.769+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G313.099+00.000           14:17:19.06  -61:09:54.15  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-08 20:26:09.0     15574784  MIPSGAL_G313.099+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-08 21:33:56.1     17036288  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-08 22:51:54.9     17027840  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-08 23:03:09.9     17061888  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_10      
cgtrail_apr06             17:06:44.43  -24:56:48.50  Gruen             EG_CGTRAIL   20235 mipsphot    168.70   2006-04-08 23:41:00.1     15462400  cgtrail_apr06                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 02:26:45.7     17028096  anneal                                  
CarpMipsC022              16:24:02.89  -25:24:53.90  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     38.50   2006-04-09 02:34:38.7     13902080  CarpMipsC022                            
HIP_80493                 16:25:50.66  -26:34:06.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-04-09 03:10:13.6     13904384  CarpMipsS031                            
CarpMipsC012              16:12:18.21  -27:55:35.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     38.48   2006-04-09 03:28:48.2     13899520  CarpMipsC012                            
G5.885-0.392              18:00:30.24  -24:04:01.20  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-09 04:06:54.1     15143680  G5.8-MIPS-SED                           
G313.428+00.000           14:19:52.96  -61:03:23.76  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 04:15:21.6     15650560  MIPSGAL_G313.428+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 05:23:33.0     17028352  anneal                                  
G313.755+00.000           14:22:25.37  -60:56:43.64  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 05:28:00.0     15617536  MIPSGAL_G313.755+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G314.081+00.000           14:24:56.01  -60:49:54.78  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 06:31:05.9     15658752  MIPSGAL_G314.081+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 07:37:00.4     17028608  anneal                                  
G314.405+00.000           14:27:24.88  -60:42:57.41  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 07:41:00.7     15641600  MIPSGAL_G314.405+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G314.728+00.000           14:29:51.99  -60:35:51.78  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 08:44:06.5     15614464  MIPSGAL_G314.728+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-09 09:50:32.0     17036544  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 11:03:54.9     17029120  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-09 11:15:50.8     17062144  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_11      
HD135379                  15:17:30.85  -58:48:04.30  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-04-09 11:51:16.2     14496512  MIPSP-0007a                             
HIP_80324                 16:23:56.72  -33:11:57.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.75   2006-04-09 12:16:20.9     13902592  CarpMipsS024                            
G315.049+00.000           14:32:17.36  -60:28:38.11  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 12:37:28.6     15648768  MIPSGAL_G315.049+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G315.369+00.000           14:34:41.01  -60:21:16.63  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 13:40:34.5     15584256  MIPSGAL_G315.369+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 14:43:37.7     17029376  anneal                                  
G315.688+00.000           14:37:02.98  -60:13:47.42  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 14:50:31.4     15602432  MIPSGAL_G315.688+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G316.005+00.000           14:39:23.29  -60:06:10.71  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 15:53:37.3     15590400  MIPSGAL_G316.005+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 16:57:09.1     17029632  anneal                                  
G316.321+00.000           14:41:41.94  -59:58:26.69  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 17:03:34.2     15661056  MIPSGAL_G316.321+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G316.636+00.000           14:43:59.20  -59:50:34.78  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 18:06:42.2     15593728  MIPSGAL_G316.636+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 19:10:40.1     17029888  anneal                                  
G316.950+00.000           14:46:14.82  -59:42:35.96  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 19:16:39.1     15641088  MIPSGAL_G316.950+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G317.263+00.000           14:48:28.81  -59:34:30.45  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-09 20:22:18.0     15639808  MIPSGAL_G317.263+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-09 21:27:48.7     17036800  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-09 22:38:54.9     17030144  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-09 22:50:20.0     17062400  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_12      
DC3464+79                 16:37:28.70  -35:13:59.00  Myers             CORES2DEEPER 20386 mipsphot     16.94   2006-04-09 23:27:40.8     14615552  MIPSP - DC3464+79 - DEEP                
sch2252961                16:26:56.19  -22:13:52.20  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     17.69   2006-04-09 23:43:41.3     15840512  MIPSP-sch2252961                        
G10.623-0.384             18:10:28.80  -19:55:51.60  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-10 00:01:09.8     15144960  G10.6-MIPS-SED                          
G11.938-06.16             18:14:01.20  -18:53:20.40  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-10 00:05:15.2     15145472  G11.9-MIPS-SED                          
G12.209-0.103             18:12:40.08  -18:24:21.60  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-10 00:09:01.7     15145728  G12.2-MIPS-SED                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 00:13:01.1     17030400  anneal                                  
Pipe-101r                 17:31:40.00  -25:45:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    172.68   2006-04-10 00:21:32.5     14099456  mP101a                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 03:11:32.4     17030656  anneal                                  
G317.574+00.000           14:50:41.21  -59:26:18.44  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 03:22:03.2     15616000  MIPSGAL_G317.574+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G317.885+00.000           14:52:52.01  -59:18:00.12  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 04:25:13.2     15589120  MIPSGAL_G317.885+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 05:28:31.1     17030912  anneal                                  
G318.194+00.000           14:55:01.23  -59:09:35.68  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 05:35:10.1     15630080  MIPSGAL_G318.194+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G318.502+00.000           14:57:08.90  -59:01:05.30  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 06:38:20.2     15659264  MIPSGAL_G318.502+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 07:42:01.7     17010688  anneal                                  
G318.808+00.000           14:59:15.01  -58:52:29.17  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 07:48:17.1     15604736  MIPSGAL_G318.808+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G319.114+00.000           15:01:19.60  -58:43:47.46  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 08:51:27.2     15612416  MIPSGAL_G319.114+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-10 09:55:32.1     17037056  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 11:12:24.9     17031168  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-10 11:23:36.6     17062656  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_13      
BI Cru secondary          12:23:26.30  -62:35:20.10  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 mipsphot     24.28   2006-04-10 12:00:46.9     15750912  MIPSP-0001 - 24 um off                  
sch2956603                16:14:19.74  -24:28:40.50  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     49.26   2006-04-10 12:26:49.3     15847424  MIPSP-sch2956603                        
UpScoCTIO75               16:00:30.17  -23:34:44.70  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.60   2006-04-10 13:13:45.7     14685696  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO75                     
v417 cen 70               14:15:59.74  -61:53:49.50  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 mipsphot     86.29   2006-04-10 13:26:14.4     15205632  MIPSP-0012                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 14:53:10.7     17031424  anneal                                  
G319.418+00.000           15:03:22.87  -58:34:59.51  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 14:57:53.1     15646976  MIPSGAL_G319.418+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G319.722+00.000           15:05:24.64  -58:26:06.32  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 16:00:54.8     15657472  MIPSGAL_G319.722+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 17:07:12.8     17031936  anneal                                  
G320.025+00.000           15:07:24.92  -58:17:08.05  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.16   2006-04-10 17:10:43.3     15584512  MIPSGAL_G320.025+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G320.326+00.000           15:09:23.74  -58:08:04.83  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-10 18:13:45.0     15588864  MIPSGAL_G320.326+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 19:20:42.8     17032192  anneal                                  
G320.626+00.000           15:11:21.18  -57:58:56.51  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-10 19:23:33.5     15578112  MIPSGAL_G320.626+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G320.926+00.000           15:13:17.25  -57:49:43.26  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-10 20:26:35.2     15660544  MIPSGAL_G320.926+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-10 21:34:12.2     17037312  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-10 22:56:24.9     17032448  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-10 23:07:41.4     17062912  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_14      
HIP_79596                 16:14:22.37  -33:00:39.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-10 23:44:51.8     13897216  CarpMipsS003                            
HIP_79860                 16:18:05.46  -31:39:06.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-11 00:02:59.1     13908992  CarpMipsS049                            
LDN 90                    17:38:40.00  -25:25:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    134.60   2006-04-11 00:23:12.3     14102272  mPT04b                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 02:39:31.3     17032704  anneal                                  
G321.224+00.000           15:15:11.96  -57:40:25.22  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 02:47:31.4     15626752  MIPSGAL_G321.224+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G321.522+00.000           15:17:05.34  -57:31:02.57  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 03:50:33.1     15595520  MIPSGAL_G321.522+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 04:55:53.4     17032960  anneal                                  
G321.818+00.000           15:18:57.38  -57:21:35.44  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 05:00:23.7     15593984  MIPSGAL_G321.818+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G322.114+00.000           15:20:48.26  -57:12:03.18  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 06:03:25.4     15626240  MIPSGAL_G322.114+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 07:09:22.6     17033216  anneal                                  
G322.409+00.000           15:22:37.83  -57:02:26.74  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 07:13:16.0     15584000  MIPSGAL_G322.409+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G322.703+00.000           15:24:26.11  -56:52:46.27  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 08:16:17.7     15624960  MIPSGAL_G322.703+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-11 09:22:51.6     17037568  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 10:38:54.9     17033472  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-11 10:50:14.0     17063168  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_15      
HIP93815                  19:06:20.00  -52:20:27.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     17.18   2006-04-11 11:26:04.7     16186624  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP93815_160             
HIP93096                  18:57:56.70  -44:58:07.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-11 11:41:27.4     16186880  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP93096_70              
Pipe-20r                  17:36:00.00  -25:10:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    165.81   2006-04-11 11:57:55.2     14100224  mP09a                                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 14:41:36.3     17033728  anneal                                  
G322.997+00.000           15:26:13.11  -56:43:01.90  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 14:50:49.7     15601152  MIPSGAL_G322.997+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G323.289+00.000           15:27:58.84  -56:33:13.77  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 15:53:53.5     15642880  MIPSGAL_G323.289+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 16:58:14.1     17033984  anneal                                  
G323.580+00.000           15:29:43.33  -56:23:21.97  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 17:03:44.1     15620352  MIPSGAL_G323.580+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G323.870+00.000           15:31:26.59  -56:13:26.61  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 18:09:31.5     15637248  MIPSGAL_G323.870+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 19:15:50.1     17034240  anneal                                  
G324.160+00.000           15:33:08.64  -56:03:27.81  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 19:19:24.2     15652864  MIPSGAL_G324.160+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G324.448+00.000           15:34:49.50  -55:53:25.70  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-11 20:22:25.8     15582464  MIPSGAL_G324.448+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-11 21:29:18.6     17037824  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-11 22:48:54.9     16996608  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-11 23:00:19.2     17063424  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_16      
HIP_78196                 15:57:59.35  -31:43:44.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.77   2006-04-11 23:37:44.2     13903616  CarpMipsS028                            
Pipe-9r                   17:28:50.00  -25:50:06.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    172.69   2006-04-11 23:58:18.3     14098944  mP11a                                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 02:48:25.2     16996864  anneal                                  
G324.736+00.000           15:36:29.30  -55:43:19.58  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 02:58:05.0     15577344  MIPSGAL_G324.736+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G325.024+00.000           15:38:07.94  -55:33:10.36  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 04:01:08.8     15663872  MIPSGAL_G325.024+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 05:04:50.6     16997120  anneal                                  
G325.310+00.000           15:39:45.43  -55:22:58.11  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 05:11:01.5     15636480  MIPSGAL_G325.310+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G325.595+00.000           15:41:21.85  -55:12:42.54  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 06:14:07.3     15649280  MIPSGAL_G325.595+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 07:18:18.8     16997376  anneal                                  
galactic center 6         17:38:17.40  -31:29:03.80  Yusef-Zadeh       ZADEH        20414 mipsscan    134.06   2006-04-12 07:26:33.1     14658816  MIPSGC-0006                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-12 09:44:50.7     17038080  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 11:03:53.9     16997632  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-12 11:15:23.1     17063680  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_v2_17      
LDN 109                   17:39:06.00  -24:11:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     20.76   2006-04-12 11:53:36.4     14094592  mLDN109b                                
sch2906845                16:15:11.15  -24:20:15.60  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     49.26   2006-04-12 12:13:24.4     15841536  MIPSP- sch2906845                       
sch1405724                16:07:58.50  -20:39:48.90  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     22.83   2006-04-12 13:00:39.7     15842816  MIPSP-sch1405724                        
bi cru 70                 12:23:25.99  -62:38:16.10  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 mipsphot     86.30   2006-04-12 13:25:47.6     15204864  MIPSP-0009                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 14:49:56.4     16997888  anneal                                  
G325.880+00.000           15:42:57.22  -55:02:23.74  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 14:59:17.4     15639040  MIPSGAL_G325.880+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G326.165+00.000           15:44:31.55  -54:52:01.82  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 16:02:23.3     15623168  MIPSGAL_G326.165+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 17:05:55.6     16998144  anneal                                  
G326.448+00.000           15:46:04.84  -54:41:36.89  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 17:12:18.1     15615488  MIPSGAL_G326.448+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G326.731+00.000           15:47:37.11  -54:31:09.05  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 18:15:24.0     15641344  MIPSGAL_G326.731+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 19:19:23.8     16998400  anneal                                  
G327.013+00.000           15:49:08.37  -54:20:38.40  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 19:25:20.9     15619840  MIPSGAL_G327.013+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G327.295+00.000           15:50:38.74  -54:10:04.31  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-12 20:28:26.8     15598080  MIPSGAL_G327.295+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-12 21:38:13.0     17038336  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-12 22:48:54.9     16998656  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-12 23:00:32.0     17048576  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_18         
HIP94858                  19:18:09.80  -53:23:14.00  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     16.42   2006-04-12 23:36:28.9     16182016  MIPSP-LOW-STAR-HIP94858_70              
RX_J1852.3-3700           18:52:17.30  -37:00:11.90  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     17.18   2006-04-12 23:52:06.3     14835456  MIPS-GO2-39                             
TYC7344_1461_1            16:25:09.92  -30:47:57.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-13 00:09:28.6     13906432  CarpMipsS039                            
HIP_80896                 16:31:11.06  -29:59:52.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-04-13 00:27:40.2     13907712  CarpMipsS044                            
PBB2002_USco_J161052.4-19 16:10:52.41  -19:37:34.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     28.47   2006-04-13 00:47:24.0     13914112  CarpMipsS069                            
HD 130437                 14:50:50.26  -60:17:10.30  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed      15.73   2006-04-13 01:17:12.9     16823040  HD 130437 MIPS                          
bi cru 70 secondary       12:23:33.39  -62:35:25.00  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 mipsphot     72.08   2006-04-13 01:32:29.3     15751936  MIPSP-0009 - 70 default                 
HIP_80112                 16:21:11.31  -25:35:34.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     17.10   2006-04-13 02:46:41.5     13896704  CarpMipsS001                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-13 03:02:13.6     16998912  anneal                                  
G327.576+00.000           15:52:08.12  -53:59:27.60  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-13 03:10:55.9     15653376  MIPSGAL_G327.576+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
G327.856+00.000           15:53:36.53  -53:48:48.38  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     65.15   2006-04-13 04:14:03.9     15612928  MIPSGAL_G327.856+00.000_nshortcov5_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-13 05:18:00.8     16999424  anneal                                  
G328.181+00.000           15:55:18.08  -53:36:22.25  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 05:23:56.6     15652608  MIPSGAL_G328.181+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G328.551+00.000           15:57:12.26  -53:22:08.03  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 06:31:40.9     15633152  MIPSGAL_G328.551+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-13 07:41:40.7     16999680  anneal                                  
G328.919+00.000           15:59:04.78  -53:07:50.17  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 07:46:12.0     15643392  MIPSGAL_G328.919+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G329.286+00.000           16:00:55.65  -52:53:28.85  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 08:53:54.1     15587584  MIPSGAL_G329.286+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-13 10:09:58.4     17038592  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-13 11:18:54.9     16999936  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-13 11:30:16.8     17048832  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_19         
NGC2841                   09:22:02.60  +50:58:35.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      51.46   2006-04-13 12:01:18.0      5584128  MIPSS-0021                              
gammaOph                  17:47:53.56  +02:42:26.20  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-04-13 12:58:16.3     14501376  MIPSP-0011b                             
sch4880457                16:25:28.62  -16:58:50.50  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     36.77   2006-04-13 13:23:18.9     15845120  MIPSP-sch4880457                        
G329.651+00.000           16:02:44.90  -52:39:04.27  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 14:00:32.4     15599360  MIPSGAL_G329.651+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-13 15:11:19.4     17000192  anneal                                  
G330.016+00.000           16:04:32.69  -52:24:35.73  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 15:15:03.5     15655168  MIPSGAL_G330.016+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G330.379+00.000           16:06:18.91  -52:10:04.28  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 16:22:43.6     15611648  MIPSGAL_G330.379+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-13 17:33:57.8     17000448  anneal                                  
G330.741+00.000           16:08:03.67  -51:55:29.60  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 17:37:12.6     15583488  MIPSGAL_G330.741+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G331.102+00.000           16:09:46.98  -51:40:51.84  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 18:44:54.8     15605504  MIPSGAL_G331.102+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-13 19:56:36.0     17000704  anneal                                  
G331.462+00.000           16:11:28.87  -51:26:11.15  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-13 19:59:23.8     15613440  MIPSGAL_G331.462+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
galactic center 5         17:40:46.60  -30:38:16.20  Yusef-Zadeh       ZADEH        20414 mipsscan    134.06   2006-04-13 21:09:45.3     14658560  MIPSGC-0005                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-13 23:30:51.1     17039104  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 00:48:54.9     17000960  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-14 01:00:20.2     17049088  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_20         
Pipe - 112r               17:30:23.00  -25:19:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     76.90   2006-04-14 01:38:16.6     14101248  mP112b                                  
G331.820+00.000           16:13:09.38  -51:11:27.67  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 02:54:53.6     15594752  MIPSGAL_G331.820+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 04:03:51.6     17001216  anneal                                  
G332.178+00.000           16:14:48.52  -50:56:41.56  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 04:09:22.6     15631360  MIPSGAL_G332.178+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G332.535+00.000           16:16:26.31  -50:41:52.94  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 05:17:04.7     15606016  MIPSGAL_G332.535+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G332.891+00.000           16:18:02.88  -50:27:01.15  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 06:24:44.8     15653632  MIPSGAL_G332.891+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 07:34:23.2     17001472  anneal                                  
galactic center 4         17:43:13.10  -29:47:18.20  Yusef-Zadeh       ZADEH        20414 mipsscan    134.06   2006-04-14 07:41:57.4     14658304  MIPSGC-0004                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-14 09:55:46.6     17039360  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 11:03:54.9     17001728  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-14 11:15:24.7     17049344  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_21         
Aglaja_cluster                2000047        Aglaja  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     26.54   2006-04-14 11:50:50.1     16987392  MIPSP-CAL030-Aglaja-160um               
Aglaja                        2000047        Aglaja  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      5.71   2006-04-14 12:19:17.2     16987648  MIPSP-CAL030-Aglaja                     
sch3058880                16:15:55.08  -24:44:36.80  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     15.13   2006-04-14 12:37:27.7     15839232  MIPSP-sch3058880                        
sch2812478                16:20:07.56  -23:59:15.20  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     12.56   2006-04-14 12:49:57.4     15846144  MIPSP-sch2812478                        
G333.246+00.000           16:19:38.16  -50:12:07.13  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 13:02:26.1     15655680  MIPSGAL_G333.246+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 14:11:59.6     17002240  anneal                                  
G333.599+00.000           16:21:12.16  -49:57:11.00  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 14:16:57.2     15637504  MIPSGAL_G333.599+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G333.952+00.000           16:22:44.91  -49:42:12.90  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 15:24:37.3     15650048  MIPSGAL_G333.952+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 16:34:37.0     17002496  anneal                                  
G334.304+00.000           16:24:16.44  -49:27:12.92  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 16:39:08.4     15619584  MIPSGAL_G334.304+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G334.654+00.000           16:25:46.77  -49:12:11.19  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-14 17:46:48.5     15651584  MIPSGAL_G334.654+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 18:57:14.0     17031680  anneal                                  
galactic center 3         17:47:59.00  -28:04:52.90  Yusef-Zadeh       ZADEH        20414 mipsscan    134.06   2006-04-14 19:04:07.4     14658048  MIPSGC-0003                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-14 21:18:38.7     17039616  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-14 22:30:48.9     17002752  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-14 22:42:24.0     17049600  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_22         
cgtrail_apr06_shadow      17:06:44.43  -24:56:48.50  Gruen             EG_CGTRAIL   20235 mipsphot    168.72   2006-04-14 23:23:50.2     15461632  cgtrail_apr06_shadow                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-15 02:11:18.8     17003008  anneal                                  
HIP_79771                 16:16:50.62  -25:51:46.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.77   2006-04-15 02:17:37.2     13904640  CarpMipsS032                            
sch3017878                16:23:54.70  -24:38:32.10  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     17.69   2006-04-15 02:35:57.1     15838464  MIPSP-sch3017878                        
G335.004+00.000           16:27:15.92  -48:57:07.82  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-15 02:53:32.0     15658496  MIPSGAL_G335.004+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G335.352+00.000           16:28:43.92  -48:42:02.91  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-15 04:01:12.1     15610880  MIPSGAL_G335.352+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-15 05:12:06.1     17003264  anneal                                  
G335.700+00.000           16:30:10.89  -48:26:55.37  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-15 05:15:43.2     15620608  MIPSGAL_G335.700+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
G336.047+00.000           16:31:36.79  -48:11:46.03  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-15 06:23:23.2     15645184  MIPSGAL_G336.047+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-15 07:34:43.0     17003520  anneal                                  
galactic center 2         17:50:18.40  -27:13:26.50  Yusef-Zadeh       ZADEH        20414 mipsscan    134.06   2006-04-15 07:40:44.2     14657792  MIPSGC-0002                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mips          5.41   2006-04-15 09:56:05.5     17039872  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-15 11:07:46.9     17003776  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_10b                  06:04:00.49  +09:08:38.54  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1872 mipsscan     29.36   2006-04-15 11:19:26.0     17049856  MIPSGAL-30MC-24flat-zodi_10b_23         
NGC3034                   09:56:05.20  +69:41:22.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      99.18   2006-04-15 11:51:23.9      5585664  MIPSS-0027                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-15 13:32:44.8     17004032  anneal                                  
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips         16.68   2006-04-15 13:41:02.6     16995072  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips         16.42   2006-04-15 13:57:56.1     17034496  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      6.33   2006-04-15 14:16:32.3     16991744  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_2    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot      6.33   2006-04-15 14:21:29.0     16993024  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_3    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipsphot     17.59   2006-04-15 14:25:35.4     16992256  MIPS-CALMC30-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_2      
sch2813568                16:21:35.91  -23:55:03.40  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     30.18   2006-04-15 14:47:03.1     15840256  MIPSP-sch2813568                        
KK Oph                    17:10:08.11  -27:15:19.00  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed      15.73   2006-04-15 15:15:51.1     16824064  KK Oph MIPS                             
Wray 15-1484              16:27:15.09  -48:39:26.90  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed       8.36   2006-04-15 15:31:09.7     16825600  Wray 15-1484 MIPS                       
hd 181327                 19:22:58.94  -54:32:17.00  Jura              YOUNGA          84 mipssed      18.30   2006-04-15 15:39:20.4     16171008  MIPSE-BPMG-HD181327                     
G31.414+0.310             18:47:33.84  -01:12:32.40  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 15:59:04.2     15148800  G31.4-MIPS-SED                          
G29.956-0.016             18:46:03.84  -02:39:21.60  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 16:03:07.5     15148288  G29.9-MIPS-SED                          
G10.841-2.592             18:19:12.24  -20:47:31.20  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 16:09:12.4     15145216  G10.8-MIPS-SED                          
G20.080-0.135             18:28:10.08  -11:28:51.60  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 16:14:24.9     15146752  G20.0-MIPS-SED                          
G23.455-0.201             18:34:44.88  -08:31:08.40  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 16:18:55.4     15147008  G23.4-MIPS-SED                          
G23.711+0.171             18:33:53.52  -08:07:12.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 16:22:35.6     15147264  G23.7-MIPS-SED                          
G28.200-0.049             18:42:58.08  -04:13:58.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 16:27:16.6     15147776  G28.2-MIPS-SED                          
G28.288-0.364             18:44:15.12  -04:17:52.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-04-15 16:30:52.6     15148032  G28.28-MIPS-SED                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-15 16:40:34.8     17011456  anneal                                  
G336.393+00.000           16:33:01.63  -47:56:35.00  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-04-15 16:46:07.0     15660800  MIPSGAL_G336.393+00.000_nshortcov4_v0.0 
galactic center 7         17:45:37.20  -28:56:10.20  Yusef-Zadeh       ZADEH        20414 mipsscan    134.07   2006-04-15 17:56:32.7     14659072  MIPSGC-0007                             
175358.9-264933           17:53:58.97  -26:49:33.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipssed      20.89   2006-04-15 20:14:13.4     16993792  calflt-30MC-SED-IC-01-endcampgn         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mips          6.83   2006-04-15 20:14:47.3     17017856  anneal                                  
174839.6-271518           17:48:39.64  -27:15:18.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipssed      20.89   2006-04-15 20:32:28.1     16994048  calflt-30MC-SED-IC-02-endCampgn         
175405.4-264801           17:54:05.43  -26:48:01.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1734 mipssed      20.89   2006-04-15 20:50:38.6     16994304  calflt-30MC-SED-IC-03-endCampgn         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          67.07   2006-04-15 23:05:38.7     17094912  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-16 00:12:36.1     17095424  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.99   2006-04-16 00:23:18.6     17072128  caldrk_IRS-30_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     27.41   2006-04-16 00:35:36.0     17078528  caldrk_IRS-30_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     24.61   2006-04-16 01:00:13.3     17070848  caldrk_IRS-30_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long      
V574 Pup                  07:41:53.56  -27:06:38.30  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     32.43   2006-04-16 01:31:21.2     14475776  IRSS_V574_Pup_No1                       
V574 Pup BG               07:42:17.76  -27:06:36.90  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     15.22   2006-04-16 02:00:41.6     14477056  IRSS-V574-BG                            
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     74.61   2006-04-16 02:17:01.3     17078784  calsfx-30A-eta1Dor                      
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irspeakup    24.49   2006-04-16 03:28:21.6     17080064  calsfx-30I-eta1Dor                      
HD 114800                 13:14:11.53  -63:22:25.50  Andersson         COALSACKDUST 20159 irsstare    106.02   2006-04-16 03:55:23.6     14253056  IRSS-0001                               
HD142709                  15:57:40.74  -42:37:27.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     53.09   2006-04-16 05:42:01.0     16005376  HD142709_IRS                            
HD145825                  16:14:11.93  -31:39:49.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.94   2006-04-16 06:32:45.0     16022528  HD145825_IRS                            
WL 5                      16:27:18.00  -24:28:55.00  Dudley            IREXT        20294 irsstare     56.12   2006-04-16 06:58:06.2     14492928  IRSS-0001                               
RS Oph                    17:50:13.20  -06:42:28.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     49.63   2006-04-16 07:54:16.0     17057024  IRSS-RSOPH-x1                           
RS Oph-bkgr               17:50:18.08  -06:43:38.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     23.91   2006-04-16 08:40:39.6     17057280  IRSS-RSOPH-x1-bkg                       
SSTc2dJ1828358+283548     18:28:35.79  +00:26:16.00  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     13.17   2006-04-16 09:03:22.2     15913985  IRSS-BG-0004 [version 1]                
HD149661                  16:36:21.45  -02:19:28.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     12.89   2006-04-16 09:16:29.1     16003072  HD149661_IRS                            
HD 153377                 16:59:21.51  -01:41:15.60  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     13.28   2006-04-16 09:27:26.0     15021312  IRSS-HD153377                           
HD 156635                 17:18:50.44  -02:48:38.10  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     11.80   2006-04-16 09:41:02.1     15028224  IRSS-HD156635                           
2002 MS4                      3143122      2002 MS4  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 irsstare     24.31   2006-04-16 10:00:48.0     10688000  S-2002MS4                               
lkha 348                  18:34:12.65  +00:26:21.80  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     10.58   2006-04-16 10:23:38.3      9831424  IRSS-0099                               
PN M 2-9                  17:05:37.87  -10:08:18.50  Rieke             LATTER_SE       77 irsstare     14.66   2006-04-16 10:42:56.8      4615424  IRSS-SEPN-M2-9                          
ROX 2                     16:25:24.37  -23:55:09.94  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     16.90   2006-04-16 10:59:36.2     12688896  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-023                      
DoAr25-GSS31-LFAM3        16:26:22.87  -24:43:10.77  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     42.14   2006-04-16 11:11:27.3     12699136  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-003                      
IRAS 17596-3952           18:03:06.20  -39:51:55.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare      9.52   2006-04-16 11:53:34.2     16264192  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-006                      
IRAS 17554-3822           17:58:54.10  -38:22:26.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.82   2006-04-16 12:02:44.3     16263424  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-009                      
V346 Nor                  16:32:32.12  -44:55:28.70  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.78   2006-04-16 12:14:10.8     16260864  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-021                      
HD 100546                 11:33:25.44  -70:11:41.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsmap        9.19   2006-04-16 12:25:15.8      3579136  IRSM-G-DMW-DEB0066                      
16225-2607                16:25:38.48  -26:13:53.99  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.06   2006-04-16 12:39:26.4     12702720  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-308                      
16275-2638                16:30:35.71  -26:44:43.36  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     10.76   2006-04-16 12:47:48.5     12674560  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-208                      
L 1689SNO2                16:31:52.08  -24:56:15.64  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     10.07   2006-04-16 12:56:17.2     12704256  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-301                      
ROX-43A1-ROX-43A2-IRS-60  16:31:20.12  -24:30:05.03  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     15.85   2006-04-16 13:01:22.9     12676864  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-201                      
GY284                     16:27:30.83  -24:24:56.28  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     10.64   2006-04-16 13:15:58.3     12698112  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-007                      
GY350                     16:27:46.28  -24:31:41.30  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     63.64   2006-04-16 13:22:22.4     12693760  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-015                      
WL19                      16:27:11.73  -24:38:31.91  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     13.66   2006-04-16 14:24:42.8     12692992  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-018                      
WL8-WL5                   16:26:42.04  -24:33:26.20  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     29.15   2006-04-16 14:33:58.9     12694784  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-011                      
WL21                      16:26:57.34  -24:35:38.72  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     36.77   2006-04-16 15:01:48.9     12688128  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-026                      
DoAr21-GY91-VSS27         16:26:03.05  -24:23:36.06  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     45.20   2006-04-16 15:34:08.6     12698368  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-006                      
GY289                     16:27:32.67  -24:33:24.15  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     29.98   2006-04-16 16:17:55.6     12688640  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-024                      
16237-2349-SR21-GY224     16:26:48.66  -23:56:33.98  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     39.75   2006-04-16 16:43:47.5     12698880  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-004                      
LFAM8                     16:26:29.69  -24:19:05.33  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     36.97   2006-04-16 17:22:26.4     12688384  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-025                      
IRS45-IRS46-IRS47         16:27:28.44  -24:27:21.14  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     39.80   2006-04-16 17:55:06.4     12698624  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-005                      
VLA-1623                  16:26:26.40  -24:24:30.00  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     20.08   2006-04-16 18:33:57.3     12695040  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-010                      
GY15                      16:26:22.98  -24:28:46.10  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     52.34   2006-04-16 18:49:33.7     12693504  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-016                      
GY29                      16:26:25.30  -24:24:44.86  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     17.08   2006-04-16 19:40:44.1     12687360  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-029                      
IRS10-CRBR15-GY12         16:25:50.53  -24:39:14.31  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     71.95   2006-04-16 19:53:25.9     12697600  IRSS-G-DMW-OPH-009                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.15   2006-04-16 22:25:29.1     17097472  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.72   2006-04-16 22:36:14.0     17071104  caldrk_IRS-30_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.80   2006-04-16 22:47:54.4     17071360  caldrk_IRS-30_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     12.76   2006-04-16 22:59:35.3     17071872  caldrk_IRS-30_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     27.41   2006-04-16 23:09:35.1     17100032  caldrk_IRS-30_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     35.09   2006-04-16 23:35:35.6     17101568  calsfx-30B-HD173511                     
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     18.81   2006-04-17 00:07:25.8     17101824  calsfx-30B-sky                          
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1569  1569 irs         224.22   2006-04-17 00:24:58.4     17103872  irs-015_200601                          
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-17 04:11:00.8     17095680  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1002326 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare    339.08   2006-04-17 04:35:01.0     17058816  SW3-Gstare                              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1002326 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irspeakup    20.80   2006-04-17 10:15:35.1     17059328  SW3-G-Imagemap                          
HD172051                  18:38:53.40  -21:03:06.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     15.74   2006-04-17 10:36:47.0     15995904  HD172051_IRS                            
vv cra                    19:03:06.80  -37:12:48.90  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare      6.86   2006-04-17 10:51:39.9     14921984  IRSS-0023                               
HD178253                  19:09:28.34  -37:54:16.10  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.06   2006-04-17 11:06:19.7     14145536  IRSS-WernerAstars-26                    
HD189567                  20:05:32.76  -67:19:15.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     18.92   2006-04-17 11:23:30.6     16027136  HD189567_IRS                            
V1233 Sgr                 18:55:02.45  -31:09:50.51  Harrison          HARRISONIP   20003 irsstare     57.95   2006-04-17 11:42:58.2     13807616  IRSS-V1223                              
HD160032                  17:40:23.83  -49:24:56.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     12.84   2006-04-17 12:40:58.7     16006144  HD160032_IRS                            
Libera                        2000771        Libera  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsstare     43.48   2006-04-17 13:02:29.8     14739968  IRSS-771_Libera                         
iras17138-1017            17:16:35.60  -10:20:38.00  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     16.17   2006-04-17 13:44:54.7     14841600  IRSS-0023                               
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     93.30   2006-04-17 14:04:53.9     14394368  SW3-Bstare                              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     86.27   2006-04-17 15:40:01.5     14395392  SW3-BstareHL                            
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irspeakup    17.13   2006-04-17 17:07:57.5     14397440  SW3-B-Imagemap                          
ppm 7774                  10:51:12.56  +75:02:06.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     14.92   2006-04-17 17:29:43.7     15026432  IRSS-PPM7774                            
NGC2403-BG                07:36:29.69  +65:27:27.60  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap        9.19   2006-04-17 17:44:11.0     14801920  NGC2403-BG-LL                           
NGC2403 - Halfstrip Offse 07:36:36.80  +65:34:24.10  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      246.96   2006-04-17 17:50:06.9     14801664  NGC2403-LLdither                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.15   2006-04-17 23:02:43.3     17097984  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.49   2006-04-17 23:13:41.8     17071616  caldrk_IRS-30_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     12.31   2006-04-17 23:24:55.7     17070336  caldrk_IRS-30_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     54.03   2006-04-17 23:34:47.4     17070592  caldrk_IRS-30_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.99   2006-04-18 00:24:44.8     17076224  caldrk_IRS-30_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     16.86   2006-04-18 00:38:35.3     17079040  calsfx-30C-ksiDra                       
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     13.77   2006-04-18 00:52:13.4     17079296  calsfx-30C-sky                          
Liberatrix                    2000125    Liberatrix  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       45.29   2006-04-18 01:18:38.4     14737408  IRSM-125_Liberatrix                     
Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresa        1000100 Tuttle-Giacob  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsmap       78.80   2006-04-18 02:07:00.1     13817856  IRSM-cw-100                             
2mass0727182+171001       07:27:18.40  +17:09:59.54  Burgasser         ABURGASSER_C 20544 irsstare    305.13   2006-04-18 03:25:13.7     14825472  IRSS-2m0727                             
SWIRE N2:70017            16:40:58.62  +41:54:32.40  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.61   2006-04-18 08:35:55.5     16164096  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire5                     
SWIRE N2:19993            16:42:16.92  +41:01:29.20  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.60   2006-04-18 09:40:38.5     16162560  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire8                     
SWIRE N2:8140             16:44:01.36  +40:57:14.90  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     32.75   2006-04-18 10:10:04.8     16162048  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire9                     
SWIRE N2:231111           16:34:57.04  +40:10:03.00  Houck             DWW_FAINT       15 irsstare     67.87   2006-04-18 10:40:05.3     16163072  IRSS-e-dww-N2swire7                     
Liberatrix                    2000125    Liberatrix  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.14   2006-04-18 11:59:16.7     16223232  IRSM-125_Liberatrix_shadow              
IRAS16576+3553            16:59:24.67  +35:49:01.70  Houck             LA_ULIRGS2     105 irsstare     43.05   2006-04-18 12:19:03.1      4985856  IRSS-la-ulirg083                        
GD 362                    17:31:34.33  +37:05:20.57  Jura              PDISK           23 irsstare     46.67   2006-04-18 13:00:13.0     15694080  IRSS-gd362                              
IRAS17252+3659            17:26:57.76  +36:56:39.40  Houck             LA_ULIRGS2     105 irsstare     38.03   2006-04-18 13:44:04.0      4987136  IRSS-la-ulirg089                        
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1002326 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare    339.08   2006-04-18 14:33:27.8     17059072  SW3-Gstare-Shadow                       
SSTc2dJ182850.9+04606clus 18:28:50.90  +00:46:05.60  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     73.19   2006-04-18 20:07:08.9     13459969  IRSS-serp-bg2 [version 1]               
HD52711                   07:03:30.46  +29:20:13.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     18.31   2006-04-18 21:28:22.9     16023808  HD52711_IRS                             
Titan                             606         Titan  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsmap        9.45   2006-04-18 21:51:37.4     17084928  calwav-30A-Titan                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          67.07   2006-04-18 23:04:49.4     17093888  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-19 00:11:46.8     17095936  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.72   2006-04-19 00:22:43.5     17075200  caldrk_IRS-30_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.80   2006-04-19 00:34:23.9     17075456  caldrk_IRS-30_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     27.41   2006-04-19 00:46:25.9     17100288  caldrk_IRS-30_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     35.22   2006-04-19 01:12:05.6     17079552  calsfx-30D-HR6606                       
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     18.80   2006-04-19 01:44:04.4     17079808  calsfx-30D-sky                          
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     35.06   2006-04-19 02:02:01.9     17102080  calsfx-30E-HR6348                       
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     18.81   2006-04-19 02:33:49.9     17102336  calsfx-30E-sky                          
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsmap      178.10   2006-04-19 03:02:03.2     14395904  SW3-BmapLow                             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsmap      177.79   2006-04-19 06:02:36.0     14393856  SW3-CmapLowHigh                         
1866 Sisyphus                 2001866      Sisyphus  Cruikshank        ASTEROIDS-2     91 irsstare     15.44   2006-04-19 09:05:54.4      4890368  IRSS-AST_1866                           
hd176269                  19:01:03.25  -37:03:39.30  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     15.18   2006-04-19 09:19:58.7     14917888  IRSS-0007                               
HD177565                  19:06:52.46  -37:48:38.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     17.04   2006-04-19 09:32:45.0     16015104  HD177565_IRS                            
V4332 Sgr                 18:50:36.70  -21:23:29.60  Ashok             NOVALIKE     20581 irsstare     24.47   2006-04-19 09:48:56.8     14867968  IRSS-V4332Sgr                           
IRAS 18325-5926           18:36:58.29  -59:24:08.60  Werner            MWWGTO-XRAYA    86 irsstare     25.52   2006-04-19 10:14:30.7      4849664  mwwgto-irs-xrayagn - IR1832-5926        
GRB980425-HII             19:35:03.03  -52:50:40.20  Houck             BF_MAD          76 irsstare     44.63   2006-04-19 10:38:36.7     12246528  IRSS-e-bf-GRB980425-HIIregion           
hd184800                  19:38:40.81  -51:00:18.60  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     13.50   2006-04-19 11:20:35.4     14918400  IRSS-0009                               
serp_30mJy                18:28:54.50  +00:29:47.00  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare    149.68   2006-04-19 11:44:48.7     13460993  IRSS-serp-yso6 [version 1]              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     93.30   2006-04-19 14:23:47.7     15895552  SW3-Bstare-Shadow                       
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsstare     86.27   2006-04-19 15:59:05.3     14397952  SW3-BstareHL-Shadow                     
serp_70mJy                18:28:54.07  +00:29:29.40  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     80.89   2006-04-19 17:20:57.2     13461249  IRSS-serp-yso5 [version 1]              
l438-yso1                 18:14:06.21  -07:06:48.40  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     30.98   2006-04-19 18:40:09.5     14904832  COREIRS-0045                            
l438-bg1                  18:14:07.11  -07:08:41.30  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     44.94   2006-04-19 19:08:09.9     14905088  COREIRS-0046                            
AS 201                    08:31:42.89  -27:45:31.60  Bruhweiler        BRUHWEILER   20807 irsstare      9.78   2006-04-19 20:00:33.6     15202560  IRSS-0000                               
hd73752                   08:39:07.90  -22:39:42.70  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     13.62   2006-04-19 20:08:14.9     14919168  IRSS-0012                               
HD69897                   08:20:03.86  +27:13:03.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     14.16   2006-04-19 20:23:31.7     16013824  HD69897_IRS                             
ngc2388                   07:28:53.44  +33:49:08.80  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     16.12   2006-04-19 20:36:19.7     14837760  IRSS-0008                               
ngc2245.3                 06:32:36.48  +10:08:58.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare     55.85   2006-04-19 20:52:03.6     14124288  IRSS-0011                               
HD50281                   06:52:18.05  -05:10:25.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     15.49   2006-04-19 21:46:54.9     15997440  HD50281_IRS                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.15   2006-04-19 23:10:10.2     17098240  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     12.76   2006-04-19 23:20:46.2     17075968  caldrk_IRS-30_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.48   2006-04-19 23:30:39.8     17069056  caldrk_IRS-30_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     44.19   2006-04-19 23:43:29.5     17068800  caldrk_IRS-30_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     77.32   2006-04-20 00:24:16.2     17080320  calsfx-30J-HD163466                     
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irspeakup    24.50   2006-04-20 01:38:18.1     17080576  calsfx-30K-HD163466                     
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1569  1569 irs         420.25   2006-04-20 02:00:57.9     17104128  irs-016_200601                          
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-20 09:03:33.7     17096448  anneal                                  
A2261                     17:22:21.06  +32:07:05.40  Rieke             HINES_QSO       82 irsstare    127.04   2006-04-20 09:17:04.4     16209408  A2261                                   
DK1828                    18:28:40.77  +12:29:20.80  Roellig           22-MICRON ST    24 irsstare    113.99   2006-04-20 11:32:54.5     16202240  IRSS-tlrgto-DK1828                      
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsmap      177.80   2006-04-20 13:36:33.1     14398464  SW3-CmapLowHigh-Shadow                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOCOMET   20205 irsmap      178.15   2006-04-20 16:36:49.4     14398976  SW3-BmapLow-Shadow                      
Titan - continent                 606         Titan  Houck             IRS_MOONS_AN    71 irsmap       14.98   2006-04-20 19:48:21.0      4538112  IRSM-n-jvc-ssm606LA                     
Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresa        1000100 Tuttle-Giacob  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsmap       78.81   2006-04-20 20:08:22.8     13826048  IRSM-cw-100 - shadow                    
ngc 2245.1                06:32:41.30  +10:09:34.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare     16.15   2006-04-20 21:26:03.9     14124032  IRSS-0007                               
hbc561                    08:15:55.32  -35:57:58.20  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     11.81   2006-04-20 21:43:45.1     14922496  IRSS-0025                               
hbc557                    08:12:47.05  -36:19:17.70  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     14.64   2006-04-20 21:52:39.9     14921472  IRSS-0021                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.15   2006-04-20 23:11:27.0     17098496  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     54.03   2006-04-20 23:22:48.8     17074688  caldrk_IRS-30_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     24.61   2006-04-21 00:13:35.2     17074944  caldrk_IRS-30_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     27.41   2006-04-21 00:34:33.4     17100544  caldrk_IRS-30_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
SA 110-471                18:41:26.68  +00:33:51.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     21.11   2006-04-21 01:04:04.0     17103616  calsfx-30H-SA110-471                    
Austria                       2000136       Austria  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       16.67   2006-04-21 01:31:33.5     14741504  IRSM-136_Austria                        
Hesperia                      2000069      Hesperia  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       26.90   2006-04-21 01:52:54.6     14741248  IRSM-69_Hesperia                        
serp_100mJy               18:28:50.21  +00:09:49.60  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     37.47   2006-04-21 02:19:23.9     13461505  IRSS-serp-yso4 [version 1]              
DK1821                    18:21:28.16  +14:14:00.90  Houck             IRS_LT-STARS    51 irsstare    169.94   2006-04-21 02:55:42.7     16176128  IRSS-n-tlr-DK1821                       
3C346                     16:43:48.66  +17:15:49.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.60   2006-04-21 05:45:18.3     14810880  IRSS-3c346                              
HD154363                  17:05:03.39  -05:03:59.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.08   2006-04-21 07:07:31.7     16015360  HD154363_IRS                            
HD157333                  17:22:41.20  -03:43:54.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare    179.47   2006-04-21 07:30:10.3     14522368  IRSS-hd157333                           
HD157347                  17:22:51.29  -02:23:17.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     20.37   2006-04-21 10:26:15.8     16025600  HD157347_IRS                            
3C353.0                   17:20:28.15  +00:58:46.80  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.78   2006-04-21 10:43:49.4     15042304  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C353.0              
W49 map center            19:10:13.50  +09:06:50.00  Houck             BRB_HTWOR       63 irsmap      220.55   2006-04-21 11:18:00.9     16206848  IRSM-e-brb-htwor011                     
HD 157999                 17:26:30.88  +04:08:25.30  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     38.12   2006-04-21 14:58:20.5     13839616  IRSS-HD157999                           
HD157881                  17:25:45.23  +02:06:41.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     21.46   2006-04-21 15:34:02.2     16011520  HD157881_IRS                            
HR6534                    17:33:29.84  -05:44:41.30  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.06   2006-04-21 15:53:57.2     14142976  IRSS-WernerAstars-15                    
HD 155990                 17:15:17.24  -07:12:06.50  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     14.92   2006-04-21 16:09:01.5     15025408  IRSS-HD155990                           
HD 166734                 18:12:24.66  -10:43:53.10  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irsstare     22.34   2006-04-21 16:23:03.5     14208512  IRSS-HD166734                           
l429-c-bg2                18:17:11.82  -08:14:01.30  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     51.03   2006-04-21 16:44:36.9     14908416  COREIRS-0059                            
cb130-3_c2d_yso1          18:16:17.36  -02:32:40.90  Evans             COREPLANETS_   179 irsstare     35.59   2006-04-21 17:32:23.5     15921153  IRSS-CLASS2CORE-0000 [version 1]        
l429-c-bg3                18:17:13.67  -08:13:18.90  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     46.03   2006-04-21 18:07:40.9     14908672  COREIRS-0060                            
l328_yso2                 18:16:59.49  -18:02:30.80  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     29.51   2006-04-21 18:50:59.2     14909184  COREIRS-0062                            
l328-bg1                  18:16:59.18  -18:01:16.00  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     26.13   2006-04-21 19:16:58.6     14907648  COREIRS-0056                            
l328-bg2                  18:17:04.26  -18:02:40.90  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     35.03   2006-04-21 19:40:06.6     14907904  COREIRS-0057                            
l328 -bg4                 18:17:04.29  -18:02:54.00  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     24.67   2006-04-21 20:11:53.8     14904064  COREIRS-0042                            
G11.938-0.616             18:14:01.01  -18:53:24.97  Peeters           EPEETERS     20517 irsmap       89.35   2006-04-21 20:33:49.8     14799360  IRSM-0003                               
g10                       18:10:28.65  -19:55:49.50  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsmap       28.57   2006-04-21 22:00:31.0     16943104  g10                                     
g10 s.hii                 18:09:57.90  -19:48:14.80  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsstare     19.35   2006-04-21 22:25:59.6     16943872  g10.bright                              
IRAS 17440-3310           17:47:22.90  -33:11:09.00  Sahai             PPN2         20590 irsstare     11.12   2006-04-21 22:44:23.5     14887680  IRSS-17440                              
IRAS 17385-3332           17:41:52.30  -33:33:39.00  Sahai             PPN2         20590 irsstare     11.25   2006-04-21 22:52:46.3     14887424  IRSS-17385                              
IRAS 07113-2747           07:13:23.18  -27:52:58.10  Sahai             PPN2         20590 irsstare     11.37   2006-04-21 23:10:01.3     14886912  IRSS-07113                              
2003 AZ84                     3147316     2003 AZ84  Brown             ICYPLANETOID  3283 irsstare     24.31   2006-04-21 23:33:20.9     10688256  S-2002AZ84                              
R Mon/Jets                06:39:09.99  +08:44:09.90  Audard            RMON-HH39    20034 irsmap        7.89   2006-04-21 23:55:58.2     13837312  IRSM-RMon-Jets-SH-LH                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          67.07   2006-04-22 01:00:56.8     17094400  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-22 02:07:54.2     17095168  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.99   2006-04-22 02:18:45.2     17078272  caldrk_IRS-30_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     27.41   2006-04-22 02:31:02.7     17100800  caldrk_IRS-30_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.49   2006-04-22 02:54:57.8     17075712  caldrk_IRS-30_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
HD144579                  16:04:56.79  +39:09:23.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.87   2006-04-22 03:09:51.1     16020480  HD144579_IRS                            
3C341                     16:28:04.05  +27:41:43.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.55   2006-04-22 03:35:40.1     14810112  IRSS-3c341                              
l100-bg3                  17:16:08.60  -20:58:14.30  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     24.50   2006-04-22 04:59:55.8     14901248  COREIRS-0031                            
l100-bg2                  17:16:04.67  -20:57:07.20  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     37.03   2006-04-22 05:21:05.9     14902016  COREIRS-0034                            
HD156026                  17:16:13.36  -26:32:46.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     12.87   2006-04-22 05:56:17.5     16007680  HD156026_IRS                            
b59-bg1                   17:11:20.06  -27:27:13.20  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     34.56   2006-04-22 06:06:32.4     14894848  COREIRS-0006                            
b59-yso4                  17:11:21.54  -27:27:41.70  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     11.54   2006-04-22 06:37:35.0     14894080  COREIRS-0003                            
b59-bg9                   17:11:15.01  -27:26:18.06  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     22.00   2006-04-22 06:46:03.9     14900480  COREIRS-0028                            
b59-bg3                   17:11:16.33  -27:25:14.80  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     20.03   2006-04-22 07:04:42.9     14895360  COREIRS-0008                            
V1187 Sco                 17:29:18.81  -31:46:01.50  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     60.81   2006-04-22 07:22:52.2     14475008  IRSS_V1187_Sco_No1                      
V1187 Sco BG              17:29:42.81  -31:46:01.50  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     15.22   2006-04-22 08:20:36.2     14476800  IRSS-V1187-BG                           
NGC 6441                  17:50:12.84  -37:03:03.90  Bregman           JNBGC05      20438 irsmap       51.51   2006-04-22 08:34:09.9     14693888  IRSM-0000-NGC 6441                      
HD154577                  17:10:10.35  -60:43:43.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     37.21   2006-04-22 09:25:39.3     16017152  HD154577_IRS                            
BPMG-PZ_Tel               18:53:05.87  -50:10:49.90  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     14.07   2006-04-22 10:02:28.8     14983680  IRSS-BPMG-PZ_Tel                        
HD 183577                 19:32:14.00  -44:32:47.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     15.20   2006-04-22 10:15:08.8     15017216  IRSS-HD183577                           
HD181869                  19:23:53.18  -40:36:57.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.04   2006-04-22 10:28:13.6     14146560  IRSS-WernerAstars-30                    
DG CrA                    19:01:55.30  -37:23:40.00  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     12.38   2006-04-22 10:43:13.6     14921216  IRSS-0020                               
HDE316285                 17:48:14.04  -28:00:53.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsmap       34.06   2006-04-22 11:06:16.6     17085184  calwav-30B-HDE316285                    
G4.412+0.118              17:55:20.70  -25:04:45.00  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsstare     92.32   2006-04-22 11:36:05.4     14930432  G4.412+0.118                            
M101 - HalfStrip Offset   14:03:01.90  +54:17:01.00  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap      146.06   2006-04-22 13:13:16.0     14799616  M101-LLstrip                            
GDS_IRS_MIPS1             12:37:26.49  +62:20:26.60  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare     87.42   2006-04-22 15:38:44.0     15725824  MIPS1                                   
SBSS 1150+599A            11:53:24.73  +59:39:57.10  Stasinska         EXTRAORDINAR 20358 irsstare    166.11   2006-04-22 17:04:22.3     14546944  IRSS-SBSS-1150+599A                     
SBSS-1150-OFF             11:52:22.80  +59:50:04.50  Stasinska         EXTRAORDINAR 20358 irsstare     44.09   2006-04-22 19:48:01.3     16350464  IRSS-SBSS-1150-OFF                      
HD62613                   07:56:17.23  +80:15:56.00  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     22.95   2006-04-22 20:31:21.8     14728192  HD62613_IRS                             
IRAS07598+6508            08:04:30.46  +64:59:52.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     38.17   2006-04-22 20:53:35.4     17103104  calsfx-30G-IRAS07598+6508               
IRAS07598+6508-sky        08:04:34.00  +64:59:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     22.67   2006-04-22 21:28:30.2     17103360  calsfx-30G-sky                          
hd 48682                  06:46:44.34  +43:34:38.70  Stapelfeldt       HD48682DISK  20734 irsstare     13.99   2006-04-22 21:51:16.6     15062272  HD48682-IRS                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.15   2006-04-22 23:11:05.1     17098752  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     27.41   2006-04-22 23:22:01.9     17101056  caldrk_IRS-30_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     12.76   2006-04-22 23:45:58.2     17078016  caldrk_IRS-30_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     54.03   2006-04-22 23:56:07.6     17076736  caldrk_IRS-30_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     16.86   2006-04-23 00:47:54.9     17081088  calsfx-30C-ksiDra_1                     
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     13.77   2006-04-23 01:01:32.1     17081344  calsfx-30C-sky_1                        
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1569  1569 irs         151.55   2006-04-23 01:14:40.5     17104384  irs-018_200601                          
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-23 03:47:47.4     17096704  anneal                                  
M101-BG                   14:03:26.50  +54:37:35.00  Smith             JDSMITH_PBM  20518 irsmap        7.77   2006-04-23 04:28:50.3     14800640  M101-BG-LL                              
MBM28_a                   09:29:09.20  +70:31:00.20  Ingalls           HLCPAH       20093 irsstare     86.24   2006-04-23 04:36:53.6     14032128  IRSS - MBM28_a                          
NGC 2633/NGC 2634         08:48:04.60  +74:05:56.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.26   2006-04-23 06:00:58.7     16324352  IRSS-0000                               
Holmberg II X-1           08:19:29.00  +70:42:19.30  Ghavamian         PGHAVAMIAN   20551 irsstare    187.16   2006-04-23 06:31:57.3     14843904  Ho II ULX                               
sn 2004dj                 07:37:16.92  +65:35:57.00  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.82   2006-04-23 09:45:09.3     14462208  PUI-sn2004dj-6                          
sn 2004dj                 07:37:17.04  +65:35:57.80  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irsstare    116.57   2006-04-23 10:02:58.8     14465280  IRS-2004dj-6                            
HD 56099                  07:19:12.18  +59:07:32.50  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     13.38   2006-04-23 11:57:42.1     15019776  IRSS-HD56099                            
irasf07083                07:12:10.16  +48:02:02.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       19.23   2006-04-23 12:09:20.3     14857728  IRSM - irasf07083                       
69                        07:36:23.13  +39:26:17.80  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-04-23 12:27:15.0     15083520  hao_sdssagn_0069                        
3C189                     07:58:28.11  +37:47:11.80  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-04-23 12:50:17.6     14807296  IRSS-3c189                              
IRAS07449+3350sky         07:48:10.59  +33:45:27.10  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-04-23 14:10:50.3     16417536  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg034sky                 
IRAS07449+3350            07:48:10.59  +33:43:27.10  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.19   2006-04-23 14:27:08.6     14576384  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg034                    
iras 07381+3215           07:41:24.20  +32:08:02.00  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     28.43   2006-04-23 14:51:50.9     14874112  IRSS-07381                              
HD65583                   08:00:32.13  +29:12:44.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     37.19   2006-04-23 15:18:16.6     16005632  HD65583_IRS                             
HD68017                   08:11:38.64  +32:27:25.70  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.19   2006-04-23 15:53:22.5     16006656  HD68017_IRS                             
HD 67587                  08:10:11.48  +35:27:18.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     15.14   2006-04-23 16:23:18.7     15013888  IRSS-HD67587                            
J0812+4028                08:12:00.42  +40:28:15.20  Helfand           ANDREEA_PETR 20573 irsstare     66.20   2006-04-23 16:36:26.8     14847744  IRSS-J0812                              
21                        07:57:09.34  +42:36:16.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-04-23 17:40:28.2     15071232  hao_sdssagn_0021                        
68                        08:02:24.33  +46:43:00.80  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-04-23 18:03:31.4     15083264  hao_sdssagn_0068                        
HD71148                   08:27:36.79  +45:39:10.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.04   2006-04-23 18:26:36.2     15998464  HD71148_IRS                             
37                        08:29:12.66  +50:06:52.60  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.32   2006-04-23 18:48:38.7     15075328  hao_sdssagn_0037                        
33                        08:28:19.11  +50:41:32.20  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-04-23 19:11:11.4     15074304  hao_sdssagn_0033                        
HR3277                    08:23:48.50  +53:13:11.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.03   2006-04-23 19:34:07.1     14140416  IRSS-WernerAstars-05                    
18                        08:38:03.66  +54:06:42.40  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-04-23 19:48:47.7     15070464  hao_sdssagn_0018                        
36                        08:41:37.87  +54:55:06.80  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.18   2006-04-23 20:11:14.5     15075072  hao_sdssagn_0036                        
PQ Gem                    07:51:17.38  +14:44:22.87  Harrison          HARRISONIP   20003 irsstare     68.44   2006-04-23 20:36:56.2     13808640  IRSS-PQGem                              
07430+1115                07:45:49.80  +11:08:25.00  Hrivnak           PPN_2130     20208 irsstare     13.61   2006-04-23 21:45:33.9     14400000  IRSS-ppn4                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.15   2006-04-23 23:07:11.1     17099008  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.49   2006-04-23 23:17:47.3     17077760  caldrk_IRS-30_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     12.31   2006-04-23 23:29:00.9     17074432  caldrk_IRS-30_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     27.41   2006-04-23 23:38:38.2     17101312  caldrk_IRS-30_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
GDS_IRS_SMG4_GN04         12:36:16.11  +62:15:13.50  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    357.80   2006-04-24 00:05:58.1     15720448  MIPS12a                                 
GDS_IRS_SMG3              12:36:00.16  +62:10:47.30  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare     87.41   2006-04-24 06:00:47.9     15724288  MIPS11a                                 
XID_N24_5 82              12:36:08.11  +62:10:36.38  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    358.08   2006-04-24 09:12:12.0     15742208  GOODS XID-N 82 SL2 LL1+2                
XID_N24_8 451             12:37:39.21  +62:20:59.62  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    175.15   2006-04-24 15:07:20.0     15739904  GOODS XID-N 451 LL1                     
HR4388                    11:21:49.29  +57:04:29.50  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.08   2006-04-24 18:01:14.9     14141440  IRSS-WernerAstars-09                    
V838 Mon                  07:04:04.85  -03:50:51.10  Ashok             NOVALIKE     20581 irsmap       93.45   2006-04-24 18:21:48.0     14867456  IRSM-V838Mon                            
ngc2342                   07:09:18.08  +20:38:09.50  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     16.12   2006-04-24 19:54:58.3     14837504  IRSS-0007                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.15   2006-04-24 21:20:34.3     17099264  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.72   2006-04-24 21:31:41.9     17077248  caldrk_IRS-30_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.80   2006-04-24 21:43:22.3     17077504  caldrk_IRS-30_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     14.48   2006-04-24 21:55:18.1     17070080  caldrk_IRS-30_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_2    
Sheliak                   18:50:04.79  +33:21:45.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsmap       35.13   2006-04-24 22:12:04.0     17085440  calwav-30C-Sheliak                      
V1186 Sco                 17:12:51.28  -30:56:37.60  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     38.40   2006-04-24 22:48:18.2     14474496  IRSS_V1186_Sco_No2                      
NGC 6334 A                17:20:19.20  -35:54:41.20  Sarma             NGC_6334_A   20220 irsmap      257.45   2006-04-24 23:25:26.7     14408448  NGC 6334 A LH                           
WR93b                     17:32:03.30  -35:04:32.50  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare    158.69   2006-04-25 03:39:48.0     14240512  IRSS-WR93b                              
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     74.61   2006-04-25 06:22:06.0     17080832  calsfx-30A-eta1Dor_1                    
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irspeakup    24.49   2006-04-25 07:33:26.2     17082112  calsfx-30I-eta1Dor_1                    
VerCP05223                06:03:33.57  -45:09:41.30  Haas              HAAS_ISOCP   20090 irsstare     64.33   2006-04-25 07:57:35.1     14028288  IRSS-0001 - 0001                        
HD 49331                  06:47:37.22  -08:59:54.60  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     37.01   2006-04-25 09:03:46.6     13844992  IRSS-HD49331                            
06530-0213                06:55:32.10  -02:17:30.00  Hrivnak           PPN_2130     20208 irsstare     13.43   2006-04-25 09:48:35.7     14399744  IRSS-ppn3                               
HH 39 knots (SH) with bkg 06:39:05.54  +08:51:04.50  Audard            RMON-HH39    20034 irsstare     20.89   2006-04-25 10:01:06.0     16103168  IRSS-knots-bkg-SH                       
iras 06561+1902           06:59:05.56  +18:58:20.40  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     18.88   2006-04-25 10:18:53.6     14873856  IRSS-06561                              
MS0735.6+7421             07:41:44.47  +74:14:38.10  McNamara          SUPERCAV     20345 irsstare    255.34   2006-04-25 10:39:20.4     15835904  IRSS-2a-MS07                            
MS0735.6+7421             07:41:44.47  +74:14:38.10  McNamara          SUPERCAV     20345 irsstare    255.34   2006-04-25 14:51:35.5     15835648  IRSS-2b-MS07                            
Mrk231                    12:56:14.29  +56:52:25.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     36.51   2006-04-25 19:07:34.4     17102592  calsfx-30F-Mrk231                       
Mrk231-sky                12:56:00.00  +56:51:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     22.72   2006-04-25 19:40:50.3     17102848  calsfx-30F-sky                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          67.07   2006-04-25 21:13:17.1     17094144  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-25 22:20:14.5     17096192  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     44.19   2006-04-25 22:32:58.4     17069824  caldrk_IRS-30_100-DCVZN-SH-long_2       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     12.31   2006-04-25 23:12:20.9     17076480  caldrk_IRS-30_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     24.61   2006-04-25 23:22:19.5     17076992  caldrk_IRS-30_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irsstare     77.32   2006-04-25 23:44:34.6     17082368  calsfx-30J-HD163466_1                   
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irspeakup    24.49   2006-04-26 00:58:36.5     17082624  calsfx-30K-HD163466_1                   
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1569  1569 irs         151.72   2006-04-26 01:22:29.5     17104640  irs-019_200601                          
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-26 03:54:49.9     17097216  anneal                                  
3C314.1                   15:10:22.50  +70:45:52.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-04-26 04:07:57.3     14809088  IRSS-3c314.1                            
3C305.0                   14:49:21.57  +63:16:14.00  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-04-26 05:28:42.6     15041280  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C305.0              
19                        14:42:49.71  +61:11:38.00  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.20   2006-04-26 05:51:10.5     15070720  hao_sdssagn_0019                        
J1409+5628                14:09:55.57  +56:28:26.60  Helfand           ANDREEA_PETR 20573 irsstare     46.28   2006-04-26 06:14:33.8     14847488  IRSS-J1409                              
iras 13469+5833           13:48:40.23  +58:18:51.90  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     46.54   2006-04-26 06:58:46.2     14874624  IRSS-13469                              
HD117043                  13:25:59.86  +63:15:40.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     22.76   2006-04-26 07:43:35.4     16021248  HD117043_IRS                            
SDSS_J132818.63+673800.3  13:28:18.63  +67:38:00.33  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-04-26 08:04:52.7     14106624  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J132818.63+673800.3    
RS Oph                    17:50:13.20  -06:42:28.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     49.69   2006-04-26 08:41:24.0     17056768  IRSS-RSOPH-x2                           
RS Oph-bkgr               17:50:18.08  -06:43:38.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     23.93   2006-04-26 09:27:51.5     17057792  IRSS-RSOPH-x2-bkg                       
GRANAT 1915+105           19:15:11.55  +10:56:44.80  Fuchs             GRS1915-C2   20232 irsstare     43.76   2006-04-26 09:53:34.4     14421760  IRSS-GRS1915-obs3                       
G32.797+0.192_off_1       19:04:60.00  +00:01:00.00  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsstare     17.75   2006-04-26 10:33:51.6     16108544  G32.797+0.192_off_1                     
G32.797+0.192             18:50:31.17  +00:01:52.10  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsstare     45.61   2006-04-26 10:49:06.8     14929920  G32.797+0.192                           
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          12.05   2006-04-26 11:36:39.6     17096960  anneal                                  
cb130-3-bg2               18:16:06.01  -02:25:53.90  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     21.99   2006-04-26 11:45:05.9     14896897  COREIRS-0014 [version 1]                
cb130-3-yso1              18:16:16.35  -02:32:37.60  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     74.63   2006-04-26 12:04:00.8     14896640  COREIRS-0013                            
l483-bg1                  18:17:26.90  -04:38:40.70  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     21.10   2006-04-26 13:15:56.9     14905600  COREIRS-0048                            
l429-c_bg4                18:17:09.58  -08:14:13.70  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     29.67   2006-04-26 13:34:42.4     14898944  COREIRS-0022                            
l429-c-bg1                18:17:04.70  -08:14:49.50  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     24.49   2006-04-26 14:01:20.9     14908160  COREIRS-0058                            
HD165401                  18:05:37.46  +04:39:25.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     43.53   2006-04-26 14:24:28.7     16001280  HD165401_IRS                            
IRAS18030+0705sky         18:05:32.50  +07:06:30.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-04-26 15:05:40.4     16418816  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg091sky                 
IRAS18030+0705            18:05:32.50  +07:06:09.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.18   2006-04-26 15:21:59.8     14579968  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg091                    
HD164922                  18:02:30.86  +26:18:46.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.19   2006-04-26 15:48:15.1     15996928  HD164922_IRS                            
IRAS17252+3659sky         17:26:57.76  +36:57:39.40  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare      9.19   2006-04-26 16:19:17.5     16415232  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg089sky                 
IRAS17252+3659            17:26:57.76  +36:56:39.40  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     16.80   2006-04-26 16:25:09.3     14579456  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg089                    
HR 6506                   17:26:46.15  +34:41:44.90  Dudley            IREXT        20294 irsstare     25.13   2006-04-26 16:39:30.1     14494464  IRSS-0009                               
HD157214                  17:20:39.57  +32:28:03.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     14.15   2006-04-26 17:02:18.8     16027904  HD157214_IRS                            
iras 16455+4553           16:46:58.90  +45:48:23.00  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     43.11   2006-04-26 17:15:11.6     14875136  IRSS-16455                              
3C338.0                   16:28:38.48  +39:33:05.60  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.78   2006-04-26 17:56:22.4     15042048  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C338.0              
HD168009                  18:15:32.46  +45:12:33.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     22.74   2006-04-26 18:20:27.1     16028928  HD168009_IRS                            
HD 89744                  10:22:14.76  +41:14:26.30  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 irspeakup    11.53   2006-04-26 18:46:05.4     15177472  IRSI-HD 89744B                          
G 196-3                   10:04:21.00  +50:23:06.00  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 irspeakup    17.37   2006-04-26 18:55:59.3     15179520  IRSI-G196-3                             
HD56537                   07:18:05.58  +16:32:25.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.53   2006-04-26 19:14:37.4     14144768  IRSS-WernerAstars-23                    
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1431  1431 irs          67.07   2006-04-26 19:47:34.1     17094656  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-26 22:20:35.4     17110528  latent_safe_best_nep_1                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-26 22:21:25.3     17117440  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.58   2006-04-26 22:33:39.6     17121792  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.58   2006-04-26 22:42:38.4     17128704  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.58   2006-04-26 22:48:08.1     17128448  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.58   2006-04-26 22:56:44.5     17127936  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.58   2006-04-26 23:05:04.3     17127424  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.92   2006-04-26 23:13:43.1     17129728  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.93   2006-04-26 23:18:11.9     17130240  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.91   2006-04-26 23:23:28.7     17122304  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.57   2006-04-26 23:28:10.1     17129216  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.58   2006-04-26 23:41:01.1     17123072  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_1            
1-1-0121                  05:20:01.70  -66:46:44.40  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-26 23:52:32.7     17108992  1-1-0121                                
2-4-0122 2-2-05421-4-0658 04:39:38.60  -67:48:39.60  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       7.44   2006-04-26 23:54:44.7     17107968  2-4-0122 2-2-05421-4-0658               
2-2-0545                  04:53:19.70  -68:45:32.40  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       5.35   2006-04-26 23:59:01.5     17108736  2-2-0545                                
2-2-0361                  04:52:40.00  -68:25:08.40  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       5.35   2006-04-27 00:01:14.7     17107712  2-2-0361                                
1-3-0152 2-1-0130         04:43:07.90  -71:00:36.00  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       5.94   2006-04-27 00:03:58.7     17108224  1-3-0152 2-1-0130                       
2-4-0666 1-4-0136         04:46:00.50  -71:20:13.20  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       6.04   2006-04-27 00:06:49.9     17106176  2-4-0666 1-4-0136                       
1-1-0362 2-1-0414 1-1-049 04:41:38.60  -67:53:20.40  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       7.62   2006-04-27 00:10:17.3     17106432  1-1-0362 2-1-0414 1-1-0491              
Pipe Mouth                17:10:20.00  -27:26:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap      56.51   2006-04-27 00:24:31.7     14088448  iP00a                                   
350.10019GLIMPSE          17:23:09.35  -37:41:47.03  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      10.62   2006-04-27 01:18:03.2     14289920  l350.10019-00.81452.20050408            
350.24288GLIMPSE          17:22:30.83  -37:26:09.47  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      16.68   2006-04-27 01:25:43.6     14290176  l350.24288-00.56223.20050408            
350.38497GLIMPSE          17:21:52.56  -37:10:33.50  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      22.76   2006-04-27 01:39:19.6     14290432  l350.38497-00.31024.20050408            
350.50764GLIMPSE          17:21:02.41  -36:54:40.92  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      29.71   2006-04-27 01:59:00.4     14290688  l350.50764-00.02252.20050408            
350.88518GLIMPSE          17:22:09.63  -36:36:27.04  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      50.06   2006-04-27 02:25:28.4     14290944  l350.88518-00.03424.20050408            
351.34115GLIMPSE          17:23:26.24  -36:13:50.80  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      50.04   2006-04-27 03:12:05.5     14291200  l351.34115-00.03265.20050408            
351.79611GLIMPSE          17:24:41.94  -35:51:14.53  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      50.01   2006-04-27 03:58:38.3     14291456  l351.79611-00.03105.20050408            
352.25108GLIMPSE          17:25:56.93  -35:28:35.29  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      49.99   2006-04-27 04:45:15.0     14291712  l352.25108-00.02945.20050408            
352.65201GLIMPSE          17:26:58.32  -35:08:01.19  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      39.53   2006-04-27 05:31:45.8     14291968  l352.65201-00.01113.20050408            
353.01656GLIMPSE          17:27:57.44  -34:49:48.29  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      39.52   2006-04-27 06:08:00.2     14292224  l353.01656-00.00992.20050408            
353.38211GLIMPSE          17:28:56.28  -34:31:30.61  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      39.51   2006-04-27 06:44:21.7     14292480  l353.38211-00.00871.20050408            
353.74766GLIMPSE          17:29:54.70  -34:13:11.19  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      39.49   2006-04-27 07:20:36.9     14292736  l353.74766-00.00750.20050408            
354.11421GLIMPSE          17:30:52.85  -33:54:47.02  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      39.48   2006-04-27 07:56:52.9     14292992  l354.11421-00.00628.20050408            
354.48075GLIMPSE          17:31:50.59  -33:36:21.19  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      39.46   2006-04-27 08:33:14.1     14293248  l354.48075-00.00506.20050408            
354.69568GLIMPSE          17:31:37.30  -33:19:07.59  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      25.30   2006-04-27 09:09:29.2     14293504  l354.69568+00.19083.20050408            
354.83191GLIMPSE          17:30:58.67  -33:04:03.00  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      19.27   2006-04-27 09:31:42.0     14293760  l354.83191+00.44127.20050408            
354.96956GLIMPSE          17:30:20.56  -32:48:54.04  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      13.21   2006-04-27 09:47:54.0     14294016  l354.96956+00.69140.20050408            
355.10662GLIMPSE          17:29:42.64  -32:33:46.80  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       7.15   2006-04-27 09:57:58.4     14294272  l355.10662+00.94121.20050408            
l9.120                    18:05:35.97  -21:00:55.51  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.18   2006-04-27 10:06:34.8     17055232  IRAC-0005                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-27 11:50:35.9     17110784  latent_safe_best_nep_2                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-27 11:51:25.3     17119488  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      10.67   2006-04-27 12:02:31.8     17139968  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.19   2006-04-27 12:09:52.4     17140224  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       9.04   2006-04-27 12:12:40.3     17140480  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.13   2006-04-27 12:18:24.5     17140736  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.13   2006-04-27 12:23:09.7     17138176  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.40   2006-04-27 12:27:51.7     17138944  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.05   2006-04-27 12:35:47.1     17138432  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      17.32   2006-04-27 12:43:23.3     17139200  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      16.30   2006-04-27 12:57:15.5     17138688  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      41.77   2006-04-27 13:10:07.5     17139712  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      54.56   2006-04-27 13:48:29.4     17139456  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_9              08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap     240.58   2006-04-27 14:46:39.1     17140992  skyflt_zody_field_9                     
Pipe IRAC Control         17:22:56.00  -25:21:16.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap      82.07   2006-04-27 18:55:39.9     16049408  IRAC Pipe Control                       
l357.318                  17:34:47.26  -30:37:41.76  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.21   2006-04-27 20:13:37.2     17055744  IRAC-0003                               
l2.708                    17:50:11.50  -26:23:02.11  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.20   2006-04-27 20:17:39.7     17055488  IRAC-0004                               
LDN 90                    17:39:56.00  -24:53:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap      30.07   2006-04-27 20:21:16.9     14094080  iPT04a                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-27 22:05:20.7     17112576  latent_safe_best_c31_3                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-27 22:05:49.8     17119744  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.58   2006-04-27 22:18:59.2     17123584  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_3            
Pipe-4                    17:14:23.00  -27:12:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     109.54   2006-04-27 22:36:23.1     14089216  iP04a                                   
2.12236GLIMPSE            17:55:52.83  -27:48:38.66  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       9.68   2006-04-28 00:24:01.4     14310656  l002.12236-01.36242.20050406            
2.25985GLIMPSE            17:55:14.21  -27:34:06.67  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      15.67   2006-04-28 00:30:40.2     14310912  l002.25985-01.11729.20050406            
2.39710GLIMPSE            17:54:35.75  -27:19:34.96  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.67   2006-04-28 00:43:26.1     14311168  l002.39710-00.87231.20050406            
2.53410GLIMPSE            17:53:57.47  -27:05:03.59  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      27.68   2006-04-28 01:02:05.3     14311424  l002.53410-00.62747.20050406            
2.67086GLIMPSE            17:53:19.36  -26:50:32.56  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.70   2006-04-28 01:26:46.1     14311680  l002.67086-00.38278.20050406            
3.38931GLIMPSE            17:53:36.84  -26:02:49.23  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.57   2006-04-28 01:57:30.1     14311936  l003.38931-00.03536.20050406            
3.38931GLIMPSE            17:52:45.35  -26:22:24.49  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.59   2006-04-28 02:51:48.0     14314240  l003.38931-00.03536.20050406 - copy     
3.38931GLIMPSE            17:52:04.38  -26:37:53.97  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      44.01   2006-04-28 03:46:02.2     14314496  l003.38931-00.03536.20050406 - copy - 00
3.76635GLIMPSE            17:54:27.61  -25:43:17.47  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.51   2006-04-28 04:27:01.0     14312192  l003.76635-00.03457.20050406            
4.14240GLIMPSE            17:55:17.96  -25:23:47.69  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.39   2006-04-28 05:21:09.3     14312448  l004.14240-00.03378.20050406            
4.51845GLIMPSE            17:56:08.05  -25:04:16.83  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.37   2006-04-28 06:15:21.9     14312704  l004.51845-00.03298.20050406            
4.89549GLIMPSE            17:56:58.00  -24:44:41.84  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.36   2006-04-28 07:09:28.7     14312960  l004.89549-00.03218.20050406            
4.71663GLIMPSE            17:53:19.78  -24:28:07.92  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      22.57   2006-04-28 08:03:34.2     14313216  l004.71663+00.82080.20050406            
4.85297GLIMPSE            17:52:42.51  -24:13:37.72  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      16.57   2006-04-28 08:23:08.2     14313472  l004.85297+01.06548.20050406            
4.98806GLIMPSE            17:52:05.24  -23:59:11.14  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      10.56   2006-04-28 08:36:34.6     14313728  l004.98806+01.31002.20050406            
5.14481GLIMPSE            17:51:38.90  -23:44:41.40  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       5.41   2006-04-28 08:44:00.2     14313984  l005.14481+01.51951.20050406            
0.09662GLIMPSE            17:40:37.06  -28:08:38.50  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.81   2006-04-28 08:47:18.2     14302976  l000.09662+01.35102.20050407            
0.37794GLIMPSE            17:41:17.46  -27:54:18.90  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.80   2006-04-28 09:06:01.6     14303232  l000.37794+01.35131.20050407            
0.65926GLIMPSE            17:41:57.68  -27:39:58.53  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.79   2006-04-28 09:24:44.6     14303488  l000.65926+01.35159.20050407            
0.83652GLIMPSE            17:41:42.61  -27:25:23.13  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      17.48   2006-04-28 09:43:27.5     14303744  l000.83652+01.52717.20050407            
0.97335GLIMPSE            17:41:05.81  -27:10:38.09  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      11.45   2006-04-28 09:57:52.3     14304000  l000.97335+01.77273.20050407            
1.13059GLIMPSE            17:40:40.10  -26:55:57.32  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.28   2006-04-28 10:06:09.9     14304256  l001.13059+01.98311.20050407            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-28 11:50:19.5     17112832  latent_safe_best_c31_4                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-28 11:50:46.5     17120000  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.58   2006-04-28 12:04:00.0     17123840  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_4            
NGC 3690                  11:28:31.88  +58:33:45.20  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.69   2006-04-28 12:14:34.9      5000704  TNG-SN-NGC3690-09                       
S5 0716+714               07:21:53.45  +71:20:36.40  Adkins            AGN_GLAST_2    269 iracmap       6.25   2006-04-28 12:22:39.8     17052416  GTN 3-IRAC                              
Pipe-4                    17:17:40.00  -26:57:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     146.75   2006-04-28 12:35:49.3     14089984  iP07a                                   
Pipe-1                    17:20:45.29  -26:51:06.20  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     130.59   2006-04-28 14:58:24.3     14088704  iP01a                                   
5.12274GLIMPSE            18:00:38.51  -24:57:45.73  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       9.68   2006-04-28 17:03:49.4     14314752  l005.12274-00.86334.20050407            
5.26021GLIMPSE            18:00:00.43  -24:43:19.16  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      15.67   2006-04-28 17:10:28.4     14315008  l005.26021-00.61885.20050407            
5.39739GLIMPSE            17:59:22.50  -24:28:53.15  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.65   2006-04-28 17:23:14.4     14315264  l005.39739-00.37452.20050407            
5.53429GLIMPSE            17:58:44.73  -24:14:27.73  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      27.65   2006-04-28 17:41:53.4     14315520  l005.53429-00.13037.20050407            
5.73347GLIMPSE            17:58:39.14  -23:59:56.17  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      31.08   2006-04-28 18:06:30.2     14315776  l005.73347+00.00888.20050407            
6.07612GLIMPSE            17:59:27.49  -23:42:34.62  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.20   2006-04-28 18:34:29.0     14316032  l006.07612-00.00657.20050407            
6.45291GLIMPSE            18:00:16.39  -23:22:56.64  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.19   2006-04-28 19:11:37.9     14316288  l006.45291-00.00590.20050407            
6.82970GLIMPSE            18:01:05.06  -23:03:17.72  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.19   2006-04-28 19:48:41.5     14316544  l006.82970-00.00523.20050407            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-28 22:02:19.0     17113088  latent_safe_best_c31_5                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-28 22:02:43.9     17120256  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.58   2006-04-28 22:16:01.2     17124096  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_5            
2000 KW18                     2060987     2000 KW18  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.90   2006-04-28 22:38:07.3     15171840  IRAC60987                               
Clark                         1000014         Clark  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 iracmap      24.93   2006-04-28 22:44:45.4     13820928  IRAC-cw-014                             
l356.016                  17:33:03.49  -31:56:22.95  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.22   2006-04-28 23:08:19.4     17056256  IRAC-0001                               
l1.0158                   17:44:05.78  -27:32:21.91  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-28 23:12:20.0     17054976  IRAC-0006                               
l1.1125                   17:45:08.29  -27:34:03.31  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-28 23:13:05.6     17054464  IRAC-0008                               
l359.1138                 17:38:44.14  -29:02:41.45  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-28 23:14:24.6     17054208  IRAC-0009                               
l359.0195                 17:38:44.66  -29:09:27.02  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-28 23:15:08.6     17054720  IRAC-0007                               
l357.415                  17:42:13.60  -31:31:12.97  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.22   2006-04-28 23:16:31.8     17056000  IRAC-0002                               
Pipe-2                    17:22:34.00  -27:00:15.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     130.59   2006-04-28 23:20:41.0     14088960  iP02a                                   
l353.311                  17:26:40.54  -34:17:55.79  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.23   2006-04-29 01:25:59.5     17056512  IRAC-0000                               
7.20649GLIMPSE            18:01:53.49  -22:43:37.86  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.19   2006-04-29 01:30:59.1     14316800  l007.20649-00.00456.20050407            
7.58427GLIMPSE            18:02:41.82  -22:23:53.98  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.19   2006-04-29 02:08:01.8     14317056  l007.58427-00.00388.20050407            
7.96206GLIMPSE            18:03:29.91  -22:04:09.18  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.19   2006-04-29 02:45:03.8     14317312  l007.96206-00.00320.20050407            
8.33985GLIMPSE            18:04:17.79  -21:44:23.52  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.18   2006-04-29 03:22:08.4     14317568  l008.33985-00.00253.20050407            
8.71764GLIMPSE            18:05:05.44  -21:24:36.98  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.16   2006-04-29 03:59:07.2     14317824  l008.71764-00.00185.20050407            
9.09543GLIMPSE            18:05:52.88  -21:04:49.61  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      40.14   2006-04-29 04:36:04.7     14318080  l009.09543-00.00117.20050407            
9.49435GLIMPSE            18:06:50.54  -20:44:55.98  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      41.26   2006-04-29 05:13:05.5     14318336  l009.49435-00.03524.20050407            
9.64805GLIMPSE            18:06:04.39  -20:28:19.89  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      24.19   2006-04-29 05:53:50.3     14318592  l009.64805+00.25689.20050407            
9.80444GLIMPSE            18:05:37.34  -20:14:01.54  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      19.08   2006-04-29 06:14:55.5     14318848  l009.80444+00.46559.20050407            
9.93938GLIMPSE            18:04:60.00  -19:59:49.35  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      13.10   2006-04-29 06:30:53.1     14319104  l009.93938+00.70885.20050407            
10.07508GLIMPSE           18:04:22.87  -19:45:34.42  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       7.11   2006-04-29 06:40:48.7     14319360  l010.07508+00.95206.20050407            
359.10090GLIMPSE          17:50:40.65  -30:38:50.39  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      10.57   2006-04-29 06:46:23.7     14304512  l359.10090-01.82307.20050407            
359.23959GLIMPSE          17:50:01.23  -30:24:05.74  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      16.60   2006-04-29 06:53:57.6     14304768  l359.23959-01.57572.20050407            
359.39774GLIMPSE          17:49:33.30  -30:09:26.24  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.77   2006-04-29 07:07:36.4     14305024  l359.39774-01.36408.20050407            
359.67721GLIMPSE          17:50:13.19  -29:55:04.10  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.76   2006-04-29 07:26:15.2     14305280  l359.67721-01.36471.20050407            
359.95274GLIMPSE          17:50:53.51  -29:41:02.43  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.75   2006-04-29 07:44:52.8     14305536  l359.95274-01.37022.20050407            
358.10073GLIMPSE          17:48:16.53  -31:30:16.38  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      10.59   2006-04-29 08:03:50.0     14298368  l358.10073-01.82193.20050408            
358.24059GLIMPSE          17:47:37.11  -31:15:24.44  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      16.62   2006-04-29 08:11:24.2     14298624  l358.24059-01.57393.20050408            
358.37981GLIMPSE          17:46:57.89  -31:00:34.27  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      22.65   2006-04-29 08:25:00.4     14298880  l358.37981-01.32627.20050408            
358.51842GLIMPSE          17:46:18.88  -30:45:45.81  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      28.68   2006-04-29 08:44:40.8     14299136  l358.51842-01.07895.20050408            
358.67644GLIMPSE          17:45:51.38  -30:31:03.90  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.89   2006-04-29 09:10:27.1     14299392  l358.67644-00.86737.20050408            
358.67644GLIMPSE          17:44:04.13  -30:16:54.38  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.92   2006-04-29 09:41:19.9     14300416  l358.67644-00.86737.20050408 - copy     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-29 11:50:18.6     17113344  latent_safe_best_c31_6                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-29 11:50:40.6     17120512  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-04-29 12:04:04.0     17124352  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_6            
LDN 69                    17:26:58.30  -24:10:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     162.05   2006-04-29 12:21:59.7     14092032  iPS01a                                  
358.67644GLIMPSE          17:42:16.44  -30:02:31.80  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.97   2006-04-29 14:57:59.5     14300672  l358.67644-00.86737.20050408 - copy - 00
358.67644GLIMPSE          17:40:29.28  -29:48:03.76  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      34.01   2006-04-29 15:28:56.3     14300928  l358.67644-00.86737.20050408 - copy - 00
358.67644GLIMPSE          17:38:42.63  -29:33:30.35  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      34.03   2006-04-29 15:59:54.1     14301184  l358.67644-00.86737.20050408 - copy - 00
358.67644GLIMPSE          17:37:15.93  -29:21:33.25  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      23.86   2006-04-29 16:30:53.6     14301440  l358.67644-00.86737.20050408 - copy - 00
358.80125GLIMPSE          17:37:13.74  -29:12:22.79  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      20.18   2006-04-29 16:51:48.2     14299648  l358.80125+01.41354.20050408            
358.93625GLIMPSE          17:36:36.15  -28:57:33.36  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      14.12   2006-04-29 17:08:51.4     14299904  l358.93625+01.66166.20050408            
359.07163GLIMPSE          17:35:58.87  -28:42:42.89  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       8.04   2006-04-29 17:19:50.6     14300160  l359.07163+01.90943.20050408            
1.12207GLIMPSE            17:55:33.27  -28:55:33.76  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       9.70   2006-04-29 17:25:22.6     14307328  l001.12207-01.86169.20050407            
1.26034GLIMPSE            17:54:54.25  -28:40:58.54  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      15.71   2006-04-29 17:32:03.4     14307584  l001.26034-01.61613.20050407            
1.39833GLIMPSE            17:54:15.42  -28:26:23.69  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.73   2006-04-29 17:44:48.4     14307840  l001.39833-01.37073.20050407            
1.53604GLIMPSE            17:53:36.78  -28:11:49.29  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      27.76   2006-04-29 18:03:32.8     14308096  l001.53604-01.12551.20050407            
1.67345GLIMPSE            17:52:58.31  -27:57:15.37  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.81   2006-04-29 18:28:19.2     14308352  l001.67345-00.88045.20050407            
1.67345GLIMPSE            17:51:12.77  -27:43:26.14  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.84   2006-04-29 18:59:09.7     14309376  l001.67345-00.88045.20050407 - copy     
1.67345GLIMPSE            17:49:26.75  -27:29:24.48  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.87   2006-04-29 19:29:58.1     14309632  l001.67345-00.88045.20050407 - copy - 00
1.67345GLIMPSE            17:47:41.18  -27:15:17.83  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.90   2006-04-29 20:00:48.5     14309888  l001.67345-00.88045.20050407 - copy - 00
1.67345GLIMPSE            17:45:56.05  -27:01:06.24  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.93   2006-04-29 20:33:54.3     14310144  l001.67345-00.88045.20050407 - copy - 00
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-29 22:30:18.0     17113600  latent_safe_best_c31_7                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-29 22:30:37.8     17120768  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-04-29 22:44:06.0     17124608  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_7            
B20827+24                 08:30:52.09  +24:10:59.80  Jorstad           KRASJET05    20455 iracmap     200.78   2006-04-29 22:52:05.8     14725888  IRAC-0827                               
1.67345GLIMPSE            17:44:30.59  -26:49:27.71  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      33.97   2006-04-30 02:22:46.4     14310400  l001.67345-00.88045.20050407 - copy - 00
1.78052GLIMPSE            17:44:20.28  -26:40:30.97  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      20.13   2006-04-30 02:53:34.4     14308608  l001.78052+01.42215.20050407            
1.91636GLIMPSE            17:43:43.20  -26:25:51.67  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      14.07   2006-04-30 03:10:36.0     14308864  l001.91636+01.66774.20050407            
2.05292GLIMPSE            17:43:06.42  -26:11:09.98  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       8.02   2006-04-30 03:21:34.4     14309120  l002.05292+01.91316.20050407            
359.10090GLIMPSE          17:39:50.85  -29:12:46.26  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      10.63   2006-04-30 03:27:08.6     14301696  l359.10090+00.92693.20050407            
359.23959GLIMPSE          17:39:13.60  -28:57:49.79  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      16.71   2006-04-30 03:34:46.8     14301952  l359.23959+01.17428.20050407            
359.39774GLIMPSE          17:38:47.62  -28:43:02.10  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.92   2006-04-30 03:48:32.4     14302208  l359.39774+01.38592.20050407            
359.67721GLIMPSE          17:39:28.45  -28:28:52.09  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.91   2006-04-30 04:07:20.4     14302464  l359.67721+01.38529.20050407            
359.95274GLIMPSE          17:40:09.65  -28:15:02.60  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.91   2006-04-30 04:26:08.7     14302720  l359.95274+01.37978.20050407            
355.10041GLIMPSE          17:38:46.13  -33:47:40.93  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      10.63   2006-04-30 04:45:39.1     14294528  l355.10041-01.31907.20050408            
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-30 05:05:53.1     17111808  latent_safe_best_c31                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-30 05:10:02.9     17117184  anneal                                  
Pipe-7r                   17:24:25.00  -26:49:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     130.69   2006-04-30 05:30:24.8     14090240  iP08a                                   
Pipe - 111                17:26:45.00  -26:32:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     172.99   2006-04-30 07:34:43.8     14091264  iP111a                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-30 11:49:50.6     17113856  latent_safe_best_c31_8                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-30 11:50:09.4     17121024  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-04-30 12:03:39.6     17124864  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_8            
2000 KU40                     2067360     2000 KU40  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.91   2006-04-30 12:25:36.3     15173120  IRAC67360 Generic                       
355.24125GLIMPSE          17:38:06.95  -33:32:32.29  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      16.72   2006-04-30 12:33:14.0     14294784  l355.24125-01.06939.20050408            
355.38146GLIMPSE          17:37:27.99  -33:17:25.41  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      22.80   2006-04-30 12:46:54.8     14295040  l355.38146-00.82006.20050408            
355.52106GLIMPSE          17:36:49.03  -33:02:24.45  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      28.88   2006-04-30 13:06:42.0     14295296  l355.52106-00.57106.20050408            
356.10493GLIMPSE          17:36:09.87  -32:15:40.86  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.15   2006-04-30 13:32:40.4     14295552  l356.10493-00.03618.20050408            
356.10493GLIMPSE          17:35:12.11  -32:34:41.43  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.17   2006-04-30 14:26:34.7     14297856  l356.10493-00.03618.20050408 - copy     
356.10493GLIMPSE          17:34:25.48  -32:49:55.26  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      43.74   2006-04-30 15:20:21.5     14298112  l356.10493-00.03618.20050408 - copy - 00
356.47435GLIMPSE          17:37:05.55  -31:57:00.53  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.14   2006-04-30 16:01:01.1     14295808  l356.47435-00.03445.20050408            
356.84377GLIMPSE          17:38:01.69  -31:38:01.94  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.11   2006-04-30 16:54:42.8     14296064  l356.84377-00.03272.20050408            
357.21319GLIMPSE          17:38:55.79  -31:19:35.57  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.08   2006-04-30 17:48:28.4     14296320  l357.21319-00.03098.20050408            
357.58261GLIMPSE          17:39:50.35  -31:00:50.88  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.05   2006-04-30 18:42:08.5     14296576  l357.58261-00.02924.20050408            
357.95204GLIMPSE          17:40:44.56  -30:42:04.78  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      57.03   2006-04-30 19:35:52.5     14296832  l357.95204-00.02749.20050408            
357.76894GLIMPSE          17:36:44.22  -30:22:29.97  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.10   2006-04-30 20:29:29.7     14297088  l357.76894+00.87605.20050408            
357.90493GLIMPSE          17:36:06.32  -30:07:35.64  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      15.02   2006-04-30 20:47:29.3     14297344  l357.90493+01.12473.20050408            
358.04130GLIMPSE          17:35:28.73  -29:52:40.28  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       8.93   2006-04-30 20:59:20.8     14297600  l358.04130+01.37306.20050408            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-04-30 22:22:14.2     17114112  latent_safe_best_c31_9                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-04-30 22:22:31.6     17121280  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-04-30 22:36:05.8     17125120  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_9            
CAL 87                    05:46:45.00  -71:08:54.00  Lanz              CBSS02       20130 iracmap      26.48   2006-04-30 22:48:15.2     14137088  IRAC-CAL87-quadrature                   
1-3-0087                  05:41:28.60  -66:40:13.80  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       5.35   2006-04-30 23:12:27.2     17107456  1-3-0087                                
1-4-0111                  05:38:34.10  -68:52:30.00  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-30 23:15:10.6     17109504  1-4-0111                                
1-2-0716                  05:12:46.30  -69:06:25.20  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-30 23:17:07.8     17109248  1-2-0716                                
1-4-0432 2-2-0600 1-4-012 05:10:42.00  -70:41:16.80  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       7.45   2006-04-30 23:18:55.4     17105408  1-4-0432 2-2-0600 1-4-0122              
1-1-0186                  05:30:58.80  -68:22:01.20  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-30 23:23:40.4     17108480  1-1-0186                                
2-4-0650                  04:54:38.64  -67:13:51.60  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-30 23:25:48.4     17144320  2-4-0650                                
2-3-0513                  05:16:24.00  -69:21:28.80  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       5.35   2006-04-30 23:27:47.6     17110016  2-3-0513                                
1-3-0164 2-3-0140         05:46:45.40  -66:44:31.20  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       5.89   2006-04-30 23:30:46.4     17106688  1-3-0164 2-3-0140                       
2-3-0150                  05:34:43.20  -65:28:19.20  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-30 23:33:56.6     17105664  2-3-0150                                
2-4-0434                  05:57:29.30  -70:06:54.00  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-30 23:36:22.0     17105920  2-4-0434                                
2-4-0526                  05:31:54.70  -73:11:52.80  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-04-30 23:38:27.8     17106944  2-4-0526                                
76019 (2000 DU31)_cluster     2076019                Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 iracmap     137.58   2006-04-30 23:52:01.6     17099520  karins_76019_IRAC_cluster               
HH108MMS                  18:33:12.10  +00:35:15.00  Andre             CORES_SPITZE 20302 iracmap      87.38   2006-05-01 02:09:06.7     14511104  IRAC-0004                               
Pipe - T01                17:37:60.00  -25:19:60.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     172.71   2006-05-01 03:38:45.0     14093312  iPT01a                                  
Pipe Smoke 1 -- LDN84     17:35:37.00  -24:27:37.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     162.32   2006-05-01 06:24:34.7     14092544  iPS04a                                  
0.09662GLIMPSE            17:51:20.62  -29:34:30.22  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.84   2006-05-01 09:01:01.0     14305792  l000.09662-01.39898.20050407            
0.37794GLIMPSE            17:52:00.09  -29:19:58.83  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.83   2006-05-01 09:19:43.4     14306048  l000.37794-01.39869.20050407            
0.65926GLIMPSE            17:52:39.38  -29:05:26.79  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      21.83   2006-05-01 09:38:27.7     14306304  l000.65926-01.39841.20050407            
0.83652GLIMPSE            17:52:22.64  -28:50:56.00  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      17.52   2006-05-01 09:57:10.7     14306560  l000.83652-01.22283.20050407            
0.97335GLIMPSE            17:51:43.89  -28:36:21.78  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap      11.48   2006-05-01 10:11:36.7     14306816  l000.97335-00.97727.20050407            
1.13059GLIMPSE            17:51:16.42  -28:21:48.43  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.29   2006-05-01 10:19:54.5     14307072  l001.13059-00.76689.20050407            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-05-01 11:50:02.1     17114368  latent_safe_best_c31_10                 
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-05-01 11:50:28.1     17117696  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-05-01 12:03:37.0     17125376  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_10           
1998 SH51                     2069852     1998 SH51  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.90   2006-05-01 12:14:50.9     15173632  IRAC69852 Generic                       
2001 FM36                     2068291     2001 FM36  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.90   2006-05-01 12:22:05.4     15171584  IRAC68291                               
lynxgr1                   08:49:11.70  +44:52:37.00  Stanford          SST_C2_SAS_L 20694 iracmap      47.84   2006-05-01 12:26:51.0     14986496  IRAC-Lynxgr1                            
Lynxgr4                   08:48:18.70  +44:51:18.70  Stanford          SST_C2_SAS_L 20694 iracmap      47.84   2006-05-01 13:11:25.8     14984448  IRAC-Lynxgr4                            
CL0853+5759               08:53:13.40  +57:59:44.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.89   2006-05-01 13:57:37.4     16810496  CL0853+5759irac                         
Pipe - 112                17:29:46.00  -25:51:30.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     173.10   2006-05-01 14:52:40.4     14091520  iP112a                                  
Pipe-101                  17:31:50.00  -26:40:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     176.60   2006-05-01 17:42:43.4     14090752  iP101a                                  
Pipe-9                    17:28:30.00  -26:40:06.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     173.19   2006-05-01 20:31:52.9     14091776  iP11a                                   
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-05-02 01:00:00.7     17114624  latent_safe_best_c31_11                 
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-05-02 01:00:24.5     17117952  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-05-02 01:13:37.3     17125632  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_11           
CL0956+4107               09:56:02.80  +41:07:08.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.90   2006-05-02 01:22:53.1     16811264  CL0956+4107irac                         
CL0958+4702               09:58:19.30  +47:02:17.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.89   2006-05-02 02:08:34.5     16812032  CL0958+4702irac                         
enceladus-waypoint        09:10:27.36  +19:52:37.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       5.29   2006-05-02 02:55:50.5     17237248  Enceladus-waypoint                      
Enceladus offset cluster          602                Meadows           SHOWER         273 iracmap      15.46   2006-05-02 03:05:25.9     17175296  IRAC-0001                               
270+02                    09:20:32.64  -46:56:16.41  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      70.12   2006-05-02 03:23:08.6     14775808  IRAC-0001 - 270+02                      
270+04                    09:28:37.99  -45:30:30.82  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      70.31   2006-05-02 04:30:36.2     14776064  IRAC-0001 - 270+04                      
PKS0920-39                09:22:46.42  -39:59:35.10  Jorstad           KRASJET05    20455 iracmap     102.24   2006-05-02 05:37:13.2     14724608  IRAC-0920                               
Deipylos                      2004060      Deipylos  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.22   2006-05-02 07:36:48.1     15140352  IRAC-4060_Deipylos                      
Pipe-18                   17:32:32.50  -25:40:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     173.14   2006-05-02 07:48:10.9     14091008  iP10a                                   
2115-560                  21:19:37.14  -55:50:16.70  von Hippel        WDPLANET     20026 iracmap       7.34   2006-05-02 10:37:49.8     16864512  IRAC-2115-560                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-05-02 11:54:58.1     17114880  latent_safe_best_c31_12                 
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-05-02 11:55:21.5     17118208  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-05-02 12:08:34.5     17125888  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_12           
CG31-patch1               08:08:02.00  -36:03:14.00  Kim               SERENA       20714 iracmap       8.67   2006-05-02 12:18:14.7     16807168  CG31-p1-IRAC                            
CG31-patch2               08:08:00.46  -35:58:42.10  Kim               SERENA       20714 iracmap       8.67   2006-05-02 12:23:35.1     16807424  CG31-p2-IRAC                            
CG31-patch3               08:08:04.11  -36:08:56.90  Kim               SERENA       20714 iracmap       8.67   2006-05-02 12:29:03.9     16807680  CG31-p3-IRAC                            
Deipylos                      2004060      Deipylos  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.22   2006-05-02 12:49:54.7     15140608  IRAC-Deipylos2                          
NGC6539                   18:04:49.80  -07:35:09.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap      65.96   2006-05-02 13:00:17.1     14505984  IRAC-6539                               
GRANAT 1915+105           19:15:11.55  +10:56:44.80  Fuchs             GRS1915-C2   20232 iracmap      17.60   2006-05-02 14:05:47.4     14420736  IRAC-GRS1915-obs3                       
Pipe-20                   17:34:30.00  -25:33:51.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     173.10   2006-05-02 14:24:10.6     14090496  iP09a                                   
Pipe - T01                17:37:60.00  -25:52:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     172.95   2006-05-02 17:09:29.7     14093568  iPT02a                                  
RCW36                     08:59:27.50  -43:45:27.00  Tsujimoto         LASILLA      20819 iracmap      11.57   2006-05-02 20:08:34.8     15990016  RCW36                                   
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-05-02 21:34:56.7     17115136  latent_safe_best_c31_13                 
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-05-02 21:35:18.7     17118464  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-05-02 21:48:34.9     17126144  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_13           
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      10.67   2006-05-02 22:00:59.8     17143296  skydrk_0.02_subarray_2                  
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.19   2006-05-02 22:08:20.3     17143552  skydrk_0.1_subarray_2                   
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       9.04   2006-05-02 22:11:08.3     17143808  skydrk_0.4_subarray_2                   
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.14   2006-05-02 22:16:52.3     17144064  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar_2                  
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.14   2006-05-02 22:21:37.5     17141504  skydrk_2_2                              
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.40   2006-05-02 22:26:19.9     17142272  skydrk_12hdr_2                          
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.05   2006-05-02 22:34:15.3     17141760  skydrk_12_2                             
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      17.32   2006-05-02 22:41:51.9     17142528  skydrk_30hdr_2                          
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      16.30   2006-05-02 22:55:43.9     17142016  skydrk_30_2                             
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      41.77   2006-05-02 23:08:35.9     17143040  skydrk_100hdr_2                         
Best NEP                  17:39:58.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      54.56   2006-05-02 23:46:57.9     17142784  skydrk_100_2                            
zody_field_9              08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap     240.60   2006-05-03 00:45:00.9     17141248  skyflt_zody_field_9_1                   
HD152222-clus             16:47:04.62  +67:16:00.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap       6.20   2006-05-03 04:48:27.9     17131776  mag4t2                                  
HD152222-clus             16:47:04.62  +67:16:00.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap       8.20   2006-05-03 04:51:21.1     17132032  mag4t12                                 
HD152222-clus             16:47:04.62  +67:16:00.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap      11.80   2006-05-03 04:56:13.9     17132288  mag4t130                                
HD 152222                 16:47:04.62  +67:16:00.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap      10.66   2006-05-03 05:04:46.1     17132544  mag4sub                                 
NPM1p67.0536-clus         17:58:54.69  +67:47:36.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap       6.20   2006-05-03 05:13:19.8     17132800  mag6t2                                  
NPM1p67.0536-clus         17:58:54.69  +67:47:36.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap       8.20   2006-05-03 05:16:13.0     17133056  mag6t12                                 
NPM1p67.0536-clus         17:58:54.69  +67:47:36.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap      11.80   2006-05-03 05:21:06.5     17133312  mag6t130                                
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.69  +67:47:36.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap      10.66   2006-05-03 05:29:38.2     17133568  mag6sub                                 
42Dra-clus                18:25:59.14  +65:33:48.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap       6.21   2006-05-03 05:37:48.8     17130752  mag2t2                                  
42Dra-clus                18:25:59.14  +65:33:48.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap       8.21   2006-05-03 05:40:41.8     17131008  mag2t12                                 
42Dra-clus                18:25:59.14  +65:33:48.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap      11.81   2006-05-03 05:45:35.4     17131264  mag2t130                                
42 Dra                    18:25:59.14  +65:33:48.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1162 iracmap       7.20   2006-05-03 05:54:06.2     17131520  mag2sub                                 
best_c31                  08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 iracmap       3.93   2006-05-03 06:06:11.5     17115392  latent_safe_best_c31_14                 
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         11.45   2006-05-03 06:12:30.7     17118720  anneal                                  
m 67                      08:51:15.00  +11:50:50.00  Skrutskie         MFS4N        20710 iracmap     202.49   2006-05-03 06:19:38.6     15028736  IRAC-2Mess67                            
NGC2506                   08:00:01.00  -10:46:12.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_115  1158 iracmap      75.29   2006-05-03 09:50:42.4     17133824  IRAC-jwstcal_ngc2506                    
NGC 2467                  07:52:41.20  -26:22:04.00  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 iracmap      36.21   2006-05-03 11:03:27.7     15054336  NGC2467-IRAC                            
2-2-0639                  05:40:53.20  -72:20:34.80  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       5.35   2006-05-03 11:39:33.1     17109760  2-2-0639                                
2-1-0224                  05:23:02.90  -73:25:48.00  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap       4.52   2006-05-03 11:42:05.5     17107200  2-1-0224                                
CAL 87                    05:46:45.00  -71:08:54.00  Lanz              CBSS02       20130 iracmap      26.47   2006-05-03 11:44:01.9     14136576  IRAC-CAL87-SndEclipse                   
257.6-02                  08:19:57.16  -39:51:34.19  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.08   2006-05-03 12:10:37.3     14774784  IRAC-0001 - 257.6-02                    
SN 1999bw                 10:19:46.81  +45:31:35.00  Sugerman          SUGERMAN     20320 iracmap      19.69   2006-05-03 13:21:57.5     14529280  IRAC-SN1999bw-epoch-2                   
HD 89744                  10:22:14.80  +41:14:26.30  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 iracmap      11.18   2006-05-03 13:39:13.4     15176960  IRAC-HD 89744B                          
CL1357+6232               13:57:19.40  +62:32:42.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.89   2006-05-03 13:50:23.4     16819968  CL1357+6232irac                         
fls04                     17:15:51.19  +59:07:35.50  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.16   2006-05-03 14:37:23.0     16859904  IRAC - fls04                            
fls02                     17:13:43.89  +59:57:14.60  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.22   2006-05-03 15:49:31.5     16859392  IRAC - fls02                            
fls03                     17:13:15.45  +59:03:02.70  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.22   2006-05-03 17:01:49.4     16859648  IRAC - fls03                            
CL1641+4001               16:41:52.30  +40:01:27.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.91   2006-05-03 18:15:57.6     16821504  CL1641+4001irac                         
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.58   2006-05-03 19:09:17.9     17122048  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30_1           
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.58   2006-05-03 19:18:14.3     17128960  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12_1             
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap      11.58   2006-05-03 19:23:49.1     17128192  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30_1            
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.92   2006-05-03 19:32:29.5     17129984  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.93   2006-05-03 19:36:59.1     17130496  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2_1      
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       6.92   2006-05-03 19:42:13.3     17122560  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.57   2006-05-03 19:46:52.5     17129472  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12_1       
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1134 iracmap       8.60   2006-05-03 19:59:41.1     17126400  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_14           
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1234 irac         14.94   2006-05-03 20:12:31.1     17121536  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-03 22:43:55.4     17149696  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_12b                  07:37:31.52  +27:35:20.64  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1873 mipsphot    175.54   2006-05-03 22:54:45.7     17170688  calflt-31MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-04 01:46:49.0     17152512  anneal                                  
zodi_13a                  08:06:28.72  +25:22:34.98  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1873 mipsscan    138.95   2006-05-04 01:54:56.5     17170944  calflt-31MC-fastscan.aor                
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot      6.33   2006-05-04 04:16:29.9     17166848  MIPS-CALMC31-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     17.59   2006-05-04 04:20:34.2     17167104  MIPS-CALMC31-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips         16.68   2006-05-04 04:36:26.3     17146368  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips         16.42   2006-05-04 04:53:19.8     17146880  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot      6.33   2006-05-04 05:11:51.8     17166592  MIPS-CALMC31-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-04 05:17:54.2     17155328  anneal                                  
HD112185                  12:54:01.75  +55:57:35.40  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-05-04 05:25:43.3     14499072  MIPSP-0002b                             
HD_60737                  07:38:16.43  +47:44:55.40  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     67.96   2006-05-04 05:51:59.3     14832128  MIPS-GO2-26                             
CL0853+5759m70            08:53:13.40  +57:59:44.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-05-04 06:58:49.1     16811008  CL0853+5759m70                          
CL0853+5759               08:53:13.40  +57:59:44.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     24.11   2006-05-04 07:24:49.3     16810752  CL0853+5759m24                          
C/2003 WT42                   1000474        LINEAR  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 mipsphot     27.22   2006-05-04 07:58:58.2     13824000  MIPSP-cw-474                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-04 08:22:14.6     17158144  anneal                                  
SN 1999bw                 10:19:46.81  +45:31:35.00  Sugerman          SUGERMAN     20320 mipsphot     20.46   2006-05-04 08:30:49.8     14529536  MIPSP-SN1999bw-epoch-2                  
CL1334+5031               13:34:20.30  +50:31:05.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-05-04 08:51:26.0     16819456  CL1334+5031m24                          
HD087696                  10:07:25.76  +35:14:40.90  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-05-04 09:16:02.4     14500096  MIPSP-0006b                             
CL1120+4318m70            11:20:07.60  +43:18:07.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-05-04 09:40:12.6     16814592  CL1120+4318m70                          
HD106591                  12:15:25.56  +57:01:57.40  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-05-04 10:08:27.1     14499328  MIPSP-0003b                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-04 11:43:55.3     17160960  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
hd179949                  19:15:33.23  -24:10:45.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     36.77   2006-05-04 12:05:35.7     14039296  MIPSP-0009                              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    181.33   2006-05-04 12:49:29.7     17239040  sw3MIPS-tile4-ep1                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-04 15:45:29.3     17163776  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    181.33   2006-05-04 16:00:39.0     17240576  sw3MIPS-tile4-ep2                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-04 18:56:38.2     17164288  anneal                                  
CL1357+6232m70            13:57:19.40  +62:32:42.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-05-04 19:09:50.8     16820480  CL1357+6232m70                          
CL1357+6232               13:57:19.40  +62:32:42.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-05-04 19:35:51.1     16820224  CL1357+6232m24                          
CL1641+4001               16:41:52.30  +40:01:27.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-05-04 19:53:44.8     16821760  CL1641+4001m24                          
TPMEcliptic               09:53:37.64  +15:02:59.74  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-05-04 20:16:07.0     13960448  MIPS_TPMEcliptic_T31                    
Cybele_cluster                2000065        Cybele  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     26.54   2006-05-04 20:39:04.8     17165056  MIPSP-CAL031-Cybele-160um               
Cybele                        2000065        Cybele  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot      5.71   2006-05-04 21:07:29.8     17165312  MIPSP-CAL031-Cybele                     
CL0956+4107               09:56:02.80  +41:07:08.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.78   2006-05-04 21:13:20.0     16811520  CL0956+4107m24                          
G45.456+0.060             19:14:21.36  +11:09:18.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-04 21:43:50.8     15150848  G45.4-MIPS-SED                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-04 22:43:55.4     17164544  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    181.33   2006-05-04 23:06:43.1     17239808  sw3MIPS-tile1-ep1                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 02:02:57.1     17164800  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    181.33   2006-05-05 02:17:08.3     17239296  sw3MIPS-tile1-ep2                       
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 05:28:42.8     15495680  73P_MIPS_01                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 05:31:35.6     17149952  anneal                                  
G49.490-0.370             19:23:40.08  +14:31:04.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 05:41:32.4     15151360  G49.4-MIPS-SED                          
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 05:57:58.1     15495424  73P_MIPS_02                             
RX_J1842.9-3532           18:42:57.97  -35:32:42.70  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     17.18   2006-05-05 06:05:03.8     14835200  MIPS-GO2-38                             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 06:29:52.8     15495168  73P_MIPS_03                             
GRB020813                 19:46:41.87  -19:36:04.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-05-05 06:35:32.5     14562816  MIPSP-GRB020813                         
G32.798+0.190             18:50:30.96  +00:01:58.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 07:03:03.0     15149056  G32.7-MIPS-SED                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 07:06:58.9     17150208  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot     18.13   2006-05-05 07:28:06.6     15494912  73P_MIPS_04                             
serpens-north-cluster-E   18:29:08.50  +00:30:15.00  Harvey            SERP70       20063 mipsphot     38.79   2006-05-05 07:45:36.2     16796160  north-cluster-E                         
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 08:31:29.8     15494656  73P_MIPS_05                             
G37.545-0.112             19:00:15.84  +04:03:10.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 08:37:26.3     15149824  G37.5-MIPS-SED                          
G43.889-0.783             19:14:25.92  +09:22:33.60  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 08:42:19.9     15150336  G43.8-MIPS-SED                          
G45.122+0.132             19:13:27.84  +10:53:34.80  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 08:46:21.1     15150592  G45.1-MIPS-SED                          
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 08:58:20.4     15494400  73P_MIPS_06                             
IRAS F19115-2124; ESO 593 19:14:30.90  -21:19:07.00  Mazzarella        MAZZ          3672 mipsphot     13.04   2006-05-05 09:04:25.3     12378624  IRAS F19115-2124; ESO 593-IG008; MIPS_Si
G33.915+0.110             18:52:50.40  +00:55:30.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 09:16:45.6     15149312  G33.9-MIPS-SED                          
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 09:29:16.4     15494144  73P_MIPS_07                             
G48.606+0.024             19:20:30.96  +13:55:26.40  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 09:35:21.3     15151104  G48.6-MIPS-SED                          
WW Vul                    19:25:58.75  +21:12:31.30  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed      15.73   2006-05-05 09:40:17.0     16825344  WW Vul MIPS                             
T CrA                     19:01:58.78  -36:57:49.90  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed       8.36   2006-05-05 09:57:49.7     16825088  T CrA MIPS                              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 10:13:39.7     15493888  73P_MIPS_08                             
IRAS20046-0623            20:07:19.29  -06:14:26.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     17.18   2006-05-05 10:18:12.4     17171456  MIPSP-IRAS20046-0623-160mic             
G19.608-0.234             18:27:37.92  -11:56:38.40  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-05 10:34:50.6     15146496  G19.6-MIPS-SED                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 11:43:55.3     17150464  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD 53367                  07:04:25.52  -10:27:15.70  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed       8.36   2006-05-05 11:56:10.6     16823552  HD 53367 MIPS                           
CG30/31-24um-patch        08:08:02.20  -35:58:01.00  Kim               SERENA       20714 mipsphot      6.33   2006-05-05 12:04:29.8     16806400  M-CG31-24-p1                            
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 12:27:34.9     15497728  73P_MIPS_09                             
IRAS 18145-1707 clump 70u 18:17:33.65  -17:04:10.70  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot     13.05   2006-05-05 12:34:05.0     16921600  MIPSP-18145 clump 70 um Re-obs          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 12:43:59.9     17149440  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 13:01:04.0     15493632  73P_MIPS_10                             
IRAS20046-0623            20:07:19.29  -06:14:26.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     15.71   2006-05-05 13:05:32.4     17171200  MIPSP-IRAS20046-0623                    
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 13:25:11.0     15497472  73P_MIPS_11                             
hd183439                  19:28:42.33  +24:39:53.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     14.87   2006-05-05 13:34:49.8     17241856  MIPSP-31MCfill24&70-hd183439            
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 13:59:27.3     15497216  73P_MIPS_12                             
HD 76534                  08:55:08.67  -43:27:59.60  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed      15.73   2006-05-05 14:12:58.9     16823808  HD 76534 MIPS                           
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 14:55:26.9     15496960  73P_MIPS_13                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 14:58:19.2     17150720  anneal                                  
NX Pup                    07:19:28.26  -44:35:11.50  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed      15.73   2006-05-05 15:15:24.4     16824576  NX Pup MIPS                             
GU CMa                    07:01:49.51  -11:18:03.40  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed      15.73   2006-05-05 15:31:18.6     16822784  GU CMa MIPS                             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 16:04:12.0     15496704  73P_MIPS_14                             
hd177716                  19:06:56.41  -27:40:13.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot      8.03   2006-05-05 16:10:44.1     17241088  MIPSP-31MCfill-hd177716                 
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 16:29:20.9     15496448  73P_MIPS_15                             
IRAS19458+0944            19:48:15.50  +09:52:02.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     15.71   2006-05-05 16:34:52.2     17171712  MIPSP-IRAS19458+0944                    
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 16:56:01.0     15496192  73P_MIPS_16                             
HD169916                  18:27:58.24  -25:25:18.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     15.72   2006-05-05 17:02:47.8     17173760  MIPSP-HD169916                          
IRAS20100-4156            20:13:29.54  -41:47:34.90  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     15.70   2006-05-05 17:18:25.3     17172224  MIPSP-IRAS20100-4156                    
IRAS20100-4156            20:13:29.54  -41:47:34.90  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     17.18   2006-05-05 17:31:00.2     17172480  MIPSP-IRAS20100-4156-160mic             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Lamy              COMET-73P    20001 mipsphot      6.83   2006-05-05 17:55:38.7     15495936  73P_MIPS_17                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 17:58:31.1     17150976  anneal                                  
serpens-north-cluster-W   18:28:54.50  +00:30:15.00  Harvey            SERP70       20063 mipsphot     38.79   2006-05-05 18:08:47.2     16796672  north-cluster-W                         
hd179949                  19:15:33.23  -24:10:45.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     36.77   2006-05-05 18:47:20.4     14039552  MIPSP-0010                              
PKS1932-46                19:35:56.56  -46:20:40.66  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-05-05 19:23:22.5     14430464  MIPSP-0053                              
CL1641+4001m70            16:41:52.30  +40:01:27.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-05-05 20:16:01.9     16822016  CL1641+4001m70                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-05 21:53:55.5     17151232  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    180.50   2006-05-05 22:16:07.7     17240832  sw3MIPS-tile2-ep1                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 01:12:10.5     17151488  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    180.50   2006-05-06 01:25:46.8     17240320  sw3MIPS-tile2-ep2                       
CL1701+6414m70            17:01:22.50  +64:14:08.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-05-06 04:30:40.6     16822272  CL1701+6414m70                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 04:59:18.0     17151744  anneal                                  
mips289                   17:13:50.00  +58:56:56.80  Choi              ASTRBY1      20239 mipsphot     49.46   2006-05-06 05:04:43.3     14441472  MIPSP-0000 - mips289                    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot    108.15   2006-05-06 05:52:19.6     14471424  HD163588-70-FullMap-LongExp             
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     43.72   2006-05-06 07:37:04.7     14471680  HD163588-70-FullMap-MediumExp           
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     20.04   2006-05-06 08:17:24.8     14471936  HD163588-70-FullMap-ShortExp            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 08:37:29.0     17152000  anneal                                  
232701                    15:56:24.72  +47:57:23.80  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.76   2006-05-06 08:43:29.3     14275584  MIPSP - 232701                          
HD139669                  15:31:24.93  +77:20:57.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     15.71   2006-05-06 09:43:19.6     17174784  MIPSP-HD139669                          
Melete_cluster                2000056        Melete  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     26.54   2006-05-06 10:12:53.8     17165568  MIPSP-CAL031-Melete-160um               
Melete                        2000056        Melete  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot      5.71   2006-05-06 10:41:20.8     17165824  MIPSP-CAL031-Melete                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 11:43:55.4     17152256  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    181.00   2006-05-06 12:06:44.1     17240064  sw3MIPS-tile3-ep1                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 15:02:42.5     17152768  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Reach             73PEARLS       274 mipsscan    181.00   2006-05-06 15:17:13.6     17239552  sw3MIPS-tile3-ep2                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 18:17:17.7     17153024  anneal                                  
NGC 5457-N                14:04:28.00  +54:50:15.00  Zaritsky          DZDUST1      20321 mipsphot     62.48   2006-05-06 18:29:50.9     14533120  MIPSP-0012                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 19:31:25.0     17153280  anneal                                  
CL1334+5031m70            13:34:20.30  +50:31:05.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-05-06 19:37:22.6     16819712  CL1334+5031m70                          
2000 AB229                    3029656    2000 AB229  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     53.37   2006-05-06 20:23:43.4     15187712  dcjcloidsAB229                          
G37.874-0.399             19:01:53.52  +04:12:54.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-05-06 21:19:46.2     15150080  G37.8-MIPS-SED                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-06 22:31:55.5     17153536  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ngc 3079                  10:01:57.80  +55:40:47.10  Martin            MEG          20528 mipsscan    172.17   2006-05-06 22:45:24.2     14814720  MIPS-NGC3079-map2                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-07 01:34:06.0     17153792  anneal                                  
Abell 983                 10:23:27.71  +59:48:48.60  Fadda             FADDA2       20512 mipsscan    171.54   2006-05-07 01:41:19.1     14792704  MIPSC-A983b                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-07 04:30:29.8     17154048  anneal                                  
Abell 983                 10:23:27.71  +59:48:48.60  Fadda             FADDA2       20512 mipsscan    171.53   2006-05-07 04:35:25.0     14792960  MIPSC-A983c                             
HD 164058                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipssed      31.91   2006-05-07 07:30:50.5     17169152  MIPS-CALMC31-Various-SED-HD164058       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-07 08:04:34.7     17154304  anneal                                  
hd179949                  19:15:33.23  -24:10:45.70  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     36.77   2006-05-07 08:12:39.7     14039808  MIPSP-0011                              
GRB050223                 18:05:32.50  -62:28:21.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-05-07 08:50:16.3     17180160  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050223                  
GRB050820B                09:02:14.00  -72:40:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-05-07 09:19:06.4     17185024  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050820B                 
GRB020124                 09:32:49.00  -11:27:36.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-05-07 09:49:30.9     17179392  MIPSP-0000 - GRB020124                  
ESO 313-10                08:42:16.22  -40:33:33.20  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed       8.36   2006-05-07 10:17:47.5     16822528  ESO 313-10 MIPS                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-07 11:38:55.5     17154560  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Abell 983                 10:23:27.71  +59:48:48.60  Fadda             FADDA2       20512 mipsscan    171.53   2006-05-07 11:53:16.9     14792448  MIPSC-A983a                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-07 14:41:19.0     17154816  anneal                                  
mips-lockradio            10:45:44.00  +58:55:60.00  Blain             LOCKIMAGE05  20216 mipsphot    167.01   2006-05-07 14:48:15.2     14402304  MIPSP-Lockmanradio4                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-07 17:32:59.3     17155072  anneal                                  
mips-lockradio            10:45:44.00  +58:55:60.00  Blain             LOCKIMAGE05  20216 mipsphot    167.01   2006-05-07 17:38:48.2     14401792  MIPSP-Lockmanradio3 - 0002              
NGC 5457-E                14:05:22.00  +54:16:08.00  Zaritsky          DZDUST1      20321 mipsphot     62.49   2006-05-07 20:29:12.8     14532864  MIPSP-0011                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-07 22:41:55.6     17155840  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips-lockradio            10:45:44.00  +58:55:60.00  Blain             LOCKIMAGE05  20216 mipsphot    167.01   2006-05-07 22:55:42.0     14401536  MIPSP-Lockmanradio2                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 01:39:24.4     17156096  anneal                                  
mips-lockradio            10:45:44.00  +58:55:60.00  Blain             LOCKIMAGE05  20216 mipsphot    167.01   2006-05-08 01:46:15.0     14401280  MIPSP-Lockmanradio                      
IC 0749/IC 0759           11:58:34.00  +42:44:03.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     19.28   2006-05-08 04:32:21.6     16305152  SIGS_MIPS - IC 0749/IC 0759 (MIPS 160)  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 04:49:02.3     17156352  anneal                                  
ngc5907                   15:15:53.69  +56:19:43.90  de Jong           ROELOF       20268 mipsscan    137.71   2006-05-08 04:59:14.3     14481664  MIPSC-NGC5907                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 07:20:01.3     17156608  anneal                                  
53w002                    17:14:02.97  +50:16:31.80  Im                IM53W002     20253 mipsphot    173.56   2006-05-08 07:25:35.1     14453760  MIPSP-53w002_P2                         
GRB050814                 17:36:49.00  +46:20:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-05-08 10:17:14.1     17176576  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050814                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 11:43:55.6     17156864  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CG30/31-70um-patch        08:08:15.00  -36:02:60.00  Kim               SERENA       20714 mipsphot    156.74   2006-05-08 11:58:00.2     16806656  M-CG31 -70-patch                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 14:31:18.4     17157120  anneal                                  
CG4                       07:33:48.00  -46:50:00.00  Kim               SERENA       20714 mipsphot    156.73   2006-05-08 14:40:19.3     16807936  MIPS-CG4-70                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 17:13:57.9     17157376  anneal                                  
SA101                     07:31:18.70  -46:57:44.90  Kim               SERENA       20714 mipsphot    156.73   2006-05-08 17:20:32.6     16808192  MIPS-SA101-70                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 19:54:25.0     17157632  anneal                                  
pks_0312_58               03:12:53.80  -76:54:15.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.78   2006-05-08 20:04:32.4     14935808  pks_0312_58_mips                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-08 22:43:55.6     17157888  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.17   2006-05-08 23:01:42.8     16800512  N2547_map_01                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-09 01:57:46.2     17158400  anneal                                  
2000 AB229                    3029656    2000 AB229  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     53.37   2006-05-09 02:16:14.5     15187968  dcjcloidsAB229shadow                    
PKS1934-63                19:39:24.99  -63:42:45.63  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-05-09 03:08:01.4     14430720  MIPSP-0054                              
PKS1954-55                19:58:16.06  -55:09:37.49  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.14   2006-05-09 03:54:40.0     14431488  MIPSP-0058                              
2115-560                  21:19:37.14  -55:50:16.70  von Hippel        WDPLANET     20026 mipsphot     57.79   2006-05-09 04:41:29.1     16865024  mips-2115-560                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-09 05:36:05.5     17158656  anneal                                  
HD_183216                 19:29:40.56  -30:47:52.00  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     67.95   2006-05-09 05:46:21.4     14828544  MIPS-GO2-11                             
IRAS18470+3233            18:48:53.86  +32:37:28.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mipsphot     17.18   2006-05-09 06:56:30.4     17173504  MIPSP-IRAS18470+3233-160mic             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-09 07:11:40.6     17158912  anneal                                  
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.17   2006-05-09 07:29:38.5     16800256  N2547_map_10                            
GL 417                    11:12:25.67  +35:48:13.20  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 mipsphot     13.00   2006-05-09 10:31:45.6     15181568  MIPSP-GL 417                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-09 11:43:55.7     17159168  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.17   2006-05-09 12:02:02.6     16800000  N2547_map_09                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-09 14:58:15.6     17159424  anneal                                  
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.17   2006-05-09 15:03:23.6     16799744  N2547_map_08

Comment: Spitzer went into safe mode at 15:46 UTC May 9 2006; Normal operations resumed at 20:10 UTC on May 11 2006.
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-09 18:00:23.0     17159680  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-09 22:38:55.7     17159936  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-10 00:53:56.9     17160192  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-10 03:57:43.7     17160448  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-10 07:08:40.4     17160704  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-10 11:48:55.7     17161472  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-10 14:33:55.0     17161728  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1735 mips          6.83   2006-05-10 18:32:49.7     17161984  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          67.07   2006-05-11 20:47:39.6     17227008  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.05   2006-05-11 21:54:37.5     17227264  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-11 22:07:26.4     17187072  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.07   2006-05-11 22:33:27.7     17201664  calsfx-31B-HD173511                     
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-11 23:05:17.4     17201920  calsfx-31B-sky                          
DDDM-1 Low Res            16:40:18.16  +38:42:19.90  Kwitter           HALOCOMP     20049 irsstare     29.53   2006-05-11 23:25:01.6     16808704  IRSS-DDDM-1_lo                          
DDDM1-High Res w/sky      16:40:18.16  +38:42:19.90  Kwitter           HALOCOMP     20049 irsstare    175.12   2006-05-11 23:50:34.6     16808448  IRSS-DDDM-1_hi                          
2002 RP120                    2065407    2002 RP120  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    12.47   2006-05-12 02:50:53.7     15186944  dcjcloidsRP120                          
HD60856                   07:35:56.96  -14:42:39.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     53.12   2006-05-12 03:12:21.8     14151424  IRSS-WernerAstars-49                    
HD60995                   07:36:32.78  -14:14:33.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     53.12   2006-05-12 04:02:38.2     14151680  IRSS-WernerAstars-50                    
Cl* NGC 2422 pms 1182     07:37:06.84  -14:31:34.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.97   2006-05-12 04:52:38.4     14157568  IRSS-WernerAstars-73                    
Cl* NGC 2422 pms 1172     07:36:55.23  -14:33:17.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.98   2006-05-12 05:27:39.5     14157824  IRSS-WernerAstars-74                    
Cl* NGC 2422 pms 1152     07:37:14.43  -14:25:17.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.91   2006-05-12 06:02:40.8     14158080  IRSS-WernerAstars-75                    
Cl* NGC 2422 pms 1204     07:36:35.97  -14:32:37.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.10   2006-05-12 06:37:31.3     14158336  IRSS-WernerAstars-76                    
Cl* NGC 2422 pms 1158     07:36:21.69  -14:44:27.30  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.90   2006-05-12 07:12:35.7     14158592  IRSS-WernerAstars-77                    
Cl* NGC 2422 pms 921      07:36:41.03  -14:34:45.80  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.10   2006-05-12 07:47:34.3     14158848  IRSS-WernerAstars-78                    
Cl* NGC 2422 pms 1173     07:36:22.03  -14:30:27.90  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.87   2006-05-12 08:22:37.6     14159104  IRSS-WernerAstars-79                    
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     74.61   2006-05-12 09:02:09.3     17201408  calsfx-31A-eta1Dor                      
NGC 2805/NGC2814/NGC2820/ 09:20:20.41  +64:06:10.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     50.51   2006-05-12 10:23:50.6     16323840  IRSS-0001                               
3C249.1                   11:04:13.69  +76:58:58.00  Siebenmorgen      SIQUASAR     20231 irsstare    157.43   2006-05-12 11:22:19.8     14419712  IRSS-0000                               
Holmberg IX X-1           09:57:53.30  +69:03:48.40  Ghavamian         PGHAVAMIAN   20551 irsstare    188.74   2006-05-12 13:58:24.4     14843648  Ho IX ULX                               
31                        09:11:01.33  +57:12:47.10  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-05-12 17:05:45.2     15073792  hao_sdssagn_0031                        
12                        08:46:30.85  +48:26:55.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-05-12 17:29:28.0     15068928  hao_sdssagn_0012                        
43                        09:07:38.73  +56:43:58.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-05-12 17:53:08.4     15076864  hao_sdssagn_0043                        
Leo A                     09:59:28.01  +30:44:51.55  Cannon            LOWZH2       20610 irsmap      131.73   2006-05-12 18:18:41.7     14915328  IRSM - LeoA1                            
IRAS08208+3211sky         08:23:54.62  +32:04:12.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     24.70   2006-05-12 20:30:16.8     16416000  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg036sky                 
IRAS08208+3211            08:23:54.62  +32:02:12.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     37.88   2006-05-12 20:51:35.6     14576640  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg036                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-12 22:28:47.4     17231104  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.49   2006-05-12 22:39:20.1     17195520  caldrk_IRS-31_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.31   2006-05-12 22:50:33.6     17188352  caldrk_IRS-31_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     54.03   2006-05-12 23:00:25.4     17187840  caldrk_IRS-31_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.99   2006-05-12 23:50:22.7     17197568  caldrk_IRS-31_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
sst10t1                   10:51:51.69  +57:26:36.10  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.37   2006-05-13 00:06:03.1     13984512  IRSS-sst10t1H                           
sst10t2                   10:51:58.02  +57:18:00.30  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.49   2006-05-13 02:40:30.9     13984768  IRSS-sst10t2                            
sst10t3                   10:52:00.22  +57:24:20.20  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.40   2006-05-13 05:15:09.2     13985024  IRSS-sst10t3H                           
sst10t7                   10:52:27.58  +57:25:12.40  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.38   2006-05-13 07:49:39.4     13986048  IRSS-sst10t7                            
sst10t9                   10:52:38.19  +57:16:51.10  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.49   2006-05-13 10:33:09.3     13986560  IRSS-sst10t9H                           
sst10t10                  10:52:38.30  +57:24:35.80  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.38   2006-05-13 13:07:48.3     13986816  IRSS-sst10t10                           
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     16.83   2006-05-13 15:46:28.6     17202176  calsfx-31C-ksiDra                       
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     13.77   2006-05-13 16:00:04.0     17202432  calsfx-31C-sky                          
NGC 2623                  08:38:24.08  +25:45:16.90  Armus             LARMUS1      20193 irsmap      273.11   2006-05-13 16:17:41.2     14287104  IRSM-la-0007                            
Titan                             606         Titan  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsmap        9.45   2006-05-13 20:59:12.7     17212416  calwav-31A-Titan                        
3C198.0                   08:22:31.93  +05:57:06.60  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-05-13 21:07:20.8     15039232  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C198.0              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          67.07   2006-05-13 22:27:25.2     17225216  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.05   2006-05-13 23:34:22.6     17227776  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.72   2006-05-13 23:45:04.5     17191168  caldrk_IRS-31_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.80   2006-05-13 23:56:44.8     17191424  caldrk_IRS-31_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-14 00:08:46.5     17235456  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_3    
sst12t1                   12:35:49.44  +62:15:36.80  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.22   2006-05-14 00:36:00.0     13987072  IRSS-sst12t1                            
sst12t2                   12:35:53.26  +62:13:37.70  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.24   2006-05-14 03:10:13.7     13987328  IRSS-sst12t2                            
sst12t17                  12:37:07.21  +62:14:08.10  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.19   2006-05-14 05:44:29.7     13991168  IRSS-sst12t17                           
sst12t18                  12:37:11.98  +62:13:25.70  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.20   2006-05-14 08:27:24.4     13991424  IRSS-sst12t18H                          
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.27   2006-05-14 11:04:51.6     17200896  calsfx-31D-HR6606                       
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-14 11:36:53.1     17201152  calsfx-31D-sky                          
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1571  1571 irs         225.80   2006-05-14 11:54:04.0     17186048  irs-017_lh_200502                       
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1571  1571 irs          12.05   2006-05-14 15:44:21.5     17186560  anneal                                  
V445 Pup                  07:37:56.90  -25:56:59.00  Banerjee          V445PUP      20100 irsstare     85.94   2006-05-14 16:02:32.1     14036224  IRSS-V445Pup                            
V574 Pup                  07:41:53.56  -27:06:38.30  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     32.38   2006-05-14 17:25:40.4     14476032  IRSS_V574_Pup_No2                       
hbc560                    08:14:21.95  -36:10:03.30  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     11.79   2006-05-14 17:56:50.3     14923008  IRSS-0027                               
IRAS 04544-6849           04:54:14.29  -68:44:14.10  Onaka             ONAKA_TIMV    3583 irsstare     17.58   2006-05-14 18:09:46.7     11220480  IRSS-0001-6                             
RCW49                     10:24:31.50  -57:44:56.82  Wolfire           RCW49PAH     20012 irsmap       79.58   2006-05-14 18:27:52.1     13813504  RCW49-SL-P3                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-14 22:33:45.6     17231360  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.76   2006-05-14 22:40:48.2     17197312  caldrk_IRS-31_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.48   2006-05-14 22:50:41.9     17187584  caldrk_IRS-31_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     44.19   2006-05-14 23:03:31.9     17187328  caldrk_IRS-31_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
sst12t21                  12:37:21.87  +62:10:35.30  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.24   2006-05-14 23:46:22.1     13992192  IRSS-sst12t21H                          
sst10t1                   10:51:51.69  +57:26:36.10  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.39   2006-05-15 02:22:40.0     14007552  IRSS-sst10t1L                           
sst10t3                   10:52:00.22  +57:24:20.20  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.42   2006-05-15 04:57:10.3     14007808  IRSS-sst10t3L                           
sst10t9                   10:52:38.19  +57:16:51.10  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.52   2006-05-15 07:31:43.4     14008320  IRSS-sst10t9L                           
sst12t18                  12:37:11.98  +62:13:25.70  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.24   2006-05-15 10:17:22.1     14011136  IRSS-sst12t18L                          
sst12t21                  12:37:21.87  +62:10:35.30  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.28   2006-05-15 12:51:38.1     14011648  IRSS-sst12t21L                          
XID_N24_8 451             12:37:39.21  +62:20:59.62  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    175.17   2006-05-15 15:25:57.3     15740928  GOODS XID-N 451LL2                      
Mrk231                    12:56:14.29  +56:52:25.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     36.38   2006-05-15 18:19:09.3     17202688  calsfx-31E-Mrk231                       
Mrk231-sky                12:56:00.00  +56:51:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     22.69   2006-05-15 18:52:16.0     17202944  calsfx-31E-sky                          
mcg+08-18-012             09:36:30.79  +48:28:09.70  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     23.23   2006-05-15 19:15:02.1     14838016  IRSS-0009                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-15 20:44:07.6     17231616  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     54.03   2006-05-15 20:55:35.8     17190400  caldrk_IRS-31_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     24.61   2006-05-15 21:46:22.2     17190656  caldrk_IRS-31_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-15 22:07:20.1     17235712  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_4    
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.28   2006-05-15 22:33:56.9     17208832  calsfx-31F-HR7341                       
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-15 23:05:59.0     17209088  calsfx-31F-sky                          
TrES1PUIclust             19:04:09.84  +36:37:57.50  Harrington        JH-ECLIPSE-P 20605 irspeakup   350.89   2006-05-15 23:23:23.9     14912768  TrES1b-pri-IRSI-blue                    
C/2004 B1 (LINEAR)            1000476        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap       31.02   2006-05-16 05:22:45.7     15791616  B1_1.9AU_o -irsm                        
PKS0745-19                07:47:31.30  -19:17:39.90  McNamara          SUPERCAV     20345 irsstare    255.33   2006-05-16 06:11:20.3     15836160  IRSS-2a-PKS0745                         
mcg +07-23-019            11:03:53.20  +40:50:57.00  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     18.27   2006-05-16 10:29:37.2     14842880  IRSS-0029                               
XID_N24_5 163             12:36:29.98  +62:05:42.79  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    358.18   2006-05-16 10:47:39.1     15742464  GOODS XID-N 163 SL2 LL1+2               
RGJ105225.46+572551.4     10:52:25.46  +57:25:51.40  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.31   2006-05-16 16:44:38.5     15123968  RGJ105225.46+572551.4ll1                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          67.08   2006-05-16 20:37:00.9     17225728  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.05   2006-05-16 21:43:58.7     17228032  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.99   2006-05-16 21:55:20.0     17198336  caldrk_IRS-31_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.49   2006-05-16 22:07:16.4     17197056  caldrk_IRS-31_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-16 22:18:49.6     17235968  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_5    
GDS_IRS_MIPS2             12:36:56.47  +62:19:37.50  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    147.65   2006-05-16 22:46:02.4     15725568  MIPS2                                   
GDS_IRS_MIPS3             12:36:33.22  +62:08:34.60  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    166.66   2006-05-17 01:10:37.9     15725312  MIPS3                                   
GDS_IRS_MIPS4             12:36:03.25  +62:11:10.80  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    136.60   2006-05-17 03:54:22.5     15724800  MIPS4                                   
GDS_IRS_MIPS6             12:36:22.48  +62:15:44.30  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    216.36   2006-05-17 06:08:02.3     15723776  MIPS6                                   
IRAS13352+6402sky         13:36:51.15  +63:49:04.70  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-05-17 09:42:48.6     16419840  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg064sky                 
IRAS13352+6402            13:36:51.15  +63:47:04.70  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.19   2006-05-17 09:59:07.5     14578176  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg064                    
2002 VQ94                     1000450     2002 VQ94  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    12.47   2006-05-17 10:31:16.2     15186176  dcjcloidsVQ94                           
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     33.25   2006-05-17 10:53:02.8     17206784  calsfx-31G-HD163466                     
TrES1PUIclust             19:04:09.84  +36:37:57.50  Harrington        JH-ECLIPSE-P 20605 irspeakup   350.89   2006-05-17 11:25:45.0     14913024  TrES1b-sec-IRSI-blue-1                  
IRAS19458+0944sky         19:48:20.36  +09:51:54.90  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-05-17 17:16:53.8     16419584  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg096sky                 
IRAS19458+0944            19:48:15.70  +09:52:05.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.19   2006-05-17 17:33:12.7     14580736  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg096                    
2003 WN188                    3170289    2003 WN188  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    12.47   2006-05-17 18:07:23.1     15186688  dcjcloidsWN188                          
C/2004 B1 (LINEAR)            1000476        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap       31.02   2006-05-17 18:24:27.8     15790848  B1_1.9AU_o -irsm_shadow                 
CVZ-N                     17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1571  1571 irs         152.55   2006-05-17 18:58:41.5     17186304  irs-020_lh_200601                       
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1571  1571 irs          12.05   2006-05-17 21:30:13.0     17186816  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-17 23:00:03.0     17231872  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-17 23:11:30.1     17236224  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_6    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.76   2006-05-17 23:35:26.9     17198080  caldrk_IRS-31_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_3 
GDS_IRS_MIPS7             12:36:55.94  +62:08:08.10  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    166.50   2006-05-17 23:48:40.0     15723520  MIPS7                                   
GDS_IRS_MIPS8             12:37:18.27  +62:22:58.90  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    252.80   2006-05-18 02:32:22.0     15723008  MIPS8                                   
GDS_IRS_SMG1              12:37:04.34  +62:14:46.10  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    232.59   2006-05-18 06:42:15.0     15722752  MIPS9                                   
GDS_IRS_SMG2              12:35:55.13  +62:09:01.60  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    363.05   2006-05-18 10:40:34.9     15720960  MIPS10a                                 
GDS_IRS_SMG5_GN06_LL2     12:36:18.33  +62:15:50.40  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    182.26   2006-05-18 16:40:42.5     15721472  MIPS13a                                 
HD172728                  18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     33.26   2006-05-18 19:43:28.5     17207040  calsfx-31H-HD172728                     
hd172728                  18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1571  1571 irspeakup    18.88   2006-05-18 20:13:26.9     17185536  calpsf-HD172728                         
GJ 1111                   08:29:49.47  +26:46:32.20  Cushing           MCUSHING     20409 irsstare     40.12   2006-05-18 20:36:01.2     14648064  CLWHC-GJ1111                            
SDSSJ100428.43+001825.6   10:04:28.44  +00:18:25.60  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     22.55   2006-05-18 21:16:29.9     14760192  IRSS-025                                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-18 22:40:25.3     17232128  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.49   2006-05-18 22:51:38.8     17197824  caldrk_IRS-31_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.31   2006-05-18 23:02:52.4     17190912  caldrk_IRS-31_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-18 23:12:29.5     17236480  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_7    
GDS_IRS_SMG5_GN06_LL1     12:36:18.33  +62:15:50.40  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    282.46   2006-05-18 23:39:32.7     15721216  MIPS13b                                 
GDS_IRS_SMG6_GN07_LL2     12:36:21.27  +62:17:08.10  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    182.24   2006-05-19 04:19:01.0     15725056  MIPS14a                                 
GDS_IRS_SMG6_GN07_LL1     12:36:21.27  +62:17:08.10  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    232.34   2006-05-19 07:26:59.5     15724544  MIPS14b                                 
GDS_IRS_SMG7              12:36:22.66  +62:16:29.50  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    232.58   2006-05-19 11:16:27.6     15723264  MIPS15                                  
GDS_IRS_SMG8              12:36:34.51  +62:12:40.90  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    256.49   2006-05-19 15:06:10.1     15722496  MIPS16                                  
GRANAT 1915+105           19:15:11.55  +10:56:44.80  Fuchs             GRS1915-C2   20232 irsstare     43.77   2006-05-19 19:28:23.1     14422016  IRSS-GRS1915-obs4                       
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     74.60   2006-05-19 20:16:55.6     17204992  calsfx-31A-eta1Dor_2                    
3C227.0                   09:47:45.12  +07:25:20.60  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-05-19 21:35:01.9     15039488  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C227.0              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-19 23:00:51.2     17232384  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.72   2006-05-19 23:11:42.8     17192448  caldrk_IRS-31_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.79   2006-05-19 23:23:23.2     17192704  caldrk_IRS-31_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.48   2006-05-19 23:35:18.9     17238272  caldrk_IRS-31_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_2    
GDS_IRS_NW_MIPS1          12:37:01.59  +62:11:46.20  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    266.09   2006-05-19 23:49:38.5     15722240  MIPS17                                  
GDS_IRS_MIPS10            12:36:19.13  +62:10:04.30  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    282.77   2006-05-20 04:12:55.2     15721728  MIPS19                                  
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.07   2006-05-20 08:56:38.1     17205248  calsfx-31B-HD173511_2                   
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-20 09:28:27.8     17205504  calsfx-31B-sky_2                        
pg0921+525                09:25:12.87  +52:17:10.50  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.07   2006-05-20 09:58:44.0     14189824  IRSS-0007                               
64                        09:43:10.10  +60:45:59.50  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.20   2006-05-20 10:30:18.7     15082240  hao_sdssagn_0064                        
65                        09:19:55.32  +55:21:37.40  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.20   2006-05-20 10:53:41.3     15082496  hao_sdssagn_0065                        
66                        09:19:13.19  +55:27:55.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.20   2006-05-20 11:15:55.3     15082752  hao_sdssagn_0066                        
SDSS_J120243.26+622952.3  12:02:43.27  +62:29:52.39  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-05-20 11:41:38.4     14108928  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J120243.26+622952.3    
TrES1PUIclust             19:04:09.84  +36:37:57.50  Harrington        JH-ECLIPSE-P 20605 irspeakup   350.89   2006-05-20 12:07:34.1     14913280  TrES1b-sec-IRSI-blue-2                  
XID_N24_8 390             12:37:16.66  +62:17:33.52  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    214.62   2006-05-20 18:00:51.4     15739136  GOODS XID-N 390 LL1+2                   
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          67.08   2006-05-20 22:53:03.9     17225984  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.05   2006-05-21 00:00:01.7     17228288  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     44.19   2006-05-21 00:12:08.2     17238016  caldrk_IRS-31_100-DCVZN-SH-long_2       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.31   2006-05-21 00:51:30.2     17192192  caldrk_IRS-31_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_3 
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.27   2006-05-21 01:03:15.0     17209856  calsfx-31F-HR7341_2                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-21 01:35:16.1     17210112  calsfx-31F-sky_2                        
RGJ105225.46+572551.4     10:52:25.46  +57:25:51.40  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.28   2006-05-21 01:56:04.4     15123712  RGJ105225.46+572551.4ll2                
26                        09:33:13.95  +01:58:58.70  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-05-21 04:35:02.3     15072512  hao_sdssagn_0026                        
Enceladus                         602     Enceladus  Meadows           SHOWER         273 irsmap      246.26   2006-05-21 05:09:51.9     17175040  IRSM-0000                               
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.05   2006-05-21 09:23:14.8     17243648  anneal                                  
XID_N24_5 171             12:36:32.58  +62:08:00.12  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    175.46   2006-05-21 09:39:13.6     15740416  GOODS XID-N 171 LL1                     
XID_N24_5 158             12:36:29.10  +62:10:46.26  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    167.62   2006-05-21 12:31:46.1     15738624  GOODS XID-N 158 LL2                     
XID_N24_5 158             12:36:29.10  +62:10:46.26  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    167.65   2006-05-21 15:16:25.7     15738880  GOODS XID-N 158 LL1                     
NGC 3413/NGC 3424/NGC 343 10:52:11.40  +32:57:01.40  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     41.97   2006-05-21 18:04:19.1     16303872  SIGS_IRS- NGC 3413/NGC 3424/NGC 3430 CLU
NGC 3395/NGC 3396 CLUSTER 10:49:55.11  +32:59:26.70  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     32.04   2006-05-21 18:43:17.1     16300800  SIGS_IRS-NGC 3395/NGC3396               
10                        10:16:32.58  +01:32:02.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.27   2006-05-21 19:15:31.8     15068416  hao_sdssagn_0010                        
35                        10:47:10.75  +02:59:49.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.72   2006-05-21 19:39:13.7     15074816  hao_sdssagn_0035                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-21 21:19:36.6     17232640  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     54.03   2006-05-21 21:31:37.4     17191680  caldrk_IRS-31_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     24.61   2006-05-21 22:22:23.8     17191936  caldrk_IRS-31_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
NGC6822-AGB1              19:45:32.66  -14:51:17.00  Van Dyk           NGC6822AGB   20608 irsstare    327.65   2006-05-21 22:50:02.0     16802560  NGC6822-AGB1                            
NGC6822-AGB2              19:44:40.80  -14:51:22.10  Van Dyk           NGC6822AGB   20608 irsstare    327.65   2006-05-22 04:14:22.1     16802816  NGC6822-AGB2                            
NGC6822-AGB3              19:44:49.94  -14:43:33.70  Van Dyk           NGC6822AGB   20608 irsstare    327.65   2006-05-22 09:47:21.9     16803072  NGC6822-AGB3                            
NGC6822-AGB4              19:44:52.13  -14:46:34.90  Van Dyk           NGC6822AGB   20608 irsstare    306.87   2006-05-22 15:11:57.9     16803328  NGC6822-AGB4                            
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     16.82   2006-05-22 20:21:51.6     17205760  calsfx-31C-ksiDra_2                     
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     13.77   2006-05-22 20:35:26.2     17206016  calsfx-31C-sky_2                        
XID_N24_8_5 222           12:36:42.21  +62:15:45.86  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    175.31   2006-05-22 20:49:40.0     15739392  GOODS XID-N 222 LL2                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-23 00:49:56.4     17232896  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.99   2006-05-23 01:00:22.9     17199104  caldrk_IRS-31_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_4
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-23 01:12:40.2     17236736  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_8    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     24.61   2006-05-23 01:37:17.3     17193216  caldrk_IRS-31_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_4    
GDS_IRS_NW_MIPS2          12:36:53.22  +62:11:16.70  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    182.56   2006-05-23 02:01:06.7     15721984  MIPS18                                  
GDS_IRS_MIPS5             12:37:34.52  +62:17:23.20  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    166.66   2006-05-23 05:00:43.4     15724032  MIPS5                                   
GDS_IRS_NW_MIPS4          12:37:16.59  +62:16:43.20  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    247.90   2006-05-23 07:53:06.8     15720704  MIPS20                                  
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.27   2006-05-23 12:02:28.5     17210368  calsfx-31F-HR7341_3                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-23 12:34:29.7     17210624  calsfx-31F-sky_3                        
TrES1PUIclust             19:04:09.84  +36:37:57.50  Harrington        JH-ECLIPSE-P 20605 irspeakup   350.89   2006-05-23 12:52:03.4     14913536  TrES1b-sec-IRSI-blue-3                  
14                        10:13:46.82  +00:54:51.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.21   2006-05-23 18:49:56.9     15069440  hao_sdssagn_0014                        
HD72673                   08:32:51.50  -31:30:03.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     18.90   2006-05-23 19:16:04.0     16010496  HD72673_IRS                             
HD 79873                  09:16:39.98  +00:43:44.50  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     14.98   2006-05-23 19:35:13.1     15014400  IRSS-HD79873                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-23 20:53:46.9     17229568  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.72   2006-05-23 21:04:26.5     17193728  caldrk_IRS-31_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.79   2006-05-23 21:16:07.0     17193984  caldrk_IRS-31_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.76   2006-05-23 21:27:47.5     17198848  caldrk_IRS-31_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-23 21:37:47.4     17236992  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_9    
SDSS J105213.82+442256.2  10:52:13.51  +44:22:55.80  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 irsstare    335.12   2006-05-23 22:06:34.8     15492864  IRSS-SL21-SDSS1052                      
2mass0939354-244826       09:39:35.48  -24:48:27.79  Burgasser         ABURGASSER_C 20544 irsstare    305.23   2006-05-24 03:44:38.2     14824704  IRSS-2m0939                             
Mrk231                    12:56:14.29  +56:52:25.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     36.34   2006-05-24 08:54:19.3     17206272  calsfx-31E-Mrk231_2                     
Mrk231-sky                12:56:00.00  +56:51:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     22.68   2006-05-24 09:27:23.3     17206528  calsfx-31E-sky_2                        
RGJ123704.02+621157.6     12:37:04.02  +62:11:57.60  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.24   2006-05-24 09:57:13.9     15125248  RGJ123704.02+621157.6                   
RGJ105239.84+572509.1     10:52:39.84  +57:25:09.10  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.29   2006-05-24 12:33:27.9     15124736  RGJ105239.84+572509.1ll2                
RGJ105209.31+572202.8     10:52:09.31  +57:22:02.80  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.33   2006-05-24 15:07:47.9     15124224  RGJ105209.31+572202.8ll2                
RGJ105239.84+572509.1     10:52:39.84  +57:25:09.10  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.31   2006-05-24 17:42:12.1     15124992  RGJ105239.84+572509.1ll1                
RGJ105209.31+572202.8     10:52:09.31  +57:22:02.80  Chapman           SCHAPMAN33   20767 irsstare    157.35   2006-05-24 20:25:09.3     15124480  RGJ105209.31+572202.8ll1                
Leo I 1-4                 10:08:22.25  +12:17:57.15  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.61   2006-05-24 23:03:27.1     14545152  IRSS-LeoI1-4                            
Leo I 1-18                10:08:29.28  +12:18:51.63  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    137.62   2006-05-25 01:17:55.5     14545408  IRSS-LeoI1-18                           
Leo I 2-17                10:09:00.50  +12:19:01.00  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare    132.67   2006-05-25 03:32:32.3     14545920  IRSS-LeoI2-17                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-25 06:50:59.1     17229824  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.49   2006-05-25 07:01:31.6     17198592  caldrk_IRS-31_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.31   2006-05-25 07:12:45.0     17193472  caldrk_IRS-31_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     54.03   2006-05-25 07:22:36.8     17192960  caldrk_IRS-31_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_4      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.99   2006-05-25 08:12:34.1     17199872  caldrk_IRS-31_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_5
GOODS-N 3                 12:36:38.00  +62:09:18.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   211.53   2006-05-25 08:27:01.5     14890752  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 3                   
GOODS-N 3a                12:36:43.00  +62:09:48.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   149.10   2006-05-25 11:55:16.1     14892288  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 3a                  
XID_N24_8_5 222           12:36:42.21  +62:15:45.86  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    175.35   2006-05-25 14:21:25.0     15739648  GOODS XID-N 222 LL1                     
XID_N24_5 171             12:36:32.58  +62:08:00.12  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    175.43   2006-05-25 17:22:22.3     15740160  GOODS XID-N 171 LL2                     
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.27   2006-05-25 20:19:06.8     17210880  calsfx-31F-HR7341_4                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-25 20:51:07.8     17211136  calsfx-31F-sky_4                        
V574 Pup                  07:41:53.56  -27:06:38.30  Evans             NYESNOVAE    20262 irsstare     32.41   2006-05-25 21:18:11.0     14476288  IRSS_V574_Pup_No3                       
HD68294                   08:10:46.44  -27:51:43.60  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.06   2006-05-25 21:48:47.4     14152960  IRSS-WernerAstars-55                    
pg0934+013                09:37:01.03  +01:05:43.50  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-05-25 22:27:14.3     14190336  IRSS-0010                               
pg0923+129                09:26:03.29  +12:44:03.60  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.21   2006-05-25 22:59:06.8     14203392  IRSS-0009                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          67.08   2006-05-26 00:48:35.1     17226240  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.05   2006-05-26 01:55:32.9     17228544  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.72   2006-05-26 02:06:20.8     17195008  caldrk_IRS-31_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.79   2006-05-26 02:18:01.1     17195264  caldrk_IRS-31_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-26 02:30:02.8     17233920  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_10   
GDS_IRS_NW_MIPS3          12:37:11.37  +62:13:31.10  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    247.95   2006-05-26 02:57:05.0     15719936  MIPS23                                  
XID_N24_5 244             12:36:46.72  +62:08:33.94  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    170.29   2006-05-26 07:02:03.2     15741696  GOODS XID-N 244 LL1                     
XID_N24_8_5 190           12:36:35.59  +62:14:24.48  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    214.67   2006-05-26 09:57:59.0     15740672  GOODS XID-N 190 LL1+2                   
XID_N24_8_5 190           12:36:35.59  +62:14:24.48  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    157.17   2006-05-26 13:29:40.1     15741184  GOODS XID-N 190 SL2                     
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     33.25   2006-05-26 16:07:11.9     17207808  calsfx-31G-HD163466_2                   
hd163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1571  1571 irspeakup    18.88   2006-05-26 16:37:09.9     17185280  calpsf-HD163466                         
hd174123                  18:43:10.35  +69:20:59.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1571  1571 irspeakup    18.88   2006-05-26 16:54:27.8     17185792  calpsf-HD174123                         
SDSS_J102701.74+561614.4  10:27:01.75  +56:16:14.44  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-05-26 17:15:19.2     14111488  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J102701.74+561614.4    
pg1022+519                10:25:31.28  +51:40:34.90  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-05-26 17:37:16.2     14191872  IRSS-0016                               
pg1114+445                11:17:06.40  +44:13:33.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-05-26 18:09:00.1     14193152  IRSS-0021                               
pg1115+407                11:18:30.20  +40:25:53.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.38   2006-05-26 18:39:57.2     14193408  IRSS-0022                               
GL 417                    11:12:25.67  +35:48:13.20  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 irspeakup    11.52   2006-05-26 19:10:57.7     15181312  IRSI-GL 417                             
pg1048+342                10:51:43.80  +33:59:26.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-05-26 19:20:41.7     14192128  IRSS-0018                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-26 21:15:14.9     17230080  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.76   2006-05-26 21:26:15.1     17199616  caldrk_IRS-31_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.48   2006-05-26 21:36:08.7     17238784  caldrk_IRS-31_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_3    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     44.19   2006-05-26 21:48:58.7     17238528  caldrk_IRS-31_100-DCVZN-SH-long_3       
NGC6822-AGB5              19:44:53.88  -14:47:25.90  Van Dyk           NGC6822AGB   20608 irsstare    306.87   2006-05-26 22:35:36.5     16803584  NGC6822-AGB5                            
XID_N24_5 244             12:36:46.72  +62:08:33.94  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    175.42   2006-05-27 03:48:19.5     15741440  GOODS XID-N 244 LL2                     
XID_N24_5 259             12:36:49.65  +62:07:38.62  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    351.47   2006-05-27 06:40:48.6     15738368  GOODS XID-N 259 SL2 LL1+2               
HD172728                  18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     33.26   2006-05-27 12:42:38.8     17208064  calsfx-31H-HD172728_2                   
Clark                         1000014         Clark  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsmap       79.92   2006-05-27 13:29:36.5     13818368  IRSM-cw-014                             
C/2003 WT42                   1000474        LINEAR  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsstare    113.81   2006-05-27 15:02:59.8     13824256  IRSS-cw-474                             
Leo A                     09:59:31.00  +30:44:31.44  Cannon            LOWZH2       20610 irsmap      131.69   2006-05-27 16:55:57.7     14915584  IRSM - LeoA2                            
Leo A                     09:59:15.55  +30:45:07.01  Cannon            LOWZH2       20610 irsmap      131.73   2006-05-27 19:04:40.3     14915840  IRSM - LeoA3                            
Mrk 705                   09:26:03.29  +12:44:03.60  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare     31.68   2006-05-27 21:15:55.1     14451712  NLS1-0020                               
Mrk 705 off               09:26:08.00  +12:44:03.60  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare      9.13   2006-05-27 21:44:09.9     16422912  NLS1-0020-off                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-27 23:04:15.8     17230336  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     54.03   2006-05-27 23:15:40.4     17194240  caldrk_IRS-31_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_5      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     24.61   2006-05-28 00:06:26.9     17194496  caldrk_IRS-31_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_5    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-28 00:27:24.9     17234176  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_11   
GOODS-N 1                 12:37:35.00  +62:15:55.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   211.54   2006-05-28 00:53:52.5     14891776  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 1                   
GOODS-N 1a                12:37:42.00  +62:16:26.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   149.10   2006-05-28 04:22:07.5     14890240  IRSI-0000 GOODS-N 1a                    
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.26   2006-05-28 06:52:33.0     17211392  calsfx-31F-HR7341_5                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-28 07:24:34.0     17211648  calsfx-31F-sky_5                        
NGC 3921                  11:51:06.87  +55:04:36.00  Armus             LARMUS1      20193 irsmap      354.72   2006-05-28 07:54:25.5     14287616  IRSM-la-0015                            
ngc3110                   10:04:02.11  -06:28:29.20  Joseph            JOSEPH_SST05 20549 irsstare     16.15   2006-05-28 13:51:22.6     14838272  IRSS-0010                               
HG 031203                 08:02:30.16  -39:51:03.50  Watson            DARACH       20385 irsstare    198.08   2006-05-28 14:10:28.2     14602496  IRSS-HG031203                           
bhr16-yso2                08:05:33.00  -39:09:24.60  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     74.50   2006-05-28 17:23:58.3     14895616  COREIRS-0009                            
HD72760                   08:34:31.65  +00:43:33.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     48.54   2006-05-28 18:38:58.9     16031488  HD72760_IRS                             
72                        08:41:35.09  +01:01:56.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.57   2006-05-28 19:25:12.7     15084288  hao_sdssagn_0072                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          67.08   2006-05-28 21:01:05.8     17226496  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.05   2006-05-28 22:08:03.6     17228800  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.99   2006-05-28 22:18:48.3     17200640  caldrk_IRS-31_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_6
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.49   2006-05-28 22:30:44.7     17199360  caldrk_IRS-31_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-28 22:42:17.8     17234432  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_12   
GDS_IRS_MIPS8             12:36:37.02  +62:08:52.20  Chary             RCHARY       20456 irsstare    363.05   2006-05-28 23:09:15.2     15720192  MIPS21                                  
GOODS-N 4                 12:37:12.00  +62:19:48.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   211.54   2006-05-29 05:09:07.1     14891008  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 4                   
GOODS-N 2                 12:37:08.00  +62:12:34.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   211.54   2006-05-29 08:37:24.0     14890496  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 2                   
GOODS-N 2a                12:37:13.00  +62:13:05.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   149.11   2006-05-29 12:14:32.3     14892032  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 2a                  
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     33.25   2006-05-29 14:44:04.5     17208320  calsfx-31G-HD163466_3                   
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsmap       59.28   2006-05-29 15:19:48.0     17212672  calwav-31B-PCyg-0123-map                
SIDJ104533.43+564335.6    10:45:33.43  +56:43:35.60  Borys             BORYS_SIDS   20542 irsstare     89.64   2006-05-29 16:20:18.6     14823936  IRSS-0000 - SIDJ104533.43+564335.6      
SIDJ104255.17+584529.8    10:42:55.17  +58:45:29.80  Borys             BORYS_SIDS   20542 irsstare    174.84   2006-05-29 17:47:19.9     15486208  IRSS-0000 - SIDJ104255.17+584529.8      
SIDJ104409.53+562326.1    10:44:09.53  +56:23:26.10  Borys             BORYS_SIDS   20542 irsstare     69.61   2006-05-29 20:39:38.4     15486720  IRSS-0000 - SIDJ104409.53+562326.1      
IRAS10091+4704sky         10:12:16.74  +46:50:42.90  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-05-29 21:47:41.8     16415744  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg044sky                 
IRAS10091+4704            10:12:16.74  +46:49:42.90  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.20   2006-05-29 22:04:01.2     14577152  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg044                    
HD84035                   09:43:25.66  +42:41:29.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     59.35   2006-05-29 22:29:31.4     16026368  HD84035_IRS                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-30 00:50:00.0     17230592  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-30 01:01:28.7     17234688  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_13   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.76   2006-05-30 01:25:25.2     17200384  caldrk_IRS-31_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_6 
GOODS-N 4a                12:37:17.00  +62:20:18.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   149.11   2006-05-30 01:37:54.4     14892544  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 4a                  
GOODS-N 5                 12:36:39.00  +62:16:13.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   211.55   2006-05-30 04:03:46.9     14891264  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 5                   
GOODS-N 5a                12:36:44.00  +62:16:43.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   149.11   2006-05-30 07:32:02.7     14892800  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 5a                  
GOODS-N Fill 1            12:37:10.00  +62:16:27.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup    59.23   2006-05-30 10:06:42.9     14893312  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N Fill 1              
HD172728                  18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     33.26   2006-05-30 11:06:22.8     17208576  calsfx-31H-HD172728_3                   
SIDJ104914.07+584007.2    10:49:14.07  +58:40:07.20  Borys             BORYS_SIDS   20542 irsstare    129.71   2006-05-30 11:40:36.2     15485952  IRSS-0000 - SIDJ104914.07+584007.2      
SIDJ103842.00+571538.0    10:38:42.00  +57:15:38.00  Borys             BORYS_SIDS   20542 irsstare    124.71   2006-05-30 13:47:36.2     15484928  IRSS-0000 - SIDJ103842.00+571538.0      
SIDJ104544.22+571935.3    10:45:44.22  +57:19:35.30  Borys             BORYS_SIDS   20542 irsstare    124.74   2006-05-30 15:49:25.6     15484160  IRSS-0000 - SIDJ104544.22+571935.3      
C/2003 WT42                   1000474        LINEAR  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsstare    113.82   2006-05-30 18:05:35.1     13827840  IRSS-cw-474 - shadow                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          12.15   2006-05-30 21:04:54.7     17230848  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     14.49   2006-05-30 21:15:31.0     17200128  caldrk_IRS-31_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_6 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     12.31   2006-05-30 21:26:44.7     17194752  caldrk_IRS-31_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_5 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     27.41   2006-05-30 21:36:21.8     17234944  caldrk_IRS-31_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-mod_14   
GOODS-N 6                 12:36:09.00  +62:12:40.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   211.55   2006-05-30 22:02:51.6     14891520  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 6                   
XID_N24_8 390             12:37:16.66  +62:17:33.52  Urry              GOODS_AGN_JV 20733 irsstare    157.15   2006-05-31 01:31:26.5     15741952  GOODS XID-N 390 SL2                     
GOODS-N Fill 2            12:36:40.00  +62:12:38.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup    59.23   2006-05-31 04:05:07.9     14893568  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N Fill 2              
GOODS-N 6a                12:36:14.00  +62:13:10.00  Teplitz           GOODSN16     20599 irspeakup   149.12   2006-05-31 05:01:05.6     14893056  IRSI-0000 - GOODS-N 6a                  
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     35.26   2006-05-31 07:31:36.0     17211904  calsfx-31F-HR7341_6                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irsstare     18.80   2006-05-31 08:03:36.4     17212160  calsfx-31F-sky_6                        
HD197076                  20:40:45.14  +19:56:07.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     26.83   2006-05-31 08:31:40.0     16002048  HD197076_IRS                            
iras 20135-0857           20:16:13.34  -08:48:21.20  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     18.88   2006-05-31 08:58:36.0     14871808  IRSS-20135                              
Neptune - Visit 2                 899 Neptune - Vis  Orton             UN2          20500 irsstare     58.83   2006-05-31 09:30:11.8     15911936  Neptune - Visit 2 - Cycle 2             
Triton-T                          801        Triton  Houck             IRS_MOONS_AN    71 irsmap       11.65   2006-05-31 10:28:27.8      4536832  IRSM-n-jvc-ssm801T2                     
nereus                        2004660        Nereus  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare    103.23   2006-05-31 10:43:54.0     14524416  IRS_4660nereus                          
Clark                         1000014         Clark  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsmap       79.93   2006-05-31 12:30:19.5     13826304  IRSM-cw-014 - shadow                    
NGC 7252                  22:20:44.77  -24:40:41.80  Armus             LARMUS1      20193 irsmap      344.16   2006-05-31 13:50:04.0     14286848  IRSM-la-0005                            
HD183870                  19:32:06.70  -11:16:29.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     43.63   2006-05-31 19:35:10.0     16001024  HD183870_IRS                            
IRAS 19285+0517           19:31:01.22  +05:23:53.50  Houck             IRS_DISKS        2 irsstare     11.70   2006-05-31 20:19:45.0     16263680  IRSS-G-DMW-LGP-008                      
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1432  1432 irs          67.08   2006-05-31 20:34:27.2     17226752  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 iracmap       3.93   2006-05-31 23:23:45.4     17259264  latent_safe_best_nep                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 irac         11.45   2006-05-31 23:25:59.2     17265408  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.58   2006-05-31 23:36:55.2     17244160  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.58   2006-05-31 23:45:58.0     17250048  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.57   2006-05-31 23:51:27.6     17249280  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.58   2006-06-01 00:00:00.8     17248512  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.58   2006-06-01 00:08:22.1     17247744  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.93   2006-06-01 00:17:02.8     17251584  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.93   2006-06-01 00:21:41.0     17252352  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.91   2006-06-01 00:26:54.7     17244672  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.55   2006-06-01 00:31:32.7     17250816  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
HD89562                   10:20:08.87  +03:11:55.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.30   2006-06-01 00:44:07.1     17245184  IRAC_calstar_HD89562_2xspt4l2           
1995 GD4                      2069399      1995 GD4  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.92   2006-06-01 00:59:14.8     15171328  IRAC69399                               
PGC035952                 11:37:01.88  +15:34:14.10  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.98   2006-06-01 01:03:00.1     17403904  IRAC-PGC035952                          
CL1222+2709               12:22:01.90  +27:09:19.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.93   2006-06-01 01:12:39.7     16817920  CL1222+2709irac                         
GRB000630                 14:47:13.50  +41:13:53.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.60   2006-06-01 02:00:31.7     17180416  IRAC-0001 - GRB000630                   
AMS05                     17:13:42.80  +59:39:20.20  Lacy              HIGHZ_Q2_ENV 20705 iracmap     137.60   2006-06-01 02:15:57.9     16804352  IRAC-AMS05                              
AMS03                     17:13:40.19  +59:27:45.80  Lacy              HIGHZ_Q2_ENV 20705 iracmap     137.78   2006-06-01 04:30:01.1     16804096  IRAC-AMS03                              
AMS12                     17:18:22.65  +59:01:54.30  Lacy              HIGHZ_Q2_ENV 20705 iracmap     137.55   2006-06-01 06:44:26.4     16804608  IRAC-AMS12                              
AMS16                     17:19:42.07  +58:47:08.90  Lacy              HIGHZ_Q2_ENV 20705 iracmap     271.22   2006-06-01 08:58:28.1     16804864  IRAC-AMS16                              
AMS17                     17:20:45.17  +58:52:21.30  Lacy              HIGHZ_Q2_ENV 20705 iracmap     271.33   2006-06-01 13:34:31.7     16805120  IRAC-AMS17                              
CL1312+3900               13:12:19.40  +39:00:58.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.93   2006-06-01 18:06:12.1     16818688  CL1312+3900irac                         
GRB050504                 13:24:01.00  +40:39:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.59   2006-06-01 18:51:28.6     17177344  IRAC-0001 - GRB050504                   
GRB050520                 12:50:02.00  +30:26:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.60   2006-06-01 19:05:44.6     17181184  IRAC-0001 - GRB050520                   
CL1120+2326               11:20:58.30  +23:26:34.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.89   2006-06-01 19:20:50.2     16814848  CL1120+2326irac                         
sn 2004bm                 10:52:35.33  +22:56:05.50  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.50   2006-06-01 20:06:44.0     14458624  IRAC-2004bm-3                           
GL 417                    11:12:25.67  +35:48:13.20  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 iracmap      11.15   2006-06-01 20:36:41.2     15176448  IRAC-GL417                              
NGC 3413/NGC 3424/NGC 343 10:51:25.71  +32:46:20.80  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      26.77   2006-06-01 20:45:39.2     16304640  SIGS-NGC 3413/NGC 3424/NGC 3430 CLUSTER 
CL1003+3253               10:03:04.50  +32:53:36.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.89   2006-06-01 21:10:40.3     16813568  CL1003+3253irac                         
PKS1055+20                10:58:17.90  +19:51:50.90  Jorstad           KRASJET05    20455 iracmap     102.24   2006-06-01 21:57:37.7     14725120  IRAC-1055                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-02 01:03:58.7     17259520  latent_safe_best_nep_1                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 irac         11.45   2006-06-02 01:06:05.1     17265920  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      10.67   2006-06-02 01:15:54.3     17254912  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.19   2006-06-02 01:23:15.3     17255168  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       9.04   2006-06-02 01:26:03.2     17255424  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.14   2006-06-02 01:31:47.6     17255680  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.14   2006-06-02 01:36:34.6     17253120  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.40   2006-06-02 01:41:17.8     17253888  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.05   2006-06-02 01:49:13.8     17253376  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      17.32   2006-06-02 01:56:51.6     17254144  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      16.30   2006-06-02 02:10:44.2     17253632  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      41.78   2006-06-02 02:23:36.4     17254656  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      54.56   2006-06-02 03:01:59.4     17254400  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_11             10:02:41.17  +07:43:26.92  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap     240.58   2006-06-02 04:00:23.6     17255936  skyflt_zody_field_11                    
HD89562                   10:20:08.87  +03:11:55.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.29   2006-06-02 07:58:25.9     17245952  IRAC_calstar_HD89562_2xspt4l2_3         
TN0924-2201               09:24:19.92  -22:01:41.50  Zheng             ZHZ          20749 iracmap     337.93   2006-06-02 08:06:40.6     15094784  IRAC-0001                               
TN0924-2201               09:24:19.92  -22:01:41.50  Zheng             ZHZ          20749 iracmap     337.94   2006-06-02 13:48:39.4     15094528  IRAC-0000                               
290-04                    10:50:01.83  -63:46:50.89  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      70.13   2006-06-02 19:27:05.4     14779392  IRAC-0001 - 290-04                      
GRB050820B                09:02:14.00  -72:40:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-06-02 20:34:47.7     17182720  IRAC-0001 - GRB050820B                  
SZ Car                    09:59:51.71  -60:13:06.10  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.91   2006-06-02 20:49:08.1     17629184  SZ Car E1                               
285-03                    10:17:28.39  -60:23:45.25  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.74   2006-06-02 20:52:27.7     14779648  IRAC-0001 - 285-03                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c32                  10:02:36.00  +07:43:26.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-02 23:03:51.2     17260544  latent_safe_best_c32_2                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 irac         11.45   2006-06-02 23:04:07.8     17266432  anneal                                  
HD89562                   10:20:08.87  +03:11:55.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.28   2006-06-02 23:17:07.0     17246464  IRAC_calstar_HD89562_2xspt4l2_5         
10302 (1989 ML)_cluster       2010302                Harris            DONQU          271 iracmap      11.65   2006-06-02 23:28:43.6     17068544  ML_5X30_cluster_1                       
HDF-N001A                 12:38:28.42  +62:15:44.30  Iwata             IWATA1       20218 iracmap      78.20   2006-06-02 23:41:32.0     14405888  IRAC-F01A Jun06                         
HDF-N002A                 12:35:40.42  +62:09:08.30  Iwata             IWATA1       20218 iracmap      78.20   2006-06-03 00:59:22.9     14406400  IRAC-F02A Jun06                         
10302 (1989 ML)_cluster       2010302                Harris            DONQU          271 iracmap      11.65   2006-06-03 02:24:10.7     17068288  ML_5X30_cluster_2                       
HDF-N003A                 12:38:21.01  +62:05:25.90  Iwata             IWATA1       20218 iracmap      78.20   2006-06-03 02:37:01.5     14406912  IRAC-F03A Jun06                         
HDF-N004A                 12:37:16.17  +62:08:08.30  Iwata             IWATA1       20218 iracmap      78.20   2006-06-03 03:51:49.6     14407424  IRAC-F04A Jun06                         
CL1202+5751               12:02:13.70  +57:51:53.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.89   2006-06-03 05:07:43.7     16815616  CL1202+5751irac                         
10302 (1989 ML)_cluster       2010302                Harris            DONQU          271 iracmap      11.65   2006-06-03 06:00:37.9     17068032  ML_5X30_cluster_3                       
CL J1226.9+3332           12:27:13.50  +33:39:10.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 iracmap     151.87   2006-06-03 06:13:11.3     15062784  IRAC-0002                               
10302 (1989 ML)_cluster       2010302                Harris            DONQU          271 iracmap      11.65   2006-06-03 08:49:45.4     17067776  ML_5X30_cluster_4                       
NGC 3690                  11:28:31.88  +58:33:45.20  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.69   2006-06-03 09:02:00.7      5000960  TNG-SN-NGC3690-10                       
S UMa                     12:43:56.68  +61:05:35.50  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-06-03 09:09:09.1     17620992  S UMa E1                                
HDF-N005A                 12:36:11.96  +62:04:49.90  Iwata             IWATA1       20218 iracmap      78.20   2006-06-03 09:12:11.1     14407936  IRAC-F05A Jun06                         
SBS1227+563               12:30:07.36  +56:05:13.20  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-06-03 10:28:18.3     17563392  Wu_IRAC-0010                            
CL1221+4918               12:21:25.00  +49:18:07.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.89   2006-06-03 10:35:39.3     16817152  CL1221+4918irac                         
CL1212+2733               12:12:19.20  +27:33:13.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.91   2006-06-03 11:23:15.8     16816384  CL1212+2733irac                         
GRB000418                 12:25:19.30  +20:06:11.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 iracmap      11.70   2006-06-03 12:09:25.8     14563840  IRAC-GRB000418                          
10302 (1989 ML)_cluster       2010302                Harris            DONQU          271 iracmap      11.65   2006-06-03 12:26:24.4     17067520  ML_5X30_cluster_5                       
GRB020124                 09:32:49.00  -11:27:36.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.57   2006-06-03 12:47:26.0     17184000  IRAC-0001 - GRB020124                   
MS 1054-03                10:57:17.40  -03:39:03.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 iracmap     151.56   2006-06-03 13:02:08.3     15064320  IRAC-0001 - copy                        
10302 (1989 ML)_cluster       2010302                Harris            DONQU          271 iracmap      11.65   2006-06-03 15:40:34.6     17067264  ML_5X30_cluster_6                       
CL1040-1155               10:40:41.60  -11:55:42.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     236.98   2006-06-03 15:52:23.4     14994432  CL1040-1155                             
TXS 1059+004              11:01:47.89  +00:10:39.40  Stockton          STOCKTON-Z3. 20466 iracmap     134.72   2006-06-03 19:47:15.4     14728960  TXS1059+004-IRAC                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c32                  10:02:36.00  +07:43:26.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-03 22:55:56.7     17261056  latent_safe_best_c32_4                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 irac         11.45   2006-06-03 22:57:48.7     17266944  anneal                                  
HD89562                   10:20:08.87  +03:11:55.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.28   2006-06-03 23:09:05.2     17246976  IRAC_calstar_HD89562_2xspt4l2_7         
75176 (1999 VV155)_cluste     2075176                Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 iracmap     258.97   2006-06-03 23:20:45.5     15713280  karins_75176_IRAC                       
PG1115+080                11:18:16.98  +07:45:59.40  Kochanek          KOCHANEKLENS 20451 iracmap      50.87   2006-06-04 03:37:40.9     14722048  IRAC-0000 - PG1115+080                  
CL1037-1243               10:37:52.60  -12:43:53.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     237.00   2006-06-04 04:27:21.8     14994176  CL1037-1243                             
CL1054-1146               10:54:24.20  -11:46:27.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     237.02   2006-06-04 08:21:34.4     14994688  CL1054-1146                             
Leonteus                      2003793      Leonteus  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.20   2006-06-04 12:33:27.9     15139328  IRAC-3793_Leonteus                      
Agamemnon                     2000911     Agamemnon  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.21   2006-06-04 12:48:17.2     15137792  IRAC-911_Agamemnon                      
1986 WD                       2004035       1986 WD  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.25   2006-06-04 13:02:54.4     15139840  IRAC-4035_86WD                          
76686 (2000 HN72)_cluster     2076686                Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 iracmap      63.97   2006-06-04 13:16:16.4     14248192  karins_76686_IRAC                       
WD2144-079                21:47:37.25  -07:44:12.20  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.55   2006-06-04 14:27:30.6     17495552  IRAC-0001                               
A 66                      19:57:31.80  -21:36:37.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      25.42   2006-06-04 14:58:25.9     17594624  IRAC-PN2-0019                           
NGC 7293-s3               22:30:26.00  -20:43:48.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.82   2006-06-04 15:23:36.9     17591552  IRAC-PN2-0011                           
NGC 7293-s4               22:30:44.00  -20:41:08.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      15.88   2006-06-04 15:35:00.5     17591808  IRAC-PN2-0012                           
NGC 7293-s1               22:29:21.00  -20:41:00.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      48.73   2006-06-04 15:47:40.3     17591040  IRAC-PN2-0013                           
Agamemnon                     2000911     Agamemnon  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.21   2006-06-04 16:42:57.5     15138048  IRAC-Agamemnon2                         
HD208487                  21:57:19.85  -37:45:49.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-06-04 16:52:32.5     17558784  NSEXOII-046                             
HD202206                  21:14:57.77  -20:47:21.20  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-06-04 17:01:59.2     17558528  NSEXOII-045                             
Leonteus                      2003793      Leonteus  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.20   2006-06-04 17:16:48.6     15139584  IRAC-Leonteus2                          
WFI2023-4723              20:33:42.10  -47:23:43.00  Kochanek          KOCHANEKLENS 20451 iracmap      50.91   2006-06-04 17:29:04.2     14724096  IRAC-0000 - WFI2023-4723 - copy         
1986 WD                       2004035       1986 WD  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.25   2006-06-04 18:24:46.2     15140096  IRAC-86WD-2                             
I19590                    20:01:49.80  -12:41:17.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.07   2006-06-04 18:33:25.8     17499904  IRAC-0019                               
NGC 7293-s2               22:29:54.30  -20:57:57.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      48.73   2006-06-04 18:43:31.8     17591296  IRAC-PN2-0010                           
l061 gap again            19:50:01.73  +24:23:13.51  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       6.27   2006-06-04 19:33:21.5     17308416  IRAC-0001                               
C/2004 B1 (LINEAR)            1000476        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 iracmap       7.49   2006-06-04 19:44:45.3     15786752  B1_1.9AU_o -irac                        
GRANAT 1915+105           19:15:11.55  +10:56:44.80  Fuchs             GRS1915-C2   20232 iracmap      17.62   2006-06-04 19:50:51.3     14420992  IRAC-GRS1915-obs4                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c32                  10:02:36.00  +07:43:26.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-04 21:05:44.8     17261568  latent_safe_best_c32_6                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 irac         11.45   2006-06-04 21:06:02.7     17267456  anneal                                  
WD1116+026                11:19:12.40  +02:20:33.00  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.62   2006-06-04 21:23:34.8     17494528  IRAC-0005                               
285+01                    10:33:46.13  -56:59:59.32  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.88   2006-06-04 21:56:53.6     14780160  IRAC-0001 - 285+01                      
Ennomos                       2004709       Ennomos  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.28   2006-06-04 23:13:48.4     15140864  IRAC-4709_Ennomos                       
285-01                    10:26:01.10  -58:42:50.02  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.78   2006-06-05 01:01:29.7     14779904  IRAC-0001 - 285-01                      
285+03                    10:40:49.87  -55:15:30.42  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.99   2006-06-05 02:07:40.8     14780416  IRAC-0001 - 285+03                      
280+00                    10:00:00.82  -55:02:59.73  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.41   2006-06-05 03:13:58.8     14777344  IRAC-0001 - 280+00                      
Ennomos                       2004709       Ennomos  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.28   2006-06-05 04:35:41.1     15141120  IRAC-Ennomos2                           
280-02                    09:51:12.65  -56:37:21.68  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.31   2006-06-05 04:47:04.9     14777856  IRAC-0001 - 280-02                      
RCW38 Cluster             08:59:05.70  -47:30:41.00  Wolk              SWOLK        20127 iracmap      70.32   2006-06-05 05:53:31.9     14124544  IRAC-RCW38-Outer                        
rcw38                     08:59:05.70  -47:30:41.00  Wolk              SWOLK        20127 iracmap     123.27   2006-06-05 06:58:54.6     14125568  IRAC-rcw38                              
rcw38-subarray            08:59:05.28  -47:30:36.00  Wolk              SWOLK        20127 iracmap      89.34   2006-06-05 08:56:27.3     14125056  IRAC-RCW38-subarray - 0001 - 0001       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-05 11:50:44.8     17259776  latent_safe_best_nep_2                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 irac         11.45   2006-06-05 11:51:31.4     17267712  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      10.67   2006-06-05 12:05:09.7     17258240  skydrk_0.02_subarray_1                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.19   2006-06-05 12:12:30.3     17258496  skydrk_0.1_subarray_1                   
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       9.04   2006-06-05 12:15:18.2     17258752  skydrk_0.4_subarray_1                   
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.14   2006-06-05 12:21:02.3     17259008  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar_1                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.14   2006-06-05 12:25:48.3     17256448  skydrk_2_1                              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.40   2006-06-05 12:30:31.5     17257216  skydrk_12hdr_1                          
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.05   2006-06-05 12:38:27.1     17256704  skydrk_12_1                             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      17.32   2006-06-05 12:46:04.1     17257472  skydrk_30hdr_1                          
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      16.30   2006-06-05 12:59:56.4     17256960  skydrk_30_1                             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      41.78   2006-06-05 13:12:48.8     17257984  skydrk_100hdr_1                         
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      54.56   2006-06-05 13:51:11.4     17257728  skydrk_100_1                            
zody_field_11             10:02:41.17  +07:43:26.92  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap     240.66   2006-06-05 14:49:15.6     17256192  skyflt_zody_field_11_1                  
GRB050219A                11:05:36.00  -40:40:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.60   2006-06-05 18:50:36.4     17179648  IRAC-0001 - GRB050219A                  
VCC490                    12:21:38.78  +15:44:42.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.78   2006-06-05 19:08:22.2     16856320  IRAC-v490                               
irasf13279                13:30:15.17  +33:46:28.70  Roussel           NSTB         20577 iracmap       7.75   2006-06-05 19:18:28.5     14852608  IRAC - irasf13279                       
CL1416+4446               14:16:28.10  +44:46:38.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.91   2006-06-05 19:24:57.9     16820736  CL1416+4446irac                         
NGC6341                   17:17:07.30  +43:08:11.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap      65.96   2006-06-05 20:12:36.9     14504960  IRAC-6341                               
GRB050814                 17:36:49.00  +46:20:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-06-05 21:16:28.4     17180672  IRAC-0001 - GRB050814                   
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.58   2006-06-05 21:30:54.6     17244416  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30_1           
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.58   2006-06-05 21:39:58.2     17250304  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12_1             
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.57   2006-06-05 21:45:26.8     17249536  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30_1            
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.58   2006-06-05 21:53:59.8     17248768  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30_1            
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap      11.58   2006-06-05 22:02:22.2     17248000  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30_1            
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.93   2006-06-05 22:11:02.2     17251840  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.93   2006-06-05 22:15:40.4     17252608  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2_1      
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       6.90   2006-06-05 22:20:52.8     17244928  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.55   2006-06-05 22:25:29.2     17251072  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12_1       
HD89562                   10:20:08.87  +03:11:55.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1135 iracmap       8.27   2006-06-05 22:37:59.6     17247488  IRAC_calstar_HD89562_2xspt4l2_9         
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1235 irac         14.94   2006-06-05 22:50:38.0     17267968  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-06 00:48:56.5     17275648  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_15c                  09:59:50.10  +13:18:39.84  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1874 mipsphot    175.48   2006-06-06 00:59:09.1     19309568  calflt-32MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-06 03:55:31.3     17276160  anneal                                  
zodi_15d                  10:42:45.01  +18:57:28.38  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1874 mipsscan    138.91   2006-06-06 04:03:21.0     19309824  calflt-32MC-fastscan.aor                
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips         16.42   2006-06-06 06:24:16.7     17303296  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips         16.68   2006-06-06 06:40:53.4     17305088  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      6.33   2006-06-06 06:59:35.9     17270016  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_1    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     17.59   2006-06-06 07:03:40.2     17270272  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_1      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-06 07:21:14.9     17276416  anneal                                  
HD 164058                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipssed      31.91   2006-06-06 07:26:10.8     17305856  MIPS-CALMC32-Various-SED-HD164058       
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      6.33   2006-06-06 07:56:48.9     17269760  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     17.61   2006-06-06 08:01:16.3     17270528  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
hip 93252                 18:59:42.53  +16:15:09.30  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.45   2006-06-06 08:20:36.0     17339392  MIPSP-0076-earlyf-addon                 
SBS1115+597               11:18:47.45  +59:26:01.90  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     24.66   2006-06-06 08:55:16.4     17568768  Wu_MIPSP-0004                           
SBS1129+576               11:32:02.54  +57:22:45.70  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     24.66   2006-06-06 09:17:34.4     17569024  Wu_MIPSP-0005                           
SBS1134+598               11:37:43.73  +59:35:34.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     24.66   2006-06-06 09:39:50.2     17569280  Wu_MIPSP-0006                           
SBS1150+599               11:53:28.87  +59:41:56.70  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     24.66   2006-06-06 10:02:04.0     17569536  Wu_MIPSP-0007                           
DDO68                     09:56:45.70  +28:49:35.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     21.94   2006-06-06 10:27:05.6     17574400  Wu_MIPSP-0026                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-06 11:43:55.7     17294848  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CL1003+3253m70            10:03:04.50  +32:53:36.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-06 11:55:58.6     16814080  CL1003+3253m70                          
CL1003+3253               10:03:04.50  +32:53:36.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.78   2006-06-06 12:21:58.9     16813824  CL1003+3253m24                          
CL1202+5751m70            12:02:13.70  +57:51:53.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-06 12:39:56.8     16816128  CL1202+5751m70                          
CL1202+5751               12:02:13.70  +57:51:53.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.78   2006-06-06 13:05:57.1     16815872  CL1202+5751m24                          
CL1221+4918m70            12:21:25.00  +49:18:07.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-06 13:22:20.7     16817664  CL1221+4918m70                          
CL1221+4918m70            12:21:25.00  +49:18:07.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     31.85   2006-06-06 13:48:20.9     16817408  CL1221+4918m24                          
hip 69040                 14:07:56.47  +48:12:38.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.43   2006-06-06 14:19:37.9     17344512  MIPSP-0131-earlyf                       
lam Boo                   14:16:23.02  +46:05:17.90  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-06-06 14:47:39.8     17326592  MIPSE-lamBoo                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-06 15:18:15.5     17295104  anneal                                  
CL1416+4446m70            14:16:28.10  +44:46:38.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-06 15:24:38.6     16821248  CL1416+4446m70                          
CL1416+4446               14:16:28.10  +44:46:38.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-06-06 15:50:38.8     16820992  CL1416+4446m24                          
GRB000630                 14:47:13.50  +41:13:53.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-06-06 16:06:47.7     17176320  MIPSP-0000 - GRB000630                  
GRB050504                 13:24:01.00  +40:39:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-06-06 16:34:01.4     17183232  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050504                  
CL1212+2733m70            12:12:19.20  +27:33:13.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-06 17:01:19.3     16816896  CL1212+2733m70                          
CL1212+2733               12:12:19.20  +27:33:13.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-06-06 17:27:19.5     16816640  CL1212+2733m24                          
CL1222+2709m70            12:22:01.90  +27:09:19.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-06 17:42:40.2     16818432  CL1222+2709m70                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-06 18:10:35.6     17295360  anneal                                  
ugc7321                   12:17:34.02  +22:32:23.40  Matthews          LDMATTHEWS20 20432 mipsscan     70.96   2006-06-06 18:16:59.6     14673408  MIPSC-7321                              
ugc7321                   12:17:34.02  +22:32:23.40  Matthews          LDMATTHEWS20 20432 mipsscan     70.96   2006-06-06 19:26:37.1     14674176  MIPSC-7321-vis2                         
CL1120+2326m70            11:20:58.30  +23:26:34.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-06 20:36:06.2     16815360  CL1120+2326m70                          
CL1120+2326               11:20:58.30  +23:26:34.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-06-06 21:02:06.5     16815104  CL1120+2326m24                          
WD1015+161                10:18:03.85  +15:51:58.90  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-06-06 21:19:16.2     17492224  MIPSP-0004                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-06 22:35:56.5     17274880  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
hip 48768                 09:56:48.60  +04:14:31.50  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     17.82   2006-06-06 22:46:16.0     17340416  MIPSP-0109-earlyf                       
hip 52574                 10:45:02.28  +03:18:24.00  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.43   2006-06-06 23:02:58.4     17345024  MIPSP-0133-earlyf                       
Phyllis_cluster               2000556       Phyllis  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     35.34   2006-06-06 23:36:58.9     17307648  MIPSP-CAL032-Phyllis-160um              
Phyllis                       2000556       Phyllis  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      9.70   2006-06-07 00:14:08.2     17307904  MIPSP-CAL032-Phyllis                    
Victoria_cluster              2000012      Victoria  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     26.54   2006-06-07 00:26:01.2     17306624  MIPSP-CAL032-Victoria-160um             
Victoria                      2000012      Victoria  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      5.71   2006-06-07 00:54:28.3     17306880  MIPSP-CAL032-Victoria                   
hip 55666                 11:24:21.76  -05:54:35.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.85   2006-06-07 00:58:10.6     17341440  MIPSP-0114-earlyf                       
CL1037                    10:37:51.20  -12:43:27.00  Blackwell         SF_HI_Z        268 mipsphot     42.57   2006-06-07 01:21:10.5     17053184  CL1037                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-07 02:00:04.4     17274624  anneal                                  
Eulalia_cluster               2000495       Eulalia  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     35.34   2006-06-07 02:15:48.3     17307136  MIPSP-CAL032-Eulalia-160um              
Eulalia                       2000495       Eulalia  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      9.71   2006-06-07 02:52:57.6     17307392  MIPSP-CAL032-Eulalia                    
Metis_cluster                 2000009         Metis  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     26.53   2006-06-07 03:06:31.3     17306112  MIPSP-CAL032-Metis-160um                
Metis                         2000009         Metis  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      5.71   2006-06-07 03:34:58.4     17306368  MIPSP-CAL032-Metis                      
PGC035952                 11:37:01.88  +15:34:14.10  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     51.63   2006-06-07 03:39:05.8     17407744  MIPSP-PGC035952-24-70-160               
A1367-gal-center          11:44:30.00  +19:49:60.00  Fazio             IRAC-LOZCL      25 mipsscan     54.54   2006-06-07 04:28:35.4      3858944  MIPSC-lozcl-A1367                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-07 05:19:25.9     17275136  anneal                                  
Virgo_HI_21               12:17:53.60  +14:45:25.00  Fazio             ZHONGWANG    30725 mipsscan    170.75   2006-06-07 05:30:53.5     17474816  MIPS-scan-dark_virgo                    
NGC4712                   12:49:34.22  +25:28:11.80  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     19.69   2006-06-07 08:20:14.2     17406464  MIPSP-NGC4712-70                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-07 08:38:35.1     17283072  anneal                                  
NGC4712                   12:49:34.22  +25:28:11.80  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     43.19   2006-06-07 08:43:35.1     17406208  MIPSP-NGC4712-24-160                    
GRB050520                 12:50:02.00  +30:26:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-06-07 09:24:43.4     17177088  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050520                  
MRK766                    12:18:26.51  +29:48:46.30  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-06-07 09:51:08.9     10637824  MIPSE-Generic - MRK766                  
UGC7064                   12:04:43.34  +31:10:38.20  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed      13.16   2006-06-07 10:02:06.3     10637312  MIPSE-Generic - UGC7064                 
ff1223+3339               12:23:00.31  +33:39:28.90  Dowell            DOWELL_FF    20427 mipsphot     11.92   2006-06-07 10:13:20.5     14670848  MIPSP-DOWELL-FF1223                     
hip 56186                 11:31:01.05  +32:18:59.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.42   2006-06-07 10:24:12.8     17337088  MIPSP-0014-earlyf                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-07 11:41:56.3     17274112  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
151146                    10:43:51.60  +06:45:36.20  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.72   2006-06-07 11:52:46.9     14272000  MIPSP - 151146                          
HD_90905                  10:29:42.24  +01:29:27.70  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     67.95   2006-06-07 12:50:35.6     14833920  MIPS-GO2-33                             
147011                    10:27:29.52  +01:15:03.00  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.71   2006-06-07 13:55:38.4     14271744  MIPSP - 147011                          
MS 1054-03                10:57:17.40  -03:39:03.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 mipsphot    138.09   2006-06-07 14:53:39.6     15064576  MIPSP-0001 - copy                       
MS 1054-03                10:57:17.40  -03:39:03.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 mipsphot    138.09   2006-06-07 17:08:30.4     15064064  MIPSP-0001                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-07 19:23:54.2     17280256  anneal                                  
LCDCS 0130v               10:40:38.70  -11:55:08.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     84.79   2006-06-07 19:34:28.1     13810432  LCDCS 0130-24                           
irasf13279                13:30:15.17  +33:46:28.70  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.57   2006-06-07 21:01:27.9     14864640  MIPSP - irasf13279                      
NGC 4394 - CLUSTER - MIPS 12:25:50.63  +18:13:15.10  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     10.52   2006-06-07 21:18:22.9     16323072  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 4394/M 85 - MIPS 70     
NGC4861                   12:59:00.30  +34:50:43.00  Engelbracht       CENGELBRACHT 20176 mipssed      20.65   2006-06-07 21:28:10.1     14266368  MIPSS-0003                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-07 22:43:48.8     17288704  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-07 23:34:45.5     19467008  latent_safe_best_nep                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 irac         11.45   2006-06-07 23:35:31.8     19473152  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap      54.56   2006-06-07 23:46:40.5     19468032  skydrk_100                              
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap       6.89   2006-06-08 00:39:30.4     19465984  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
GRB060605                 21:28:37.32  -06:03:31.30  Garnavich         GRB2         20721 iracmap      45.76   2006-06-08 00:48:56.7     15047936  IRAC-brt1-a                             
TOO-24flat                10:55:35.98  +07:56:16.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5302 mipsphot     12.97   2006-06-08 02:29:02.1     19474176  calflt-TOO-24-1                         
GRB060605                 21:28:37.32  -06:03:31.30  Garnavich         GRB2         20721 mipsphot     73.53   2006-06-08 02:51:03.3     15045888  MIPSP-brt1                              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-08 04:39:40.6     19467264  latent_safe_best_nep_1                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 irac         11.45   2006-06-08 04:40:28.8     19473408  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap      54.56   2006-06-08 04:51:35.9     19468288  skydrk_100_1                            
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap       6.89   2006-06-08 05:44:24.9     19466240  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
GRB060605                 21:28:37.32  -06:03:31.30  Garnavich         GRB2         20721 iracmap      45.76   2006-06-08 05:53:49.3     15048192  IRAC-brt1-b                             
HD_209253                 22:02:32.96  -32:08:01.50  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     17.18   2006-06-08 07:24:27.1     14830592  MIPS-GO2-19                             
S23                       12:02:54.70  +05:36:45.50  van Gorkom        OUTLIERS     20410 mipsphot     13.12   2006-06-08 07:50:42.1     14654976  MIPSP-0022                              
IC692                     11:25:53.47  +09:59:15.00  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-06-08 08:02:09.9     18188288  MIPSP-IC692                             
NGC3419                   10:51:17.74  +13:56:45.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-06-08 08:13:02.1     18187264  MIPSP-NGC3419                           
betaLeo                   11:49:03.58  +14:34:19.40  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-06-08 08:24:32.1     14500608  MIPSP-0008b                             
LCDCS 0130v-offset        10:40:38.70  -11:55:08.00  Finn              HALPHAFIR    20009 mipsphot     53.10   2006-06-08 08:49:45.2     13811456  LCDCS 0130-70                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-08 09:42:05.0     17285888  anneal                                  
TPMPole                   18:00:00.00  +66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-06-08 09:54:52.1     17484032  MIPS_TPMPole_N32New                     
hip 77838                 15:53:36.56  +68:43:12.40  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     17.82   2006-06-08 10:07:37.6     17340160  MIPSP-0104-earlyf                       
TPMPole                   06:00:00.00  -66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-06-08 10:34:21.9     17482496  MIPS_TPMPole_S32New                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-08 11:48:16.6     17291520  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ngc4244                   12:17:29.66  +37:48:25.60  Matthews          LDMATTHEWS20 20432 mipsscan    104.42   2006-06-08 12:04:13.7     14673920  MIPSC-4244-vis2                         
ngc4244                   12:17:29.66  +37:48:25.60  Matthews          LDMATTHEWS20 20432 mipsscan    104.42   2006-06-08 13:44:55.5     14673152  MIPSC-4244                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-08 15:28:32.1     17294336  anneal                                  
ngc4565                   12:36:20.80  +25:59:15.70  de Jong           ROELOF       20268 mipsscan    171.28   2006-06-08 15:34:32.2     14481408  MIPSC-NGC4565                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-08 18:25:50.9     17297408  anneal                                  
NGC4501                   12:31:59.22  +14:25:13.50  Gallimore         GALLIMORESED  3269 mipssed       7.50   2006-06-08 18:30:29.2     10638336  MIPSE-Generic - NGC4501                 
IRAS12032+1707            12:05:47.73  +16:51:08.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.09   2006-06-08 18:36:10.0     17532672  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg021                     
IRAS12018+1941            12:04:24.53  +19:25:09.80  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.08   2006-06-08 18:44:54.3     17532416  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg020                     
NGC 3627                  11:20:15.03  +12:59:29.60  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan     88.40   2006-06-08 18:55:00.3     17599232  MIPSC-0004-NGC3627                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-08 21:15:46.9     17277184  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap       3.93   2006-06-08 22:07:05.7     19467520  latent_safe_best_nep_2                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 irac         11.45   2006-06-08 22:07:46.9     19473664  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap      54.56   2006-06-08 22:19:01.1     19468544  skydrk_100_2                            
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 iracmap       6.89   2006-06-08 23:11:53.7     19466496  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_2          
GRB060605                 21:28:37.32  -06:03:31.30  Garnavich         GRB2         20721 iracmap      98.08   2006-06-08 23:21:26.7     15048448  IRAC-brt1-visit2                        
TOO-24flat                10:55:35.98  +07:56:16.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5302 mipsphot     12.96   2006-06-09 01:53:40.0     19474432  calflt-TOO-24-1_1                       
GRB060605                 21:28:37.32  -06:03:31.30  Garnavich         GRB2         20721 mipsphot    110.22   2006-06-09 02:15:45.4     15046912  MIPSP-brt1 - visit2                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-09 04:03:19.5     17278208  anneal                                  
Clark-clus                    1000014                Fazio             COMDUSTGO3   30010 mipsphot     52.96   2006-06-09 04:19:08.3     17308928  trail2-clark                            
ESO462-15 cluster         20:23:13.84  -27:42:52.40  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.14   2006-06-09 05:09:49.1     18046976  T78M_ESO462-15                          
ERO2MASS2                 20:56:29.76  -06:50:55.40  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 mipsphot     13.06   2006-06-09 05:42:30.0     18615040  MIPSP-0000 - ERO2MASS2                  
ERO2MASS3                 20:48:37.25  +00:24:37.30  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 mipsphot     13.05   2006-06-09 05:53:41.1     18615296  MIPSP-0000 - ERO2MASS3                  
ERO2MASS1                 21:13:51.02  +00:28:31.40  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 mipsphot     13.04   2006-06-09 06:04:50.0     18614784  MIPSP-0000 - ERO2MASS1                  
NGC7077                   21:29:59.61  +02:24:51.00  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-06-09 06:15:44.4     18192384  MIPSP-NGC7077                           
hip 105202                21:18:37.18  +08:57:34.80  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.42   2006-06-09 06:26:26.1     17347328  MIPSP-0303-earlyf                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-09 06:54:36.2     17300224  anneal                                  
GRB051221                 21:54:48.60  +16:53:27.20  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 mipsphot     13.00   2006-06-09 07:02:21.9     19050752  MIPSP-GRB051221                         
IRAS17068+4027            17:08:32.12  +40:23:28.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.09   2006-06-09 07:17:53.1     17534720  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg029                     
AFGL2688                  21:02:18.70  +36:41:38.00  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot    108.18   2006-06-09 07:30:07.1     14469376  AFGL2688-70-FullMap-LongExp             
AFGL2688                  21:02:18.70  +36:41:38.00  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     43.74   2006-06-09 09:14:54.3     14469632  AFGL2688-70-FullMap-MediumExp           
AFGL2688                  21:02:18.70  +36:41:38.00  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     20.05   2006-06-09 09:55:14.4     14469888  AFGL2688-70-FullMap-ShortExp            
TPMEcliptic               22:27:34.88  -12:00:30.99  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-06-09 10:16:31.6     13961216  MIPS_TPMEcliptic_L32                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-09 11:29:47.6     17278976  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC 3627                  11:20:15.03  +12:59:29.60  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan    173.35   2006-06-09 11:44:53.1     17596928  MIPSC-0000-NGC3627                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-09 14:36:19.1     17279232  anneal                                  
PKS1136-13                11:39:10.75  -13:50:43.14  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.22   2006-06-09 14:43:46.3     14428160  MIPSP-0033                              
NGC3513 (MIPS)            11:03:46.08  -23:14:43.80  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     26.58   2006-06-09 15:30:52.2     16325376  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 3513                    
Antlia dwarf              10:04:03.90  -27:19:55.00  Skillman          SHINDIG_MIPS 20425 mipsscan     54.31   2006-06-09 15:56:39.9     14666240  MIPSC-Antlia                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-09 16:51:40.1     17279488  anneal                                  
U Ant                     10:35:12.85  -39:33:45.30  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot    170.95   2006-06-09 16:56:18.7     14473216  UAnt-160-LinearMap                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-09 19:48:46.8     17279744  anneal                                  
WD1116+026                11:19:12.40  +02:20:33.00  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-06-09 19:54:46.7     17491968  MIPSP-0005                              
CG30/31-24um-patch2       08:08:09.00  -36:05:02.40  Kim               SERENA       20714 mipsphot      6.33   2006-06-09 20:28:28.3     16806913  M-CG31-24-p2 [version 1]                
NGC 3511 (MIPS map)       11:03:35.50  -23:04:45.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     31.03   2006-06-09 20:35:37.2     16326144  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 3511                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-09 22:02:15.9     17280000  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
vdb133                    20:30:56.00  +36:57:54.00  Houck             IRS_RNDUST      19 mipssed      20.86   2006-06-09 22:24:10.9      3834624  MWW-SEDRN - vdb133                      
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 mipsscan    173.63   2006-06-09 22:43:51.6     16795136  MIPS scan map 7                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-10 01:35:57.3     17280512  anneal                                  
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 mipsscan    173.58   2006-06-10 01:41:37.2     16794368  MIPS scan map 4                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-10 04:34:04.5     17280768  anneal                                  
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 mipsscan    173.59   2006-06-10 04:39:18.5     16794624  MIPS scan map 5                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-10 07:32:11.5     17281024  anneal                                  
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 mipsscan    173.61   2006-06-10 07:37:02.0     16794880  MIPS scan map 6                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-10 11:47:10.6     17281280  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2004 NN8                      3248698      2004 NN8  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot      7.51   2006-06-10 11:59:33.1     15893504  dcjcloidsNN8-24um                       
2004 NN8                      3248698      2004 NN8  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     22.56   2006-06-10 12:08:55.1     15895040  dcjcloidsNN8-70um                       
NGC3270                   10:31:29.99  +24:52:09.70  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     51.53   2006-06-10 12:33:10.5     17405952  MIPSP-NGC3270-24-70-160                 
IC800                     12:33:56.71  +15:21:16.40  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     43.20   2006-06-10 13:24:22.8     17404672  MIPSP-IC0800-24-160                     
IC800                     12:33:56.71  +15:21:16.40  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     19.69   2006-06-10 14:04:17.8     17404928  MIPSP-IC0800-70                         
IC797                     12:31:54.76  +15:07:26.20  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     19.69   2006-06-10 14:21:04.4     17401600  MIPSP-IC0797-70                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-10 14:39:44.4     17281536  anneal                                  
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 mipsscan    173.54   2006-06-10 14:52:52.8     16793600  MIPS scan map 1                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-10 17:45:51.3     17281792  anneal                                  
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 mipsscan    173.55   2006-06-10 17:50:34.1     16793856  MIPS scan map 2                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-10 20:43:55.4     17282048  anneal                                  
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 mipsscan    173.56   2006-06-10 20:48:13.4     16794112  MIPS scan map 3                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 00:49:39.7     17282304  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SSA22_MIPS                22:17:34.00  +00:17:01.00  Fazio             SSA22        30328 mipsphot    102.76   2006-06-11 01:11:24.3     17601024  mips24_2                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 02:51:03.2     17282560  anneal                                  
zody_25_S07               22:37:59.35  -16:10:50.55  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-11 03:02:41.6     15858176  zody_SE85_25_S07                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 05:30:49.8     17282816  anneal                                  
zody_25_S13               22:48:23.94  -21:39:21.88  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-11 05:36:19.1     15855616  zody_SE85_25_S13                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 08:04:31.2     17283328  anneal                                  
zody_25_S19               22:59:46.29  -27:04:25.54  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-11 08:09:56.6     15864576  zody_SE85_25_S19                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 11:48:07.8     17283584  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_26_S07               21:43:07.14  -21:07:01.79  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-11 12:10:38.0     15857920  zody_SE115_26_S07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 14:37:54.3     17283840  anneal                                  
zody_26_S13               21:51:34.45  -26:47:56.87  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-11 14:44:28.0     15855104  zody_SE115_26_S13                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 17:11:49.3     17284096  anneal                                  
zody_26_S19               22:00:20.78  -32:29:38.21  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-11 17:23:36.8     15864320  zody_SE115_26_S19                       
HD207129                  21:48:15.75  -47:18:13.00  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-06-11 19:52:08.1     17324288  MIPSE-HD207129                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-11 20:24:55.2     17284352  anneal                                  
NGC104-offsets            00:24:05.36  -72:04:53.20  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot     11.57   2006-06-11 20:31:42.1     17313536  n104_70                                 
NGC104                    00:24:05.36  -72:04:53.20  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot      9.60   2006-06-11 20:40:07.5     17315328  n104_24                                 
NGC362-offsets            01:03:14.23  -70:50:53.60  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-11 20:47:27.9     17314560  n362_70                                 
NGC362                    01:03:14.23  -70:50:53.60  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot      9.60   2006-06-11 21:13:28.2     17316352  n362_24                                 
delta Vel                 08:44:42.23  -54:42:31.80  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-06-11 21:23:55.2     17326848  MIPSE-deltaVel                          
hip 58268                 11:57:00.30  -04:46:58.00  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.85   2006-06-11 21:59:02.8     17340928  MIPSP-0112-earlyf                       
beta Leo                  11:49:03.58  +14:34:19.40  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-06-11 22:22:19.5     17325056  MIPSE-betaLeo                           
NGC6341                   17:17:07.27  +43:08:11.50  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot      9.61   2006-06-11 22:58:13.3     17315840  n6341_24                                
CL1120+4318               11:20:07.60  +43:18:07.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.78   2006-06-11 23:10:00.0     16814336  CL1120+4318m24                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 00:28:05.1     17284864  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
IC0797                    12:31:54.76  +15:07:26.20  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     43.19   2006-06-12 00:40:48.4     17401344  MIPSP-IC0797-24-160                     
NGC 4486B                 12:30:31.85  +12:29:26.00  Fabbiano          QUIESCENT_EL 20371 mipsphot     22.47   2006-06-12 01:21:27.4     14571776  MIPSP-0005                              
S21                       11:58:46.23  -01:27:57.10  van Gorkom        OUTLIERS     20410 mipsphot     13.11   2006-06-12 01:42:50.8     14654464  MIPSP-0020                              
irasf11374                11:39:60.00  -20:17:12.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 mipsphot     17.58   2006-06-12 01:55:13.2     14864384  MIPSP - irasf11374                      
WD1124-293                11:27:09.26  -29:40:11.30  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-06-12 02:11:17.9     17491200  MIPSP-0007                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 02:42:39.2     17285120  anneal                                  
U Ant                     10:35:12.85  -39:33:45.30  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot    108.22   2006-06-12 02:48:48.1     14473472  UAnt-70-FullMap-LongExp                 
U Ant                     10:35:12.85  -39:33:45.30  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     43.76   2006-06-12 04:33:37.5     14473728  UAnt-70-FullMap-MediumExp               
U Ant                     10:35:12.85  -39:33:45.30  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     20.06   2006-06-12 05:13:59.7     14473984  UAnt-70-FullMap-ShortExp                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 05:34:28.9     17285376  anneal                                  
SA101                     07:31:18.70  -46:57:44.90  Kim               SERENA       20714 mipsphot     50.79   2006-06-12 05:41:05.0     16806144  MIPS-SA101-24                           
CG4                       07:33:48.00  -46:50:00.00  Kim               SERENA       20714 mipsphot     50.79   2006-06-12 06:29:02.2     16805632  MIPS-CG4-24                             
HD074956                  08:44:42.23  -54:42:31.80  Rieke             CLEANUP      30566 mipsphot     12.02   2006-06-12 07:18:23.4     17655040  MIPSP-Dirty12                           
HD92536                   10:39:22.83  -64:06:42.40  Rieke             CLEANUP      30566 mipsphot     16.42   2006-06-12 07:29:30.3     17653760  MIPS_Astars-067                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 07:51:03.4     17285632  anneal                                  
NGC 3324                  10:37:28.00  -58:39:52.50  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 mipsphot    162.23   2006-06-12 07:52:49.1     15054080  NGC3324-MIPS                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 11:46:56.9     17286144  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
2004 NN8                      3248698      2004 NN8  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     22.56   2006-06-12 11:57:49.0     15893760  dcjcloidsNN8shadow-70um                 
203099                    14:00:58.32  +42:51:01.80  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.75   2006-06-12 12:22:12.8     14273536  MIPSP - 203099                          
noao1432+34_95            14:25:38.22  +35:18:55.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.03   2006-06-12 13:20:14.1     14516480  MIPSP-0018                              
noao1432+34_46            14:28:27.92  +33:45:50.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.04   2006-06-12 13:45:42.9     14517760  MIPSP-0024                              
noao1432+34_41            14:29:20.44  +33:44:00.50  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.04   2006-06-12 14:10:38.2     14518272  MIPSP-0026                              
noao1432+34_71            14:34:29.53  +34:36:33.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.04   2006-06-12 14:36:00.7     14517248  MIPSP-0021                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 15:01:22.6     17286400  anneal                                  
Abell 1731                13:22:43.98  +58:10:21.20  Fadda             FADDA2       20512 mipsscan    171.54   2006-06-12 15:10:32.7     14791680  MIPSC-A1731a                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 17:59:50.7     17286656  anneal                                  
Q1700                     17:01:01.00  +64:12:49.10  Steidel           Q1700MIPS    20190 mipsphot    170.57   2006-06-12 18:07:20.0     14285312  MIPSP-Q1700-5                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-12 21:01:13.3     17286912  anneal                                  
Q1700                     17:01:01.00  +64:12:49.10  Steidel           Q1700MIPS    20190 mipsphot    170.57   2006-06-12 21:03:40.1     14284800  MIPSP-Q1700-3                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 00:53:56.7     17287168  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      6.33   2006-06-13 01:10:23.8     17271040  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_2    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     17.59   2006-06-13 01:14:24.0     17271296  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_2      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      6.33   2006-06-13 01:30:22.4     17270784  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_2    
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     17.60   2006-06-13 01:34:45.5     17271552  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_2      
3c371                     18:06:50.68  +69:49:28.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1874 mipsphot     21.40   2006-06-13 01:50:33.5     17676800  MIPSP-3c371-epoch1                      
3c371                     18:06:50.68  +69:49:28.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1874 mips         19.66   2006-06-13 02:08:41.9     17676288  3c371-test-mode                         
3c371                     18:06:50.68  +69:49:28.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1874 mipsphot     21.40   2006-06-13 02:28:41.4     17677056  MIPSP-3c371-epoch2                      
TPMPole                   18:00:00.00  +66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-06-13 02:47:50.7     17484288  MIPS_TPMPole_N33New                     
NGC5272-offsets           13:42:11.23  +28:22:31.60  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot     45.54   2006-06-13 03:03:55.4     17314816  n5272_70                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 03:47:43.7     17287424  anneal                                  
Subaru Deep Field-South   13:24:38.90  +27:21:25.90  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.73   2006-06-13 03:54:11.0     14417664  MIPSP-0000 - copy - 0001                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 06:16:17.8     17300480  anneal                                  
Subaru Deep Field-South   13:24:38.90  +27:21:25.90  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.73   2006-06-13 06:21:38.9     14417408  MIPSP-0000 - copy                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 08:43:53.6     17300736  anneal                                  
Subaru Deep Field-South   13:24:38.90  +27:21:25.90  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.73   2006-06-13 08:49:06.7     14417920  MIPSP-0000 - copy - 0002                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 11:58:20.5     17300992  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_200_S13              09:49:30.99  +00:39:27.89  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-13 12:12:25.8     15864832  zody_SE85_200_S13                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 14:40:34.6     17301248  anneal                                  
zody_200_S19              09:40:17.96  -06:12:19.24  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-13 14:46:05.4     15863808  zody_SE85_200_S19                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 17:14:19.7     17301504  anneal                                  
zody_200_S07              09:58:30.05  +04:54:36.48  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-13 17:21:57.1     15857408  zody_SE85_200_S07                       
TPMPole                   06:00:00.00  -66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-06-13 19:54:58.9     17482752  MIPS_TPMPole_S33New                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 20:08:27.0     17301760  anneal                                  
HD110411                  12:41:53.06  +10:14:08.30  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     35.04   2006-06-13 20:21:28.5     14496000  MIPSP-0005a                             
noao1432+34_23            14:33:18.56  +33:21:26.90  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.04   2006-06-13 20:57:04.5     14514688  MIPSP-0011                              
HD_122652                 14:02:31.64  +31:39:39.10  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     17.18   2006-06-13 21:23:27.8     14827264  MIPS-GO2-6                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-13 22:43:53.5     17302016  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_200_N07              10:18:41.10  +18:00:43.82  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-13 22:55:02.3     15863040  zody_SE85_200_N07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 01:21:06.9     17302272  anneal                                  
zody_200_N13              10:28:11.77  +23:35:08.69  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-14 01:28:46.1     15860736  zody_SE85_200_N13                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 03:58:54.5     17302528  anneal                                  
zody_200_N19              10:38:19.07  +29:08:30.26  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-14 04:05:34.4     15859712  zody_SE85_200_N19                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 06:33:08.8     17302784  anneal                                  
zody_200_N25              10:49:20.16  +34:40:09.11  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-14 06:39:18.1     15856896  zody_SE85_200_N25                       
arjun_blob                14:34:10.98  +33:17:30.90  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.04   2006-06-14 09:10:30.9     14516992  MIPSP-0020                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 09:36:49.7     17275904  anneal                                  
noao1432+34_26            14:33:58.00  +33:26:07.10  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.04   2006-06-14 09:42:21.4     14513920  MIPSP-0008                              
S24                       12:16:00.37  +04:39:03.50  van Gorkom        OUTLIERS     20410 mipsphot     13.10   2006-06-14 10:11:51.4     14655232  MIPSP-0023                              
NGC4564                   12:36:26.99  +11:26:21.50  Fabbiano          QUIESCENT_EL 20371 mipsphot     22.47   2006-06-14 10:23:29.7     14572288  MIPSP-0006                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 11:43:13.7     17276672  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SG1120                    11:20:20.00  -12:02:14.50  Tran              KTRAN        20683 mipsscan    149.87   2006-06-14 11:55:14.7     14970112  SG1120 - Scan Map 03                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 14:22:34.3     17276928  anneal                                  
SG1120                    11:20:20.00  -12:02:14.50  Tran              KTRAN        20683 mipsscan    149.87   2006-06-14 14:28:54.3     14970368  SG1120 - Scan Map 04                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 16:56:32.0     17277440  anneal                                  
SG1120                    11:20:20.00  -12:02:14.50  Tran              KTRAN        20683 mipsscan    149.87   2006-06-14 17:02:33.9     14970624  SG1120 - Scan Map 05                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 19:36:10.5     17277696  anneal                                  
hd75289                   08:47:40.39  -41:44:12.50  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     36.77   2006-06-14 19:43:06.6     14040064  MIPSP-0012                              
dust center               08:48:00.00  -43:39:60.00  Fazio             VMRD         30335 mipsscan     75.79   2006-06-14 20:17:38.5     17605376  dust_MIPS-1                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-14 22:36:27.9     17287936  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
3C 273                    12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.12   2006-06-14 22:48:42.4     14760704  MIPS-273a                               
Cl* Melotte 111 AV 2062   12:32:08.11  +28:54:06.80  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      7.43   2006-06-14 23:01:40.4     17434624  MIPSP-0049                              
IRAS21272+2514            21:29:29.40  +25:27:55.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-06-14 23:14:21.7     17536256  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg035                     
Neptune - Visit 2                 899 Neptune - Vis  Orton             UN2          20500 mipssed       5.88   2006-06-14 23:34:10.8     15912192  MIPSE-Neptune Visit 2 Cycle 2           
zody_26_N07               21:47:15.14  -05:55:28.06  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-14 23:38:34.0     15863296  zody_SE115_26_N07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 02:04:38.0     17288192  anneal                                  
zody_26_N19               21:28:44.05  +05:10:10.67  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-15 02:13:14.3     15860224  zody_SE115_26_N19                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 04:39:32.7     17287680  anneal                                  
zody_26_N25               21:18:43.53  +10:39:27.97  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-15 04:47:00.2     15857152  zody_SE115_26_N25                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 07:18:32.6     17289216  anneal                                  
zody_26_N13               21:38:10.76  +00:21:39.71  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-15 07:25:41.8     15861248  zody_SE115_26_N13                       
G70.293+1.600             20:01:45.84  +33:32:42.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-06-15 09:55:39.0     15152128  G70.2-MIPS-SED                          
G75.783+0.343             20:21:44.16  +37:26:42.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-06-15 10:00:17.9     15152384  G75.7-MIPS-SED                          
G75.835+0.400             20:21:38.88  +37:31:12.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-06-15 10:03:41.4     15152640  G75.8-MIPS-SED                          
G78.438+2.659             20:19:39.36  +40:56:38.40  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-06-15 10:08:09.8     15152896  G78.4-MIPS-SED                          
LkHa 224                  20:20:29.36  +41:21:28.50  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed       8.36   2006-06-15 10:11:50.0     16824320  LkHa 224 MIPS                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 11:25:38.0     17288448  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_25_N07               22:17:06.96  -03:09:18.95  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-15 11:47:46.6     15863552  zody_SE85_25_N07                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 14:14:18.9     17288960  anneal                                  
zody_25_N13               22:07:53.99  +02:23:13.79  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-15 14:21:19.9     15861504  zody_SE85_25_N13                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 16:47:56.8     17289984  anneal                                  
zody_25_N25               21:48:51.61  +13:25:54.15  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-15 16:55:58.2     15857664  zody_SE85_25_N25                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 19:27:23.4     17289728  anneal                                  
zody_25_N19               21:58:32.60  +07:55:10.13  Bottke            HILAT        20539 mipsscan    149.90   2006-06-15 19:33:51.5     15860480  zody_SE85_25_N19                        
IRAS17463+5806            17:47:04.76  +58:05:22.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-06-15 22:05:42.0     17535232  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg031                     
IRAS17179+5444            17:18:54.23  +54:41:47.30  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-06-15 22:14:49.4     17534976  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg030                     
Cl* Melotte 111 AV 573    12:13:35.85  +29:10:22.10  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      7.43   2006-06-15 22:27:34.8     17435136  MIPSP-0051                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-15 23:33:23.0     17289472  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD 110411                 12:41:53.06  +10:14:08.30  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-06-15 23:45:52.4     17328640  MIPSE-HD110411                          
GRB030328                 12:10:48.40  -09:20:51.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-06-16 00:17:57.6     14568448  MIPSP-GRB030328                         
WD1204-136                12:06:56.33  -13:53:53.00  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-06-16 00:43:51.6     17490944  MIPSP-0008                              
WD1225+006                12:28:07.71  +00:22:19.60  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-06-16 01:14:20.3     17496064  MIPSP-0009                              
HI1225+01                 12:27:46.30  +01:36:00.50  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     22.02   2006-06-16 01:43:20.9     17574144  Wu_MIPSP-0025                           
hip 59422                 12:11:21.80  -03:46:43.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.45   2006-06-16 02:03:28.9     17345280  MIPSP-0135-earlyf - 0001                
IRAS12072-0444            12:09:45.12  -05:01:13.90  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.10   2006-06-16 02:31:16.1     17532928  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg022                     
NGC4073 cluster           12:04:27.07  +01:53:45.50  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.08   2006-06-16 02:40:40.2     18042624  T78M_NGC4073                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-16 03:12:57.2     17295616  anneal                                  
[RC2]A1228+12             12:30:48.52  +12:02:42.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-06-16 03:19:02.9     17572352  Wu_MIPSP-0018                           
NGC4478 cluster           12:30:17.42  +12:19:42.80  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.08   2006-06-16 03:31:56.7     18043136  T78M_NGC4478                            
HD 106293                 12:13:43.90  +22:53:16.80  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      5.46   2006-06-16 04:03:38.8     17425152  MIPSP-0012                              
BD+25 2485                12:18:49.94  +24:17:28.20  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      5.46   2006-06-16 04:06:32.9     17429248  MIPSP-0028                              
HD 107214                 12:19:28.36  +24:17:03.20  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      5.46   2006-06-16 04:08:51.3     17428736  MIPSP-0026                              
BD+25 2478                12:16:33.88  +24:36:33.70  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot     12.56   2006-06-16 04:11:24.4     17437696  MIPSP-0061                              
ngc3923                   11:51:02.10  -28:48:23.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     24.75   2006-06-16 04:25:44.2     14258176  PT_MIPSP-0019 - ngc3923                 
ngc3923                   11:51:02.10  -28:48:23.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     81.78   2006-06-16 04:47:20.3     14257920  PT_MIPSP-0018 - ngc3923                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-16 06:10:15.5     17295872  anneal                                  
hd75289                   08:47:40.39  -41:44:12.50  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     36.77   2006-06-16 06:16:28.0     14040320  MIPSP-0013                              
HD 082668                 09:31:13.32  -57:02:03.80  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1874 mipsphot     20.59   2006-06-16 06:52:21.7     17294592  MIPS-CALMC32-NF-HD082668                
IRAS 03538-6432           03:54:25.21  -64:23:44.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     25.35   2006-06-16 07:13:24.2     17308160  mips-32MC-routine-ulirg                 
bd1338                    13:38:16.43  +29:28:22.00  Stern             ECKART       20808 mipsphot    154.45   2006-06-16 07:49:41.1     15211008  MIPS_PHOT_bd1338                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-16 11:22:13.0     17290240  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CL J1226.9+3332           12:27:13.50  +33:39:10.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 mipsphot    138.58   2006-06-16 11:34:58.2     15063552  MIPSP-0002 - copy                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-16 13:50:30.9     17290496  anneal                                  
CL J1226.9+3332           12:27:13.50  +33:39:10.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 mipsphot    138.58   2006-06-16 13:57:01.0     15063296  MIPSP-0002                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-16 16:12:39.2     17290752  anneal                                  
NGC6137                   16:23:03.10  +37:55:20.50  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     70.89   2006-06-16 16:23:38.5     17406976  MIPSP-NGC6137-160                       
NGC6341-offsets           17:17:07.27  +43:08:11.50  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot     45.54   2006-06-16 17:32:46.7     17314304  n6341_70                                
hip 91120                 18:35:14.49  +41:34:53.60  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.43   2006-06-16 18:17:16.3     17346048  MIPSP-0200-earlyf                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-16 18:46:56.5     17291776  anneal                                  
WD2144-079                21:47:37.25  -07:44:12.20  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-06-16 18:56:52.4     17492992  MIPSP-0001                              
IRAS F00183-7111          00:20:34.69  -70:55:26.70  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-06-16 19:30:48.7     17528320  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg001                     
IRAS 06009-7716           05:58:36.93  -77:16:38.80  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-06-16 19:41:05.3     17531648  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg009                     
IRAS06301-7934            06:26:42.20  -79:36:30.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-06-16 19:49:43.3     17530624  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg012                     
NGC2434 cluster           07:34:51.16  -69:17:02.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     32.96   2006-06-16 19:59:28.4     18040832  T78M_NGC2434                            
IRAS06361-6217            06:36:35.71  -62:20:31.80  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-06-16 20:30:41.1     17530880  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg013                     
IRAS06206-6315            06:21:00.80  -63:17:23.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-06-16 20:39:14.9     17530368  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg010                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-16 21:39:13.1     17291008  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD 105371                 12:08:00.66  +25:22:37.30  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      5.46   2006-06-16 21:51:29.7     17425920  MIPSP-0015                              
3C 273                    12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.11   2006-06-16 21:56:40.1     14760960  MIPSP-273b                              
S25                       12:30:34.43  +01:16:24.40  van Gorkom        OUTLIERS     20410 mipsphot     13.12   2006-06-16 22:07:00.9     14655488  MIPSP-0024                              
ngc4517                   12:32:45.59  +00:06:54.10  de Jong           ROELOF       20268 mipsscan    137.78   2006-06-16 22:20:17.8     14481152  MIPSC-NGC4517                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-17 00:36:54.5     17291264  anneal                                  
GR8                       12:58:40.44  +14:13:02.90  Skillman          SHINDIG_MIPS 20425 mipsscan     54.32   2006-06-17 00:43:13.0     14666496  MIPSC-GR8                               
Subaru Deep Field-South   13:24:38.90  +27:21:25.90  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.70   2006-06-17 01:36:02.8     14417152  MIPSP-0000                              
noao1432+34_45            14:34:24.47  +33:45:43.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.03   2006-06-17 03:58:43.4     14518016  MIPSP-0025                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-17 04:28:18.8     17292288  anneal                                  
noao1432+34_56            14:35:20.75  +34:04:18.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.03   2006-06-17 04:30:25.5     14517504  MIPSP-0022                              
NGC5615                   14:24:06.90  +34:51:44.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     18.15   2006-06-17 04:56:06.9     16319488  SIGS_MIPS - NGC5615                     
TPMPole                   18:00:00.00  +66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-06-17 05:15:21.3     17484544  MIPS_TPMPole_N34New                     
NGC5350                   13:53:21.60  +40:22:15.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     26.55   2006-06-17 05:30:25.2     16306432  SIGS_MIPS - NGC5350                     
CL1312+3900               13:12:19.40  +39:00:58.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-06-17 05:55:22.6     16818944  CL1312+3900m24                          
CL1312+3900m70            13:12:19.40  +39:00:58.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-06-17 06:10:01.3     16819200  CL1312+3900m70                          
GRB050522                 13:20:37.00  +24:47:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-06-17 06:38:13.7     17176832  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050522                  
CL1222+2709               12:22:01.90  +27:09:19.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.77   2006-06-17 07:05:04.3     16818176  CL1222+2709m24                          
NGC4458 cluster           12:28:57.57  +13:14:30.80  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.06   2006-06-17 07:21:55.1     18042880  T78M_NGC4458                            
IRAS12514+1027            12:54:00.82  +10:11:12.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.10   2006-06-17 07:52:59.5     17533184  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg023                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-17 08:08:55.9     17292544  anneal                                  
HD 108956                 12:31:03.28  +23:46:23.20  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      5.46   2006-06-17 08:09:58.7     17427200  MIPSP-0020                              
BD+25 2509                12:28:04.78  +24:13:37.20  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      7.43   2006-06-17 08:12:33.9     17434112  MIPSP-0047                              
* 22 Com                  12:33:34.22  +24:16:58.70  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      5.46   2006-06-17 08:17:23.3     17423104  MIPSP-0004                              
Cl* Melotte 111 AV 2331   12:36:18.70  +25:13:40.70  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      7.43   2006-06-17 08:20:04.8     17433856  MIPSP-0046                              
HD108651                  12:28:44.57  +25:53:57.60  Rieke             CLEANUP      30566 mipsphot     14.01   2006-06-17 08:24:58.4     17655296  MIPSP-ISO-1                             
PG1216+069                12:19:20.90  +06:38:38.10  Low               LOWSTARS        72 mipsphot     12.02   2006-06-17 08:38:23.7     16181248  MIPSP-LOW-QSO-PG1216+069_70             
NGC 4273 Group - MIPS 24m 12:19:55.00  +05:18:51.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     14.38   2006-06-17 08:47:45.7     16316928  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 4273 Group (MIPS 24 mu) 
NGC 4273 Group (70, 160 m 12:19:47.40  +05:17:05.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     67.95   2006-06-17 08:59:13.6     16307712  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 4273 Group - MIPS (70 16
NGC 4567/ NGC4568 center  12:36:35.00  +11:14:15.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     19.16   2006-06-17 10:05:15.1     16308480  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 4567/NGC 4568           
kpg347                    12:36:33.00  +11:14:57.00  Krmpotic          ERNEST       20671 mipsphot     23.60   2006-06-17 10:21:07.2     14967296  MIPSP-0001                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-17 11:53:58.1     17292032  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SG1120                    11:20:20.00  -12:02:14.50  Tran              KTRAN        20683 mipsscan    149.86   2006-06-17 12:08:50.6     14969600  SG1120 - Scan Map 01                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-17 14:36:33.2     17293056  anneal                                  
SG1120                    11:20:20.00  -12:02:14.50  Tran              KTRAN        20683 mipsscan    149.86   2006-06-17 14:42:28.0     14969856  SG1120 - Scan Map 02                    
TPMPole                   06:00:00.00  -66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING2   20075 mipstp       14.17   2006-06-17 17:14:56.3     17483008  MIPS_TPMPole_S34New                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-17 17:28:21.1     17293312  anneal                                  
brc55                     08:41:13.03  -40:52:03.30  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot     10.70   2006-06-17 17:36:05.1     17513472  MIPSP-brc55                             
dust center               08:48:00.00  -43:39:60.00  Fazio             VMRD         30335 mipsscan     75.79   2006-06-17 17:44:46.2     17605632  dust_MIPS-2                             
dust center               08:48:00.00  -43:39:60.00  Fazio             VMRD         30335 mipsscan     75.78   2006-06-17 18:57:38.8     17605888  dust_MIPS-3                             
dust center               08:48:00.00  -43:39:60.00  Fazio             VMRD         30335 mipsscan     75.78   2006-06-17 20:10:31.3     17606144  dust_MIPS-4                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-17 22:20:58.1     17292800  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Subaru Deep Field-North   13:24:38.90  +27:37:26.00  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.68   2006-06-17 22:34:33.6     14418432  MIPSP-0001 - copy                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-18 00:55:04.7     17296128  anneal                                  
Subaru Deep Field-North   13:24:38.90  +27:37:26.00  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.68   2006-06-18 01:01:59.4     14418176  MIPSP-0001                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-18 03:26:47.5     17296384  anneal                                  
Subaru Deep Field-North   13:24:38.90  +27:37:26.00  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.68   2006-06-18 03:32:19.2     14418944  MIPSP-0001 - copy - 0002                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-18 05:54:30.1     17296640  anneal                                  
Subaru Deep Field-North   13:24:38.90  +27:37:26.00  Malkan            SDF          20229 mipsphot    143.68   2006-06-18 05:59:42.8     14418688  MIPSP-0001 - copy - 0001                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-18 08:22:02.9     17293824  anneal                                  
3C 273                    12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.10   2006-06-18 08:30:15.2     14761216  MIPSP-273c                              
hd75289                   08:47:40.39  -41:44:12.50  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     36.77   2006-06-18 08:46:09.4     14040576  MIPSP-0014                              
dust center               08:48:00.00  -43:39:60.00  Fazio             VMRD         30335 mipsscan     75.78   2006-06-18 09:20:51.9     17606400  dust_MIPS-5                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-18 11:36:58.1     17293568  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips         16.68   2006-06-18 11:53:44.8     17305344  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_2                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips         16.42   2006-06-18 12:10:38.3     17303552  mips_drk70160cvz_2                      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      6.33   2006-06-18 12:29:10.3     17271808  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_3    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot      6.33   2006-06-18 12:34:13.3     17272064  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_3    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     17.59   2006-06-18 12:38:13.4     17272320  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_3      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mipsphot     17.60   2006-06-18 12:54:45.4     17272576  MIPS-CALMC32-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_3      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-18 13:09:29.4     17294080  anneal                                  
53w002                    17:14:21.14  +50:15:20.00  Im                IM53W002     20253 mipsphot    173.56   2006-06-18 13:18:52.4     14453504  MIPSP-53w002_P1                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1736 mips          6.83   2006-06-18 16:09:58.6     17296896  anneal                                  
HD161796                  17:44:55.47  +50:02:39.50  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot    108.17   2006-06-18 16:17:16.2     14470400  HD161796-70-FullMap-LongExp             
HD161796                  17:44:55.47  +50:02:39.50  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     43.73   2006-06-18 18:02:03.5     14470656  HD161796-70-FullMap-MediumExp           
HD161796                  17:44:55.47  +50:02:39.50  Speck             MIRIAD       20258 mipsphot     20.04   2006-06-18 18:42:23.6     14470912  HD161796-70-FullMap-ShortExp            
rcw38                     08:59:05.70  -47:30:41.00  Wolk              SWOLK        20127 mipsphot     48.72   2006-06-18 19:13:48.9     15295744  MIPSP-RCW38 - 0001 - EPOCH2             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          67.08   2006-06-18 21:33:28.7     19335936  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.05   2006-06-18 22:40:26.5     19336192  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.99   2006-06-18 22:52:43.8     19312896  caldrk_IRS-32_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-18 23:05:01.6     19317248  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     24.61   2006-06-18 23:29:38.4     19311360  caldrk_IRS-32_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long      
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     23.16   2006-06-18 23:51:56.2     19322880  calsfx-32I-HD163466_1                   
NGC5907-2N                15:15:53.69  +56:19:43.90  van der Werf      H2-DISKS-CYC 20658 irsstare    125.15   2006-06-19 00:14:24.4     14965760  NGC5907-2N                              
NGC5194                   13:29:52.71  +47:11:42.60  Sheth             KARTIK       20138 irspeakup   154.01   2006-06-19 02:18:26.5     16802048  IRSI-0000                               
SDSS_J115747.56+531404.2  11:57:47.57  +53:14:04.29  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-06-19 04:52:28.3     14110976  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J115747.56+531404.2    
SDSS_J121122.99+501611.4  12:11:22.99  +50:16:11.44  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-06-19 05:14:53.4     14111232  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J121122.99+501611.4    
SDSS_J115825.59+505501.4  11:58:25.59  +50:55:01.48  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-06-19 05:37:00.1     14111744  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J115825.59+505501.4    
IC 0749/IC 0759           11:58:34.00  +42:44:03.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.02   2006-06-19 05:59:29.2     16301824  SIGS_IRS- IC 0749/IC 0759               
NGC 3788                  11:39:44.60  +31:55:53.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     24.49   2006-06-19 06:31:17.7     16323584  IRSS-0002                               
NGC 3991/NGC 3994/NGC3995 11:57:30.42  +32:20:03.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     41.87   2006-06-19 06:53:46.2     16328448  SIGS_IRS- NGC 3991/NGC 3994/NGC3995 CLUS
Haro26                    11:03:43.36  +28:53:13.50  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-06-19 07:34:26.0     17469952  Wu-0028-cheap                           
VCC1192                   12:29:30.26  +07:59:34.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    12.42   2006-06-19 07:41:56.1     16849152  IRSI-v1192                              
2MASS 08093547-4913033    08:09:35.47  -49:13:03.30  Lada              N2547_M4.5   20750 irsstare    124.92   2006-06-19 08:00:15.9     15096064  m4d-1                                   
2MASS 08093547-4913033    08:09:35.47  -49:13:03.30  Lada              N2547_M4.5   20750 irsstare    124.92   2006-06-19 10:10:55.1     15096320  m4d-2                                   
2MASS 08093547-4913033    08:09:35.47  -49:13:03.30  Lada              N2547_M4.5   20750 irsstare    124.92   2006-06-19 12:13:13.2     15096576  m4d-3                                   
2MASS 08093547-4913033    08:09:35.47  -49:13:03.30  Lada              N2547_M4.5   20750 irsstare    124.92   2006-06-19 14:15:31.7     15096832  m4d-4                                   
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     74.56   2006-06-19 16:18:38.5     19319552  calsfx-32A-eta1Dor                      
Hip 30034                 06:19:12.91  -58:03:15.50  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 irspeakup    17.37   2006-06-19 17:31:23.5     15176704  IRSI-HIP30034                           
HD59468                   07:27:25.47  -51:24:09.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     28.86   2006-06-19 17:47:39.9     16003328  HD59468_IRS                             
HD 61518                  07:37:02.80  -52:21:57.00  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     14.85   2006-06-19 18:14:01.3     15025152  IRSS-HD61518                            
CD-48 3578                08:11:11.34  -49:04:44.10  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.70   2006-06-19 18:27:00.1     14156800  IRSS-WernerAstars-70                    
HD68558                   08:10:42.33  -48:57:25.30  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.96   2006-06-19 19:01:33.5     14155264  IRSS-WernerAstars-64                    
Cl* NGC 2516 DAC 227      07:57:48.99  -60:35:38.90  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.64   2006-06-19 19:38:22.3     14159872  IRSS-WernerAstars-82                    
CPD-60 1007               07:58:51.39  -60:40:02.50  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.50   2006-06-19 20:12:47.3     14156544  IRSS-WernerAstars-69                    
cpd-60 975                07:57:58.03  -60:50:45.60  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.69   2006-06-19 20:47:10.6     14157312  IRSS-WernerAstars-72                    
GSC 08911-03279           07:59:39.54  -61:11:40.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.08   2006-06-19 21:21:53.4     14155776  IRSS-WernerAstars-66                    
Cl* NGC 2516 DAC 516      07:57:38.12  -60:56:56.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.63   2006-06-19 21:56:58.3     14159616  IRSS-WernerAstars-81                    
Cl* NGC 2516 DAC 11A      07:56:41.63  -60:37:50.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.14   2006-06-19 22:31:32.6     14160128  IRSS-WernerAstars-83                    
HD 64760                  07:53:18.16  -48:06:10.60  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irsstare     16.86   2006-06-19 23:08:46.8     14205696  IRSS-HD64760                            
NGC 3165/NGC 3166 CLUSTER 10:13:45.67  +03:25:29.40  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     32.66   2006-06-19 23:27:44.3     16320256  SIGS_IRS- NGC 3165/NGC 3166 CLUSTER     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-20 01:09:11.5     19337216  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.72   2006-06-20 01:20:00.5     19311872  caldrk_IRS-32_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.79   2006-06-20 01:31:41.1     19312128  caldrk_IRS-32_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.76   2006-06-20 01:43:21.9     19312640  caldrk_IRS-32_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-20 01:53:21.9     19326208  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
WR144                     20:32:03.10  +41:15:20.00  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare    148.05   2006-06-20 02:21:12.6     14237696  IRSS-WR144                              
WR144-OFF                 20:32:16.10  +41:15:06.00  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     34.63   2006-06-20 04:46:23.3     14239232  IRSS-WR144-OFF                          
WR145                     20:32:06.28  +40:48:29.70  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     52.04   2006-06-20 05:17:57.9     14236928  IRSS-WR145                              
LkHa 224 SKY              20:20:25.36  +41:21:28.50  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     11.35   2006-06-20 06:09:11.3     16830720  LkHa 224 SKY IRS                        
LkHa 224                  20:20:29.36  +41:21:28.50  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     11.36   2006-06-20 06:17:58.8     16827648  LkHa 224 IRS                            
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     23.16   2006-06-20 06:28:14.8     19322624  calsfx-32I-HD163466                     
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.29   2006-06-20 06:50:41.6     19319808  calsfx-32B-HR7341                       
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.81   2006-06-20 07:22:44.1     19320064  calsfx-32B-sky                          
WR135                     20:11:53.53  +36:11:50.50  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     52.00   2006-06-20 07:40:59.4     14239744  IRSS-WR135                              
cygp7_spectra             20:54:37.45  +32:17:50.00  Sankrit           CYGSHOCKS    20743 irsstare    126.76   2006-06-20 08:31:39.8     15088640  IRSS-0002                               
cygp7_spectra             20:54:37.45  +32:17:50.00  Sankrit           CYGSHOCKS    20743 irsstare    245.69   2006-06-20 10:44:27.6     15088384  IRSS-0001                               
cygxa_specpos             20:57:14.68  +31:02:33.70  Sankrit           CYGSHOCKS    20743 irsstare    169.14   2006-06-20 14:47:23.6     15087872  IRSS-0000                               
HD190404                  20:03:52.13  +23:20:26.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     43.56   2006-06-20 17:34:48.2     16021760  HD190404_IRS                            
HD190470                  20:04:10.05  +25:47:24.80  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     74.40   2006-06-20 18:16:03.0     16020224  HD190470_IRS                            
HD 190788                 20:05:50.34  +25:36:03.20  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     37.07   2006-06-20 19:29:22.1     13845248  IRSS-HD190788                           
WW Vul                    19:25:58.75  +21:12:31.30  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     44.30   2006-06-20 20:05:45.1     16828672  WW Vul IRS                              
I19399                    19:42:05.50  +23:18:59.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare      9.55   2006-06-20 20:46:06.3     17504000  IRSS-0017                               
I20462                    20:48:16.60  +34:27:24.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare     10.38   2006-06-20 20:54:53.2     17504512  IRSS-0019                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-20 22:14:30.2     19337728  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.49   2006-06-20 22:25:30.0     19312384  caldrk_IRS-32_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.31   2006-06-20 22:36:44.0     19311616  caldrk_IRS-32_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     54.03   2006-06-20 22:46:35.7     19311104  caldrk_IRS-32_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.99   2006-06-20 23:36:33.1     19316992  caldrk_IRS-32_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     16.75   2006-06-20 23:50:29.4     19320320  calsfx-32C-ksiDra                       
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     13.77   2006-06-21 00:04:00.4     19320576  calsfx-32C-sky                          
pg1322+659                13:23:49.54  +65:41:48.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.07   2006-06-21 00:18:32.1     14196224  IRSS-0033                               
EGS J142102.7+530224.8    14:21:02.67  +53:02:24.80  Fazio             ZEQ2         30327 irsmap       97.36   2006-06-21 00:50:41.9     17398528  M-EGS-B6                                
ModzSED_boo10             14:30:24.46  +32:56:16.40  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     16.54   2006-06-21 02:27:50.9     14082304  IRS_MODZSED_MIR02-0005                  
LINEAR                        1000446        LINEAR  Woodney           COMETS5AU    20639 irsstare    204.71   2006-06-21 02:50:59.5     14950400  lmwComet2003O1                          
ABELL 1656:[D80] 143      13:00:54.46  +28:00:27.30  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-21 06:13:29.4     16840192  IRSI-143map                             
ABELL 1656:[D80] 144      13:00:42.76  +27:58:16.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    64.82   2006-06-21 06:35:20.9     16841728  IRSI-144map                             
ABELL 1656:[D80] 78       13:01:31.70  +27:50:50.20  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-21 07:36:57.4     16841216  IRSI-78map                              
ABELL 1656:[D80] 79       13:01:17.50  +27:48:33.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-21 07:58:49.7     16841472  IRSI-79map                              
ABELL 1656:[D80] 217      12:59:57.60  +28:14:50.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-21 08:20:58.7     16840960  IRSI-217map                             
167_168_194_91_69_103     13:00:51.57  +28:02:34.20  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    37.48   2006-06-21 08:42:59.4     16842496  IRSI-167ext                             
DDO135                    12:33:48.00  +15:10:05.00  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-06-21 09:19:33.6     17468160  Wu-0021-cheap                           
VCC698                    12:24:05.02  +11:13:05.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.20   2006-06-21 09:24:42.2     16849920  IRSI-v698                               
VCC786                    12:25:14.48  +11:50:58.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-21 09:46:54.6     16844288  IRSI-v786                               
VCC951                    12:26:54.42  +11:39:49.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-21 10:36:09.4     16845568  IRSI-v951                               
VCC1087                   12:28:14.86  +11:47:23.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    29.07   2006-06-21 11:25:24.2     16847360  IRSI-v1087                              
VCC1073                   12:28:08.60  +12:05:35.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    17.37   2006-06-21 11:51:21.5     16847872  IRSI-v1073                              
VCC1010                   12:27:27.36  +12:17:25.20  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    17.37   2006-06-21 12:05:34.3     16848384  IRSI-v1010                              
VCC1036                   12:27:41.22  +12:18:57.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    17.37   2006-06-21 12:19:37.7     16848640  IRSI-v1036                              
VCC940                    12:26:47.05  +12:27:14.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-21 12:42:33.8     16844544  IRSI-v940                               
VCC828                    12:25:41.70  +12:48:37.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-21 13:31:51.3     16850944  IRSI-v828                               
VCC881                    12:26:11.74  +12:56:46.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    51.85   2006-06-21 13:53:48.0     16858368  IRSI-v881cal                            
VCC1122                   12:28:41.73  +12:54:57.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-21 14:42:43.1     16846336  IRSI-v1122                              
VCC1146                   12:28:57.57  +13:14:30.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-21 15:31:56.1     16850688  IRSI-v1146                              
VCC1283                   12:30:18.35  +13:34:39.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.20   2006-06-21 15:54:02.4     16849664  IRSI-v1283                              
VCC1453                   12:32:44.21  +14:11:46.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    29.07   2006-06-21 16:16:17.4     16847616  IRSI-v1453                              
VCC1479                   12:33:07.55  +14:34:29.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    38.42   2006-06-21 16:42:15.9     16849408  IRSI-v1479                              
VCC1491                   12:33:14.02  +12:51:27.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-21 17:17:58.9     16846592  IRSI-v1491                              
VCC1348                   12:31:15.72  +12:19:54.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-21 18:07:20.0     16845824  IRSI-v1348                              
VCC1261                   12:30:10.33  +10:46:46.10  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    17.37   2006-06-21 18:56:55.3     16848128  IRSI-v1261                              
VCC1422                   12:32:14.21  +10:15:05.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    17.37   2006-06-21 19:11:18.9     16848896  IRSI-v1422                              
VCC1062                   12:28:03.89  +09:48:13.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    39.88   2006-06-21 19:25:51.4     16858624  IRSI-v1062cal                           
LINEAR                        1000446        LINEAR  Woodney           COMETS5AU    20639 irsstare    204.71   2006-06-21 20:13:13.3     14950656  lmwComet2003O1 - shadow                 
ABELL 1656:[D80] 164      13:03:00.89  +28:01:57.20  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-21 23:35:31.0     16844032  IRSI-164map                             
ABELL 1656:[D80] 49       13:01:53.75  +27:37:27.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    35.91   2006-06-21 23:57:37.0     16840704  IRSI-49map                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          67.08   2006-06-22 01:53:24.2     19334912  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.05   2006-06-22 03:00:22.0     19336704  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.72   2006-06-22 03:11:23.7     19315968  caldrk_IRS-32_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.79   2006-06-22 03:23:04.0     19316224  caldrk_IRS-32_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-22 03:35:05.7     19326464  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.07   2006-06-22 04:00:46.3     19317504  calsfx-32D-HD173511                     
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.80   2006-06-22 04:32:35.8     19317760  calsfx-32D-sky                          
cgcg 269-049              12:15:46.82  +52:23:16.50  Burstein          CGCG         20356 irsmap      352.95   2006-06-22 04:52:30.6     14539008  IRSM-0001-CGCG                          
M51background             13:29:37.57  +47:15:56.20  Sheth             KARTIK       20138 irsmap       20.56   2006-06-22 10:44:09.8     16801280  IRSM-0003                               
ModzSED_boo26             14:34:45.32  +33:13:46.10  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     20.25   2006-06-22 11:03:48.3     14083584  IRS_MODZSED_MIR07                       
Mrk 766                   12:18:26.51  +29:48:46.30  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare     31.74   2006-06-22 11:24:11.5     14448896  NLS1-0008                               
Mrk 766 off               12:18:26.51  +29:47:46.30  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare      9.13   2006-06-22 11:52:32.0     16422144  NLS1-0008-off                           
pg1202+281                12:04:42.10  +27:54:11.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-06-22 11:59:30.0     14194432  IRSS-0026                               
VCC608                    12:23:01.68  +15:54:19.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-22 12:31:02.7     16845056  IRSI-v608                               
VCC575                    12:22:43.31  +08:11:53.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.20   2006-06-22 13:30:14.4     16850176  IRSI-v575                               
VCC745                    12:24:46.97  +07:21:11.20  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    29.07   2006-06-22 13:52:33.8     16847104  IRSI-v745                               
VCC1178                   12:29:21.31  +08:09:23.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.20   2006-06-22 14:18:52.0     16851200  IRSI-v1178                              
VCC1254                   12:30:05.09  +08:04:23.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-22 14:40:50.3     16845312  IRSI-v1254                              
VCC1903                   12:42:02.32  +11:38:48.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    39.88   2006-06-22 15:30:53.9     16858112  IRSI-v1903cal                           
VCC490                    12:21:38.78  +15:44:42.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.34   2006-06-22 16:08:41.1     16846080  IRSI-v490                               
SN 2006X                  12:22:53.99  +15:48:33.10  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irspeakup    20.82   2006-06-22 16:57:54.0     16944896  PUI-sn2006X-1                           
SN 2006X                  12:22:53.99  +15:48:33.10  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 irsstare     82.59   2006-06-22 17:15:50.7     16945920  IRS-2006X-1                             
VCC1475                   12:33:04.96  +16:15:55.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    25.18   2006-06-22 18:35:46.2     16850432  IRSI-v1475                              
3C264                     11:45:05.01  +19:36:22.70  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-06-22 18:59:51.4     14807552  IRSS-3c264                              
SDSS_J105539.17+022344.7  10:55:39.17  +02:23:44.76  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 irsstare     24.61   2006-06-22 20:22:24.5     14107904  IRSS-0000 - SDSS_J105539.17+022344.7    
pg1048-090                10:51:29.90  -09:18:10.00  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.14   2006-06-22 20:45:08.6     14192384  IRSS-0017                               
pg1011-040                10:14:20.69  -04:18:40.50  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.07   2006-06-22 21:16:52.4     14191360  IRSS-0014                               
bacchus                       2002063       Bacchus  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare     60.69   2006-06-22 22:02:34.5     14525440  IRS_bacchus                             
VCC1939                   12:42:49.87  +02:41:16.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    51.94   2006-06-22 23:01:51.8     16858880  IRSI-v1939cal                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-23 01:09:38.0     19337984  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.76   2006-06-23 01:20:34.9     19316736  caldrk_IRS-32_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.48   2006-06-23 01:30:28.3     19310336  caldrk_IRS-32_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     44.19   2006-06-23 01:43:18.1     19310080  caldrk_IRS-32_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
NGC5194                   13:29:52.71  +47:11:42.60  Sheth             KARTIK       20138 irsmap      362.98   2006-06-23 02:56:14.3     16801792  IRSM-0002                               
ModzSED_boo28             14:32:28.36  +34:58:38.80  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare    162.14   2006-06-23 08:58:30.3     14083840  IRS_MODZSED_MIR07-0000                  
IRS_BOOTES_926            14:36:36.65  +34:50:34.00  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     52.80   2006-06-23 11:37:51.0     14129152  IRS_LIRGs_025_6                         
IRS_BOOTES_104            14:33:26.18  +33:05:58.60  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     53.03   2006-06-23 12:28:03.8     14128128  IRS_LIRGs_025_2                         
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     23.16   2006-06-23 13:32:24.9     19323136  calsfx-32I-HD163466_2                   
Mrk231                    12:56:14.29  +56:52:25.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     36.26   2006-06-23 13:56:19.0     19318016  calsfx-32E-Mrk231                       
Mrk231-sky                12:56:00.00  +56:51:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     22.67   2006-06-23 14:29:19.0     19318272  calsfx-32E-sky                          
NGC5194                   13:29:52.71  +47:11:42.60  Sheth             KARTIK       20138 irsmap      362.98   2006-06-23 14:50:47.6     16801536  IRSM-0000                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-23 22:09:54.8     19338240  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     54.03   2006-06-23 22:20:46.7     19315200  caldrk_IRS-32_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     24.61   2006-06-23 23:11:32.9     19315456  caldrk_IRS-32_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-23 23:32:30.8     19326720  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     23.16   2006-06-23 23:57:57.7     19323392  calsfx-32I-HD163466_3                   
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.07   2006-06-24 00:20:05.2     19318528  calsfx-32F-HR7341                       
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.81   2006-06-24 00:51:53.8     19318784  calsfx-32F-sky                          
FSC1453+3839              14:53:35.96  +38:39:13.10  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.20   2006-06-24 01:11:56.5     17544448  IRSS-e-dww-FSC18                        
107_81_191_156            12:59:20.17  +27:53:09.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup   199.33   2006-06-24 01:27:24.7     16843520  IRSI-107ext                             
ABELL 1656:[D80] 129      12:59:35.71  +27:57:33.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup   290.69   2006-06-24 04:43:21.9     16839936  IRSI-129map                             
IC3599                    12:37:41.20  +26:42:27.20  Houck             LHDWARFAGN   30715 irsstare     38.62   2006-06-24 09:32:11.2     18852608  LH1_IRSS-0000                           
ABELL 1656:[D80] 240      12:57:31.97  +28:28:36.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    35.86   2006-06-24 10:08:26.6     16842240  IRSI-240map                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          67.08   2006-06-24 11:47:25.4     19335424  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.05   2006-06-24 12:54:23.2     19336960  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.99   2006-06-24 13:04:46.6     19314944  caldrk_IRS-32_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_1
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-24 13:17:04.1     19326976  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.49   2006-06-24 13:40:58.7     19316480  caldrk_IRS-32_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
DDO204                    16:16:18.35  +47:02:47.10  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-06-24 13:54:40.7     17468672  Wu-0023-cheap                           
IC5146                    21:45:58.59  +47:36:01.40  Langer            LANGER        3290 irsstare    128.23   2006-06-24 14:06:15.4     16751872  SLO-IRS-SH01                            
29 Vul                    20:38:31.34  +21:12:04.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     64.37   2006-06-24 16:12:26.2     19320832  calsfx-32G-29Vul                        
pg2209+184                22:11:53.66  +18:41:51.40  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.05   2006-06-24 17:16:26.0     14202112  IRSS-0056                               
Penelope                      2000201      Penelope  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       20.49   2006-06-24 18:00:06.2     14736896  IRSM-201_Penelope                       
HR 8530                   22:23:32.15  -07:11:39.90  Houck             ATTOROCKS_IR 30951 irsstare      6.05   2006-06-24 18:19:20.8     17482240  IRSS-G-WJF-ARKG-0005                    
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-24 18:39:35.6     17899008  Patroclus_event1_0                      
397                       14:33:21.82  +34:25:02.00  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      137.11   2006-06-24 18:50:41.1     17604352  IRSM-397                                
Penelope                      2000201      Penelope  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.70   2006-06-24 21:19:32.1     16224768  IRSM-201_Penelope_shadow                
FSC1551+3445              15:51:08.86  +34:45:33.60  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.28   2006-06-24 21:30:04.4     17545472  IRSS-e-dww-FSC22                        
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-24 21:54:24.9     17899264  Patroclus_event1_1                      
IRS_BOOTES_274            14:36:19.14  +33:29:17.90  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     33.73   2006-06-24 22:05:40.7     14125824  IRS_LIRGs_015_2                         
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-24 22:46:35.7     17899520  Patroclus_event1_2                      
75176 (1999 VV155)            2075176 75176 (1999 V  Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 irspeakup    19.32   2006-06-24 23:00:35.6     15713024  karins_75176_PUI                        
HD85512                   09:51:07.05  -43:30:10.00  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.04   2006-06-24 23:21:39.1     16010240  HD85512_IRS                             
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-24 23:54:08.7     17899776  Patroclus_event1_3                      
FSC1540+4310              15:40:14.02  +43:10:42.40  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.20   2006-06-25 00:06:12.6     17544960  IRSS-e-dww-FSC20                        
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-25 00:41:29.8     17900032  Patroclus_event1_4                      
IRS_BOOTES_146            14:32:52.49  +33:11:53.90  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     47.10   2006-06-25 00:52:45.7     14131968  IRS_LIRGs_045_1                         
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-25 01:46:58.7     17900288  Patroclus_event1_5                      
IRS_BOOTES_425            14:36:33.16  +33:48:05.70  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     43.66   2006-06-25 01:58:16.5     14128640  IRS_LIRGs_025_4                         
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-25 02:49:05.3     17900544  Patroclus_event1_6                      
ABELL 1656:[D80] 148      13:00:07.68  +27:58:32.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    67.97   2006-06-25 02:58:34.7     16841984  IRSI-148map                             
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-25 04:12:03.8     17900800  Patroclus_event1_7                      
ModzSED_boo30             14:36:28.12  +33:33:58.00  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare     29.19   2006-06-25 04:23:25.0     14087168  IRS_MODZSED_MIR20-0003                  
2004 YJ35                     1002313          null  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    12.47   2006-06-25 05:03:19.7     15186432  dcjcloidsYJ35                           
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-25 05:24:07.6     17901056  Patroclus_event1_8                      
432                       14:26:00.56  +34:34:52.80  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap       87.02   2006-06-25 05:35:12.4     17603328  IRSM-432                                
IRAS06301-7934sky         06:26:42.20  -79:38:30.40  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-06-25 07:09:46.1     16420096  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg032sky                 
IRAS06301-7934            06:26:42.20  -79:36:30.40  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.19   2006-06-25 07:26:07.5     14575872  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg032                    
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     74.55   2006-06-25 07:52:13.2     19321088  calsfx-32A-eta1Dor_1                    
Hen 3-519                 10:53:59.66  -60:26:44.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsmap       37.42   2006-06-25 09:07:03.8     19325184  calwav-32A-Hen5-319map                  
Cl* NGC 2516 DAC 232      07:57:25.03  -60:39:17.10  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.14   2006-06-25 09:44:05.5     14159360  IRSS-WernerAstars-80                    
HD67199                   08:02:31.19  -66:01:15.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.19   2006-06-25 10:20:19.8     16015872  HD67199_IRS                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-25 11:55:37.8     19338496  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-25 12:06:45.6     19327232  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.76   2006-06-25 12:30:42.2     19314688  caldrk_IRS-32_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_1 
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.06   2006-06-25 12:41:37.8     19319040  calsfx-32H-HR6348                       
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.80   2006-06-25 13:13:26.9     19319296  calsfx-32H-sky                          
2001 FC7                      2068278      2001 FC7  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare    176.88   2006-06-25 13:43:12.7     14524160  IRS_2001FC7                             
IRS_BOOTES_843            14:31:21.88  +34:40:46.30  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     72.20   2006-06-25 16:42:00.9     14130432  IRS_LIRGs_035_5                         
3C424                     20:48:12.03  +07:01:17.50  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.55   2006-06-25 17:58:51.2     14811648  IRSS-3c424                              
Zwetana                       2000785       Zwetana  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       18.14   2006-06-25 19:29:22.4     14740224  IRSM-785_Zwetana                        
SDSS J231055.50-090107.6  23:10:55.50  -09:01:07.47  Shang             SHANGPSQ     30075 irsstare     72.47   2006-06-25 21:22:06.4     17729792  IRSS-PSQ - SDSS J231055.50-090107.6     
1992 WD5                      2005653      1992 WD5  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare     35.45   2006-06-25 22:39:43.5     14526464  IRS_1992WD5                             
Zwetana                       2000785       Zwetana  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.14   2006-06-25 23:18:11.5     16225536  IRSM-785_Zwetana_shadow                 
EGS7802                   14:16:35.39  +52:12:35.40  Rieke             IROBSCUREDQS 30419 irsstare     47.45   2006-06-25 23:39:31.8     17637376  IRSS-EGS7802                            
ModzSED_boo14             14:32:34.90  +33:28:32.30  Dole              MODZSED_HDOL 20113 irsstare    122.38   2006-06-26 00:26:25.5     14086912  IRS_MODZSED_MIR20-0002                  
Q1422_D77                 14:24:47.53  +22:59:11.80  Fazio             IRAC-COMBINE    64 irsstare    297.54   2006-06-26 02:27:38.0     17675264  IRSS-D77                                
SSG1                      14:32:06.58  +34:16:12.00  Fazio             GTO3_SSG1    30139 irsmap      188.48   2006-06-26 07:24:08.4     17323008  S-SSG1                                  
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-26 10:41:44.6     17901312  Patroclus_event2_0                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-26 11:44:37.6     19338752  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.49   2006-06-26 11:55:26.4     19314432  caldrk_IRS-32_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.31   2006-06-26 12:06:40.4     19315712  caldrk_IRS-32_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-26 12:16:17.8     19325952  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
325                       14:28:32.44  +34:08:49.80  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      147.18   2006-06-26 12:44:30.4     17602816  IRSM-325                                
327                       14:29:41.09  +34:09:15.70  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      127.11   2006-06-26 15:08:32.9     17603840  IRSM-327                                
170                       14:29:20.15  +33:30:23.90  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      157.19   2006-06-26 17:12:49.8     17601280  IRSM-170                                
374                       14:29:51.20  +34:20:42.10  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      117.49   2006-06-26 19:47:23.3     17604096  IRSM-374                                
HI1225+01                 12:27:46.30  +01:36:00.50  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 irspeakup     8.06   2006-06-26 21:45:41.8     17574912  Wu_IRSI-0001                            
IRS_BOOTES_336            14:25:44.96  +33:37:05.40  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     72.31   2006-06-26 21:55:01.5     14129920  IRS_LIRGs_035_1                         
Haro43                    14:36:08.82  +28:26:59.00  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-06-26 23:05:15.5     17469440  Wu-0026-cheap                           
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-26 23:22:13.5     17901568  Patroclus_event2_1                      
HD90156                   10:23:55.27  -29:38:43.90  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     42.23   2006-06-26 23:34:22.7     14728448  HD90156_IRS                             
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-27 00:23:42.4     17901824  Patroclus_event2_2                      
NGC4501                   12:31:59.20  +14:25:13.50  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.35   2006-06-27 00:42:08.0     17965312  IRSS-0059                               
NGC4602                   12:40:36.85  -05:07:58.80  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.59   2006-06-27 01:01:47.2     17955328  IRSS-0017                               
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-27 01:30:47.2     17902080  Patroclus_event2_3                      
FSC1310+3220              13:10:28.64  +32:20:49.20  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.17   2006-06-27 01:40:38.7     17542912  IRSS-e-dww-FSC12                        
FSC1331+4851              13:31:50.54  +48:51:50.60  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.17   2006-06-27 01:55:53.5     17543168  IRSS-e-dww-FSC13                        
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-27 02:19:06.1     17902336  Patroclus_event2_4                      
10bootes30                14:32:32.52  +34:06:25.20  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.08   2006-06-27 02:30:07.9     17539072  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes21                   
SDSS J124833.52+563507.4  12:48:33.51  +56:35:07.28  Shang             SHANGPSQ     30075 irsstare     13.88   2006-06-27 03:10:06.0     17728512  IRSS-PSQ - SDSS J124833.52+563507.4     
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-27 03:29:01.1     17902592  Patroclus_event2_5                      
NGC3660                   11:23:32.28  -08:39:30.80  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.67   2006-06-27 03:39:14.3     17961472  IRSS-0042                               
IRAS 11065-6026 (WRA 751) 11:08:40.20  -60:42:51.40  Fazio             LBVS         30188 irsstare     11.80   2006-06-27 04:01:05.6     17332480  IRSS-LBV-0002                           
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-27 04:23:47.7     17902848  Patroclus_event2_6                      
IRS_BOOTES_48             14:26:16.05  +32:54:30.90  Lagache           IRS_LIRGS_MO 20128 irsstare     73.52   2006-06-27 04:34:45.0     14134016  IRS_LIRGs_055_1                         
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-27 05:55:29.8     17903104  Patroclus_event2_7                      
10bootes24                14:33:10.33  +33:46:04.51  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.08   2006-06-27 06:06:32.6     17539584  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes23                   
617 Patroclus                 2000617 617 Patroclus  Marchis           TOTALECLIPSE 30235 irsmap       10.08   2006-06-27 06:51:56.2     17903360  Patroclus_event2_8                      
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     23.16   2006-06-27 07:04:45.6     19323648  calsfx-32I-HD163466_4                   
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsmap       35.47   2006-06-27 07:30:11.8     19325440  calwav-32B-PCyg-0123-map                
NGC 7078                  21:29:58.38  +12:10:00.60  Bregman           JNBGC05      20438 irsmap       51.51   2006-06-27 08:03:14.3     14694912  IRSM-0000 - NGC 7078                    
pg2251+113                22:54:10.40  +11:36:38.30  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     22.09   2006-06-27 08:54:14.1     14202624  IRSS-0058                               
HD212168                  22:25:51.16  -75:00:56.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     20.38   2006-06-27 09:29:30.7     16007424  HD212168_IRS                            
HD205536                  21:40:29.77  -74:04:27.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     37.30   2006-06-27 09:47:31.8     16017664  HD205536_IRS                            
DX_Cha_CDE                12:00:09.30  -78:11:42.40  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsmap      100.87   2006-06-27 10:24:09.3     14973952  IRSM-EPSCHA_DXCHA_CDE_LL                
eps_Cha_Mstars            11:59:08.00  -78:12:32.20  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare    130.46   2006-06-27 12:01:59.3     14970880  IRSS-EPSCHA_Mstars                      
[NC98] Cha HA 10          11:08:24.04  -77:39:30.00  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 irsstare     26.39   2006-06-27 14:12:02.4     15192832  ChaHa-10-IRSS                           
[NC98] Cha HA 8           11:07:46.10  -77:40:08.90  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 irsstare     26.40   2006-06-27 14:35:51.7     15192576  ChaHa-8-IRSS                            
[NC98] Cha HA 11          11:08:29.27  -77:39:19.80  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 irsstare     26.39   2006-06-27 14:59:40.7     15193088  ChaHa-11-IRSS                           
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     74.55   2006-06-27 15:23:52.6     19388160  calsfx-32A-eta1Dor_2                    
CPD-60 986                07:58:14.72  -60:45:18.30  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.09   2006-06-27 16:36:59.0     14154752  IRSS-WernerAstars-62                    
CPD-60 1032               08:00:51.33  -61:01:09.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.14   2006-06-27 17:11:59.8     14156032  IRSS-WernerAstars-67                    
CPD-60 994                07:58:30.46  -60:57:19.10  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.99   2006-06-27 17:47:12.2     14156288  IRSS-WernerAstars-68                    
CPD-60 983                07:58:13.99  -60:39:02.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.30   2006-06-27 18:22:29.5     14154496  IRSS-WernerAstars-61                    
[MGL99] IRS 17 57         08:46:34.76  -43:54:30.50  Thi               ICES_VELA_TH 30601 irsstare     13.63   2006-06-27 18:59:39.5     18595840  IRS [MGL99] IRS 17 57                   
[MGL99] IRS 20 98         08:49:26.23  -43:17:11.00  Thi               ICES_VELA_TH 30601 irsstare     13.63   2006-06-27 19:10:24.2     18597376  IRS [MGL99] IRS 20 98                   
HD 74273                  08:41:05.32  -48:55:21.60  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irsstare     54.48   2006-06-27 19:22:14.0     14206208  IRSS-HD74273                            
WR15                      09:13:11.77  -50:06:25.50  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     51.89   2006-06-27 20:14:47.0     14240000  IRSS-WR15                               
WR15-OFF                  09:13:06.20  -50:08:01.00  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     12.50   2006-06-27 21:03:25.0     14240256  IRSS-WR15-OFF                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          67.08   2006-06-27 22:45:13.2     19387648  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.05   2006-06-27 23:52:11.0     19387904  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.72   2006-06-28 00:02:30.7     19313920  caldrk_IRS-32_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.79   2006-06-28 00:14:10.8     19314176  caldrk_IRS-32_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.48   2006-06-28 00:26:05.9     19310848  caldrk_IRS-32_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_1    
SSTXFLS 1725+5953         17:25:42.36  +59:53:17.60  Fazio             T75S-QSO3S   30447 irsstare     77.69   2006-06-28 00:38:18.6     17644800  T75S-1725+5953                          
SSTXFLS 1720+5915         17:20:50.47  +59:15:12.00  Fazio             T75S-QSO3S   30447 irsstare     24.65   2006-06-28 01:53:03.7     17644288  T75S-1720+5915                          
SSTXFLS 1722+5832         17:22:48.91  +58:32:56.30  Fazio             T75S-QSO3S   30447 irsstare     62.85   2006-06-28 02:14:50.0     17644544  T75S-1722+5832                          
SSTXFLS 1713+5858         17:13:31.51  +58:58:04.20  Fazio             T75S-QSO3S   30447 irsstare     82.54   2006-06-28 03:14:54.4     17644032  T75S-1713+5858                          
SSTXFLS 1711+5949         17:11:15.26  +59:49:06.90  Fazio             T75S-QSO3S   30447 irsstare     21.48   2006-06-28 04:34:35.2     17643776  T75S-1711+5949                          
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.31   2006-06-28 04:55:15.0     19388416  calsfx-32B-HR7341_2                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.81   2006-06-28 05:27:18.2     19388672  calsfx-32B-sky_2                        
I20572                    20:58:55.60  +49:31:13.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare      9.52   2006-06-28 05:45:04.2     17510400  IRSS-0034                               
G79.29+0.46               20:31:42.50  +40:21:56.00  Fazio             LBVS         30188 irsstare     11.75   2006-06-28 05:53:00.7     17333248  IRSS-LBV-0007                           
G79.29+0.46 - off         20:31:04.00  +40:21:00.00  Fazio             LBVS         30188 irsstare     11.75   2006-06-28 06:01:28.4     17333504  IRSS-LBV-0007 off                       
EP AQr _ LL               21:46:31.85  -02:12:45.90  Cami              JCAMI        20654 irsmap       49.08   2006-06-28 06:13:54.5     14964736  IRSM-0001                               
EP AQr _ SL               21:46:31.85  -02:12:45.90  Cami              JCAMI        20654 irsmap       50.80   2006-06-28 06:59:50.1     14964992  IRSM-0001 - copy - 0001                 
Eurydike                      2000075      Eurydike  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       25.13   2006-06-28 08:00:31.2     14737152  IRSM-75_Eurydike                        
NGC7590                   23:18:54.81  -42:14:20.60  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.44   2006-06-28 08:25:38.2     17964800  IRSS-0057                               
NGC424                    01:11:27.65  -38:05:00.50  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.58   2006-06-28 08:45:21.2     17957888  IRSS-0027                               
05329-6708 sky            05:32:46.48  -67:06:51.00  Houck             MC_SH14      30345 irsstare      5.49   2006-06-28 09:06:32.7     17400576  IRSS-mc_sh14-01-sky                     
05329-6708                05:32:51.60  -67:06:51.00  Houck             MC_SH14      30345 irsstare      8.75   2006-06-28 09:09:13.3     17400320  IRSS-mc_sh14-01                         
HD 76534 SKY              08:55:06.67  -43:27:29.60  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare    132.61   2006-06-28 09:28:53.1     16829440  HD 76534 SKY IRS                        
Eurydike                      2000075      Eurydike  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        6.44   2006-06-28 11:55:58.2     16224512  IRSM-75_Eurydike_shadow                 
NGC7496                   23:09:47.29  -43:25:40.60  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.58   2006-06-28 12:02:28.3     17964544  IRSS-0056                               
IRAS00406-3127sky         00:43:03.14  -31:11:49.70  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-06-28 12:22:21.3     16414720  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg006sky                 
IRAS00406-3127            00:43:03.14  -31:10:49.70  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.20   2006-06-28 12:38:41.3     14573312  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg006                    
ESO012-G021               00:40:46.16  -79:14:24.30  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.55   2006-06-28 13:07:03.0     17952000  IRSS-0001                               
IRAS00198-7926            00:21:53.60  -79:10:07.00  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.78   2006-06-28 13:33:52.8     17957120  IRSS-0024                               
2MASS J004452-7318        00:44:52.49  -73:18:26.00  Houck             SMC_BRIGHT   30355 irsstare     18.80   2006-06-28 14:01:48.5     17408768  IRSS-smcb-00                            
PMMR 24                   00:48:51.79  -73:22:39.90  Houck             SMC_BRIGHT   30355 irsstare     21.40   2006-06-28 14:17:42.3     17409024  IRSS-smcb-01                            
BMB-B 75                  00:52:12.87  -73:08:52.70  Houck             SMC_BRIGHT   30355 irsstare     18.80   2006-06-28 14:36:08.8     17409280  IRSS-smcb-02                            
HV 11329                  00:53:39.40  -72:52:39.20  Houck             MC_LO        30332 irsstare     98.54   2006-06-28 14:51:54.9     17399296  IRSS-mc_lo-02                           
HV 1963                   01:04:26.80  -72:34:40.00  Houck             MC_LO        30332 irsstare     68.12   2006-06-28 16:27:43.8     17399040  IRSS-mc_lo-01                           
IRAS F01066-7332          01:08:10.27  -73:15:52.30  Houck             SMC_BRIGHT   30355 irsstare     18.79   2006-06-28 17:33:02.5     17409536  IRSS-smcb-03                            
iras00521-7054            00:53:56.15  -70:38:04.20  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.53   2006-06-28 17:49:28.0     17958144  IRSS-0028                               
2004 DA62                     3176877     2004 DA62  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    12.47   2006-06-28 18:25:58.3     15185920  dcjcloidsDA62                           
[LLN92] IRS 18            08:48:47.70  -42:54:24.00  Thi               ICES_VELA_TH 30601 irsstare     13.63   2006-06-28 18:40:17.6     18597888  IRS [LLN92] IRS 18                      
HD 76534                  08:55:08.67  -43:27:59.60  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare    132.61   2006-06-28 18:52:59.5     16827136  HD 76534 IRS                            
HD68698                   08:11:25.86  -49:12:28.80  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.91   2006-06-28 21:02:39.6     14153728  IRSS-WernerAstars-58                    
CPD-48 1532               08:10:31.50  -49:16:44.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.12   2006-06-28 21:37:38.0     14152448  IRSS-WernerAstars-53                    
NGC3132.Off               10:07:08.83  -40:26:18.70  Houck             JBS2.BULGE   30550 irsstare     14.41   2006-06-28 22:14:52.8     17649920  NGC3132.Off                             
NGC3132                   10:07:01.76  -40:26:11.10  Houck             JBS2.BULGE   30550 irsstare     14.41   2006-06-28 22:26:02.0     17647360  NGC3132                                 
Hr Car                    10:22:53.84  -59:37:28.40  Fazio             LBVS         30188 irsstare     11.77   2006-06-28 22:39:32.1     17335296  IRSS-LBV-0001                           
Ennomos                       2004709       Ennomos  Houck             GTO2_DPC     30228 irsstare     51.77   2006-06-28 23:00:17.2     17585920  IRSS-4709ennomos                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-29 01:09:50.0     19448576  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     44.19   2006-06-29 01:22:08.8     19310592  caldrk_IRS-32_100-DCVZN-SH-long_1       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.31   2006-06-29 02:01:30.6     19313664  caldrk_IRS-32_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_1 
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     16.75   2006-06-29 02:12:29.3     19438592  calsfx-32C-ksiDra_40                    
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     13.77   2006-06-29 02:25:59.7     19438848  calsfx-32C-sky_40                       
DDO214                    22:36:35.05  -02:54:24.40  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.41   2006-06-29 02:42:52.6     17468928  Wu-0024-cheap                           
sst22t1                   22:17:33.02  +00:09:06.00  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    106.85   2006-06-29 02:48:31.9     13998080  IRSS-sst22t1H                           
sst22t1                   22:17:33.02  +00:09:06.00  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.01   2006-06-29 04:32:14.1     14013696  IRSS-sst22t1L                           
Q2237+background          22:40:30.21  +03:21:31.10  Agol              Q2237CYCLE2  20475 irsstare    157.48   2006-06-29 07:07:16.8     14734336  Q2237 spectroscopy - Einstein Cross     
NGC7715                   23:36:22.10  +02:09:23.60  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     24.40   2006-06-29 09:43:34.7     16312576  SIGS_IRS- NGC7715                       
1995 QU3                      2030980      1995 QU3  Cruikshank        ASTEROIDS-1     88 irsstare     92.60   2006-06-29 10:17:07.8      4871936  IRSS-0005                               
10bootes45                14:30:53.70  +34:58:36.70  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     23.07   2006-06-29 12:04:36.6     17537536  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes1                    
OQ+208                    14:07:00.39  +28:27:14.70  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 irsstare     22.09   2006-06-29 12:25:53.8     17643520  IRSS-CTAGN - OQ                         
160_172_96_170_70_207_145 12:59:05.90  +27:59:48.20  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup   143.69   2006-06-29 12:46:30.7     16843008  IRSI-160ext                             
135_87_134_71_184         12:58:59.86  +27:58:02.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup   248.06   2006-06-29 15:07:06.3     16843776  IRSI-135ext                             
1999 JV6                      2085990      1999 JV6  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     37.87   2006-06-29 19:22:36.8     17756672  wic-1999JV6                             
VCC856                    12:25:57.95  +10:03:13.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.33   2006-06-29 19:59:03.4     16846848  IRSI-v856                               
VCC1308                   12:30:45.95  +11:20:35.50  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    52.33   2006-06-29 20:48:38.2     16844800  IRSI-v1308                              
Hi-Zody-L164B+5           11:10:20.87  +10:50:28.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsmap       79.85   2006-06-29 21:42:42.6     19324928  IRSM-HIZODYJUNE30-SL-L164B5             
SDSS J1201+0211           12:01:22.31  +02:11:08.30  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.41   2006-06-29 23:01:06.4     17467392  Wu-0018-cheap                           
NGC 3132 c2               10:07:01.76  -40:26:11.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsmap       38.05   2006-06-29 23:09:29.2     19441920  calwav-32D-n3132cluster_40              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-06-30 00:58:23.6     19448832  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     54.03   2006-06-30 01:11:10.7     19422976  caldrk_IRS-32_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_40     
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     24.61   2006-06-30 02:01:56.9     19423232  caldrk_IRS-32_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_40   
sst22t3                   22:17:33.91  +00:13:52.10  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.06   2006-06-30 02:29:17.1     13998592  IRSS-sst22t3                            
sst22t4                   22:17:35.15  +00:15:37.20  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.14   2006-06-30 05:03:15.4     13998848  IRSS-sst22t4                            
sst22t5                   22:17:35.84  +00:15:58.90  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.14   2006-06-30 07:37:19.4     13999104  IRSS-sst22t5                            
sst22t6                   22:17:37.39  +00:10:25.10  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.01   2006-06-30 10:20:00.7     13999360  IRSS-sst22t6                            
sst22t7                   22:18:04.42  +00:21:54.40  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.23   2006-06-30 12:53:54.0     13999616  IRSS-sst22t7                            
sst22t8                   22:18:06.77  +00:12:45.70  Blain             BLAINIRS05   20081 irsstare    157.05   2006-06-30 15:28:08.2     13999872  IRSS-sst22t8                            
G29-38                    23:28:47.57  +05:14:54.68  von Hippel        WDPLANET     20026 irsstare    112.35   2006-06-30 18:04:13.0     13828096  speclong-G29-38                         
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.06   2006-06-30 20:02:25.0     19433728  calsfx-32D-HD173511_40                  
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.80   2006-06-30 20:34:14.2     19433984  calsfx-32D-sky_40                       
Mrk 477                   14:40:38.09  +53:30:15.90  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 irsstare     21.72   2006-06-30 20:53:02.7     17643008  IRSS-CTAGN                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          67.09   2006-06-30 22:11:34.5     19446528  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.05   2006-06-30 23:18:32.7     19447296  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.99   2006-06-30 23:30:30.5     19424768  caldrk_IRS-32_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_4
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-06-30 23:42:48.0     19453184  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     24.61   2006-07-01 00:07:24.8     19425280  caldrk_IRS-32_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_41   
3C449                     22:31:20.90  +39:21:48.00  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-07-01 00:32:31.5     14811904  IRSS-3c449                              
29 Vul                    20:38:31.34  +21:12:04.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     64.43   2006-07-01 01:54:48.1     19439104  calsfx-32G-29Vul_40                     
FSC1508+3841              15:08:25.42  +38:41:22.10  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.20   2006-07-01 03:02:09.2     17544704  IRSS-e-dww-FSC19                        
10bootes43                14:37:34.01  +34:57:21.28  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.07   2006-07-01 03:16:32.0     17539840  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes24                   
133_175_124_118_95_174_10 12:59:15.00  +27:58:14.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    66.62   2006-07-01 03:53:41.7     16842752  IRSI-133ext                             
150_67_193_136_171_110    13:00:06.20  +28:00:14.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup   157.74   2006-07-01 04:57:00.0     16843264  IRSI-150ext                             
ABELL 1656:[D80] 31       12:57:24.35  +27:29:51.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 irspeakup    67.97   2006-07-01 07:40:07.6     16840448  IRSI-31map                              
IRAS12032+1707            12:05:47.73  +16:51:08.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 irsstare     59.77   2006-07-01 08:47:14.7     17527552  IRSS-gto2-ulirg002                      
A1689b                    13:11:29.14  -01:20:46.50  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    307.26   2006-07-01 09:46:30.9     17670400  IRS-lens-A1689b                         
SDSSJ125306.00-031258.9   12:53:05.97  -03:12:58.89  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 irsstare     23.44   2006-07-01 14:51:44.9     18890752  IRSS - SDSSJ125306.00-031258.9          
NGC4748                   12:52:12.46  -13:24:53.00  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.66   2006-07-01 15:13:46.7     17955584  IRSS-0018                               
HD100764                  11:35:42.75  -14:35:36.70  Werner            ASTARS         278 irsstare     31.18   2006-07-01 15:42:39.0     19481344  IRSS-HiRes-WernerAstar-HD100764         
TW Hya                    11:01:51.91  -34:42:17.00  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     11.17   2006-07-01 16:14:58.4     18017792  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-006                    
TW Hya N                  11:01:51.91  -34:41:17.00  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare      7.06   2006-07-01 16:21:11.6     18018048  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-006n                   
TW Hya S                  11:01:51.91  -34:43:17.00  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare      7.06   2006-07-01 16:25:07.0     18018304  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-006s                   
TWA16AB                   12:34:56.40  -45:38:07.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     27.28   2006-07-01 16:31:33.7     14972160  IRSS-twa16ab                            
TWA20                     12:31:38.10  -45:58:59.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     22.63   2006-07-01 16:55:46.7     14972416  IRSS-twa20                              
1RXS_J121236.4-552037_w_s 12:12:35.77  -55:20:27.40  Meyer             RUBBLE         148 irsstare    167.86   2006-07-01 17:16:54.6      5460992  IRSF-S60                                
HD65907                   07:57:46.91  -60:18:11.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     15.74   2006-07-01 20:04:58.9     15994880  HD65907_IRS                             
04545-7000 sky            04:54:09.90  -69:55:28.00  Houck             MC_SH14      30345 irsstare      6.79   2006-07-01 20:19:41.4     17400064  IRSS-mc_sh14-00-sky                     
04545-7000                04:54:09.90  -69:55:58.00  Houck             MC_SH14      30345 irsstare     10.08   2006-07-01 20:23:41.2     17399808  IRSS-mc_sh14-00                         
MSX SMC 018 sky           00:46:31.59  -73:28:16.50  Houck             MC_SH14      30345 irsstare      6.79   2006-07-01 20:32:49.4     17401088  IRSS-mc_sh14-02-sky                     
MSX SMC 018               00:46:31.59  -73:28:46.50  Houck             MC_SH14      30345 irsstare      9.67   2006-07-01 20:36:32.4     17400832  IRSS-mc_sh14-02                         
2QZJ002830.4-281706       00:28:30.40  -28:17:06.00  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     22.68   2006-07-01 20:51:57.4     14754304  IRSS-001                                
0018-267                  00:21:30.70  -26:26:11.20  von Hippel        WDPLANET     20026 irsstare    135.87   2006-07-01 21:12:05.8     13832960  IRSS-S2-0018-267                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-07-02 00:50:28.5     19449088  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.72   2006-07-02 01:02:21.0     19423744  caldrk_IRS-32_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.79   2006-07-02 01:14:01.1     19424000  caldrk_IRS-32_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_40
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.76   2006-07-02 01:25:41.5     19424512  caldrk_IRS-32_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_40
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-07-02 01:35:41.1     19453696  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.06   2006-07-02 02:00:53.3     19435264  calsfx-32H-HR6348_40                    
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.80   2006-07-02 02:32:42.1     19435520  calsfx-32H-sky_40                       
M85 OT2006-1              12:25:23.82  +18:10:56.20  Kulkarni          M85VAR         276 irspeakup   106.04   2006-07-02 02:53:11.0     19457280  DDt - M85OT2006-1 - IRS - Epoch1        
Hen 3-600A                11:10:27.53  -37:31:53.55  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     12.63   2006-07-02 04:43:03.3     18018560  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-007                    
Hen 3-600A N              11:10:27.53  -37:30:53.55  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare      7.80   2006-07-02 04:50:44.5     18018816  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-007n                   
Hen 3-600A S              11:10:27.53  -37:32:53.55  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare      7.80   2006-07-02 04:55:24.3     18019072  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-007s                   
CHXR30                    11:08:00.02  -77:17:30.48  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     96.38   2006-07-02 05:05:40.5     18020096  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-009                    
CHXR30N                   11:08:00.02  -77:16:30.48  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     49.77   2006-07-02 06:37:24.4     18020352  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-009n                   
CHXR30S                   11:08:00.02  -77:18:30.48  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     49.77   2006-07-02 07:24:03.4     18020608  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-009s                   
KA-6                      13:07:18.10  -77:40:52.90  Jaffe             YSOBDDISKS   30409 irsstare     10.62   2006-07-02 08:14:22.2     18215424  IRSS-LL-CHA6                            
ESO33-G2                  04:55:58.96  -75:32:28.20  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.50   2006-07-02 08:22:31.5     17960960  IRSS-0040                               
LONEOS                        1000373        LONEOS  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    90.08   2006-07-02 08:58:55.8     15185408  dcjcloidsOG108                          
LMC-Enigma1               05:17:11.94  -70:46:58.00  Fazio             ENIGMA       30180 irsstare     58.02   2006-07-02 10:26:17.7     17329920  LMCEnigma1                              
HV 2575                   05:29:00.00  -67:45:01.00  Houck             MC_LO        30332 irsstare    108.25   2006-07-02 11:30:31.7     17399552  IRSS-mc_lo-03                           
NGC2369                   07:16:37.75  -62:20:37.50  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      251.04   2006-07-02 13:17:19.5     17659392  IRSM-NGC2369                            
NGC2369                   07:16:43.40  -62:22:39.00  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-07-02 17:25:03.0     17662208  IRSS-LHBackg - NGC2369                  
09470                     09:49:00.80  -46:31:39.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare      9.52   2006-07-02 17:38:25.8     17510912  IRSS-0024                               
MR Vel                    09:25:46.00  -47:58:17.30  Hoard             CVCBDISKS    20221 irsstare    124.72   2006-07-02 17:47:39.7     14410496  MRVel-IRSS                              
[LLN92] IRS 39            09:03:09.71  -47:48:30.70  Thi               ICES_VELA_TH 30601 irsstare     13.62   2006-07-02 19:51:25.7     18597632  IRS [LLN92] IRS 39                      
[LLN92] IRS 41            09:03:25.30  -47:28:23.00  Thi               ICES_VELA_TH 30601 irsstare     13.62   2006-07-02 20:02:01.6     18597120  IRS [LLN92] IRS 41                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-07-02 21:26:23.5     19449344  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.49   2006-07-02 21:38:19.2     19424256  caldrk_IRS-32_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_40
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     12.31   2006-07-02 21:49:32.6     19423488  caldrk_IRS-32_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_40
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     54.03   2006-07-02 21:59:24.4     19425024  caldrk_IRS-32_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_41     
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.99   2006-07-02 22:49:21.5     19426816  caldrk_IRS-32_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_4
A2218b                    16:35:55.16  +66:11:50.80  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    157.38   2006-07-02 23:02:16.8     17670912  IRS-lens-A2218b                         
A2218c                    16:35:59.12  +66:11:47.40  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    307.71   2006-07-03 01:36:33.9     17671168  IRS-lens-A2218c                         
[HB89]1318-113            13:21:09.38  -11:39:31.60  Maiolino          MAIO1        20493 irsstare     12.73   2006-07-03 06:48:06.0     14756096  IRSS-009                                
ESO320-G030               11:53:11.72  -39:07:48.70  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      137.27   2006-07-03 07:01:01.3     17660672  IRSM-ESO320-G030                        
ESO320-G030               11:53:17.80  -39:09:15.00  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-07-03 09:14:53.4     17663488  IRSS-LHBackg - ESO320-G030              
TOL1238-364               12:40:52.86  -36:45:21.10  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.79   2006-07-03 09:27:32.0     17961984  IRSS-0044                               
KA-CHAII-PU               12:57:58.70  -77:01:19.50  Jaffe             YSOBDDISKS   30409 irspeakup    58.78   2006-07-03 09:48:37.5     18217984  IRSI-PU-CHA                             
KA-1                      12:57:58.70  -77:01:19.50  Jaffe             YSOBDDISKS   30409 irsstare    166.03   2006-07-03 10:53:35.7     18218240  IRSS-SL-CHA1                            
KA-4                      13:04:24.90  -77:52:30.30  Jaffe             YSOBDDISKS   30409 irsstare     15.57   2006-07-03 13:36:46.5     18215168  IRSS-SLLL-CHA4                          
KA-7                      13:08:27.10  -77:43:23.30  Jaffe             YSOBDDISKS   30409 irsstare     17.33   2006-07-03 13:52:02.3     18215680  IRSS-LL-CHA7                            
CHXR22E?                  11:07:13.33  -77:43:49.80  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     59.18   2006-07-03 14:07:10.4     18361344  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0033                  
01102098??                11:02:09.83  -34:30:35.50  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     69.57   2006-07-03 15:07:50.7     18360320  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0029                  
HD74374                   08:41:22.75  -53:38:09.20  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 irsstare     73.62   2006-07-03 16:17:39.5     18315008  IRSS-Gorlova12                          
VXR5                      08:38:55.67  -52:57:51.70  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 irsstare    134.99   2006-07-03 17:28:01.5     18314496  IRSS-Gorlova10                          
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     74.54   2006-07-03 19:40:54.6     19437824  calsfx-32A-eta1Dor_40                   
NGC3256                   10:27:51.28  -43:54:13.50  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      137.33   2006-07-03 20:55:47.8     17659904  IRSM-NGC3256                            
NGC3256                   10:27:56.60  -43:56:18.00  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-07-03 23:09:45.4     17662720  IRSS-LHBackg - NGC3256                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          67.09   2006-07-04 00:48:06.2     19446784  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.05   2006-07-04 02:00:11.8     19447552  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.72   2006-07-04 02:05:18.9     19425792  caldrk_IRS-32_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     14.80   2006-07-04 02:16:59.0     19426048  caldrk_IRS-32_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_41
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     27.41   2006-07-04 02:29:00.6     19453952  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     35.33   2006-07-04 02:55:40.3     19438080  calsfx-32B-HR7341_40                    
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     18.81   2006-07-04 03:27:44.5     19438336  calsfx-32B-sky_40                       
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          16.02   2006-07-04 03:43:35.2     19451904  no_mmc_calsfx_32Q_HR7341_4.1K_40        
I21289                    21:30:23.00  +58:28:51.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare     10.40   2006-07-04 04:02:26.4     17504768  IRSS-0020                               
IRASF22565+2610           22:58:57.28  +26:26:23.70  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare     27.22   2006-07-04 04:12:58.0     17463296  Wu-0002                                 
ISOSS J20153+3453 East    20:15:21.29  +34:53:45.80  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare     44.40   2006-07-04 04:40:34.2     19236864  IRSS-0006                               
ISOSS J20153+3453 bkgnd   20:15:15.73  +34:52:42.30  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare     14.13   2006-07-04 05:21:37.3     19237120  IRSS-0007                               
ISOSS J20153+3453 West    20:15:20.62  +34:53:53.40  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare     24.87   2006-07-04 05:32:28.5     19237376  IRSS-0008                               
ISOSS J20153+3453 bkgnd   20:15:15.73  +34:52:42.30  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare      7.82   2006-07-04 05:53:52.1     19237632  IRSS-0009                               
I19200                    19:21:55.29  +35:02:55.10  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare     10.42   2006-07-04 06:00:15.8     17509376  IRSS-0032                               
NGC 6720-1                18:53:33.20  +33:03:32.50  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 irsstare     54.57   2006-07-04 06:08:55.0     17592320  IRSS-n6720-halo1                        
NGC 6720-2                18:53:31.27  +33:02:42.50  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 irsstare     54.57   2006-07-04 07:00:09.0     17592576  IRSS-n6720-halo2                        
NGC 6720-3                18:53:34.40  +33:02:09.50  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 irsstare     19.40   2006-07-04 07:51:13.7     17592832  IRSS-n6720-halo3                        
NGC 6720-4                18:53:25.00  +33:04:28.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 irsstare     29.20   2006-07-04 08:07:27.5     17593088  IRSS-n6720-off                          
Icarus                        2001566        Icarus  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsmap       13.20   2006-07-04 08:54:37.9     17762304  wic-Icarus-hiflux-1                     
SDSS J170046.95+622056.4  17:00:46.95  +62:20:56.40  Shang             SHANGPSQ     30075 irsstare     33.39   2006-07-04 09:08:49.7     17729280  IRSS-PSQ - SDSS J170046.95+622056.4     
Icarus                        2001566        Icarus  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsmap       13.20   2006-07-04 09:44:49.3     17762048  wic-Icarus-hiflux-2                     
FSC1449+4441              14:49:53.70  +44:41:50.30  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.17   2006-07-04 09:57:10.8     17543936  IRSS-e-dww-FSC16                        
FSC1451+5954              14:51:35.04  +59:54:37.60  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.18   2006-07-04 10:12:21.6     17544192  IRSS-e-dww-FSC17                        
Icarus                        2001566        Icarus  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsmap       13.20   2006-07-04 10:31:39.0     17761792  wic-Icarus-hiflux-3                     
SDSS J154534.55+573625.1  15:45:34.56  +57:36:24.97  Shang             SHANGPSQ     30075 irsstare     24.46   2006-07-04 10:45:30.7     17729024  IRSS-PSQ - SDSS J154534.55+573625.1     
10bootes51                14:26:14.87  +35:06:16.50  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.06   2006-07-04 11:07:35.6     17537792  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes16                   
10bootes40                14:25:04.04  +34:50:13.71  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.06   2006-07-04 11:42:29.9     17538304  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes18                   
10bootes37                14:31:26.81  +34:45:17.89  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.06   2006-07-04 12:17:57.1     17538816  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes20                   
10bootes31                14:31:05.67  +34:12:32.69  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.06   2006-07-04 12:52:56.4     17538048  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes17                   
pah-dwarf-gt4             16:14:02.59  +53:30:36.60  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     79.87   2006-07-04 13:30:41.1     17470976  IRSS-0001-gto4                          
pah-dwarf-gt4-off         16:14:02.59  +53:31:36.60  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     19.91   2006-07-04 14:47:39.5     17472000  IRSS-0001-gto4-off                      
pah-dwarf-gt3             16:16:45.25  +55:02:30.90  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     79.69   2006-07-04 15:13:28.5     17470720  IRSS-0001-gto3                          
pah-dwarf-gt3-off         16:16:45.25  +55:03:30.90  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     19.91   2006-07-04 16:30:16.2     17471744  IRSS-0001-gto3-off                      
pah-dwarf-gt2             16:15:16.74  +55:30:46.70  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     79.84   2006-07-04 16:47:08.6     17470464  IRSS-gto2                               
pah-dwarf-gt2-off         16:15:16.74  +55:31:46.70  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     19.91   2006-07-04 18:04:05.4     17471488  IRSS-gto2-off                           
pah-dwarf-gt1             16:07:00.60  +55:38:09.40  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     79.94   2006-07-04 18:20:59.9     17470208  IRSS-pdgto-1                            
pah-dwarf-gt1-off         16:07:00.60  +55:39:09.40  Houck             SJH_PDGT     30680 irsstare     19.91   2006-07-04 19:38:02.7     17471232  IRSS-pdgto-1-off                        
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          68.69   2006-07-04 20:09:52.6     19451648  no_mmc_calsfx_32P_eta1Dor_4.1K_40       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-07-04 22:25:22.1     19339264  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     54.03   2006-07-04 22:38:13.8     19313152  caldrk_IRS-32_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_1      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1572  1572 irs          85.55   2006-07-04 23:30:34.6     19340288  no_mmc_caldrk_120a_LL_long_4.1K         
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1572  1572 irs          82.75   2006-07-05 00:55:31.5     19340544  no_mmc_caldrk_170_LL_moderate_4.1K      
597                       14:33:31.92  +35:20:27.20  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      107.44   2006-07-05 02:20:15.2     17605120  IRSM-597                                
249                       14:34:45.64  +33:47:16.40  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      127.13   2006-07-05 04:05:05.9     17603584  IRSM-249                                
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsmap      228.90   2006-07-05 06:13:45.9     19324160  calspf_IRS32_HR7341-SLcrossslit-map     
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsmap      116.72   2006-07-05 09:59:38.3     19324416  calspf_IRS32_HR7341-SLalongslit-map1    
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsmap      168.92   2006-07-05 12:02:14.5     19324672  calspf_IRS232_HR7341-SLalongslit-map2   
HD 44880                  06:19:38.50  -63:49:24.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irsstare     40.54   2006-07-05 15:00:18.9     19323904  calsfx-32Y-HD44880                      
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          12.15   2006-07-05 15:55:49.4     19339008  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1572  1572 irsstare     54.23   2006-07-05 16:02:40.5     19339520  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-LH-BiasVary_1        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1572  1572 irsstare     54.23   2006-07-05 17:03:31.3     19339776  caldrk_IRS-32_130b-LH-BiasVary_2        
hd163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1572  1572 irspeakup   107.50   2006-07-05 17:55:39.3     19340032  PUI PSF extended map                    
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1433  1433 irs          67.09   2006-07-05 19:47:18.3     19335680  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-05 22:25:53.6     19369472  latent_safe_best_nep - 0001             
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-05 22:26:35.3     19382016  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.57   2006-07-05 22:39:07.0     19359488  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.58   2006-07-05 22:48:11.8     19362304  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.57   2006-07-05 22:53:41.0     19361792  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.58   2006-07-05 23:02:12.7     19361280  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.58   2006-07-05 23:10:34.7     19360768  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.93   2006-07-05 23:19:10.3     19363328  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.93   2006-07-05 23:23:45.5     19363840  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.90   2006-07-05 23:29:03.7     19360256  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.57   2006-07-05 23:33:43.7     19362816  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.67   2006-07-05 23:49:22.9     19360000  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12             
WD1315-110                13:17:47.25  -11:21:06.00  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.62   2006-07-05 23:55:42.3     17491456  IRAC-0010                               
CL1232                    12:32:27.50  -12:50:00.00  Blackwell         SF_HI_Z        268 iracmap      27.48   2006-07-06 00:25:41.1     17053440  CL1232 - IRAC                           
WD1204-136                12:06:56.33  -13:53:53.00  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.50   2006-07-06 00:51:01.7     17494016  IRAC-0008                               
VCC575                    12:22:43.31  +08:11:53.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.77   2006-07-06 01:21:38.8     16852480  IRAC-v575                               
SDSS J120747.17+024424.8  12:07:47.18  +02:44:25.00  Golimowski        LT_TRAN      20514 iracmap      19.67   2006-07-06 01:25:19.2     14797824  IRAC-SDSS1207                           
SDSS_J115735.29+021004.1  11:57:35.30  +02:10:04.17  Hogg              LOWLUM       20120 iracmap      10.61   2006-07-06 01:42:22.2     14115072  IRAC-0000 - SDSS_J115735.29+021004.1    
NGC 4273 Group            12:19:47.40  +05:17:05.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      42.15   2006-07-06 01:50:55.0     16314880  SIGS-NGC4273 Group                      
VCC856                    12:25:57.95  +10:03:13.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 02:30:19.0     16855552  IRAC-v856                               
VCC698                    12:24:05.02  +11:13:05.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.77   2006-07-06 02:38:18.8     16852736  IRAC-v698                               
VCC786                    12:25:14.48  +11:50:58.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 02:41:02.4     16857600  IRAC-v786                               
VCC951                    12:26:54.42  +11:39:49.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 02:48:39.3     16856576  IRAC-v951                               
VCC1087                   12:28:14.86  +11:47:23.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 02:56:16.7     16855296  IRAC-v1087                              
VCC1073                   12:28:08.60  +12:05:35.70  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 03:03:52.1     16854784  IRAC-v1073                              
VCC1010                   12:27:27.36  +12:17:25.20  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 03:11:24.7     16854272  IRAC-v1010                              
VCC1036                   12:27:41.22  +12:18:57.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 03:18:50.3     16854016  IRAC-v1036                              
VCC940                    12:26:47.05  +12:27:14.60  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 03:26:22.1     16857856  IRAC-v940                               
ngc4388-1                 12:25:43.11  +12:43:06.60  Putman            ELDOTS       20695 iracmap      19.49   2006-07-06 03:33:58.1     14988288  IRAC-ngc4388-1                          
VCC828                    12:25:41.70  +12:48:37.40  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.77   2006-07-06 03:50:05.1     16851712  IRAC-v828                               
VCC1122                   12:28:41.73  +12:54:57.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 03:52:52.9     16856064  IRAC-v1122                              
VCC1146                   12:28:57.57  +13:14:30.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.77   2006-07-06 04:00:27.7     16851968  IRAC-v1146                              
VCC1283                   12:30:18.35  +13:34:39.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.77   2006-07-06 04:03:09.1     16852992  IRAC-v1283                              
VCC1453                   12:32:44.21  +14:11:46.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 04:05:57.7     16855040  IRAC-v1453                              
VCC1479                   12:33:07.55  +14:34:29.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.77   2006-07-06 04:13:34.5     16853248  IRAC-v1479                              
VCC1491                   12:33:14.02  +12:51:27.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 04:16:37.5     16855808  IRAC-v1491                              
VCC1422                   12:32:14.21  +10:15:05.00  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-06 04:24:47.5     16853760  IRAC-v1422                              
VCC1475                   12:33:04.96  +16:15:55.80  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap       5.77   2006-07-06 04:33:27.5     16852224  IRAC-v1475                              
VCC608                    12:23:01.68  +15:54:19.90  Bressan           CLUSTER_AGB  20606 iracmap      10.77   2006-07-06 04:36:40.1     16857088  IRAC-v608                               
SN 2006X                  12:22:53.99  +15:48:33.10  Meikle            SN_MISC2     20256 iracmap      31.54   2006-07-06 04:44:04.4     16945408  IRAC-2006X-1                            
CL1216-1201               12:16:45.10  -12:01:08.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     237.01   2006-07-06 05:15:14.2     14996224  CL1216-1201                             
09470                     09:49:00.80  -46:31:39.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.05   2006-07-06 09:12:43.1     17510656  IRAC-0025                               
C/2004 B1 (LINEAR)            1000476        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 iracmap      40.94   2006-07-06 09:41:55.7     15785984  B1_2.5AU_o -irac                        
HS1222+3741               12:24:36.73  +37:24:36.20  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       6.77   2006-07-06 10:23:52.4     17564928  Wu_IRAC-0016                            
F1230 CLUSTER             12:31:57.20  +29:42:46.30  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      18.27   2006-07-06 10:28:50.8     17830912  KISS-F1230 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
RW Boo                    14:41:13.38  +31:34:19.70  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-07-06 10:46:55.7     17612288  RW Boo E1                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-06 11:50:58.1     19369728  latent_safe_best_nep - 0002             
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-06 11:51:35.3     19383552  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.65   2006-07-06 12:10:19.1     19364608  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      10.67   2006-07-06 12:26:11.3     19355136  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.19   2006-07-06 12:33:31.9     19355392  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       9.04   2006-07-06 12:36:19.8     19355648  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.15   2006-07-06 12:42:03.9     19355904  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.15   2006-07-06 12:46:50.9     19353344  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.40   2006-07-06 12:51:34.5     19354112  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.06   2006-07-06 12:59:29.7     19353600  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      17.32   2006-07-06 13:07:08.1     19354368  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      16.30   2006-07-06 13:21:01.0     19353856  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      41.78   2006-07-06 13:33:53.4     19354880  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      54.56   2006-07-06 14:12:16.8     19354624  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_14             13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap     240.78   2006-07-06 15:10:18.6     19358976  skyflt_zody_field_14                    
cha1251854                11:18:35.73  -79:35:54.90  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-06 19:14:03.2     18373888  IRAC-cha1251854                         
Mrk 477                   14:40:38.09  +53:30:15.90  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 iracmap       5.89   2006-07-06 19:29:11.7     17638656  IRAC-CTAGN - Mrk 477 - 0000             
Chariklo                      2010199      Chariklo  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.86   2006-07-06 19:48:23.4     15127552  IRAC-10199_Chariklo                     
WD1225+006                12:28:07.71  +00:22:19.60  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.51   2006-07-06 20:26:08.5     17493504  IRAC-0009                               
NGC 3195                  10:09:20.91  -80:51:30.70  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.01   2006-07-06 21:01:05.5     17590272  IRAC-PN2-0006                           
CAL 87                    05:46:45.00  -71:08:54.00  Lanz              CBSS02       20130 iracmap      59.97   2006-07-06 21:14:11.5     14137344  IRAC-CAL87-PrimEclipse2                 
NGC3557                   11:09:57.65  -37:32:21.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.93   2006-07-06 22:15:13.2     18032896  T78I_NGC3557                            
280+02                    10:08:08.62  -53:26:25.77  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.77   2006-07-06 22:39:09.0     14777600  IRAC-0001 - 280+02                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latest_safe_best_c33      13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-07 00:58:28.9     19371776  latent_safe_best_c33 - copy - 0005      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-07 00:58:55.3     19384832  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.65   2006-07-07 01:11:59.1     19364352  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy      
M85 OT2006-1              12:25:23.82  +18:10:56.20  Kulkarni          M85VAR         276 iracmap     226.77   2006-07-07 01:23:57.9     19457792  DTT- M85OT2006-1 - IRAC- Epoch1         
CL1227-1138               12:27:53.90  -11:38:11.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     236.93   2006-07-07 05:10:22.3     14995712  CL1227-1138                             
270+06                    09:36:19.03  -44:02:43.19  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.24   2006-07-07 09:08:20.5     14776320  IRAC-0001 - 270+06                      
Chariklo                      2010199      Chariklo  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      37.85   2006-07-07 10:25:28.9     15127808  IRAC-Chariklo2                          
NGC2808                   09:12:02.57  -64:51:46.20  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap     123.02   2006-07-07 11:13:52.2     14503680  IRAC-2808                               
cha1199412                11:02:26.11  -75:02:40.80  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       4.66   2006-07-07 13:16:11.3     18373376  IRAC-cha1199412                         
CL1138-1133               11:38:10.30  -11:34:08.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     241.62   2006-07-07 13:23:17.1     14995456  CL1138-1133                             
RCS132939+2853.3, z = 0.9 13:29:39.00  +28:53:18.00  Ellingson         RCS_IRAC     20754 iracmap       9.91   2006-07-07 17:25:33.9     15107072  IRAC-0002 - RCS132939+2853.3, z = 0.90, 
GRB050522                 13:20:37.00  +24:47:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.57   2006-07-07 17:33:10.1     17180928  IRAC-0001 - GRB050522                   
CL J1226.9+3332           12:27:13.50  +33:39:10.00  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 iracmap     151.82   2006-07-07 17:47:30.9     15063040  IRAC-0002 - copy                        
NGC4308                   12:21:56.87  +30:04:27.30  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.91   2006-07-07 20:16:36.2     18197504  IRAC-NGC4308                            
KISS-0001-F1215-4723      12:15:06.90  +29:01:10.00  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.77   2006-07-07 20:40:38.3     17835008  KISS-F1215-4723-IRAC                    
NGC4325                   12:23:06.60  +10:37:17.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-07-07 20:50:47.4     18651904  IRAC-0019                               
Z4905                     12:10:16.80  +05:23:11.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-07-07 20:59:17.3     18651648  IRAC-0018                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latest_safe_best_c33      13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-07 22:16:03.1     19370240  latent_safe_best_c33                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-07 22:16:50.9     19382528  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.64   2006-07-07 22:29:22.8     19366144  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
GRB020903                 22:48:42.34  -20:46:09.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 iracmap      11.69   2006-07-07 22:50:06.7     14564352  IRAC-GRB020903                          
1995 SG16                     2079274     1995 SG16  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.90   2006-07-07 23:07:45.8     15170816  IRAC79274                               
ESSENCE-A1                23:29:56.19  -08:34:24.30  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.37   2006-07-07 23:12:27.0     16329984  IRAC-0003A1                             
1995 SD22                     2058375     1995 SD22  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.90   2006-07-08 04:44:22.4     15172096  IRAC58375                               
2001 VA7                      2083914      2001 VA7  Tamblyn           VERITAS      20788 iracmap       5.90   2006-07-08 04:51:21.4     15173888  IRAC83914 Generic                       
NGC 7469                  23:03:15.62  +08:52:26.40  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       7.95   2006-07-08 04:55:36.3      5001216  TNG-SN-NGC7469-01                       
GRB020819                 23:27:19.48  +06:15:55.90  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.57   2006-07-08 05:01:31.1     17178368  IRAC-0001 - GRB020819                   
IRAS23129+2548            23:15:21.41  +26:04:32.60  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-07-08 05:15:56.5     17523200  IRAC-gto2-ulirg022                      
NGC 7048                  21:14:15.22  +46:17:17.50  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      13.99   2006-07-08 05:20:28.9     17592064  IRAC-PN2-0009                           
brc32                     21:32:23.68  +57:24:08.48  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-07-08 05:32:45.3     17514752  IRAC-brc32                              
brc33                     21:33:12.15  +57:29:34.61  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-07-08 05:37:10.5     17515264  IRAC-brc33                              
GRB050422                 21:37:43.00  +55:46:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-07-08 05:42:07.3     17181952  IRAC-0001 - GRB050422                   
NGC6205                   16:41:41.50  +36:27:37.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap      66.01   2006-07-08 05:58:54.1     14504704  IRAC-6205                               
iss05                     14:29:54.07  +34:35:16.40  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-08 07:04:35.7     16861184  IRAC - iss05                            
iss06                     14:30:36.13  +33:40:26.80  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.24   2006-07-08 08:16:52.4     16861440  IRAC - iss06                            
iss07                     14:30:50.08  +34:09:08.30  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.24   2006-07-08 09:28:56.5     16861696  IRAC - iss07                            
iss09                     14:32:26.98  +33:28:24.60  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.24   2006-07-08 10:54:11.3     16862208  IRAC - iss09                            
iss02                     14:28:53.34  +34:08:01.30  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-08 12:06:24.8     16860416  IRAC - iss02                            
iss03                     14:29:44.85  +34:04:00.50  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-08 13:18:20.5     16860672  IRAC - iss03                            
iss13                     14:30:41.34  +34:31:43.30  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-08 14:30:24.3     16863232  IRAC - iss13                            
iss12                     14:29:04.93  +34:32:52.40  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-08 15:42:28.8     16862976  IRAC - iss12                            
iss01                     14:26:27.66  +34:34:21.00  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.22   2006-07-08 16:54:38.2     16860160  IRAC - iss01                            
iss04                     14:29:44.63  +35:08:53.20  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.16   2006-07-08 18:06:49.9     16860928  IRAC - iss04                            
iss11                     14:34:51.83  +34:52:14.50  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-08 19:19:03.3     16862720  IRAC - iss11                            
iss10                     14:33:06.40  +34:10:47.30  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.24   2006-07-08 20:31:21.8     16862464  IRAC - iss10                            
iss14                     14:32:29.67  +34:41:21.10  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-08 21:46:03.9     16863488  IRAC - iss14                            
G1434 CLUSTER             14:33:19.40  +32:43:00.00  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      18.10   2006-07-08 22:58:35.7     17834496  KISS-G1434 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
NGC3585                   11:13:17.11  -26:45:18.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-07-08 23:19:20.9     18033152  T78I_NGC3585                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latest_safe_best_c33      13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-09 00:56:42.4     19370752  latent_safe_best_c33 - copy - 0001      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-09 00:57:20.4     19382272  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.63   2006-07-09 01:10:05.8     19365632  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
CL1103-1245               11:03:44.31  -12:45:48.20  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     237.06   2006-07-09 01:18:31.6     14995200  CL1103-1245                             
280-04                    09:41:39.19  -58:09:11.78  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.83   2006-07-09 05:16:03.0     14778112  IRAC-0001 - 280-04                      
NGC3706                   11:29:44.43  -36:23:28.70  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.93   2006-07-09 06:22:53.7     18033664  T78I_NGC3706                            
NGC 3324                  10:37:28.00  -58:39:52.50  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 iracmap      94.69   2006-07-09 06:46:58.1     15053824  NGC3324-IRAC                            
290+02                    11:10:37.28  -58:19:03.82  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.97   2006-07-09 08:17:05.6     14778624  IRAC-0001 - 290+02                      
290-02                    10:57:42.48  -61:58:55.53  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      68.96   2006-07-09 09:22:20.4     14779136  IRAC-0001 - 290-02                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latest_safe_best_c33      13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-09 11:46:04.7     19371008  latent_safe_best_c33 - copy - 0002      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-09 11:46:43.0     19383040  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.62   2006-07-09 11:59:26.8     19365376  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
SDS1331-0116              13:31:48.90  -01:16:50.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-09 12:06:17.3     17999872  epoch2-SDS1331-0116                     
SDS1346-0031              13:46:46.40  +00:31:50.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-09 12:11:14.5     18005504  epoch2-SDS1346-0031                     
ERO2MASS6                 13:40:39.68  +05:14:19.90  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.05   2006-07-09 12:16:31.6     18612992  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS6                   
59_Vir                    13:16:46.52  +09:25:27.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-07-09 12:20:27.6     18010368  epoch2-59Vir                            
IRAS12514+1027            12:54:00.82  +10:11:12.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-07-09 12:25:25.4     17522944  IRAC-gto2-ulirg021                      
ERO2MASS8                 12:52:12.93  +07:15:04.70  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.02   2006-07-09 12:27:48.8     18613504  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS8                   
[RC2]A1228+12             12:30:48.52  +12:02:42.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-07-09 12:31:45.6     17565440  Wu_IRAC-0018                            
NGC4478                   12:30:17.42  +12:19:42.80  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-07-09 12:40:26.0     18034944  T78I_NGC4478                            
NGC4458                   12:28:57.57  +13:14:30.80  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-07-09 13:02:22.4     18034688  T78I_NGC4458                            
IC0797                    12:31:54.76  +15:07:26.20  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-07-09 13:24:30.8     17401856  IRAC-IC0797                             
IC800                     12:33:56.71  +15:21:16.40  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-07-09 13:32:21.6     17402368  IRAC-IC0800                             
Virgo_HI_21               12:17:53.60  +14:45:25.00  Fazio             ZHONGWANG    30725 iracmap     188.20   2006-07-09 13:40:58.8     17474560  IRAC-dark_virgo                         
NGC4494                   12:31:24.03  +25:46:29.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-07-09 16:46:10.4     18035200  T78I_NGC4494                            
GRB 050509b               12:36:12.90  +28:58:58.50  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 iracmap       9.38   2006-07-09 17:08:33.2     19048960  IRAC-GRB050509b                         
F1235 CLUSTER             12:37:18.50  +29:14:54.70  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      18.29   2006-07-09 17:14:46.6     17831168  KISS-F1235 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
F1240 CLUSTER             12:42:53.60  +29:17:18.20  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      18.09   2006-07-09 17:29:58.6     17831424  KISS-F1240 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
F1245 CLUSTER             12:46:09.10  +28:57:30.60  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      25.53   2006-07-09 17:44:59.2     17831680  KISS-F1245 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
F1250 CLUSTER             12:51:06.60  +29:11:48.20  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      25.63   2006-07-09 18:07:17.2     17831936  KISS-F1250 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
KISS0156-F1255-2049       12:57:43.60  +29:00:11.90  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-09 18:29:45.3     17828608  KISS-F1255-2049-IRAC                    
F1300 CLUSTER             13:00:31.30  +28:57:01.50  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      40.24   2006-07-09 18:37:30.5     17832192  KISS-F1300 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
F1305 CLUSTER 1           13:05:06.50  +28:38:28.50  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      33.40   2006-07-09 19:14:25.9     17832448  KISS-F1220-IRAC - F1305 CLUSTER 1-IRAC  
F1305 CLUSTER 2           13:08:04.00  +28:59:54.80  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      33.14   2006-07-09 19:44:33.9     17832704  KISS-F1305 CLUSTER 2-IRAC               
NGC4712                   12:49:34.22  +25:28:11.80  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-07-09 20:15:20.7     17402880  IRAC-NGC4712                            
HD114762                  13:12:19.74  +17:31:01.60  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-07-09 20:24:34.9     17553920  NSEXOII-027                             
latest_safe_best_c33      13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-09 20:44:09.2     19372032  latent_safe_best_c33 - copy - 0006      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-09 20:53:45.9     19384064  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.62   2006-07-09 20:57:33.6     19365120  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
TXS 1351-018              13:54:06.90  -02:06:03.20  Stockton          STOCKTON-Z3. 20466 iracmap     134.73   2006-07-09 21:04:56.2     14729472  TXS1351-018-IRAC                        
CL1122-1136               11:22:47.50  -11:36:39.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     237.00   2006-07-09 23:20:04.7     14996480  CL1122-1136                             
GL0447                    11:47:44.39  +00:48:16.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 03:15:07.7     17984512  epoch2-GL0447                           
NGC4073                   12:04:27.07  +01:53:45.50  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-07-10 03:20:09.7     18034432  T78I_NGC4073                            
2MA1217-0311              12:17:11.10  -03:11:13.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 03:42:59.1     18007040  epoch2-2MA1217-0311                     
HI1225+01                 12:27:46.30  +01:36:00.50  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-07-10 03:48:03.5     17567232  Wu_IRAC-0025                            
GL0473AB                  12:33:17.20  +09:01:15.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 03:55:13.7     17984768  epoch2-GL0473AB                         
GJ1156                    12:18:59.50  +11:07:33.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 04:00:06.1     17989888  epoch2-GJ1156                           
HD106252                  12:13:29.51  +10:02:29.90  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-07-10 04:04:42.9     17552896  NSEXOII-023                             
SDSSJ125306.00-031258.9   12:53:05.97  -03:12:58.89  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap      15.11   2006-07-10 04:14:13.3     18886400  IRAC - SDSSJ125306.00-031258.9          
NGC4786                   12:54:32.42  -06:51:33.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.93   2006-07-10 04:26:52.1     18035968  T78I_NGC4786                            
IRAS13218+0552            13:24:19.81  +05:37:04.60  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-07-10 04:50:24.0     17523456  IRAC-gto2-ulirg023                      
2MA1300+1912              13:00:42.60  +19:12:35.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 04:54:07.3     17994496  epoch2-2MA1300+1912                     
F1310/F1315 CLUSTER       13:13:35.30  +29:07:35.20  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      25.52   2006-07-10 04:59:46.1     17832960  KISS-F1310/F1315 CLUSTER-IRAC           
F1320 CLUSTER             13:21:40.80  +28:52:59.10  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      33.05   2006-07-10 05:22:16.4     17833216  KISS-F1320 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
F1325/F1330 CLUSTER       13:26:25.10  +29:10:31.50  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      18.37   2006-07-10 05:52:02.8     17833472  KISS-F1325/F1330 CLUSTER-IRAC           
KISS0314-F1335-3744       13:35:35.60  +29:13:00.90  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.73   2006-07-10 06:07:26.6     17828864  KISS-0314-F1335-3744-IRAC               
F1350/F1355 CLUSTER       13:54:25.80  +29:33:00.20  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      25.63   2006-07-10 06:15:51.0     17833728  KISS-F1350/F1355 CLUSTER-IRAC           
OQ+208                    14:07:00.39  +28:27:14.70  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 iracmap       5.89   2006-07-10 06:41:28.4     17639168  IRAC-CTAGN - OQ+208 - 0000              
KISS0460-F1405-1706       14:08:18.80  +29:01:01.00  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.74   2006-07-10 06:44:16.4     17829120  KISS-0460-F1405-1706-IRAC               
F1415/F1420 CLUSTER       14:16:55.40  +29:29:11.50  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      25.80   2006-07-10 06:52:18.5     17833984  KISS-F1415/F1420 CLUSTER-IRAC           
KISS0541-F1420-1035       14:23:58.30  +29:49:33.80  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.75   2006-07-10 07:14:41.3     17829376  KISS-0541-F1420-1035-IRAC               
KISS0561-F1425-0046       14:29:53.60  +29:20:10.60  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.76   2006-07-10 07:22:34.9     17829632  KISS-0561-F1425-0046-IRAC               
LHS2924                   14:28:43.30  +33:10:38.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 07:30:56.5     17992448  epoch2-LHS2924                          
G1437/H1437 CLUSTER       14:37:04.80  +33:00:20.40  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      40.48   2006-07-10 07:35:40.3     17834752  KISS-G1437/H1437 CLUSTER-IRAC           
iss08                     14:32:20.19  +33:29:20.80  van Breugel       WILVB_IRACPR 20727 iracmap      75.23   2006-07-10 08:13:12.3     16861952  IRAC - iss08                            
HS1424+3836               14:26:28.16  +38:22:58.70  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-07-10 09:26:13.2     17566208  Wu_IRAC-0021                            
NGC5596                   14:22:28.72  +37:07:19.70  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.88   2006-07-10 09:32:33.2     18198528  IRAC-NGC5596                            
HS1347+3811               13:49:12.35  +37:56:44.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       6.76   2006-07-10 09:57:14.4     17565184  Wu_IRAC-0017                            
ERO2MASS7                 13:21:22.89  +45:02:24.80  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.04   2006-07-10 10:02:13.0     18613248  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS7                   
HD83443                   09:37:11.83  -43:16:19.90  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 10:12:40.2     17551872  NSEXOII-019                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latest_safe_best_c33      13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-10 11:46:10.1     19371264  latent_safe_best_c33 - copy - 0003      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-10 11:46:38.0     19383296  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.62   2006-07-10 11:59:37.1     19364864  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
NGC5061                   13:18:05.07  -26:50:14.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.97   2006-07-10 12:07:27.9     18036480  T78I_NGC5061                            
HD114729                  13:12:44.26  -31:52:24.10  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-07-10 12:30:10.9     17553664  NSEXOII-026                             
NGC4936                   13:04:17.10  -30:31:34.60  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.96   2006-07-10 12:38:06.9     18036224  T78I_NGC4936                            
NGC4709                   12:50:04.02  -41:22:56.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.96   2006-07-10 13:01:25.3     18035712  T78I_NGC4709                            
IC3370                    12:27:37.33  -39:20:16.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-07-10 13:24:01.8     18038528  T78I_IC3370                             
2MA1155-3727              11:55:39.50  -37:27:35.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 13:46:46.4     17995008  epoch2-2MA1155-3727                     
POX4                      11:51:11.60  -20:36:02.00  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.49   2006-07-10 13:53:07.0     18889216  IRAC - POX4                             
DEN1048-3956              10:48:14.70  -39:56:06.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-07-10 14:01:55.6     17989376  epoch2-DEN1048-3956                     
LH0288                    10:44:31.80  -61:11:38.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 14:08:27.2     17982976  epoch2-LH0288                           
2MA1225-2739              12:25:54.30  -27:39:47.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-10 14:16:02.4     18004480  epoch2-2MA1225-2739                     
HD108147                  12:25:46.27  -64:01:19.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-07-10 14:23:46.8     17553152  NSEXOII-024                             
HD111232                  12:48:51.75  -68:25:30.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-07-10 14:32:16.2     17553408  NSEXOII-025                             
GL0440                    11:45:42.92  -64:50:29.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-07-10 14:40:57.4     17984256  epoch2-GL0440                           
NGC 3699                  11:27:57.74  -59:57:27.70  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.00   2006-07-10 14:45:59.4     17594368  IRAC-PN2-0018                           
HD102117                  11:44:50.46  -58:42:13.40  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-07-10 14:57:22.2     17552640  NSEXOII-022                             
cha1184756                10:52:36.94  -74:40:28.80  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 15:06:47.8     18373120  IRAC-cha1184756                         
cha1203383                11:06:00.11  -75:07:25.30  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 15:11:27.0     18373632  IRAC-cha1203383                         
cha1135094                11:06:59.40  -75:30:56.00  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 15:15:57.8     18372608  IRAC-cha1135094                         
cha1135900                11:02:19.27  -75:36:57.70  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 15:23:26.9     18372864  IRAC-cha1135900                         
cha1086243                11:07:38.40  -75:52:51.90  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 15:27:57.1     18371584  IRAC-cha1086243                         
cha11659                  11:07:03.24  -76:10:56.60  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 15:32:25.1     18368256  IRAC-cha11659                           
cha11640                  11:07:46.56  -76:15:17.50  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 15:39:47.1     18368512  IRAC-cha11640                           
cha9151                   11:06:32.77  -76:25:21.10  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 15:47:11.5     18368000  IRAC-cha9151                            
cha11078                  11:04:10.60  -76:12:49.00  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 15:54:33.7     18367744  IRAC-cha11078                           
cha46066                  11:19:42.14  -76:23:32.70  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 15:59:09.7     18370304  IRAC-cha46066                           
IRAS06301-7934            06:26:42.20  -79:36:30.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-07-10 16:05:36.7     17520896  IRAC-gto2-ulirg013                      
IRAS06035-7102            06:02:53.63  -71:03:11.90  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-07-10 16:08:38.1     17520640  IRAC-gto2-ulirg012                      
IRAS06361-6217            06:36:35.71  -62:20:31.80  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-07-10 16:11:51.9     17521152  IRAC-gto2-ulirg014                      
HD65216                   07:53:41.32  -63:38:50.40  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-07-10 16:15:01.7     17550848  NSEXOII-015                             
cha14202                  10:58:05.98  -77:11:50.10  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 16:24:34.5     18369536  IRAC-cha14202                           
cha3855                   11:01:32.05  -77:18:25.00  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 16:29:03.9     18366976  IRAC-cha3855                            
cha2966                   11:01:13.71  -77:22:38.70  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 16:36:25.1     18369280  IRAC-cha2966                            
cha2481                   11:02:41.83  -77:24:24.60  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 16:40:45.1     18374400  IRAC-cha2481                            
cha23542                  11:09:29.13  -76:59:18.00  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.60   2006-07-10 16:45:15.5     18369792  IRAC-cha23542                           
cha29844                  11:12:31.00  -76:53:34.20  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 16:49:34.3     18367232  IRAC-cha29844                           
cha28973                  11:17:37.93  -76:46:19.40  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 16:56:59.1     18369024  IRAC-cha28973                           
cha28797                  11:18:33.80  -76:43:04.20  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 17:04:15.5     18370048  IRAC-cha28797                           
cha51351                  11:24:11.87  -76:30:42.60  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 17:08:41.9     18370816  IRAC-cha51351                           
cha1098022                11:24:29.81  -75:54:23.70  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 17:13:12.5     18371840  IRAC-cha1098022                         
GRB 011121                11:34:29.60  -76:01:41.60  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 iracmap       9.38   2006-07-10 17:17:44.7     19047936  IRAC-GRB011121                          
cha1116527                11:33:49.27  -76:18:39.90  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 17:23:56.2     18372096  IRAC-cha1116527                         
cha1118833                11:33:23.28  -76:22:09.20  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 17:28:15.6     18372352  IRAC-cha1118833                         
cha1073217                11:40:49.67  -74:59:39.40  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 17:32:59.8     18371328  IRAC-cha1073217                         
cha1171874                11:19:56.53  -75:04:53.00  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 17:37:46.2     18367488  IRAC-cha1171874                         
cha23573                  11:12:22.46  -77:14:51.30  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 17:45:43.0     18366720  IRAC-cha23573                           
Hn21e                     11:14:26.11  -77:33:04.30  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 17:53:13.4     18368768  IRAC-Hn21e                              
cha49066                  11:25:44.60  -77:07:40.30  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-07-10 17:57:49.4     18370560  IRAC-cha49066                           
cha1039884                11:43:26.70  -78:04:45.50  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.61   2006-07-10 18:05:39.0     18371072  IRAC-cha1039884                         
Hr Car                    10:22:53.84  -59:37:28.40  Fazio             LBVS         30188 iracmap       9.97   2006-07-10 18:15:47.2     17335040  IRAC-LBV-0001                           
IRAS 11065-6026 (WRA 751) 11:08:40.06  -60:42:51.70  Fazio             LBVS         30188 iracmap      10.44   2006-07-10 18:23:31.2     17331200  IRAC-LBV-0002                           
G305.35+0.07N             13:09:48.20  -62:34:55.67  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 iracmap     104.47   2006-07-10 18:32:30.8     16839168  IRAC-G305.35N                           
G305.35+0.07S             13:15:04.31  -62:46:36.80  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 iracmap     197.78   2006-07-10 20:11:33.7     16838912  IRAC-G305.35S                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latest_safe_best_c33      13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-11 01:01:08.7     19372544  latent_safe_best_c33 - copy - 0008      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-11 01:01:35.2     19382784  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.61   2006-07-11 01:14:36.3     19365888  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
ESSENCE-A1                23:29:56.19  -08:34:24.30  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.38   2006-07-11 01:36:11.4     16329216  IRAC-0002A1                             
ESSENCE-A2                23:29:56.19  -08:34:24.30  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.36   2006-07-11 07:02:55.2     16328960  IRAC-0002A2                             
ESSENCE-A2                23:29:56.19  -08:34:24.30  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.36   2006-07-11 12:38:29.4     16329728  IRAC-0003A2                             
55124 (2001 QU170)_cluste     2055124                Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 iracmap      63.98   2006-07-11 18:15:08.9     14248704  karins_55124_IRAC                       
NGC7785                   23:55:19.03  +05:54:57.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-07-11 19:16:39.3     18038272  T78I_NGC7785                            
2MA2339+1352              23:39:10.10  +13:52:30.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-07-11 19:39:34.1     18003968  epoch2-2MA2339+1352                     
NGC7653                   23:24:49.35  +15:16:32.10  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-07-11 19:44:32.7     17403648  IRAC-NGC7653                            
UGC12519                  23:20:02.77  +15:57:09.90  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-07-11 19:52:41.1     17404416  IRAC-UGC12519                           
UGC12265N                 22:57:36.00  +19:47:25.70  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.88   2006-07-11 20:01:33.2     18199808  IRAC-UGC12265N                          
NGC7457                   23:00:59.93  +30:08:41.60  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-07-11 20:26:32.0     18037504  T78I_NGC7457                            
GJ_4247                   22:01:13.12  +28:18:24.90  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-07-11 20:50:02.0     18007808  epoch2-GJ4247                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 iracmap       3.93   2006-07-11 22:10:48.5     19369984  latent_safe_best_nep - 0003             
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         11.45   2006-07-11 22:11:35.8     19383808  anneal                                  
HD113745                  13:05:56.99  -08:41:33.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.61   2006-07-11 22:29:50.9     19366400  IRAC_calstar_HD113745_s2l12 - copy - 000
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      10.67   2006-07-11 22:45:19.2     19357952  skydrk_0.02_subarray - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.19   2006-07-11 22:52:40.0     19358208  skydrk_0.1_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       9.04   2006-07-11 22:55:27.9     19358464  skydrk_0.4_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.15   2006-07-11 23:01:11.9     19358720  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.15   2006-07-11 23:05:58.3     19356160  skydrk_2 - 0001                         
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.40   2006-07-11 23:10:41.1     19356928  skydrk_12hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.06   2006-07-11 23:18:36.5     19356416  skydrk_12 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      17.32   2006-07-11 23:26:13.5     19357184  skydrk_30hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      16.30   2006-07-11 23:40:06.3     19356672  skydrk_30 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      41.78   2006-07-11 23:52:58.3     19357696  skydrk_100hdr - 0001                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      54.56   2006-07-12 00:31:21.0     19357440  skydrk_100 - 0001                       
zody_field_14             13:03:44.06  +00:49:59.52  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap     240.62   2006-07-12 01:29:04.0     19359232  skyflt_zody_field_14 - 0001             
SSA22_IRAC                22:17:34.00  +00:17:01.00  Fazio             SSA22        30328 iracmap     339.13   2006-07-12 05:37:34.9     17600000  IRAC-0001                               
HR Peg                    22:54:35.63  +16:56:30.60  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-07-12 11:24:10.9     17623040  HR Peg E1                               
4C23.56                   21:07:14.82  +23:31:45.00  Stockton          Z2.5-STOCKTO 30240 iracmap     134.73   2006-07-12 11:29:41.3     17908992  IRAC-0003                               
GRB050819                 23:54:56.00  +24:51:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-07-12 13:44:41.8     17179904  IRAC-0001 - GRB050819                   
WD2354+159                23:56:34.74  +16:15:41.90  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.57   2006-07-12 13:58:23.0     17495296  IRAC-0002                               
brc35                     21:36:05.40  +58:31:39.15  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-07-12 14:30:33.8     17515776  IRAC-brc35                              
brc39                     21:46:06.77  +57:26:23.11  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-07-12 14:35:24.4     17516288  IRAC-brc39                              
brc40                     21:46:14.65  +57:08:59.41  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-07-12 14:39:51.2     17516800  IRAC-brc40                              
brc42                     21:46:36.77  +57:12:25.30  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-07-12 14:44:14.2     17517312  IRAC-brc42                              
SDSSJ171941.04+611831.3   17:19:41.11  +61:18:31.40  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap      15.11   2006-07-12 14:51:45.2     18885632  IRAC - SDSSJ171941.04+611831.3          
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.57   2006-07-12 15:04:39.5     19359744  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30 - 0001      
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.58   2006-07-12 15:13:48.3     19362560  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12 - 0001        
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.57   2006-07-12 15:19:17.9     19362048  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30 - 0001       
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.58   2006-07-12 15:27:49.7     19361536  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30 - 0001       
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap      11.58   2006-07-12 15:36:10.5     19361024  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30 - 0001       
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.93   2006-07-12 15:44:44.9     19363584  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2 - 0001 
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.93   2006-07-12 15:49:16.5     19364096  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2 - 0001 
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       6.90   2006-07-12 15:54:34.5     19360512  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2 - 0001     
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1136 iracmap       8.57   2006-07-12 15:59:14.4     19363072  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12 - 0001  
300+04                    12:28:51.84  -58:44:35.73  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.66   2006-07-12 16:14:50.7     14781952  IRAC-0001 - 300+04                      
300+06                    12:30:08.64  -56:45:01.99  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.64   2006-07-12 17:20:32.6     14782208  IRAC-0001 - 300+06                      
gamma Cru                 12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 irac          7.66   2006-07-12 18:25:53.8     19395840  IRAC_gamcru_latnt_ch13_offsts_only      
gamma Cru                 12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 irac          7.66   2006-07-12 18:33:50.8     19396096  IRAC_gamcru_latnt_ch24_offsts_only      
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      11.06   2006-07-12 18:52:17.5     19399680  skydrk_12_101                           
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      11.40   2006-07-12 18:59:56.2     19400192  skydrk_12hdr_101                        
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       8.15   2006-07-12 19:07:53.2     19399424  skydrk_2_101                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      54.56   2006-07-12 19:12:38.8     19400704  skydrk_100_101                          
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 irac         14.94   2006-07-12 20:05:00.3     19396352  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      11.40   2006-07-12 20:36:29.3     19397376  skydrk_12hdr_100                        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 irac         11.66   2006-07-12 20:43:21.9     19395584  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       8.15   2006-07-12 20:44:26.1     19396608  skydrk_2_100                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      54.56   2006-07-12 20:49:11.7     19397888  skydrk_100_100                          
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1236 irac         14.94   2006-07-12 21:41:28.1     19387136  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 00:18:58.9     19404800  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips         16.68   2006-07-13 00:38:12.1     19404544  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips         16.42   2006-07-13 00:55:05.6     19420416  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     17.60   2006-07-13 01:13:46.0     19461120  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.33   2006-07-13 01:29:31.8     19460352  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     17.59   2006-07-13 01:34:24.3     19460864  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.33   2006-07-13 01:49:47.1     19460608  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.37   2006-07-13 01:56:55.9     14766336  MIPSP-BLLACa                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 02:17:42.8     19405056  anneal                                  
zodi_17a                  11:56:52.08  +05:47:25.34  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1875 mipsphot    175.54   2006-07-13 02:31:21.6     19464960  calflt-33MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 05:26:51.8     19405312  anneal                                  
zodi_17b                  12:11:03.68  -07:00:41.62  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1875 mipsscan    138.95   2006-07-13 05:32:35.3     19465216  calflt-33MC-fastscan.aor                
tau boo                   13:47:15.74  +17:27:24.90  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-07-13 07:50:53.7     14036992  MIPSP-0000                              
Victoria_cluster              2000012      Victoria  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     13.24   2006-07-13 08:18:38.8     19402240  MIPSP-CAL033-Victoria-160um             
Victoria                      2000012      Victoria  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.60   2006-07-13 08:33:46.9     19402496  MIPSP-CAL033-Victoria                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 08:36:26.4     19405568  anneal                                  
3C 273                    12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-13 08:46:08.2     14761472  MIPSP-273d                              
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.05   2006-07-13 08:57:52.9     14762752  MIPSP-3c279a                            
noao1432+34_11            14:34:47.70  +33:02:30.60  Le Floc'h         MIC_BOOTES   20303 mipsphot     28.00   2006-07-13 09:11:49.6     14515200  MIPSP-0013                              
alphaCrb                  15:34:41.27  +26:42:52.90  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     25.21   2006-07-13 09:38:50.7     14500864  MIPSP-0009b                             
hip 67195                 13:46:13.73  +30:53:49.20  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     15.62   2006-07-13 10:03:53.3     17339648  MIPSP-0101-earlyf                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 11:05:19.0     19405824  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CL1232                    12:32:30.50  -12:50:36.00  Blackwell         SF_HI_Z        268 mipsphot     37.00   2006-07-13 11:16:22.8     17053696  CL1232-24um                             
CL1227                    12:27:56.00  -11:37:60.00  Blackwell         SF_HI_Z        268 mipsphot     51.67   2006-07-13 11:50:48.5     17053952  CL1227-24um                             
WD1315-110                13:17:47.25  -11:21:06.00  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-13 12:41:21.0     17493760  MIPSP-0010                              
S31                       13:04:44.15  +03:41:26.40  van Gorkom        OUTLIERS     20410 mipsphot     96.82   2006-07-13 13:15:29.9     14657024  MIPSP-0030                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 14:50:35.6     19406080  anneal                                  
GRB030429                 12:13:07.50  -20:54:49.70  Le Floc'h         MIC_GRBHOST  20370 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-13 14:58:56.4     14568960  MIPSP-GRB030429                         
GRB050219A                11:05:36.00  -40:40:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-13 15:26:33.1     17182464  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050219A                 
NGC3706 cluster           11:29:44.43  -36:23:28.70  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     32.97   2006-07-13 15:52:46.0     18041856  T78M_NGC3706                            
HD109085                  12:32:04.23  -16:11:45.60  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      47.31   2006-07-13 16:25:22.6     17324032  MIPSE-HD109085                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 17:12:30.7     19406336  anneal                                  
HD109085 - 70cluster      12:32:04.23  -16:11:45.60  Bryden            RESOLVEDDISK 30157 mipsphot     86.06   2006-07-13 17:16:12.9     17852928  MIPS70fine-HD109085                     
HD109085 - 160cluster     12:32:04.23  -16:11:45.60  Bryden            RESOLVEDDISK 30157 mipsphot     98.24   2006-07-13 18:39:09.4     17854464  MIPS160-HD109085                        
ugc 6903                  11:55:36.93  +01:14:13.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     17.50   2006-07-13 20:16:59.3     19204352  MIPSP-0041                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-13 20:34:45.0     19406592  anneal                                  
SDSS1154+0300             11:54:36.60  +03:00:06.40  Farrah            DGFFELOBAL   30299 mipsphot     73.99   2006-07-13 20:38:50.0     18012672  MIPSP-SDSS1154+0300                     
ugc 6903                  11:55:36.93  +01:14:13.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     13.83   2006-07-13 21:50:20.8     19204608  MIPSP-0042                              
hip 62636                 12:50:05.15  -07:37:55.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.42   2006-07-13 22:03:18.8     17344768  MIPSP-0132-earlyf                       
NGC4786 cluster           12:54:32.42  -06:51:33.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     32.98   2006-07-13 22:31:10.2     18043904  T78M_NGC4786                            
SDSSJ125306.00-031258.9   12:53:05.97  -03:12:58.89  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 mipsphot     41.81   2006-07-13 23:01:59.9     18892544  MIPSP - SDSSJ125306.00-031258.9         
hip 61578                 12:37:06.83  -02:19:19.60  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-07-13 23:41:38.1     17342208  MIPSP-0117-earlyf                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-14 01:03:58.9     19406848  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CAST1256 ll               12:55:29.30  +01:04:10.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 mipsphot     42.65   2006-07-14 01:15:14.2     19163392  MIPS-CAST1256-3                         
CAST1256 lr               12:55:07.20  +01:04:28.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 mipsphot     42.65   2006-07-14 01:54:37.7     19163648  MIPS-CAST1256-4                         
ERO2MASS6                 13:40:39.68  +05:14:19.90  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 mipsphot     13.06   2006-07-14 02:39:07.4     18616064  MIPSP-0000 - ERO2MASS6                  
ERO2MASS8                 12:52:12.93  +07:15:04.70  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-14 02:51:02.5     18616576  MIPSP-0000 - ERO2MASS8                  
IRAS13451+1232            13:47:33.36  +12:17:24.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-07-14 03:03:18.6     17533952  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg026                     
OQ+208                    14:07:00.39  +28:27:14.70  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipsphot     12.04   2006-07-14 03:13:43.5     17640448  MIPSP-CTAGN - OQ+208                    
NGC5272                   13:42:11.23  +28:22:31.60  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot      9.60   2006-07-14 03:23:55.9     17316608  n5272_24                                
HD 109127                 12:32:20.57  +26:46:49.80  Rieke             MIDAGECLUSTE 30429 mipsphot      5.46   2006-07-14 03:32:52.8     17424384  MIPSP-0009                              
J1416_cluster             14:16:17.38  +26:49:06.20  Houck             J1416_CLUSTE 30184 mipsphot     51.67   2006-07-14 03:38:17.8     17330432  J1416_MIPS                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-14 04:28:37.6     19407104  anneal                                  
FBQS 1427+2709            14:27:03.64  +27:09:40.30  Farrah            DGFFELOBAL   30299 mipsphot     73.98   2006-07-14 04:34:27.9     18011904  MIPSP-FBQS1427+2709                     
Mrk475                    14:39:05.46  +36:48:21.90  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-07-14 05:47:10.0     17571328  Wu_MIPSP-0014                           
HS1424+3836               14:26:28.16  +38:22:58.70  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     20.26   2006-07-14 06:00:43.7     17573120  Wu_MIPSP-0021                           
NGC5596                   14:22:28.72  +37:07:19.70  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-07-14 06:18:18.5     18191360  MIPSP-NGC5596                           
HS1347+3811               13:49:12.35  +37:56:44.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-07-14 06:29:14.9     17572096  Wu_MIPSP-0017                           
IRAS13342+3932            13:36:24.07  +39:17:30.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-07-14 06:42:44.4     17533440  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg024                     
UGC8876                   13:56:58.06  +45:58:23.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-07-14 06:52:06.5     18191104  MIPSP-UGC8876                           
Mrk 477                   14:40:38.09  +53:30:15.90  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipssed      61.82   2006-07-14 07:03:17.6     17642496  MIPSE-CTAGN - Mrk 477 - copy            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-14 08:04:16.3     19407360  anneal                                  
Mrk 477                   14:40:38.09  +53:30:15.90  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipssed      43.07   2006-07-14 08:08:32.9     17641728  MIPSE-CTAGN - Mrk 477                   
Mrk 477                   14:40:38.09  +53:30:15.90  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipsphot     12.92   2006-07-14 08:48:30.0     17639936  MIPSP-CTAGN - Mrk 477                   
OQ+208                    14:07:00.39  +28:27:14.70  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipssed      43.07   2006-07-14 09:01:39.5     17642752  MIPSE-CTAGN - OQ+208 B                  
OQ+208                    14:07:00.39  +28:27:14.70  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipssed      61.82   2006-07-14 09:41:21.9     17642240  MIPSE-CTAGN - OQ+208                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-14 11:33:59.0     19407872  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CAST1256 ul               12:55:29.00  +01:09:45.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 mipsphot     42.65   2006-07-14 11:44:59.5     19162880  MIPS-CAST1256-1                         
CAST1256 ur               12:55:09.00  +01:11:05.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 mipsphot     42.65   2006-07-14 12:24:20.9     19163136  MIPS-CAST1256-2                         
NGC5338                   13:53:26.55  +05:12:28.00  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     20.61   2006-07-14 13:05:58.5     18190848  MIPSP-NGC5338                           
IRAS15206+3342            15:22:38.12  +33:31:36.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.08   2006-07-14 13:26:42.2     17534208  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg027                     
SDSS J155633              15:56:33.80  +35:17:58.00  Farrah            DGFFELOBAL   30299 mipsphot     74.01   2006-07-14 13:36:02.1     18013696  MIPSP-SDSSJ15563                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-14 14:48:06.9     19407616  anneal                                  
UGC10205                  16:06:40.18  +30:05:56.70  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     87.74   2006-07-14 14:54:55.3     17408256  MIPSP-UGC10205-70-160                   
tau boo                   13:47:15.74  +17:27:24.90  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-07-14 16:22:26.6     14037248  MIPSP-0001                              
IRAS16334+4630            16:34:52.37  +46:24:53.00  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-07-14 16:42:13.6     17534464  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg028                     
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.38   2006-07-14 16:54:52.7     14766592  MIPSP-BLLACb                            
II Peg                    23:55:04.05  +28:38:01.20  Drake             JDRAKE       20713 mipsphot     35.26   2006-07-14 17:15:57.3     15031808  MIPSP II Peg                            
GRB020819                 23:27:19.48  +06:15:55.90  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-14 17:50:45.0     17184256  MIPSP-0000 - GRB020819                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-14 18:22:57.4     19408128  anneal                                  
SDSSJ001054.85+001451.3   00:10:54.87  +00:14:51.30  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     24.31   2006-07-14 18:24:16.2     14631424  MIPSP-SDSS J0010+0014                   
SDSSJ001009.9-004603.6    00:10:09.90  +00:46:03.60  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     40.11   2006-07-14 18:45:48.0     14634496  MIPSP-SDSS J0010-0046                   
PKS0035-02                00:38:20.51  -02:07:40.11  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.15   2006-07-14 19:24:08.6     14422784  MIPSP-0002                              
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-14 20:21:39.4     14763008  MIPSP-3c279b                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-14 21:18:35.0     19408384  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
tau boo                   13:47:15.74  +17:27:24.90  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-07-14 21:30:53.9     14037504  MIPSP-0002                              
NGC 4968                  13:07:05.98  -23:40:37.30  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipsphot     12.07   2006-07-14 21:47:19.5     17640704  MIPSP-CTAGN - NGC 4968                  
NGC5061 cluster           13:18:05.07  -26:50:14.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.07   2006-07-14 21:57:19.3     18044416  T78M_NGC5061                            
NGC4936 cluster           13:04:17.10  -30:31:34.60  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.05   2006-07-14 22:28:19.5     18044160  T78M_NGC4936                            
NGC4709 cluster           12:50:04.02  -41:22:56.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.05   2006-07-14 22:59:49.0     18043648  T78M_NGC4709                            
1RXS_J133758.0-413448     13:37:57.30  -41:34:42.00  Hines             FEPSFII      30500 mipsphot     17.18   2006-07-14 23:31:05.9     18298880  MIPSP-GO3-0007                          
1RXS_J130153.7-530446     13:01:50.70  -53:04:58.10  Hines             FEPSFII      30500 mipsphot     62.00   2006-07-14 23:47:10.6     18298624  MIPSP-GO3-0006                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-15 00:48:34.5     19408640  anneal                                  
1RXS_J121236.4-552037     12:12:35.77  -55:20:27.30  Hines             FEPSFII      30500 mipsphot     61.98   2006-07-15 00:54:17.1     18300160  MIPSP-GO3-0013                          
1RXS_J132207.2-693812     13:22:07.53  -69:38:12.20  Hines             FEPSFII      30500 mipsphot     17.18   2006-07-15 01:55:22.9     18301440  MIPSP-GO3-0021                          
PKS0105-16                01:08:16.90  -16:04:20.60  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.15   2006-07-15 02:16:59.0     14423808  MIPSP-0007                              
PKS0117-15                01:20:27.16  -15:20:17.81  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     48.16   2006-07-15 03:02:45.2     14424064  MIPSP-0008                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-15 03:52:07.9     19408896  anneal                                  
pks_1580_106              00:34:13.80  -11:56:00.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.78   2006-07-15 03:56:27.4     14936576  pks_1580_106_mips_2                     
pks_1580_106              00:34:13.80  -11:56:00.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.78   2006-07-15 05:42:55.3     14936320  pks_1580_106_mips                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-15 07:34:24.7     19409152  anneal                                  
pks_1580_108              00:33:57.20  -12:00:38.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.78   2006-07-15 07:39:02.0     14938112  pks_1580_108_mips_2                     
tau boo                   13:47:15.74  +17:27:24.90  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-07-15 09:37:37.6     14040832  MIPSP-0015                              
3C 273                    12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-15 09:52:52.0     14761728  MIPSP-273e                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-15 11:16:59.0     19409408  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SDSS1214-0001             12:14:41.43  +00:01:37.90  Farrah            DGFFELOBAL   30299 mipsphot     73.98   2006-07-15 11:27:20.6     18012928  MIPSP-SDSS1214-0001                     
POX4                      11:51:11.60  -20:36:02.00  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 mipsphot     41.82   2006-07-15 12:40:29.9     18895360  MIPSP - POX4                            
ngc3557                   11:09:57.40  -37:32:17.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     87.09   2006-07-15 13:21:11.0     14257408  PT_MIPSP-0016 - ngc3557                 
ngc3557                   11:09:57.40  -37:32:17.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     24.75   2006-07-15 14:45:02.0     14257664  PT_MIPSP-0017 - ngc3557                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-15 15:07:40.9     19409664  anneal                                  
pks_1580_108              00:33:57.20  -12:00:38.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot    109.78   2006-07-15 15:22:40.6     14936832  pks_1580_108_mips                       
pks_1580_110              00:33:42.70  -12:01:37.00  Comastri          CRI          20623 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-15 17:09:10.6     14939136  pks_1580_110_mips                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-15 17:39:32.0     19409920  anneal                                  
4721                      00:20:26.64  +00:49:48.00  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.72   2006-07-15 17:46:15.7     14269440  MIPSP - 4721                            
GRB 020819                23:27:19.48  +06:15:55.90  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 mipsphot     13.00   2006-07-15 18:44:50.5     19048704  MIPSP-GRB020819                         
4C05.84                   22:25:14.66  +05:27:09.40  Stockton          Z2.5-STOCKTO 30240 mipsphot     96.91   2006-07-15 18:56:47.7     17910784  MIPSP-0004                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-15 20:33:55.7     19410432  anneal                                  
NGC7360                   22:43:33.95  +04:09:04.20  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-07-15 20:38:30.4     18192640  MIPSP-NGC7360                           
SSA22_MIPS                22:17:34.00  +00:17:01.00  Fazio             SSA22        30328 mipsphot    127.56   2006-07-15 20:49:12.1     17600768  mips24_1                                
hip 110753                22:26:14.44  -02:47:20.30  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.85   2006-07-15 22:56:34.1     17343488  MIPSP-0124-earlyf                       
73480 (2002 PN34) 24um        2073480 73480 (2002 P  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     22.57   2006-07-15 23:29:04.5     17762816  Cent_GO3a-02-A_24um                     
73480 (2002 PN34) 70um        2073480                Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     35.12   2006-07-15 23:53:29.3     17763072  Cent_GO3a-02-A_70um                     
IRAS00188-0856            00:21:26.48  -08:39:27.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-07-16 00:28:30.6     17528576  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg002                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-16 01:53:36.0     19410176  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
SDSSJ171941.04+611831.3   17:19:41.11  +61:18:31.40  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 mipsphot     41.82   2006-07-16 02:09:58.7     18891776  MIPSP - SDSSJ171941.04+611831.3         
brc35                     21:36:05.40  +58:31:39.15  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-07-16 02:51:32.2     17516032  MIPSP-brc35                             
brc39                     21:46:06.77  +57:26:23.11  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-07-16 02:58:48.4     17516544  MIPSP-brc39                             
4C23.56                   21:07:14.82  +23:31:45.00  Stockton          Z2.5-STOCKTO 30240 mipsphot     96.91   2006-07-16 03:08:54.4     17910528  MIPSP-0003                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-16 04:44:34.1     19410688  anneal                                  
UGC12265N                 22:57:36.00  +19:47:25.70  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-07-16 04:52:24.1     18192896  MIPSP-UGC12265N                         
NGC7457 cluster           23:00:59.93  +30:08:41.60  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     32.97   2006-07-16 05:03:33.1     18045696  T78M_NGC7457                            
IRAS23129+2548            23:15:21.41  +26:04:32.60  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-07-16 05:34:18.6     17536512  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg036                     
IRAS23498+2423            23:52:26.05  +24:40:16.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-07-16 05:43:46.9     17536768  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg037                     
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.37   2006-07-16 05:54:37.0     14766848  MIPSP-BLLACc                            
NGC7653                   23:24:49.35  +15:16:32.10  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     51.50   2006-07-16 06:15:45.8     17407488  MIPSP-NGC7653-24-70-160                 
UGC12519                  23:20:02.77  +15:57:09.90  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot     47.48   2006-07-16 07:04:20.8     17408512  MIPSP-UGC12519-24-70-160                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-16 07:54:14.4     19410944  anneal                                  
NGC7626 cluster           23:20:42.29  +08:13:02.50  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     32.97   2006-07-16 07:56:40.2     18045952  T78M_NGC7626                            
SDSS2215-0045             22:15:11.94  +00:45:49.90  Farrah            DGFFELOBAL   30299 mipsphot     74.05   2006-07-16 08:28:26.5     18013184  MIPSP-SDSS2215-0045                     
NGC4394 - MIPS 24, 160    12:25:58.63  +18:12:40.10  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 mipsphot     22.80   2006-07-16 09:50:34.8     16320768  SIGS_MIPS - NGC 4394/M 85               
pg1307+085                13:09:47.00  +08:19:48.90  Rieke             PG1307       30306 mipsphot      7.61   2006-07-16 10:12:17.1     17387776  MIPSP-0000                              
tau boo                   13:47:15.74  +17:27:24.90  Hansen            HOTCOLD      20101 mipsphot     15.71   2006-07-16 10:18:36.7     14041088  MIPSP-0016                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-16 11:27:58.9     19411200  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-16 11:40:55.5     14763264  MIPSP-3c279c                            
NGC 55                    00:14:53.60  -39:11:47.90  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan     87.88   2006-07-16 12:01:20.2     17598720  MIPSC-0004-NGC55                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-16 13:26:54.8     19411456  anneal                                  
NGC 55                    00:14:53.60  -39:11:47.90  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan    172.08   2006-07-16 13:32:28.5     17598464  MIPSC-0003-NGC55                        
W28                       00:01:24.48  -30:38:58.30  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-16 16:21:32.4     17690624  MIPS phot W28                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-16 16:53:48.8     19411712  anneal                                  
W35                       00:01:57.75  -30:09:28.70  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-16 16:57:48.2     17690880  MIPS phot W35                           
W36                       00:02:04.13  -30:41:06.80  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-16 17:27:23.4     17691136  MIPS phot W36                           
NGC 0424                  01:11:27.65  -38:05:00.50  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipsphot     12.04   2006-07-16 17:58:56.1     17639680  MIPSP-CTAGN - NGC 0424                  
IRAS 01388-4618           01:40:55.92  -46:02:53.30  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-07-16 18:09:16.8     17529088  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg004                     
NGC3256                   10:27:51.30  -43:54:14.00  Engelbracht       CENGELBRACHT 20176 mipssed      20.65   2006-07-16 19:57:33.8     14268928  MIPSS-0013                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-16 21:24:59.0     19411968  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
73480 (2002 PN34) 24um        2073480 73480 (2002 P  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     22.57   2006-07-16 21:47:06.2     17763328  Cent_GO3a-02-B_24um                     
73480 (2002 PN34) 70um        2073480                Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     35.12   2006-07-16 22:11:31.1     17763584  Cent_GO3a-02-B_70um                     
Q2343                     23:46:27.00  +12:48:19.50  Steidel           STEIDELGO3   30416 mipsphot    170.57   2006-07-16 22:45:40.0     18221056  MIPSP-Q2343d                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-17 01:35:52.6     19412224  anneal                                  
Q2343                     23:46:27.00  +12:48:19.50  Steidel           STEIDELGO3   30416 mipsphot    170.57   2006-07-17 01:42:06.4     18220800  MIPSP-Q2343c                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-17 04:30:24.8     19412480  anneal                                  
W38                       00:02:21.63  -30:08:22.60  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 04:40:07.1     17691392  MIPS phot W38                           
W23                       00:00:55.34  -30:03:51.00  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 05:09:29.8     17690368  MIPS phot W23                           
Z182                      00:06:16.30  -30:05:57.30  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 05:39:17.6     17696000  MIPS phot Z182                          
W104                      00:05:42.96  -29:57:38.30  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 06:08:29.7     17694976  MIPS phot W104                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-17 06:39:49.5     19412736  anneal                                  
NGC 55                    00:14:53.60  -39:11:47.90  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan    172.08   2006-07-17 06:46:22.0     17596160  MIPSC-0002-NGC55                        
3C 273                    12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.05   2006-07-17 09:44:52.1     14761984  MIPSP-273f                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-17 11:10:59.0     19412992  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
RX_J1111.7-7620           11:11:46.32  -76:20:09.20  Hines             FEPSFII      30500 mipsphot     17.18   2006-07-17 11:26:01.2     18301952  MIPSP-GO3-0023                          
NGC 55                    00:14:53.60  -39:11:47.90  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan    172.08   2006-07-17 11:45:39.8     17595904  MIPSC-0001-NGC55                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-17 14:39:17.6     19413248  anneal                                  
NGC 55                    00:14:53.60  -39:11:47.90  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan    172.08   2006-07-17 14:43:28.0     17595392  MIPSC-0000-NGC55                        
Z160                      00:05:30.93  -29:53:08.80  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 17:32:38.2     17696256  MIPS phot Z160                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-17 18:06:31.0     19413504  anneal                                  
W86                       00:04:50.82  -29:37:58.90  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 18:08:43.5     17693952  MIPS phot W86                           
W61                       00:03:31.89  -29:43:04.80  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 18:38:08.2     17692928  MIPS phot W61                           
W58                       00:03:24.39  -29:48:49.40  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 19:07:30.9     17692416  MIPS phot W58                           
W56                       00:03:20.60  -29:49:22.80  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 19:36:51.4     17692160  MIPS phot W56                           
Z96=W57                   00:03:21.80  -30:01:10.80  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 20:06:16.2     17696512  MIPS phot Z96 W57                       
W68                       00:03:50.17  -30:03:55.70  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 20:35:40.9     17693440  MIPS phot W68                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-17 21:09:45.2     19413760  anneal                                  
W53                       00:03:10.81  -30:10:48.90  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 21:11:54.6     17691904  MIPS phot W53                           
W51                       00:02:55.23  -30:08:59.20  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 21:41:10.9     17691648  MIPS phot W51                           
W63                       00:03:33.60  -30:28:42.00  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-17 22:10:42.0     17693184  MIPS phot W63                           
UGC10205                  16:06:40.18  +30:05:56.70  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 mipsphot      9.62   2006-07-17 22:51:01.0     17408000  MIPSP-UGC10205-24                       
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.37   2006-07-17 23:03:25.5     14767104  MIPSP-BLLACd                            
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-17 23:31:06.5     14763520  MIPSP-3c279d                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 00:48:59.0     19414016  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
IRAS23529-2119            23:55:33.22  -21:02:59.60  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-07-18 01:09:44.6     17537024  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg011                     
NGC7793                   23:57:49.70  -32:35:30.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      58.27   2006-07-18 01:19:27.6      5597696  MIPSS-0074                              
W70                       00:04:00.02  -30:19:15.80  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-18 02:15:16.7     17693696  MIPS phot W70                           
Z129=W79                  00:04:31.70  -30:14:41.90  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-18 02:44:39.4     17695744  MIPS phot Z129 W79                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 03:14:26.8     19414272  anneal                                  
W91                       00:04:58.84  -30:09:41.60  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-18 03:22:48.4     17694464  MIPS phot W91                           
W88                       00:04:53.33  -30:15:23.80  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-18 03:52:13.2     17694208  MIPS phot W88                           
W126                      00:08:01.90  -30:01:54.10  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-18 04:21:48.4     17695488  MIPS phot W126                          
W96                       00:05:26.76  -30:17:24.50  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-18 04:51:25.7     17694720  MIPS phot W96                           
W124                      00:07:07.81  -30:33:41.60  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.48   2006-07-18 05:20:58.9     17695232  MIPS phot W124                          
ISO J005645.1-273815      00:56:45.15  -27:38:15.60  Farrah            DGFFELOBAL   30299 mipsphot     73.98   2006-07-18 05:52:02.2     18012160  MIPSP-ISOJ0056-2738                     
IRAS00397-1312            00:42:15.50  -12:56:03.50  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.06   2006-07-18 07:04:54.7     17528832  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg003                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 07:14:57.8     19414528  anneal                                  
NGC7727 cluster           23:39:53.87  -12:17:34.80  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.02   2006-07-18 07:21:51.8     18046208  T78M_NGC7727                            
hip 462                   00:05:31.16  -09:37:02.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.42   2006-07-18 07:52:54.1     17346304  MIPSP-0201-earlyf                       
hip 1573                  00:19:36.48  -07:13:26.50  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-07-18 08:21:10.7     17343232  MIPSP-0123-earlyf                       
ERO2MASS12                00:36:59.82  -01:13:32.40  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 mipsphot     13.05   2006-07-18 08:43:18.2     18617600  MIPSP-0000 - ERO2MASS12                 
hip 115220                23:20:15.85  -03:55:08.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     15.63   2006-07-18 08:55:36.4     17339904  MIPSP-0102-earlyf                       
hip 2710                  00:34:27.17  -06:30:14.10  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-07-18 09:10:36.0     17337600  MIPSP-0062-earlyf-addon                 
HD110411                  12:41:53.06  +10:14:08.30  Su                DEEP24       20296 mipsphot     16.71   2006-07-18 09:43:56.7     14499840  MIPSP-0005b                             
65489 (2003 FX128)            2065489 65489 (2003 F  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     75.24   2006-07-18 10:10:29.5     17763840  Cent_GO3a-03-A                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 12:10:59.0     19414784  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.33   2006-07-18 12:26:55.7     19461632  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_1    
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.33   2006-07-18 12:31:50.3     19461376  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     17.60   2006-07-18 12:36:19.8     19462144  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     17.59   2006-07-18 12:52:56.0     19461888  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_1      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.33   2006-07-18 13:07:17.9     19464704  MIPS-CALMC33-various-24um-HD163588      
HD 164058                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipssed      31.91   2006-07-18 13:11:36.9     19460096  MIPS-CALMC33-Various-SED-HD164058       
Mrk1499                   16:35:21.07  +52:12:52.80  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-07-18 13:42:19.2     17573632  Wu_MIPSP-0023                           
HD144284                  16:01:53.35  +58:33:54.90  Rieke             CLEANUP      30566 mipsphot     14.00   2006-07-18 13:56:24.4     17655552  MIPSP-ISO-2                             
SBS1538+584               15:39:56.92  +58:15:33.40  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-07-18 14:08:09.0     17571072  Wu_MIPSP-0013                           
SBS1533+574B              15:34:14.15  +57:17:04.30  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-07-18 14:21:17.5     17570816  Wu_MIPSP-0012                           
CG0598                    14:59:20.64  +42:16:09.80  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-07-18 14:36:17.2     17573376  Wu_MIPSP-0022                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 14:50:52.4     19415040  anneal                                  
UGC 10445                 16:33:47.60  +28:59:05.70  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan     87.90   2006-07-18 14:58:39.4     17596672  MIPSC-0002-UGC10445                     
UGC 10445                 16:33:47.60  +28:59:05.70  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan     87.90   2006-07-18 16:22:46.1     17596416  MIPSC-0001-UGC10445                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 17:50:21.5     19415296  anneal                                  
UGC 10445                 16:33:47.60  +28:59:05.70  Rieke             HINZCOLDHALO 30310 mipsscan     87.90   2006-07-18 17:53:44.0     17595648  MIPSC-0000-UGC10445                     
wd1858+393                19:00:17.30  +39:22:35.10  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-18 19:23:57.7     19021056  MIPSP-0012                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 19:58:28.9     19415552  anneal                                  
Q2343                     23:46:27.00  +12:48:19.50  Steidel           STEIDELGO3   30416 mipsphot    170.57   2006-07-18 20:05:08.2     18220544  MIPSP-Q2343b                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-18 22:59:17.5     19415808  anneal                                  
SDSSJ004054.32+153409.6   00:40:54.32  +15:34:09.60  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     24.33   2006-07-18 23:01:11.5     14631936  MIPSP-SDSS J0040+1534                   
J0005-0006                00:05:52.34  +00:06:55.80  Fan               HZ_DUST      30402 mipsphot     59.53   2006-07-18 23:24:47.1     18180096  MIPSP-0002                              
delta Ceph                22:29:10.27  +58:24:54.70  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      7.61   2006-07-19 00:26:20.1     18669056  MIPS_delta_Ceph                         
X Cyg                     20:43:24.19  +35:35:16.10  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     14.02   2006-07-19 00:33:40.5     18671104  MIPS_X_Cyg                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 02:02:58.9     19416064  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
wd1257+278                12:59:47.58  +27:34:01.20  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-19 02:15:33.7     19019264  MIPSP-0005                              
wd1626+368                16:28:25.08  +36:46:14.30  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-19 02:48:18.7     19020288  MIPSP-0009                              
nltt43806                 16:54:45.70  +38:29:36.80  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-19 03:18:01.3     19022592  MIPSP-0018                              
IC1144                    15:51:21.68  +43:25:03.70  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-07-19 03:48:36.3     18192128  MIPSP-IC1144                            
wd1633+433                16:35:01.41  +43:17:36.60  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-19 03:59:34.8     19020544  MIPSP-0010                              
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.37   2006-07-19 04:33:03.9     14767360  MIPSP-BLLACe                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 04:53:18.0     19416320  anneal                                  
DT Cyg                    21:06:30.24  +31:11:04.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     18.43   2006-07-19 05:00:07.1     18672640  MIPS_DT_Cyg                             
SDSS2336-0107             23:36:45.10  -01:07:32.40  Farrah            DGFFELOBAL   30299 mipsphot     73.98   2006-07-19 05:19:54.0     18013440  MIPSP-SDSS2336-0107                     
16863                     01:09:34.44  +00:20:22.70  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.74   2006-07-19 06:33:26.4     14269696  MIPSP - 16863                           
HD9053                    01:28:21.93  -43:19:05.60  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      9.60   2006-07-19 07:34:07.1     18674688  MIPS_HD9053                             
beta Dor                  05:33:37.52  -62:29:23.40  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      7.61   2006-07-19 07:44:23.6     18669312  MIPS_beta_Dor                           
l Car                     09:45:14.81  -62:30:28.50  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      7.60   2006-07-19 07:51:50.3     18668544  MIPS_l_Car                              
S Mus                     12:12:47.02  -70:09:06.40  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     14.02   2006-07-19 07:58:22.5     18675456  MIPS_S_Mus                              
GRB 011121                11:34:29.60  -76:01:41.60  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 mipsphot     13.00   2006-07-19 08:10:32.3     19048192  MIPSP-GRB011121                         
U Car                     10:57:48.19  -59:43:55.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     11.80   2006-07-19 08:22:48.4     18684416  MIPS_U_Car                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 08:38:03.2     19416576  anneal                                  
VY Car                    10:44:32.69  -57:33:55.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     35.39   2006-07-19 08:39:07.8     18671360  MIPS_VY_Car                             
HD 56413 cluster          07:12:57.94  -61:36:47.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1874 mipsphot     16.87   2006-07-19 09:17:28.3     17676544  MIPSP-CALMC31-24umScatLight             
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-19 09:37:45.7     14763776  MIPSP-3c279e                            
3c273                     12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.05   2006-07-19 09:49:24.1     14762240  MIPS-273g                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 10:46:58.9     19416832  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
GRB050819                 23:54:56.00  +24:51:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-19 11:07:41.7     17175808  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050819                  
ZwCl0024.0+1652           00:26:35.70  +17:09:45.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-07-19 11:34:15.5      4774912  CL0024-24a                              
ZwCl0024.0+1652           00:26:35.70  +17:09:45.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-07-19 12:10:11.3      4775168  CL0024-24b                              
CL0016+1609               00:18:33.20  +16:26:18.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-07-19 12:46:53.3      4774400  CL0016-24a                              
CL0016+1609               00:18:33.20  +16:26:18.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-07-19 13:22:47.1      4774656  CL0016-24b                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 13:59:04.6     19417600  anneal                                  
QR And                    00:19:49.84  +21:56:53.10  Lanz              CBSS02       20130 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-19 14:06:55.8     14138368  MIPSP-QRAnd-PrimEcl                     
brc42                     21:46:36.77  +57:12:25.30  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-07-19 14:35:45.9     17517568  MIPSP-brc42                             
brc32                     21:32:23.68  +57:24:08.48  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-07-19 14:43:06.3     17515008  MIPSP-brc32                             
brc33                     21:33:12.15  +57:29:34.61  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-07-19 14:49:53.2     17515520  MIPSP-brc33                             
GRB050422                 21:37:43.00  +55:46:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-19 14:57:15.7     17177856  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050422                  
WD2354+159                23:56:34.74  +16:15:41.90  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-07-19 15:26:10.0     17492736  MIPSP-0002                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 15:56:17.5     19417088  anneal                                  
Q2343                     23:46:27.00  +12:48:19.50  Steidel           STEIDELGO3   30416 mipsphot    170.57   2006-07-19 16:02:35.2     18219264  MIPSP-Q2343a                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 18:51:45.4     19417344  anneal                                  
NGC6205                   16:41:41.63  +36:27:40.70  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot      9.61   2006-07-19 19:04:28.8     17315584  n6205_24                                
65489 (2003 FX128)            2065489 65489 (2003 F  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     75.24   2006-07-19 19:24:11.6     17764096  Cent_GO3a-03-B                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-19 21:28:58.8     19417856  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Lameia_cluster                2000248                Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     26.54   2006-07-19 21:51:27.9     19403264  MIPSP-CAL033-Lameia-160um               
Lameia                        2000248        Lameia  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.60   2006-07-19 22:19:54.9     19403520  MIPSP-CAL033-Lameia                     
IRAS 03538-6432           03:54:25.20  -64:23:44.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1875 mipssed      10.60   2006-07-19 22:33:23.4     19465472  mips-33MC-sed-ulirg                     
IRAS 03538-6432           03:54:25.21  -64:23:44.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1875 mipstp       81.59   2006-07-19 22:40:52.2     19465728  mips-33MC-ulirg_tpm                     
IRAS 03538-6432           03:54:25.21  -64:23:44.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     25.34   2006-07-19 23:59:12.9     19464448  mips-33MC-routine-ulirg                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-20 00:22:44.9     19418112  anneal                                  
DC302.1+7.4               12:45:35.30  -55:25:02.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.89   2006-07-20 00:33:19.7     18162432  DC3021+74-160                           
chvc 289+33+251A          11:59:29.60  -28:34:22.00  Williams          DUSTY_CHVCS  30907 mipsphot    141.91   2006-07-20 01:43:47.6     19558144  CHVC289                                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-20 04:05:31.4     19418368  anneal                                  
DC275.9+1.9               09:46:45.20  -51:06:02.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.89   2006-07-20 04:12:30.9     18162176  DC2759+19-160                           
DC274.2-0.4               09:28:47.00  -51:36:40.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.89   2006-07-20 05:20:46.6     18157568  DC2742-04-160                           
noao142937+32.6           14:29:36.68  +32:38:57.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 06:36:12.3     18332928  MIPSP-00001 - noao142937+32.6           
noao143102+32.9           14:31:02.22  +32:51:52.10  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 07:06:05.3     18333696  MIPSP-00001 - noao143102+32.9           
ucm1324+2926              13:26:25.10  +29:10:31.50  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     15.52   2006-07-20 07:38:14.7     18719744  MIPS-08 ucm1324+2926                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-20 07:56:21.2     19418624  anneal                                  
hd121504                  13:57:17.24  -56:02:24.20  Hines             FEPSFII      30500 mipsphot     62.01   2006-07-20 08:04:33.8     18302464  MIPSP-GO3-0025                          
BHR59                     11:06:52.00  -62:06:43.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.87   2006-07-20 09:06:23.7     18158080  BHR59-160                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-20 11:23:01.8     19418880  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
397                       14:33:21.82  +34:25:02.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 11:36:26.7     18327552  MIPSP-00001 - 397                       
407                       14:35:02.93  +34:26:58.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 12:06:30.2     18330624  MIPSP-00001 - 407                       
noao143205+34.3           14:35:45.11  +34:28:31.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 12:36:31.7     18335232  MIPSP-00001 - noao143205+34.3 - 0001    
noao143725+34.3           14:37:25.14  +34:15:02.60  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 13:06:41.5     18333440  MIPSP-00001 - noao143725+34.3           
noao143808+34.3           14:38:07.92  +34:16:12.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 13:39:22.4     18336512  MIPSP-00001 - noao143808+34.3           
noao143205+34.3           14:38:08.30  +34:10:16.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 14:09:28.0     18334720  MIPSP-00001 - noao143205+34.3 - 0000    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-20 14:40:58.0     19534592  anneal                                  
307                       14:35:03.24  +34:02:43.60  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 14:46:37.3     18330112  MIPSP-00001 - 307                       
noao143508+33.8           14:35:08.49  +33:47:39.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 15:16:47.1     18337792  MIPSP-00001 - noao143508+33.8           
249                       14:34:45.64  +33:47:16.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 15:46:52.7     18326784  MIPSP-00001 - 249 - 0001                
241                       14:33:49.58  +33:46:01.70  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 16:17:00.5     18329856  MIPSP-00001 - 241                       
222                       14:33:24.30  +33:42:39.50  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 16:47:06.1     18329344  MIPSP-00001 - 222                       
ucm1302+2853              13:04:35.70  +28:37:39.20  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     15.53   2006-07-20 17:19:36.4     18719488  MIPS-07 ucm1302+2853                    
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-20 17:35:24.3     14764032  MIPSP-3c279f                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-20 17:48:22.6     19534848  anneal                                  
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.37   2006-07-20 18:01:33.0     14767616  MIPSP-BLLACf                            
L1152                     20:35:45.90  +67:53:02.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.89   2006-07-20 18:23:02.8     18162944  L1152-160                               
L1148                     20:40:55.00  +67:22:05.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.89   2006-07-20 19:30:47.0     18160384  L1148-160                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-20 21:34:55.6     19535104  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
432                       14:26:00.56  +34:34:52.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 21:48:15.1     18330880  MIPSP-00001 - 432                       
noao142622+34.9           14:26:22.01  +34:52:49.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 22:18:08.1     18331904  MIPSP-00001 - noao142622+34.9           
561                       14:27:24.92  +35:08:24.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 22:47:57.0     18328064  MIPSP-00001 - 561                       
noao142824+35.4           14:28:24.07  +35:26:19.13  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 23:17:43.8     18331392  MIPSP-00001 - noao142824+35.4           
noao142827+35.7           14:28:27.19  +35:41:27.70  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-20 23:47:41.0     18338304  MIPSP-00001 - noao142827+35.7           
noao142760+35.2           14:27:59.90  +35:12:43.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 00:17:57.1     18334208  MIPSP-00001 - noao142760+35.2           
noao143213+35.1           14:32:13.37  +35:08:01.90  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 00:48:11.2     18332160  MIPSP-00001 - noao143213+35.1           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 01:18:20.0     19419392  anneal                                  
597                       14:33:31.92  +35:20:27.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 01:24:53.2     18328320  MIPSP-00001 - 597                       
654                       14:38:17.58  +35:37:46.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 01:55:11.4     18328576  MIPSP-00001 - 654                       
523                       14:31:52.38  +35:00:30.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 02:25:46.4     18327808  MIPSP-00001 - 523                       
noao143029+34.5           14:30:28.52  +34:32:21.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 02:56:02.5     18336256  MIPSP-00001 - noao143029+34.5           
noao143028+34.5           14:30:28.52  +34:32:21.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 03:26:06.0     18332416  MIPSP-00001 - noao143028+34.5           
noao143026+34.5           14:30:25.74  +34:29:57.30  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 03:56:09.6     18336768  MIPSP-00001 - noao143026+34.5           
noao143110+34.5           14:31:09.78  +34:28:02.70  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 04:26:11.0     18332672  MIPSP-00001 - noao143110+34.5           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 05:00:43.5     19419648  anneal                                  
IC 1613                   01:04:47.79  +02:07:04.00  Skillman          SHINDIG_MIPS 20425 mipsscan    155.34   2006-07-21 05:15:53.2     14665472  MIPSC-IC1613                            
Devosa_cluster                2000337        Devosa  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     26.54   2006-07-21 07:56:49.5     19402752  MIPSP-CAL033-Devosa-160um               
Devosa                        2000337        Devosa  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.60   2006-07-21 08:25:16.5     19403008  MIPSP-CAL033-Devosa                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 08:27:54.3     19419904  anneal                                  
19273                     01:18:34.87  +00:13:50.50  Xu                CKXU_KPAIR   20187 mipsphot     59.74   2006-07-21 08:37:10.6     14269952  MIPSP - 19273                           
ERO2MASS11                01:34:35.67  -09:31:03.00  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 mipsphot     13.06   2006-07-21 09:35:16.1     18617344  MIPSP-0000 - ERO2MASS11                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 10:55:18.8     19420160  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
A2029_2_PosOffset         15:10:56.00  +05:45:18.00  Rieke             CLUSDUST     30889 mipsscan    116.10   2006-07-21 11:08:35.4     17480192  MIPSC-0003                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 13:01:26.7     19419136  anneal                                  
A2029_2_NegOffset         15:10:56.00  +05:45:18.00  Rieke             CLUSDUST     30889 mipsscan    116.11   2006-07-21 13:08:26.0     17480448  MIPSC-0004                              
noao143326+33.6           14:33:25.84  +33:37:36.60  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 15:04:00.7     18336000  MIPSP-00001 - noao143326+33.6           
186                       14:34:58.94  +33:34:37.00  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 15:34:04.3     18329088  MIPSP-00001 - 186                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 16:05:52.3     19535360  anneal                                  
noao143205+34.3           14:30:04.74  +34:09:29.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-21 16:11:19.8     18333952  MIPSP-00001 - noao143205+34.3           
sa57 5482                 13:09:08.79  +29:15:57.57  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     65.71   2006-07-21 16:43:41.8     18722048  MIPS-17 sa57 5482                       
55576 (2002 GB10)             2055576 55576 (2002 G  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     36.56   2006-07-21 18:00:04.0     17766144  Cent_GO3a-08-A                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 19:20:26.8     19535616  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
120061 (2003 CO1)             2120061  120061 (2003  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     29.94   2006-07-21 19:32:25.7     17764864  Cent_GO3a-05                            
A2029_1_PosOffset         15:10:56.00  +05:45:18.00  Rieke             CLUSDUST     30889 mipsscan    116.09   2006-07-21 20:05:32.8     17479680  MIPSC-0001                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-21 21:59:44.3     19536128  anneal                                  
A2029_1_NegOffset         15:10:56.00  +05:45:18.00  Rieke             CLUSDUST     30889 mipsscan    116.11   2006-07-21 22:05:23.3     17479936  MIPSC-0002                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 00:00:03.9     19537152  anneal                                  
327                       14:29:41.09  +34:09:15.70  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 00:07:47.0     18327040  MIPSP-00001 - 327                       
noao142843+34.4           14:28:42.90  +34:24:09.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 00:37:52.7     18337536  MIPSP-00001 - noao142843+34.4           
noao142748+34.8           14:27:48.44  +34:48:51.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 01:07:58.3     18337280  MIPSP-00001 - noao142748+34.8           
noao142611+35.2           14:26:11.35  +35:12:17.90  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 01:38:08.1     18335488  MIPSP-00001 - noao142611+35.2           
170                       14:29:20.15  +33:30:23.90  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 02:08:49.4     18328832  MIPSP-00001 - 170                       
232                       14:31:37.11  +33:45:01.60  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 02:38:53.0     18329600  MIPSP-00001 - 232                       
noao143225+33.8           14:32:25.39  +33:47:16.10  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 03:08:52.3     18333184  MIPSP-00001 - noao143225+33.8           
noao143313+34.3           14:33:12.70  +34:20:11.01  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 03:38:53.8     18335744  MIPSP-00001 - noao143313+34.3           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 04:12:20.8     19535872  anneal                                  
NGC5096                   13:20:14.60  +33:08:39.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-07-22 04:17:54.2     18639872  MIPSP-0078 - NGC5096                    
3c273                     12:29:06.70  +02:03:08.60  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.06   2006-07-22 04:38:58.8     14762496  MIPSP-273h                              
L1197                     22:37:10.00  +58:56:58.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.89   2006-07-22 04:57:36.5     18160640  L1197-160                               
L1014                     21:24:07.50  +49:59:09.00  Bourke            TLB160UM     30384 mipsscan     70.87   2006-07-22 06:06:57.3     18161664  L1014-160                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 07:20:17.1     19536384  anneal                                  
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.37   2006-07-22 07:22:39.7     14767872  MIPSP-BLLACg                            
ucm2304+1640              23:06:55.23  +16:56:16.20  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     15.52   2006-07-22 07:43:50.5     18720256  MIPS-10 ucm2304+1640                    
ucm2351+2321              23:53:39.58  +23:37:57.40  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     15.51   2006-07-22 07:57:57.8     18720512  MIPS-11 ucm2351+2321                    
ucm0019+2201              00:21:48.35  +22:18:05.40  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     15.52   2006-07-22 08:11:42.0     18718208  MIPS-02 ucm0019+2201                    
ucm0014+1829              00:17:15.07  +18:46:17.50  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     15.51   2006-07-22 08:25:03.1     18717952  MIPS-01 ucm0014+1829                    
ucm0040+0220              00:42:49.93  +02:36:49.60  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     15.51   2006-07-22 08:39:29.2     18718464  MIPS-03 ucm0040+0220                    
GRB050822                 03:24:19.00  -46:00:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-22 09:00:10.7     17183744  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050822                  
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-22 09:33:50.3     14764288  MIPSP-3c279g                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 11:03:58.8     19536896  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
herc1 14739               17:20:41.65  +50:04:37.16  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     59.83   2006-07-22 11:19:42.5     18721536  MIPS-15 herc1 14739                     
herc1 13088               17:20:19.65  +50:01:04.67  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     65.70   2006-07-22 12:16:22.0     18721280  MIPS-14 herc1 13088                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 13:18:55.4     19537664  anneal                                  
A2029_3_PosOffset         15:10:56.00  +05:45:18.00  Rieke             CLUSDUST     30889 mipsscan    116.08   2006-07-22 13:30:46.8     17480960  MIPSC-0005                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 15:24:14.5     19537408  anneal                                  
A2029_3_NegOffset         15:10:56.00  +05:45:18.00  Rieke             CLUSDUST     30889 mipsscan    116.09   2006-07-22 15:30:37.4     17480704  MIPSC-0006                              
325                       14:28:32.44  +34:08:49.80  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 17:26:16.3     18330368  MIPSP-00001 - 325                       
noao142746+34.4           14:27:45.85  +34:22:08.90  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 17:56:21.9     18331648  MIPSP-00001 - noao142746+34.4           
374                       14:29:51.20  +34:20:42.10  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-22 18:26:27.6     18327296  MIPSP-00001 - 374                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 18:58:49.9     19538944  anneal                                  
UGC9562                   14:51:14.41  +35:32:32.20  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-07-22 19:04:23.0     18191616  MIPSP-UGC9562                           
HD124897                  14:15:39.67  +19:10:56.70  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     12.20   2006-07-22 19:16:05.5     19482880  MIPS-CALMC33-NF-HD124897                
55576 (2002 GB10)             2055576 55576 (2002 G  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     36.56   2006-07-22 19:38:39.2     17766400  Cent_GO3a-08-B                          
SDSS J135249.81-031354.3  13:52:49.81  -03:13:54.30  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     27.93   2006-07-22 20:18:07.9     18253568  MIPSP-1352m0313                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-22 21:32:28.7     19537920  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD108903                  12:31:09.96  -57:06:47.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     12.21   2006-07-22 21:46:48.4     19482624  MIPS-CALMC33-NF-HD108903                
chvc 319-78+215           00:35:42.00  -37:52:00.00  Williams          DUSTY_CHVCS  30907 mipsscan    171.25   2006-07-22 22:02:58.3     19230464  CHVC319 map                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 00:51:25.5     19538176  anneal                                  
chvc 147-82-268           01:05:06.00  -20:08:60.00  Williams          DUSTY_CHVCS  30907 mipsscan    171.23   2006-07-23 00:59:35.2     19230720  CHVC147 map                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 03:49:22.5     19538432  anneal                                  
Abell 209                 01:31:52.40  -13:36:40.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-07-23 03:55:04.9      4764672  A209-24a                                
Abell 209                 01:31:52.40  -13:36:40.00  Rieke             RIEKE_KELLY_    83 mipsphot     39.22   2006-07-23 04:30:58.7      4764928  A209-24b                                
HD_12039                  01:57:48.97  -21:54:05.20  Hines             FEPS_MIPS_GO 20548 mipsphot     54.18   2006-07-23 05:08:43.6     14827008  MIPS-GO2-5                              
tau Ceti                  01:44:04.08  -15:56:14.90  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-07-23 06:01:00.9     17327104  MIPSE-tauCeti                           
49 Cet                    01:34:37.78  -15:40:34.90  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-07-23 06:31:25.5     17324800  MIPSE-49Cet                             
hip 6237                  01:20:02.99  -09:53:01.60  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.83   2006-07-23 07:02:21.4     17341696  MIPSP-0000                              
IC1639                    01:11:46.53  +00:39:51.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-07-23 07:24:35.2     18186240  MIPSP-IC1639                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 07:37:55.2     19538688  anneal                                  
Z348                      01:06:49.35  +01:03:22.60  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-07-23 07:41:28.1     18664448  MIPSP-0014                              
UM283                     00:51:49.41  +00:33:53.20  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-07-23 08:00:24.8     17571584  Wu_MIPSP-0015                           
A85                       00:41:50.38  -09:18:13.70  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-07-23 08:14:55.1     18666496  MIPSP-0018                              
SDSS J004054.65-091526.7  00:40:54.65  -09:15:26.80  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     20.46   2006-07-23 08:32:53.0     18251008  MIPSP-0040m0915                         
brc40                     21:46:14.65  +57:08:59.41  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-07-23 08:56:10.8     17517056  MIPSP-brc40                             
SDSSJ005439.79+155446.9   00:54:39.79  +15:54:46.90  Hoopes            UVLG         20390 mipsphot     21.39   2006-07-23 09:07:32.3     14630400  MIPSP-SDSS J0054+1554                   
1 zw 1                    00:53:34.94  +12:41:36.20  Fazio             ZW_IG        30860 mipsphot     18.98   2006-07-23 09:26:39.5     19140352  MIPSP-0003                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 10:59:58.7     19539200  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips         16.68   2006-07-23 11:19:10.2     19542272  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips         16.42   2006-07-23 11:36:03.6     19542528  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.33   2006-07-23 11:54:37.7     19462400  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_2    
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     17.60   2006-07-23 11:59:09.3     19463168  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_2      
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot      6.33   2006-07-23 12:15:47.5     19462656  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_2    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mipsphot     17.59   2006-07-23 12:19:54.0     19462912  MIPS-CALMC33-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_2      
noao143135+32.9           14:31:35.29  +32:54:56.40  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-23 12:38:06.6     18334464  MIPSP-00001 - noao143135+32.9           
noao143026+33.2           14:30:26.02  +33:15:16.20  Le Floc'h         MIC_GOOTES_G 30519 mipsphot     33.13   2006-07-23 13:08:14.3     18334976  MIPSP-00001 - noao143026+33.2           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 13:41:11.2     19539968  anneal                                  
RX J0152.7-1357           01:52:52.80  -14:01:39.80  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 mipsphot    138.22   2006-07-23 13:56:36.7     15065600  MIPSP-0000 - copy                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 16:15:17.3     19539712  anneal                                  
RX J0152.7-1357           01:52:52.80  -14:01:39.80  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 mipsphot    138.22   2006-07-23 16:18:16.5     15065088  MIPSP-0000                              
ugc 74                    00:08:44.75  +04:36:45.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     17.48   2006-07-23 18:36:39.0     19193856  MIPSP-0000                              
R0000+08                  00:00:07.10  +08:16:49.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-07-23 18:51:55.5     18636032  MIPSP-0007 - R0000+08                   
A2665                     23:50:50.60  +06:09:00.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-07-23 19:10:48.0     18645248  MIPSP-0151 - A2665                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 19:33:26.9     19539456  anneal                                  
TXS 2332+154              23:34:58.38  +15:45:50.30  Stockton          Z2.5-STOCKTO 30240 mipsphot     96.91   2006-07-23 19:37:11.3     17911040  MIPSP-0005                              
ugc 74                    00:08:44.75  +04:36:45.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     13.81   2006-07-23 21:12:55.4     19194112  MIPSP-0001                              
BLLAC                     22:02:43.29  +42:16:40.00  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     21.38   2006-07-23 21:27:44.6     14768128  MIPSP-BLLACh                            
ngc720                    01:53:00.40  -13:44:18.00  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     81.71   2006-07-23 21:52:12.6     14254848  PT_MIPSP-0004 - ngc720                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1737 mips          6.83   2006-07-23 23:17:19.3     19536640  anneal                                  
IRAS04114-5117            04:12:44.92  -51:09:34.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 mipsphot     11.07   2006-07-23 23:21:34.9     17529856  MIPSP-gto2-ulirg007                     
NGC5419 cluster           14:03:38.77  -33:58:42.20  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 mipsphot     33.11   2006-07-23 23:36:53.5     18044672  T78M_NGC5419                            
3c279                     12:56:11.17  -05:47:21.50  Marscher          SVAL05       20496 mipsphot     13.04   2006-07-24 00:13:10.3     14764544  MIPSP-3c279h                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          67.09   2006-07-24 02:17:10.1     19526912  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-24 03:24:08.5     19527168  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.99   2006-07-24 03:36:11.5     19498240  caldrk_IRS-33_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     27.41   2006-07-24 03:48:28.9     19504640  caldrk_IRS-33_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     24.61   2006-07-24 04:13:06.1     19496704  caldrk_IRS-33_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long      
FSC1600+4510              16:00:03.29  +45:10:46.20  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.17   2006-07-24 04:36:42.1     17545984  IRSS-e-dww-FSC24                        
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 05:01:40.3     17913600  944Hid-t1img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 05:11:39.8     17911296  944Hid-t1                               
HD122408                  14:01:38.79  +01:32:40.30  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     17.34   2006-07-24 05:21:20.5     14145280  IRSS-WernerAstars-25                    
51                        14:27:48.28  +05:02:22.00  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.20   2006-07-24 05:37:04.8     15078912  hao_sdssagn_0051                        
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 06:08:28.7     17913856  944Hid-t2img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 06:18:28.2     17911552  944Hid-t2                               
IC4296                    13:36:39.05  -33:57:57.20  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.55   2006-07-24 06:29:05.5     14808320  IRSS-IC4296                             
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 07:58:22.4     17914112  944Hid-t3img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 08:08:21.9     17911808  944Hid-t3                               
HD120500                  13:49:44.15  +08:24:31.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.44   2006-07-24 08:17:44.8     19088640  IRSM-0017                               
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 08:29:34.4     17914368  944Hid-t4img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 08:39:33.9     17912064  944Hid-t4                               
DDO180                    13:38:10.34  -09:48:05.10  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare     28.51   2006-07-24 08:48:36.5     17465344  Wu-00010                                
SDSSJ141234.67-003500.0   14:12:34.68  +00:34:60.00  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.23   2006-07-24 09:15:55.5     17795840  SDSSJ141234.67-003500.0                 
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 09:59:57.0     17914624  944Hid-t5img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 10:09:56.5     17912320  944Hid-t5                               
1999 RQ36                     2101955     1999 RQ36  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irspeakup    12.47   2006-07-24 10:26:01.0     17756928  wic-1999RQ36                            
SDSSJ143450.62+033842.5   14:34:50.63  +03:38:42.56  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.23   2006-07-24 10:48:13.9     17796096  SDSSJ143450.62+033842.5                 
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 11:34:05.6     17914880  944Hid-t6img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 11:44:04.9     17912576  944Hid-t6                               
SDSSJ125055.28-015556.6   12:50:55.28  -01:55:56.60  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.41   2006-07-24 11:52:06.6     17795328  SDSSJ125055.28-015556.6                 
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 12:33:24.0     17915136  944Hid-t7img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 12:43:23.5     17912832  944Hid-t7                               
J1411+1217                14:11:11.29  +12:17:37.40  Fan               HZ_DUST      30402 irspeakup    24.22   2006-07-24 12:53:00.4     18180864  IRSI-0001                               
10bootes27                14:36:32.01  +33:52:30.69  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.05   2006-07-24 13:16:51.7     17538560  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes19                   
SDSS J145640.99+524727.2  14:56:40.98  +52:47:27.10  Shang             SHANGPSQ     30075 irsstare     22.82   2006-07-24 13:56:25.0     17728768  IRSS-PSQ - SDSS J145640.99+524727.2     
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 14:26:11.7     17915392  944Hid-t8img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 14:36:11.2     17913088  944Hid-t8                               
POX4                      11:51:11.60  -20:36:02.00  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 irsstare     23.42   2006-07-24 14:45:20.9     18891008  IRSS - POX4                             
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 15:13:45.6     17915648  944Hid-t9img                            
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 15:23:44.9     17913344  944Hid-t9                               
POX52                     12:02:56.87  -20:56:03.30  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.39   2006-07-24 15:33:05.6     17792512  POX52                                   
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irspeakup     8.30   2006-07-24 16:16:30.3     17916160  944Hid-t10img                           
944 Hidalgo                   2000944   944 Hidalgo  Campins           HIDALGOR     30241 irsstare      9.92   2006-07-24 16:26:29.8     17915904  944Hid-t10                              
ngc5666                   14:33:09.28  +10:30:38.50  Davidson          LEEUW_DAVIDS 30444 irsstare    104.14   2006-07-24 16:37:25.1     18233600  IRSS-0005                               
HD130767                  14:49:28.71  +19:30:37.30  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.45   2006-07-24 18:19:08.2     19088384  IRSM-0016                               
SDSSJ151135.60+023807.0   15:11:35.60  +02:38:06.98  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.09   2006-07-24 18:25:05.3     17801472  SDSSJ151135.60+023807.0                 
FSC1447-0153              14:47:27.54  -01:53:30.30  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.21   2006-07-24 19:01:35.5     17543424  IRSS-e-dww-FSC14                        
HD107233                  12:19:55.65  -48:18:59.50  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.46   2006-07-24 19:19:29.6     19092480  IRSM-0006                               
NGC1549                   04:15:45.13  -55:35:32.10  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     67.94   2006-07-24 19:28:16.4     18256128  NGC1549 IRS                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-24 21:46:53.6     19543808  anneal                                  
H1413+117                 14:15:46.27  +11:29:43.40  Lutz              QSOPAH       30314 irsstare    232.59   2006-07-24 22:01:04.4     18029312  QSO-0011                                
NGC5044                   13:15:23.97  -16:23:07.90  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     58.01   2006-07-25 01:53:32.0     18256640  NGC5044 IRS                             
NGC5018                   13:13:01.00  -19:31:05.10  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     62.70   2006-07-25 02:49:09.1     18257408  NGC5018 IRS                             
NGC5135                   13:25:44.06  -29:50:01.20  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      137.17   2006-07-25 03:50:29.0     17660928  IRSM-NGC5135                            
NGC5135                   13:25:50.48  -29:51:59.30  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-07-25 06:04:17.1     17663744  IRSS-LHBackg - NGC5135                  
G305.35+0.07a             13:12:52.05  -62:37:21.17  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 irsstare    136.30   2006-07-25 06:18:24.7     16836864  IRSS-G305.35-a                          
G305.35+0.07c             13:11:48.83  -62:37:26.51  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 irsstare    106.54   2006-07-25 08:31:36.4     16837376  IRSS-G305.35-c                          
HD128400                  14:41:52.46  -75:08:22.10  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     30.24   2006-07-25 10:17:22.4     15997696  HD128400_IRS                            
T37                       11:08:50.91  -76:25:13.70  Apai              MINER        30551 irsstare     68.40   2006-07-25 10:47:41.6     18395648  MZ/X-T37                                
Ced 110 IRS2              11:06:15.41  -77:21:56.76  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare    120.23   2006-07-25 12:03:14.1     18022400  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-014                    
Ced 110 IRS2N             11:06:15.41  -77:20:56.76  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     61.52   2006-07-25 13:58:25.1     18022656  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-014n                   
Ced 110 IRS2S             11:06:15.41  -77:22:56.76  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     61.52   2006-07-25 14:56:48.5     18022912  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-014s                   
KA-5                      13:05:40.80  -77:39:58.20  Jaffe             YSOBDDISKS   30409 irsstare    354.19   2006-07-25 15:59:08.8     18214912  IRSS-SL-CHA5                            
Hen 3-519_background      10:54:10.74  -60:27:19.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsmap       10.31   2006-07-25 21:50:18.5     19516160  calwav-33B-Hen5-319map_background       
Hen 3-519                 10:53:59.66  -60:26:44.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsmap       35.59   2006-07-25 21:57:37.8     19515136  calwav-33A-Hen5-319map                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-25 22:35:58.4     19527424  anneal                                  
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     74.51   2006-07-25 22:45:09.2     19512064  calsfx-33A-eta1Dor                      
BFM 1                     00:47:19.24  -72:40:04.50  Houck             MC_LO        30332 irsstare    108.23   2006-07-25 23:59:25.3     17398784  IRSS-mc_lo-00                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-26 03:12:02.5     19544064  anneal                                  
C/2004 B1 (LINEAR)            1000476        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap      104.00   2006-07-26 03:36:04.3     15791104  B1_2.5AU_o -irsm                        
A2261                     17:22:21.00  +32:07:05.50  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    307.72   2006-07-26 05:18:36.1     17671424  IRS-lens-A2261                          
C/2004 B1 (LINEAR)            1000476        LINEAR  Wooden            COMETSB1T4   20104 irsmap      104.00   2006-07-26 10:32:17.6     15788544  B1_2.5AU_o -irsm_shadow                 
10bootes00                14:26:46.63  +32:21:25.63  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     38.05   2006-07-26 12:14:48.7     17539328  IRSS-e-dww-10bootes22                   
J1411+1217                14:11:11.29  +12:17:37.40  Fan               HZ_DUST      30402 irsmap      257.96   2006-07-26 12:52:10.6     18181120  IRSM-0000                               
J1411+1217                14:11:11.29  +12:17:37.40  Fan               HZ_DUST      30402 irsmap      195.38   2006-07-26 17:15:50.4     18181376  IRSM-0001                               
A1689a                    13:11:28.04  -01:19:18.70  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    307.51   2006-07-26 20:30:32.9     17670144  IRS-lens-A1689a                         
HD 125162                 14:16:23.02  +46:05:17.90  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.54   2006-07-27 01:39:07.1     19092992  IRSM-0034                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          67.09   2006-07-27 03:09:55.3     19543552  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-27 04:16:54.1     19544320  anneal                                  
AMS08                     17:14:29.67  +59:32:33.50  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    104.68   2006-07-27 04:29:08.4     19456000  IRSS-AMS08                              
AMS10                     17:16:20.08  +59:40:26.50  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    104.68   2006-07-27 06:10:38.5     19455744  IRSS-AMS10                              
AMS01                     17:13:11.17  +59:55:51.50  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    104.68   2006-07-27 07:52:15.3     19457024  IRSS-AMS01                              
SDSSJ162917.44+425439.8   16:29:17.44  +42:54:39.80  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.21   2006-07-27 09:36:10.9     17802240  SDSSJ162917.44+425439.8                 
CGCG 219-066              14:17:01.40  +43:30:04.50  Devost            DDEVOST      30510 irsstare    204.94   2006-07-27 10:14:12.4     18319872  IRSS-0010                               
CGCG 219-066 - off        14:17:03.00  +43:27:46.00  Devost            DDEVOST      30510 irsstare     63.99   2006-07-27 13:37:29.9     18320128  IRSS-0011                               
mrk 475 - off             14:39:24.00  +36:50:13.00  Devost            DDEVOST      30510 irsstare     63.99   2006-07-27 14:47:50.6     18320640  IRSS-0016                               
mrk 475                   14:39:05.46  +36:48:21.90  Devost            DDEVOST      30510 irsstare    204.94   2006-07-27 15:47:14.4     18320384  IRSS-0015                               
Zw049.057                 15:13:13.12  +07:13:31.70  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      114.32   2006-07-27 19:12:37.5     17661184  IRSM-Zw049.057                          
Zw049.057                 15:13:12.06  +07:15:26.50  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-07-27 21:03:36.8     17664000  IRSS-LHBackg - Zw049.057                
A1835                     14:01:04.96  +02:52:24.80  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    157.16   2006-07-27 21:17:17.1     17670656  IRS-lens-A1835                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-07-28 00:56:05.1     19528960  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.72   2006-07-28 01:06:56.1     19497216  caldrk_IRS-33_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.80   2006-07-28 01:18:36.8     19497472  caldrk_IRS-33_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     12.76   2006-07-28 01:30:17.9     19497984  caldrk_IRS-33_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     27.41   2006-07-28 01:40:18.1     19504896  caldrk_IRS-33_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     18.82   2006-07-28 02:07:18.8     19507712  calsfx-33B-sky                          
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     35.41   2006-07-28 02:23:12.1     19507456  calsfx-33B-HR7341                       
L1148                     20:40:56.64  +67:23:04.90  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     12.31   2006-07-28 02:57:57.5     18401280  L1148-IRS                               
I22023                    22:04:12.20  +53:04:00.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare      9.52   2006-07-28 03:09:41.2     17505024  IRSS-0022                               
I22495                    22:51:38.92  +51:50:42.40  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare     10.39   2006-07-28 03:17:36.7     17507328  IRSS-0028                               
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-28 03:26:23.6     19527936  anneal                                  
IC1396_evap_disk_tail     21:38:56.97  +57:30:57.00  Balog             BALOG_EVAP   30758 irsstare    115.40   2006-07-28 03:40:37.1     18952448  IRSS-IC1396-tail-HR                     
ic1396_bckground          21:39:03.80  +57:31:23.10  Balog             BALOG_EVAP   30758 irsstare    114.27   2006-07-28 05:31:46.9     18954752  IRSS-IC1396-tail-HR-bckground           
IC1396_evap_disk_tail     21:38:56.97  +57:30:57.00  Balog             BALOG_EVAP   30758 irsstare    104.64   2006-07-28 07:24:48.5     18952704  IRSS-IC1396-tail-SL1                    
IC1396_evap_disk_tail     21:38:56.97  +57:30:57.00  Balog             BALOG_EVAP   30758 irsstare    134.47   2006-07-28 09:06:51.6     18952960  IRSS-IC1936-tail-SL2                    
IC1396_evap_disk          21:38:57.09  +57:30:46.50  Balog             BALOG_EVAP   30758 irsstare    131.84   2006-07-28 11:18:32.4     18953216  IRSS-IC1396-disk                        
ic1396_bckground          21:39:03.80  +57:31:23.10  Balog             BALOG_EVAP   30758 irsstare    129.98   2006-07-28 13:25:38.4     18953472  IRSS- ic1396-background                 
J164914.9+530316          16:49:14.90  +53:03:16.00  Lutz              QSOPAH       30314 irsstare    232.64   2006-07-28 15:45:37.2     18029824  QSO-0013                                
SDSSJ161038.31+522334.2   16:10:38.32  +52:23:34.26  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.55   2006-07-28 19:36:22.7     17801984  SDSSJ161038.31+522334.2                 
HS1611+4719               16:12:39.90  +47:11:57.00  Lutz              QSOPAH       30314 irsstare    232.99   2006-07-28 20:12:54.0     18029568  QSO-0012                                
FSC1449+1406              14:49:54.86  +14:06:10.50  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.18   2006-07-29 00:06:14.7     17543680  IRSS-e-dww-FSC15                        
Lydia                         2000110         Lydia  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       18.64   2006-07-29 00:33:44.5     14736128  IRSM-110_Lydia                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-07-29 01:49:04.7     19529216  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.49   2006-07-29 01:59:30.6     19497728  caldrk_IRS-33_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     12.31   2006-07-29 02:10:44.2     19496960  caldrk_IRS-33_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     54.03   2006-07-29 02:20:36.0     19496448  caldrk_IRS-33_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.99   2006-07-29 03:10:33.3     19500288  caldrk_IRS-33_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_1
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     13.77   2006-07-29 03:23:52.0     19512576  calsfx-33C-sky                          
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     16.78   2006-07-29 03:34:45.1     19512320  calsfx-33C-ksiDra                       
Taylor                        1000092        Taylor  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   134.60   2006-07-29 04:01:53.8     19570944  seppcon-69P-Taylor                      
MCG-3-34-63               13:22:19.05  -16:42:30.10  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.45   2006-07-29 06:17:03.5     17962496  IRSS-0047                               
NGC4968                   13:07:05.98  -23:40:37.30  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.71   2006-07-29 06:35:46.1     17962240  IRSS-0046                               
NGC5090                   13:21:12.81  -43:42:16.40  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     62.74   2006-07-29 06:55:45.9     18258176  NGC5090 IRS                             
1RXS_J133758.0-413448_w_s 13:37:57.30  -41:34:42.00  Meyer             RUBBLE         148 irsstare    167.55   2006-07-29 07:56:25.2      5460224  IRSF-S56                                
HD115892                  13:20:35.82  -36:42:44.30  Werner            ASTARS         278 irsstare     95.32   2006-07-29 10:42:08.7     19481088  IRSS-HiRes-WernerAstar-HD115892 - 0001  
Lydia                         2000110         Lydia  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.57   2006-07-29 12:24:32.0     16224256  IRSM-110_Lydia_shadow                   
01207334??                12:07:33.47  -39:32:54.00  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     69.34   2006-07-29 12:33:05.0     18360064  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0028                  
Carina-PDR-SL             10:43:09.06  -59:35:27.00  Wolfire           PDRH2GO3     30295 irsmap      264.91   2006-07-29 13:49:44.6     17977088  IRSM-Carina-SL-02                       
IRAS14341-6211            14:38:04.98  -62:24:47.60  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.14   2006-07-29 18:14:21.5     17931264  IRSS-0083                               
G305.35+0.07b             13:13:59.98  -62:44:33.85  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 irsstare    128.38   2006-07-29 18:22:47.2     16837120  IRSS-G305.35-b                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          67.09   2006-07-29 21:42:28.9     19525632  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-29 22:49:27.7     19527680  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.72   2006-07-29 23:00:06.0     19499264  caldrk_IRS-33_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.80   2006-07-29 23:11:46.5     19499520  caldrk_IRS-33_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     27.41   2006-07-29 23:23:48.5     19505152  caldrk_IRS-33_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     18.80   2006-07-29 23:49:30.3     19508224  calsfx-33D-sky                          
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     35.06   2006-07-30 00:05:14.8     19507968  calsfx-33D-HD173511                     
AMS02                     17:13:15.88  +60:02:34.20  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    106.44   2006-07-30 00:41:08.2     19456768  IRSS-AMS02                              
AMS04                     17:13:40.62  +59:49:17.10  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    104.68   2006-07-30 02:22:40.2     19456512  IRSS-AMS04                              
AMS07                     17:14:02.25  +59:48:28.80  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    104.68   2006-07-30 04:04:04.7     19456256  IRSS-AMS07                              
SDSSJ172344.17+583032.2   17:23:44.17  +58:30:32.20  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.27   2006-07-30 05:45:59.8     17802496  SDSSJ172344.17+583032.2                 
407                       14:35:02.93  +34:26:58.80  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      157.55   2006-07-30 06:24:29.5     17603072  IRSM-407                                
232                       14:31:37.11  +33:45:01.60  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      127.63   2006-07-30 08:59:04.7     17602048  IRSM-232                                
222                       14:33:24.30  +33:42:39.50  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      147.11   2006-07-30 11:12:10.4     17601792  IRSM-222                                
241                       14:33:49.58  +33:46:01.70  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      147.11   2006-07-30 13:35:58.9     17602304  IRSM-241                                
307                       14:35:03.24  +34:02:43.60  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap       76.97   2006-07-30 15:59:59.9     17602560  IRSM-307                                
186                       14:34:58.94  +33:34:37.00  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      127.29   2006-07-30 17:13:56.3     17601536  IRSM-186                                
523                       14:31:52.38  +35:00:30.00  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      147.49   2006-07-30 19:18:44.7     17604608  IRSM-523                                
561                       14:27:24.92  +35:08:24.30  Houck             BTS1         30334 irsmap      157.71   2006-07-30 21:43:29.5     17604864  IRSM-561                                
SDSSJ142151.63+033121.2   14:21:51.63  +03:31:21.28  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.17   2006-07-31 00:21:39.6     17800960  SDSSJ142151.63+033121.2                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-07-31 02:03:20.1     19529728  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     12.76   2006-07-31 02:14:22.4     19500032  caldrk_IRS-33_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.48   2006-07-31 02:24:15.9     19495168  caldrk_IRS-33_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     44.19   2006-07-31 02:37:06.0     19494912  caldrk_IRS-33_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     18.80   2006-07-31 03:17:37.5     19508736  calsfx-33E-sky                          
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     35.07   2006-07-31 03:33:22.3     19508480  calsfx-33E-HR6348                       
NGC 6946                  20:34:52.34  +60:09:14.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irspeakup     9.22   2006-07-31 04:07:55.5     19507200  calpkf_IRS33_IRSI_NGC_6946_sky          
NGC 6946                  20:34:52.34  +60:09:14.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irspeakup   131.49   2006-07-31 04:13:53.8     19506688  calpkf_IRS33_IRSI_NGC_6946              
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-07-31 06:23:41.6     19528704  anneal                                  
ISOSS J23053+5953 East    23:05:23.71  +59:53:57.10  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare     42.17   2006-07-31 06:37:08.6     19237888  IRSS-0010                               
ISOSS J23053+5953 bkgnd   23:05:29.69  +59:53:40.40  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare      9.13   2006-07-31 07:15:52.0     19238144  IRSS-0011                               
L1221                     22:28:07.32  +69:00:39.10  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     12.31   2006-07-31 07:23:18.8     18404608  L1221-LL-IRS                            
Eger                          2003103          Eger  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     16.77   2006-07-31 07:46:01.7     17761024  wic-Eger-spec-hiflux-1                  
2001 QU170                    2055124    2001 QU170  Harris            M.M.MUELLER  20158 irspeakup    12.47   2006-07-31 08:06:46.5     14248960  karins_55124_PUI                        
Emilkowalski                  2014627  Emilkowalski  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     37.86   2006-07-31 08:23:46.5     17760000  wic-Emilkowalksi-spec                   
SDSSJ011905.14+003745.0   01:19:05.14  +00:37:45.00  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.06   2006-07-31 09:00:25.5     17798144  SDSSJ011905.14+003745.0                 
Eger                          2003103          Eger  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     16.77   2006-07-31 09:41:42.1     17761280  wic-Eger-spec-hiflux-2                  
IRASF00522+2537           00:54:56.29  +25:53:14.80  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare     29.81   2006-07-31 09:57:44.5     17463040  Wu-0001                                 
SDSSJ010712.03+140844.9   01:07:12.03  +14:08:44.90  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.23   2006-07-31 10:26:24.5     17792768  SDSSJ010712.03+140844.9                 
SDSSJ010053.57+152728.1   01:00:53.58  +15:27:28.16  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.29   2006-07-31 11:02:08.4     17797632  SDSSJ010053.57+152728.1                 
Eger                          2003103          Eger  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     16.77   2006-07-31 11:44:36.7     17761536  wic-Eger-spec-hiflux-3                  
Antigone                      2000129      Antigone  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       18.14   2006-07-31 12:05:17.1     14736384  IRSM-129_Antigone                       
LBQS 0018-0220            00:21:27.30  -02:03:33.00  Lutz              QSOPAH       30314 irsstare    232.52   2006-07-31 12:31:53.0     18027008  QSO-0001                                
Antigone                      2000129      Antigone  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap        5.14   2006-07-31 16:28:53.9     16226048  IRSM-129_Antigone_shadow                
MIPSJ002721.0+165947.3    00:27:21.05  +16:59:47.30  Geach             GEACHIRS     30621 irsstare    119.77   2006-07-31 16:33:33.6     18622464  IRSS-CL0024-01                          
SDSSJ011059.31+002601.1   01:10:59.31  +00:26:01.10  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     35.05   2006-07-31 18:32:32.1     17797888  SDSSJ011059.31+002601.1                 
HS0122+0743               01:25:34.20  +07:59:24.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 irspeakup     8.06   2006-07-31 19:05:50.8     17574656  Wu_IRSI-0000                            
UGC993                    01:25:34.97  +07:59:25.20  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-07-31 19:10:28.9     17466112  Wu-0013-cheap                           
NGC 246 - knot            00:47:05.51  -11:52:38.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 irsstare     54.55   2006-07-31 19:17:44.8     17593344  NGC 246 IRS 7-14um                      
NGC 246 - off             00:47:16.80  -11:52:14.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 irsstare     29.19   2006-07-31 20:08:58.4     17593600  NGC 246 IRS 7-14um off                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-07-31 21:43:09.5     19529984  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     54.03   2006-07-31 21:54:49.9     19498496  caldrk_IRS-33_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_1      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     24.61   2006-07-31 22:45:36.3     19498752  caldrk_IRS-33_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_1    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     27.41   2006-07-31 23:06:34.4     19505408  caldrk_IRS-33_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
SN 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 irsstare     25.39   2006-07-31 23:33:32.1     18282240  02hh-IRSS-1                             
21374275.5733250          21:37:42.75  +57:33:25.00  Sicilia-Aguilar   SICILIA      30523 irsstare     17.39   2006-07-31 23:58:54.1     18339584  IRSS-0005                               
23-798                    21:41:28.64  +57:36:43.20  Sicilia-Aguilar   SICILIA      30523 irsstare     60.78   2006-08-01 00:13:57.0     18344192  IRSS-0023                               
P Cyg_background          20:17:34.00  +38:04:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsmap        8.48   2006-08-01 01:12:44.0     19515904  calwav-33D-PCyg-13-map_background       
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsmap       27.57   2006-08-01 01:20:45.5     19515392  calwav-33C-PCyg-13-map                  
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsmap       37.12   2006-08-01 01:45:52.9     19515648  calwav-33E-PCyg-02-map                  
Shoemaker-Holt 2              1000141 Shoemaker-Hol  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    28.15   2006-08-01 02:33:16.1     19586560  seppcon-121P-SH2                        
Comas Sola                    1000015    Comas Sola  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    90.50   2006-08-01 03:05:01.6     19558656  seppcon-32P-CS                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-08-01 05:17:28.2     19544832  anneal                                  
DEN0255                   02:55:03.68  -47:00:51.60  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap      229.47   2006-08-01 05:39:27.3     17316864  IRSM--n-tlr-001.1                       
DEN0255_Off               02:55:11.40  -47:02:11.00  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap       10.27   2006-08-01 09:25:38.2     17319936  IRSM--n-tlr-001.1-Off                   
IRAS13500-6106            13:53:34.30  -61:20:52.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.08   2006-08-01 09:38:43.5     17948928  IRSS-0030                               
IRAS13398-5951            13:43:12.57  -60:07:03.50  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.07   2006-08-01 09:46:16.8     17944832  IRSS-0057                               
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     74.50   2006-08-01 09:57:47.9     19512832  calsfx-33A-eta1Dor_1                    
ngc 5128                  13:25:27.62  -43:01:08.80  Quillen           SHELLGO      30294 irsmap      316.91   2006-08-01 11:23:21.7     17976064  highres - copy                          
offset rogue              13:25:15.70  -42:55:13.00  Quillen           SHELLGO      30294 irsmap        9.13   2006-08-01 16:37:01.6     17975552  highres - offset                        
ngc 5128                  13:25:27.62  -43:01:08.80  Quillen           SHELLGO      30294 irsmap      316.91   2006-08-01 16:42:52.3     17975040  highres                                 
offset rogue              13:25:15.70  -42:55:13.00  Houck             SHELLGTO     30272 irsmap        9.13   2006-08-01 21:56:32.2     17589248  highres - offset                        
ngc 5128                  13:25:27.62  -43:01:08.80  Houck             SHELLGTO     30272 irsmap      212.58   2006-08-01 22:02:23.1     17588736  highres                                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          67.09   2006-08-02 02:50:50.3     19526144  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-08-02 03:57:49.1     19528192  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.99   2006-08-02 04:09:04.2     19502336  caldrk_IRS-33_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     27.41   2006-08-02 04:21:22.0     19505664  caldrk_IRS-33_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.49   2006-08-02 04:45:17.0     19499776  caldrk_IRS-33_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_1 
AMS20                     17:20:59.10  +59:17:50.50  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    105.69   2006-08-02 04:59:37.0     19454976  IRSS-AMS20                              
AMS21                     17:21:20.09  +59:03:48.60  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    109.11   2006-08-02 06:42:39.5     19454464  IRSS-AMS21                              
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     74.50   2006-08-02 08:40:00.7     19514368  calsfx-33A-eta1Dor_3                    
Cha 25174                 11:07:03.69  -77:24:30.70  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare    129.10   2006-08-02 09:56:19.3     18360576  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0030                  
Cha 4146?                 11:06:29.43  -77:24:58.60  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare    129.13   2006-08-02 12:02:58.8     18360832  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0031                  
OTS 44????                11:10:09.33  -76:32:18.10  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare    129.41   2006-08-02 14:10:00.3     18361088  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0032                  
CS Cha                    11:02:24.91  -77:33:35.72  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     76.69   2006-08-02 16:25:51.3     18021632  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-012                    
CS Cha N                  11:02:24.91  -77:32:35.72  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     39.75   2006-08-02 17:37:31.8     18021888  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-012n                   
CS Cha S                  11:02:24.91  -77:34:35.72  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     39.75   2006-08-02 18:14:09.2     18022144  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-012s                   
Ced110 IRS4               11:06:46.58  -77:22:32.56  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     56.70   2006-08-02 18:53:23.3     18019328  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-008                    
Ced110 IRS4N              11:06:46.58  -77:21:32.56  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     29.81   2006-08-02 19:45:03.6     18019584  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-008n                   
Ced110 IRS4S              11:06:46.58  -77:23:32.56  Najita            JNAJITA      30300 irsstare     29.81   2006-08-02 20:11:44.6     18019840  IRSS-G-DMW-HWGAS-008s                   
Cha21330                  11:11:22.50  -77:45:42.70  Apai              MINER        30551 irsstare     68.85   2006-08-02 20:40:40.4     18396160  MZ/X-Cha21330                           
iso165-cha7987-cha8168    11:08:55.00  -76:32:41.30  Apai              MINER        30551 irsstare    204.59   2006-08-02 21:47:45.9     18395392  MZ/X-ClusterN                           
NGC4696 IRS               12:48:49.28  -41:18:40.00  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     20.91   2006-08-03 01:10:34.8     18255616  NGC4696 IRS                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-08-03 02:50:23.9     19530240  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     27.41   2006-08-03 03:01:48.6     19505920  caldrk_IRS-33_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     12.76   2006-08-03 03:25:45.6     19502080  caldrk_IRS-33_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     18.83   2006-08-03 03:38:23.8     19509248  calsfx-33B-sky_1                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     35.42   2006-08-03 03:54:18.3     19508992  calsfx-33B-HR7341_1                     
2MASS0036                 00:36:16.12  +18:21:10.40  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap      230.22   2006-08-03 04:32:42.5     17319168  IRSM--n-tlr-004.1                       
2MASS0036_Off             00:36:12.90  +18:23:38.00  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap       10.27   2006-08-03 08:19:36.0     17322240  IRSM--n-tlr-004.1-Off                   
SDSS J0133+1342           01:33:52.57  +13:42:09.50  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-08-03 08:28:54.4     17466880  Wu-0016-cheap                           
ESO541-IG12               01:02:17.55  -19:40:08.70  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.57   2006-08-03 08:37:09.7     17957632  IRSS-0026                               
DEN0255                   02:55:03.68  -47:00:51.60  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap      229.47   2006-08-03 09:07:26.7     17317120  IRSM--n-tlr-001.2                       
DEN0255_Off               02:55:11.40  -47:02:11.00  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap       10.27   2006-08-03 12:53:37.3     17320192  IRSM--n-tlr-001.2-Off                   
SN 2005df                 04:17:37.85  -62:46:09.50  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irsstare    302.98   2006-08-03 13:11:56.6     17970176  IRS-2005df-2-SL                         
SN 2005df                 04:17:37.85  -62:46:09.50  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irspeakup   115.97   2006-08-03 18:11:32.7     17974272  PUI-sn2005df-3                          
IRAS04589-6825            04:58:46.26  -68:20:43.00  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     16.80   2006-08-03 20:05:49.4     19010304  IRSS-04589                              
IRAS04538-6820            04:53:46.37  -68:16:13.00  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     17.00   2006-08-03 20:19:19.2     19010048  IRSS-04538                              
IRAS04537-6509            04:54:01.61  -65:04:52.10  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     17.06   2006-08-03 20:33:58.4     19009280  IRSS-04537                              
sn2005af                  13:04:44.06  -49:33:59.80  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irsstare    161.36   2006-08-03 20:52:51.2     17969664  IRS-2005af-2                            
SN 2005af                 13:04:44.06  -49:33:59.80  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irspeakup    20.89   2006-08-03 23:30:55.6     17973760  PUI-sn2005af-3                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-08-04 01:09:31.2     19530496  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.49   2006-08-04 01:20:16.0     19501824  caldrk_IRS-33_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     12.31   2006-08-04 01:31:29.8     19499008  caldrk_IRS-33_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     27.41   2006-08-04 01:41:07.1     19506176  caldrk_IRS-33_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
AMS15                     17:18:56.93  +59:03:25.00  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    105.91   2006-08-04 02:08:20.2     19455232  IRSS-AMS15                              
AMS18                     17:20:46.32  +60:02:29.60  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    104.68   2006-08-04 03:50:08.2     19454720  IRSS-AMS18                              
SDSSJ172759.15+542147.0   17:27:59.15  +54:21:47.00  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.16   2006-08-04 05:32:44.5     17796864  SDSSJ172759.15+542147.0                 
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     16.79   2006-08-04 06:08:52.2     19513088  calsfx-33C-ksiDra_1                     
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     13.77   2006-08-04 06:22:24.4     19513344  calsfx-33C-sky_1                        
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irspeakup    20.89   2006-08-04 06:35:20.5     17973248  PUI-sn2004et-3                          
IRAS21525+5643            21:54:14.59  +56:57:27.10  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.01   2006-08-04 06:54:46.6     17932288  IRSS-0077                               
HH215S-irsmapSL           20:45:53.80  +67:56:30.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsmap       67.16   2006-08-04 07:03:45.4     18956800  HH215-SL                                
HH215-bkg                 20:44:51.80  +67:51:57.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsstare     12.06   2006-08-04 08:07:42.8     18957312  HH215-BKG-SL                            
HH315B-irsmapSL           20:45:33.80  +68:03:17.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsmap       46.05   2006-08-04 08:16:34.4     18956032  HH315B-SL                               
HH315B+C-bkg              20:44:23.78  +68:06:05.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsstare     12.06   2006-08-04 08:59:23.7     18958080  HH315B-BKG-SL                           
HH315C-irsmap             20:45:05.00  +68:04:50.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsmap       67.16   2006-08-04 09:08:07.8     18955520  HH315C-SL                               
HH315B+C-bkg              20:44:23.78  +68:06:05.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsstare     12.06   2006-08-04 10:12:01.0     18957056  HH315C-BKG-SL                           
HH315B-irsmapSL           20:45:33.80  +68:03:17.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsmap       31.56   2006-08-04 10:20:52.6     18956288  HH315B-LL                               
HH315B+C-bkg              20:44:23.78  +68:06:05.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsstare     11.91   2006-08-04 10:49:10.5     18957824  HH315B-BKG-LL                           
g114.hii                  23:36:08.28  +62:23:46.10  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsstare     24.01   2006-08-04 11:00:35.3     16943360  g114                                    
MIPSJ002633.7+171221.4    00:26:33.75  +17:12:21.40  Geach             GEACHIRS     30621 irsstare    119.98   2006-08-04 11:25:51.7     18621184  IRSS-CL0024-09                          
MIPSJ002636.3+165926.0    00:26:36.34  +16:59:26.00  Geach             GEACHIRS     30621 irsstare    119.91   2006-08-04 13:31:29.2     18620928  IRSS-CL0024-08                          
MIPSJ002703.6+171127.9    00:27:03.60  +17:11:27.90  Geach             GEACHIRS     30621 irsstare    119.92   2006-08-04 15:28:21.5     18620672  IRSS-CL0024-07                          
MIPSJ002656.0+171007.9    00:26:56.02  +17:10:07.90  Geach             GEACHIRS     30621 irsstare    119.90   2006-08-04 17:25:13.2     18619392  IRSS-CL0024-02                          
MIPSJ002652.5+171359.9    00:26:52.53  +17:13:59.90  Geach             GEACHIRS     30621 irsstare    119.96   2006-08-04 19:22:04.2     18620160  IRSS-CL0024-05                          
SDSS J021447.00-003250.6  02:14:47.00  +00:32:50.70  Shang             SHANGPSQ     30075 irsstare      6.08   2006-08-04 21:22:27.2     17730048  IRSS-PeakupOnly-PSQ - SDSS J021447.00-00
xmm_31_10481              02:22:13.62  -05:49:19.40  Werner            MWERNER      30227 irsstare     78.41   2006-08-04 21:26:28.8     17896192  SWIREstars_xmm_31_10481                 
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-04 22:53:03.5     19553024  SW3-B-PUI-2-Shadow                      
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-04 23:11:55.8     19553280  SW3-B-PUI-1-Shadow                      
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-04 23:30:55.1     19552512  SW3-B-PUI-3-Shadow                      
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-04 23:49:59.0     19552768  SW3-C-PUI-1-Shadow                      
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-05 00:08:54.1     19554816  SW3-C-PUI-2-Shadow                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          67.09   2006-08-05 01:39:42.2     19526400  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-08-05 02:46:41.0     19528448  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.72   2006-08-05 02:57:24.6     19501312  caldrk_IRS-33_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.80   2006-08-05 03:09:05.2     19501568  caldrk_IRS-33_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     14.48   2006-08-05 03:21:00.5     19495680  caldrk_IRS-33_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_1    
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     18.80   2006-08-05 03:33:49.1     19509760  calsfx-33D-sky_1                        
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     35.06   2006-08-05 03:49:33.8     19509504  calsfx-33D-HD173511_1                   
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irsmap      214.77   2006-08-05 04:37:04.0     19554304  SW3-Bmap-Shadow                         
2MASS0036                 00:36:16.12  +18:21:10.40  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap      230.22   2006-08-05 08:12:13.4     17319424  IRSM--n-tlr-004.2                       
2MASS0036_Off             00:36:12.90  +18:23:38.00  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap       10.27   2006-08-05 11:59:07.1     17322496  IRSM--n-tlr-004.2-Off                   
MIPSJ002621.7+171925.7    00:26:21.68  +17:19:25.70  Geach             GEACHIRS     30621 irsstare    120.14   2006-08-05 12:15:36.6     18619648  IRSS-CL0024-03                          
NGC 337                   00:59:50.09  -07:34:40.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irspeakup    33.62   2006-08-05 14:15:00.2     19506944  calpkf_IRS33_IRSI_NGC_337               
DEN0255                   02:55:03.68  -47:00:51.60  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap      229.47   2006-08-05 14:49:52.3     17317376  IRSM--n-tlr-001.3                       
DEN0255_Off               02:55:11.40  -47:02:11.00  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap       10.27   2006-08-05 18:36:02.9     17320448  IRSM--n-tlr-001.3-Off                   
SS73 44                   15:03:23.81  -63:22:58.90  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     41.63   2006-08-05 18:50:47.3     16828160  SS73 44 IRS                             
HD 130437 SKY             14:50:46.00  -60:16:45.00  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     10.78   2006-08-05 19:30:56.5     16829696  HD 130437 SKY IRS                       
HD 130437                 14:50:50.26  -60:17:10.30  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     10.77   2006-08-05 19:39:08.6     16826368  HD 130437 IRS                           
ESO 323-077               13:06:26.13  -40:24:52.50  Weaver            WEAVER_BAT_A 30745 irsstare     26.97   2006-08-05 19:48:06.0     18942720  IRSS-0007                               
ESO 323-077 background    13:06:30.40  -40:25:57.70  Weaver            WEAVER_BAT_A 30745 irsstare     15.10   2006-08-05 20:11:48.8     18942976  IRSS-0008                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-08-05 21:27:25.1     19530752  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     44.19   2006-08-05 21:41:22.1     19495936  caldrk_IRS-33_100-DCVZN-SH-long_2       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     12.31   2006-08-05 22:20:44.3     19501056  caldrk_IRS-33_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     18.80   2006-08-05 22:33:46.5     19511808  calsfx-33E-sky_2                        
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     35.07   2006-08-05 22:49:31.3     19511552  calsfx-33E-HR6348_2                     
2000 PH5                      2054509      2000 PH5  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     37.87   2006-08-05 23:41:12.5     17757440  wic-2000PH5-spec                        
2000 PH5                      2054509      2000 PH5  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irspeakup    12.47   2006-08-06 00:20:46.5     17757696  wic-2000PH5-phot                        
NGC 788                   02:01:06.45  -06:48:55.90  Weaver            WEAVER_BAT_A 30745 irsstare     16.69   2006-08-06 00:32:38.9     18944512  IRSS-0019                               
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-06 00:52:46.9     19552256  SW3-C-PUI-1                             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irsstare    140.91   2006-08-06 01:11:45.4     17718528  SW3-Cstare                              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-06 03:34:22.4     19555072  SW3-C-PUI-2                             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-06 03:53:26.5     19554048  SW3-B-PUI-1                             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irsstare    180.67   2006-08-06 04:12:25.1     17718016  SW3-Bstare                              
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-06 07:14:47.8     19553792  SW3-B-PUI-2                             
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irsmap      214.77   2006-08-06 09:24:10.9     19554560  SW3-Bmap                                
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irspeakup    17.25   2006-08-06 13:00:40.6     19553536  SW3-B-PUI-3                             
SN 2006E                  13:53:28.52  +05:12:22.20  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irsstare    161.11   2006-08-06 13:27:32.4     17970688  IRS-2006E-1                             
SN 2006E                  13:53:28.52  +05:12:22.20  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irspeakup    27.39   2006-08-06 16:05:22.0     17974528  PUI-sn2006E-1                           
NEAT                          1000521          NEAT  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    92.33   2006-08-06 16:36:17.3     19566848  seppcon-163P-NEAT                       
Shoemaker-LINEAR              1000084 Shoemaker-LIN  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   132.68   2006-08-06 18:12:09.4     19572736  seppcon-146P-ShLIN                      
n5793                     14:59:24.76  -16:41:36.10  Stocke            STOCKE_IRS   30515 irspeakup     5.81   2006-08-06 20:23:24.2     18323200  IRSI-js-cso003                          
IRAS 14553+1245           14:57:42.54  +12:33:21.38  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-08-06 20:28:58.3     18211072  IRSI-jd-mega022                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.15   2006-08-06 21:43:44.3     19531008  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     54.03   2006-08-06 21:55:44.3     19500544  caldrk_IRS-33_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     24.61   2006-08-06 22:46:30.6     19500800  caldrk_IRS-33_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     13.77   2006-08-06 23:08:37.8     19514112  calsfx-33C-sky_2                        
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irsstare     16.79   2006-08-06 23:19:30.7     19513856  calsfx-33C-ksiDra_2                     
SDSSJ170246.09+602818.9   17:02:46.09  +60:28:18.90  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.53   2006-08-06 23:34:35.4     17796608  SDSSJ170246.09+602818.9                 
SBS 1609+490 -sky         16:10:55.78  +48:54:36.00  Heckman           BRIGHTESTT2A 30773 irsstare      8.70   2006-08-07 00:11:41.4     18975744  IRSS-0011- sky                          
SBS 1609+490              16:10:51.78  +48:54:39.00  Heckman           BRIGHTESTT2A 30773 irsstare     31.36   2006-08-07 00:17:26.5     18970880  IRSS-0011                               
IRAS 16255+2801           16:27:38.13  +27:54:51.95  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-08-07 00:47:56.8     18211328  IRSI-jd-mega023                         
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          12.05   2006-08-07 07:07:17.7     19545088  anneal                                  
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000081 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irsstare    140.91   2006-08-07 07:44:39.8     17719296  SW3-Cstare-Shadow                       
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3        1000320 Schwassmann-W  Sitko             SITKOSW3     30066 irsstare    180.67   2006-08-07 10:07:28.2     17718784  SW3-Bstare-Shadow                       
2MASS0036                 00:36:16.12  +18:21:10.40  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap      230.22   2006-08-07 13:06:01.4     17319680  IRSM--n-tlr-004.3                       
2MASS0036_Off             00:36:12.90  +18:23:38.00  Houck             IRS_BD_VAR   30092 irsmap       10.27   2006-08-07 16:52:55.1     17322752  IRSM--n-tlr-004.3-Off                   
Icarus                        2001566        Icarus  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     38.01   2006-08-07 17:18:51.2     17760256  wic-Icarus-loflux-N                     
LONEOS (P/2004 VR8)           1000532 LONEOS (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    66.67   2006-08-07 18:02:46.2     19569408  seppcon-P04VR8-LONEOS                   
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1434  1434 irs          67.09   2006-08-07 19:12:17.4     19526656  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-07 21:40:55.1     19609856  latent_safe_best_nep                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      11.40   2006-08-07 21:41:30.7     19625984  skydrk_12hdr - copy - 0001_34           
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-07 21:51:20.6     19619840  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      11.40   2006-08-07 22:00:45.2     19624960  skydrk_12hdr_34                         
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       8.15   2006-08-07 22:08:42.0     19624704  skydrk_2_34                             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      54.56   2006-08-07 22:13:27.6     19625216  skydrk_100_34                           
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.57   2006-08-07 23:05:40.1     19601664  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.58   2006-08-07 23:14:36.1     19604480  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.58   2006-08-07 23:20:06.5     19603968  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.58   2006-08-07 23:28:38.5     19603456  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.58   2006-08-07 23:36:58.7     19602944  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.91   2006-08-07 23:45:35.3     19605504  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.91   2006-08-07 23:50:07.1     19606016  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.90   2006-08-07 23:55:25.5     19602432  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.57   2006-08-08 00:00:06.7     19604992  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-08 00:13:14.3     19611136  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy             
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-08 00:18:18.5     19620096  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      11.40   2006-08-08 00:32:33.9     19625728  skydrk_12hdr - copy_34                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       8.15   2006-08-08 00:40:30.7     19625472  skydrk_2 - copy_34                      
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      54.56   2006-08-08 00:45:16.3     19626240  skydrk_100 - copy_34                    
SN2006ce                  02:22:54.63  -21:14:29.40  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      31.57   2006-08-08 01:45:28.1     19901696  IRAC-2006ce-1                           
SN 2005df                 04:17:37.85  -62:46:09.50  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      31.54   2006-08-08 02:17:27.8     17967616  IRAC-2005df-3                           
sn2005af                  13:04:44.06  -49:33:59.80  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      17.89   2006-08-08 02:50:24.8     17967104  IRAC-2005af-3                           
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       7.03   2006-08-08 03:09:03.3     19606528  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy     
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.37   2006-08-08 03:20:44.6     16791296  IRAC-map 22                             
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.35   2006-08-08 05:40:31.6     16792320  IRAC-map 32                             
GRB050421                 20:28:58.00  +73:40:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-08-08 08:02:44.9     17182208  IRAC-0001 - GRB050421                   
WD2218+706                22:19:33.70  +70:56:03.10  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      72.64   2006-08-08 08:16:22.1     18230272  IRAC-WD2218                             
cep ref 1                 22:27:21.09  +59:55:26.57  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      11.83   2006-08-08 09:26:57.2     16939776  cep-ref-1                               
cep ref 2                 23:45:44.38  +63:53:45.65  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      11.87   2006-08-08 09:36:54.8     16939520  cep-ref-2                               
CEP                       23:19:36.09  +62:26:45.38  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      10.93   2006-08-08 09:46:04.0     19534336  Cep_epoch1 - 0006                       
Cep Ch1/3 hole 1          23:06:52.83  +62:22:15.40  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 09:54:03.0     16937216  Cep-ch1/3-hole-1                        
Cep Ch1/3 hole 2          23:03:15.78  +61:44:28.00  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 09:58:06.0     16936960  Cep-ch1/3-hole-2                        
Cep Ch1/3 hole 3          22:56:42.90  +61:36:08.90  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.10   2006-08-08 10:02:11.6     16936704  Cep-ch1/3-hole-3                        
Cep Ch1/3 hole 4          23:14:04.67  +62:04:56.30  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 10:06:35.2     16936192  Cep-ch1/3-hole-4                        
Cep Ch1/3 hole 5          22:59:59.25  +62:35:52.70  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 10:10:53.2     16935936  Cep-ch1/3-hole-5                        
Cep Ch2/4 hole 1          23:06:39.53  +62:28:49.00  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 10:14:55.6     16939264  Cep-ch2/4-hole-1                        
Cep Ch2/4 hole 2          23:03:01.05  +61:51:09.10  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 10:18:57.8     16939008  Cep-ch2/4-hole-2                        
Cep Ch2/4 hole 3          22:56:27.36  +61:42:44.20  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 10:23:03.6     16938752  Cep-ch2/4-hole-3                        
Cep Ch2/4 hole 4          23:13:53.14  +62:11:28.90  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 10:27:26.8     16938496  Cep-ch2/4-hole-4                        
Cep Ch2/4 hole 5          22:59:44.94  +62:42:35.10  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap       7.11   2006-08-08 10:31:45.6     16938240  Cep-ch2/4-hole-5                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-08 12:20:47.9     19610112  latent_safe_best_nep - 0001             
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5002 irac         11.45   2006-08-08 12:21:35.8     19473920  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      10.67   2006-08-08 12:35:35.5     19597312  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.19   2006-08-08 12:42:56.3     19597568  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       9.04   2006-08-08 12:45:44.2     19597824  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.15   2006-08-08 12:51:28.6     19598080  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.15   2006-08-08 12:56:14.6     19595520  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.40   2006-08-08 13:00:57.4     19596288  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.06   2006-08-08 13:08:53.0     19595776  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      17.32   2006-08-08 13:16:30.2     19596544  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      16.30   2006-08-08 13:30:22.9     19596032  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:40:08.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      41.78   2006-08-08 13:43:15.7     19597056  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      54.56   2006-08-08 14:21:37.9     19596800  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_16             14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap     240.74   2006-08-08 15:20:15.1     19601152  skyflt_zody_field_16                    
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       7.02   2006-08-08 19:18:57.5     19602176  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2            
Arp 220                   15:34:57.12  +23:30:11.50  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       7.95   2006-08-08 19:26:21.1      4993536  TNG-SN-Arp220-01                        
txs 1506+345              15:08:05.60  +34:23:23.10  Evans             EVANSAARON   30877 iracmap      10.75   2006-08-08 19:32:59.1     19164416  IRAC-0000 - txs 1506+345                
Mrk475                    14:39:05.46  +36:48:21.90  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       6.77   2006-08-08 19:41:31.7     17564416  Wu_IRAC-0014                            
SDSS144527.40+392117.0    14:45:27.40  +39:21:17.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-08 19:45:39.0     18090240  IRAC-0000 - SDSS144527.40+392117.0      
A1930                     14:32:37.90  +31:38:49.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.66   2006-08-08 19:51:29.6     18653184  IRAC-0024                               
HD120500                  13:49:44.15  +08:24:31.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-08-08 20:01:17.9     19079936  IRAC-0017                               
WD1346+121                13:49:02.31  +11:55:14.50  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.83   2006-08-08 20:06:21.4     17873664  IRAC-WD1346+121                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-08 21:26:33.8     19613952  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0011      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-08 21:27:05.0     19621888  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       7.02   2006-08-08 21:45:47.9     19606784  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
SN 2006E                  13:53:28.52  +05:12:22.20  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      17.93   2006-08-08 21:52:38.8     17967872  IRAC-2006E-1                            
Q1549                     15:51:52.50  +19:11:04.30  Steidel           STEIDELGO3   30416 iracmap     330.62   2006-08-08 22:10:32.9     18219008  IRAC-Q1549                              
NGC 7354                  22:40:19.94  +61:17:08.10  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.00   2006-08-09 03:43:24.9     17590784  IRAC-PN2-0008                           
V563 Cas                  23:16:55.19  +60:26:00.70  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-08-09 03:55:05.0     17619456  V563 Cas E1                             
CEP                       22:54:03.60  +62:17:51.70  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.17   2006-08-09 03:58:32.5     15565568  Cep_epoch1                              
CEP                       22:57:38.42  +62:10:13.07  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.02   2006-08-09 05:27:12.4     15570944  Cep_epoch1 - 0001                       
CEP                       23:00:38.88  +62:01:23.03  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.02   2006-08-09 06:55:44.7     15570688  Cep_epoch1 - 0002                       
CEP                       23:03:40.91  +62:07:22.30  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.10   2006-08-09 08:24:18.4     15570432  Cep_epoch1 - 0003                       
CEP                       23:07:50.08  +62:22:19.19  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.19   2006-08-09 09:52:56.4     15570176  Cep_epoch1 - 0004                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-09 13:00:55.2     19610880  latent_safe_best_c34                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-09 13:01:21.7     19621632  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       7.01   2006-08-09 13:14:51.8     19607040  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
herc1 13088               17:20:19.65  +50:01:04.67  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap      26.44   2006-08-09 13:27:30.0     18714624  IRAC-14 herc1 13088                     
IRAS17463+5806            17:47:04.76  +58:05:22.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-08-09 13:52:13.0     17525248  IRAC-gto2-ulirg030                      
CEP                       23:15:12.80  +62:26:26.36  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.11   2006-08-09 13:57:25.8     15569920  Cep_epoch1 - 0005                       
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.35   2006-08-09 15:29:09.9     16793344  IRAC-map 43                             
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.41   2006-08-09 17:49:13.0     16790528  IRAC-map 12                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-09 21:30:56.0     19611648  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0002      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-09 21:31:19.9     19622144  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       7.01   2006-08-09 21:44:54.4     19607296  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
GJ1245ABC                 19:53:54.20  +44:24:55.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       6.84   2006-08-09 21:55:52.8     17987072  epoch2-GJ1245ABC                        
V1351 Cyg                 19:42:04.15  +55:27:47.60  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-08-09 22:01:05.8     17615872  V1351 Cyg E1                            
ugc 11318                 18:39:12.25  +55:38:30.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.67   2006-08-09 22:05:11.2     19193344  IRAC-0052                               
A2292                     17:57:06.70  +53:51:38.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.63   2006-08-09 22:15:43.4     18664192  IRAC-0055                               
SDSS172955.84+530955.9    17:29:55.84  +53:09:55.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-09 22:24:00.8     18089216  IRAC-0000 - SDSS172955.84+530955.9      
herc1 14739               17:20:41.65  +50:04:37.16  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap      11.55   2006-08-09 22:29:26.2     18714880  IRAC-15 herc1 14739                     
Z8193                     17:17:19.10  +42:26:59.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-08-09 22:39:12.6     18663680  IRAC-0054                               
IC1262                    17:33:02.10  +43:45:35.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-08-09 22:47:19.2     18656000  IRAC-0035                               
PSR J2322+2057            23:22:22.36  +20:57:03.00  Pavlov            SOLMSP       30763 iracmap      39.54   2006-08-09 23:01:03.8     18964224  MSP-IRAC-07                             
R0000+08                  00:00:07.10  +08:16:49.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.67   2006-08-09 23:39:29.1     18646016  IRAC-0001-R0000+08                      
A2665                     23:50:50.60  +06:09:00.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.69   2006-08-09 23:47:35.9     18658048  IRAC-0043                               
BE_Cet                    00:22:51.79  -12:12:34.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-08-09 23:57:26.9     18008576  epoch2-BECet                            
IRAS00406-3127            00:43:03.14  -31:10:49.70  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-10 00:03:47.7     17518592  IRAC-gto2-ulirg004                      
LHS132                    01:02:51.20  -37:37:45.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 00:06:53.7     17991680  epoch2-LHS132                           
HD6434                    01:04:40.15  -39:29:17.60  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-08-10 00:11:30.5     17547264  NSEXOII-001                             
HD9053                    01:28:21.93  -43:19:05.60  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.13   2006-08-10 00:20:08.1     18681600  IRAC_HD9053                             
290+04                    11:16:06.70  -56:27:33.98  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.18   2006-08-10 00:30:28.4     14778880  IRAC-0001 - 290+04                      
VY Car                    10:44:32.69  -57:33:55.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       8.46   2006-08-10 01:36:06.9     18677248  IRAC_VY_Car                             
A1664                     13:03:42.50  -24:14:41.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.66   2006-08-10 01:44:58.6     18662656  IRAC-0052                               
WD1313-198                13:16:19.56  -20:07:32.10  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.96   2006-08-10 01:53:19.1     17876736  IRAC-WD1313-198                         
SDSS135823.99+0021343.8   13:58:23.99  +02:13:43.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-10 02:03:35.7     18102528  IRAC-0000 - SDSS135823.99+0021343.8     
IRAS16334+4630            16:34:52.37  +46:24:53.00  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-08-10 02:12:59.5     17524736  IRAC-gto2-ulirg028                      
g116.cluster              23:50:52.90  +65:43:06.00  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 iracmap       4.65   2006-08-10 02:19:30.1     16942848  g116-cl                                 
delta Ceph                22:29:10.27  +58:24:54.70  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       6.03   2006-08-10 02:25:47.1     18682880  IRAC_delta_Ceph                         
GL0860AB                  22:27:59.47  +57:41:45.20  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.15   2006-08-10 02:28:46.9     17988096  epoch2-GL0860AB                         
I22495                    22:51:38.92  +51:50:42.40  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.04   2006-08-10 02:33:57.3     17507072  IRAC-0028                               
I22023                    22:04:12.20  +53:04:00.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.04   2006-08-10 02:42:04.5     17500672  IRAC-0023                               
I21289                    21:30:23.00  +58:28:51.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.04   2006-08-10 02:50:05.9     17500416  IRAC-0021                               
I20572                    20:58:55.60  +49:31:13.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.05   2006-08-10 02:58:20.3     17510144  IRAC-0034                               
V1043 Cen                 13:13:17.12  -32:59:12.20  Hoard             POLARS       30249 iracmap       7.67   2006-08-10 03:15:08.4     17916672  IRAC-v1043cen                           
ucm1656+2744              16:58:52.40  +27:39:42.20  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.71   2006-08-10 03:26:17.0     18713344  IRAC-09 ucm1656+2744                    
WD1707+475                17:09:09.58  +47:31:34.70  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.42   2006-08-10 03:31:25.7     19073024  IRAC-0026                               
2000 GN171                    2047932    2000 GN171  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.58   2006-08-10 04:05:34.1     15133184  IRAC-47932_00GN171                      
AM Her                    18:16:13.33  +49:52:04.20  Hoard             POLARS       30249 iracmap       7.67   2006-08-10 05:12:35.8     17916928  IRAC-amher                              
GRB021206                 16:00:46.80  -09:42:36.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.60   2006-08-10 05:23:00.6     17182976  IRAC-0001 - GRB021206                   
XBSJ160645+081525         16:06:45.97  +08:15:25.10  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.81   2006-08-10 05:37:51.0     18606336  IRAC-0013                               
2MA1539-0520              15:39:41.90  -05:20:43.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 05:52:21.1     17997568  epoch2-2MA1539-0520                     
HD136118                  15:18:55.47  -01:35:32.60  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-08-10 05:57:39.9     17554944  NSEXOII-031                             
Huya                          2038628          Huya  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      26.01   2006-08-10 06:12:15.5     15132160  IRAC-38628_Huya                         
SDSS151520.56+0004739.3   15:15:20.56  +00:47:39.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-10 06:37:07.7     18095616  IRAC-0000 - SDSS151520.56+0004739.3     
WD1507+021                15:09:56.99  +01:56:09.10  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.42   2006-08-10 06:42:12.3     19071744  IRAC-0021                               
SDSS150759.06+020053.8    15:07:59.06  +02:00:53.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 06:55:30.7     18071040  IRAC-0000 - SDSS150759.06+020053.8      
SDSS145503.47+0014209.0   14:55:03.47  +01:42:09.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 07:00:54.3     18093824  IRAC-0000 - SDSS145503.47+0014209.0     
SDSS143244.44-010044.8    14:32:44.44  -01:00:44.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 07:06:45.3     18074112  IRAC-0000 - SDSS143244.44-010044.8      
WD1412-109                14:15:07.71  -11:09:23.60  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      11.00   2006-08-10 07:12:55.7     19071232  IRAC-0019                               
5                         14:02:14.16  -10:25:24.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.27   2006-08-10 07:21:22.5     17847808  IRAC-0011 - 5                           
6                         14:02:01.04  -10:21:59.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.27   2006-08-10 07:31:19.1     17843200  IRAC-0011                               
6                         14:02:01.04  -10:21:59.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      24.35   2006-08-10 07:41:15.2     17842944  IRAC-0010                               
5                         14:02:14.16  -10:25:24.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      24.35   2006-08-10 08:02:16.2     17847552  IRAC-0010 - 5                           
ET Vir                    14:10:50.49  -16:18:07.30  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-08-10 08:24:38.0     17611776  ET Vir E1                               
WD1444-174                14:47:25.37  -17:42:15.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-08-10 08:28:42.0     17873408  IRAC-WD1444-174                         
LHS3003                   14:56:38.40  -28:09:50.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 08:38:09.4     17990144  epoch2-LHS3003                          
V Cen                     14:32:33.08  -56:53:15.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       6.05   2006-08-10 08:45:18.2     18685184  IRAC_NGC5662                            
V Cen                     14:32:33.08  -56:53:15.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       8.46   2006-08-10 08:48:00.8     18677760  IRAC_V_Cen                              
HD121504                  13:57:17.24  -56:02:24.20  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-08-10 08:54:07.1     17554688  NSEXOII-030                             
HD117618                  13:32:25.56  -47:16:16.90  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-08-10 09:03:08.9     17554432  NSEXOII-029                             
HD117207                  13:29:21.11  -35:34:15.60  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-08-10 09:12:20.1     17554176  NSEXOII-028                             
WD1310-472                13:12:59.69  -47:28:06.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-08-10 09:21:28.3     17868032  IRAC-1310-472                           
LHA 115-S 23              00:55:53.81  -72:08:59.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 iracmap       7.87   2006-08-10 09:34:34.7     19152640  IRAC-LHA115-S23                         
g302                      12:43:31.29  -62:00:05.93  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       5.00   2006-08-10 09:43:36.8     19668224  g302 reobs                              
g302 reobs band 1         12:45:24.99  -62:12:18.43  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       4.97   2006-08-10 09:45:22.0     19668736  g302 band 1                             
g305 reobs                13:12:26.89  -63:17:15.23  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       4.33   2006-08-10 09:47:49.6     19668992  g302 reobs - copy                       
g305 band 1               13:14:53.46  -63:31:03.19  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       4.76   2006-08-10 09:48:59.2     19668480  g305 band 1                             
g306 reobs                13:22:00.98  -63:39:13.18  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       9.47   2006-08-10 09:50:50.6     19667968  g302 reobs - copy - 0001                
GL0559AB                  14:39:36.50  -60:50:02.30  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 09:58:36.6     17985280  epoch2-GL0559AB                         
g301 reobs                12:39:25.23  -61:56:19.88  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap      17.40   2006-08-10 10:04:49.8     19669248  g302 reobs - copy - 0002                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-10 11:25:55.2     19611904  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0003      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-10 11:26:16.6     19622400  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       7.00   2006-08-10 11:39:55.3     19607552  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.47   2006-08-10 11:51:48.6     16793088  IRAC-map 42                             
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.49   2006-08-10 14:11:48.4     16792064  IRAC-map 31                             
SDSS152949.77+394509.6    15:29:49.77  +39:45:09.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-10 16:36:51.1     18082816  IRAC-0000 - SDSS152949.77+394509.6      
SDSS155650.41+0394542.8   15:56:50.41  +39:45:42.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 16:42:33.1     18097664  IRAC-0000 - SDSS155650.41+0394542.8     
IRAS17068+4027            17:08:32.12  +40:23:28.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-10 16:49:15.9     17524992  IRAC-gto2-ulirg029                      
SDSS164617.17+0364509.4   16:46:17.17  +36:45:09.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-10 16:54:12.9     18092544  IRAC-0000 - SDSS164617.17+0364509.4     
SDSS165231.30+0353615.9   16:52:31.30  +35:36:15.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-10 16:59:15.1     18095104  IRAC-0000 - SDSS165231.30+0353615.9     
SDSS165919.97+374332.7    16:59:19.97  +37:43:32.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-10 17:04:28.7     18085120  IRAC-0000 - SDSS165919.97+374332.7      
SDSS165943.08+375422.7    16:59:43.08  +37:54:22.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-10 17:09:06.9     18084608  IRAC-0000 - SDSS165943.08+375422.7      
nltt43806                 16:54:45.70  +38:29:36.80  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.54   2006-08-10 17:14:04.3     19025664  IRAC-0010                               
SDSS163624.98+361458.0    16:36:24.98  +36:14:58.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-08-10 17:43:11.5     18085888  IRAC-0000 - SDSS163624.98+361458.0      
wd1626+368                16:28:25.08  +36:46:14.30  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.51   2006-08-10 17:48:17.7     19023872  IRAC-0003                               
NGC 6137                  16:23:03.10  +37:55:20.50  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-08-10 18:16:50.4     17403136  IRAC-NGC6137                            
SDSS163302.10+392427.4    16:33:02.10  +39:24:27.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 18:25:09.4     18074880  IRAC-0000 - SDSS163302.10+392427.4      
SDSS163402.95+390000.6    16:34:02.95  +39:00:00.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 18:29:54.4     18078208  IRAC-0000 - SDSS163402.95+390000.6      
SDSS161806.32+422532.1    16:18:06.32  +42:25:32.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 18:35:25.6     18078464  IRAC-0000 - SDSS161806.32+422532.1      
SDSS162553.31+434713.8    16:25:53.31  +43:47:13.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 18:40:31.0     18079744  IRAC-0000 - SDSS162553.31+434713.8      
SDSS162917.79+443452.4    16:29:17.79  +44:34:52.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 18:45:20.8     18081792  IRAC-0000 - SDSS162917.79+443452.4      
SDSS161603.76+463225.3    16:16:03.76  +46:32:25.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-08-10 18:50:35.4     18087936  IRAC-0000 - SDSS161603.76+463225.3      
IC1144                    15:51:21.68  +43:25:03.70  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.88   2006-08-10 18:56:15.4     18199040  IRAC-IC1144                             
WD1553+353                15:55:01.99  +35:13:29.00  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.41   2006-08-10 19:21:13.4     19072000  IRAC-0022                               
SDSS155729.94+330446.9    15:57:29.94  +33:04:46.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 19:35:01.0     18081024  IRAC-0000 - SDSS155729.94+330446.9      
SDSS155436.25+0320408.4   15:54:36.25  +32:04:08.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-10 19:39:56.4     18105088  IRAC-0000 - SDSS155436.25+0320408.4     
KISS0856-F1545-3776       15:46:45.50  +29:52:09.30  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.73   2006-08-10 19:45:11.0     17830144  KISS-0856-F1545-3776-IRAC               
R1532+30                  15:32:53.80  +30:21:00.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-10 19:53:27.0     18658560  IRAC-0044                               
IRAS14548+3349            14:56:58.43  +33:37:10.00  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       5.78   2006-08-10 20:02:09.2     17524224  IRAC-gto2-ulirg026                      
UGC9562                   14:51:14.41  +35:32:32.20  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.90   2006-08-10 20:05:18.0     18198784  IRAC-UGC9562                            
KISS0572-F1445-4508       14:46:48.20  +29:25:17.10  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.76   2006-08-10 20:29:57.7     17829888  KISS-0572-F1445-4508-IRAC               
R1442+22                  14:42:19.40  +22:18:13.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-08-10 20:38:48.3     18653440  IRAC-0025                               
2MA1439+1929              14:39:28.40  +19:29:15.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 20:46:50.1     17994752  epoch2-2MA1439+1929                     
HD130767                  14:49:28.71  +19:30:37.30  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-08-10 20:51:32.9     19079680  IRAC-0016                               
A1991                     14:54:31.40  +18:38:34.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-10 20:56:20.9     18653696  IRAC-0026                               
A2009                     15:00:19.60  +21:22:11.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-10 21:04:22.7     18653952  IRAC-0027                               
HD137510                  15:25:53.27  +19:28:50.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-08-10 21:12:52.3     17555200  NSEXOII-032                             
2MA1526+2043              15:26:14.10  +20:43:41.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 21:20:34.3     18000384  epoch2-2MA1526+2043                     
A2072                     15:25:48.70  +18:14:11.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.63   2006-08-10 21:25:21.9     18654976  IRAC-0031                               
2MA1506+1321              15:06:54.40  +13:21:06.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 21:33:58.9     17996288  epoch2-2MA1506+1321                     
A2033                     15:11:26.60  +06:20:58.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-10 21:39:29.3     18654208  IRAC-0028                               
A2052                     15:16:44.60  +07:01:18.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-10 21:47:18.7     18654464  IRAC-0029                               
A2055                     15:18:45.80  +06:13:57.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-10 21:55:01.7     18654720  IRAC-0030                               
ERO2MASS5                 15:33:34.18  +07:35:05.70  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.04   2006-08-10 22:03:20.3     18612736  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS5                   
nltt40607                 15:35:05.82  +12:47:45.20  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.54   2006-08-10 22:07:14.3     19025408  IRAC-0009                               
2MA1553+1532              15:53:02.20  +15:32:36.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-10 22:36:29.0     18006784  epoch2-2MA1553+1532                     
WD1559+128                16:01:42.35  +12:44:49.60  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.44   2006-08-10 22:41:28.0     19072256  IRAC-0023                               
IC1141                    15:49:46.95  +12:23:57.50  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.91   2006-08-10 22:55:23.8     19351040  IRAC-IC1141                             
ugc 9965                  15:40:06.77  +20:40:50.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.67   2006-08-10 23:20:25.2     19193088  IRAC-0051                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-11 01:00:36.7     19612160  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0004      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-11 01:01:13.7     19622656  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       7.00   2006-08-11 01:14:20.5     19607808  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
WD2248+293                22:51:23.02  +29:39:44.40  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.99   2006-08-11 01:27:49.2     17879040  IRAC-WD2248+293                         
ugc 74                    00:08:44.75  +04:36:45.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-08-11 01:38:25.1     19180288  IRAC-0000                               
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.38   2006-08-11 01:48:16.5     16792832  IRAC-map 34                             
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.43   2006-08-11 04:07:59.2     16792576  IRAC-map 33                             
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.39   2006-08-11 06:29:36.5     16791808  IRAC-map 24                             
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.43   2006-08-11 08:49:21.6     16791552  IRAC-map 23                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-11 13:00:38.2     19612416  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0005      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-11 13:01:11.1     19622912  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.99   2006-08-11 13:14:26.0     19608064  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.47   2006-08-11 13:25:50.6     16790784  IRAC-map 13                             
North American Nebula     20:54:18.00  +44:05:00.00  Rebull            NAMNEB       20015 iracmap     146.55   2006-08-11 15:45:53.7     16791040  IRAC-map 21                             
ugc 74                    00:08:44.75  +04:36:45.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.21   2006-08-11 18:10:27.0     19180544  IRAC-0001                               
RX J0152.7-1357           01:52:52.80  -14:01:39.80  Holden            BPH_CLS      20740 iracmap     151.49   2006-08-11 18:18:45.4     15065344  IRAC-0000 - copy                        
WD0042-337                00:45:17.78  -33:29:10.80  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.87   2006-08-11 20:52:53.9     17867264  IRAC-WD0042-337                         
ngc 253 - nw              00:46:47.04  -25:06:50.40  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 iracmap      57.94   2006-08-11 21:13:50.6     18377984  n253nw                                  
n253 - sw                 00:46:46.56  -25:21:50.40  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 iracmap     130.26   2006-08-11 22:07:50.6     18378496  n253sw                                  
2m0141-4633               01:41:58.23  -46:33:57.40  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.62   2006-08-12 00:15:49.3     18374144  IRAC-2m0141-4633                        
HD011413                  01:50:54.44  -50:12:22.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.52   2006-08-12 00:23:58.3     19081728  IRAC-0024                               
HD10647                   01:42:29.32  -53:44:27.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-08-12 00:29:05.3     17547776  NSEXOII-003                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-12 02:15:36.6     19612672  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0006      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-12 02:16:08.0     19623168  anneal                                  
HD142703                  15:56:33.37  -14:49:46.00  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.54   2006-08-12 02:29:51.6     19082496  IRAC-0027                               
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.99   2006-08-12 02:35:20.0     19608320  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
n253 - se                 00:48:03.12  -25:24:10.80  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 iracmap      39.84   2006-08-12 02:49:56.5     18378752  n253se                                  
n253 - ne                 00:48:02.64  -25:05:24.00  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 iracmap     130.26   2006-08-12 03:26:14.8     18378240  n253ne                                  
ngc 253 - center          00:47:26.40  -25:15:03.60  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 iracmap     107.60   2006-08-12 05:31:46.3     18377728  n253center                              
ngc 253 - subarray        00:47:33.12  -25:17:17.60  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 iracmap       5.28   2006-08-12 07:14:41.1     18379008  n253 - subarray                         
IRAS01003-2238            01:02:49.94  -22:21:57.30  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-12 07:17:41.9     17518848  IRAC-gto2-ulirg005                      
WD0048-207                00:51:10.90  -20:27:56.20  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.98   2006-08-12 07:20:12.9     17875456  IRAC-WD0048-207                         
GL0054.1                  01:12:30.64  -16:59:56.20  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-12 07:29:00.9     17979392  epoch2-GL0054.1                         
WD0117-145                01:19:32.08  -14:15:26.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-08-12 07:33:54.5     17874944  IRAC-WD0117-145                         
XBSJ013240-133307         01:32:40.11  -13:33:07.80  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.76   2006-08-12 07:42:14.9     18603008  IRAC-0000                               
GL0065AB                  01:39:01.30  -17:57:01.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-12 07:55:26.1     17979648  epoch2-GL0065AB                         
IRAS01199-2307            01:22:20.84  -22:51:57.30  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-12 08:00:43.5     17519104  IRAC-gto2-ulirg006                      
HD007908                  01:18:25.37  -23:00:47.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.52   2006-08-12 08:02:39.1     19077632  IRAC-0008                               
ERO2MASS11                01:34:35.67  -09:31:03.00  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.03   2006-08-12 08:08:49.7     18614272  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS11                  
HD11964                   01:57:09.61  -10:14:32.70  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-08-12 08:12:38.7     17548032  NSEXOII-004                             
KUG0203-100               02:05:49.14  -09:49:18.05  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.49   2006-08-12 08:20:27.1     18885888  IRAC - KUG0203-100                      
WD0202-055                02:05:11.62  -05:17:54.30  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.82   2006-08-12 08:27:36.7     17867520  IRAC-0202-055                           
A291                      02:01:43.10  -02:11:47.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-12 08:47:50.4     18660608  IRAC-0048                               
UM382                     01:58:09.36  +00:06:38.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-08-12 08:55:42.6     17565952  Wu_IRAC-0020                            
IRAS02115+0226            02:14:10.32  +02:39:59.80  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-12 09:02:33.8     17519360  IRAC-gto2-ulirg007                      
UM420                     02:20:54.51  +00:33:23.63  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.50   2006-08-12 09:04:50.8     18887936  IRAC - UM420                            
ugc 1862                  02:24:24.81  -02:09:44.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.69   2006-08-12 09:11:38.4     19183616  IRAC-0013                               
HD16141                   02:35:19.93  -03:33:38.20  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-08-12 09:21:48.6     17548544  NSEXOII-006                             
IRAS02376-0054            02:40:08.58  +00:42:03.60  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-12 09:29:55.4     17519616  IRAC-gto2-ulirg008                      
SDSS023540.90+0001038.9   02:35:40.90  +00:10:38.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-12 09:32:03.8     18092032  IRAC-0000 - SDSS023540.90+0001038.9     
NGC1016                   02:38:19.56  +02:07:09.30  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-08-12 09:37:16.8     18030592  T78I_NGC1016                            
HS 0209+0832              02:12:04.80  +08:46:51.10  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      31.38   2006-08-12 10:00:25.2     18232320  IRAC-HS0209                             
ugc 1529                  02:02:30.98  +11:05:35.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-08-12 10:29:07.0     19182592  IRAC-0009                               
GL0083.1                  02:00:13.20  +13:03:08.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-12 10:34:32.0     17980160  epoch2-GL0083.1                         
IC195                     02:03:44.59  +14:42:33.50  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.90   2006-08-12 10:39:08.0     18193664  IRAC-IC195                              
SDS0151+1244              01:51:41.70  +12:44:30.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-12 11:11:58.9     18002176  epoch2-SDS0151+1244                     
2MA1410+1804              01:41:03.20  +18:04:50.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-12 11:17:01.5     17997312  epoch2-2MA1410+1804                     
ucm0148+2123              01:51:04.39  +21:38:42.50  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.69   2006-08-12 11:22:03.1     18713088  IRAC-08 ucm1324+2926                    
ucm0148+2123              01:51:04.39  +21:38:42.50  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.69   2006-08-12 11:24:25.5     18712320  IRAC-05 ucm0148+2123                    
ucm0135+2242              01:37:58.93  +22:57:18.30  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.69   2006-08-12 11:27:40.7     18712064  IRAC-04 ucm0135+2242                    
ucm0159+2354              02:01:49.09  +24:09:10.30  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.70   2006-08-12 11:31:05.5     18714112  IRAC-12 ucm0159+2354                    
HD12661                   02:04:34.29  +25:24:51.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-08-12 11:33:59.9     17548288  NSEXOII-005                             
WD0127+270                01:30:05.70  +27:16:21.70  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.43   2006-08-12 11:42:43.3     19068160  IRAC-0001                               
SN 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap      12.45   2006-08-12 12:00:34.1     18269184  02hh-IRAC-1                             
nltt3915                  01:10:44.68  +27:58:15.50  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.54   2006-08-12 12:14:10.7     19025152  IRAC-0008                               
A115                      00:55:50.60  +26:24:39.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-12 12:43:01.1     18648320  IRAC-0009                               
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 13:25:03.7     17363200  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt1        
SDS1624+0029              16:24:14.40  +00:29:16.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.33   2006-08-12 13:32:26.4     18004992  epoch2-SDS1624+0029                     
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 13:55:35.5     17363456  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt2        
WD1457-086                14:59:52.97  -08:49:29.00  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.42   2006-08-12 14:03:23.5     19071488  IRAC-0020                               
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 14:24:21.9     17363712  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt3        
XBSJ161820+124116         16:18:20.73  +12:41:16.30  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.80   2006-08-12 14:32:47.7     18606592  IRAC-0014                               
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 14:54:55.9     17363968  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt4        
WD1602+010                16:04:53.59  +00:55:13.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.98   2006-08-12 15:02:29.9     17872896  IRAC-WD1602+010                         
ERO2MASS4                 17:04:21.16  +24:33:40.90  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.06   2006-08-12 15:12:55.1     18612480  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS4                   
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 15:24:35.7     17364224  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt5        
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 15:33:23.2     17364480  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt6        
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 15:42:10.7     17364736  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt7        
Huya                          2038628          Huya  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      26.02   2006-08-12 15:54:19.1     15132416  IRAC-Huya2                              
LCDCS 0925                14:11:02.00  -11:48:22.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 iracmap      27.47   2006-08-12 16:18:24.3     17787136  LCDCS 0925-IRAC                         
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 16:49:42.0     17364992  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt8        
A2204                     16:32:46.90  +05:34:33.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.69   2006-08-12 16:57:32.4     18655232  IRAC-0032                               
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 17:15:12.5     17365248  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt9        
UGC10205                  16:06:40.18  +30:05:56.70  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-08-12 17:24:52.1     17404160  IRAC-UGC10205                           
F1615 CLUSTER             16:15:46.50  +29:52:53.50  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      25.91   2006-08-12 17:33:04.5     17834240  KISS-F1615 CLUSTER-IRAC                 
SDSS160516.07+313620.8    16:05:16.07  +31:36:20.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-12 17:56:20.1     18082304  IRAC-0000 - SDSS160516.07+313620.8      
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 18:10:34.8     17365504  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt10       
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 18:19:22.7     17365760  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt11       
69 Hesperia                   2000069   69 Hesperia  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       9.12   2006-08-12 18:36:06.2     17366016  GTO3_AstLC_69Hesperia_epoch1_pt12       
B228                      15:43:01.30  -34:09:12.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.54   2006-08-12 18:44:27.1     18326272  IRAC-B228                               
LCDCS 0952                14:20:19.40  -12:36:36.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 iracmap      27.45   2006-08-12 19:32:09.3     17787392  LCDCS 0952-IRAC                         
V CrB                     15:49:31.31  +39:34:17.90  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-08-12 20:00:38.8     17629696  V CrB E1                                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-12 21:20:28.8     19613184  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0008      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-12 21:21:03.6     19620352  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.98   2006-08-12 21:34:16.0     19608832  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
ugc 1529                  02:02:30.98  +11:05:35.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-08-12 21:50:35.2     19182848  IRAC-0010                               
NGC0741                   01:56:21.03  +05:37:44.20  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-08-12 21:56:37.4     18030336  T78I_NGC0741                            
SDSS012528.84-015404.0    01:25:28.84  -01:54:04.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-08-12 22:19:51.5     18071296  IRAC-0000 - SDSS012528.84-015404.0      
LHS1219                   01:15:04.60  -01:33:16.20  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.82   2006-08-12 22:25:06.5     17878784  IRAC-LHS1219                            
IC1639                    01:11:46.53  +00:39:51.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.89   2006-08-12 22:45:02.7     18193152  IRAC-IC1639                             
Z348                      01:06:49.35  +01:03:22.60  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-08-12 23:09:01.1     18664704  IRAC-0056                               
UM283                     00:51:49.41  +00:33:53.20  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       6.78   2006-08-12 23:17:10.5     17564672  Wu_IRAC-0015                            
ucm0040+0220              00:42:49.93  +02:36:49.60  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.70   2006-08-12 23:21:28.3     18711808  IRAC-03 ucm0040+0220                    
GL0035                    00:49:09.90  +05:23:19.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-08-12 23:24:43.1     17979136  epoch2-GL0035                           
PSR J0030+0451            00:30:27.43  +04:51:39.70  Pavlov            SOLMSP       30763 iracmap      39.53   2006-08-12 23:29:34.1     18962688  MSP-IRAC-01                             
IRAS00275-0044            00:30:09.09  +00:27:44.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-13 00:06:56.3     17518336  IRAC-gto2-ulirg003                      
ERO2MASS12                00:36:59.82  -01:13:32.40  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.06   2006-08-13 00:09:10.2     18614528  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS12                  
WD0029-032                00:32:09.86  -02:54:02.00  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.98   2006-08-13 00:12:32.5     17871872  IRAC-WD0029-032                         
SDSS J004054.65-091526.7  00:40:54.65  -09:15:26.80  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      33.31   2006-08-13 00:21:20.3     18247424  IRAC-0040m0915                          
A85                       00:41:50.38  -09:18:13.70  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.67   2006-08-13 00:51:22.2     18666752  IRAC-0060                               
HS0122+0743               01:25:34.20  +07:59:24.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-08-13 01:01:08.4     17566976  Wu_IRAC-0024                            
ugc 1087                  01:31:26.60  +14:16:39.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-08-13 01:08:14.8     19182080  IRAC-0007                               
ugc 1081                  01:30:46.64  +21:26:25.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-08-13 01:14:24.0     19181568  IRAC-0005                               
ESSENCE-C                 02:04:56.09  -03:49:03.70  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.37   2006-08-13 01:25:11.6     16331264  IRAC-0003C                              
ugc 1087                  01:31:26.60  +14:16:39.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-08-13 06:54:04.4     19182336  IRAC-0008                               
ugc 1081                  01:30:46.64  +21:26:25.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-08-13 07:00:13.6     19181824  IRAC-0006                               
GRB011030                 20:43:35.40  +77:17:20.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-08-13 07:10:20.8     17178880  IRAC-0001 - GRB011030                   
L1157                     20:39:06.40  +68:02:13.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.37   2006-08-13 07:23:53.1     18324224  IRAC-L1157                              
RXJ1821.6+6827            18:21:36.00  +68:27:10.00  Rines             KRINES1      30475 iracmap      47.89   2006-08-13 08:10:07.7     18246400  RXJ1821+6827irac                        
GL0687                    17:36:25.90  +68:20:20.90  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-08-13 08:55:36.3     17986048  epoch2-GL0687                           
SDSS171005.53+0644843.0   17:10:05.53  +64:48:43.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-13 09:00:24.3     18098432  IRAC-0000 - SDSS171005.53+0644843.0     
SDSS171330.21+0644253.0   17:13:30.21  +64:42:53.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-13 09:05:04.6     18099456  IRAC-0000 - SDSS171330.21+0644253.0     
LHS3250                   16:54:01.75  +62:53:55.80  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      37.65   2006-08-13 09:10:17.6     17866240  IRAC-LHS3250                            
3C343                     16:34:33.79  +62:45:35.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-13 09:45:16.0     18060288  IRAC-0000 - 3C343                       
NGC6338                   17:15:22.60  +57:24:43.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-13 09:50:59.6     18655488  IRAC-0033                               
Z8197                     17:18:11.80  +56:39:56.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-13 09:58:37.0     18655744  IRAC-0034                               
Mrk1499                   16:35:21.07  +52:12:52.80  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       6.76   2006-08-13 10:07:16.2     17566720  Wu_IRAC-0023                            
WD1620+513                16:21:23.98  +51:11:36.40  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.42   2006-08-13 10:11:25.8     19072512  IRAC-0024                               
SDSS155416.50+513218.9    15:54:16.50  +51:32:18.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-13 10:25:28.0     18078976  IRAC-0000 - SDSS155416.50+513218.9      
SDSS155404.96+461107.5    15:54:04.96  +46:11:07.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-13 10:31:07.8     18089984  IRAC-0000 - SDSS155404.96+461107.5      
SDSS154515.89+432953.1    15:45:15.89  +43:29:53.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-13 10:36:21.2     18077952  IRAC-0000 - SDSS154515.89+432953.1      
SDSS163408.64+0331242.1   16:34:08.64  +33:12:42.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-08-13 10:42:44.6     18095872  IRAC-0000 - SDSS163408.64+0331242.1     
SDSS164054.17+314329.9    16:40:54.17  +31:43:29.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-13 10:47:50.4     18089472  IRAC-0000 - SDSS164054.17+314329.9      
SDSS170648.07+321422.9    17:06:48.07  +32:14:22.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.86   2006-08-13 10:53:32.4     18074368  IRAC-0000 - SDSS170648.07+321422.9      
SDSS170949.24+303259.2    17:09:49.24  +30:32:59.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.86   2006-08-13 10:58:40.8     18083584  IRAC-0000 - SDSS170949.24+303259.2      
SDSS171704.69+0281400.6   17:17:04.69  +28:14:00.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.87   2006-08-13 11:03:57.0     18105600  IRAC-0000 - SDSS171704.69+0281400.6     
R1720+26                  17:20:10.10  +26:37:32.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.68   2006-08-13 11:09:04.3     18658816  IRAC-0045                               
2MA1721+3344              17:21:03.90  +33:44:16.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-13 11:17:43.6     17995520  epoch2-2MA1721+3344                     
Z8276                     17:44:14.50  +32:59:30.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.67   2006-08-13 11:22:52.7     18656256  IRAC-0036                               
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap       8.42   2006-08-13 11:43:05.3     18276864  04et-IRAC-1                             
IRAS16300+1558            16:32:21.38  +15:51:45.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-13 11:53:24.1     17523968  IRAC-gto2-ulirg025                      
LCDCS 0849                13:53:01.00  -11:37:31.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 iracmap      45.48   2006-08-13 11:59:23.1     17786880  LCDCS 0849-IRAC                         
IC4329                    13:49:05.31  -30:17:45.10  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-08-13 12:43:30.7     18038784  T78I_IC4329                             
NGC5419                   14:03:38.77  -33:58:42.20  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.93   2006-08-13 13:06:08.1     18036736  T78I_NGC5419                            
HD107233                  12:19:55.65  -48:18:59.50  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-08-13 13:30:21.7     19077120  IRAC-0006                               
U Car                     10:57:48.19  -59:43:55.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-08-13 13:36:27.4     18684160  IRAC_U_Car                              
S Mus                     12:12:47.02  -70:09:06.40  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-08-13 13:41:56.9     18679808  IRAC_S_Mus                              
ESSENCE-C                 02:04:56.09  -03:49:03.70  Garnavich         ESSENCE      20643 iracmap     330.37   2006-08-13 13:56:37.6     16329472  IRAC-0002C                              
hs0146+1847               01:48:56.00  +19:02:36.00  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.57   2006-08-13 19:25:51.9     19025920  IRAC-0011                               
NGC803                    02:03:44.70  +16:01:51.50  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-08-13 19:54:58.5     17402624  IRAC-NGC803                             
NGC516                    01:24:08.07  +09:33:06.10  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.88   2006-08-13 20:04:13.2     18193408  IRAC-NGC516                             
SN 2003gd                 01:36:42.65  +15:44:19.90  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap      47.89   2006-08-13 20:28:54.2     18271488  03gd-IRAC-1                             
NGC 0628 A/B              01:37:02.00  +15:55:05.00  Calzetti          OUTDISKS     30753 iracmap      41.45   2006-08-13 21:13:32.0     18948864  IRAC-n0628                              
NGC 0628 A/B              01:37:02.00  +15:55:05.00  Calzetti          OUTDISKS     30753 iracmap      37.64   2006-08-13 21:51:34.6     18950144  IRAC-n0628 - A                          
RW And                    00:47:18.92  +32:41:08.60  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-08-13 22:28:07.9     17609216  RW And E1                               
2MA0243-2453              02:43:13.70  -24:53:29.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-13 22:35:46.7     18004736  epoch2-2MA0243-2453                     
NGC1374                   03:35:16.59  -35:13:34.50  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-08-13 22:41:50.9     18030848  T78I_NGC1374                            
LP944020                  03:39:35.20  -35:25:41.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-13 23:03:46.9     17980672  epoch2-LP944020                         
GJ1061                    03:36:00.00  -44:30:46.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-13 23:09:20.1     17980416  epoch2-GJ1061                           
A3112                     03:17:57.69  -44:14:17.80  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-08-13 23:14:13.3     18667264  IRAC-0061                               
IRAS04114-5117            04:12:44.92  -51:09:34.20  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-13 23:23:14.9     17520128  IRAC-gto2-ulirg010                      
HD23079                   03:39:43.10  -52:54:57.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-08-13 23:26:00.3     17548800  NSEXOII-007                             
l Car                     09:45:14.81  -62:30:28.50  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       6.05   2006-08-13 23:37:17.5     18683904  IRAC_l_Car                              
beta Dor                  05:33:37.52  -62:29:23.40  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       6.04   2006-08-13 23:42:49.1     18683648  IRAC_beta_Dor                           
IRAS F00183-7111          00:20:34.69  -70:55:26.70  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-08-13 23:48:19.1     17517824  IRAC-gto2-ulirg001                      
WD0230-144                02:32:37.91  -14:11:51.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-08-13 23:55:11.3     17878016  IRAC-WD0230-144                         
GL0015AB                  00:18:22.88  +44:01:22.60  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-14 00:08:01.3     17978880  epoch2-GL15AB                           
VX And                    00:19:54.02  +44:42:33.90  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-08-14 00:12:23.2     17623552  VX And E1                               
R For                     02:29:15.31  -26:05:55.70  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-08-14 00:20:53.4     17624576  R For E1                                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
latent_safe_best_c34      14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-14 02:10:30.3     19613696  latent_safe_best_c34 - copy - 0010      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-14 02:10:57.0     19620864  anneal                                  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.97   2006-08-14 02:24:19.9     19609344  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
NN Ser                    15:52:56.20  +12:54:47.20  Brinkworth        BRINKWORTH_N 30070 iracmap      96.98   2006-08-14 02:30:49.1     17725696  NNSer_irac                              
2000 GN171                    2047932    2000 GN171  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.60   2006-08-14 04:13:27.7     15133440  IRAC-00GN171-2                          
CG0598                    14:59:20.64  +42:16:09.80  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       6.77   2006-08-14 05:18:11.6     17566464  Wu_IRAC-0022                            
2MA1515+4847              15:15:00.80  +48:47:42.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-14 05:22:45.4     17999104  epoch2-2MA1515+4847                     
SDSS J154734.95+444652.5  15:47:34.95  +44:46:52.50  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      47.85   2006-08-14 05:30:55.4     18250496  IRAC-1547p4446                          
VLA 1623                  16:26:26.40  +24:24:30.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.39   2006-08-14 06:17:58.6     18324480  IRAC-VLA1623                            
ugc 9177                  14:20:30.49  +10:25:56.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.70   2006-08-14 07:05:50.1     19192576  IRAC-0049                               
SDSS J135249.81-031354.3  13:52:49.81  -03:13:54.30  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      40.56   2006-08-14 07:17:03.7     18249984  IRAC-1352m0313                          
GH Lup                    15:24:38.34  -52:51:13.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       8.46   2006-08-14 07:59:00.2     18677504  IRAC_GH_Lup                             
HD330075                  15:49:37.69  -49:57:48.70  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-08-14 08:05:13.3     17560320  NSEXOII-052                             
HD142415                  15:57:40.79  -60:12:00.90  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-08-14 08:14:04.3     17555712  NSEXOII-034                             
brc74                     14:19:42.00  -61:25:16.40  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-08-14 08:22:57.9     17514240  IRAC-brc74                              
GL0551                    14:29:42.95  -62:40:46.20  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-14 08:27:55.3     17985024  epoch2-GL0551                           
He 2-119                  15:10:39.90  -64:40:19.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.02   2006-08-14 08:32:59.1     17594112  IRAC-PN2-0017                           
PSR J0711-6830            07:11:54.20  -68:30:47.70  Pavlov            SOLMSP       30763 iracmap      39.53   2006-08-14 08:47:28.3     18962944  MSP-IRAC-02                             
XBSJ040758-712833         04:07:58.97  -71:28:33.50  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.74   2006-08-14 09:25:48.8     18604032  IRAC-0004                               
HD006870                  01:08:03.97  -61:52:17.80  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.53   2006-08-14 09:40:34.2     19078144  IRAC-0010                               
XBSJ040658-712457         04:06:58.87  -71:24:57.70  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.74   2006-08-14 09:47:13.8     18603776  IRAC-0003                               
sn 2002ic                 01:30:02.55  +21:53:06.90  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      48.82   2006-08-14 10:15:49.0     17965824  IRAC-2002ic-3                           
HD8574                    01:25:12.52  +28:34:00.10  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-08-14 11:02:27.5     17547520  NSEXOII-002                             
A262                      01:52:46.50  +36:09:08.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.66   2006-08-14 11:11:24.7     18646272  IRAC-0002                               
6C*0128+394               01:31:29.58  +39:42:57.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-08-14 11:19:51.3     18064128  IRAC-0000 - 6C*0128+394                 
HV Cas                    01:11:03.45  +53:43:40.30  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-08-14 11:26:14.7     17624064  HV Cas E1                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 iracmap       3.93   2006-08-14 11:33:49.1     19610368  latent_safe_best_nep - 0002             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      10.67   2006-08-14 11:45:45.2     19600128  skydrk_0.02_subarray - 0001             
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         11.45   2006-08-14 11:47:30.1     19621120  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.19   2006-08-14 11:53:06.0     19600384  skydrk_0.1_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       9.04   2006-08-14 11:55:53.9     19600640  skydrk_0.4_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.15   2006-08-14 12:01:37.8     19600896  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.15   2006-08-14 12:06:23.8     19598336  skydrk_2 - 0001                         
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.40   2006-08-14 12:11:06.6     19599104  skydrk_12hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.06   2006-08-14 12:19:02.0     19598592  skydrk_12 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      17.32   2006-08-14 12:26:39.4     19599360  skydrk_30hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      16.30   2006-08-14 12:40:31.8     19598848  skydrk_30 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:08.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      41.78   2006-08-14 12:53:24.1     19599872  skydrk_100hdr - 0001                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      54.56   2006-08-14 13:31:46.3     19599616  skydrk_100 - 0001                       
zody_field_16             14:43:28.69  -21:23:46.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap     240.57   2006-08-14 14:30:21.1     19601408  skyflt_zody_field_16 - 0001             
GRB050822                 03:24:19.00  -46:00:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.57   2006-08-14 18:38:32.5     17177600  IRAC-0001 - GRB050822                   
ngc 1433                  03:42:01.55  -47:13:19.50  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      39.19   2006-08-14 18:51:35.7     18283008  IRAC-NGC1433                            
DEN0255-4700              02:55:03.60  -47:00:51.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-08-14 19:28:26.8     18000640  epoch2-DEN0255-4700                     
XBSJ031146-550702         03:11:46.12  -55:07:02.50  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.75   2006-08-14 19:33:46.0     18603520  IRAC-0002                               
ngc 1543                  04:12:43.25  -57:44:16.70  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      39.19   2006-08-14 19:47:35.6     18286080  IRAC-NGC1543                            
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.57   2006-08-14 20:34:51.8     19601920  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30 - 0001      
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.58   2006-08-14 20:43:46.6     19604736  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12 - 0001        
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.58   2006-08-14 20:49:16.9     19604224  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30 - 0001       
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.57   2006-08-14 20:57:48.7     19603712  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30 - 0001       
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap      11.58   2006-08-14 21:06:08.1     19603200  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30 - 0001       
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.91   2006-08-14 21:14:45.1     19605760  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2 - 0001 
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.91   2006-08-14 21:19:18.7     19606272  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2 - 0001 
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.89   2006-08-14 21:24:37.7     19602688  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2 - 0001     
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       8.57   2006-08-14 21:29:22.5     19605248  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12 - 0001  
HD137429                  15:26:29.68  -14:28:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1137 iracmap       6.96   2006-08-14 21:40:56.1     19609600  IRAC_calstar_HD137429_spt4l2 - copy - 00
ngc7538                   23:14:15.00  +61:21:50.00  Fazio             LALLEN_MAPEX 30784 iracmap      13.94   2006-08-14 21:53:21.8     17673984  n7538a MP - ext1                        
KU And                    00:06:52.94  +43:05:00.00  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-08-14 22:06:08.9     17608704  KU And E1                               
SV Psc                    01:46:35.33  +19:05:03.70  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-08-14 22:11:46.9     17610240  SV Psc E1                               
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1237 irac         14.94   2006-08-14 22:20:55.1     19623680  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 01:03:56.4     19674624  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_19b                  13:59:55.07  -17:33:02.94  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1876 mipsphot    175.48   2006-08-15 01:14:17.5     19714816  calflt-34MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 04:06:03.7     19690496  anneal                                  
zodi_20a[225]             14:38:51.56  -15:29:02.84  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1876 mipsscan    138.91   2006-08-15 04:14:53.4     19715072  calflt-34MC-fastscan.aor                
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-15 06:36:01.7     19670016  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips         16.68   2006-08-15 06:40:43.8     19673856  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 06:59:39.5     19693312  anneal                                  
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-15 07:06:23.6     19669760  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips         16.42   2006-08-15 07:11:20.3     19713024  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mipsphot     17.59   2006-08-15 07:29:50.3     19670272  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mipsphot     17.60   2006-08-15 07:46:18.0     19670528  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
HIP109527                 22:11:11.93  +36:15:21.01  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-08-15 08:04:45.3     19864576  AOR_2 - HIP109527                       
A2627                     23:36:42.37  +23:55:06.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.13   2006-08-15 08:16:58.3     18644736  MIPSP-0147 - A2627                      
A2626                     23:36:30.70  +21:08:49.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.13   2006-08-15 08:35:50.7     18644480  MIPSP-0146 - A2626                      
HIP117042                 23:43:34.70  +19:07:47.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-08-15 08:54:39.0     19745792  AOR_2 - HIP117042                       
ngc7814                   00:03:14.89  +16:08:43.50  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-15 09:05:32.2     18291456  MIPSP-NGC7814                           
SDSS003146.07+0134629.6   00:31:46.07  +13:46:29.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-15 09:11:22.5     18129152  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS003146.07+0134629.6    
hip 3236                  00:41:11.87  +09:21:18.20  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     15.64   2006-08-15 09:16:43.3     17335552  MIPSP-0002-earlyf                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 09:34:13.4     19696128  anneal                                  
HIP1663                   00:20:49.78  +00:52:15.99  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-08-15 09:40:23.1     19855104  AOR_2 - HIP1663                         
HIP3850                   00:49:27.02  -23:12:44.04  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.30   2006-08-15 09:52:40.2     19807488  AOR_5 - HIP3850                         
HIP4148                   00:53:01.47  -30:21:24.66  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-08-15 10:10:11.9     19846400  AOR_2 - HIP4148                         
HIP5663                   01:12:46.19  -25:14:08.04  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.09   2006-08-15 10:21:13.6     19818496  AOR_4 - HIP5663                         
HIP7235                   01:33:15.94  -24:10:41.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-08-15 10:36:12.2     19872256  AOR_2 - HIP7235                         
ngc1433                   03:42:01.55  -47:13:19.50  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-15 10:49:17.6     18284032  MIPSP-NGC1433                           
HIP59296                  12:09:54.73  -46:12:30.78  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-15 10:59:38.4     19835648  AOR_1 - HIP59296                        
HIP61291                  12:33:30.69  -68:45:23.24  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-15 11:05:38.0     19769600  AOR_1 - HIP61291                        
Iso-ChaII 3               13:04:55.71  -77:39:49.70  Merin             BRUNOMERIN   30843 mipsphot     12.02   2006-08-15 11:10:32.7     19058944  MIPSP-0005                              
HIP67742                  13:52:35.43  -50:55:18.45  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-15 11:22:25.7     19859456  AOR_1 - HIP67742                        
HIP80644                  16:27:56.80  +07:18:17.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-08-15 11:31:23.6     19893504  AOR_2 - HIP80644                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 12:48:55.3     19698944  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP69357                  14:11:46.05  -12:36:43.61  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 12:58:55.9     19806464  AOR_2 - HIP69357                        
LCDCS 0925-FC             14:11:03.90  -11:48:22.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 mipsphot     54.33   2006-08-15 13:08:50.4     17788928  LCDCS 0925-70                           
LCDCS 0925                14:11:03.90  -11:48:22.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 mipsphot     44.34   2006-08-15 13:59:58.6     17784832  LCDCS 0925-24                           
LCDCS 0849                13:53:01.00  -11:37:31.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 mipsphot     75.57   2006-08-15 14:42:14.0     17784576  LCDCS 0849-24                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 15:54:17.5     19701760  anneal                                  
LCDCS 0849-FC             13:53:01.00  -11:37:31.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 mipsphot     92.70   2006-08-15 16:01:28.2     17788672  LCDCS 0849-70                           
HIP69701                  14:16:00.85  -06:00:04.89  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 17:32:31.3     19741952  AOR_2 - HIP69701                        
HIP69962                  14:18:58.29  -06:36:16.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 17:42:21.6     19845632  AOR_2 - HIP69962                        
HIP70016                  14:19:34.57  -05:09:05.01  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 17:52:26.7     19803904  AOR_2 - HIP70016                        
HIP69414                  14:12:45.17  -03:19:14.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 18:02:46.4     19880192  AOR_2 - HIP69414                        
HIP70319                  14:23:15.38  +01:14:26.26  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 18:13:27.0     19826944  AOR_2 - HIP70319                        
ugc 9177                  14:20:30.49  +10:25:56.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.76   2006-08-15 18:24:39.2     19206144  MIPSP-0049                              
HIP72146                  14:45:24.08  +13:50:45.23  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 18:46:42.5     19887104  AOR_2 - HIP72146                        
HIP72237                  14:46:23.22  +16:29:41.86  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 18:57:04.3     19785216  AOR_2 - HIP72237                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 19:07:24.2     19704576  anneal                                  
HIP71914                  14:42:33.52  +19:28:45.80  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.07   2006-08-15 19:14:19.2     19805696  AOR_4 - HIP71914                        
R1442+22                  14:42:19.40  +22:18:13.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-08-15 19:29:07.4     18640640  MIPSP-0092 - R1442+22                   
HIP72875                  14:53:41.16  +23:20:42.67  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-08-15 19:47:57.7     19818240  AOR_3 - HIP72875                        
HIP67487                  13:49:43.93  -22:06:43.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-15 20:03:46.7     19829504  AOR_2 - HIP67487                        
HIP56153                  11:30:34.54  -57:08:01.72  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-15 20:17:08.8     19823616  AOR_1 - HIP56153                        
HIP4022                   00:51:34.34  -22:54:38.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-08-15 20:28:16.8     19789824  AOR_2 - HIP4022                         
HIP3979                   00:51:10.96  -05:02:22.28  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-08-15 20:40:12.9     19900672  AOR_2 - HIP3979                         
hip 2843                  00:36:01.85  -05:34:14.60  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     17.85   2006-08-15 20:50:41.0     17340672  MIPSP-0110-earlyf                       
HIP2762                   00:35:15.07  -03:35:34.65  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-08-15 21:06:01.7     19850752  AOR_2 - HIP2762                         
58393 (1995 UU12)             2058393 58393 (1995 U  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-08-15 21:26:25.4     18736128  MIPSP-0030 - 95UU12                     
HIP3535                   00:45:04.87  +01:47:04.12  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.89   2006-08-15 21:30:01.4     19866112  AOR_3 - HIP3535                         
HIP4845                   01:02:21.15  -10:25:27.12  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.09   2006-08-15 21:43:36.1     19851008  AOR_4 - HIP4845                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-15 21:57:18.7     19707392  anneal                                  
sa68 1067                 00:17:07.75  +15:38:28.09  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     38.54   2006-08-15 22:07:19.0     18722816  MIPS-20 sa68 1067                       
sa68 9640                 00:15:20.19  +15:36:50.10  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     38.55   2006-08-15 22:42:47.6     18723584  MIPS-23 sa68 9640                       
sa68 3307                 00:14:19.98  +15:26:26.20  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     38.55   2006-08-15 23:21:14.5     18723072  MIPS-21 sa68 3307                       
ngc533                    01:25:31.53  +01:45:32.40  Temi              FAR_IR       20171 mipsphot     24.75   2006-08-15 23:59:22.5     14254592  PT_MIPSP-0003 - ngc533                  
64813 (2001 XQ225)            2064813 64813 (2001 X  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-08-16 00:30:16.3     18729728  MIPSP-0005 - 01XQ225                    
58528 (1997 BH7)              2058528 58528 (1997 B  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-08-16 00:38:10.3     18732288  MIPSP-0015 - 97BH7                      
HS0122+0743               01:25:34.20  +07:59:24.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     21.92   2006-08-16 00:41:08.5     17573888  Wu_MIPSP-0024                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-16 02:03:55.6     19710208  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko      1000012 67PChuryumov-  Wooden            67PACTIVITY  30589 mipsphot     30.27   2006-08-16 02:16:19.1     18555904  dhw-cg-mips-1a                          
HIP64550                  13:13:52.15  -45:11:09.71  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 02:47:25.5     19767552  AOR_1 - HIP64550                        
HIP67308                  13:47:42.21  -32:25:48.24  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 02:52:30.7     19791104  AOR_2 - HIP67308                        
HIP67960                  13:55:02.43  -29:05:26.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 03:02:56.7     19813376  AOR_2 - HIP67960                        
HIP68933                  14:06:40.64  -36:22:15.36  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:14:00.4     19752960  AOR_1 - HIP68933                        
HIP69671                  14:15:38.75  -45:00:03.70  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:18:48.8     19817216  AOR_1 - HIP69671                        
HIP70849                  14:29:18.54  -46:27:51.15  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:22:51.0     19786752  AOR_1 - HIP70849                        
HIP73631                  15:03:03.37  -46:17:37.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:27:16.3     19796992  AOR_1 - HIP73631                        
HIP73241                  14:58:08.82  -48:51:49.28  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:31:14.3     19876096  AOR_1 - HIP73241                        
HIP73633                  15:03:06.18  -41:59:34.49  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:35:43.8     19796480  AOR_1 - HIP73633                        
HIP77358                  15:47:28.85  -37:55:00.38  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:40:38.4     19833088  AOR_1 - HIP77358                        
HIP78170                  15:57:40.58  -42:37:28.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 03:45:03.7     19798016  AOR_1 - HIP78170                        
HIP70956                  14:30:47.13  -08:38:48.45  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 03:52:10.5     19852032  AOR_2 - HIP70956                        
HIP72312                  14:47:15.96  +02:42:11.07  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 04:03:24.7     19855616  AOR_2 - HIP72312                        
HIP73786                  15:04:53.23  +05:38:13.59  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-08-16 04:14:11.7     19851264  AOR_3 - HIP73786                        
RCS144726+0828.3          14:47:26.00  +08:28:18.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     73.20   2006-08-16 04:27:06.6     19242752  MIPS24core z1rich RCS144726+0828.3      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-16 05:40:23.8     19674880  anneal                                  
MIPS target g34 g38       14:48:40.38  +08:52:13.10  Rieke             CNOC2GROUPSM 30827 mipsphot    147.63   2006-08-16 05:43:56.1     17478656  MIPS target g34 g38                     
HIP74975                  15:19:18.98  +01:45:51.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 08:10:06.3     19742464  AOR_2 - HIP74975                        
HIP74537                  15:13:50.31  -01:21:08.61  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 08:20:28.1     19838464  AOR_2 - HIP74537                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-16 08:33:51.1     19677696  anneal                                  
HIP75201                  15:22:03.96  -04:46:38.97  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 08:37:51.5     19758848  AOR_2 - HIP75201                        
HIP75718_22               15:28:10.95  -09:21:13.10  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 08:48:34.3     19828480  AOR_1 - HIP75718_22                     
HIP75253                  15:22:36.67  -10:39:41.62  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 08:52:26.0     19740928  AOR_1 - HIP75253                        
HIP77052                  15:44:01.81  +02:30:53.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-08-16 08:57:33.2     19815936  AOR_2 - HIP77052                        
HIP77725                  15:52:08.11  +10:52:26.55  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 09:08:37.0     19760384  AOR_2 - HIP77725                        
IC1141                    15:49:46.95  +12:23:57.50  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-08-16 09:18:48.3     18191872  MIPSP-IC1141                            
A2072                     15:25:48.70  +18:14:11.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-08-16 09:29:44.7     18642176  MIPSP-0108 - A2072                      
SDSS155729.94+330446.9    15:57:29.94  +33:04:46.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 09:49:44.3     18117376  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS155729.94+330446.9     
HIP79607                  16:14:40.66  +33:51:29.95  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 09:55:03.0     19739136  AOR_2 - HIP79607                        
SDSS163624.98+361458.0    16:36:24.98  +36:14:58.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 10:05:47.9     18122240  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS163624.98+361458.0     
NGC6205-offsets           16:41:41.63  +36:27:40.70  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot     33.57   2006-08-16 10:10:31.0     17313792  n6205_70                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-16 11:33:56.5     19680512  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
A1991                     14:54:31.40  +18:38:34.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-08-16 11:46:25.6     18640896  MIPSP-0095 - A1991                      
HIP72848                  14:53:23.54  +19:09:11.83  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 12:04:42.4     19825152  AOR_2 - HIP72848                        
A2009                     15:00:19.60  +21:22:11.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-08-16 12:15:04.2     18641152  MIPSP-0096 - A2009                      
ugc 9965                  15:40:06.77  +20:40:50.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.74   2006-08-16 12:34:40.7     19206656  MIPSP-0051                              
HIP78709                  16:04:03.43  +25:15:22.24  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 12:56:44.0     19864832  AOR_2 - HIP78709                        
SDSS160516.07+313620.8    16:05:16.07  +31:36:20.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 13:07:39.3     18118656  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS160516.07+313620.8     
SDSS163408.64+0331242.1   16:34:08.64  +33:12:42.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 13:13:21.2     18132224  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS163408.64+0331242.1    
SDSS164054.17+314329.9    16:40:54.17  +31:43:29.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 13:18:18.9     18125824  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS164054.17+314329.9     
HIP113944                 23:04:30.55  +66:45:51.26  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 13:27:59.9     19741696  AOR_1 - HIP113944                       
HIP109980                 22:16:32.24  +68:20:23.08  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-16 13:32:16.8     19758080  AOR_1 - HIP109980                       
HD 218209                 23:05:06.09  +68:25:01.40  Greaves           THICKDISKDEB 30339 mipsphot     57.03   2006-08-16 13:39:21.4     18058496  MIPSP-HD218209                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-16 14:36:17.5     19683328  anneal                                  
cedmipsclus               22:13:24.60  +70:15:04.00  Fazio             BCIRRUS      30790 mipsphot      7.56   2006-08-16 14:41:08.1     17476096  ced201mips70                            
RXJ1821.6+6827            18:21:36.00  +68:27:10.00  Rines             KRINES1      30475 mipsphot     17.78   2006-08-16 14:47:48.7     18246656  RXJ1821+6827m24                         
RXJ1821.6+6827m70         18:21:36.00  +68:27:20.00  Rines             KRINES1      30475 mipsphot     29.16   2006-08-16 15:02:27.4     18246912  RXJ1821+6827m70                         
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-08-16 15:29:30.6     17880064  Surace-02                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-16 18:03:08.9     19686144  anneal                                  
HIP86201                  17:36:57.10  +68:45:30.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 18:06:05.8     19752704  AOR_2 - HIP86201                        
RXJ1716+67m70             17:16:49.60  +67:08:30.00  Rines             KRINES1      30475 mipsphot     29.17   2006-08-16 18:16:19.2     18246144  RXJ1716+6708m70                         
SDSS171005.53+0644843.0   17:10:05.53  +64:48:43.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 18:43:05.6     18134784  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS171005.53+0644843.0    
SDSS171330.21+0644253.0   17:13:30.21  +64:42:53.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 18:47:31.9     18135808  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS171330.21+0644253.0    
HIP86036                  17:34:59.84  +61:52:25.08  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-08-16 18:52:44.4     19782144  AOR_2 - HIP86036                        
NGC6338                   17:15:22.60  +57:24:43.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-08-16 19:03:25.1     18642688  MIPSP-0126 - NGC6338                    
Z8197                     17:18:11.80  +56:39:56.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-08-16 19:21:39.8     18642944  MIPSP-0127 - Z8197                      
SDSS161603.76+463225.3    16:16:03.76  +46:32:25.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-08-16 19:41:33.1     18124288  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS161603.76+463225.3     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
WD1457-086                14:59:52.97  -08:49:29.40  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-08-16 21:20:02.8     17491712  MIPSP-0006                              
GRB021206                 16:00:46.80  -09:42:36.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-08-16 21:50:42.0     17178624  MIPSP-0000 - GRB021206                  
PBB2002_USco_J160953.6-17 16:09:53.62  -17:54:47.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     70.30   2006-08-16 22:17:11.6     15726592  CarpMipsS087                            
sch523856                 16:10:38.76  -18:29:23.50  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     22.83   2006-08-16 23:24:32.8     15845888  MIPSP-sch523856                         
CarpMipsC056              16:11:20.58  -18:20:54.90  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     73.50   2006-08-16 23:51:04.5     13910784  CarpMipsC056                            
CarpMipsC026              16:09:02.61  -18:59:44.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    160.39   2006-08-17 01:01:45.0     13903104  CarpMipsC026                            
CarpMipsC059              16:06:43.86  -19:08:05.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     91.25   2006-08-17 03:48:14.7     15729920  CarpMipsC059                            
PBB2002_USco_J160532.1-19 16:05:32.15  -19:33:16.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     60.03   2006-08-17 05:16:18.5     15726848  CarpMipsS081                            
HIP_78820                 16:05:26.25  -19:48:18.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     17.10   2006-08-17 06:13:04.2     13896960  CarpMipsS002                            
PBB2002_USco_J160439.1-19 16:04:39.17  -19:42:46.00  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     31.03   2006-08-17 06:27:08.3     15727616  CarpMipsS071                            
PBB2002_USco_J160350.4-19 16:03:50.47  -19:41:21.50  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     25.90   2006-08-17 07:01:53.9     15727872  CarpMipsS066                            
CarpMipsC061              16:03:57.94  -19:42:10.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     83.63   2006-08-17 07:24:40.2     13912064  CarpMipsC061                            
PBB2002_USco_J160525.5-20 16:05:25.56  -20:35:39.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     40.95   2006-08-17 08:45:12.0     15727104  CarpMipsS075                            
UpScoCTIO100              16:02:04.13  -20:50:41.50  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.60   2006-08-17 09:23:17.9     14685952  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO100                    
l1721mipsclus             16:14:04.63  -19:04:10.00  Fazio             BCIRRUS      30790 mipsphot      7.56   2006-08-17 09:32:46.3     17476352  l1721mips70                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP81375                  16:37:08.48  +00:15:16.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-08-17 10:52:00.5     19795456  AOR_2 - HIP81375                        
RX_J1550.0-2312           15:50:04.99  -23:11:53.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     20.76   2006-08-17 11:04:40.7     13911296  CarpMipsS058                            
CarpMipsC020              15:54:41.60  -22:45:58.50  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    126.78   2006-08-17 11:22:48.1     13901568  CarpMipsC020                            
PBB2002_USco_J155729.9-22 15:57:29.86  -22:58:43.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     47.54   2006-08-17 13:33:05.2     13916416  CarpMipsS078                            
PBB2002_USco_J155829.8-23 15:58:29.81  -23:10:07.70  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     52.67   2006-08-17 14:17:32.7     13916928  CarpMipsS080                            
CarpMipsC050              15:58:12.71  -23:28:36.40  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     38.33   2006-08-17 15:07:00.2     13909248  CarpMipsC050                            
UpScoCTIO66               16:01:49.66  -23:51:07.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.60   2006-08-17 15:42:12.0     14685184  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO66                     
UpScoCTIO109              16:01:19.10  -23:06:38.60  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.60   2006-08-17 15:51:04.7     14686464  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO109                    
UpScoCTIO53               16:00:26.31  -22:59:40.40  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-08-17 15:59:38.5     14684672  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO53                     
UpScoCTIO67               15:59:25.94  -23:05:08.10  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-08-17 16:08:08.1     14685440  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO67                     
UpScoCTIO131              16:00:19.48  -22:56:28.90  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.59   2006-08-17 16:16:44.0     14687488  MIPSP - UpScoCTIO131                    
sch2276751                15:59:48.02  -22:27:16.50  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     45.58   2006-08-17 16:32:17.2     15849216  MIPSP-sch2276751                        
PBB2002_USco_J155706.4-22 15:57:06.42  -22:06:06.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     52.67   2006-08-17 17:14:59.9     13916672  CarpMipsS079                            
PBB2002_USco_J155624.8-22 15:56:24.77  -22:25:55.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     31.03   2006-08-17 18:04:31.6     13914368  CarpMipsS070                            
CarpMipsC064              15:56:25.64  -22:40:27.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     63.39   2006-08-17 18:32:17.8     13912832  CarpMipsC064                            
CarpMipsC023              16:01:55.47  -21:58:49.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    162.89   2006-08-17 19:41:38.5     13902336  CarpMipsC023                            
sch2396168                16:05:30.77  -22:46:20.20  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     30.18   2006-08-17 22:21:36.1     15838976  MIPSP-sch2396168                        
sch2563674                16:04:43.03  -23:18:26.20  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     30.18   2006-08-17 22:48:51.9     15849472  MIPSP-sch2563674                        
sch2518650                16:13:12.12  -23:05:03.30  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     41.91   2006-08-17 23:16:34.9     15837696  MIPSP-sch2518650                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CarpMipsC015              15:57:40.46  -20:58:59.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    108.90   2006-08-18 01:13:42.5     13900288  CarpMipsC015                            
UScoCTIO 100              16:02:04.30  -20:50:42.60  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 mipsphot     12.56   2006-08-18 02:59:38.9     15198976  USco-100-MIPSP                          
CarpMipsC052              16:03:57.68  -20:31:05.50  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     55.88   2006-08-18 03:16:08.7     13909760  CarpMipsC052                            
CarpMipsC083              16:07:02.12  -20:19:38.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    124.72   2006-08-18 04:08:50.2     15728640  CarpMipsC083                            
CarpMipsC007              16:06:48.43  -20:40:08.80  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    161.27   2006-08-18 06:17:10.9     13898240  CarpMipsC007                            
CarpMipsC068              16:08:15.36  -20:38:11.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     53.74   2006-08-18 09:01:53.7     15729408  CarpMipsC068                            
UpSco DENIS 161005        16:10:05.40  -19:19:36.00  Jayawardhana      UPSCO        20435 mipsphot     11.60   2006-08-18 09:55:11.9     14690304  MIPSP - UpSco DENIS 161005              
HD 144713                 16:08:05.22  -24:55:33.18  Weinberger        ASSOCWEINBER 30396 mipsphot      9.63   2006-08-18 10:04:54.9     18175488  MIPSP-HDA-012                           
c2d242.6231-39.3707       16:10:29.55  -39:22:14.60  Merin             BRUNOMERIN   30843 mipsphot     12.02   2006-08-18 10:13:45.4     19055360  MIPSP-0000                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-18 11:13:56.7     19693824  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
CarpMipsC074              16:02:26.17  -20:02:40.30  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    139.81   2006-08-18 11:25:51.9     15729152  CarpMipsC074                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-18 13:42:07.8     19694080  anneal                                  
CarpMipsC084              16:02:10.96  -20:07:49.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot    125.13   2006-08-18 13:49:18.5     13917952  CarpMipsC084                            
CarpMipsC077              16:04:35.65  -19:48:30.20  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     92.04   2006-08-18 15:51:11.3     15728896  CarpMipsC077                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-18 17:19:53.4     19694336  anneal                                  
CarpMipsC065              16:08:04.32  -19:47:12.60  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     93.72   2006-08-18 17:26:55.4     13913088  CarpMipsC065                            
sch1556333                16:09:30.18  -20:59:54.10  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     36.77   2006-08-18 18:57:41.6     15838208  MIPSP-sch1556333                        
sch1485988                16:12:11.88  -20:47:27.00  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     36.77   2006-08-18 19:31:38.0     15836672  MIPSP-sch1485988                        
PBB2002_USco_J161011.0-19 16:10:11.01  -19:46:04.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     60.03   2006-08-18 20:05:44.8     13917440  CarpMipsS082                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-18 21:02:40.7     19694592  anneal                                  
CarpMipsC072              16:09:04.05  -19:34:00.10  Carpenter         CARPUSCO     20069 mipsphot     64.02   2006-08-18 21:09:38.4     13914880  CarpMipsC072 

Comment: Spitzer went into safe mode at 21:55 UTC on August 18 2006; Normal operations resumed at 21:13 UTC on August 31 2006.
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 01:43:56.6     19694848  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 04:45:19.5     19695104  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 07:32:51.1     19695360  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 10:37:29.2     19695616  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 12:47:56.5     19695872  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 14:15:56.0     19696384  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 17:00:58.8     19696640  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 19:09:50.5     19696896  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-19 21:54:26.9     19697152  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-20 04:41:28.3     19697664  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-20 08:15:28.8     19697920  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-20 15:27:56.3     19698688  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-20 18:42:06.6     19699200  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-20 22:05:25.8     19699456  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irs          67.09   2006-08-21 13:27:16.5     20408576  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irs          12.05   2006-08-21 14:34:15.3     20408832  anneal                                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5003 irac         11.45   2006-08-21 17:24:30.4     20411904  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-21 20:53:56.2     19701504  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-22 11:05:13.6     19703040  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-22 14:51:32.1     19703296  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-22 17:35:34.5     19703552  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-22 21:15:59.4     19703808  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-23 02:03:56.0     19704064  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-23 05:34:42.4     19704320  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-23 08:29:45.3     19704832  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-23 12:50:55.9     19705088  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-23 15:50:44.8     19705344  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-23 18:27:46.9     19705600  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-23 22:01:59.7     19705856  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-24 01:33:55.7     20118272  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-24 09:03:20.7     20119040  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-24 11:11:55.6     20119296  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-24 14:28:51.9     20119552  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-24 20:49:08.6     20120064  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-25 00:52:30.5     20118784  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-25 08:32:35.5     20121088  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-25 12:39:15.5     20121344  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-25 15:03:46.2     20121600  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-25 18:12:36.1     20121856  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1738 mips          6.83   2006-08-25 21:32:17.6     20122112  anneal                                  
zodi_3c                   03:00:01.23  +11:50:03.96  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5304 mipsphot     19.87   2006-08-31 02:14:26.7     20413440  calflt-34MCRec-24phtsmll-zodi3c         
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5304 mipsphot      6.33   2006-08-31 02:39:09.3     20405760  MIPS-CALMC34Recover-ROUTINE-24um-HD15933
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5304 mipsphot     10.56   2006-08-31 02:43:15.8     20406016  MIPS-CALMC34Recover-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588 
mips01                    14:17:20.00  -63:24:56.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5304 mipsscan     45.61   2006-08-31 03:00:38.0     20407040  MIPSC-34MCRecover-Slow                  
mips01                    14:17:20.00  -63:24:56.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5304 mipsscan     20.73   2006-08-31 03:42:54.5     20406784  MIPSC-34MCRecover-Medium                
mips01                    14:17:20.00  -63:24:56.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5304 mipsscan     17.28   2006-08-31 04:00:26.2     20406528  MIPSC-34MCRecover-Fast                  
HD006860                  01:09:43.92  +35:37:14.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5304 mipsphot      9.29   2006-08-31 04:26:13.9     20406272  MIPS-CALMC34Recover-NF-HD006860         
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irsstare     25.68   2006-08-31 06:33:59.3     20409856  HR7341-allorders                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irsstare      6.00   2006-08-31 06:58:09.6     20410112  HR7341-PCRS                             
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irsmap       13.33   2006-08-31 06:59:33.5     20410368  HR7341-spectral-mapping                 
NGC 0838                  02:09:38.66  -10:08:47.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irsstare     36.28   2006-08-31 07:18:48.2     20410880  IRS-stare NGC 0838                      
NGC 1097                  02:46:19.05  -30:16:29.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irspeakup     5.99   2006-08-31 07:54:27.4     20409088  NGC1097                                 
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irspeakup     7.20   2006-08-31 08:01:40.1     20409344  calsfx-nanoSV-eta1Dor                   
04346-5355                04:35:49.46  -53:49:32.58  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irsstare      7.46   2006-08-31 08:08:09.0     20409600  IRS-nanoSV_PU_failtest                  
iras222147                22:16:29.24  +60:03:35.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_TOO_  5152 irsstare     23.57   2006-08-31 08:22:48.4     20410624  IRAS22147                               
Best NEP                  17:40:13.60  +68:59:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5003 iracmap       8.15   2006-08-31 09:17:07.3     20413184  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:01:45.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5003 iracmap      11.40   2006-08-31 09:21:50.5     20412928  skydrk_12hdr                            
HD 165459                 18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5003 iracmap      38.39   2006-08-31 09:31:38.5     20412416  IRAC_CDHB_stare_test_HD165459           
IRAS_22147+5948_map       22:16:26.21  +60:04:07.58  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5003 iracmap      65.87   2006-08-31 10:10:33.2     20412672  IRAC_CDHB_map_test_IRAS22147+5948       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_23a                  17:05:36.92  -03:15:41.08  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot     92.52   2006-08-31 21:57:58.9     20402944  calflt-34MCNew-24photsmall - smd        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-08-31 23:27:34.0     20385024  anneal                                  
zodi_23a                  17:05:36.92  -03:15:41.08  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsscan    139.40   2006-08-31 23:34:08.1     20403200  calflt-34MCNew-fastscan.aor             
67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko      1000012 67PChuryumov-  Wooden            67PACTIVITY  30589 mipsphot     30.27   2006-09-01 01:59:57.3     18556416  dhw-cg-mips-1c                          
HIP78843                  16:05:40.62  -20:27:02.65  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 02:27:57.1     19746304  AOR_1 - HIP78843                        
mach2-celclus             16:01:21.20  -15:46:37.00  Fazio             COMDUSTGO3   30010 mipsphot     48.60   2006-09-01 02:32:16.1     17311232  reobs-mach2                             
HIP76779                  15:40:34.64  -18:02:55.97  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 03:18:49.5     19809024  AOR_1 - HIP76779                        
HIP80366                  16:24:19.70  -13:38:31.44  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 03:23:52.5     19863296  AOR_1 - HIP80366                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-01 03:27:07.9     20387840  anneal                                  
SDSS151520.56+0004739.3   15:15:20.56  +00:47:39.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-09-01 03:36:30.7     18131968  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS151520.56+0004739.3    
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips         16.68   2006-09-01 03:46:13.7     20384512  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips         16.42   2006-09-01 04:05:44.4     20397824  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 04:24:14.3     20399872  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 04:29:06.9     20400128  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot     17.59   2006-09-01 04:33:09.1     20400384  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot     17.59   2006-09-01 04:49:26.3     20400640  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-01 05:07:40.4     20392704  anneal                                  
SN 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 mipsphot      5.46   2006-09-01 05:12:32.6     18270720  02hh-MIPS-1                             
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 mipsphot      7.43   2006-09-01 05:14:46.8     18278400  04et-MIPS-1                             
HIP103859                 21:02:41.01  +45:53:06.31  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 05:21:00.1     19778048  AOR_1 - HIP103859                       
L1014                     21:24:07.56  +49:59:09.10  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 mipssed      32.80   2006-09-01 05:25:29.5     18400000  L1014-MIPSsed                           
HIP109926                 22:15:54.31  +54:40:22.96  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 05:56:50.7     19775744  AOR_1 - HIP109926                       
HIP112915                 22:52:00.49  +57:42:59.05  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 06:01:20.2     19817728  AOR_1 - HIP112915                       
HIP116085                 23:31:23.20  +59:09:56.64  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 06:05:47.5     19792896  AOR_1 - HIP116085                       
HIP6379                   01:21:59.06  +76:42:37.03  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 06:11:17.8     19789312  AOR_1 - HIP6379                         
hs2253+8023               22:54:35.00  +80:39:54.00  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-09-01 06:15:55.7     19023104  MIPSP-0020                              
6C*0133+486               01:36:40.77  +48:52:24.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-09-01 06:47:48.3     18069504  MIPSP-0000 - 6C*0133+486                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-01 07:01:35.0     20390656  anneal                                  
6C*0128+394               01:31:29.58  +39:42:57.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-09-01 07:03:07.9     18069248  MIPSP-0000 - 6C*0128+394                
ugc 448                   00:42:22.06  +29:38:29.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.80   2006-09-01 07:11:55.3     19194368  MIPSP-0002                              
A115                      00:55:50.60  +26:24:39.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.13   2006-09-01 07:33:39.8     18648064  MIPSP-0000-A115                         
Z235                      00:43:52.10  +24:24:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.14   2006-09-01 07:52:28.0     18635776  MIPSP-0004 -Z235                        
Tempel1sep06                  1000093                Reach             FLYROCK        256 mipsphot     68.97   2006-09-01 08:28:11.3     15988736  tempel1-sep06                           
GRB030528                 17:04:02.00  -22:38:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-09-01 09:46:14.2     17181696  MIPSP-0000 - GRB030528                  
B59                       17:11:22.20  -27:26:02.00  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 mipssed      10.60   2006-09-01 10:12:16.6     18400512  B59-MIPSsed                             
HIP82834                  16:55:38.06  -32:04:06.05  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 10:21:00.9     19880448  AOR_1 - HIP82834                        
HIP82396                  16:50:09.46  -34:17:37.45  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 10:25:01.0     19881728  AOR_1 - HIP82396                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-01 10:28:35.8     20384768  anneal                                  
HIP83101                  16:58:54.20  -39:33:29.15  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 10:36:17.3     19887872  AOR_1 - HIP83101                        
HIP83846                  17:08:07.18  -41:43:28.41  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 10:40:21.6     19812352  AOR_1 - HIP83846                        
HIP84143                  17:12:09.22  -43:14:23.14  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 10:44:11.3     19808000  AOR_1 - HIP84143                        
HIP84720                  17:19:04.48  -46:38:10.15  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 10:48:19.8     19854592  AOR_1 - HIP84720                        
TYC 7344- 584-1           16:28:51.33  -30:16:55.10  Weinberger        ASSOCWEINBER 30396 mipsphot      9.62   2006-09-01 10:54:00.6     18178560  MIPSP-HDA-024                           
CD-25 11942               17:06:01.18  -25:20:30.44  Weinberger        ASSOCWEINBER 30396 mipsphot      9.63   2006-09-01 11:02:13.4     18176512  MIPSP-HDA-016                           
HD 153439                 17:00:42.97  -27:25:17.55  Weinberger        ASSOCWEINBER 30396 mipsphot      9.63   2006-09-01 11:09:27.5     18176768  MIPSP-HDA-017                           
HIP84405                  17:15:20.66  -26:36:16.03  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 11:16:52.1     19842304  AOR_1 - HIP84405                        
TYC 6803- 897-1           16:29:49.91  -27:28:49.95  Weinberger        ASSOCWEINBER 30396 mipsphot      9.62   2006-09-01 11:21:40.5     18176256  MIPSP-HDA-015                           
HD 148982                 16:32:50.88  -28:20:39.90  Weinberger        ASSOCWEINBER 30396 mipsphot      9.62   2006-09-01 11:28:31.5     18178816  MIPSP-HDA-25                            
HIP79979                  16:19:31.57  -30:54:06.59  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 11:36:02.4     19895296  AOR_1 - HIP79979                        
HIP79578                  16:14:11.90  -31:39:50.71  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-01 11:39:43.6     19813120  AOR_1 - HIP79578                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-01 12:47:57.2     20393472  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
sch2128923                16:09:59.91  -21:55:42.90  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     49.26   2006-09-01 12:58:44.2     15841792  MIPSP-sch2128923                        
sch2230642                16:11:17.11  -22:17:17.50  Hillenbrand       HSW05        20103 mipsphot     49.26   2006-09-01 13:45:00.8     15836416  MIPSP-sch2230642                        
c2d246.2788-23.8473       16:25:06.92  -23:50:50.40  Merin             BRUNOMERIN   30843 mipsphot     12.02   2006-09-01 14:32:05.7     19954944  MIPSP-0025                              
Tempel-Swift-LINEAR           1000365 Tempel-Swift-  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     41.99   2006-09-01 14:48:04.1     19574528  seppcon-11P-TSL-1st                     
hip 77372                 15:47:38.10  -09:28:49.60  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.42   2006-09-01 15:28:34.7     17345792  MIPSP-0166-earlyf                       
BF Oph                    17:06:05.50  -26:34:50.00  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     31.02   2006-09-01 15:58:44.5     18670080  MIPS_BF_Oph                             
SN 2003gd                 01:36:42.65  +15:44:19.90  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 mipsphot     13.00   2006-09-01 16:39:25.6     18272000  03gd-MIPS-1                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-01 16:50:07.3     20396288  anneal                                  
HD139664                  15:41:11.38  -44:39:40.30  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-09-01 17:07:46.4     17324544  MIPSE-HD139664                          
GH Lup                    15:24:38.34  -52:51:13.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     35.39   2006-09-01 17:38:50.7     18675968  MIPS_GH_Lup                             
ECDFS-mips24              03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    138.94   2006-09-01 18:21:54.4     19913984  ECDFS24-1a                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-01 20:41:32.7     20396800  anneal                                  
ECDFS-mips24              03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    138.94   2006-09-01 20:44:26.6     19905024  ECDFS24-2a                              
NGC1705                   04:54:13.70  -53:21:41.00  Kennicutt         SINGS1         159 mipssed      51.46   2006-09-01 23:03:14.3      5582592  MIPSS-0015                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 00:53:17.3     20397056  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Tempel-Swift-LINEAR           1000365 Tempel-Swift-  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     41.99   2006-09-02 01:04:54.5     19568640  seppcon-11P-TSL-2nd                     
LkH-alpha 327             03:33:30.41  +31:10:50.40  Kessler-Silacci   KESSLER_FELL  1098 mipssed      13.16   2006-09-02 01:55:39.5     13017856  MIPSE-0022                              
Pels007                   03:34:47.22  +26:05:41.60  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot     10.00   2006-09-02 02:06:49.5     18308352  MIPSP-Gorlova23                         
AKIII288                  03:34:07.32  +24:20:40.20  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot      7.43   2006-09-02 02:14:17.3     18305280  MIPSP-Gorlova11                         
AKII359                   03:37:34.91  +24:14:11.70  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot     10.00   2006-09-02 02:18:52.0     18304768  MIPSP-Gorlova9                          
Pels126                   03:35:32.06  +25:34:07.90  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot     10.00   2006-09-02 02:26:11.4     18309888  MIPSP-Gorlova29                         
HIP14150                  03:02:26.14  +26:36:31.94  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-02 02:34:31.5     19886592  AOR_1 - HIP14150                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 02:38:06.2     20397312  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.09   2006-09-02 02:49:09.2     19923200  ECDFS-1a-1                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 05:38:09.4     20397568  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.08   2006-09-02 05:43:44.4     19922688  ECDFS-1a-2                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 08:32:53.1     20385280  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.18   2006-09-02 08:40:59.0     19922176  ECDFS-1a-3                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 12:23:17.4     20385536  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.14   2006-09-02 12:42:19.8     19921664  ECDFS-1a-4                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 15:09:16.0     20385792  anneal                                  
HIP16134                  03:27:52.67  -19:48:14.08  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-02 15:17:22.7     19760128  AOR_2 - HIP16134                        
HIP17420                  03:43:55.49  -19:06:38.25  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-02 15:27:48.7     19881984  AOR_2 - HIP17420                        
HIP19165                  04:06:34.87  -20:51:16.66  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-09-02 15:38:37.8     19882752  AOR_3 - HIP19165                        
RCS044126-2813.3          04:41:26.00  -28:13:18.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.81   2006-09-02 15:52:10.4     19248384  MIPS24core z3rich RCS044126-2813.3      
RCS044207-2815.0          04:42:07.00  -28:15:00.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.81   2006-09-02 16:15:48.1     19244800  MIPS24core z2poor RCS044207-2815.0      
HIP18512                  03:57:28.62  -01:09:34.92  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-02 16:42:15.6     19875584  AOR_1 - HIP18512                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 16:47:09.9     20386048  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.10   2006-09-02 16:55:12.6     19921152  ECDFS-1a-5                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-02 20:47:13.4     20386304  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP75542                  15:25:58.08  -26:42:20.88  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-02 20:57:44.7     19761408  AOR_1 - HIP75542                        
V Cen                     14:32:33.08  -56:53:15.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      5.46   2006-09-02 21:03:52.7     18670336  MIPS24_V_Cen                            
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.09   2006-09-02 21:13:27.3     19933696  ECDFS-1a-1x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 00:02:11.6     20386560  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.08   2006-09-03 00:10:56.6     19931136  ECDFS-1a-2x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 03:01:14.0     20386816  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.18   2006-09-03 03:05:33.9     19930112  ECDFS-1a-3x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 05:35:04.6     20387072  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.06   2006-09-03 05:39:29.7     19925760  ECDFS-2a-1                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 08:30:00.7     20387328  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.04   2006-09-03 08:34:07.1     19925248  ECDFS-2a-2                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 12:43:17.6     20387584  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.21   2006-09-03 13:05:23.0     19924736  ECDFS-2a-3                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 15:33:47.7     20388096  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.18   2006-09-03 15:39:10.4     19924224  ECDFS-2a-4                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 18:07:41.4     20388352  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.07   2006-09-03 18:13:04.1     19923712  ECDFS-2a-5                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-03 21:02:35.5     20388608  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.06   2006-09-03 21:07:39.3     19930624  ECDFS-2a-1x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-04 01:08:17.7     20388864  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.04   2006-09-04 01:27:27.4     19929600  ECDFS-2a-2x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-04 04:15:11.0     20389120  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.21   2006-09-04 04:24:52.5     19919872  ECDFS-2a-3x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-04 06:53:18.9     20389376  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.10   2006-09-04 06:58:44.1     19927040  ECDFS-3a-1                              
HIP15799                  03:23:35.31  -40:04:34.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-04 09:48:34.1     19850240  AOR_2 - HIP15799                        
HIP15131                  03:15:06.30  -45:39:52.36  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-04 09:59:25.3     19831040  AOR_2 - HIP15131                        
HIP77952                  15:55:08.39  -63:25:53.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-04 10:14:51.1     19870976  AOR_1 - HIP77952                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-04 11:16:17.8     20389632  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.09   2006-09-04 11:35:30.3     19926784  ECDFS-3a-2                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-04 14:23:14.0     20389888  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.25   2006-09-04 14:30:11.8     19926528  ECDFS-3a-3                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-04 16:57:12.3     20390144  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.22   2006-09-04 17:06:42.8     19926272  ECDFS-3a-4                              
A3112                     03:17:57.69  -44:14:17.80  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-09-04 19:36:10.2     18667008  MIPSP-0019                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-04 20:58:17.9     20390400  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.11   2006-09-04 21:17:36.1     19926016  ECDFS-3a-5                              
WD0408-041                04:11:02.16  -03:58:22.50  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 mipsphot     31.64   2006-09-05 00:08:41.6     17492480  MIPSP-0003                              
HIP18280                  03:54:35.46  -06:49:30.06  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-05 00:38:24.2     19839232  AOR_2 - HIP18280                        
HD022128                  03:33:37.92  -07:24:54.00  Rieke             CLEANUP      30566 mipsphot     14.00   2006-09-05 00:49:04.8     17656064  MIPSP-ISO-4                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-05 01:00:17.0     20390912  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.10   2006-09-05 01:09:25.4     19929088  ECDFS-3a-1x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-05 03:58:03.5     20391168  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.09   2006-09-05 04:04:06.9     19918592  ECDFS-3a-2x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-05 06:52:52.2     20391424  anneal                                  
ECDFS                     03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    150.25   2006-09-05 07:01:36.2     19911680  ECDFS-3a-3x                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-05 10:48:18.0     20391680  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips         16.68   2006-09-05 11:04:33.4     20401920  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips         16.42   2006-09-05 11:21:26.9     20402176  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 11:40:07.3     20400896  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 11:45:10.3     20401152  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_1    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot     17.59   2006-09-05 11:49:14.6     20401408  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_1      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mipsphot     17.59   2006-09-05 12:05:44.5     20401664  MIPS-CALMC34-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
HIP84709                  17:18:57.76  -34:59:24.39  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 12:29:01.1     19860224  AOR_1 - HIP84709                        
V636 Sco                  17:22:46.48  -45:36:51.40  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     20.63   2006-09-05 12:34:02.1     18675712  MIPS_V636_Sco                           
HIP81520                  16:39:03.94  -58:15:31.56  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 12:53:55.4     19767296  AOR_1 - HIP81520                        
S Nor-offsets             16:18:51.83  -57:53:59.20  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     24.77   2006-09-05 12:57:55.5     18685696  MIPS70_S_Nor                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-05 13:20:10.6     20391936  anneal                                  
ECDFS-mips24              03:32:30.37  -27:48:19.30  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    160.54   2006-09-05 13:34:03.9     19935232  ECDFS24-3a                              
HIP16711                  03:35:01.22  -48:25:06.81  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-05 16:14:06.7     19810304  AOR_2 - HIP16711                        
HIP19893                  04:16:01.67  -51:29:10.67  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-05 16:25:16.8     19807232  AOR_2 - HIP19893                        
HIP19884                  04:15:57.52  -53:18:32.53  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-05 16:35:28.1     19811072  AOR_2 - HIP19884                        
ngc1617                   04:31:39.53  -54:36:08.20  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-09-05 16:45:54.1     18289152  MIPSP-NGC1617                           
HIP23437                  05:02:17.03  -56:04:44.97  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-05 16:51:25.4     19875840  AOR_2 - HIP23437                        
LHA 120-S 12              04:57:36.80  -67:47:37.50  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-09-05 17:03:00.6     19156224  MIPSP-LHA120-S12                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5305 mips          6.83   2006-09-05 17:19:58.9     20392448  anneal                                  
LMC 1-289                 05:30:47.88  -71:07:55.20  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-09-05 17:26:27.8     19154944  MIPSP-LMC1-289                          
HIP19233                  04:07:21.77  -64:13:18.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-05 17:43:54.3     19785984  AOR_2 - HIP19233                        
HIP74273                  15:10:44.57  -61:25:20.53  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 17:58:21.5     19799040  AOR_1 - HIP74273                        
HIP69972                  14:19:04.45  -59:22:50.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 18:02:55.1     19837952  AOR_1 - HIP69972                        
V Cen-offsets             14:32:33.08  -56:53:15.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     54.34   2006-09-05 18:06:57.4     18686464  MIPS70_V_Cen                            
HIP67655                  13:51:40.09  -57:26:11.19  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 18:59:29.4     19790592  AOR_1 - HIP67655                        
HIP64583                  13:14:14.92  -59:06:12.50  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 19:03:58.8     19757312  AOR_1 - HIP64583                        
HIP79190                  16:09:42.67  -56:26:40.30  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 19:10:21.6     19889920  AOR_1 - HIP79190                        
HIP79537                  16:13:47.81  -57:34:23.58  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 19:14:04.9     19829248  AOR_1 - HIP79537                        
S Nor                     16:18:51.83  -57:53:59.20  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      5.46   2006-09-05 19:17:35.7     18673408  MIPS24_S_Nor                            
HIP78734                  16:04:23.02  -33:03:40.19  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 19:23:04.9     19853312  AOR_1 - HIP78734                        
HIP76602_03               15:38:40.03  -08:47:35.30  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 19:29:36.1     19783936  AOR_1 - HIP76602_03                     
HIP85561                  17:29:06.41  -23:50:10.53  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-05 19:36:26.0     19815424  AOR_1 - HIP85561                        
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          67.09   2006-09-05 21:19:02.0     20104192  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.05   2006-09-05 22:26:00.8     20104704  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-05 22:41:26.2     20062208  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-05 23:13:00.9     20062720  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate     
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-05 23:43:50.2     20061952  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-06 00:16:09.6     20062464  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate    
A2219-c1                  16:40:23.70  +46:42:26.70  Lacy              A2219VHIZ      279 irsmap      353.64   2006-09-06 00:46:07.3     19556608  IRSM-A2219_c1_4                         
A2219-c1                  16:40:23.70  +46:42:26.70  Lacy              A2219VHIZ      279 irsmap      353.64   2006-09-06 06:37:14.9     19556352  IRSM-A2219_c1_3                         
g122ridge                 00:49:56.78  +65:25:28.80  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsstare     30.98   2006-09-06 12:40:05.6     16942592  g122r-pt                                
g122s                     00:49:54.12  +65:23:55.10  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsstare     40.79   2006-09-06 13:07:59.3     16942080  g122c.irs.pt                            
maffei2                   02:41:55.00  +59:36:15.00  Turner            IC342        20607 irsmap      196.90   2006-09-06 13:47:24.7     14914048  IRSM-maffei2                            
maffei2off                02:41:37.00  +59:40:24.20  Turner            IC342        20607 irsmap       13.50   2006-09-06 17:00:58.4     14914816  IRSM-maffei2off                         
g137c                     02:48:28.52  +58:23:30.60  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsmap       46.04   2006-09-06 17:11:56.8     16944128  g137c.irs.map                           
IRAS03282                 03:31:20.30  +30:45:25.00  Jimenez-Serra     JIM_TIMEVL   20276 irsstare     17.69   2006-09-06 17:57:19.3     14482688  IRSS-IRAS03282                          
IRAS03282                 03:31:20.30  +30:45:25.00  Jimenez-Serra     JIM_TIMEVL   20276 irsstare      6.63   2006-09-06 18:11:43.4     16216320  IRSS-IRAS03282-bg                       
RX Psc                    01:25:39.17  +21:23:45.90  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.42   2006-09-06 18:17:59.3     18917888  IRSS-sgal-0001                          
vdB 17.2                  03:29:22.50  +31:24:22.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare     52.97   2006-09-06 18:30:47.6     14121728  IRSS-0002                               
vdb 17                    03:29:19.78  +31:24:57.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_RN  20125 irsstare     62.09   2006-09-06 19:20:35.2     14121472  IRSS-0001                               
L1448_N                   03:25:38.30  +30:44:21.00  Nisini            NISINI_JETS  20155 irsstare     70.05   2006-09-06 20:20:17.8     14241280  1448-02                                 
IRAS 02524+2046           02:55:17.09  +20:58:57.45  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-09-06 21:28:24.1     18207488  IRSI-jd-mega002                         
3C98.0                    03:58:54.43  +10:26:03.00  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.77   2006-09-06 21:35:22.3     15037440  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C98.0               
HD 25570                  04:03:56.60  +08:11:50.20  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     12.35   2006-09-06 21:57:54.5     15018496  IRSS-HD25570                            
HD 25953                  04:06:41.53  +01:41:02.10  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     14.85   2006-09-06 22:08:19.0     15024640  IRSS-HD25953                            
IRAS 04544-6849           04:54:14.29  -68:44:14.10  Onaka             ONAKA_TIMV    3583 irsstare     17.57   2006-09-06 22:25:37.4     11219712  IRSS-0001-3                             
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     74.47   2006-09-06 22:41:20.6     20071168  calsfx-34A-eta1Dor                      
Wray 15-1484 SKY          16:27:16.00  -48:38:50.00  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     11.44   2006-09-06 23:59:31.3     16829952  Wray 15-1484 SKY IRS                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-07 01:20:16.9     20108032  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.99   2006-09-07 01:32:02.3     20058624  caldrk_IRS-34_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_1
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     24.61   2006-09-07 01:44:41.3     20057600  caldrk_IRS-34_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_1    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.73   2006-09-07 02:05:06.4     20057856  caldrk_IRS-34_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.80   2006-09-07 02:16:46.6     20058112  caldrk_IRS-34_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     12.76   2006-09-07 02:28:27.4     20058368  caldrk_IRS-34_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_1 
A2219-c1                  16:40:23.70  +46:42:26.70  Lacy              A2219VHIZ      279 irsmap      353.63   2006-09-07 02:44:52.2     19555840  IRSM-A2219_c1_1                         
A2219-c1                  16:40:23.70  +46:42:26.70  Lacy              A2219VHIZ      279 irsmap      353.63   2006-09-07 08:36:00.1     19556096  IRSM-A2219_c1_2                         
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.83   2006-09-07 14:36:31.5     20138752  calsfx-34B-sky_1                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.48   2006-09-07 14:52:31.9     20138496  calsfx-34B-HR7341_1                     
SN2006ce                  02:22:54.63  -21:14:29.40  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irspeakup    37.93   2006-09-07 15:34:13.1     19901440  PUI-2006ce-1                            
SN 2005df                 04:17:37.85  -62:46:09.50  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irsstare    307.89   2006-09-07 16:13:19.5     17970432  IRS-2005df-3-LL                         
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 21:18:37.2     20079104  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_1             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 21:22:25.4     20079360  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_1             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 21:26:13.7     20079616  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_2             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 21:30:01.7     20079872  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_2             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 21:33:50.2     20080128  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_3             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 21:37:38.3     20080384  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_3             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 21:41:26.8     20080640  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_4             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 21:45:15.1     20080896  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_4             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 21:49:03.6     20081152  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_5             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 21:52:51.7     20081408  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_5             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 21:56:40.3     20081664  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_6             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 22:00:28.4     20081920  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_6             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 22:04:16.9     20082176  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_7             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 22:08:05.1     20082432  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_7             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 22:11:53.6     20082688  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_8             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 22:15:41.7     20082944  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_8             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 22:19:30.3     20083200  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_9             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 22:23:18.4     20083456  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_9             
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-07 22:27:06.8     20083712  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_10            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-07 22:30:55.1     20083968  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_10            
Wray 15-1484              16:27:15.11  -48:39:26.80  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     11.45   2006-09-07 22:42:07.4     16828928  Wray 15-1484 IRS                        
KK Oph SKY                17:10:10.11  -27:15:19.00  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     15.33   2006-09-07 22:53:45.9     16830208  KK Oph SKY IRS                          
MSX6C G357.4953+04.8898   17:20:42.62  -28:22:37.21  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      8.75   2006-09-07 23:04:43.7     18185728  IRSS-0022                               
PNG358.9+03.2.Off         17:30:43.84  -28:04:42.50  Houck             JBS2.BULGE   30550 irsstare      8.72   2006-09-07 23:10:57.7     17652736  PNG358.9+03.2.Off                       
PNG358.9+03.2             17:30:43.82  -28:04:06.80  Houck             JBS2.BULGE   30550 irsstare     14.52   2006-09-07 23:16:28.8     17647104  PNG358.9+03.2                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-08 01:05:16.6     20108544  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-08 01:19:13.5     20064256  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-08 01:47:48.2     20064768  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate_2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-08 02:15:37.5     20064000  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-08 02:44:56.8     20064512  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate_2  
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     13.77   2006-09-08 03:15:17.1     20136704  calsfx-34C-sky_1                        
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     20.96   2006-09-08 03:26:07.8     20136448  calsfx-34C-ksiDra_1                     
C/2003 K4                     1000442        LINEAR  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsstare     65.35   2006-09-08 04:07:06.8     13825280  IRSS-cw-442 - shadow                    
EF Eri                    03:14:13.20  -22:35:43.10  Chun              BD_IN_ICB_2    267 irsstare     86.61   2006-09-08 05:09:03.4     17052928  EFEri-IRSSL12                           
SN 2003gd                 01:36:42.65  +15:44:19.90  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 irspeakup    11.48   2006-09-08 06:36:20.5     18271744  03gd-PUI-1                              
SN2006ce                  02:22:54.63  -21:14:29.40  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irsstare    161.43   2006-09-08 06:48:30.5     19901184  IRS-2006ce-1                            
ESO545-G013               02:24:40.62  -19:08:31.30  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.69   2006-09-08 09:27:32.1     17952512  IRSS-0003                               
NGC1125                   02:51:40.27  -16:39:03.70  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.52   2006-09-08 09:55:23.5     17959168  IRSS-0032                               
HD006870                  01:08:03.97  -61:52:17.80  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.46   2006-09-08 10:26:01.9     19086848  IRSM-0010                               
SN 1987A + Background     05:35:25.43  -69:16:28.70  Dwek              EDWEK        30067 irsstare    261.70   2006-09-08 10:41:19.1     17719552  IRSS - SN 1987A - Cycle3                
30 doradus off            05:42:39.90  -68:47:09.00  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap       10.19   2006-09-08 14:59:56.4     18634752  30dor LL off 1                          
30 doradus LL 1           05:38:54.78  -69:06:57.53  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      298.14   2006-09-08 15:07:05.4     18635008  30dor LL 1                              
30 doradus LL 2           05:38:41.22  -69:04:14.47  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      298.14   2006-09-08 20:02:07.1     18635264  30dor LL 2                              
30 doradus off            05:42:39.90  -68:47:09.00  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap       10.19   2006-09-09 00:57:09.7     18635520  30dor LL off 2                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          67.09   2006-09-09 02:40:29.7     20102656  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.05   2006-09-09 03:47:28.5     20105728  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     54.03   2006-09-09 03:58:17.2     20055808  caldrk_IRS-34_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.99   2006-09-09 04:48:14.3     20060160  caldrk_IRS-34_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.80   2006-09-09 05:00:10.6     20059648  caldrk_IRS-34_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.81   2006-09-09 05:13:18.5     20137216  calsfx-34D-sky_1                        
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.06   2006-09-09 05:29:03.7     20136960  calsfx-34D-HD173511_1                   
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.83   2006-09-09 06:02:33.3     20139264  calsfx-34B-sky_2                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.48   2006-09-09 06:18:33.7     20139008  calsfx-34B-HR7341_2                     
SW bar 2                  00:47:59.50  -73:16:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      358.53   2006-09-09 07:02:24.7     18261504  IRSM-SMCN22ln                           
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.78   2006-09-09 13:06:48.3     18265600  IRSS-N22offln                           
Fornax PN                 02:39:49.12  -34:32:46.80  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     36.47   2006-09-09 13:25:16.3     18053632  IRSS-LG-For-10                          
en2_32_17841              16:31:24.26  +40:50:29.70  Werner            MWERNER      30227 irsstare     78.03   2006-09-09 14:10:53.1     17892864  SWIREstars_en2_32_17841                 
en2_32_19429              16:31:18.79  +40:51:51.60  Werner            MWERNER      30227 irsstare     78.03   2006-09-09 15:25:49.4     17893120  SWIREstars_en2_32_19429                 
en2_12_31425              16:38:45.99  +41:55:59.40  Werner            MWERNER      30227 irsstare     78.32   2006-09-09 16:41:23.0     17892608  SWIREstars_en2_12_31425                 
RX_J1600.6-2159_w_sky     16:00:40.57  -22:00:32.30  Meyer             RUBBLE         148 irsstare     97.19   2006-09-09 18:01:39.8     17145344  IRSF-S87                                
PZ99_J160357.6-203105     16:03:57.67  -20:31:05.50  Carpenter         JMCARP       30091 irsstare     16.39   2006-09-09 19:36:11.4     17776128  CSM-IRS-PZ99J1603576                    
RS Oph                    17:50:13.20  -06:42:28.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     49.57   2006-09-09 19:52:23.1     17058560  IRSS-RSOPH-x3                           
RS Oph-bkgr               17:50:18.08  -06:43:38.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     23.97   2006-09-09 20:38:42.9     17057536  IRSS-RSOPH-x3-bkg                       
g137f                     02:48:44.80  +58:23:36.70  Indebetouw        REMY-SFO1      249 irsstare     21.01   2006-09-09 21:08:48.6     16942336  g137f.irs.pt                            
MSX6C G111.8777-02.8509   23:26:14.87  +58:10:50.20  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      5.95   2006-09-09 21:29:14.7     18183936  IRSS-0012                               
2000 DG8                      3035904      2000 DG8  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    83.67   2006-09-09 21:59:35.6     15185152  dcjcloidsDG8                            
G351.467-0.462_off_1      17:45:30.00  -36:30:00.00  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsstare     10.49   2006-09-09 23:22:19.8     16108800  G351.467-0.462_off_1                    
G351.467-0.462            17:25:32.00  -36:21:50.00  Okada             YOKADA_SIFE  20612 irsstare     28.41   2006-09-09 23:30:32.9     14928384  G351.467-0.462                          
WL 19                     16:27:11.74  -24:38:32.10  Dudley            IREXT        20294 irsstare    104.12   2006-09-09 23:58:13.0     14493184  IRSS-0002                               
HD 6027                   01:02:37.15  +59:17:12.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       65.25   2006-09-10 01:52:20.1     20194304  HD6027_latent                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-10 04:24:43.2     20108800  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-10 04:33:09.7     20065280  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-10 05:00:44.4     20065792  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate_3   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-10 05:27:33.8     20065024  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-10 05:55:53.1     20065536  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate_3  
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.80   2006-09-10 06:22:41.8     20071680  calsfx-34E-sky                          
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.08   2006-09-10 06:38:26.9     20071424  calsfx-34E-HR6348                       
HD5394_background         00:53:00.00  +60:37:60.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap        8.41   2006-09-10 07:14:27.3     20078080  calwav-34A-HD5394map_background         
HD5394                    00:56:42.53  +60:43:00.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       31.82   2006-09-10 07:20:15.2     20078336  calwav-34A-HD5394map                    
N83/N84                   01:14:23.00  -73:17:60.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      358.53   2006-09-10 07:59:16.3     18263808  IRSM-SMCN83ln                           
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.78   2006-09-10 14:03:30.5     18267136  IRSS-N83N84offln                        
KK Oph                    17:10:08.11  -27:15:19.00  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     15.31   2006-09-10 14:26:19.5     16827392  KK Oph IRS                              
1RXS_J161458.4-275013_w_s 16:14:59.17  -27:50:23.00  Meyer             RUBBLE         148 irsstare     97.31   2006-09-10 14:38:27.3     17144832  IRSF-S35-NEW                            
30 doradus off            05:42:39.90  -68:47:09.00  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap       11.70   2006-09-10 16:18:46.5     18629888  30dor SL off 1                          
30 doradus 11             05:38:17.33  -69:05:12.71  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-10 16:27:27.4     18630144  30dor SL11                              
IRAS13404-6059            13:43:50.40  -61:14:32.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      6.87   2006-09-10 21:47:57.8     17935360  IRSS-0012                               
IRAS13529-5934            13:56:24.61  -59:48:57.20  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.03   2006-09-10 21:52:16.8     17946624  IRSS-0073                               
NGC7538 IRS11             23:13:43.92  +61:26:57.80  Sandell           GSANDELL     30534 irspeakup     5.97   2006-09-10 22:41:12.0     18348288  IRSI-0000                               
SN 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 irspeakup     7.73   2006-09-10 22:45:50.2     18269952  02hh-PUI-1                              
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 irspeakup     7.73   2006-09-10 22:50:16.2     18277632  04et-PUI-1                              
IRAS 17540+2935           17:55:56.17  +29:35:26.36  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-09-10 22:58:10.0     18211584  IRSI-jd-mega025                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-11 00:45:16.4     20109056  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     12.76   2006-09-11 00:57:15.1     20059904  caldrk_IRS-34_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.48   2006-09-11 01:07:08.3     20054528  caldrk_IRS-34_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     44.19   2006-09-11 01:19:57.8     20054272  caldrk_IRS-34_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     54.03   2006-09-11 02:00:04.0     20058880  caldrk_IRS-34_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     24.61   2006-09-11 02:50:50.3     20059136  caldrk_IRS-34_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.99   2006-09-11 03:11:15.3     20061696  caldrk_IRS-34_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     13.77   2006-09-11 03:24:50.5     20072192  calsfx-34F-sky                          
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     17.10   2006-09-11 03:35:44.3     20071936  calsfx-34F-delDra                       
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.83   2006-09-11 03:51:43.1     20139776  calsfx-34B-sky_3                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.49   2006-09-11 04:07:43.6     20139520  calsfx-34B-HR7341_3                     
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       59.06   2006-09-11 04:42:19.3     20075776  calspf_IRS34_HR6348-SL-Cross1           
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       59.06   2006-09-11 05:38:06.7     20076544  calspf_IRS34_HR6348-SL-Cross2           
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       59.06   2006-09-11 06:33:54.1     20076800  calspf_IRS34_HR6348-SL-Cross3           
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       59.06   2006-09-11 07:29:41.6     20077056  calspf_IRS34_HR6348-SL-Cross4           
HR 6348                   17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       59.06   2006-09-11 08:25:34.0     20077312  calspf_IRS34_HR6348-SL-Cross5           
IRC+60094                 02:39:50.44  +59:35:51.30  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     36.97   2006-09-11 09:27:40.2     13844224  IRSS-IRC+60094                          
IRC+60106                 02:56:53.22  +57:33:24.80  Harper            GHARPER      20045 irsstare     37.10   2006-09-11 10:02:45.4     13844480  IRSS-IRC+60106                          
3C66B                     02:23:11.41  +42:59:31.40  Antonucci         DWHYSONG_FRI 20525 irsstare     82.53   2006-09-11 10:37:23.6     14806016  IRSS-3c66B                              
6C0140+326                01:43:43.85  +32:53:49.70  Fazio             IRAC-HZRG-CL    79 irsstare     41.38   2006-09-11 11:59:18.2     16865280  6C0140+326 IRS                          
xmm_12_30539              02:24:42.10  -04:17:44.40  Werner            MWERNER      30227 irsstare     78.30   2006-09-11 12:40:19.2     17895680  SWIREstars_xmm_12_30539                 
NGC1052                   02:41:04.80  -08:15:20.80  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     37.56   2006-09-11 14:05:28.0     18258688  NGC1052 IRS                             
30 doradus 21             05:38:37.21  -69:08:11.49  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-11 14:45:18.0     18630400  30dor SL21                              
30 doradus 12             05:38:25.63  -69:04:46.31  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-11 20:02:03.9     18630656  30dor SL12                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          67.09   2006-09-12 02:50:00.2     20103168  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.05   2006-09-12 03:56:59.0     20105984  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-12 04:08:54.8     20066304  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_4
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-12 04:35:27.7     20066816  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate_4   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-12 05:01:15.4     20066048  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_4
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-12 05:28:33.0     20066560  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate_4  
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     17.51   2006-09-12 05:58:29.2     20072704  calsfx-34G-sky                          
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     31.61   2006-09-12 06:12:58.7     20072448  calsfx-34G-HR6606                       
HD23763                   03:48:30.10  +24:20:43.90  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     53.12   2006-09-12 06:47:39.0     14150144  IRSS-WernerAstars-44                    
ngc1333                   03:29:03.70  +31:12:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.84   2006-09-12 07:38:52.0     14584320  ngc1333-sh-0-3.6                        
NGC 1533                  04:09:51.84  -56:07:06.40  Rampazzo          ETG_RAMPAZZO 30256 irsstare     60.35   2006-09-12 11:40:15.3     17924608  IRSS-0011                               
30 doradus 22             05:38:45.52  -69:07:45.03  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-12 12:48:00.1     18630912  30dor SL22                              
30 doradus 13             05:38:33.91  -69:04:19.90  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-12 18:04:42.2     18631168  30dor SL13                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-13 01:10:57.7     20109312  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     12.76   2006-09-13 01:21:28.3     20061440  caldrk_IRS-34_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.73   2006-09-13 01:30:58.7     20059392  caldrk_IRS-34_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.80   2006-09-13 01:42:39.1     20061184  caldrk_IRS-34_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.48   2006-09-13 01:54:34.3     20055552  caldrk_IRS-34_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     44.19   2006-09-13 02:07:23.8     20055296  caldrk_IRS-34_100-DCVZN-SH-long_2       
HD166780 sky              18:08:38.85  +57:57:16.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.80   2006-09-13 02:48:14.2     20073216  calsfx-34H-sky                          
HD 166780                 18:08:38.85  +57:58:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.06   2006-09-13 03:04:01.0     20072960  calsfx-34H-HD166780                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.83   2006-09-13 03:37:21.1     20140288  calsfx-34B-sky_4                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.49   2006-09-13 03:53:21.7     20140032  calsfx-34B-HR7341_4                     
PN G333.9+00.6_background 16:19:37.20  -49:14:50.40  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       12.82   2006-09-13 04:33:38.4     20077824  calwav-34B-G333.9_background            
PN G33.9+00.6-cluster     16:19:41.18  -49:13:51.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       46.88   2006-09-13 04:43:12.1     20077568  calwav-34B-G333.9                       
30 doradus 23             05:38:53.82  -69:07:18.55  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-13 05:31:43.0     18631424  30dor SL23                              
30 doradus 14             05:38:42.20  -69:03:53.45  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-13 10:56:40.8     18631680  30dor SL14                              
30 doradus 24             05:39:02.11  -69:06:52.05  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-13 16:13:20.4     18631936  30dor SL24                              
IRAS05373-7243            05:36:24.13  -72:41:32.50  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     17.00   2006-09-13 21:33:46.5     19008000  IRSS-05373                              
IRAS05361-7121            05:35:25.84  -71:19:56.70  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     17.13   2006-09-13 21:47:53.7     19008256  IRSS-05361                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-13 23:43:39.2     20109568  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-13 23:54:51.2     20067328  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_5
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-14 00:26:26.0     20067840  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate_5   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-14 00:57:15.5     20067072  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_5
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-14 01:29:34.8     20067584  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate_5  
30 doradus 15             05:38:50.48  -69:03:26.99  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-14 02:07:59.9     18632192  30dor SL15                              
30 doradus 25             05:39:10.40  -69:06:25.52  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-14 07:24:38.3     18632448  30dor SL25                              
ECDFS5                    03:32:10.48  -28:01:09.20  Rieke             IROBSCUREDQS 30419 irsstare    277.49   2006-09-14 12:54:41.0     17636096  IRSS-E-CDFS5                            
NGC6240-sky               16:52:58.89  +02:21:30.40  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     22.67   2006-09-14 17:40:19.0     20073728  calsfx-34I-sky                          
NGC6240                   16:52:58.89  +02:24:03.40  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     34.64   2006-09-14 18:00:05.7     20073472  calsfx-34I-redagn5                      
M2-29 Low Res             18:06:40.86  -26:54:55.90  Kwitter           HALOCOMP     20049 irsstare     21.40   2006-09-14 18:35:09.0     16809216  IRSS-M2-29_lo                           
IRAS18016-2743            18:04:45.80  -27:43:12.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.13   2006-09-14 18:53:39.2     17941760  IRSS-0082                               
IRAS 18368+3549           18:38:35.41  +35:52:19.88  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-09-14 19:06:13.9     18211840  IRSI-jd-mega026                         
PBB2002_USCO_J161115.3-17 16:11:15.34  -17:57:21.40  Carpenter         JMCARP       30091 irsstare     23.02   2006-09-14 19:16:38.2     17780480  CSM-IRS-P02J1611153                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          67.09   2006-09-14 21:14:27.8     20103424  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.05   2006-09-14 22:21:26.6     20106240  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-14 22:29:33.8     20068352  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_6
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-14 22:58:08.7     20068864  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate_6   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-14 23:25:58.3     20068096  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_6
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-14 23:55:17.6     20068608  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate_6  
30 doradus 16             05:38:58.75  -69:03:00.50  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-15 00:33:47.6     18632704  30dor SL16                              
30 doradus 26             05:39:18.69  -69:05:58.98  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap      319.89   2006-09-15 05:50:26.3     18632960  30dor SL26                              
30 doradus off            05:42:39.90  -68:47:09.00  Indebetouw        REMY-30DOR   30653 irsmap       11.70   2006-09-15 11:07:20.2     18633216  30dor SL off 7                          
ECDFS2                    03:31:46.61  -27:45:52.90  Rieke             IROBSCUREDQS 30419 irsstare    107.17   2006-09-15 11:29:41.0     17635328  IRSS-E-CDFS2                            
SMMJ02399-0134            02:39:56.50  -01:34:26.40  Fazio             IRAC-COMBINE    64 irsstare     98.23   2006-09-15 13:17:00.4      4403200  IRSS-02399_0134                         
MBM12a_Mstars_with_peakup 02:58:13.37  +20:08:25.00  Bouwman           COEVAL_CLUST 20691 irsstare     68.33   2006-09-15 14:57:09.5     14971136  IRSS-MBM12a-Mstars_with_peakup          
HD015165                  02:26:45.65  +10:33:55.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.45   2006-09-15 16:02:20.1     19087872  IRSM-0014                               
IRAS 01562+2528           01:59:02.92  +25:42:32.15  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.81   2006-09-15 16:07:38.6     18207232  IRSI-jd-mega001                         
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     33.25   2006-09-15 16:17:24.6     20073984  calsfx-34J-HD163466                     
HD 209975 with bkg        22:05:08.79  +62:16:47.30  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     14.36   2006-09-15 16:50:35.6     19948800  IRSS-HD209975 - LH                      
HD 209975                 22:05:08.79  +62:16:47.30  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare      9.65   2006-09-15 17:01:48.5     19944704  IRSS-HD209975 - SH                      
Object 18                 17:14:11.98  +50:16:01.50  Colbert           BLOB06       30600 irsmap      112.93   2006-09-15 17:12:20.2     19594496  BlobObj18-IRS                           
Hi-Zody-L239B+5           15:53:40.20  -15:03:13.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       27.14   2006-09-15 19:07:28.0     20076032  Calspf-HIZODY-SL-L164B5                 
Hi-Zody-L239B+5           15:53:40.20  -15:03:13.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsmap       12.24   2006-09-15 19:31:21.2     20076288  Calspf-HIZODY-SL-L239B+5_60s            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-15 21:13:23.1     20109824  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     54.03   2006-09-15 21:21:06.9     20060416  caldrk_IRS-34_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     24.61   2006-09-15 22:11:53.4     20060672  caldrk_IRS-34_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.99   2006-09-15 22:32:18.5     20057088  caldrk_IRS-34_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     14.73   2006-09-15 22:44:08.7     20060928  caldrk_IRS-34_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.83   2006-09-15 22:58:18.9     20140800  calsfx-34B-sky_5                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.49   2006-09-15 23:14:20.2     20140544  calsfx-34B-HR7341_5                     
ngc1333                   03:28:57.30  +31:19:44.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.41   2006-09-15 23:53:26.4     14587904  slb-ngc1333-1.5+3.7                     
ngc1333                   03:29:03.70  +31:20:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.84   2006-09-16 03:54:45.7     14583296  ngc1333-sh-0+3.6                        
IC348-Cluster1-w-off      03:44:21.35  +31:59:32.70  Lada              YSOS_IC348_N 30033 irsmap       29.25   2006-09-16 07:50:04.6     20047104  IRSM-IC348-psc03--map                   
CIDA-1???                 04:14:17.61  +28:06:09.70  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare      9.72   2006-09-16 08:19:34.2     18355456  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0010                  
V410 X-ray 6              04:19:01.11  +28:19:42.00  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     12.50   2006-09-16 08:27:32.2     18355968  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0012                  
KPNO-13??                 04:26:57.33  +26:06:28.40  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     11.10   2006-09-16 08:35:52.7     18356736  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0015                  
2A0335+096                03:38:40.60  +09:58:12.00  McNamara          SUPERCAV     20345 irsstare    255.56   2006-09-16 08:55:28.6     15835136  IRSS-2a-2A0335                          
ngc1333                   03:29:03.70  +31:14:02.70  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      237.84   2006-09-16 13:10:10.8     14584064  ngc1333-sh-0-1.8                        
M33-HII-300               01:33:16.59  +30:52:52.00  Peeters           PEETERS_HII  30254 irsmap       11.00   2006-09-16 17:07:51.1     17918720  M33-HII-300                             
ngc513                    01:24:26.85  +33:47:58.00  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     34.51   2006-09-16 17:16:44.8     17958400  IRSS-0029                               
V723 Cas                  01:05:05.37  +54:00:40.50  Evans             NYESNOVAE3   30076 irsstare     22.07   2006-09-16 17:50:48.2     17732608  IRSS-V723                               
V723 Cas                  01:04:45.00  +54:02:34.00  Evans             NYESNOVAE3   30076 irsstare      8.55   2006-09-16 18:09:26.2     17737728  IRSS-V723_BG                            
CSS 38                    01:35:09.72  +60:17:10.00  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.37   2006-09-16 18:16:24.0     18918144  IRSS-sgal-0002                          
Mrkos                         1000142         Mrkos  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   121.68   2006-09-16 18:45:28.6     19580160  seppcon-124P-Mrkos                      
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     13.77   2006-09-16 22:24:54.8     20074496  calsfx-34C-sky                          
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     20.98   2006-09-16 22:37:33.2     20074240  calsfx-34C-ksiDra                       
AMS11                     17:18:21.33  +59:40:27.10  Martinez-Sansigre 2TYPE2_06    30634 irsstare    104.68   2006-09-16 22:56:31.3     19455488  IRSS-AMS11                              
HD 200775                 21:01:36.92  +68:09:47.80  Houck             IRS_RNDUST      19 irsstare     12.80   2006-09-17 00:43:41.6     16207104  KU-IRSRN - vdb139 star                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-17 02:14:03.1     20110080  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-17 02:22:52.6     20069376  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_7
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-17 02:50:27.3     20069888  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate_7   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-17 03:17:17.1     20069120  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_7
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-17 03:45:36.4     20069632  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate_7  
ELAISC15 J164010.1+410521 16:40:10.00  +41:05:22.00  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare    193.06   2006-09-17 04:14:13.2     19142656  IRSS-ELAISC15 J164010.1+410521          
ELAISC15 J164010.1 Backgr 16:40:10.00  +41:07:00.00  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare     97.58   2006-09-17 07:24:23.7     19142912  IRSS-ELAISC15 J164010.1 Background      
IRAS 16255+2801           16:27:38.13  +27:54:51.95  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare     42.94   2006-09-17 09:00:25.3     18204672  IRSS-jd-mega023                         
IRAS 16255+2801_backgroun 16:27:38.16  +27:53:51.95  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare      9.13   2006-09-17 09:39:55.4     19549184  IRSS-jd-mega023_background              
FSC1626+2211              16:26:26.00  +22:11:45.90  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.19   2006-09-17 09:47:04.0     17547008  IRSS-e-dww-FSC28                        
Abell2204nuc              16:32:46.90  +05:34:31.60  Jaffe             WJAFFE       30117 irsstare     44.54   2006-09-17 10:02:16.4     17791488  Abell2204-LL1+LL2                       
FSC1618+0139              16:18:09.36  +01:39:22.10  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.18   2006-09-17 10:44:41.4     17546752  IRSS-e-dww-FSC27                        
30 Oph                    17:01:03.60  -04:13:21.50  Houck             ATTOROCKS_IR 30951 irsmap       10.19   2006-09-17 10:59:13.5     17481216  IRSM-0000                               
HD 154445                 17:05:32.26  +00:53:31.50  Massa             EXTINCTIONEM 30459 irsmap       18.80   2006-09-17 11:09:30.6     18237952  IRSM-0007                               
Shoemaker-Levy 4              1000150 Shoemaker-Lev  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    18.97   2006-09-17 11:37:24.9     19575040  seppcon-118P-SL4                        
I17381                    17:41:00.10  -16:18:12.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare     10.41   2006-09-17 11:54:10.5     17501696  IRSS-0005                               
NGC 6439 2MASS coords, be 17:48:19.82  -16:28:44.30  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     41.49   2006-09-17 12:01:53.6     19904512  IRSS-0008-NGC6439 2MASS coords, better s
IRAS17433-1750            17:46:15.20  -17:51:49.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      6.90   2006-09-17 12:40:38.9     17936896  IRSS-0000                               
IRAS18071-1727            18:10:06.08  -17:26:34.50  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      5.12   2006-09-17 12:45:30.0     17932032  IRSS-0042                               
orpheus                       2003361       Orpheus  Dotto             NEO_DOTTO    20312 irsstare    123.15   2006-09-17 12:53:32.0     14523904  IRS_Orpheus                             
IRAS17088-4221            17:12:22.80  -42:25:09.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      5.12   2006-09-17 14:56:17.0     17928704  IRSS-0054                               
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:04:25.8     20084224  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_11            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 15:08:14.3     20084480  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_11            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:12:02.8     20084736  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_12            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 15:15:50.9     20084992  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_12            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:19:39.4     20085248  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_13            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 15:23:27.5     20085504  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_13            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:27:16.0     20085760  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_14            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 15:31:04.2     20086016  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_14            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:34:52.7     20086272  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_15            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 15:38:40.8     20086528  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_15            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:42:29.4     20086784  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_16            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 15:46:17.5     20087040  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_16            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:50:06.0     20087296  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_17            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 15:53:54.2     20087552  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_17            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 15:57:42.7     20087808  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_18            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 16:01:30.8     20088064  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_18            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 16:05:19.4     20088320  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_19            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 16:09:07.5     20088576  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_19            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPBlue      04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.23   2006-09-17 16:12:56.0     20088832  IRSPUOffset_RedPU_BlueObs_20            
CPD-62_363_CHEAPRed       04:30:46.57  -62:22:45.80  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare      7.24   2006-09-17 16:16:44.2     20089088  IRSPUOffset_BluePU_RedObs_20            
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.80   2006-09-17 16:43:09.2     20075008  calsfx-34D-sky                          
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.06   2006-09-17 16:58:54.3     20074752  calsfx-34D-HD173511                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     18.83   2006-09-17 17:32:35.4     20075520  calsfx-34B-sky                          
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     35.49   2006-09-17 17:48:36.5     20075264  calsfx-34B-HR7341                       
Helin-Lawrence                1000145 Helin-Lawrenc  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   129.12   2006-09-17 18:38:36.5     19558912  seppcon-152P-HL                         
IC 348 468                03:44:11.07  +32:01:43.70  Mohanty           BUBURAM      20803 irsstare     86.10   2006-09-17 20:48:27.9     15191808  IC348-468-IRSS                          
HD23642                   03:47:29.45  +24:17:18.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     53.11   2006-09-17 22:11:36.4     14149888  IRSS-WernerAstars-43                    
du Toit-Hartley               1000022 du Toit-Hartl  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    44.65   2006-09-17 23:08:01.1     19570176  seppcon-79P-dTH                         
IRAS 04121+0223           04:14:47.10  +02:30:39.23  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-09-17 23:51:48.2     18207744  IRSI-jd-mega004                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          12.15   2006-09-18 01:24:46.3     20110336  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.49   2006-09-18 01:36:47.3     20070400  caldrk_IRS-34_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_8
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.23   2006-09-18 02:03:20.4     20070912  caldrk_IRS-34_130d-DCVZN-SHmoderate_8   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     30.45   2006-09-18 02:29:08.4     20070144  caldrk_IRS-34_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_8
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irsstare     29.16   2006-09-18 02:56:26.1     20070656  caldrk_IRS-34_130c-DCVZN-LH-moderate_8  
Spacewatch-LINEAR (P/2004     1000481 Spacewatch-LI  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    99.68   2006-09-18 03:38:57.1     19585280  seppcon-P04DO29-SpL                     
Siding Spring (P/2004 V3)     1000520 Siding Spring  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    83.17   2006-09-18 05:30:13.6     19589120  seppcon-P04V3-SidSpr                    
Abell2204nuc              16:32:46.90  +05:34:31.60  Jaffe             WJAFFE       30117 irsstare     44.09   2006-09-18 06:59:40.7     17791232  Abell2204nuc-SL1                        
ngc759                    01:57:50.46  +36:20:34.60  Davidson          LEEUW_DAVIDS 30444 irsstare    202.40   2006-09-18 07:49:30.7     18232832  IRSS-0001                               
NGC708                    01:52:46.48  +36:09:06.60  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     42.93   2006-09-18 11:09:08.3     18256896  NGC708 IRS                              
percolddiskcluster2       03:44:34.68  +32:15:60.00  Merin             BRUNOMERIN   30843 irsstare     62.88   2006-09-18 12:02:21.6     19052288  IRSS-0010                               
CW Tau                    04:14:17.00  +28:10:57.80  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.17   2006-09-18 13:04:27.9     19486976  IRSS-BaryCW1                            
FM Tau                    04:14:13.58  +28:12:49.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.18   2006-09-18 13:11:59.8     19485952  IRSS-BaryFM1                            
CY Tau                    04:17:33.72  +28:20:46.80  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.62   2006-09-18 13:20:13.6     19490048  IRSS-BaryCY1                            
BP Tau                    04:19:15.83  +29:06:26.90  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare      9.77   2006-09-18 13:27:37.0     19491840  IRSS-BaryBP1                            
SN 1987A                  05:35:28.01  -69:16:10.90  Dwek              EDWEK        30067 irsmap      260.93   2006-09-18 13:40:36.4     17719808  IRSM- SN1987A - Cycle3                  
B5cloud-background        03:03:33.10  +19:33:40.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare    179.27   2006-09-18 18:05:40.4     14522624  IRSS-B5cloud-background                 
3C66B                     02:23:11.46  +42:59:31.30  Baum              IRS_3C       20719 irsmap       24.78   2006-09-18 21:04:15.7     15726336  IRSM-Low Res Map - 3C66B                
NGC0931                   02:28:14.48  +31:18:42.00  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.54   2006-09-18 21:27:58.1     17952768  IRSS-0004                               
MRK1034 NED01             02:23:18.92  +32:11:18.40  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     27.19   2006-09-18 21:45:54.6     17952256  IRSS-0002                               
c2d52.2373+31.2729        03:28:56.96  +31:16:22.30  Merin             BRUNOMERIN   30843 irsstare     19.12   2006-09-18 22:11:50.3     19056128  IRSS-0008                               
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1435  1435 irs          67.09   2006-09-18 22:40:48.4     20103936  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_122  1228 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-19 01:20:28.9     15961600  latent_safe_best_nep - copy - 0002      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-19 01:22:51.7     20186880  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.57   2006-09-19 01:33:42.7     20150528  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.58   2006-09-19 01:42:43.9     20152064  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.58   2006-09-19 01:48:12.5     20151808  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.58   2006-09-19 01:56:40.7     20151552  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.58   2006-09-19 02:04:57.9     20151296  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.91   2006-09-19 02:13:32.7     20152576  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.90   2006-09-19 02:18:08.7     20152832  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.90   2006-09-19 02:23:12.5     20162816  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.58   2006-09-19 02:27:43.2     20163840  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12_1       
NGC6388                   17:36:17.00  -44:44:06.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap     123.07   2006-09-19 02:41:02.5     14505216  IRAC-6388                               
V636 Sco                  17:22:46.48  -45:36:51.40  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-09-19 04:42:00.9     18678272  IRAC_V636_Sco                           
GL0674                    17:28:39.95  -46:53:42.70  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-09-19 04:46:21.8     17985792  epoch2-GL0674                           
HD154153                  17:05:48.47  -44:06:18.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-09-19 04:51:16.2     19075840  IRAC-0001                               
BF Oph                    17:06:05.50  -26:34:50.00  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       8.45   2006-09-19 04:57:28.0     18676736  IRAC_BF_Oph                             
GRB050724                 16:24:44.30  -27:32:27.50  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 iracmap       9.38   2006-09-19 05:04:01.2     19049984  IRAC-GRB050724                          
GRB050724                 16:24:44.30  -27:32:27.50  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 iracmap       9.38   2006-09-19 05:10:01.6     19049472  IRAC-GRB050709                          
I17074                    17:10:24.10  -18:49:01.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.04   2006-09-19 05:18:01.4     17496576  IRAC-0002                               
GRB030528                 17:04:02.00  -22:38:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.57   2006-09-19 05:25:34.5     17176064  IRAC-0001 - GRB030528                   
g1.1                      17:46:53.92  -27:49:11.33  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       5.80   2006-09-19 05:39:30.3     20117504  g1.1 band 2 reobs                       
g0.3                      17:49:06.76  -29:03:00.96  Churchwell        GLIMPSE2     20201 iracmap       6.25   2006-09-19 05:42:33.5     20117760  g0.3 band 1 reobs                       
GRB050223                 18:05:32.50  -62:28:21.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-09-19 05:48:37.9     17184512  IRAC-0001 - GRB050223                   
HD168740                  18:25:31.63  -63:01:17.50  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.52   2006-09-19 06:01:33.3     19076352  IRAC-0003                               
SX Sco                    17:47:28.24  -35:42:04.60  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-19 06:08:30.5     17630208  SX Sco E1                               
I17460                    17:49:16.50  -31:15:18.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      13.67   2006-09-19 06:12:06.7     17497600  IRAC-0007                               
W Sgr                     18:05:01.23  -29:34:48.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.13   2006-09-19 06:23:20.4     18682112  IRAC_W_Sgr                              
I18070                    18:10:04.10  -23:46:21.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.07   2006-09-19 06:28:14.7     17508096  IRAC-0030                               
I17381                    17:41:00.10  -16:18:12.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.05   2006-09-19 06:36:33.6     17497088  IRAC-0005                               
I17423                    17:45:14.10  -17:56:45.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.05   2006-09-19 06:43:49.0     17497344  IRAC-0006                               
PSR J1730-2304            17:30:21.80  -23:04:39.00  Pavlov            SOLMSP       30763 iracmap      43.91   2006-09-19 06:51:43.4     18963456  MSP-IRAC-04                             
I17203                    17:23:11.80  -15:37:15.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.04   2006-09-19 07:33:32.6     17496832  IRAC-0004                               
HD156954                  17:21:00.35  -13:05:07.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-09-19 07:40:51.0     19077376  IRAC-0007                               
IRAS18030+0705            18:05:32.50  +07:06:09.00  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-09-19 07:47:37.0     17525504  IRAC-gto2-ulirg031                      
GL0699                    17:57:48.50  +04:41:36.20  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-09-19 07:50:04.6     17986304  epoch2-GL0699                           
Y Oph                     17:52:38.70  -06:08:36.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.13   2006-09-19 07:55:27.7     18682368  IRAC_Y_Oph                              
I17542                    17:56:55.30  -06:04:12.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.06   2006-09-19 07:59:33.9     17506560  IRAC-0027                               
PSR J1744-1134            17:44:29.39  -11:34:54.60  Pavlov            SOLMSP       30763 iracmap      39.53   2006-09-19 08:07:27.9     18963712  MSP-IRAC-05                             
I17364                    17:39:16.50  -12:40:31.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.05   2006-09-19 08:44:13.1     17506048  IRAC-0024                               
2MA1645-1319              16:45:22.10  -13:19:52.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-19 08:52:33.5     17993984  epoch2-2MA1645-1319                     
GL0628                    16:30:18.05  -12:39:45.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-09-19 08:57:22.7     17985536  epoch2-GL0628                           
GJ644C                    16:55:35.40  -08:23:42.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-19 09:02:34.9     17990400  epoch2-GJ644C                           
I18040                    18:06:52.10  -14:56:57.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.07   2006-09-19 09:08:45.7     17507584  IRAC-0029                               
HD168746                  18:21:49.78  -11:55:21.70  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-09-19 09:16:30.3     17556224  NSEXOII-036                             
HD168443                  18:20:03.93  -09:35:44.60  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-09-19 09:24:29.2     17555968  NSEXOII-035                             
DBSB2003T3+109            16:47:11.00  -41:16:28.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-09-19 09:35:26.8     18910720  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+109              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zody_field_18             16:52:55.66  -27:45:12.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_122  1228 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-19 11:12:07.2     15956480  latent_safe_best_c25 - copy - 0001      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-19 11:13:14.4     20189696  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      10.67   2006-09-19 11:31:24.2     20155392  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.19   2006-09-19 11:38:44.7     20155648  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       9.04   2006-09-19 11:41:32.6     20155904  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +68:59:40.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.14   2006-09-19 11:47:17.0     20156160  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +68:59:40.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.14   2006-09-19 11:52:02.2     20153600  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.40   2006-09-19 11:56:45.4     20154368  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.05   2006-09-19 12:04:40.8     20153856  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      17.32   2006-09-19 12:12:17.6     20154624  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      16.30   2006-09-19 12:26:10.0     20154112  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      41.78   2006-09-19 12:39:02.0     20155136  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      54.56   2006-09-19 13:17:24.4     20154880  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_18             16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap     240.57   2006-09-19 14:15:50.6     20156416  skyflt_zody_field_18                    
IRAS 16293-2422           16:32:22.80  -24:28:33.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.36   2006-09-19 18:13:38.3     18324736  IRAC-IRAS16293-2422                     
U Sgr                     18:31:53.33  -19:07:30.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       6.07   2006-09-19 19:00:53.5     18684928  IRAC_M25                                
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.58   2006-09-19 19:05:31.3     20157184  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_2           
WRA 17-96                 17:41:35.40  -30:06:38.40  Fazio             LBVS         30188 iracmap      10.45   2006-09-19 19:12:25.5     17331456  IRAC-LBV-0003                           
AX Sco                    16:41:49.75  -27:06:19.40  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-09-19 19:21:09.5     17612800  AX Sco E1                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_122  1228 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-19 20:40:06.8     15961088  latent_safe_best_nep - copy             
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-19 20:40:59.8     20191232  anneal                                  
331.09549GLIMPSE          15:58:38.52  -49:42:04.50  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      23.32   2006-09-19 21:00:48.2     20221696  l331.09549+02.65157.20060918            
330.89099GLIMPSE          15:58:45.61  -50:02:16.97  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      39.89   2006-09-19 21:20:41.0     20229376  l330.89099+02.38314.20060918            
330.68649GLIMPSE          15:58:52.77  -50:22:29.52  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      55.46   2006-09-19 21:56:52.5     20253952  l330.68649+02.11471.20060918            
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.58   2006-09-19 22:54:32.5     20157440  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_3           
Pipe-5                    17:12:47.40  -27:21:16.50  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     108.22   2006-09-19 23:01:02.1     14089472  iP05a                                   
331.09549GLIMPSE          16:15:03.04  -52:33:07.30  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      23.31   2006-09-20 00:45:46.4     20252928  l331.09549-01.18843.20060918            
330.42590GLIMPSE          15:58:25.70  -50:41:31.34  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      67.16   2006-09-20 01:06:15.0     20290048  l330.42590+01.92000.20060918            
330.89099GLIMPSE          16:15:18.01  -52:53:14.37  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      39.88   2006-09-20 02:09:43.9     20281344  l330.89099-01.45686.20060918            
330.68649GLIMPSE          16:15:33.24  -53:13:21.25  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      55.45   2006-09-20 02:45:55.7     20262400  l330.68649-01.72529.20060918            
330.42590GLIMPSE          16:15:11.77  -53:32:36.08  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      67.15   2006-09-20 03:37:20.5     20250880  l330.42590-01.92000.20060918            
330.01691GLIMPSE          15:56:27.15  -50:57:21.87  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      67.15   2006-09-20 04:41:04.0     20227840  l330.01691+01.92000.20060918            
330.01691GLIMPSE          16:13:11.71  -53:49:29.96  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      67.14   2006-09-20 05:44:46.4     20290304  l330.01691-01.92000.20060918            
329.68491GLIMPSE          15:55:14.64  -51:14:47.19  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      61.29   2006-09-20 06:48:30.7     20198912  l329.68491+01.81902.20060918            
329.68491GLIMPSE          16:12:01.31  -54:07:33.12  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      61.29   2006-09-20 07:46:26.9     20228864  l329.68491-02.02098.20060918            
329.48041GLIMPSE          15:55:20.33  -51:35:00.67  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      44.75   2006-09-20 08:44:21.0     20272896  l329.48041+01.55059.20060918            
329.48041GLIMPSE          16:12:15.51  -54:27:41.25  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      44.74   2006-09-20 09:26:03.0     20243456  l329.48041-02.28941.20060918            
329.27591GLIMPSE          15:55:26.07  -51:55:14.19  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      29.16   2006-09-20 10:07:42.3     20266752  l329.27591+01.28216.20060918            
329.27591GLIMPSE          16:12:29.98  -54:47:49.17  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      29.15   2006-09-20 10:34:00.7     20261376  l329.27591-02.55784.20060918            
329.07141GLIMPSE          15:55:31.89  -52:15:27.75  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      12.61   2006-09-20 11:00:22.1     20253696  l329.07141+01.01373.20060918            
329.07141GLIMPSE          16:12:44.72  -55:07:56.86  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      12.60   2006-09-20 11:10:31.3     20276992  l329.07141-02.82627.20060918            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-20 13:17:48.4     20143104  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0001      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-20 13:23:58.9     20191488  anneal                                  
WD0408-041                04:11:02.16  -03:58:22.50  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.52   2006-09-20 13:40:30.1     17495040  IRAC-0003                               
ngc 1614                  04:33:59.85  -08:34:44.00  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.69   2006-09-20 14:09:51.5      4998144  TNG-SN-NGC1614-09                       
HE0435-1223               04:38:14.82  -12:17:14.90  Kochanek          KOCHANEKLENS 20451 iracmap      50.84   2006-09-20 14:16:02.8     14723072  IRAC-0000 - HE0435-1223 - copy          
pks 0502-10               05:04:53.06  -10:14:52.30  Evans             EVANSAARON   30877 iracmap      10.76   2006-09-20 15:04:26.9     19163904  IRAC-0000 - pks 0502-10                 
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.57   2006-09-20 15:22:42.9     20157696  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_4           
w5i2                      02:53:32.86  +60:25:59.13  Allen             W5MAP        20300 iracmap     234.86   2006-09-20 15:37:53.3     14507776  IRAC-w5-2                               
ic1805                    02:32:42.00  +61:27:00.00  Wolff             IC1805       20052 iracmap     179.08   2006-09-20 19:24:12.7     13846016  IRAC map 9x9                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-20 23:54:54.1     20143360  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0002      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-20 23:55:17.7     20187136  anneal                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.39   2006-09-21 00:10:26.5     17388544  Serpens-Map1                            
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.57   2006-09-21 00:23:18.4     20157952  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_5           
2MA1546-3325              15:46:27.10  -33:25:11.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-21 00:31:13.1     18003712  epoch2-2MA1546-3325                     
DS 2                      15:43:00.00  -39:20:00.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.01   2006-09-21 00:36:17.2     17593856  IRAC-PN2-0016                           
2MA1828-4849              18:28:35.68  -48:49:05.16  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.84   2006-09-21 00:49:52.8     17579520  2MA1828-initial                         
HD170680                  18:31:26.30  -18:24:09.70  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.54   2006-09-21 01:05:25.6     19075584  IRAC-0000                               
G026.47+00.2              18:33:55.50  -06:58:40.00  Fazio             LBVS         30188 iracmap      12.20   2006-09-21 01:11:10.4     17331712  IRAC-LBV-0004                           
2MA1632+1904              16:32:29.10  +19:04:41.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-21 01:23:32.8     18001408  epoch2-2MA1632+1904                     
HD_175742                 18:55:53.22  +23:33:23.90  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-09-21 01:30:46.4     18010624  epoch2-HD175742                         
2MA1835+3259              18:35:37.90  +32:59:54.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-21 01:36:16.4     17991936  epoch2-2MA1835+3259                     
AP399                     03:28:27.10  +50:20:02.00  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      40.66   2006-09-21 01:47:05.8     18853888  IRAC-AP399-cluster                      
AP385                     03:20:07.42  +50:39:53.30  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.73   2006-09-21 02:24:44.2     18855680  IRAC-AP385-single                       
AP409                     03:20:17.70  +50:46:03.00  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.73   2006-09-21 02:32:13.3     18856704  IRAC-AP409-single                       
AP403                     03:32:04.60  +49:20:48.00  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.74   2006-09-21 02:40:18.1     18856448  IRAC-AP403-single                       
B3 0142+427               01:45:29.03  +42:57:42.20  Stockton          Z2.5-STOCKTO 30240 iracmap     134.72   2006-09-21 02:49:49.3     17908480  IRAC-0001                               
WD0300-013                03:02:53.12  -01:08:33.50  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.64   2006-09-21 05:08:03.4     17495808  IRAC-0000                               
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.39   2006-09-21 05:48:23.1     17388800  Serpens-Map2                            
UDFNIC2                   03:33:08.00  -27:51:53.00  Bouwens           UDFNIC2      30866 iracmap     226.76   2006-09-21 06:09:43.6     19146752  IRAC-0000                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-21 11:03:58.3     20143616  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0003      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-21 11:04:21.9     20187392  anneal                                  
346.10040GLIMPSE          16:56:53.24  -38:51:37.12  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      23.31   2006-09-21 11:17:30.5     20269056  l346.10040+02.63919.20060919            
345.90091GLIMPSE          16:57:22.76  -39:11:28.08  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      39.88   2006-09-21 11:37:22.9     20215552  l345.90091+02.35839.20060919            
sco_irac3                 16:31:53.68  -19:35:03.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      54.31   2006-09-21 12:15:38.3     19990784  IRAC_sco_3_1                            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.38   2006-09-21 13:08:49.5     17389056  Serpens-Map3                            
sco_irac2                 16:27:45.78  -19:24:43.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      25.38   2006-09-21 13:22:20.5     19960064  IRAC_sco_2_1                            
345.70129GLIMPSE          16:57:52.50  -39:31:19.12  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      56.42   2006-09-21 13:46:19.2     20260864  l345.70129+02.07758.20060919            
IC 4651                   17:24:49.00  -49:55:60.00  Frinchaboy        PMFASTRO     30800 iracmap      40.37   2006-09-21 14:40:05.2     19016704  IRAC-0019                               
ESO 138-G1                16:51:20.13  -59:14:05.20  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 iracmap       5.88   2006-09-21 15:18:21.1     17638912  IRAC-CTAGN - ESO 138-G1 - 0000          
S Nor                     16:18:51.83  -57:53:59.20  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-09-21 15:21:50.7     18679296  IRAC_S_Nor                              
NGC 6684                  18:48:57.88  -65:10:24.40  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      27.37   2006-09-21 15:27:52.2     18287360  IRAC-NGC6684                            
NGC6776                   19:25:19.15  -63:51:36.60  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.96   2006-09-21 15:52:32.9     18036992  T78I_NGC6776                            
U Sgr                     18:31:53.33  -19:07:30.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.14   2006-09-21 16:18:21.0     18680832  IRAC_U_Sgr                              
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.56   2006-09-21 16:24:07.0     20158208  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_6           
sco_irac3                 16:31:53.97  -19:35:07.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      54.32   2006-09-21 16:30:53.1     19990272  IRAC_sco_3_2                            
sco_irac2                 16:27:45.78  -19:24:43.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      25.38   2006-09-21 17:20:57.4     19959552  IRAC_sco_2_2                            
JDROP4                    04:19:23.58  +27:55:37.70  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      56.18   2006-09-21 17:54:39.3     20039936  JDROP4_IRAC2                            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.38   2006-09-21 18:58:07.2     17389312  Serpens-Map4                            
DBSB2003T3+114            16:59:10.00  -40:12:05.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-09-21 19:12:16.7     18911488  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+114              
345.41418GLIMPSE          16:57:35.35  -39:50:40.85  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      66.17   2006-09-21 19:19:49.1     20220416  l345.41418+01.92000.20060919            
345.01511GLIMPSE          16:56:17.41  -40:09:23.18  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      66.17   2006-09-21 20:21:45.3     20274688  l345.01511+01.92000.20060919            
344.66330GLIMPSE          16:55:24.44  -40:28:20.21  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      62.26   2006-09-21 21:23:41.8     20253184  l344.66330+01.85338.20060919            
344.46381GLIMPSE          16:55:54.11  -40:48:13.19  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      45.71   2006-09-21 22:21:42.4     20274944  l344.46381+01.57257.20060919            
344.26419GLIMPSE          16:56:24.03  -41:08:06.15  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      29.15   2006-09-21 23:03:33.9     20273664  l344.26419+01.29177.20060919            
344.06461GLIMPSE          16:56:54.26  -41:27:58.61  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      12.60   2006-09-21 23:29:04.3     20240384  l344.06461+01.01096.20060919            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-22 01:14:23.0     20143872  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0004      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-22 01:14:45.3     20187648  anneal                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.38   2006-09-22 01:29:57.9     17389568  Serpens-Map5                            
l027                      18:41:00.29  -05:19:06.27  Churchwell        INNER_GAL1     146 iracmap       5.35   2006-09-22 01:41:19.6     17308672  IRAC-0000                               
2MA1828-4849              18:28:35.68  -48:49:05.16  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.84   2006-09-22 01:47:27.2     17579776  2MA1828-day                             
NGC 188                   00:47:27.53  +85:16:10.70  Frinchaboy        PMFASTRO     30800 iracmap      79.62   2006-09-22 02:10:29.7     19014144  IRAC-0000                               
hd2905                    00:33:10.45  +62:56:04.40  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 iracmap      38.16   2006-09-22 03:28:20.9     17775104  IRAC-hd2905                             
WD0121+401                01:24:21.55  +40:23:58.20  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      11.00   2006-09-22 04:05:00.5     17876992  IRAC-WD0121+401                         
2MA0348+2344              03:48:03.60  +23:44:11.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-22 04:16:04.9     17990912  epoch2-2MA0348+2344                     
2MA0415-0935              04:15:19.67  -09:35:05.38  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.81   2006-09-22 04:23:09.7     17576448  2MA0415-initial                         
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.56   2006-09-22 04:46:29.4     20158464  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_7           
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.37   2006-09-22 04:54:40.3     17389824  Serpens-Map6                            
336.09891GLIMPSE          16:37:08.88  -48:58:07.68  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      23.32   2006-09-22 05:09:32.0     20244736  l336.09891-01.19674.20060921            
335.89789GLIMPSE          16:37:34.82  -49:18:12.33  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      39.88   2006-09-22 05:29:24.0     20237056  l335.89789-01.47348.20060921            
335.69681GLIMPSE          16:38:01.11  -49:38:16.70  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      56.43   2006-09-22 06:05:32.0     20214016  l335.69681-01.75023.20060921            
335.41800GLIMPSE          16:37:38.73  -49:57:31.25  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      66.18   2006-09-22 06:57:52.1     20282112  l335.41800-01.92000.20060921            
335.01590GLIMPSE          16:35:57.78  -50:15:23.59  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      66.18   2006-09-22 07:59:48.1     20263168  l335.01590-01.92000.20060921            
334.67020GLIMPSE          16:34:51.59  -50:33:50.24  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      62.27   2006-09-22 09:01:44.3     20219392  l334.67020-01.99761.20060921            
334.46912GLIMPSE          16:35:17.53  -50:53:56.56  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      45.72   2006-09-22 09:59:44.8     20229120  l334.46912-02.27436.20060921            
334.26801GLIMPSE          16:35:43.87  -51:14:02.44  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      29.16   2006-09-22 10:41:36.4     20284672  l334.26801-02.55110.20060921            
334.06699GLIMPSE          16:36:10.65  -51:34:07.55  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      12.61   2006-09-22 11:09:54.3     20216320  l334.06699-02.82784.20060921            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-22 12:45:41.9     20144128  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0005      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-22 12:46:03.0     20187904  anneal                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.37   2006-09-22 13:01:19.1     17390080  Serpens-Map7                            
UDFNIC2                   03:33:08.00  -27:51:53.00  Bouwens           UDFNIC2      30866 iracmap     226.78   2006-09-22 13:22:35.7     19147008  IRAC-0001                               
UDFNIC2                   03:33:08.00  -27:51:53.00  Bouwens           UDFNIC2      30866 iracmap     226.78   2006-09-22 17:05:30.5     19147520  IRAC-0003                               
WD0346+246                03:46:46.51  +24:56:02.80  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.82   2006-09-22 20:53:01.9     17866496  IRAC-0346+246                           
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.37   2006-09-22 21:23:18.3     17390336  Serpens-Map8                            
RE1738+665                17:38:02.50  +66:53:47.70  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      72.58   2006-09-22 21:38:57.7     18230016  IRAC-RE1738                             
WD0222+648                02:26:32.12  +64:59:27.90  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.82   2006-09-22 22:51:37.6     17869568  IRAC-0222+648                           
GD561                     23:45:02.20  +80:56:59.70  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      72.54   2006-09-22 23:13:22.4     18231552  IRAC-GD561                              
IRAS18443+7433            18:42:54.80  +74:36:21.00  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-09-23 00:24:01.7     17525760  IRAC-gto2-ulirg032                      
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.56   2006-09-23 00:32:55.5     20158720  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_8           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-23 01:34:29.4     20144384  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0006      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-23 01:34:51.0     20188160  anneal                                  
sco_irac6                 16:47:32.48  -12:06:21.40  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      32.86   2006-09-23 01:48:23.5     19958784  IRAC_sco_6_1                            
2MA0320-0446              03:20:28.40  -04:46:36.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-23 02:29:14.3     17992960  epoch2-2MA0320-0446                     
2MA0451-3402              04:51:00.90  -34:02:15.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-23 02:36:47.8     17993216  epoch2-2MA0451-3402                     
MBM12cen                  02:56:50.00  +19:53:60.00  Magnani           MBM12PROTO   30382 iracmap     181.73   2006-09-23 02:49:28.8     18148608  IRAC-mbm12                              
2MA0415-0935              04:15:19.67  -09:35:05.38  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.82   2006-09-23 05:43:36.1     17576704  2MA0415-day                             
sco_irac6                 16:47:32.85  -12:06:20.60  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      32.87   2006-09-23 06:10:49.9     19958528  IRAC_sco_6_2                            
Serpens-Core              18:29:39.82  +01:13:36.30  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap     270.18   2006-09-23 06:42:45.0     17388032  Serpens-1                               
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.55   2006-09-23 11:13:25.4     20158976  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_9           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-23 12:44:31.7     20144640  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0007      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-23 12:44:53.5     20188416  anneal                                  
I18442                    18:47:04.00  -11:41:12.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.09   2006-09-23 12:59:40.5     17498880  IRAC-0014                               
Serpens-Core2             18:29:39.82  +01:13:36.30  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap     270.18   2006-09-23 13:08:21.7     17388288  Serpens-2                               
I18435                    18:46:06.90  +00:48:55.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      13.70   2006-09-23 17:37:04.7     17498624  IRAC-0013                               
I18062                    18:08:20.10  +24:10:43.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.05   2006-09-23 17:50:20.5     17497856  IRAC-0009                               
HD178911                  19:09:04.38  +34:36:01.60  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-09-23 17:59:14.1     17556736  NSEXOII-038                             
WD1820+609                18:21:19.98  +61:01:06.30  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-09-23 18:09:32.3     17872128  IRAC-WD1820+609                         
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.37   2006-09-23 18:25:35.1     17390848  Serpens-Map10                           
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.55   2006-09-23 18:38:31.0     20159232  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_10          
sco_irac7                 16:47:24.26  -09:46:39.40  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      43.07   2006-09-23 18:45:39.4     19988224  IRAC_sco_7_1                            
WD0503-174                05:05:52.46  -17:22:43.50  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-09-23 19:35:26.1     17876224  IRAC-WD0503-174                         
SDS0423-0414              04:23:48.60  -04:14:04.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-23 19:45:14.2     18001920  epoch2-SDS0423-0414                     
GRB 060223a               03:40:49.74  -17:07:48.00  Berger            CC-GRB-HIGHZ 20000 iracmap     245.35   2006-09-23 19:51:36.0     19624192  GRB060223a                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-24 01:20:34.7     20144896  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0008      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-24 01:20:56.3     20188672  anneal                                  
sco_irac7                 16:47:24.63  -09:46:38.60  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      43.07   2006-09-24 01:34:37.1     19987712  IRAC_sco_7_2                            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.36   2006-09-24 02:16:23.1     17391104  Serpens-Map11                           
BDSB2003+48               00:15:27.70  +61:14:18.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.91   2006-09-24 02:33:34.5     18895616  IRAC-0000                               
BDSB2003+49               00:58:40.00  +61:04:45.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-09-24 02:39:16.9     18895872  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+49                 
BDSB2003+50               01:06:45.00  +59:40:36.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-09-24 02:44:24.6     18896128  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+50                 
BDSB2003+51               01:08:50.00  +63:07:40.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-09-24 02:49:53.0     18896384  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+51                 
BDSB2003+53               02:28:18.00  +72:37:48.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-09-24 02:56:06.6     18897664  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+53                 
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.55   2006-09-24 03:09:45.2     20159488  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_11          
V350 Sgr                  18:45:17.50  -20:38:50.60  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       8.47   2006-09-24 03:17:08.0     18676224  IRAC_V350_Sgr                           
WD1844-223                18:47:57.00  -22:19:38.00  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      31.36   2006-09-24 03:22:51.4     18232064  IRAC-WD1844-223                         
351.10355GLIMPSE          17:12:04.12  -34:53:20.11  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      24.29   2006-09-24 03:53:29.3     20196864  l351.10355+02.62986.20060921            
350.90710GLIMPSE          17:12:39.10  -35:13:05.78  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      40.85   2006-09-24 04:14:24.5     20206592  l350.90710+02.33972.20060921            
350.71069GLIMPSE          17:13:14.34  -35:32:50.89  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      57.40   2006-09-24 04:51:29.9     20248576  l350.71069+02.04957.20060921            
350.40552GLIMPSE          17:12:52.45  -35:52:13.65  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      65.20   2006-09-24 05:44:44.8     20213504  l350.40552+01.92000.20060921            
350.01263GLIMPSE          17:11:43.87  -36:11:16.52  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      65.20   2006-09-24 06:45:43.8     20235264  l350.01263+01.92000.20060921            
349.64841GLIMPSE          17:10:49.96  -36:30:23.79  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      62.26   2006-09-24 07:50:05.5     20246528  l349.64841+01.87769.20060921            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-24 09:56:38.2     20145152  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0009      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-24 09:56:58.4     20188928  anneal                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.36   2006-09-24 10:12:19.7     17391360  Serpens-Map12                           
4C 49.2                   00:41:05.08  +50:03:14.10  Uchiyama          UCHIYAMA_JET 30854 iracmap      78.55   2006-09-24 10:30:08.7     19065344  IRAC-4c49.2                             
3C 120                    04:33:11.10  +05:21:15.60  Uchiyama          UCHIYAMA_JET 30854 iracmap      78.42   2006-09-24 11:50:54.4     19066368  IRAC-3c120                              
NGC 2090 A/B              05:47:09.50  -34:11:27.00  Calzetti          OUTDISKS     30753 iracmap      37.79   2006-09-24 13:09:45.5     18949120  IRAC-n2090                              
wd1705+030                17:08:07.00  +02:57:48.00  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.55   2006-09-24 13:54:53.3     19024128  IRAC-0004                               
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.36   2006-09-24 14:25:11.1     17391616  Serpens-Map13                           
WD1656-062                16:58:52.90  -06:15:30.00  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-09-24 14:37:51.0     17878528  IRAC-WD1656-062                         
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.55   2006-09-24 14:47:33.8     20159744  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_12          
I18371                    18:40:22.00  -31:56:49.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.07   2006-09-24 14:55:25.0     17498112  IRAC-0011                               
GL0729                    18:49:49.37  -23:50:10.50  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-24 15:03:34.4     17986816  epoch2-GL0729                           
BB Sgr                    18:50:59.87  -20:17:42.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       8.47   2006-09-24 15:08:31.4     18678016  IRAC_BB_Sgr                             
349.45200GLIMPSE          17:11:25.24  -36:50:11.36  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      45.71   2006-09-24 15:16:44.3     20257536  l349.45200+01.58755.20060921            
349.25549GLIMPSE          17:12:00.79  -37:09:58.68  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      29.15   2006-09-24 15:58:30.1     20293632  l349.25549+01.29741.20060921            
349.05911GLIMPSE          17:12:36.67  -37:29:45.08  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      12.60   2006-09-24 16:24:00.0     20268032  l349.05911+01.00726.20060921            
351.10355GLIMPSE          17:27:38.19  -37:05:14.55  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      24.28   2006-09-24 16:33:57.6     20290560  l351.10355-01.21014.20060921            
350.90710GLIMPSE          17:28:18.09  -37:24:42.39  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      40.85   2006-09-24 16:54:52.8     20232960  l350.90710-01.50028.20060921            
350.71069GLIMPSE          17:28:58.37  -37:44:09.16  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      57.39   2006-09-24 17:31:58.8     20207616  l350.71069-01.79043.20060921            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.36   2006-09-24 18:29:03.2     17391872  Serpens-Map14                           
350.40552GLIMPSE          17:28:39.91  -38:03:41.99  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      65.20   2006-09-24 18:43:02.5     20276480  l350.40552-01.92000.20060921            
350.01263GLIMPSE          17:27:33.41  -38:23:18.50  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      65.20   2006-09-24 19:44:01.5     20297216  l350.01263-01.92000.20060921            
349.64841GLIMPSE          17:26:42.04  -38:42:52.12  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      62.26   2006-09-24 20:45:00.6     20292608  l349.64841-01.96231.20060921            
349.45200GLIMPSE          17:27:22.69  -39:02:20.44  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      45.71   2006-09-24 21:43:01.4     20227584  l349.45200-02.25245.20060921            
349.25549GLIMPSE          17:28:03.72  -39:21:47.98  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      29.15   2006-09-24 22:24:52.4     20199936  l349.25549-02.54259.20060921            
349.05911GLIMPSE          17:28:45.18  -39:41:14.03  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      12.60   2006-09-24 22:50:22.7     20205312  l349.05911-02.83274.20060921            
V438 Oph                  17:14:39.78  +11:04:10.00  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-09-24 23:07:19.7     17613824  V438 Oph E1                             
FX Ser                    18:06:49.93  -09:41:18.10  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-24 23:12:51.1     17630720  FX Ser E1                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-25 00:44:41.8     20145408  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0010      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-25 00:45:00.8     20189184  anneal                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.36   2006-09-25 01:00:28.8     17392128  Serpens-Map15                           
M1-67                     19:11:30.88  +16:51:38.20  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 iracmap      26.99   2006-09-25 01:12:56.6     18380544  M1-67-WR124-IRAC                        
NGC 6744                  19:09:46.10  -63:51:27.10  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      39.23   2006-09-25 01:43:25.2     18285312  IRAC-NGC6744                            
cra_ex2                   18:57:06.70  -37:15:46.80  Fazio             LALLEN_MAPEX 30784 iracmap      61.16   2006-09-25 02:22:00.4     17673472  IRAC-cra_ex2                            
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.56   2006-09-25 03:21:35.3     20160000  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_13          
358.10669GLIMPSE          17:30:51.91  -29:08:09.58  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      24.28   2006-09-25 03:28:25.7     20292352  l358.10669+02.61890.20060923            
357.91339GLIMPSE          17:31:32.15  -29:27:44.83  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      41.82   2006-09-25 03:49:21.9     20204288  l357.91339+02.31781.20060923            
357.62167GLIMPSE          17:31:22.26  -29:47:14.34  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 04:27:15.9     20246784  l357.62167+02.17000.20060923            
357.23508GLIMPSE          17:30:23.57  -30:06:37.23  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 05:12:56.4     20250368  l357.23508+02.17000.20060923            
356.84848GLIMPSE          17:29:24.48  -30:25:58.31  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 05:58:32.2     20205568  l356.84848+02.17000.20060923            
356.46188GLIMPSE          17:28:24.96  -30:45:17.52  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 06:44:12.5     20220928  l356.46188+02.17000.20060923            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.36   2006-09-25 07:33:22.3     17392384  Serpens-Map16                           
356.07529GLIMPSE          17:27:25.03  -31:04:34.79  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 07:47:00.1     20225280  l356.07529+02.17000.20060923            
355.68866GLIMPSE          17:26:24.67  -31:23:50.24  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 08:32:40.5     20208384  l355.68866+02.17000.20060923            
355.39178GLIMPSE          17:26:10.70  -31:43:17.26  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      41.82   2006-09-25 09:18:15.6     20263424  l355.39178+02.03026.20060923            
355.19849GLIMPSE          17:26:50.89  -32:02:59.07  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      25.26   2006-09-25 09:56:12.0     20229632  l355.19849+01.72916.20060923            
cra_ex1                   19:00:11.60  -37:01:18.30  Fazio             LALLEN_MAPEX 30784 iracmap      45.81   2006-09-25 10:20:24.6     17672960  IRAC-cra_ex1                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-25 12:32:03.5     20145664  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0011      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-25 12:33:05.1     20189440  anneal                                  
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.56   2006-09-25 12:45:45.3     20160256  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_14          
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.35   2006-09-25 12:54:19.1     17392640  Serpens-Map17                           
IRAS 18576+0341           19:00:10.93  +03:45:48.00  Fazio             LBVS         30188 iracmap       7.20   2006-09-25 13:05:49.6     17331968  IRAC-LBV-0006sub                        
UDFNIC2                   03:33:08.00  -27:51:53.00  Bouwens           UDFNIC2      30866 iracmap     226.82   2006-09-25 13:21:25.6     19147776  IRAC-0004                               
358.10669GLIMPSE          17:47:53.09  -31:26:50.72  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      24.31   2006-09-25 17:13:36.7     20289792  l358.10669-01.72110.20060923            
357.91339GLIMPSE          17:48:37.72  -31:46:05.51  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      41.83   2006-09-25 17:34:33.9     20222976  l357.91339-02.02219.20060923            
357.62167GLIMPSE          17:48:31.11  -32:05:39.18  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 18:12:29.5     20205824  l357.62167-02.17000.20060923            
357.23508GLIMPSE          17:47:34.57  -32:25:30.72  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 18:58:11.1     20210432  l357.23508-02.17000.20060923            
356.84848GLIMPSE          17:46:37.64  -32:45:20.88  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 19:43:47.4     20269568  l356.84848-02.17000.20060923            
356.46188GLIMPSE          17:45:40.31  -33:05:09.61  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 20:29:29.2     20284928  l356.46188-02.17000.20060923            
356.07529GLIMPSE          17:44:42.57  -33:24:56.84  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 21:15:05.3     20287488  l356.07529-02.17000.20060923            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.35   2006-09-25 22:04:25.7     17392896  Serpens-Map18                           
355.68866GLIMPSE          17:43:44.41  -33:44:42.70  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      49.61   2006-09-25 22:18:18.7     20271872  l355.68866-02.17000.20060923            
355.39178GLIMPSE          17:43:33.92  -34:04:15.97  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      41.82   2006-09-25 23:03:59.1     20211456  l355.39178-02.30974.20060923            
355.19849GLIMPSE          17:44:19.13  -34:23:35.29  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      25.26   2006-09-25 23:42:09.6     20291328  l355.19849-02.61084.20060923            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-26 01:14:52.4     20145920  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0012      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-26 01:15:07.7     20189952  anneal                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.35   2006-09-26 01:30:56.6     17393152  Serpens-Map19                           
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.56   2006-09-26 01:44:19.5     20160512  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_15          
UDFNIC2                   03:33:08.00  -27:51:53.00  Bouwens           UDFNIC2      30866 iracmap     226.82   2006-09-26 02:03:05.2     19147264  IRAC-0002                               
AP395                     03:27:40.03  +48:33:55.80  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      86.20   2006-09-26 05:52:42.0     18853632  IRAC-AP395-cluster                      
Alpha Cam                 04:53:31.12  +66:29:01.10  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 iracmap     141.77   2006-09-26 07:18:08.1     17774592  IRAC-AlphaCam                           
WD0423+044                04:26:20.78  +04:32:29.70  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-09-26 09:38:32.8     17874688  IRAC-WD0423+044                         
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.35   2006-09-26 09:58:44.8     17393408  Serpens-Map20                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-26 11:07:54.1     20146176  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0013      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-26 11:08:10.0     20190208  anneal                                  
LDN 1588                  05:21:55.00  +08:27:15.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 iracmap     195.23   2006-09-26 11:31:40.6     14534656  IRAC LDN 1588                           
Teucer                        2002797        Teucer  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.26   2006-09-26 14:58:38.0     15138816  IRAC-2797_Teucer                        
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.35   2006-09-26 15:10:42.5     17393664  Serpens-Map21                           
I19200                    19:21:55.29  +35:02:55.10  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.07   2006-09-26 15:27:31.1     17509120  IRAC-0032                               
sco_irac4                 16:50:06.45  -15:29:48.50  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      68.54   2006-09-26 15:39:46.7     19959296  IRAC_sco_4_1                            
sn2005gj                  03:01:11.95  +00:33:14.00  DePoy             SN05GJ_CYCLE 30733 iracmap      47.94   2006-09-26 16:56:05.3     19308800  sn05gj-0001                             
NGC1427                   03:42:19.43  -35:23:33.50  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-09-26 17:44:34.2     18031360  T78I_NGC1427                            
NGC1426                   03:42:49.11  -22:06:30.10  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-09-26 18:08:08.2     18031104  T78I_NGC1426                            
Z808                      03:01:38.20  +01:55:15.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.70   2006-09-26 18:33:01.6     18648832  IRAC-0010                               
R0439+05                  04:39:02.20  +05:20:45.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-09-26 18:43:04.1     18649344  IRAC-0011                               
R0338+09                  03:38:40.50  +09:58:12.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-09-26 18:52:40.3     18646528  IRAC-0003                               
R0352+19                  03:52:58.90  +19:41:00.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-09-26 19:01:48.1     18646784  IRAC-0004                               
HD_29697                  04:41:18.86  +20:54:05.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-09-26 19:10:45.5     18009088  epoch2-HD29697                          
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.35   2006-09-26 19:26:23.2     17393920  Serpens-Map22                           
JDROP5_swap               17:25:51.28  +37:52:26.10  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      56.16   2006-09-26 19:40:34.7     20041472  JDROP5_IRAC2                            
JDROP5_swap               17:25:51.28  +37:52:26.10  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      20.76   2006-09-26 20:33:19.2     20041984  JDROP5_IRAC1                            
sco_irac5                 16:49:04.02  -14:11:09.10  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      48.44   2006-09-26 20:55:20.6     19990016  IRAC_sco_5_1                            
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.56   2006-09-26 21:41:14.0     20160768  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_16          
Teucer                        2002797        Teucer  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.25   2006-09-26 22:02:38.4     15139072  IRAC-Teucer2                            
sco_irac4                 16:50:06.83  -15:29:47.80  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      68.54   2006-09-26 22:14:33.2     19959040  IRAC_sco_4_2                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-27 00:24:57.1     20146432  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0014      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-27 00:25:13.0     20190464  anneal                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.34   2006-09-27 00:40:58.9     17394176  Serpens-Map23                           
sco_irac5                 16:49:04.40  -14:11:08.40  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      48.44   2006-09-27 00:54:25.5     19989504  IRAC_sco_5_2                            
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.55   2006-09-27 01:40:21.0     20161024  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_17          
HD187123                  19:46:58.11  +34:25:10.30  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-09-27 01:51:35.6     17557248  NSEXOII-040                             
L723                      19:17:53.00  +19:12:18.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.56   2006-09-27 02:01:16.2     18326528  IRAC-L723                               
JDROP4                    04:19:23.58  +27:55:37.70  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      20.74   2006-09-27 02:55:48.4     20040192  JDROP4_IRAC1                            
8.11082GLIMPSE            17:54:07.17  -20:38:30.40  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      25.28   2006-09-27 03:25:46.5     20208896  l008.11082+02.60139.20060924            
7.92164GLIMPSE            17:54:53.32  -20:57:56.49  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      42.80   2006-09-27 03:47:53.5     20235520  l007.92164+02.28278.20060924            
7.61025GLIMPSE            17:54:38.01  -21:17:28.55  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 04:27:04.1     20273920  l007.61025+02.17000.20060924            
7.23189GLIMPSE            17:53:48.76  -21:37:03.22  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 05:12:15.2     20208640  l007.23189+02.17000.20060924            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.34   2006-09-27 06:03:47.6     17394432  Serpens-Map24                           
6.85354GLIMPSE            17:52:59.26  -21:56:36.78  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 06:16:51.2     20209920  l006.85354+02.17000.20060924            
6.47518GLIMPSE            17:52:09.51  -22:16:09.26  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 07:02:05.1     20234752  l006.47518+02.17000.20060924            
6.09683GLIMPSE            17:51:19.52  -22:35:40.59  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 07:47:13.7     20201728  l006.09683+02.17000.20060924            
5.71847GLIMPSE            17:50:29.26  -22:55:10.80  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 08:32:28.1     20288512  l005.71847+02.17000.20060924            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-27 10:34:07.6     20146688  latent_safe_best_c35 - copy - 0015      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-27 10:34:35.5     20190720  anneal                                  
GRB060923A                16:58:28.15  +12:21:38.90  Fox               HIGHESTZGRB3 30871 iracmap      78.46   2006-09-27 10:49:28.4     19157504  IRAC-1001                               
5.39272GLIMPSE            17:50:05.65  -23:14:40.80  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      43.77   2006-09-27 12:07:55.1     20202496  l005.39272+02.08141.20060924            
5.20354GLIMPSE            17:50:51.94  -23:34:12.50  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      26.23   2006-09-27 12:47:46.1     20293120  l005.20354+01.76280.20060924            
5.01436GLIMPSE            17:51:38.44  -23:53:43.51  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap       8.72   2006-09-27 13:10:23.6     20296704  l005.01436+01.44419.20060924            
8.11082GLIMPSE            18:10:22.25  -22:47:04.47  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      25.27   2006-09-27 13:16:48.0     20239104  l008.11082-01.73861.20060924            
7.92164GLIMPSE            18:11:11.30  -23:06:13.25  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      42.81   2006-09-27 13:38:37.2     20232704  l007.92164-02.05722.20060924            
7.61025GLIMPSE            18:10:58.05  -23:25:50.71  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 14:17:27.8     20229888  l007.61025-02.17000.20060924            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.34   2006-09-27 15:04:36.8     17394688  Serpens-Map25                           
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.55   2006-09-27 15:17:21.9     20161280  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_18          
2MA1828-4849              18:28:35.68  -48:49:05.16  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.83   2006-09-27 15:25:40.6     17580032  2MA1828-week                            
SMCWR7_N76                01:03:30.00  -72:03:21.90  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 iracmap      20.80   2006-09-27 15:42:12.3     18380288  SMCWR7_N76_IRAC                         
SN 1987A                  05:35:28.01  -69:16:10.90  Dwek              EDWEK        30067 iracmap      12.45   2006-09-27 16:01:55.9     17720064  IRAC-SN1987A-Cycle3                     
7.23189GLIMPSE            18:10:10.38  -23:45:43.73  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 16:17:42.7     20272384  l007.23189-02.17000.20060924            
6.85354GLIMPSE            18:09:22.49  -24:05:35.97  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 17:02:26.1     20273152  l006.85354-02.17000.20060924            
6.47518GLIMPSE            18:08:34.38  -24:25:27.47  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 17:47:04.4     20296960  l006.47518-02.17000.20060924            
6.09683GLIMPSE            18:07:46.03  -24:45:18.15  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 18:31:47.4     20264704  l006.09683-02.17000.20060924            
5.71847GLIMPSE            18:06:57.45  -25:05:08.05  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      48.64   2006-09-27 19:16:25.4     20249600  l005.71847-02.17000.20060924            
5.39272GLIMPSE            18:06:35.99  -25:24:47.08  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      43.77   2006-09-27 20:01:08.5     20238080  l005.39272-02.25859.20060924            
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.34   2006-09-27 20:43:36.9     17394944  Serpens-Map26                           
5.20354GLIMPSE            18:07:25.66  -25:43:59.00  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap      26.24   2006-09-27 20:56:16.7     20281088  l005.20354-02.57720.20060924            
5.01436GLIMPSE            18:08:15.61  -26:03:09.61  Benjamin          BENJAMIN     30570 iracmap       8.72   2006-09-27 21:18:55.0     20201472  l005.01436-02.89581.20060924            
S Sct                     18:50:20.04  -07:54:27.40  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.91   2006-09-27 21:26:43.0     17631744  S Sct E1                                
CZ Ser                    18:37:20.98  -02:39:15.10  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.91   2006-09-27 21:32:53.0     17614848  CZ Ser E1                               
FI Lyr                    18:42:04.83  +28:57:29.80  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-27 21:38:32.2     17615360  FI Lyr E1                               
R Cyg                     19:36:49.38  +50:11:59.50  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-27 21:43:28.6     17621504  R Cyg E1                                
Z Cyg                     20:01:27.60  +50:02:31.00  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.91   2006-09-27 21:46:59.6     17616384  Z Cyg E1                                
TY Dra                    17:37:00.12  +57:44:25.30  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-09-27 21:51:50.2     17614336  TY Dra E1                               
TV Dra                    17:08:24.50  +64:19:08.70  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-27 21:55:45.0     17613312  TV Dra E1                               
U Lac                     22:47:43.43  +55:09:30.30  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.91   2006-09-27 22:02:03.8     17634816  U Lac E1                                
VY Cas                    00:51:26.00  +62:55:14.90  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-27 22:06:55.0     17609728  VY Cas E1                               
XX Per                    02:03:09.36  +55:13:56.60  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-27 22:11:07.4     17633280  XX Per E1                               
RR Per                    02:28:28.73  +51:16:21.10  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-27 22:14:42.8     17610752  RR Per E1                               
W Per                     02:50:37.89  +56:59:00.30  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-09-27 22:18:32.0     17633792  W Per E1                                
V623 Cas                  03:11:25.33  +57:54:11.20  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-09-27 22:21:47.8     17625088  V623 Cas E1                             
RV Cam                    04:30:41.68  +57:24:42.30  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-09-27 22:25:55.8     17611264  RV Cam E1                               
UV Aur                    05:21:48.88  +32:30:43.20  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-09-27 22:31:08.2     17626112  UV Aur E1                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
best_c35                  16:52:15.66  -27:45:42.23  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-28 00:19:51.7     20142592  latent_safe_best_c35                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-28 00:20:18.6     20191744  anneal                                  
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.57   2006-09-28 00:33:22.9     20161536  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_19          
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.34   2006-09-28 00:41:30.9     17395200  Serpens-Map27                           
Nestor                        2000659        Nestor  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.19   2006-09-28 00:59:54.5     15137280  IRAC-659_Nestor                         
SAGE-offset               05:29:00.00  -45:57:00.00  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap      25.88   2006-09-28 01:15:33.5     17149184  SAGE_IRAC_OFF                           
04152409                  04:15:24.10  +29:10:43.50  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.60   2006-09-28 01:43:38.3     18365696  IRAC-04152409                           
SZ Tau                    04:37:14.78  +18:32:34.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-09-28 01:52:34.7     18679040  IRAC_SZ _Tau                            
04221644                  04:22:16.44  +25:49:11.80  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap       7.58   2006-09-28 01:57:42.0     18365440  IRAC-04221644                           
L1455                     03:27:42.90  +30:12:27.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.39   2006-09-28 02:03:45.8     18324992  IRAC-L1455-E                            
Barnard 1                 03:33:22.75  +31:07:53.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.38   2006-09-28 02:48:47.6     18325504  IRAC-B1                                 
IRAS 03282+3035           03:31:20.40  +30:45:25.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.39   2006-09-28 03:33:30.3     18326016  IRAC-IRAS03282+3035                     
GL0725AB                  18:42:46.69  +59:37:49.50  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.15   2006-09-28 04:24:24.7     17986560  epoch2-GL0725AB                         
sn 2004et                 20:35:25.33  +60:07:17.70  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      17.93   2006-09-28 04:30:12.3     17966592  IRAC-2004et-3                           
LDN 61 map                17:31:55.00  -24:46:42.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 iracmap     176.07   2006-09-28 04:51:57.5     14093056  iPS06a                                  
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.34   2006-09-28 07:43:07.8     17395456  Serpens-Map28                           
Nestor                        2000659        Nestor  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      11.19   2006-09-28 08:12:15.9     15137536  IRAC-Nestor2                            
NGC 6357                  17:25:09.00  -34:15:38.00  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 iracmap     176.92   2006-09-28 08:24:27.7     15051520  NGC6357-IRAC                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c35 revised      17:40:03.60  +68:58:40.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-28 12:37:12.3     20540672  latent_safe_best_nep_c35revised_2       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-28 12:38:02.0     20192000  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.57   2006-09-28 12:50:25.3     20156672  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30_1           
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.58   2006-09-28 12:59:26.7     20308736  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12_1             
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.58   2006-09-28 13:04:54.1     20163584  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30_1            
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.58   2006-09-28 13:13:23.7     20163328  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30_1            
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.58   2006-09-28 13:21:39.7     20163072  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30_1            
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.91   2006-09-28 13:30:13.1     20164096  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.90   2006-09-28 13:34:47.4     20164352  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2_1      
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.90   2006-09-28 13:39:53.7     20151040  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.60   2006-09-28 13:44:27.4     20152320  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.57   2006-09-28 13:55:56.0     20161792  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12_20          
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.33   2006-09-28 14:04:07.3     17395712  Serpens-Map29                           
V1309 Ori                 05:15:41.41  +01:04:40.40  Hoard             POLARS       30249 iracmap      10.67   2006-09-28 14:26:41.8     17916416  IRAC-v1309ori                           
SOri55/66                 05:37:25.30  -02:33:20.00  Scholz            ALEKS        30395 iracmap      47.91   2006-09-28 14:35:19.0     18170112  IRAC-SOri55/66                          
SOri70                    05:38:10.10  -02:36:26.00  Scholz            ALEKS        30395 iracmap      47.91   2006-09-28 15:19:54.0     18171904  IRAC-SOri70                             
2MA0415-0935              04:15:19.67  -09:35:05.38  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.82   2006-09-28 16:06:45.6     17576960  2MA0415-week                            
Mrk 1066                  02:59:58.59  +36:49:14.30  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 iracmap       5.91   2006-09-28 16:23:36.9     17638400  IRAC-CTAGN - Mrk 1066 - 0000            
GRB050410                 05:58:59.00  +79:35:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.58   2006-09-28 16:30:22.7     17175552  IRAC-0001 - GRB050410                   
w5i1                      02:53:43.53  +60:21:57.18  Allen             W5MAP        20300 iracmap     234.16   2006-09-28 16:45:21.5     14507008  IRAC-w5-1                               
Serpens1                  18:29:57.00  +01:14:10.00  Fazio             SERPENSTIME  30319 iracmap      13.33   2006-09-28 20:38:08.0     17390592  Serpens-Map9                            
vdb 111 map               17:18:52.79  +06:05:07.60  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap      83.67   2006-09-28 20:50:04.9     16276224  IRAC vdb 111 map b1 + b3                
vdb 111 map               17:18:52.79  +06:05:07.60  Sellgren          RN_COOL      20068 iracmap      83.67   2006-09-28 22:11:34.0     16274176  IRAC vdb 111 map b2 + b4                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c35 revised      17:40:03.60  +68:58:40.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       3.93   2006-09-29 01:05:47.3     20532480  latent_safe_best_nep_c35revised         
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         11.45   2006-09-29 01:06:37.2     20192256  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      10.67   2006-09-29 01:17:43.8     20166400  skydrk_0.02_subarray - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       6.19   2006-09-29 01:25:04.5     20166656  skydrk_0.1_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       9.04   2006-09-29 01:27:52.4     20166912  skydrk_0.4_subarray - 0001              
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +68:59:40.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.14   2006-09-29 01:33:37.2     20167168  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - 0001             
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +68:59:40.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.14   2006-09-29 01:38:22.4     20164608  skydrk_2 - 0001                         
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.40   2006-09-29 01:43:05.1     20165376  skydrk_12hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      11.05   2006-09-29 01:51:00.8     20164864  skydrk_12 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:00.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      17.32   2006-09-29 01:58:37.4     20165632  skydrk_30hdr - 0001                     
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      16.30   2006-09-29 02:12:29.6     20165120  skydrk_30 - 0001                        
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      41.77   2006-09-29 02:25:21.6     20166144  skydrk_100hdr - 0001                    
Best NEP                  17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap      54.56   2006-09-29 03:03:44.4     20165888  skydrk_100 - 0001                       
AP324                     03:33:48.20  +48:52:30.50  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.73   2006-09-29 03:59:46.8     18855424  IRAC-AP324-single                       
NGC1912                   05:28:42.49  +35:51:17.70  Frinchaboy        PMFASTRO     30800 iracmap      95.74   2006-09-29 04:09:52.1     19014912  IRAC-0003                               
GRB060923A                16:58:28.15  +12:21:38.90  Fox               HIGHESTZGRB3 30871 iracmap      78.47   2006-09-29 05:50:48.7     19157760  IRAC-1002                               
HD156896                  17:20:55.47  -20:21:35.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1138 iracmap       8.57   2006-09-29 07:08:55.0     20150784  IRAC_calstar_HD156896_s2l12             
Pismis 24                 17:24:30.71  -34:15:05.65  Bouwman           CLUSTER_ENVI 30726 iracmap      46.26   2006-09-29 07:15:52.6     20588288  IRAC-0000-Pismis24                      
NGC6441                   17:50:12.90  -37:03:04.00  Rood              RTR-ML       20298 iracmap     123.02   2006-09-29 07:58:50.4     14505728  IRAC-6441                               
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1238 irac         14.94   2006-09-29 10:07:06.3     20194048  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-29 12:28:23.8     20420096  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips         16.68   2006-09-29 12:47:26.2     20419584  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips         16.42   2006-09-29 13:04:19.7     20456192  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-29 13:22:43.3     20415744  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-29 13:27:40.0     20416000  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot     17.60   2006-09-29 13:31:44.3     20416256  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot     17.59   2006-09-29 13:48:12.1     20416512  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
zodi_25a[275]             18:26:55.67  -38:26:12.59  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan    139.14   2006-09-29 14:11:12.0     20464128  calflt-35MC-fastscan.aor                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-29 16:30:00.1     20433664  anneal                                  
zodi_23a[255]             17:05:36.92  -03:15:41.09  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot    175.48   2006-09-29 16:36:46.6     20463872  calflt-35MC-24photsmall - smd           
HIP92200                  18:47:27.19  -03:38:25.22  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-09-29 19:31:21.8     19746560  AOR_1 - HIP92200                        
G35.199-1.743_tweak       19:01:46.47  +01:13:27.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-09-29 19:35:55.5     20029184  G35.1-MIPS-SED_tweak                    
IRDC21B                   18:56:50.30  +01:23:16.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-09-29 19:39:52.5     17805312  MIPSE - IRDC21B                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-29 20:39:24.5     20436480  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
t1A                       03:15:43.32  +12:55:12.27  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-09-29 21:04:50.7     20019968  t1A_SE120_050_S05                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-29 23:32:45.9     20447744  anneal                                  
t1A                       03:19:40.32  +13:10:43.71  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-09-29 23:39:45.7     20025088  t1A_SE120_051_S05                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 02:07:54.4     20442112  anneal                                  
t1A                       03:23:37.91  +13:25:56.24  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-09-30 02:14:40.8     20022528  t1A_SE120_052_S05                       
SN 1987A                  05:35:28.01  -69:16:10.90  Dwek              EDWEK        30067 mipsphot     17.69   2006-09-30 04:48:26.6     17720576  MIPSP-SN1987A-Cycle3                    
SN 1987A                  05:35:28.01  -69:16:10.90  Dwek              EDWEK        30067 mipssed      32.80   2006-09-30 05:03:01.1     17720320  MIPSE-SN1987A-Cycle3                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 05:35:12.7     20439296  anneal                                  
t1A                       19:08:42.11  -29:32:57.47  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-09-30 05:46:32.1     20026880  t1A_SE120_285_S07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 08:16:23.5     20444928  anneal                                  
t1A                       19:13:13.73  -29:25:41.11  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-09-30 08:21:25.1     20023296  t1A_SE120_286_S07                       
G10.304-0.147_tweak       18:08:56.01  -20:05:56.10  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-09-30 10:50:32.0     20028928  G10.3-0.1-MIPS-SED_tweak                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 12:07:24.0     20450560  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
serpens-north-cluster-C   18:29:01.50  +00:30:15.00  Harvey            SERP70       20063 mipsphot     38.80   2006-09-30 12:22:46.4     16796416  north-cluster-C                         
G004.600+00.000           17:56:11.36  -24:59:03.37  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-09-30 13:01:42.6     20487680  A001_MG2_G004.600p00.000_basecov4A      
G005.558+00.000           17:58:18.18  -24:09:18.08  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-09-30 14:09:39.4     20487936  A002_MG2_G005.558p00.000_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 15:19:31.2     20453376  anneal                                  
G006.521+00.000           18:00:23.91  -23:19:13.00  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-09-30 15:24:25.2     20488192  A003_MG2_G006.521p00.000_basecov4A      
G004.680+00.000           17:56:22.08  -24:54:52.92  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.42   2006-09-30 16:32:47.2     20488448  A004_MG2_G004.680p00.000_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 17:43:06.0     20420608  anneal                                  
G005.639+00.000           17:58:28.75  -24:05:07.05  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.42   2006-09-30 17:47:45.6     20488704  A005_MG2_G005.639p00.000_basecov4B      
G006.602+00.000           18:00:34.40  -23:15:00.33  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.42   2006-09-30 18:55:55.0     20488960  A006_MG2_G006.602p00.000_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-09-30 20:06:40.1     20475136  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 21:02:24.2     20423424  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_7b                   04:58:39.37  +02:49:32.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.35   2006-09-30 21:26:48.4     20466432  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_7b_8           
Dioretsa                      2020461      Dioretsa  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     61.14   2006-09-30 22:01:52.9     15187200  dcjcloidsDioretsa                       
HIP22907                  04:55:42.01  -28:33:51.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-09-30 23:03:21.8     19767808  AOR_2 - HIP22907                        
CL0542-4100m70            05:42:50.80  -41:00:01.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-09-30 23:15:15.8     16810240  CL0542-4100m70                          
CL0542-4100               05:42:50.80  -41:00:01.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.78   2006-09-30 23:41:16.1     16809984  CL0542-4100m24                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-09-30 23:56:09.1     20426240  anneal                                  
HD 269599s                05:28:22.20  -69:08:33.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-10-01 00:05:42.0     19155712  MIPSP-HD269599s                         
LHA 120-S 137             05:41:48.00  -69:36:60.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     21.47   2006-10-01 00:21:42.5     19156992  MIPSP-LHA120-S137                       
HIP16069                  03:26:59.59  -63:29:58.67  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-01 00:42:08.3     19854848  AOR_2 - HIP16069                        
Fairall9                  01:23:45.78  -58:48:20.50  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-01 00:53:56.1     18515712  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - Fairall9         
ngc1543                   04:12:43.25  -57:44:16.70  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-01 00:59:57.8     18289664  MIPSP-NGC1543                           
U Sgr                     18:31:53.33  -19:07:30.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-01 01:12:09.7     18673664  MIPS24_U_Sgr                            
t1A                       19:17:44.75  -29:17:57.93  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-10-01 01:16:48.7     20020480  t1A_SE120_287_S07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-01 03:46:08.0     20429056  anneal                                  
G004.761+00.000           17:56:32.78  -24:50:42.43  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 03:52:57.1     20489216  A007_MG2_G004.761p00.000_basecov4C      
G005.719+00.000           17:58:39.32  -24:00:55.99  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 05:00:56.1     20502016  A008_MG2_G005.719p00.000_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-01 06:11:55.7     20432384  anneal                                  
G006.683+00.000           18:00:44.87  -23:10:47.62  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 06:15:41.8     20502272  A009_MG2_G006.683p00.000_basecov4C      
G007.488+00.000           18:02:28.65  -22:28:47.40  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 07:23:36.6     20502528  A010_MG2_G007.488p00.000_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-01 08:35:00.3     20432640  anneal                                  
G000.000+01.900           17:38:16.68  -27:56:01.63  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 08:39:44.2     20502784  A011_MG2_G000.000p01.900_basecov4A      
G000.944+01.900           17:40:32.45  -27:08:06.17  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 09:47:43.1     20503040  A012_MG2_G000.944p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-01 10:59:37.0     20474112  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-01 12:14:03.2     20432896  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.38   2006-10-01 12:29:20.3     20534016  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a            
G007.570+00.000           18:02:39.06  -22:24:33.02  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.42   2006-10-01 12:57:54.7     20503296  A013_MG2_G007.570p00.000_basecov4B      
G000.079+01.900           17:38:28.16  -27:52:00.57  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-01 14:07:13.3     20503552  A014_MG2_G000.079p01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-01 15:15:54.5     20434176  anneal                                  
G001.023+01.900           17:40:43.76  -27:04:04.25  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-01 15:22:13.8     20503808  A015_MG2_G001.023p01.900_basecov4B      
G007.651+00.000           18:02:49.46  -22:20:18.60  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 16:31:26.2     20504064  A016_MG2_G007.651p00.000_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-01 17:40:34.6     20433920  anneal                                  
G000.158+01.900           17:38:39.63  -27:47:59.44  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 17:47:37.9     20504320  A017_MG2_G000.158p01.900_basecov4C      
G001.102+01.900           17:40:55.05  -27:00:02.28  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.40   2006-10-01 18:55:36.9     20504576  A018_MG2_G001.102p01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-01 20:05:11.1     20478720  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-01 21:03:25.2     20433408  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_7b                   04:58:39.37  +02:49:32.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.35   2006-10-01 21:27:43.6     20466176  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_7b_7           
HD017254                  02:44:10.57  -52:34:14.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-01 21:59:28.9     20462848  MIPSP-MC35-HD017254_3s                  
HD017254                  02:44:10.57  -52:34:14.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-01 22:01:36.8     20463104  MIPSP-MC35-HD017254_10s                 
HD017254                  02:44:10.57  -52:34:14.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot     13.00   2006-10-01 22:05:44.3     20463360  MIPSP-MC35-HD017254_30s                 
HD017254                  02:44:10.57  -52:34:14.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          9.45   2006-10-01 22:15:25.2     20473600  MIPSP-MC35-HD017254_30s_raw             
HD015008                  02:21:44.94  -68:39:33.90  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot     13.00   2006-10-01 22:27:53.9     20461056  MIPSP-MC35-HD015008_30s                 
HD015008                  02:21:44.94  -68:39:33.90  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-01 22:37:34.8     20460800  MIPSP-MC35-HD015008_3s                  
HD015008                  02:21:44.94  -68:39:33.90  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-01 22:39:42.7     20461312  MIPSP-MC35-HD015008_10s                 
HIP5896                   01:15:46.65  -68:52:32.09  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-10-01 22:45:26.6     19863808  AOR_2 - HIP5896                         
HIP11852                  02:32:59.15  -72:41:13.45  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-10-01 22:56:30.4     19866880  AOR_3 - HIP11852                        
HD039608                  05:49:36.46  -60:40:34.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-01 23:11:18.5     20460032  MIPSP-MC35-HD039608_3s                  
HD039608                  05:49:36.46  -60:40:34.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-01 23:13:26.4     20460288  MIPSP-MC35-HD039608_10s                 
HD039608                  05:49:36.46  -60:40:34.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot     13.00   2006-10-01 23:17:31.8     20460544  MIPSP-MC35-HD039608_30s                 
HD041371                  06:00:07.71  -64:18:36.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-01 23:28:24.0     20461568  MIPSP-MC35-HD041371_10s                 
HD041371                  06:00:07.71  -64:18:36.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot     13.00   2006-10-01 23:32:29.4     20461824  MIPSP-MC35-HD041371_30s                 
HD041371                  06:00:07.71  -64:18:36.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-01 23:42:10.3     20463616  MIPSP-MC35-HD041371_3ss                 
LHA 120-S 59              05:45:30.00  -68:10:00.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     21.47   2006-10-01 23:45:37.9     19157248  MIPSP-LHA120-S59                        
RMC 66                    04:56:47.08  -69:50:24.80  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-10-02 00:05:07.1     19156736  MIPSP-RMC66                             
RMC 126                   05:36:25.87  -69:22:55.90  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-10-02 00:21:32.7     19156480  MIPSP-RMC126                            
HD 269211                 05:12:30.17  -70:24:22.30  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-10-02 00:37:47.9     19155968  MIPSP-HD269211                          
TPMPole                   06:00:00.00  -66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-10-02 00:54:40.8     18695424  MIPS_TPMPole_S35                        
Dioretsa                      2020461      Dioretsa  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     61.14   2006-10-02 01:19:44.5     15187456  dcjcloidsDioretsashadow                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-02 02:16:54.9     20434432  anneal                                  
Faye-clus                     1000026                Fazio             COMDUSTGO3   30010 mipsphot     26.46   2006-10-02 02:32:18.1     17309696  trail-faye                              
SZ Tau                    04:37:14.78  +18:32:34.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-02 02:58:07.9     18673920  MIPS24_SZ_Tau                           
t2B                       02:56:52.71  +28:18:21.58  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-10-02 03:03:51.8     20024832  t2B_SE120_050_N11                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-02 05:30:10.7     20435200  anneal                                  
t2B                       03:01:09.32  +28:35:18.48  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-10-02 05:38:53.2     20022272  t2B_SE120_051_N11                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-02 08:05:21.7     20434944  anneal                                  
t2B                       03:05:27.04  +28:51:56.35  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-10-02 08:13:54.5     20026624  t2B_SE120_052_N11                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-02 11:59:49.5     20435456  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Tsuchinshan 1                 1000097 Tsuchinshan 1  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     53.37   2006-10-02 12:10:24.3     19590400  seppcon-62P-Tsu1-1st                    
HD159222                  17:32:00.99  +34:16:16.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-02 13:08:24.6     20462080  MIPSP-MC35-HD159222_3s                  
HD159222                  17:32:00.99  +34:16:16.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-02 13:10:34.6     20462336  MIPSP-MC35-HD159222_10s                 
HD159222                  17:32:00.99  +34:16:16.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot     13.00   2006-10-02 13:14:39.9     20462592  MIPSP-MC35-HD159222_30s                 
HD159222                  17:32:00.99  +34:16:16.10  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          9.45   2006-10-02 13:24:23.0     20473856  MIPSP-MC35-HD159222_30s_raw             
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-02 13:37:00.0     20459008  MIPSP-MC35-HD159330_3s                  
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-02 13:39:07.9     20459264  MIPSP-MC35-HD159330_10s                 
TPMPole                   18:00:00.00  +66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-10-02 13:45:08.7     20135680  MIPS_TPMPole_N35                        
GRB050421                 20:28:58.00  +73:40:00.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-10-02 13:58:27.7     17178112  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050421                  
Echo 2                    23:22:38.54  +58:42:07.50  Rieke             CASA_IR_ECHO 30571 mipsphot     19.94   2006-10-02 14:26:17.0     17657856  CASA_MIPSP_1                            
Echo 6                    23:22:38.54  +57:42:59.60  Rieke             CASA_IR_ECHO 30571 mipsphot     19.95   2006-10-02 14:43:26.7     17658112  CASA_MIPSP_2                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-02 15:02:25.8     20435968  anneal                                  
Echo 3                    23:21:49.74  +59:30:24.00  Rieke             CASA_IR_ECHO 30571 mipsphot     19.93   2006-10-02 15:07:31.6     17658368  CASA_MIPSP_3                            
Echo 5                    23:14:57.21  +59:42:47.80  Rieke             CASA_IR_ECHO 30571 mipsphot     19.93   2006-10-02 15:24:32.9     17658880  CASA_MIPSP_5                            
Echo 4                    23:26:04.01  +57:06:00.60  Rieke             CASA_IR_ECHO 30571 mipsphot     19.96   2006-10-02 15:42:16.2     17659136  CASA_MIPSP_6                            
Echo 1                    23:23:45.32  +58:56:57.30  Rieke             CASA_IR_ECHO 30571 mipsphot     19.93   2006-10-02 15:59:34.3     17658624  CASA_MIPSP_4                            
G336.000+00.000           16:31:25.17  -48:13:49.79  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-02 16:27:29.9     20489472  B001_MG_G336.000+00.000_nshortcov4      
G336.295+00.000           16:32:37.67  -48:00:53.67  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-02 17:34:59.5     20489728  B002_MG_G336.295+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-02 18:45:43.5     20436224  anneal                                  
G336.590+00.000           16:33:49.54  -47:47:54.93  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-02 18:49:15.9     20489984  B003_MG_G336.590+00.000_nshortcov4      
G336.885+00.000           16:35:00.79  -47:34:53.62  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-02 19:56:45.5     20490240  B004_MG_G336.885+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-02 21:07:53.3     20436736  anneal                                  
G337.180+00.000           16:36:11.44  -47:21:49.80  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-02 21:11:04.0     20490496  B005_MG_G337.180+00.000_nshortcov4      
G337.475+00.000           16:37:21.49  -47:08:43.52  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-02 22:18:31.5     20490752  B006_MG_G337.475+00.000_nshortcov4      
nfill12                   17:47:16.31  -26:47:13.34  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsphot      7.81   2006-10-02 23:29:07.7     20486144  G001_MG2_nfill12                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-02 23:38:22.1     20480000  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-03 00:41:25.1     20436992  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.38   2006-10-03 00:56:30.6     20534272  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_1          
Tsuchinshan 1                 1000097 Tsuchinshan 1  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     53.37   2006-10-03 01:32:10.7     19585536  seppcon-62P-Tsu1-2nd                    
Scotti (P/2000 Y3)            1000323 Scotti (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     26.59   2006-10-03 02:28:24.0     19581952  seppcon-P00Y3-Scotti-1st                
G337.770+00.000           16:38:30.94  -46:55:34.83  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-03 02:55:04.1     20491008  B007_MG_G337.770+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-03 04:02:04.2     20437760  anneal                                  
G338.065+00.000           16:39:39.94  -46:42:22.12  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-03 04:09:22.6     20491264  B008_MG_G338.065+00.000_nshortcov4      
G338.360+00.000           16:40:48.36  -46:29:07.11  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-03 05:16:50.1     20491520  B009_MG_G338.360+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-03 06:24:14.0     20437504  anneal                                  
G338.656+00.000           16:41:56.20  -46:15:49.86  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-03 06:31:08.6     20491776  B010_MG_G338.656+00.000_nshortcov4      
G338.950+00.000           16:43:03.48  -46:02:30.41  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-03 07:38:36.1     20492032  B011_MG_G338.950+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-03 08:46:23.8     20481792  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-03 10:12:25.7     20438016  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-03 10:27:14.8     20534528  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_2          
Scotti (P/2000 Y3)            1000323 Scotti (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     26.59   2006-10-03 11:03:24.3     19576064  seppcon-P00Y3-Scotti-2nd                
G339.245+00.000           16:44:10.18  -45:49:08.81  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-03 11:29:30.9     20492288  B012_MG_G339.245+00.000_nshortcov4      
G339.540+00.000           16:45:16.33  -45:35:45.11  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-03 12:36:58.4     20492544  B013_MG_G339.540+00.000_nshortcov4      
Best NEP c35_FixedForToO  17:39:30.00  +68:58:45.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5004 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-03 14:24:18.5     20643328  latent_safe_best_nep                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5004 irac         11.45   2006-10-03 14:25:06.1     20644608  anneal                                  
skydark modified GRB pos  16:58:21.40  +12:21:38.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_TOO  5004 iracmap      54.59   2006-10-03 14:40:43.5     20674304  skydrk_100_rev_b                        
GRB060923A_slide          16:58:25.40  +12:20:51.10  Fox               HIGHESTZGRB3 30871 iracmap      78.49   2006-10-03 15:31:53.0     19158016  IRAC-1003                               
zodi_23a[255]             17:05:36.92  -03:15:41.09  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_TOO  5307 mipsphot    175.54   2006-10-03 17:34:26.7     20644864  calflt-35MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-03 21:04:19.1     20439552  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
trail-Tempel 1                1000093                Reach             FLYROCK        256 mipsphot    128.53   2006-10-03 21:19:57.4     15988480  Tempel1-sep05-shadow                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-03 23:24:32.2     20440320  anneal                                  
Lovas 1                       1000060       Lovas 1  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     20.34   2006-10-03 23:39:48.1     19561984  seppcon-93P-Lov1-1st                    
G10.460+0.032_tweak       18:08:38.35  -19:51:49.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-10-04 00:01:58.7     20027904  G10.4-MIPS-SED_tweak                    
G12.429-0.049_tweak       18:12:54.63  -18:11:06.30  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-10-04 00:06:12.5     20028672  G12.4-MIPS-SED_tweak                    
G18.146-0.284_tweak       18:25:03.48  -13:16:28.90  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-10-04 00:11:01.9     20029440  G18.1-MIPS-SED_tweak                    
G339.835+00.000           16:46:21.93  -45:22:19.36  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 00:18:34.9     20492800  B014_MG_G339.835+00.000_nshortcov4      
G340.130+00.000           16:47:27.11  -45:08:50.02  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 01:26:04.5     20493056  B015_MG_G340.130+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-04 02:35:29.6     20439808  anneal                                  
G340.425+00.000           16:48:31.76  -44:55:18.62  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 02:40:20.9     20493312  B016_MG_G340.425+00.000_nshortcov4      
G340.720+00.000           16:49:35.90  -44:41:45.06  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 03:47:48.4     20493568  B017_MG_G340.720+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-04 04:57:39.4     20440064  anneal                                  
G341.015+00.000           16:50:39.53  -44:28:09.37  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 05:02:04.8     20493824  B018_MG_G341.015+00.000_nshortcov4      
G341.310+00.000           16:51:42.66  -44:14:31.61  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 06:09:34.4     20494080  B019_MG_G341.310+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-04 07:19:49.2     20438272  anneal                                  
G341.605+00.000           16:52:45.29  -44:00:51.81  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 07:23:50.8     20494336  B020_MG_G341.605+00.000_nshortcov4      
G341.899+00.000           16:53:47.43  -43:47:10.03  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 08:31:18.3     20494592  B021_MG_G341.899+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-04 09:41:58.8     20482304  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-04 11:01:25.7     20440576  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-04 11:13:29.0     20534784  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_3          
Lovas 1                       1000060       Lovas 1  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     20.34   2006-10-04 11:48:27.2     19591424  seppcon-93P-Lov1-2nd                    
serpens-north-embedded    18:29:22.50  +00:34:30.00  Harvey            SERP70       20063 mipsphot     85.60   2006-10-04 12:11:51.2     16795904  embed-north                             
GRB011030                 20:43:35.40  +77:17:20.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-10-04 13:40:44.3     17184768  MIPSP-0000 - GRB011030                  
HD170693                  18:25:59.14  +65:33:48.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-04 14:07:41.2     20458496  MIPSP-MC35-HD170693_3s                  
HD170693                  18:25:59.14  +65:33:48.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-04 14:09:49.1     20458752  MIPSP-MC35-HD170693_10s                 
HD152222                  16:47:04.62  +67:16:00.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      5.46   2006-10-04 14:15:43.5     20459520  MIPSP-MC35-HD152222_3s                  
HD152222                  16:47:04.62  +67:16:00.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-04 14:17:51.4     20459776  MIPSP-MC35-HD152222_10s                 
NGC 7538                  23:13:49.70  +61:30:28.00  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 mipsphot     27.73   2006-10-04 14:26:02.2     15054848  NGC7538-MIPS                            
G111.612+0.374            23:15:31.44  +61:07:12.00  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-10-04 14:50:41.7     15153408  G111p6-MIPS-SED                         
G111.282-0.663            23:16:03.60  +60:02:02.40  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-10-04 14:54:36.6     15153152  G111.2-MIPS-SED                         
G61.473+0.093_tweak       19:46:48.55  +25:12:53.50  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-10-04 15:02:55.7     20029696  G61.4-MIPS-SED_tweak                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-04 15:09:53.3     20441344  anneal                                  
G342.195+00.000           16:54:49.20  -43:33:24.81  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 15:20:20.1     20494848  B022_MG_G342.195+00.000_nshortcov4      
G342.490+00.000           16:55:50.49  -43:19:37.71  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 16:27:47.6     20495104  B023_MG_G342.490+00.000_nshortcov4      
G342.785+00.000           16:56:51.30  -43:05:48.76  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 17:35:17.1     20495360  B024_MG_G342.785+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-04 18:47:14.1     20441600  anneal                                  
G343.080+00.000           16:57:51.64  -42:51:58.01  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 18:49:33.6     20495616  B025_MG_G343.080+00.000_nshortcov4      
G343.375+00.000           16:58:51.52  -42:38:05.50  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 19:57:01.0     20495872  B026_MG_G343.375+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-04 21:09:23.7     20441088  anneal                                  
G343.670+00.000           16:59:50.94  -42:24:11.27  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 21:11:17.5     20496128  B027_MG_G343.670+00.000_nshortcov4      
G343.965+00.000           17:00:49.90  -42:10:15.36  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-04 22:18:47.1     20496384  B028_MG_G343.965+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-04 23:31:33.3     20483072  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-05 00:43:26.2     20441856  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-05 00:55:34.8     20535040  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_4          
M8                        18:03:41.65  -24:22:45.30  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 mipsphot     97.03   2006-10-05 01:26:50.7     15051008  M8/NGC6530-MIPS                         
sfill7                    17:41:26.83  -31:50:29.80  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsphot      9.14   2006-10-05 03:02:08.6     20487424  G006_MG2_sfill7                         
sfill34                   17:51:53.79  -28:25:54.50  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsphot     19.00   2006-10-05 03:09:16.4     20486912  G004_MG2_sfill34                        
nfill345                  17:43:13.68  -28:29:09.00  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsphot      9.73   2006-10-05 03:25:35.8     20486400  G002_MG2_nfill345                       
sfill56                   17:47:14.48  -30:07:52.69  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsphot     17.24   2006-10-05 03:32:47.8     20487168  G005_MG2_sfill56                        
sfill12                   17:55:49.90  -26:47:54.90  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsphot     15.20   2006-10-05 03:48:06.3     20486656  G003_MG2_sfill12                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-05 04:02:03.8     20442624  anneal                                  
G344.260+00.000           17:01:48.51  -41:56:16.43  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 04:09:50.7     20496640  B029_MG_G344.260+00.000_nshortcov4      
G344.556+00.000           17:02:46.68  -41:42:15.92  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 05:17:20.3     20496896  B030_MG_G344.556+00.000_nshortcov4      
G344.851+00.000           17:03:44.41  -41:28:13.86  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 06:24:47.8     20497152  B031_MG_G344.851+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-05 07:34:55.1     20442880  anneal                                  
G345.146+00.000           17:04:41.70  -41:14:10.31  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 07:39:04.2     20497408  B032_MG_G345.146+00.000_nshortcov4      
G345.441+00.000           17:05:38.57  -41:00:05.15  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 08:46:33.8     20497664  B033_MG_G345.441+00.000_nshortcov4      
G345.735+00.000           17:06:35.03  -40:45:58.30  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 09:54:01.3     20497920  B034_MG_G345.735+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-05 11:08:33.6     20474624  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-05 12:13:26.3     20443136  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-05 12:25:40.8     20535296  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_5          
HIP93825                  19:06:25.23  -37:03:50.56  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-05 12:53:16.5     19875072  AOR_1 - HIP93825                        
HIP89211                  18:12:21.47  -43:26:44.31  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-05 12:58:34.2     19871744  AOR_1 - HIP89211                        
W Sgr                     18:05:01.23  -29:34:48.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      9.60   2006-10-05 13:03:49.8     18670848  MIPS_W_Sgr                              
HIP92756                  18:54:06.82  -54:21:11.84  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-05 13:13:26.5     19873792  AOR_2 - HIP92756                        
HIP93069                  18:57:30.58  -55:59:33.22  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-05 13:23:29.5     19868672  AOR_2 - HIP93069                        
eta Tel                   19:22:51.21  -54:25:26.10  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-10-05 13:33:59.7     17326080  MIPSE-etaTel                            
HIP94225                  19:10:52.23  -47:09:35.28  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-05 14:05:10.3     19770624  AOR_2 - HIP94225                        
HIP94739                  19:16:43.05  -45:53:24.44  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-05 14:15:21.6     19748864  AOR_2 - HIP94739                        
Ciffreo-clus                  1000013                Fazio             COMDUSTGO3   30010 mipsphot     33.74   2006-10-05 14:33:05.9     17309952  trail-ciffreo                           
Korlevic (P/1999 WJ7)         1000292 Korlevic (P/1  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     12.65   2006-10-05 15:11:05.5     19579136  seppcon-P99WJ7-Korl-1st                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-05 15:19:47.2     20443392  anneal                                  
BB Sgr                    18:50:59.87  -20:17:42.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     20.62   2006-10-05 15:29:01.3     18670592  MIPS_BB_Sgr                             
V350 Sgr                  18:45:17.50  -20:38:50.60  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     31.00   2006-10-05 15:46:57.2     18674944  MIPS_V350_Sgr                           
U Sgr-offsets             18:31:53.33  -19:07:30.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     29.17   2006-10-05 16:15:51.5     18686208  MIPS70_U_Sgr                            
G346.030+00.000           17:07:31.09  -40:31:49.77  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 16:45:44.6     20498176  B035_MG_G346.030+00.000_nshortcov4      
G346.326+00.000           17:08:26.84  -40:17:38.33  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 17:53:14.2     20498432  B036_MG_G346.326+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-05 19:00:39.9     20443904  anneal                                  
G346.621+00.000           17:09:22.20  -40:03:25.31  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 19:07:32.7     20498688  B037_MG_G346.621+00.000_nshortcov4      
G346.916+00.000           17:10:17.17  -39:49:10.74  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 20:15:00.2     20498944  B038_MG_G346.916+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-05 21:26:44.7     20444160  anneal                                  
G347.211+00.000           17:11:11.75  -39:34:54.65  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 21:32:23.2     20499200  B039_MG_G347.211+00.000_nshortcov4      
G347.507+00.000           17:12:05.95  -39:20:37.09  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-05 22:39:50.7     20499456  B040_MG_G347.507+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-05 23:49:16.3     20474880  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-06 00:58:26.4     20444416  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-06 01:10:48.3     20535552  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_6          
Korlevic (P/1999 WJ7)         1000292 Korlevic (P/1  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     12.65   2006-10-06 01:44:12.1     19573504  seppcon-P99WJ7-Korl-2nd                 
HD177817                  19:06:52.12  -16:13:45.40  Rieke             CLEANUP      30566 mipsphot     14.02   2006-10-06 01:55:08.5     17656320  MIPSP-ISO-5                             
L328                      18:16:59.52  -18:02:30.80  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 mipssed      20.86   2006-10-06 02:07:41.4     18399488  L328-MIPSsed                            
Pipe-5m1                  17:12:58.00  -27:21:16.50  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan     54.42   2006-10-06 02:27:53.5     14097152  mP05b                                   
G11.2-0.3spec             18:11:32.28  -19:27:10.50  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-10-06 03:20:51.7     18545152  G11.2-0.3-MIPS-SED                      
IRDC27C                   18:17:50.40  -15:53:38.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-06 03:33:22.5     17811712  MIPSE - IRDC27C                         
IRDC27A                   18:17:40.00  -15:48:55.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-06 03:45:51.2     17811968  MIPSE - IRDC27A                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-06 03:59:46.6     20445184  anneal                                  
G347.802+00.000           17:12:59.77  -39:06:18.07  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-06 04:08:28.0     20499712  B041_MG_G347.802+00.000_nshortcov4      
G348.097+00.000           17:13:53.23  -38:51:57.64  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-06 05:15:57.6     20499968  B042_MG_G348.097+00.000_nshortcov4      
G348.392+00.000           17:14:46.38  -38:37:34.67  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.82   2006-10-06 06:23:25.1     20500224  B043_MG_G348.392+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-06 07:33:30.4     20445440  anneal                                  
G348.688+00.000           17:15:39.18  -38:23:10.37  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 07:37:41.5     20500480  B044_MG_G348.688+00.000_nshortcov4      
G348.983+00.000           17:16:31.61  -38:08:44.77  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 08:45:09.0     20500736  B045_MG_G348.983+00.000_nshortcov4      
G349.279+00.000           17:17:23.69  -37:54:17.91  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 09:54:54.9     20500992  B046_MG_G349.279+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-06 11:06:21.7     20475392  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-06 12:10:26.7     20445696  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-06 12:22:16.5     20535808  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_7          
Pipe - 111                17:26:45.00  -26:32:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    101.92   2006-10-06 12:50:57.2     14098688  mP111b                                  
G349.7spec                17:18:00.70  -37:26:16.30  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-10-06 14:30:51.8     18547712  G349.7+0.2-MIPS-SED                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-06 14:43:34.4     20445952  anneal                                  
2004 YH32                     3265649          null  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     14.06   2006-10-06 15:06:43.5     15184640  dcjcloidsYH32                           
GRB050410                 05:58:59.00  +79:35:60.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-10-06 15:18:28.2     17181440  MIPSP-0000 - GRB050410                  
HD 250550                 06:01:59.99  +16:30:56.70  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-06 15:48:23.3     16823296  HD 250550 MIPS                          
HIP25119                  05:22:37.52  +02:36:10.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-06 16:03:18.8     19889664  AOR_1 - HIP25119                        
HIP27803                  05:53:00.29  -05:59:43.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-06 16:08:21.8     19861760  AOR_1 - HIP27803                        
Orion216-0939             05:35:21.57  -05:09:38.90  Stapelfeldt       SPIT_EDGEON  30765 mipsphot     21.47   2006-10-06 16:12:36.6     18966784  MIPSP-0000 - Orion216-0939              
G349.574+00.000           17:18:15.42  -37:39:49.81  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 16:41:00.6     20501248  B047_MG_G349.574+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-06 17:50:00.5     20446208  anneal                                  
G349.869+00.000           17:19:06.80  -37:25:20.51  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 17:55:17.0     20501504  B048_MG_G349.869+00.000_nshortcov4      
G350.164+00.000           17:19:57.83  -37:10:50.06  Carey             MIPSGAL      20597 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 19:02:46.6     20501760  B049_MG_G350.164+00.000_nshortcov4      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-06 20:12:09.3     20446464  anneal                                  
G350.459+00.000           17:20:48.60  -36:56:17.29  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 20:17:03.0     20485888  C001_MG2_G350.459+00.000_nshortcov4     
G350.755+00.000           17:21:39.04  -36:41:43.16  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 21:24:30.5     20483328  C002_MG2_G350.755+00.000_nshortcov4     
G351.050+00.000           17:22:29.17  -36:27:07.68  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-06 22:34:35.2     20483584  C003_MG2_G351.050+00.000_nshortcov4     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-06 23:45:20.1     20475648  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-07 00:55:26.9     20446720  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-07 01:07:19.7     20536064  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_8          
EclipticScan              19:12:16.57  -19:40:45.37  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipsscan     28.69   2006-10-07 01:34:51.2     18698496  MIPS_ScanT_N35                          
EclipticScan              19:15:23.21  -25:20:01.92  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipsscan     28.69   2006-10-07 02:02:06.5     18701568  MIPS_ScanT_S35                          
EclipticScan              05:46:39.01  +26:06:16.35  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipsscan     28.68   2006-10-07 02:40:24.4     18700032  MIPS_ScanL_N35                          
EclipticScan              05:48:03.93  +20:24:37.07  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipsscan     28.68   2006-10-07 03:06:15.8     18703104  MIPS_ScanL_S35                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-07 03:32:39.0     20447232  anneal                                  
G351.346+00.000           17:23:18.99  -36:12:30.91  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 03:50:05.1     20483840  C004_MG2_G351.346+00.000_nshortcov4     
G351.641+00.000           17:24:08.49  -35:57:52.85  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 04:57:32.6     20484096  C005_MG2_G351.641+00.000_nshortcov4     
G351.937+00.000           17:24:57.69  -35:43:13.55  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 06:05:02.1     20484352  C006_MG2_G351.937+00.000_nshortcov4     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-07 07:14:30.0     20447488  anneal                                  
G352.232+00.000           17:25:46.59  -35:28:33.04  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 07:19:18.6     20484608  C007_MG2_G352.232+00.000_nshortcov4     
G352.528+00.000           17:26:35.23  -35:13:50.44  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 08:26:46.1     20484864  C008_MG2_G352.528+00.000_nshortcov4     
G352.823+00.000           17:27:23.58  -34:59:06.70  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 09:34:13.5     20485120  C009_MG2_G352.823+00.000_nshortcov4     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-07 10:44:18.3     20475904  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-07 11:47:27.0     20448000  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-07 11:59:23.0     20536320  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_9          
HIP98130                  19:56:37.24  -31:20:06.92  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-07 12:27:07.0     19764736  AOR_1 - HIP98130                        
HIP100223                 20:19:36.68  -46:25:41.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-10-07 12:32:35.2     19790080  AOR_2 - HIP100223                       
HIP98679                  20:02:35.45  -50:03:12.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-10-07 12:43:15.9     19898880  AOR_2 - HIP98679                        
NGC6752                   19:10:51.78  -59:58:54.70  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot      9.60   2006-10-07 12:54:51.1     17315072  n6752_24                                
TPMEcliptic               05:47:48.94  +23:10:46.88  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-10-07 13:14:36.0     18686976  MIPS_TPMEcliptic_L35                    
Pels135                   03:45:01.67  +19:33:33.70  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-07 13:28:32.8     18310400  MIPSP-Gorlova31                         
Trs42                     03:42:24.00  +21:28:24.60  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-07 13:33:30.6     18306304  MIPSP-Gorlova15                         
AKIA036                   03:42:24.02  +22:25:16.10  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot     10.00   2006-10-07 13:38:09.5     18304256  MIPSP-Gorlova7                          
AKII383                   03:38:22.58  +22:29:58.90  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot     10.00   2006-10-07 13:45:24.6     18305536  MIPSP-Gorlova12                         
HII102                    03:43:24.54  +23:13:33.30  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot     10.00   2006-10-07 13:52:46.1     18311680  MIPSP-Gorlova36                         
Pels086                   03:58:01.69  +20:40:36.60  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-07 14:00:47.4     18309376  MIPSP-Gorlova27                         
Mrk1066                   02:59:58.59  +36:49:14.30  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-07 14:06:42.8     18518016  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - Mrk1066          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-07 14:13:11.2     20448512  anneal                                  
G353.119+00.000           17:28:11.64  -34:44:21.85  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 14:29:43.8     20485376  C010_MG2_G353.119+00.000_nshortcov4     
G353.415+00.000           17:28:59.40  -34:29:35.91  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mipsscan     70.81   2006-10-07 15:37:13.4     20485632  C011_MG2_G353.415+00.000_nshortcov4     
G353.712+00.000           17:29:47.25  -34:14:42.10  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-07 16:44:43.0     20504832  D001_MG2_G353.712p00.000_basecov4A      
G354.671+00.000           17:32:19.27  -33:26:38.90  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-07 19:35:17.0     20505088  D002_MG2_G354.671p00.000_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-07 19:35:56.8     20448768  anneal                                  
G355.628+00.000           17:34:48.42  -32:38:25.93  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-07 20:43:16.0     20505344  D003_MG2_G355.628p00.000_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-07 21:59:14.3     20476160  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-07 22:52:57.2     20449024  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-07 23:04:57.8     20536576  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_10         
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-07 23:38:30.0     20416768  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-07 23:43:33.0     20417024  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_1    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot     17.59   2006-10-07 23:47:41.5     20417280  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_1      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot     17.59   2006-10-08 00:04:19.8     20417536  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-08 00:19:18.6     20449536  anneal                                  
gamma dra                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipssed      33.47   2006-10-08 00:28:12.1     20532736  MIPS-CALMC35-Various-SED-HD164058-p1chop
gamma dra                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipssed      33.47   2006-10-08 00:58:16.7     20532992  MIPS-CALMC35-Various-SED-HD164058-m1chop
gamma dra                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipssed      33.47   2006-10-08 01:28:23.4     20533248  MIPS-CALMC35-Various-SED-HD164058-p2chop
gamma dra                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipssed      33.47   2006-10-08 01:58:28.0     20533504  MIPS-CALMC35-Various-SED-HD164058-p3chop
HIP84223                  17:12:54.45  +42:19:51.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.08   2006-10-08 02:33:53.4     19887360  AOR_4 - HIP84223                        
G356.586+00.000           17:37:14.93  -31:50:01.91  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 02:54:17.1     20505600  D004_MG2_G356.586p00.000_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-08 04:04:57.6     20449792  anneal                                  
G354.751+00.000           17:32:31.91  -33:22:36.23  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-08 04:09:28.1     20505856  D005_MG2_G354.751p00.000_basecov4B      
G353.793+00.000           17:30:00.11  -34:10:40.62  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-08 05:17:31.2     20506112  D006_MG2_G353.793p00.000_basecov4B      
G355.709+00.000           17:35:00.83  -32:34:22.46  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-08 06:25:57.4     20506368  D007_MG2_G355.709p00.000_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-08 07:37:16.1     20450048  anneal                                  
G356.667+00.000           17:37:27.12  -31:45:57.54  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-08 07:40:57.9     20506624  D008_MG2_G356.667p00.000_basecov4B      
G353.873+00.000           17:30:12.96  -34:06:39.06  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 08:49:32.5     20506880  D009_MG2_G353.873p00.000_basecov4C      
G354.832+00.000           17:32:44.53  -33:18:33.48  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 09:57:31.4     20507136  D010_MG2_G354.832p00.000_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-08 11:09:25.3     20476416  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-08 12:22:41.1     20450304  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-08 12:34:44.4     20536832  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_11         
HIP96085                  19:32:06.82  -11:16:29.72  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-08 13:03:27.2     19822592  AOR_1 - HIP96085                        
U Aql                     19:29:21.36  -07:02:38.70  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     18.43   2006-10-08 13:07:46.1     18675200  MIPS_U_Aql                              
IRDC14E                   18:38:17.70  -07:02:51.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 13:25:02.1     17808128  MIPSE - IRDC14E                         
IRDC14A                   18:38:10.20  -07:02:34.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 13:37:26.6     17808384  MIPSE - IRDC14A                         
IRDC11C                   18:37:19.00  -07:11:38.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed       8.36   2006-10-08 13:50:05.8     17809152  MIPSE - IRDC11C                         
IRDC11B                   18:37:12.60  -07:11:22.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 13:55:05.7     17822208  MIPSE - IRDC11B                         
IRDC11A                   18:37:12.60  -07:12:10.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 14:07:28.1     17808896  MIPSE - IRDC11A                         
IRDC17C                   18:36:26.60  -07:40:31.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 14:20:15.6     17806592  MIPSE - IRDC17C                         
IRDC22F                   18:36:39.60  -07:33:10.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 14:32:48.5     17805056  MIPSE - IRDC22F                         
IRDC22H                   18:36:29.90  -07:32:30.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 14:45:13.0     17804800  MIPSE - IRDC22H                         
IRDC17E                   18:36:04.00  -07:42:55.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 14:57:48.0     17806080  MIPSE - IRDC17E                         
IRDC51F                   18:35:25.81  -07:37:10.60  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 15:10:22.9     17818624  MIPSE - - IRDC51F                       
IRDC51C                   18:35:19.40  -07:37:17.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 15:22:45.3     17818368  MIPSE - - IRDC51C                       
IRDC51B                   18:35:05.10  -07:35:58.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-08 15:35:11.9     17819136  MIPSE - - IRDC51B                       
IRDC39A                   18:52:58.80  +00:42:37.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed       8.36   2006-10-08 15:49:38.0     17803008  MIPSED - IRDC39A                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-08 15:55:00.7     20451328  anneal                                  
G355.789+00.000           17:35:13.21  -32:30:18.91  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 16:08:59.8     20507392  D011_MG2_G355.789p00.000_basecov4C      
G356.747+00.000           17:37:39.28  -31:41:53.09  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 17:16:58.8     20507648  D012_MG2_G356.747p00.000_basecov4C      
G353.500+01.900           17:21:38.21  -33:21:25.86  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 18:25:48.0     20507904  D013_MG2_G353.500p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-08 19:35:23.6     20451584  anneal                                  
G354.480+01.900           17:24:16.49  -32:32:58.27  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 19:40:35.9     20508160  D014_MG2_G354.480p01.900_basecov4A      
G355.457+01.900           17:26:51.44  -31:44:24.42  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-08 20:48:34.9     20508416  D015_MG2_G355.457p01.900_basecov4A      
G353.582+01.900           17:21:51.61  -33:17:22.37  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-08 21:56:59.0     20508672  D016_MG2_G353.582p01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-08 23:07:10.4     20476672  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-09 00:11:57.5     20451840  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-09 00:23:36.5     20671232  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_26         
Pipe-9r                   17:28:50.00  -25:50:06.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    172.69   2006-10-09 00:52:10.9     14099200  mP11b                                   
IRDC15C                   18:18:56.40  -15:45:00.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-09 03:43:27.9     17807872  MIPSE - IRDC15C                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-09 03:57:29.8     20452608  anneal                                  
G354.562+01.900           17:24:29.65  -32:28:53.46  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-09 04:05:39.6     20508928  D017_MG2_G354.562p01.900_basecov4B      
G355.539+01.900           17:27:04.33  -31:40:19.11  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-09 05:13:49.0     20509184  D018_MG2_G355.539p01.900_basecov4B      
G353.664+01.900           17:22:04.99  -33:13:18.79  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-09 06:22:11.0     20509440  D019_MG2_G353.664p01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-09 07:32:29.1     20452864  anneal                                  
G354.644+01.900           17:24:42.78  -32:24:48.55  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-09 07:40:18.2     20509696  D020_MG2_G354.644p01.900_basecov4C      
G355.621+01.900           17:27:17.19  -31:36:13.72  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-09 08:48:15.0     20509952  D021_MG2_G355.621p01.900_basecov4C      
G356.433+01.900           17:29:23.40  -30:55:41.32  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-09 09:56:09.8     20510208  D022_MG2_G356.433p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-09 11:08:22.4     20476928  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-09 12:16:27.7     20453120  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_7b                   04:58:39.37  +02:49:32.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.35   2006-10-09 12:37:38.5     20464640  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_7b_1           
HIP24874                  05:19:59.65  -15:50:21.30  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-09 13:05:58.3     19877120  AOR_2 - HIP24874                        
HIP26335                  05:36:30.99  +11:19:39.85  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 13:18:15.4     19773440  AOR_1 - HIP26335                        
HIP25220                  05:23:38.51  +17:19:26.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 13:22:51.2     19784448  AOR_1 - HIP25220                        
HIP23835                  05:07:27.27  +18:38:42.23  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 13:27:03.9     19788800  AOR_1 - HIP23835                        
33009 (1997 EM28)             2033009 33009 (1997 E  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-10-09 13:38:43.3     18733568  MIPSP-0020 - 97EM28                     
Broughton (P/2005 T5)         1001674 Broughton (P/  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-10-09 13:46:47.7     19583744  seppcon-P05T5-Brgtn-1st                 
HIP21988                  04:43:35.47  +27:41:12.94  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 13:52:23.3     19805184  AOR_1 - HIP21988                        
L1521F                    04:28:38.96  +26:51:35.10  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 mipssed      27.67   2006-10-09 13:56:23.4     18401792  L1521F-MIPSsed                          
HK-Tau-B                  04:31:50.57  +24:24:15.00  Stapelfeldt       SPIT_EDGEON  30765 mipsphot     24.61   2006-10-09 14:21:39.6     18966528  MIPSP-0000 - HK-Tau-B                   
HD 28226                  04:28:00.78  +21:37:11.70  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      61.82   2006-10-09 14:43:59.7     17327360  MIPSE-HD28226                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-09 15:42:20.1     20453632  anneal                                  
Broughton (P/2005 T5)         1001674 Broughton (P/  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-10-09 15:56:31.3     19578368  seppcon-P05T5-Brgtn-2nd                 
Pels174                   04:03:44.16  +22:56:39.50  Rieke             PLEIADESGTO  30503 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-09 16:02:38.3     18307840  MIPSP-Gorlova21                         
HIP29525                  06:13:12.54  +10:37:35.38  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 16:10:15.5     19864320  AOR_1 - HIP29525                        
NGC2110                   05:52:11.38  -07:27:22.40  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 16:15:43.7     18519296  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - NGC2110          
HIP29432                  06:12:00.66  +06:46:57.38  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 16:20:59.3     19799808  AOR_1 - HIP29432                        
HIP28267                  05:58:21.57  -04:39:03.83  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-09 16:25:58.1     19898624  AOR_1 - HIP28267                        
NGC1851                   05:14:06.73  -40:02:47.80  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot      9.60   2006-10-09 16:32:37.6     17316096  n1851_24                                
G357.408+01.900           17:31:52.45  -30:06:50.70  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-09 16:47:22.6     20510464  D023_MG2_G357.408p01.900_basecov4A      
G358.381+01.900           17:34:18.78  -29:17:51.60  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-09 17:55:19.5     20510720  D024_MG2_G358.381p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-09 19:06:28.3     20454144  anneal                                  
G359.353+01.900           17:36:42.40  -28:28:47.07  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-09 19:10:07.3     20510976  D025_MG2_G359.353p01.900_basecov4A      
G356.515+01.900           17:29:36.04  -30:51:35.26  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-09 20:18:39.8     20511232  D026_MG2_G356.515p01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-09 21:30:17.7     20454400  anneal                                  
G357.489+01.900           17:32:04.85  -30:02:44.04  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-09 21:33:38.2     20511488  D027_MG2_G357.489p01.900_basecov4B      
G358.463+01.900           17:34:30.96  -29:13:44.26  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-09 22:44:03.9     20511744  D028_MG2_G358.463p01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-09 23:56:57.4     20477440  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-10 01:01:27.9     20454656  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.37   2006-10-10 01:13:10.3     20537600  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_14         
IRAS 18325-5926           18:36:58.29  -59:24:08.60  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-10 01:42:20.4     18517504  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - IR1832-5926      
HIP85042                  17:22:51.30  -02:23:18.09  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-10 01:50:32.2     19845120  AOR_1 - HIP85042                        
SDSS171704.69+0281400.6   17:17:04.69  +28:14:00.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-10-10 01:56:40.2     18141952  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS171704.69+0281400.6    
HIP84607                  17:17:40.46  +29:13:39.38  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-10 02:01:21.3     19801856  AOR_2 - HIP84607                        
HIP85582                  17:29:19.94  +29:23:28.83  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-10 02:11:36.8     19812864  AOR_2 - HIP85582                        
HIP99427                  20:10:52.55  +77:14:23.95  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-10 02:25:36.7     19889152  AOR_2 - HIP99427                        
HIP86614_20               17:41:57.29  +72:09:08.60  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-10 02:36:59.3     19787520  AOR_2 - HIP86614_20                     
G348.5                    17:15:04.90  -38:33:41.00  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-10-10 02:54:52.0     20379392  G348.5-0.0-MIPS-SED                     
CTB37Aspec2               17:14:25.73  -38:35:09.20  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-10-10 03:06:17.7     18552576  CTB37Atwo-MIPS-SED                      
CTB37Aspec1               17:14:35.26  -38:28:21.70  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-10-10 03:17:43.5     18547200  CTB37A-MIPS-SED                         
G346.6spec                17:10:14.66  -40:14:37.50  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-10-10 03:29:55.4     18546944  G346.6-0.2-MIPS-SED                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-10 03:44:59.4     20455168  anneal                                  
G359.435+01.900           17:36:54.36  -28:24:39.29  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-10 03:50:18.0     20512000  D029_MG2_G359.435p01.900_basecov4B      
G356.597+01.900           17:29:48.66  -30:47:29.13  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 04:58:52.6     20512256  D030_MG2_G356.597p01.900_basecov4C      
G357.571+01.900           17:32:17.23  -29:58:37.30  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 06:06:51.6     20512512  D031_MG2_G357.571p01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-10 07:18:48.1     20455424  anneal                                  
G358.545+01.900           17:34:43.12  -29:09:36.84  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 07:21:37.4     20512768  D032_MG2_G358.545p01.900_basecov4C      
G359.516+01.900           17:37:06.29  -28:20:31.44  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 08:29:36.3     20513024  D033_MG2_G359.516p01.900_basecov4C      
G353.250-01.900           17:36:20.08  -35:40:04.28  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 09:38:38.2     20513280  E001_MG2_G353.250n01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-10 10:51:18.9     20477696  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-10 11:58:28.0     20455680  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-10 12:10:13.5     20537856  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_15         
HIP97944                  19:54:17.69  -23:56:30.61  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-10 12:40:55.8     19830016  AOR_1 - HIP97944                        
HIP97051                  19:43:25.42  +10:05:23.00  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-10 12:47:41.6     19763456  AOR_1 - HIP97051                        
HIP95447                  19:24:58.55  +11:56:44.29  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-10 12:52:02.7     19819776  AOR_1 - HIP95447                        
HD182296                  19:23:38.73  +08:39:36.00  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     20.62   2006-10-10 12:56:07.0     18674432  MIPS_HD182296                           
HD 195592                 20:30:34.97  +44:18:54.90  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipssed      18.30   2006-10-10 13:17:30.5     19944192  MIPSE-HD195592                          
HIP98921                  20:05:09.93  +38:28:43.22  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-10 13:34:07.6     19767040  AOR_1 - HIP98921                        
IRDC55H                   19:29:39.20  +17:58:42.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-10 13:40:01.0     17821184  MIPSE - - IRDC55H                       
IRDC55G                   19:29:43.80  +17:58:49.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed       8.36   2006-10-10 13:52:25.5     17803776  MIPSED - IRDC55G                        
IRDC55A                   19:29:38.70  +18:01:41.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-10 13:57:27.5     17820672  MIPSE - - IRDC55A                       
IRDC55B                   19:29:34.30  +18:01:37.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed       8.36   2006-10-10 14:09:47.8     17803520  MIPSED - IRDC55B                        
IRDC55D                   19:29:42.10  +18:03:57.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-10 14:14:51.9     17820928  MIPSE - - IRDC55D                       
IRDC55F                   19:29:49.70  +18:04:39.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-10 14:27:18.4     17821440  MIPSE - - IRDC55F                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-10 14:43:09.1     20420864  anneal                                  
G354.222-01.900           17:38:52.88  -34:50:50.99  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 14:52:22.1     20513536  E002_MG2_G354.222n01.900_basecov4A      
G355.192-01.900           17:41:22.55  -34:01:31.80  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 16:00:18.9     20513792  E003_MG2_G355.192n01.900_basecov4A      
G353.332-01.900           17:36:33.01  -35:35:56.86  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-10 17:08:41.0     20514048  E004_MG2_G353.332n01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-10 18:20:39.6     20421120  anneal                                  
G354.303-01.900           17:39:05.58  -34:46:42.46  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-10 18:23:41.4     20514304  E005_MG2_G354.303n01.900_basecov4B      
G355.273-01.900           17:41:35.00  -33:57:22.80  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-10 19:31:50.8     20514560  E006_MG2_G355.273n01.900_basecov4B      
G353.413-01.900           17:36:45.93  -35:31:49.35  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-10 20:40:15.0     20514816  E007_MG2_G353.413n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-10 21:52:49.6     20477952  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-10 23:02:28.2     20421376  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-10 23:14:17.1     20538112  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_16         
Pipe-101r                 17:31:40.00  -25:45:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    172.69   2006-10-10 23:43:06.1     14099712  mP101b                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-11 02:36:32.3     20421632  anneal                                  
TPMEcliptic               20:00:19.09  -23:00:12.27  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-10-11 02:45:07.0     18686720  MIPS_TPMEcliptic_T35                    
IRDC6B                    18:30:24.40  -09:12:44.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 02:59:26.8     17822720  MIPSE - IRDC6B                          
IRDC6A                    18:30:24.40  -09:10:34.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 03:11:47.1     17810944  MIPSE - IRDC6A                          
IRDC33G                   18:34:10.00  -08:18:28.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 03:24:55.7     17814528  MIPSE - IRDC33G                         
IRDC43A                   18:53:20.40  +01:28:23.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed       8.36   2006-10-11 03:39:28.1     17802752  MIPSED - IRDC43A                        
G354.385-01.900           17:39:18.26  -34:42:33.86  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 03:49:11.1     20515072  E008_MG2_G354.385n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-11 04:59:40.2     20422144  anneal                                  
G355.355-01.900           17:41:47.42  -33:53:13.73  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 05:03:59.0     20515328  E009_MG2_G355.355n01.900_basecov4C      
G356.161-01.900           17:43:49.38  -33:12:04.62  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 06:11:51.6     20515584  E010_MG2_G356.161n01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-11 07:22:44.7     20422400  anneal                                  
G357.130-01.900           17:46:13.49  -32:22:30.22  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 07:26:39.5     20515840  E011_MG2_G357.130n01.900_basecov4A      
G358.099-01.900           17:48:35.07  -31:32:47.54  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 08:34:38.4     20516096  E012_MG2_G358.099n01.900_basecov4A      
G359.066-01.900           17:50:54.14  -30:42:59.58  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 09:42:37.4     20516352  E013_MG2_G359.066n01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-11 10:54:03.3     20478208  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-11 12:13:28.4     20422656  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-11 12:25:19.6     20538368  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_17         
HIP95501                  19:25:30.02  +03:06:53.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-11 12:54:56.9     19894272  AOR_1 - HIP95501                        
HIP93871                  19:07:01.89  +07:36:52.05  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-11 12:59:41.0     19861248  AOR_1 - HIP93871                        
IRDC33F                   18:34:11.60  -08:19:06.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 13:05:36.5     17814016  MIPSE - IRDC33F                         
IRDC33A                   18:34:21.10  -08:18:07.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 13:18:03.1     17814272  MIPSE - IRDC33A                         
IRDC33C                   18:34:21.10  -08:17:11.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 13:30:25.5     17815040  MIPSE - IRDC33C                         
IRDC45B                   18:34:51.10  -07:45:32.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 13:43:15.1     17816832  MIPSE - - IRDC45B                       
IRDC45A                   18:35:02.60  -07:45:56.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 13:55:41.7     17817088  MIPSE - - IRDC45A                       
IRDC51G                   18:35:27.90  -07:36:18.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 14:08:16.7     17818112  MIPSE - - IRDC51G                       
IRDC51H                   18:35:27.90  -07:35:32.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-11 14:20:41.2     17818880  MIPSE - - IRDC51H                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-11 14:33:20.9     20422912  anneal                                  
G356.243-01.900           17:44:01.59  -33:07:54.97  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-11 14:43:55.8     20516608  E014_MG2_G356.243n01.900_basecov4B      
G357.212-01.900           17:46:25.48  -32:18:19.99  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-11 15:55:07.7     20516864  E015_MG2_G357.212n01.900_basecov4B      
G358.180-01.900           17:48:46.85  -31:28:36.64  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-11 17:03:19.2     20517120  E016_MG2_G358.180n01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-11 18:13:07.0     20423680  anneal                                  
G359.147-01.900           17:51:05.71  -30:38:48.25  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-11 18:18:17.5     20517376  E017_MG2_G359.147n01.900_basecov4B      
G356.324-01.900           17:44:13.79  -33:03:45.26  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 19:26:56.3     20517632  E018_MG2_G356.324n01.900_basecov4C      
G357.293-01.900           17:46:37.45  -32:14:09.71  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 20:34:55.3     20517888  E019_MG2_G357.293n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-11 21:45:16.9     20478464  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-11 22:48:28.3     20420352  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-11 22:59:58.4     20540416  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_25         
PKS1839-48                18:43:14.64  -48:36:23.27  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     20.97   2006-10-11 23:28:18.1     14430208  MIPSP-0052                              
HIP98204                  19:57:19.59  -12:34:08.33  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-11 23:49:57.3     19838976  AOR_1 - HIP98204                        
G358.261-01.900           17:48:58.62  -31:24:25.69  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-11 23:56:53.6     20518144  E020_MG2_G358.261n01.900_basecov4C      
G359.229-01.900           17:51:17.27  -30:34:36.87  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 01:04:50.4     20518400  E021_MG2_G359.229n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-12 02:15:01.0     20424192  anneal                                  
G000.000-01.900           17:53:06.25  -29:54:47.47  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 02:19:32.0     20518656  E022_MG2_G000.000n01.900_basecov4A      
G000.958-01.900           17:55:19.67  -29:05:14.00  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 03:27:28.9     20518912  E023_MG2_G000.958n01.900_basecov4A      
G001.916-01.900           17:57:31.21  -28:15:30.48  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 04:35:25.7     20519168  E024_MG2_G001.916n01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-12 05:46:13.3     20424448  anneal                                  
G000.080-01.900           17:53:17.53  -29:50:38.11  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-12 05:50:34.6     20519424  E025_MG2_G000.080n01.900_basecov4B      
G001.038-01.900           17:55:30.78  -29:01:03.94  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-12 07:04:34.2     20519680  E026_MG2_G001.038n01.900_basecov4B      
G001.997-01.900           17:57:42.17  -28:11:19.60  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-12 08:12:43.6     20519936  E027_MG2_G001.997n01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-12 09:25:53.3     20478976  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-12 10:48:28.5     20424704  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-12 11:00:00.6     20537344  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_13         
HIP92283                  18:48:29.29  +10:44:40.66  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-12 11:29:42.1     19883776  AOR_1 - HIP92283                        
HD 164058                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipssed      31.91   2006-10-12 11:36:48.9     20415488  MIPS-CALMC35-Various-SED-HD164058       
Pipe-18r                  17:33:40.00  -25:30:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    172.70   2006-10-12 12:11:53.3     14100480  mP10b                                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-12 15:03:00.6     20424960  anneal                                  
NGC 6357                  17:25:09.00  -34:15:38.00  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 mipsphot     97.21   2006-10-12 15:09:09.0     15051776  NGC6357-MIPS                            
G000.161-01.900           17:53:28.80  -29:46:28.69  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 16:44:28.9     20520192  E028_MG2_G000.161n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-12 17:54:50.0     20425216  anneal                                  
G001.119-01.900           17:55:41.88  -28:56:53.82  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 17:59:14.7     20520448  E029_MG2_G001.119n01.900_basecov4C      
G002.077-01.900           17:57:53.11  -28:07:08.66  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 19:09:44.7     20520704  E030_MG2_G002.077n01.900_basecov4C      
G002.876-01.900           17:59:40.99  -27:25:36.78  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 20:17:37.3     20520960  E031_MG2_G002.876n01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-12 21:29:22.8     20425472  anneal                                  
G003.837-01.900           18:01:49.04  -26:35:34.53  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 21:32:25.2     20521216  E032_MG2_G003.837n01.900_basecov4A      
G004.798-01.900           18:03:55.45  -25:45:24.00  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-12 22:40:22.0     20521472  E033_MG2_G004.798n01.900_basecov4A      
G002.957-01.900           17:59:51.80  -27:21:25.05  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-12 23:48:44.0     20521728  E034_MG2_G002.957n01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-13 01:01:07.0     20479232  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-13 02:28:28.3     20425728  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-13 02:40:39.9     20538880  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_19         
HD024512                  03:47:14.34  -74:14:20.30  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot     20.50   2006-10-13 03:12:35.6     20415232  MIPS-CALMC35-NF-HD024512                
IRAS 03538-6432           03:54:25.20  -64:23:44.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-13 03:31:43.8     20533760  mips-35MC-sed-ulirg                     
2000 HE46                     3043768     2000 HE46  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     53.37   2006-10-13 03:57:06.3     15188224  dcjcloidsHE46                           
2002 XU93                     2127546     2002 XU93  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     26.51   2006-10-13 04:55:50.6     15184896  dcjcloidsXU93                           
HIP27207                  05:46:02.17  +37:17:01.27  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 05:21:00.5     19822336  AOR_1 - HIP27207                        
HIP26505                  05:38:11.44  +51:26:45.38  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 05:26:11.9     19743744  AOR_1 - HIP26505                        
HIP19255                  04:07:34.45  +38:04:27.75  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 05:32:07.4     19773696  AOR_1 - HIP19255                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-13 05:35:27.9     20425984  anneal                                  
IRAM04191+1522            04:21:56.90  +15:29:45.80  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 mipssed      20.86   2006-10-13 05:44:47.6     18399744  IRAM04191-MIPSsed                       
HIP24608                  05:16:41.44  +45:59:49.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 06:06:02.7     19772416  AOR_1 - HIP24608                        
IRAS 06099+1800           06:12:53.40  +18:01:14.00  Klein             RKMM_MIPS    20635 mipsphot     13.05   2006-10-13 06:12:31.7     14949632  MIPSP-6099 70um                         
G003.917-01.900           18:01:59.71  -26:31:22.10  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-13 06:34:56.0     20521984  E035_MG2_G003.917n01.900_basecov4B      
G004.879-01.900           18:04:05.99  -25:41:10.89  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-13 07:43:07.5     20522240  E036_MG2_G004.879n01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-13 08:53:21.9     20426496  anneal                                  
G003.037-01.900           18:00:02.61  -27:17:13.28  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-13 08:58:18.4     20522496  E037_MG2_G003.037n01.900_basecov4C      
G003.998-01.900           18:02:10.37  -26:27:09.63  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-13 10:08:27.4     20522752  E038_MG2_G003.998n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-13 11:20:19.1     20479488  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-13 12:23:26.7     20426752  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-13 12:35:02.8     20539136  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_20         
T Mon                     06:25:13.00  +07:05:08.60  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     11.81   2006-10-13 13:12:40.4     18671872  MIPS_T_ Mon                             
HIP30422                  06:23:46.49  +04:35:44.77  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 13:22:06.6     19808768  AOR_1 - HIP30422                        
HIP27922                  05:54:30.20  -19:42:15.83  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-13 13:28:16.8     19755776  AOR_2 - HIP27922                        
NGC1808                   05:07:42.32  -37:30:45.70  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 13:40:33.9     18519040  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - NGC1808          
HIP22451                  04:49:52.31  -35:06:28.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-13 13:44:52.9     19771648  AOR_2 - HIP22451                        
RCS043934-2904.6          04:39:34.00  -29:04:36.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.82   2006-10-13 13:55:50.4     19247360  MIPS24core z3poor RCS043934-2904.6      
HIP25421                  05:26:14.86  -32:30:17.77  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-13 14:21:12.9     19747584  AOR_2 - HIP25421                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-13 14:32:11.2     20427008  anneal                                  
HIP24783                  05:18:47.47  -21:23:36.70  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-10-13 14:39:24.4     19818752  AOR_3 - HIP24783                        
HIP17544                  03:45:24.30  -27:51:44.23  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.10   2006-10-13 14:54:02.1     19778304  AOR_4 - HIP17544                        
HIP30503                  06:24:43.78  -28:46:49.28  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-13 15:11:25.4     19878656  AOR_2 - HIP30503                        
HIP18915                  04:03:15.99  +35:16:14.33  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 15:27:12.3     19792128  AOR_1 - HIP18915                        
HIP29650                  06:14:50.82  +19:09:21.38  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-13 15:34:04.4     19753216  AOR_1 - HIP29650                        
NGC 2175                  06:09:12.50  +20:32:41.00  Hester            HESTER_HSTFO 20726 mipsphot     97.24   2006-10-13 15:37:58.2     15052288  NGC2175-MIPS                            
G004.959-01.900           18:04:16.51  -25:36:57.74  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-13 17:24:33.4     20523008  E039_MG2_G004.959n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-13 18:36:38.4     20427264  anneal                                  
G005.759-01.900           18:06:00.26  -24:55:06.52  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-13 18:39:15.0     20523264  E040_MG2_G005.759n01.900_basecov4A      
G006.722-01.900           18:08:03.63  -24:04:40.30  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-13 19:47:14.0     20523520  E041_MG2_G006.722n01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-13 20:59:42.4     20427520  anneal                                  
G007.685-01.900           18:10:05.66  -23:14:05.53  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-13 21:01:59.7     20523776  E042_MG2_G007.685n01.900_basecov4A      
G005.840-01.900           18:06:10.67  -24:50:52.83  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-13 22:10:21.8     20524032  E043_MG2_G005.840n01.900_basecov4B      
G006.803-01.900           18:08:13.93  -24:00:25.89  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-13 23:18:33.3     20524288  E044_MG2_G006.803n01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-14 00:36:51.3     20479744  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 01:58:27.6     20427776  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-14 02:10:06.0     20539392  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_21         
TPMPole                   18:00:00.00  +66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-10-14 02:43:50.8     18707712  MIPS_TPMPole_N45                        
HIP17439                  03:44:09.31  -38:16:52.40  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-10-14 03:06:44.5     19877376  AOR_2 - HIP17439                        
HIP28442                  06:00:19.17  -31:01:41.44  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-14 03:19:41.5     19867648  AOR_2 - HIP28442                        
HIP18450                  03:56:36.42  -41:20:36.08  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-10-14 03:32:34.3     19805952  AOR_2 - HIP18450                        
HIP21284                  04:34:01.25  -43:31:29.52  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-10-14 03:43:27.5     19873280  AOR_3 - HIP21284                        
HIP21770                  04:40:33.64  -41:51:50.13  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-14 03:55:51.0     19854336  AOR_2 - HIP21770                        
RCS051940-4402.1          05:19:40.00  -44:02:06.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     15.24   2006-10-14 04:06:50.5     19249408  MIPS24core z4poor RCS051940-4402.1      
TPMPole                   06:00:00.00  -66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-10-14 04:21:52.3     18697984  MIPS_TPMPole_S45                        
HIP64690                  13:15:24.28  -87:33:39.70  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-14 04:35:44.8     19816960  AOR_1 - HIP64690                        
HIP104436                 21:09:21.60  -82:01:38.62  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-14 04:40:43.7     19807744  AOR_2 - HIP104436                       
HIP107089                 21:41:28.75  -77:23:25.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-14 04:51:28.5     19838208  AOR_2 - HIP107089                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 05:03:28.7     20428032  anneal                                  
G007.766-01.900           18:10:15.84  -23:09:50.43  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.43   2006-10-14 05:13:07.7     20524544  E045_MG2_G007.766n01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 06:23:40.8     20428288  anneal                                  
G005.921-01.900           18:06:21.06  -24:46:39.12  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-14 06:28:20.8     20524800  E046_MG2_G005.921n01.900_basecov4C      
G006.884-01.900           18:08:24.21  -23:56:11.46  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-14 07:36:19.7     20525056  E047_MG2_G006.884n01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 08:47:14.3     20428544  anneal                                  
G007.847-01.900           18:10:26.02  -23:05:35.29  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-14 08:51:05.5     20525312  E048_MG2_G007.847n01.900_basecov4C      
G001.891+01.900           17:42:46.63  -26:19:51.49  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-14 10:00:22.0     20525568  F001_MG2_G001.891p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-14 11:11:45.0     20480256  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 12:08:29.4     20428800  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-14 12:20:08.5     20539648  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_22         
2000 HE46                     3043768     2000 HE46  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 mipsphot     53.37   2006-10-14 13:03:17.4     15188480  dcjcloidsHE46shadow                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 13:57:19.8     20421888  anneal                                  
Pipe-20r                  17:36:00.00  -25:10:00.00  Lada              CP2-GO-PIPE  20119 mipsscan    165.82   2006-10-14 14:15:37.5     14100736  mP09b                                   
IRDC19C                   18:43:07.10  -03:44:01.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 17:01:17.9     17805824  MIPSE - IRDC19C                         
IRDC19E                   18:43:13.20  -03:41:03.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 17:13:44.5     17805568  MIPSE - IRDC19E                         
IRDC57B                   18:46:31.70  -02:32:41.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 17:26:55.1     17821952  MIPSE - - IRDC57B                       
IRDC57A                   18:46:35.70  -02:31:03.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 17:39:19.6     17821696  MIPSE - - IRDC57A                       
IRDC54C                   18:47:54.50  -02:11:15.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 17:52:07.2     17820160  MIPSE - - IRDC54C                       
IRDC54B                   18:48:01.80  -02:12:35.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 18:04:31.6     17820416  MIPSE - - IRDC54B                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 18:18:38.5     20423168  anneal                                  
IRDC29A                   18:48:21.50  -01:48:27.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 18:24:03.9     17812224  MIPSE - IRDC29A                         
IRDC39B                   18:52:56.40  +00:43:08.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 18:37:33.4     17815296  MIPSE - - IRDC39B                       
IRDC43H                   18:53:19.00  +01:24:08.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-14 18:50:25.2     17815808  MIPSE - - IRDC43H                       
G002.841+01.900           17:44:59.33  -25:31:17.32  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-14 19:07:09.7     20525824  F002_MG2_G002.841p01.900_basecov4A      
G003.795+01.900           17:47:10.56  -24:42:25.25  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-14 20:15:08.7     20526080  F003_MG2_G003.795p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-14 21:24:50.1     20429312  anneal                                  
G001.970+01.900           17:42:57.81  -26:15:47.97  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-14 21:30:21.7     20526336  F004_MG2_G001.970p01.900_basecov4B      
G002.921+01.900           17:45:10.39  -25:27:12.19  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-14 22:38:33.2     20526592  F005_MG2_G002.921p01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-14 23:48:38.7     20480512  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-15 01:03:24.2     20429568  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.36   2006-10-15 01:14:43.3     20537088  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_12         
HIP99385                  20:10:19.35  -20:29:38.85  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-10-15 01:42:44.1     19809536  AOR_2 - HIP99385                        
HIP98416                  19:59:47.22  -09:57:32.32  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 01:53:56.2     19790336  AOR_1 - HIP98416                        
HIP98036                  19:55:18.81  +06:24:20.76  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 01:59:11.9     19868416  AOR_1 - HIP98036                        
HIP98677                  20:02:34.08  +15:35:27.30  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 02:03:56.0     19895552  AOR_1 - HIP98677                        
HD 188001                 19:52:21.76  +18:40:18.70  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipsphot     12.02   2006-10-15 02:08:10.8     19948032  MIPSP-HD188001                          
G54.4                     19:33:05.52  +19:16:47.00  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-10-15 02:18:02.2     18551808  G54.4-MIPS-SED                          
M1-67                     19:11:30.88  +16:51:38.20  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 mipsphot      7.79   2006-10-15 02:30:45.6     18379776  M1-67-WR124-MIPS                        
HIP93966                  19:07:57.35  +16:51:10.22  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 02:35:43.4     19759104  AOR_1 - HIP93966                        
FF Aql                    18:58:14.75  +17:21:39.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     11.81   2006-10-15 02:42:08.2     18673152  MIPS_ FF_Aql                            
HIP92311                  18:48:51.69  +17:26:17.29  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 02:51:26.0     19804928  AOR_1 - HIP92311                        
HIP90959                  18:33:17.66  +22:18:47.99  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 02:55:55.5     19799296  AOR_1 - HIP90959                        
HIP87579                  17:53:29.91  +21:19:31.55  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 03:00:33.4     19846656  AOR_2 - HIP87579                        
HIP87768                  17:55:44.87  +18:30:00.97  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 03:10:48.9     19808256  AOR_2 - HIP87768                        
HIP86722                  17:43:15.57  +21:36:28.71  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 03:21:27.5     19884800  AOR_1 - HIP86722                        
HIP86974                  17:46:27.38  +27:43:09.16  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 03:25:50.7     19832832  AOR_2 - HIP86974                        
HIP88348                  18:02:31.07  +26:18:42.49  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 03:36:20.9     19832320  AOR_2 - HIP88348                        
HIP88745                  18:07:01.52  +30:33:44.40  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 03:46:55.3     19748096  AOR_2 - HIP88745                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-15 04:01:30.5     20429824  anneal                                  
Z8276                     17:44:14.50  +32:59:30.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-10-15 04:04:29.1     18643456  MIPSP-0130 - Z8276                      
HIP91605                  18:40:54.93  +31:31:53.22  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 04:24:07.7     19898368  AOR_2 - HIP91605                        
HIP93017                  18:57:01.70  +32:54:03.81  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 04:34:37.9     19885312  AOR_2 - HIP93017                        
HIP97223                  19:45:35.58  +30:00:36.09  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 04:45:43.7     19897344  AOR_1 - HIP97223                        
HIP97222                  19:45:33.56  +33:36:03.02  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 04:49:52.2     19897600  AOR_1 - HIP97222                        
HIP97295                  19:46:25.61  +33:43:36.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 04:53:06.2     19872512  AOR_1 - HIP97295                        
HIP98767                  20:03:37.78  +29:53:44.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 04:57:31.5     19794688  AOR_1 - HIP98767                        
IRDC55E                   19:29:50.00  +18:05:07.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed       8.36   2006-10-15 05:02:47.1     17803264  MIPSED - IRDC55E                        
G003.875+01.900           17:47:21.50  -24:38:18.63  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-15 05:12:44.8     20526848  F006_MG2_G003.875p01.900_basecov4B      
G002.050+01.900           17:43:08.98  -26:11:44.40  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.42   2006-10-15 06:21:06.8     20527104  F007_MG2_G002.050p01.900_basecov4C      
G003.001+01.900           17:45:21.44  -25:23:06.99  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.42   2006-10-15 07:35:52.6     20527360  F008_MG2_G003.001p01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-15 07:36:47.9     20430080  anneal                                  
G003.955+01.900           17:47:32.42  -24:34:11.95  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-15 08:43:49.4     20527616  F009_MG2_G003.955p01.900_basecov4C      
G004.752+01.900           17:49:20.39  -23:53:15.48  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-15 09:51:42.1     20527872  F010_MG2_G004.752p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-15 11:08:02.3     20480768  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-15 12:18:29.6     20430336  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.35   2006-10-15 12:29:51.6     20539904  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_23         
HIP100925                 20:27:44.24  -30:52:07.86  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-10-15 12:57:58.8     19892992  AOR_2 - HIP100925                       
HIP103458                 20:57:39.74  -44:07:52.56  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-10-15 13:09:29.8     19867392  AOR_2 - HIP103458                       
HIP110443                 22:22:16.06  -54:33:36.69  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-10-15 13:21:17.6     19801600  AOR_2 - HIP110443                       
RCS222717-5956.5          22:27:17.00  -59:56:30.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.84   2006-10-15 13:32:08.7     19244032  MIPS24core z2poor RCS222717-5956.5      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-15 13:57:12.5     20430592  anneal                                  
HDFS2 ur                  22:31:38.00  -60:34:30.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 mipsphot     42.66   2006-10-15 14:02:58.4     19159552  MIPS-HDFS2-1                            
HDFS2 ul                  22:32:15.70  -60:34:17.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 mipsphot     42.66   2006-10-15 14:42:21.9     19160576  MIPS-HDFS2-2                            
RCS212238-6146.1          21:22:38.00  -61:46:06.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.82   2006-10-15 15:23:32.3     19248128  MIPS24core z3rich RCS212238-6146.1      
HIP14286                  03:04:10.35  +61:42:16.33  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 15:59:55.5     19769856  AOR_1 - HIP14286                        
HIP10529                  02:15:41.99  +67:40:35.02  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:04:33.3     19751936  AOR_1 - HIP10529                        
HIP8867                   01:54:06.05  +66:10:33.39  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:08:33.5     19802368  AOR_1 - HIP8867                         
HIP10531                  02:15:43.18  +67:40:18.28  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:12:31.5     19749632  AOR_1 - HIP10531                        
HIP8070                   01:43:40.30  +63:49:20.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:16:50.5     19801344  AOR_1 - HIP8070                         
HIP8362                   01:47:45.45  +63:51:07.48  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:20:10.8     19827968  AOR_1 - HIP8362                         
HIP5247                   01:07:09.82  +63:56:30.99  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:24:31.8     19806976  AOR_1 - HIP5247                         
HIP3876                   00:49:46.99  +70:26:59.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:29:07.6     19806720  AOR_1 - HIP3876                         
HIP4454                   00:57:05.32  +69:02:34.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:32:55.2     19830784  AOR_1 - HIP4454                         
HIP7339                   01:34:32.75  +68:56:54.30  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 16:37:01.6     19738880  AOR_1 - HIP7339                         
HIP18774                  04:01:20.28  +76:09:30.08  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-15 16:42:06.7     19820032  AOR_2 - HIP18774                        
HIP46417                  09:27:56.21  +80:34:45.84  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.08   2006-10-15 16:53:46.1     19808512  AOR_4 - HIP46417                        
HIP4151                   00:53:04.13  +61:07:27.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 17:10:54.8     19810560  AOR_1 - HIP4151                         
HIP15673                  03:21:54.51  +52:19:51.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-15 17:16:46.0     19788544  AOR_1 - HIP15673                        
HDE316285                 17:48:14.04  -28:00:53.10  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 mipsphot      7.80   2006-10-15 17:31:02.7     18381312  HDE316285-MIPS                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-15 17:41:55.4     20430848  anneal                                  
G005.711+01.900           17:51:28.84  -23:03:49.18  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-15 17:48:39.7     20528128  F011_MG2_G005.711p01.900_basecov4A      
G006.675+01.900           17:53:36.06  -22:14:04.58  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-15 18:56:36.5     20528384  F012_MG2_G006.675p01.900_basecov4A      
G007.641+01.900           17:55:42.15  -21:24:01.47  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-15 20:11:24.4     20528640  F013_MG2_G007.641p01.900_basecov4A      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-15 20:12:10.0     20431104  anneal                                  
G004.832+01.900           17:49:31.21  -23:49:07.38  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-15 21:19:56.9     20528896  F014_MG2_G004.832p01.900_basecov4B      
G005.792+01.900           17:51:39.55  -22:59:39.71  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-15 22:28:06.3     20529152  F015_MG2_G005.792p01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-15 23:44:31.7     20481024  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 01:03:29.7     20423936  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.35   2006-10-16 01:14:51.8     20538624  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_18         
HIP99452                  20:11:05.86  +16:11:19.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 01:45:19.4     19874560  AOR_1 - HIP99452                        
HIP99316                  20:09:34.30  +16:48:21.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 01:48:50.2     19830272  AOR_1 - HIP99316                        
HD 190429A                20:03:29.40  +36:01:31.00  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipsphot     12.02   2006-10-16 01:54:35.2     19942656  MIPSP-HD190429A                         
HIP99031                  20:06:21.65  +35:58:17.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 02:03:44.6     19800832  AOR_1 - HIP99031                        
HIP99880                  20:15:52.63  +42:58:43.96  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 02:08:20.4     19783680  AOR_1 - HIP99880                        
HIP101382                 20:32:51.55  +41:53:57.74  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 02:12:22.6     19760640  AOR_1 - HIP101382                       
HIP96395                  19:35:55.61  +56:59:00.72  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-16 02:18:03.4     19863040  AOR_2- HIP96395                         
HIP95995                  19:31:07.38  +58:35:06.14  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-16 02:28:14.7     19784704  AOR_2 - HIP95995                        
HIP83454                  17:03:19.42  +59:35:17.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-10-16 02:39:58.3     19899136  AOR_3 - HIP83454                        
HIP86282                  17:37:48.59  +22:57:15.00  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-16 02:55:07.4     19889408  AOR_2 - HIP86282                        
IRDC42A                   18:44:08.50  -04:33:22.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-16 03:08:04.4     17815552  MIPSE - - IRDC42A                       
HIP96183                  19:33:25.54  +21:50:23.76  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 03:23:50.2     19882240  AOR_1 - HIP96183                        
IRDC43I                   18:53:19.80  +01:23:30.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-10-16 03:29:49.9     17816064  MIPSE - - IRDC43I                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 03:47:05.9     20431616  anneal                                  
G006.755+01.900           17:53:46.67  -22:09:53.59  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-16 03:52:39.3     20529408  F016_MG2_G006.755p01.900_basecov4B      
G007.723+01.900           17:55:52.67  -21:19:48.93  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.44   2006-10-16 05:00:48.8     20529664  F017_MG2_G007.723p01.900_basecov4B      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 06:14:07.9     20432128  anneal                                  
G004.912+01.900           17:49:42.02  -23:44:59.24  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.42   2006-10-16 06:16:12.3     20529920  F018_MG2_G004.912p01.900_basecov4C      
G005.873+01.900           17:51:50.24  -22:55:30.19  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-16 07:24:11.2     20530176  F019_MG2_G005.873p01.900_basecov4C      
G006.836+01.900           17:53:57.27  -22:05:42.55  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-16 08:37:39.4     20530432  F020_MG2_G006.836p01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mips          5.41   2006-10-16 09:52:48.4     20481280  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 10:48:29.9     20431872  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_26a                  19:12:21.01  -28:14:05.20  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1877 mipsscan     29.35   2006-10-16 10:59:52.7     20540160  MIPSGAL-35MC-24flat-zodi_26a_24         
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips         16.68   2006-10-16 11:33:29.1     20419840  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips         16.42   2006-10-16 11:50:22.5     20456448  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 12:08:58.7     20417792  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_2    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 12:13:57.6     20418048  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_2    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot     17.60   2006-10-16 12:18:06.1     20418304  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_2      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mipsphot     17.59   2006-10-16 12:34:44.3     20418560  MIPS-CALMC35-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_2      
NGC 2403maj-W             07:33:27.00  +65:49:33.00  Zaritsky          DZDUST1      20321 mipsphot     62.41   2006-10-16 12:53:32.6     14532608  MIPSP-0005                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 13:54:14.9     20433152  anneal                                  
ugc 4036                  07:51:54.74  +73:00:56.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.76   2006-10-16 14:00:53.8     19198976  MIPSP-0020                              
ugc 3701                  07:11:42.68  +72:10:09.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.76   2006-10-16 14:22:27.7     19198464  MIPSP-0018                              
Mrk 3                     06:15:36.36  +71:02:15.10  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipssed      20.86   2006-10-16 14:44:12.1     17640960  MIPSE-CTAGN                             
HIP29548                  06:13:35.47  +63:23:37.45  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-16 15:03:19.3     19862528  AOR_2 - HIP29548                        
HIP27188                  05:45:48.56  +62:14:07.03  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-16 15:13:47.4     19900928  AOR_2 - HIP27188                        
HD 30614                  04:54:03.01  +66:20:33.60  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipssed      13.16   2006-10-16 15:24:49.0     19949568  MIPSE-HD30614                           
HIP22498                  04:50:25.30  +63:19:57.41  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 15:35:46.5     19756032  AOR_1 - HIP22498                        
HIP18324                  03:55:04.24  +61:09:58.93  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 15:40:16.0     19750912  AOR_1 - HIP18324                        
HIP18413                  03:56:11.27  +59:38:32.17  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 15:44:03.5     19815168  AOR_1 - HIP18413                        
HIP17749                  03:48:01.20  +68:40:24.14  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 15:48:56.1     19891456  AOR_1 - HIP17749                        
HIP19422                  04:09:35.13  +69:32:26.97  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 15:52:45.7     19745536  AOR_1 - HIP19422                        
HIP14633                  03:09:04.83  +76:02:24.71  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 15:57:21.5     19870208  AOR_1 - HIP14633                        
HIP6344                   01:21:31.66  +80:09:05.88  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 16:01:50.9     19800064  AOR_1 - HIP6344                         
HIP115147                 23:19:27.08  +79:00:13.02  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 16:06:18.3     19769344  AOR_1 - HIP115147                       
HIP117712                 23:52:25.93  +75:32:40.59  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 16:10:31.0     19852800  AOR_1 - HIP117712                       
HIP112527                 22:47:31.25  +83:41:50.13  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-10-16 16:15:13.1     19896320  AOR_1 - HIP112527                       
Polaris                   02:31:49.08  +89:15:50.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      7.60   2006-10-16 16:19:44.7     18672896  MIPS_ Polaris                           
HIP63762                  13:04:06.21  +87:06:56.81  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-16 16:25:07.6     19792640  AOR_2 - HIP63762                        
HIP51819                  10:35:11.28  +84:23:57.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-16 16:35:42.0     19780352  AOR_2 - HIP51819                        
HIP70857                  14:29:22.03  +80:48:34.64  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-10-16 16:46:43.7     19788032  AOR_2 - HIP70857                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 17:00:12.5     20434688  anneal                                  
HIP90376                  18:26:28.84  +79:25:26.03  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-10-16 17:04:51.0     19756800  AOR_2 - HIP90376                        
A2218_A                   16:35:59.90  +66:12:42.00  Dowell            DOWELL_CLUST 30823 mipsphot     87.06   2006-10-16 17:16:40.9     19043840  MIPSP-DOWELL-A2218_A-70                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 18:45:04.1     20435712  anneal                                  
ic1805                    02:32:42.00  +61:27:00.00  Wolff             IC1805       20052 mipsphot    177.30   2006-10-16 18:52:14.5     13846528  MIPS visit 02                           
G007.804+01.900           17:56:03.17  -21:15:36.35  Carey             MIPSGALII    30594 mips         67.41   2006-10-16 21:59:05.8     20530688  F021_MG2_G007.804p01.900_basecov4C      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_173  1739 mips          6.83   2006-10-16 23:14:41.4     20437248  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          67.10   2006-10-17 01:19:50.1     20549120  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.05   2006-10-17 02:26:49.3     20549376  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     15.00   2006-10-17 02:38:55.8     20556544  caldrk_IRS-35_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     27.41   2006-10-17 02:51:13.8     20565504  caldrk_IRS-35_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     24.61   2006-10-17 03:15:51.2     20555520  caldrk_IRS-35_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.73   2006-10-17 03:36:16.3     20555776  caldrk_IRS-35_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     44.19   2006-10-17 03:49:42.2     20553216  caldrk_IRS-35_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
DG Tau                    04:27:04.70  +26:06:16.30  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.64   2006-10-17 04:38:39.3     19488000  IRSS-BaryDG1                            
XZ Tau                    04:31:40.07  +18:13:59.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.62   2006-10-17 04:47:53.9     19494144  IRSS-BaryXZ1                            
DM Tau                    04:33:48.70  +18:10:10.00  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.15   2006-10-17 04:55:35.0     19489024  IRSS-BaryDM1                            
SMMJ04315+10277           04:13:27.26  +10:27:40.50  Lutz              QSOPAH       30314 irsstare    232.89   2006-10-17 05:02:59.4     18027520  QSO-0004                                
IC 2003 2MASS coords, bet 03:56:22.03  +33:52:30.10  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     39.05   2006-10-17 08:55:18.3     19902208  IRSS-0011-IC2003 2MASS coords, better sk
RS Oph                    17:50:13.20  -06:42:28.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     49.48   2006-10-17 09:42:32.6     17058304  IRSS-RSOPH-x4                           
RS Oph-bkgr               17:50:18.08  -06:43:38.50  Evans             RSOPH          270 irsstare     23.91   2006-10-17 10:28:46.1     17058048  IRSS-RSOPH-x4-bkg                       
CSS 1005                  17:51:33.17  -06:24:03.30  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.80   2006-10-17 10:49:58.6     18937344  IRSS-sgal-0078                          
IRAS17456-2037            17:48:40.60  -20:38:10.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.03   2006-10-17 11:00:22.3     17927936  IRSS-0066                               
MSX6C G358.4248-01.8763   17:49:16.50  -31:15:17.38  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      8.71   2006-10-17 11:08:47.0     18185984  IRSS-0023                               
HDE316285limbs            17:48:12.61  -28:02:11.30  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 irsstare     75.22   2006-10-17 11:23:11.6     18381568  HDE316285-IRS0123-S                     
NGC 6445 8 um position    17:49:14.31  -20:00:21.50  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     55.27   2006-10-17 12:36:35.5     19904256  IRSS-0006-NGC6445 8 um position         
HD161573                  17:46:07.33  +05:31:48.70  Massa             EXTINCTIONEM 30459 irsmap       31.85   2006-10-17 13:33:35.5     18240256  IRSM-0026                               
IRAS F17132+5313          17:14:20.45  +53:10:31.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     15.45   2006-10-17 14:04:47.8     20366592  IRS-stare IRAS F17132+5313              
Hiltner 188               01:57:48.16  +59:58:31.80  Massa             EXTINCTIONEM 30459 irsmap       30.94   2006-10-17 14:24:33.6     18240512  IRSM-0000                               
RX_J1852.3-3700_w_sky     18:52:17.30  -37:00:11.90  Meyer             RUBBLE         148 irsstare    124.20   2006-10-17 15:01:24.5     17145088  IRSF-S6-NEW                             
NGC1365-05-15             03:33:32.34  -36:06:41.00  Bresolin          METALRICH    30205 irsstare    203.38   2006-10-17 17:10:25.1     17864704  NGC1365                                 
HD 42525                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irspeakup    39.18   2006-10-17 20:34:07.6     20552704  calpfx-35-eta1Dor                       
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     74.39   2006-10-17 21:10:08.4     20565760  calsfx-35A-eta1Dor                      
NGC7538 IRS11_background  23:15:07.62  +61:26:57.80  Sandell           GSANDELL     30534 irsmap        8.67   2006-10-17 22:37:53.1     19953408  IRSM SAMPLE COMBINED_background         
NGC7538 IRS11             23:13:43.92  +61:26:57.80  Sandell           GSANDELL     30534 irsmap      160.29   2006-10-17 22:43:18.8     19953152  IRSM SAMPLE COMBINED                    
I17460                    17:49:16.50  -31:15:18.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare      9.53   2006-10-18 01:29:30.2     17502208  IRSS-0007                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.15   2006-10-18 02:50:01.9     20550656  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.73   2006-10-18 03:02:02.7     20559872  caldrk_IRS-35_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.80   2006-10-18 03:13:43.6     20560128  caldrk_IRS-35_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     12.76   2006-10-18 03:25:24.8     20558336  caldrk_IRS-35_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     27.41   2006-10-18 03:35:25.1     20573696  caldrk_IRS-35_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.48   2006-10-18 03:59:36.4     20554496  caldrk_IRS-35_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_2    
IRAS20037-1547sky         20:06:35.68  -15:40:05.20  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     19.70   2006-10-18 04:18:08.1     16413952  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg097sky                 
IRAS20037-1547            20:06:31.70  -15:39:08.00  Armus             LARMUS2      20375 irsstare     27.21   2006-10-18 04:34:31.1     14580992  IRSS-lahigh-ulirg097                    
HD193281                  20:20:27.88  -29:11:50.00  Jura              YOUNGA          84 irsstare     30.30   2006-10-18 05:00:31.6     16176640  IRSS-ASTAR-FOLLOWUP-007                 
HD189245                  20:00:20.25  -33:42:12.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     18.33   2006-10-18 05:29:05.0     15995136  HD189245_IRS                            
IRAS19288                 19:32:07.30  -34:12:57.50  Zijlstra          LOGAL_AGB    20357 irsstare     35.19   2006-10-18 05:45:20.3     14539776  IRSS-IRAS19288                          
M2-29 Hi Res w/sky        18:06:40.86  -26:54:55.90  Kwitter           HALOCOMP     20049 irsstare     20.84   2006-10-18 06:20:00.3     16808960  IRSS-M2-29_hi                           
iras 20176-4756           20:21:11.10  -47:47:08.00  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     43.12   2006-10-18 06:41:31.2     14876160  IRSS-20176                              
HD205390                  21:36:41.24  -50:50:43.40  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     32.24   2006-10-18 07:23:39.0     16029696  HD205390_IRS                            
IC5063                    20:52:02.30  -57:04:08.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare     20.22   2006-10-18 07:54:17.5     18506752  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - IC5063            
IC5063_background         20:51:37.00  -57:01:29.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare      8.82   2006-10-18 08:11:18.6     20305152  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - IC5063_background 
HD168740                  18:25:31.63  -63:01:17.50  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.47   2006-10-18 08:19:13.6     19085312  IRSM-0003                               
MSX6C G006.5661-03.6398   18:14:26.75  -25:02:56.75  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      8.70   2006-10-18 08:26:03.3     18181632  IRSS-0002                               
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     18.81   2006-10-18 08:37:50.3     20566272  calsfx-35B-sky                          
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     35.49   2006-10-18 08:53:51.8     20566016  calsfx-35B-HR7341                       
TU Dra                    18:51:30.14  +48:54:43.00  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.62   2006-10-18 09:27:15.5     18938112  IRSS-sgal-0081                          
HD 188209 with bkg        19:51:59.07  +47:01:38.40  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     44.49   2006-10-18 09:37:47.5     19952128  IRSS-HD188209 - LH                      
HD 188209                 19:51:59.07  +47:01:38.40  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     11.68   2006-10-18 10:18:25.8     19949056  IRSS-HD188209 - SH                      
CM Cyg                    19:58:34.16  +52:05:46.30  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.48   2006-10-18 10:28:06.3     18939136  IRSS-sgal-0085                          
V1974 Cyg                 20:30:31.66  +52:37:50.80  Evans             NYESNOVAE3   30076 irsstare     21.70   2006-10-18 10:37:35.8     17732096  IRSS-V1974                              
V1974 Cyg                 20:30:36.00  +52:34:11.00  Evans             NYESNOVAE3   30076 irsstare      6.85   2006-10-18 10:55:52.8     17737216  IRSS-V1974_BG                           
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irspeakup    37.92   2006-10-18 11:00:56.0     17973504  PUI-sn2004et-4                          
HH315C-irsmap             20:45:07.00  +68:04:52.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsmap       45.36   2006-10-18 11:37:04.5     18955776  HH315C-LL                               
HH315B+C-bkg              20:44:23.78  +68:06:05.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsstare     11.91   2006-10-18 12:19:03.0     18957568  HH315C-BKG-LL                           
HD 207198 with bkg        21:44:53.28  +62:27:38.00  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     24.63   2006-10-18 12:29:50.6     19949824  IRSS-HD207198 - LH                      
HD 207198                 21:44:53.28  +62:27:38.00  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare      9.66   2006-10-18 12:50:37.5     19945728  IRSS-HD207198 - SH                      
HD 206267 with bkg        21:38:57.62  +57:29:20.50  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     14.36   2006-10-18 12:58:13.2     19950848  IRSS-HD206267 - LH                      
MSX6C G071.6282-02.3617   20:21:03.75  +32:29:23.53  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      6.29   2006-10-18 13:12:24.8     18183424  IRSS-0010                               
HD 209481                 22:02:04.57  +58:00:01.30  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     16.71   2006-10-18 13:28:21.7     19951616  IRSS-HD209481 - SH                      
HD 209481 with bkg        22:02:04.57  +58:00:01.30  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     84.29   2006-10-18 13:42:38.3     19942912  IRSS-HD209481 - LH                      
HD 206267                 21:38:57.62  +57:29:20.50  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     11.69   2006-10-18 15:04:04.4     19947264  IRSS-HD206267 - SH                      
21393104.5747140          21:39:31.04  +57:47:14.00  Sicilia-Aguilar   SICILIA      30523 irsstare     30.13   2006-10-18 15:14:10.4     18345984  IRSS-0030                               
21395813.5728335          21:39:58.13  +57:28:33.50  Sicilia-Aguilar   SICILIA      30523 irsstare     21.51   2006-10-18 15:41:47.4     18346240  IRSS-0031                               
13-1877                   21:38:17.03  +57:39:26.50  Sicilia-Aguilar   SICILIA      30523 irsstare     32.88   2006-10-18 16:00:46.1     18341120  IRSS-0011                               
HD 204827                 21:28:57.76  +58:44:23.20  Massa             EXTINCTIONEM 30459 irsmap       12.57   2006-10-18 16:31:36.9     18238720  IRSM-0014                               
J900                      06:25:57.28  +17:47:27.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsmap       25.94   2006-10-18 16:47:14.3     20570368  calwav-35A-J900                         
ngc2175c                  06:09:12.73  +20:29:30.36  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 irsstare    189.07   2006-10-18 17:11:05.1     16838144  IRSS-NGC2175-c                          
Yeung                         1000388         Yeung  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    28.13   2006-10-18 20:31:46.8     19570432  seppcon-172P-Yeung                      
NP Aur                    06:28:01.81  +36:04:59.10  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.38   2006-10-18 20:58:23.8     18921216  IRSS-sgal-0014                          
V736 Aur                  06:12:01.70  +46:06:40.00  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.44   2006-10-18 21:10:27.0     18920448  IRSS-sgal-0011                          
OFF--MCG+08-11-002        05:40:23.70  +49:46:41.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-10-18 21:19:55.7     20340736  IRS-stare OFF--MCG+08-11-002            
MCG+08-11-002             05:40:43.70  +49:41:41.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.20   2006-10-18 21:34:38.6     20310528  IRS-stare MCG+08-11-002                 
CB-26                     04:59:50.74  +52:04:43.80  Stapelfeldt       SPIT_EDGEON  30765 irsstare     36.93   2006-10-18 22:11:05.2     18964992  IRSS-0000 - CB-26                       
HD 30614 with bkg         04:54:03.01  +66:20:33.60  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare      7.44   2006-10-18 22:46:37.4     19945984  IRSS-HD30614 - LH                       
HD192640                  20:14:32.03  +36:48:22.70  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.51   2006-10-18 22:56:57.9     19089408  IRSM-0020                               
IRAS20214+3749            20:23:18.94  +37:58:51.70  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.11   2006-10-18 23:01:01.1     17948160  IRSS-0065                               
MSX6C G080.3944+02.1923   20:27:41.70  +42:16:43.14  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      8.75   2006-10-18 23:09:03.0     18183680  IRSS-0011                               
HD 195592 with bkg        20:30:34.97  +44:18:54.90  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare      9.36   2006-10-18 23:15:15.6     19947008  IRSS-HD195592 - LH                      
IRAS 18588+3517           19:00:41.20  +35:21:27.01  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-10-18 23:23:48.9     18212096  IRSI-jd-mega027                         
HH215-bkg                 20:44:51.80  +67:51:57.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsstare     11.91   2006-10-18 23:31:54.2     18958336  HH215-BKG-LL                            
HH215S-irsmapLL           20:45:53.80  +67:56:05.00  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 irsmap       66.10   2006-10-18 23:40:35.5     18956544  HH215-LL                                
IRAS 19312+1950           19:33:24.30  +19:56:55.00  Cruikshank        PAH EMISSION    93 irsstare     38.77   2006-10-19 00:50:12.4     12576512  IRSS-PAH-100A                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.15   2006-10-19 02:53:23.7     20551168  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     29.49   2006-10-19 03:04:20.5     20557056  caldrk_IRS-35_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     30.45   2006-10-19 03:30:34.6     20556800  caldrk_IRS-35_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     54.03   2006-10-19 03:58:34.7     20555264  caldrk_IRS-35_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     15.00   2006-10-19 04:48:32.1     20560640  caldrk_IRS-35_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     13.77   2006-10-19 05:02:01.7     20566784  calsfx-35C-sky                          
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     21.07   2006-10-19 05:12:46.7     20566528  calsfx-35C-ksiDra                       
HD172728                  18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irspeakup    64.36   2006-10-19 05:31:56.8     20552960  calpfx-35-HD172728                      
GM Aur                    04:55:10.98  +30:21:59.50  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare      9.59   2006-10-19 06:41:32.7     19483904  IRSS-BaryGM1                            
AA Tau                    04:34:55.42  +24:28:53.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.53   2006-10-19 06:50:50.0     19492096  IRSS-BaryAA1                            
FM Tau                    04:14:13.58  +28:12:49.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.23   2006-10-19 06:59:37.7     19485696  IRSS-BaryFM2                            
CW Tau                    04:14:17.00  +28:10:57.80  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.20   2006-10-19 07:07:12.2     19486720  IRSS-BaryCW2                            
KPNO-10??                 04:17:49.55  +28:13:31.90  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     23.42   2006-10-19 07:15:21.3     18356480  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0014                  
Haro6-5B                  04:22:00.69  +26:57:33.30  Stapelfeldt       SPIT_EDGEON  30765 irsstare     19.91   2006-10-19 07:34:29.4     18967552  IRSS-0000 - Haro6-5B                    
04242646                  04:24:26.46  +26:49:50.40  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     65.14   2006-10-19 07:51:35.2     18358016  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0020                  
04284263                  04:28:42.63  +27:14:03.90  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     18.77   2006-10-19 08:55:54.2     18357248  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0017                  
DQ Tau                    04:46:53.06  +17:00:00.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     11.28   2006-10-19 09:11:56.0     19484928  IRSS-BaryDQ1                            
DR Tau                    04:47:06.21  +16:58:42.80  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     11.25   2006-10-19 09:20:08.9     19493120  IRSS-BaryDR1                            
HD 31295                  04:54:53.73  +10:09:03.00  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.52   2006-10-19 09:29:31.4     19093248  IRSM-0026                               
HD 250550                 06:01:59.99  +16:30:56.70  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     20.55   2006-10-19 09:37:30.9     16826624  HD 250550 IRS                           
OMC3-1                    05:35:24.00  -05:01:55.00  Megeath           MEGEATH_ORIO 20797 irsmap      346.23   2006-10-19 09:55:45.2     15188736  IRS-OMC3-1                              
OMC3-2                    05:35:29.00  -05:00:00.00  Megeath           MEGEATH_ORIO 20797 irsmap      359.40   2006-10-19 15:47:45.0     15188992  IRS-OMC3-2                              
Forbes                        1000028        Forbes  Woodward          CEW_COMETS2  20021 irsmap      101.94   2006-10-19 22:05:59.9     13825792  IRSM-cw-028 - shadow                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          67.10   2006-10-20 01:00:32.8     20547840  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.05   2006-10-20 02:07:32.0     20549888  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.73   2006-10-20 02:18:25.3     20557824  caldrk_IRS-35_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.80   2006-10-20 02:30:06.3     20558080  caldrk_IRS-35_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     27.41   2006-10-20 02:42:08.7     20573952  caldrk_IRS-35_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     18.80   2006-10-20 03:07:47.4     20567296  calsfx-35D-sky                          
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     35.06   2006-10-20 03:23:33.1     20567040  calsfx-35D-HD173511                     
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     18.81   2006-10-20 03:57:19.0     20592896  calsfx-35B-sky_1                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     35.48   2006-10-20 04:13:20.1     20592640  calsfx-35B-HR7341_1                     
CY Tau                    04:17:33.72  +28:20:46.80  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.70   2006-10-20 04:55:47.9     19489792  IRSS-BaryCY2                            
BP Tau                    04:19:15.83  +29:06:26.90  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare      9.81   2006-10-20 05:03:15.1     19491328  IRSS-BaryBP2                            
04242090?                 04:24:20.90  +26:30:51.20  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     91.02   2006-10-20 05:09:44.0     18354432  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0006                  
IRAS04260+2642            04:29:05.02  +26:49:07.90  Stapelfeldt       SPIT_EDGEON  30765 irsstare     19.17   2006-10-20 06:40:05.7     18964480  IRSS-0000 - IRAS04260+2642              
04295950                  04:29:59.51  +24:33:07.80  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     10.69   2006-10-20 06:54:56.8     18358272  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0021                  
04394488?                 04:39:44.88  +26:01:52.80  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare      9.63   2006-10-20 07:05:04.8     18358784  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0023                  
04400067?                 04:40:00.68  +23:58:21.20  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     23.20   2006-10-20 07:12:52.1     18354944  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0008                  
CIDA-7??                  04:42:21.02  +25:20:34.40  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare      9.21   2006-10-20 07:31:40.8     18355712  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0011                  
S235pt1                   05:40:50.20  +35:53:18.40  Fazio             PDR_SPECTRA    115 irsstare     25.01   2006-10-20 07:40:10.0     12609280  IRSS-S235-pt1                           
IRAS 06487+2208           06:51:45.72  +22:04:27.18  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-10-20 08:04:21.8     18208000  IRSI-jd-mega005                         
ngc2175b                  06:08:37.41  +20:40:05.60  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 irsstare    190.02   2006-10-20 08:08:39.3     16837888  IRSS-NGC2175-b                          
ngc2175a                  06:08:56.45  +20:38:31.34  Hester            HESTER_SF    20506 irsstare    221.71   2006-10-20 11:15:34.2     16837632  IRSS-NGC2175-a                          
8674181+0241050           05:46:58.03  +00:14:27.78  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.71   2006-10-20 15:06:11.5     18752768  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0099                 
8669571+0119230           05:46:46.97  +00:07:09.23  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.94   2006-10-20 15:16:59.3     18749952  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0078                 
8671951+0102460           05:46:52.68  +00:06:08.86  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.92   2006-10-20 15:24:58.3     18751744  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0091                 
8674226+0093930           05:46:58.14  +00:05:38.15  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.84   2006-10-20 15:32:55.1     18753024  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0100                 
8680770+0004770           05:47:13.85  +00:00:17.17  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.80   2006-10-20 15:41:46.3     18757632  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0126                 
8672326+0001630           05:46:53.58  +00:00:05.87  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.85   2006-10-20 15:49:31.6     18752000  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0092                 
8670920+0077710           05:46:50.21  +00:04:39.76  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.90   2006-10-20 15:57:21.5     18750720  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0084                 
8669706+0068670           05:46:47.29  +00:04:07.21  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.91   2006-10-20 16:05:16.9     18750208  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0079                 
omc2                      05:35:29.90  -05:05:51.00  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      244.41   2006-10-20 16:14:13.1     14594304  slb-omc2+1.5+0.0                        
omc2                      05:35:19.70  -05:10:21.00  Bergin            EBERGIN_H2MA 20378 irsmap      235.75   2006-10-20 20:15:28.9     14595072  slb-omc2-1.5-4.5                        
AFGL 961 East             06:34:37.76  +04:12:44.20  Wright            GL961H2O     30619 irsstare      8.75   2006-10-21 00:10:20.5     18618880  IRSS-0000                               
AFGL 961 West             06:34:37.43  +04:12:42.70  Wright            GL961H2O     30619 irsstare     16.47   2006-10-21 00:15:55.6     18619136  IRSS-0001                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.15   2006-10-21 01:59:47.3     20551424  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     12.76   2006-10-21 02:10:28.0     20560384  caldrk_IRS-35_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.48   2006-10-21 02:20:21.4     20553472  caldrk_IRS-35_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     44.19   2006-10-21 02:33:11.0     20553728  caldrk_IRS-35_100-DCVZN-SH-long_1       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     30.45   2006-10-21 03:12:33.0     20560896  caldrk_IRS-35_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     18.81   2006-10-21 03:40:58.2     20567808  calsfx-35E-sky                          
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     35.09   2006-10-21 03:56:44.6     20567552  calsfx-35E-HR6348                       
P Cyg_background          20:17:34.00  +38:04:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsmap        8.46   2006-10-21 04:32:12.5     20571136  calwav-35C-PCyg-13-map_background       
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsmap       27.35   2006-10-21 04:39:54.3     20570624  calwav-35B-PCyg-13-map                  
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsmap       36.93   2006-10-21 05:04:43.5     20570880  calwav-35D-PCyg-02-map                  
HD189733                  20:00:43.71  +22:42:39.10  Grillmair         GRILLMAIR    30473 irsstare    345.80   2006-10-21 05:38:40.1     18245632  HD 189733_secondary_A                   
L1251C                    22:35:14.28  +75:15:02.70  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare    112.45   2006-10-21 11:28:14.1     18403840  L1251C-IRS                              
PG 1634+706               16:34:28.88  +70:31:33.00  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare     72.54   2006-10-21 13:18:46.2     19145216  IRSS-PG1634+706                         
PG 1634Background         16:34:28.88  +70:32:30.00  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare     37.45   2006-10-21 14:28:25.3     19145472  IRSS-PG1634 Background                  
OFF--CGCG 141-034         17:57:16.65  +24:06:02.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.68   2006-10-21 15:15:41.6     20312064  IRS-stare OFF--CGCG 141-034             
CGCG 141-034              17:56:56.65  +24:01:02.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.25   2006-10-21 15:30:21.3     20336640  IRS-stare CGCG 141-034                  
IRDC29_1b                 18:48:21.20  -01:48:22.22  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 irsstare     54.59   2006-10-21 16:08:23.0     17826560  Spectrum - IRDC29_1b                    
IRDC29_1a                 18:48:22.02  -01:48:29.84  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 irsstare     54.59   2006-10-21 16:59:36.0     17823232  Spectrum - IRDC29_1a                    
HD183324                  19:29:00.99  +01:57:01.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.49   2006-10-21 17:52:45.3     19091200  IRSM-0028                               
PRMG-1 High Res w/sky     21:05:53.56  -37:08:40.30  Kwitter           HALOCOMP     20049 irsstare    184.58   2006-10-21 18:00:45.7     16809728  IRSS-PRMG-1_hi                          
ESO 400-43                20:37:41.94  -35:29:07.90  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare     18.17   2006-10-21 21:03:18.2     17464064  Wu-0005                                 
West-Hartley                  1000164  West-Hartley  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   136.43   2006-10-21 21:32:27.4     19590144  seppcon-123P-WH                         
HD193281                  20:20:27.88  -29:11:50.00  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.45   2006-10-21 23:47:07.2     19091456  IRSM-0029                               
v348 sgr                  18:40:19.91  -22:54:29.20  Clayton           HOTRCB1      30380 irspeakup    12.72   2006-10-21 23:53:01.4     18144768  v348-irs-peakup                         
v348 sgr                  18:40:19.91  -22:54:29.20  Clayton           HOTRCB1      30380 irsstare     18.38   2006-10-22 00:02:49.2     18144256  v348-sgr1                               
GJJC-1.Off                18:36:24.05  -23:55:46.60  Bernard-Salas     JBS3.HALOPNE 30652 irsstare     11.40   2006-10-22 00:18:20.5     18629632  GJJC-1.Off                              
GJJC-1                    18:36:22.82  -23:55:18.30  Bernard-Salas     JBS3.HALOPNE 30652 irsstare     21.88   2006-10-22 00:26:45.8     18629376  GJJC-1                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.15   2006-10-22 02:01:07.1     20551680  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     54.03   2006-10-22 02:13:00.8     20559360  caldrk_IRS-35_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     24.61   2006-10-22 03:03:47.2     20559616  caldrk_IRS-35_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     27.41   2006-10-22 03:24:45.3     20574208  caldrk_IRS-35_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 162317                 17:46:51.68  +58:38:19.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     33.06   2006-10-22 03:50:17.6     20571392  calsfx-35Z-HD162317                     
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     13.77   2006-10-22 04:22:08.5     20568320  calsfx-35F-sky                          
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     17.01   2006-10-22 04:33:06.0     20568064  calsfx-35F-delDra                       
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     18.81   2006-10-22 04:49:07.8     20593408  calsfx-35B-sky_2                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     35.48   2006-10-22 05:05:09.0     20593152  calsfx-35B-HR7341_2                     
DG Tau                    04:27:04.70  +26:06:16.30  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.67   2006-10-22 05:47:50.2     19487744  IRSS-BaryDG2                            
XZ Tau                    04:31:40.07  +18:13:59.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.65   2006-10-22 05:57:08.6     19493888  IRSS-BaryXZ2                            
DM Tau                    04:33:48.72  +18:10:10.00  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.17   2006-10-22 06:04:51.5     19488768  IRSS-BaryDM2                            
2115-560                  21:19:37.14  -55:50:16.70  von Hippel        WDPLANET     20026 irsstare    265.43   2006-10-22 06:20:30.7     16864768  IRSS-S2-2115-560                        
irasf20459                20:48:53.10  -22:03:05.00  Roussel           NSTB         20577 irsmap       19.27   2006-10-22 10:46:19.8     14859520  IRSM - irasf20459                       
LINEAR (P/2001 YX127)         1000381 LINEAR (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    31.82   2006-10-22 11:13:41.6     19588608  seppcon-P01YX127-LIN                    
OFF--NGC 6907             20:25:26.58  -24:43:32.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     23.21   2006-10-22 11:43:44.6     20359424  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 6907                 
NGC 6907                  20:25:06.58  -24:48:32.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.67   2006-10-22 12:04:06.7     20338176  IRS-stare NGC 6907                      
OFF--ESO 593-IG008        19:14:11.15  -21:14:06.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-10-22 12:51:28.0     20347648  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 593-IG008            
ESO 593-IG008             19:14:31.15  -21:19:06.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     62.82   2006-10-22 13:27:47.4     20311296  IRS-stare ESO 593-IG008                 
Spitaler                      1000146      Spitaler  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   108.85   2006-10-22 14:35:26.2     19578112  seppcon-113P-Spi                        
Sgr 2MASS 50              19:04:35.63  -31:12:56.40  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     91.75   2006-10-22 16:22:35.5     18055424  IRSS-LG-Sgr-07                          
Sgr 2MASS 63              19:10:39.87  -32:28:37.30  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     19.85   2006-10-22 17:51:47.0     18053888  IRSS-LG-Sgr-01                          
R CrA 30621               19:02:06.81  -36:58:41.30  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare    127.15   2006-10-22 18:09:35.9     18362624  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0038                  
T CrA SKY                 19:02:01.61  -36:57:07.50  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     14.28   2006-10-22 20:16:09.8     16830464  T CrA SKY IRS                           
R CrA6700?                19:01:29.02  -37:01:48.50  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     16.35   2006-10-22 20:27:42.5     18363392  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0041                  
IRAS18531-4616            18:56:53.08  -46:12:46.70  Houck             LA_ULIRGS2     105 irsstare     23.77   2006-10-22 20:40:51.5      4988160  IRSS-la-ulirg093                        
Sgr 2MASS 04              18:41:43.50  -33:07:16.60  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     49.92   2006-10-22 21:03:32.3     18054400  IRSS-LG-Sgr-03                          
Sgr CN 14                 18:51:41.06  -30:03:37.80  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     69.98   2006-10-22 21:51:23.6     18054144  IRSS-LG-Sgr-02                          
Datura                        2001270        Datura  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irsstare     16.77   2006-10-22 23:04:27.7     17759488  wic-Datura-spec                         
RY Sgr                    19:16:32.77  -33:31:20.30  Evans             NYESBAGS3    30077 irsstare     16.29   2006-10-22 23:19:29.7     17742848  IRSS-RYSgr                              
RY Sgr BG                 19:17:27.00  -33:31:31.00  Evans             NYESBAGS3    30077 irsstare      5.05   2006-10-22 23:32:25.9     17743104  IRSS-RYSgr_BG                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          67.10   2006-10-23 00:35:14.5     20548352  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.05   2006-10-23 01:42:13.5     20550144  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     15.00   2006-10-23 01:52:59.6     20562688  caldrk_IRS-35_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     27.41   2006-10-23 02:05:17.8     20574464  caldrk_IRS-35_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     29.49   2006-10-23 02:29:13.0     20561152  caldrk_IRS-35_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     17.50   2006-10-23 02:56:58.4     20568832  calsfx-35G-sky                          
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     31.99   2006-10-23 03:11:40.1     20568576  calsfx-35G-HR6606                       
HD 162317                 17:46:51.68  +58:38:19.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     33.06   2006-10-23 03:42:36.7     20571904  calsfx-35Z-HD162317_2                   
OFF--NGC 6670A/B          18:33:54.26  +59:58:17.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-10-23 04:13:58.0     20327936  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 6670A/B              
NGC 6670A/B               18:33:34.26  +59:53:17.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    148.16   2006-10-23 04:50:17.1     20363264  IRS-stare NGC 6670A/B                   
OFF--UGC 11041            17:55:11.82  +34:51:34.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.68   2006-10-23 07:18:16.2     20316928  IRS-stare OFF--UGC 11041                
UGC 11041                 17:54:51.82  +34:46:34.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.25   2006-10-23 07:32:55.9     20327168  IRS-stare UGC 11041                     
PN K 3-17 2MASS coords, d 18:56:18.16  +07:07:26.20  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     29.53   2006-10-23 08:11:24.6     19902720  IRSS-0003-K3-17 2MASS coords, different 
IRAS18529+0210            18:55:26.30  +02:14:48.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      6.86   2006-10-23 08:38:48.9     17930752  IRSS-0004                               
IRAS18434-0042            18:46:04.70  +00:38:54.40  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.02   2006-10-23 08:43:30.8     17939456  IRSS-0062                               
serp_02                   18:29:53.05  +00:36:06.50  Pontoppidan       DISS         30223 irsstare     16.58   2006-10-23 08:53:07.6     17882624  IRSS-0001                               
serp_15                   18:29:15.40  +00:12:52.00  Pontoppidan       DISS         30223 irsstare     28.35   2006-10-23 09:07:58.2     17885952  IRSS-0014                               
PN M 2-43 different sky,  18:26:40.05  -02:42:57.30  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     13.22   2006-10-23 09:31:49.2     19903488  IRSS-0001-M2-43 2MASS coords, no SL, dif
ISOSS J18365-0221 West    18:36:29.49  -02:21:58.50  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare     29.13   2006-10-23 09:42:44.8     19236352  IRSS-0004                               
ISOSS J18365-0221 bkgnd   18:36:38.56  -02:22:53.60  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare      9.13   2006-10-23 10:08:31.3     19236608  IRSS-0005                               
I19590                    20:01:49.80  -12:41:17.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare     10.41   2006-10-23 10:17:30.1     17504256  IRSS-0018                               
VerCP05792                19:18:43.96  -38:15:47.20  Haas              HAAS_ISOCP   20090 irsstare     64.33   2006-10-23 10:28:20.9     14028544  IRSS-0001                               
T CrA                     19:01:58.78  -36:57:49.90  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     14.29   2006-10-23 11:32:37.0     16828416  T CrA IRS                               
VSS VIII-10               19:03:12.10  -37:29:10.00  Massa             EXTINCTIONEM 30459 irsmap       21.45   2006-10-23 11:42:03.5     18240000  IRSM-0024                               
HD 192486                 20:16:26.45  -35:11:54.50  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     15.02   2006-10-23 12:02:33.1     15017472  IRSS-HD192486                           
OFF--ESO 339-G011         19:57:57.60  -37:51:08.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.68   2006-10-23 12:15:21.1     20319744  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 339-G011             
ESO 339-G011              19:57:37.60  -37:56:08.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.58   2006-10-23 12:30:06.9     20345344  IRS-stare ESO 339-G011                  
Sgr CN 35                 19:48:50.65  -30:58:31.70  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     49.92   2006-10-23 13:06:58.8     18055680  IRSS-LG-Sgr-08                          
Sgr 2MASS 15              18:46:51.61  -28:45:48.90  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     69.99   2006-10-23 14:05:09.7     18054912  IRSS-LG-Sgr-05                          
Sgr 2MASS 11              18:44:30.96  -30:37:09.80  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     91.45   2006-10-23 15:12:39.2     18054656  IRSS-LG-Sgr-04                          
OFF--IRAS F18293-3413     18:33:01.10  -34:16:27.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.80   2006-10-23 16:41:54.5     20340992  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS F18293-3413         
IRAS F18293-3413          18:32:41.10  -34:11:27.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     27.34   2006-10-23 16:52:46.3     20318976  IRS-stare IRAS F18293-3413              
Arend                         1000001         Arend  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   110.68   2006-10-23 17:29:05.1     19587840  seppcon-50P-Ar                          
R CrA 27129               19:01:36.44  -36:55:38.80  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare    129.38   2006-10-23 19:19:41.8     18362880  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0039                  
R CrA30618                19:01:53.76  -37:00:33.90  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare    129.49   2006-10-23 21:26:39.2     18363136  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0040                  
G-65                      19:01:40.41  -36:51:42.20  Henning           ASICILIA     30536 irsstare     21.84   2006-10-23 23:33:31.0     18349568  IRSS-0009                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.15   2006-10-24 01:00:43.0     20551936  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     27.41   2006-10-24 01:12:01.1     20574720  caldrk_IRS-35_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     12.76   2006-10-24 01:35:57.7     20562432  caldrk_IRS-35_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     54.03   2006-10-24 01:46:05.9     20561408  caldrk_IRS-35_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     24.61   2006-10-24 02:36:52.1     20561664  caldrk_IRS-35_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
OFF--NGC 6621             18:12:35.39  +68:16:48.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-10-24 02:58:42.3     20320000  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 6621                 
NGC 6621                  18:12:55.39  +68:21:48.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     20.65   2006-10-24 03:13:23.1     20363776  IRS-stare NGC 6621                      
OFF--NGC 6701             18:42:52.52  +60:34:11.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-10-24 03:32:08.3     20361728  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 6701                 
NGC 6701                  18:43:12.52  +60:39:11.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.19   2006-10-24 03:46:49.1     20341760  IRS-stare NGC 6701                      
HD166780 sky              18:08:38.85  +57:57:16.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     18.80   2006-10-24 04:22:47.4     20569344  calsfx-35H-sky                          
HD 166780                 18:08:38.85  +57:58:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     35.07   2006-10-24 04:38:34.2     20569088  calsfx-35H-HD166780                     
HD 162317                 17:46:51.68  +58:38:19.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     33.06   2006-10-24 05:11:22.0     20572160  calsfx-35Z-HD162317_3                   
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     18.81   2006-10-24 05:43:15.8     20593920  calsfx-35B-sky_3                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     35.48   2006-10-24 05:59:16.6     20593664  calsfx-35B-HR7341_3                     
OFF--IRAS 05083+2441      05:11:45.88  +24:50:18.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.70   2006-10-24 06:39:22.9     20340224  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS 05083+2441          
IRAS 05083+2441           05:11:25.88  +24:45:18.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.29   2006-10-24 06:54:07.9     20360192  IRS-stare IRAS 05083+2441               
AA Tau                    04:34:55.42  +24:28:53.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     10.54   2006-10-24 07:32:44.6     19491584  IRSS-BaryAA2                            
OFF--CGCG 468-002         05:08:39.71  +17:26:47.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.71   2006-10-24 07:39:56.4     20360704  IRS-stare OFF--CGCG 468-002             
CGCG 468-002              05:08:19.71  +17:21:47.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     69.51   2006-10-24 07:54:51.0     20322048  IRS-stare CGCG 468-002                  
Mueller 5                     1000149     Mueller 5  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    31.82   2006-10-24 09:11:51.2     19572480  seppcon-173P-M5                         
spokes_LL-1               06:40:50.37  +09:34:54.10  Lada              YSOS_IC348_N 30033 irsmap        9.12   2006-10-24 09:42:38.1     20052992  IRSM-NGC2264D-LL-0003                   
spokes-LL-3               06:40:59.12  +09:33:04.00  Lada              YSOS_IC348_N 30033 irsmap       17.40   2006-10-24 09:48:23.6     20052736  IRSM-NGC2264D-LL-0005                   
8672404+0009500           05:46:53.77  +00:00:34.20  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.52   2006-10-24 10:05:01.1     18752256  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0094                 
IRAS20406+2953            20:42:45.95  +30:04:06.40  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      5.12   2006-10-24 10:35:24.7     17947136  IRSS-0025                               
OFF--MCG+04-48-002        20:28:55.07  +25:39:00.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.73   2006-10-24 10:38:33.5     20319488  IRS-stare OFF--MCG+04-48-002            
MCG+04-48-002             20:28:35.07  +25:44:00.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.33   2006-10-24 10:53:22.4     20349184  IRS-stare MCG+04-48-002                 
OFF--IRAS 20351+2521      20:36:57.73  +25:36:37.50  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.74   2006-10-24 11:28:59.0     20321536  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS 20351+2521          
IRAS 20351+2521           20:37:17.73  +25:31:37.50  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.42   2006-10-24 11:43:42.0     20339968  IRS-stare IRAS 20351+2521               
NGC 6886 2MASS coords     20:12:42.83  +19:59:22.60  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     36.38   2006-10-24 12:20:18.9     19902976  IRSS-0007-NGC6886 2MASS coords          
FG Sge                    20:11:56.06  +20:20:04.40  Evans             NYESBAGS3    30077 irsstare     16.32   2006-10-24 12:53:59.8     17744896  IRSS-FGSge                              
FG Sge                    20:12:14.50  +20:20:33.00  Evans             NYESBAGS3    30077 irsstare      5.05   2006-10-24 13:06:53.3     17745152  IRSS-FGSge_BG                           
OFF--IRAS 19542+1110      19:56:55.78  +11:24:04.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.70   2006-10-24 13:10:21.5     20358912  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS 19542+1110          
IRAS 19542+1110           19:56:35.78  +11:19:04.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.28   2006-10-24 13:25:03.4     20313856  IRS-stare IRAS 19542+1110               
OFF--NGC 6926             20:33:26.13  -01:56:38.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     49.51   2006-10-24 14:02:22.0     20349440  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 6926                 
NGC 6926                  20:33:06.13  -02:01:38.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     62.99   2006-10-24 14:48:51.4     20328704  IRS-stare NGC 6926                      
ISOSS J18365-0221 East    18:36:35.98  -02:21:49.90  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare     72.45   2006-10-24 15:51:33.4     19235840  IRSS-0002                               
ISOSS J18365-0221 bkgnd   18:36:38.56  -02:22:53.60  Birkmann          ISOSS_IRS    30919 irsstare     24.16   2006-10-24 17:00:36.4     19236096  IRSS-0003                               
serp_32                   18:29:43.01  +00:16:08.30  Pontoppidan       DISS         30223 irsstare     59.04   2006-10-24 17:24:11.4     17890304  IRSS-0031                               
PRMG-1 Low Res            21:05:53.56  -37:08:40.30  Kwitter           HALOCOMP     20049 irsstare     67.10   2006-10-24 18:23:08.6     16809472  IRSS-PRMG-1_lo                          
NGC6890                   20:18:18.13  -44:48:25.10  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.40   2006-10-24 19:28:52.7     17963520  IRSS-0052                               
HD197692                  20:46:05.73  -25:16:15.20  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     11.69   2006-10-24 19:57:43.8     16021504  HD197692_IRS                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          12.15   2006-10-24 21:17:11.0     20552192  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     29.49   2006-10-24 21:28:17.6     20563200  caldrk_IRS-35_160b-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     30.45   2006-10-24 21:54:31.4     20562944  caldrk_IRS-35_170b-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     27.41   2006-10-24 22:22:16.5     20574976  caldrk_IRS-35_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     14.80   2006-10-24 22:46:13.3     20562176  caldrk_IRS-35_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_3 
NGC6822-AGB6              19:44:41.23  -14:53:22.80  Van Dyk           NGC6822AGB   20608 irsstare    325.95   2006-10-24 23:04:45.9     16803840  NGC6822-AGB6                            
GM Aur                    04:55:10.98  +30:21:59.50  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare      9.60   2006-10-25 04:40:43.8     19483648  IRSS-BaryGM2                            
DQ Tau                    04:46:53.06  +17:00:00.20  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     11.31   2006-10-25 04:48:15.8     19484672  IRSS-BaryDQ2                            
DR Tau                    04:47:06.21  +16:58:42.80  Bary              JBARY        30896 irsstare     11.28   2006-10-25 04:56:31.2     19492864  IRSS-BaryDR2                            
GU CMa                    07:01:49.51  -11:18:03.40  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     43.60   2006-10-25 05:10:14.6     16826112  GU CMa IRS                              
ESO 005-G004 background   06:04:32.70  -86:38:37.20  Weaver            WEAVER_BAT_A 30745 irsstare     15.11   2006-10-25 05:55:18.1     18947584  IRSS-0011                               
ESO 005-G004              06:05:41.63  -86:37:54.70  Weaver            WEAVER_BAT_A 30745 irsstare     26.98   2006-10-25 06:07:23.9     18947328  IRSS-0026                               
gradcalNE                 01:09:50.00  -72:05:20.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     32.32   2006-10-25 06:33:04.7     18268416  IRSS-gradcal1                           
SMC AB 7                  01:03:35.90  -72:03:21.90  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 irsmap       90.79   2006-10-25 07:02:31.8     18381824  WRNEB-AB7-02-M                          
gradcalW                  00:44:20.00  -72:00:00.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     32.32   2006-10-25 08:30:31.1     18268672  IRSS-gradcal2                           
Ser 2941?                 18:30:01.64  +01:04:43.20  Houck             DMW12        30540 irsstare     12.33   2006-10-25 09:09:12.8     18362368  IRSS-G-DMW-YBD-II-0037                  
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irsstare     33.26   2006-10-25 09:21:18.9     20569600  calsfx-35I-HD163466                     
OFF--NGC 6786/UGC11415    19:11:14.01  +73:29:36.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-10-25 09:53:24.1     20327424  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 6786/UGC11415        
NGC 6786/UGC11415         19:10:54.01  +73:24:36.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     69.30   2006-10-25 10:08:07.2     20350976  IRS-stare NGC 6786/UGC11415             
L1221                     22:28:07.32  +69:00:39.10  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     45.92   2006-10-25 11:17:46.7     18404352  L1221-SL-IRS                            
AlphaCamP4                04:53:55.18  +66:28:32.50  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 irsstare     12.54   2006-10-25 12:11:01.6     17774336  IRSS-AlpCamP4                           
AlphaCamP3                04:51:18.47  +66:31:55.90  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 irsstare     14.14   2006-10-25 12:20:24.4     17774080  IRSS-AlpCamP3                           
AlphaCamP1                04:53:08.26  +66:29:07.90  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 irsstare     12.54   2006-10-25 12:31:25.9     17773568  IRSS-AlpCamP1                           
AlphaCamP2                04:55:32.40  +66:25:16.50  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 irsstare     14.14   2006-10-25 12:40:53.7     17773824  IRSS-AlpCamP2                           
OFF--NGC 1961             05:42:24.80  +69:27:43.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     23.12   2006-10-25 12:52:58.4     20324608  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 1961                 
NGC 1961                  05:42:04.80  +69:22:43.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.37   2006-10-25 13:13:11.1     20369408  IRS-stare NGC 1961                      
OFF--VII Zw 031           05:16:26.39  +79:35:12.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-10-25 13:49:46.4     20326144  IRS-stare OFF--VII Zw 031               
VII Zw 031                05:16:46.39  +79:40:12.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.20   2006-10-25 14:04:23.2     20334336  IRS-stare VII Zw 031                    
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1436  1436 irs          67.09   2006-10-25 14:53:17.6     20548864  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap      54.56   2006-10-25 21:46:37.1     20613632  skydrk_100 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov p
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-25 22:41:28.8     20610048  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov         
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-25 22:43:45.2     20618496  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.57   2006-10-25 22:54:32.4     20595712  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.58   2006-10-25 23:03:32.4     20601856  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.58   2006-10-25 23:08:58.0     20601344  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.58   2006-10-25 23:17:29.2     20600832  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.58   2006-10-25 23:25:42.3     20600320  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.91   2006-10-25 23:34:17.0     20602880  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.89   2006-10-25 23:38:46.1     20603392  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.91   2006-10-25 23:44:05.7     20596224  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.60   2006-10-25 23:48:48.1     20602368  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.67   2006-10-26 00:01:04.9     20596736  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12             
GRB 060510b               15:56:29.62  +78:34:13.00  Berger            CC-GRB-HIGHZ 20000 iracmap     245.32   2006-10-26 00:14:35.4     19623936  GRB060510b                              
NGC2633                   08:48:30.00  +73:57:23.00  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 iracmap      19.33   2006-10-26 04:18:20.1     16312320  SIGS-IRAC 2634/2633                     
B35                       05:43:40.00  +09:30:30.00  Stauffer          LAMORI       20339 iracmap     173.57   2006-10-26 04:40:02.9     14534144  IRAC B35 half 1                         
04484189                  04:48:41.90  +17:03:37.40  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.63   2006-10-26 07:28:09.7     18365952  IRAC-04484189                           
04574903                  04:57:49.03  +30:15:19.50  Houck             DMW12        30540 iracmap      10.63   2006-10-26 07:37:27.1     18363648  IRAC-04574903                           
IRAS 05295+1247           05:32:23.00  +12:49:54.00  Looney            CAVITY       30516 iracmap      48.40   2006-10-26 07:47:09.1     18325248  IRAC-IRAS05295+1247                     
SDS0539-0059              05:39:52.00  +00:59:02.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-26 08:33:36.1     17998848  epoch2-SDS0539-0059                     
2MA0559-1404              05:59:19.10  -14:04:48.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-26 08:39:37.1     18002944  epoch2-2MA0559-1404                     
GJ229B                    06:10:34.60  -21:51:53.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-26 08:45:05.1     18004224  epoch2-GJ229B                           
GL0191                    05:11:40.58  -45:01:06.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.15   2006-10-26 08:51:52.0     17980928  epoch2-GL0191                           
GL0832                    21:33:33.98  -49:00:32.50  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-10-26 09:01:32.5     17987840  epoch2-GL0832                           
GL0825                    21:17:15.27  -38:52:02.50  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-10-26 09:07:05.6     17987584  epoch2-GL0825                           
AT_Mic                    20:41:51.16  -32:26:06.80  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-10-26 09:12:35.2     18010880  epoch2-ATMic                            
AU_Mic                    20:45:09.53  -31:20:27.20  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-26 09:16:54.2     18011136  epoch2-AUMic                            
ESO462-15                 20:23:13.84  -27:42:52.40  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-10-26 09:22:10.0     18039040  T78I_ESO462-15                          
NGC6849                   20:06:15.62  -40:11:53.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.93   2006-10-26 09:45:41.8     18037248  T78I_NGC6849                            
GJ752B                    19:16:57.70  +05:09:00.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-26 10:11:17.0     17991168  epoch2-GJ752B                           
SDS2028+0052              20:28:20.40  +00:52:27.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-26 10:17:34.6     17996800  epoch2-SDS2028+0052                     
IRAS20414-1651            20:44:18.18  -16:40:16.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-10-26 10:23:47.0     17526528  IRAC-gto2-ulirg035                      
WD2002-110                20:05:37.03  -10:55:51.10  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.96   2006-10-26 10:27:12.6     17872384  IRAC-WD2002-110                         
I19336                    19:36:17.50  -03:53:25.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.04   2006-10-26 10:36:29.8     17499392  IRAC-0017                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-26 12:08:28.1     20610304  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_1       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-26 12:10:43.2     20618752  anneal                                  
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      10.67   2006-10-26 12:20:16.6     20605696  skydrk_0.02_subarray - NEP c36 lateOct e
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.19   2006-10-26 12:27:37.3     20605952  skydrk_0.1_subarray - NEP c36 lateOct ea
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       9.04   2006-10-26 12:30:25.1     20606208  skydrk_0.4_subarray - NEP c36 lateOct ea
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.14   2006-10-26 12:36:09.2     20606464  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - NEP c36 lateOct e
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.14   2006-10-26 12:40:55.2     20603904  skydrk_2 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov    
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.40   2006-10-26 12:45:37.6     20604672  skydrk_12hdr - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.05   2006-10-26 12:53:33.0     20604160  skydrk_12 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov   
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      17.32   2006-10-26 13:01:09.6     20604928  skydrk_30hdr - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      16.30   2006-10-26 13:15:01.5     20604416  skydrk_30 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov   
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      41.77   2006-10-26 13:27:53.9     20605440  skydrk_100hdr - NEP c36 lateOct early No
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      54.56   2006-10-26 14:06:16.3     20605184  skydrk_100 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov  
zody_field_21             20:15:21.96  -26:58:59.77  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap     240.74   2006-10-26 15:05:12.3     20609536  skyflt_zody_field_21_c36_octnov         
HD193281                  20:20:27.88  -29:11:50.00  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-10-26 19:02:41.3     19083008  IRAC-0029                               
2MA1828-4849              18:28:35.68  -48:49:05.16  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.83   2006-10-26 19:10:07.1     17580288  2MA1828-month                           
IRAS20100-4156            20:13:29.85  -41:47:34.70  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-10-26 19:24:57.0     17526272  IRAC-gto2-ulirg034                      
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.67   2006-10-26 19:29:20.4     20596992  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_1           
serpens_irac4             18:20:26.63  -03:02:04.42  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      36.95   2006-10-26 19:38:14.5     20008448  IRAC_serpens_4_1 - 0015                 
serpens_irac4             18:22:21.33  -03:06:35.92  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.88   2006-10-26 20:11:27.2     20008704  IRAC_serpens_4_1 - 0014                 
serpens_irac4             18:25:05.19  -03:08:49.78  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.73   2006-10-26 21:41:15.7     20008960  IRAC_serpens_4_1 - 0013                 
serpens_irac4             18:20:26.90  -03:02:08.42  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      36.96   2006-10-26 23:10:44.1     19970816  IRAC_serpens_4_2 - 0015                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-27 01:02:56.8     20610560  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_2       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-27 01:04:21.0     20620032  anneal                                  
XBSJ204043-004548         20:40:43.46  +00:45:48.20  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.85   2006-10-27 01:21:17.8     18607104  IRAC-0016                               
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.65   2006-10-27 01:36:09.9     20597248  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_2           
serpens_irac4             18:22:21.60  -03:06:39.91  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.89   2006-10-27 01:45:05.8     19971072  IRAC_serpens_4_2 - 0014                 
serpens_irac4             18:25:05.45  -03:08:53.78  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.74   2006-10-27 03:14:55.5     19971328  IRAC_serpens_4_2 - 0013                 
serpens_irac3             18:26:43.66  -03:47:14.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      72.00   2006-10-27 04:44:31.8     20005120  IRAC_serpens_3_1 - 0012                 
serpens_irac3             18:28:38.41  -03:47:12.36  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.08   2006-10-27 05:52:00.8     20005376  IRAC_serpens_3_1 - 0011                 
serpens_irac3             18:30:41.01  -03:40:20.55  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.91   2006-10-27 07:22:02.1     20005632  IRAC_serpens_3_1 - 0010                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-27 10:22:25.3     20610816  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_3       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-27 10:24:25.7     20620288  anneal                                  
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.65   2006-10-27 10:41:48.3     20597504  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_3           
PSR J2124-3358            21:24:43.86  -33:58:44.20  Pavlov            SOLMSP       30763 iracmap      39.54   2006-10-27 10:49:51.5     18963968  MSP-IRAC-06                             
HD183324                  19:29:00.99  +01:57:01.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-10-27 11:30:31.3     19082752  IRAC-0028                               
serpens_irac3             18:26:43.93  -03:47:17.99  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      72.01   2006-10-27 11:36:54.1     19964672  IRAC_serpens_3_2 - 0012                 
serpens_irac3             18:28:38.67  -03:47:16.35  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.08   2006-10-27 12:44:23.6     19965440  IRAC_serpens_3_2 - 0011                 
serpens_irac3             18:30:41.28  -03:40:24.54  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.93   2006-10-27 14:14:25.9     19965952  IRAC_serpens_3_2 - 0010                 
serpens_irac2             18:28:16.96  -01:33:47.58  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      81.89   2006-10-27 15:44:35.7     20002304  IRAC_serpens_2_1 - 0009                 
serpens_irac2             18:30:31.73  -01:33:45.93  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.67   2006-10-27 17:01:48.2     20002560  IRAC_serpens_2_1 - 0008                 
serpens_irac2             18:32:50.53  -01:33:44.05  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.01   2006-10-27 18:31:28.1     20003072  IRAC_serpens_2_1 - 0007                 
serpens_irac2             18:28:17.22  -01:33:51.57  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      81.90   2006-10-27 20:01:20.7     19957248  IRAC_serpens_2_2 - 0009                 
serpens_irac2             18:30:32.00  -01:33:49.92  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.69   2006-10-27 21:18:35.2     19958016  IRAC_serpens_2_2 - 0008                 
serpens_irac2             18:32:50.80  -01:33:48.03  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.02   2006-10-27 22:48:15.3     19958272  IRAC_serpens_2_2 - 0007                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-28 02:18:28.2     20611072  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_4       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-28 02:20:40.2     20620544  anneal                                  
3C 179                    07:28:11.65  +67:48:47.50  Uchiyama          UCHIYAMA_JET 30854 iracmap      78.44   2006-10-28 02:33:48.8     19064320  IRAC-3c179                              
sn 2004dj                 07:37:17.02  +65:35:57.80  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      31.55   2006-10-28 03:49:25.3     17966080  IRAC-2004dj-7                           
IRAS07598+6508            08:04:30.46  +64:59:52.90  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-10-28 04:18:08.9     17521664  IRAC-gto2-ulirg016                      
WD0727+482                07:30:47.23  +48:10:26.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-10-28 04:21:36.1     17874176  IRAC-WD0727+482                         
HD45350                   06:28:45.71  +38:57:46.70  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-10-28 04:31:09.9     17550080  NSEXOII-012                             
b2 0722+30                07:25:37.26  +29:57:14.80  Evans             EVANSAARON   30877 iracmap      10.76   2006-10-28 04:40:22.7     19164160  IRAC-0000 - b2 0722+30                  
RT Aur                    06:28:34.09  +30:29:34.90  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-10-28 04:49:21.6     18681088  IRAC_RT_Aur                             
BDSB2003+76               06:01:55.00  +26:24:58.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-10-28 04:54:26.5     18899968  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+76                 
BDSB2003+77               05:50:14.00  +23:52:19.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-10-28 04:59:54.1     18899712  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+77                 
HD34445                   05:17:40.98  +07:21:12.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-10-28 05:06:40.3     17549568  NSEXOII-010                             
HD38529                   05:46:34.91  +01:10:05.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-10-28 05:15:31.3     17549824  NSEXOII-011                             
HD50499                   06:52:02.02  -33:54:56.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-10-28 05:26:21.5     17550592  NSEXOII-014                             
irasf23578-5307           00:00:24.25  -52:50:30.90  Dannerbauer       HD-23578     30202 iracmap       7.75   2006-10-28 05:39:25.3     17864192  IRAC-0000                               
HD213240                  22:31:00.37  -49:25:59.80  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-10-28 05:45:43.7     17559296  NSEXOII-048                             
RE2156-546                21:56:21.30  -54:38:23.00  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      72.62   2006-10-28 05:54:09.7     18230528  IRAC-RE2156                             
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.64   2006-10-28 07:06:30.4     20597760  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_4           
serpens_irac1             18:27:07.98  -02:55:13.41  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      20.22   2006-10-28 07:15:06.8     19997952  IRAC_serpens_1_1 - 0006                 
serpens_irac1             18:28:29.74  -02:37:06.21  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.43   2006-10-28 09:09:38.3     19998464  IRAC_serpens_1_1 - 0005                 
serpens_irac1             18:27:08.25  -02:55:17.40  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      20.22   2006-10-28 10:39:23.0     20018176  IRAC_serpens_1_2 - 0006                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-28 12:12:20.6     20611328  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_5       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-28 12:14:48.3     20620800  anneal                                  
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.64   2006-10-28 12:31:20.5     20598016  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_5           
serpens_irac1             18:30:24.30  -02:37:03.37  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.80   2006-10-28 12:39:49.3     19998720  IRAC_serpens_1_1 - 0004                 
serpens_irac1             18:32:34.74  -02:36:59.90  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.26   2006-10-28 14:09:23.1     19999488  IRAC_serpens_1_1 - 0003                 
serpens_irac1             18:28:30.01  -02:37:10.21  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.44   2006-10-28 15:39:24.0     20018688  IRAC_serpens_1_2 - 0005                 
serpens_irac1             18:30:24.57  -02:37:07.36  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      94.81   2006-10-28 17:09:34.9     20018944  IRAC_serpens_1_2 - 0004                 
serpens_irac1             18:32:35.01  -02:37:03.88  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      95.27   2006-10-28 18:39:08.0     20019200  IRAC_serpens_1_2 - 0003                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-28 21:45:41.1     20611584  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_6       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-28 21:46:33.0     20621056  anneal                                  
HD203467                  21:19:18.00  +64:50:60.00  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 iracmap      38.25   2006-10-28 21:59:40.9     17775360  IRAC-hd203467                           
DB2001+8                  20:31:45.40  +38:58:00.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.92   2006-10-28 22:36:30.2     18914304  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+8                    
HD192640                  20:14:32.03  +36:48:22.70  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.52   2006-10-28 22:42:03.4     19080704  IRAC-0020                               
RS Cyg                    20:13:23.66  +38:43:44.50  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-10-28 22:46:49.4     17632256  RS Cyg E1                               
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.64   2006-10-28 22:59:56.7     20598272  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_6           
hd189733                  20:00:43.71  +22:42:39.10  Charbonneau       PLANETTURNS  30825 irac       1380.24   2006-10-28 23:08:57.6     20674048  p30825_IRAC_substare_hd189733_23hr_p1   
hd189733_pt2              20:00:43.71  +22:42:39.10  Charbonneau       PLANETTURNS  30825 irac        600.35   2006-10-29 22:14:06.6     20673792  p30825_IRAC_substare_hd189733_10hr_p2   
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-30 08:37:09.9     20613120  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_12      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-30 08:50:46.2     20619520  anneal                                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-30 09:02:13.2     20619776  anneal                                  
3C 403                    19:52:15.80  +02:30:24.50  Uchiyama          UCHIYAMA_JET 30854 iracmap      78.41   2006-10-30 09:06:10.5     19066112  IRAC-3c403                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-30 11:51:02.6     20611840  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_7       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-30 11:51:32.3     20621312  anneal                                  
Geminga                   06:33:54.15  +17:46:12.90  Chakrabarty       FALLBACK     30822 iracmap     276.67   2006-10-30 12:10:15.6     19037696  IRAC-Geminga-1                          
ngc2244                   06:31:58.00  +04:55:46.00  Bouwman           CLUSTER_ENVI 30726 iracmap      60.43   2006-10-30 16:44:50.1     20591872  IRAC-0000-NGC2244                       
4u 0614+09                06:17:07.30  +09:08:13.00  Migliari          0614_JETS    30803 iracmap      10.85   2006-10-30 17:41:38.9     19018240  IRAC-0614                               
GL0234AB                  06:29:23.81  -02:48:50.30  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-30 17:51:05.5     17981184  epoch2-GL0234AB                         
IRAS07449+3350            07:48:10.59  +33:43:27.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-10-30 17:59:08.9     17521408  IRAC-gto2-ulirg015                      
SBS0743+591B              07:47:46.76  +59:00:29.80  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       6.76   2006-10-30 18:03:42.9     17560832  Wu_IRAC-0000                            
2MA0652+4710              06:52:30.70  +47:10:35.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-30 18:09:17.9     17998592  epoch2-2MA0652+4710                     
3C175.1                   07:14:04.68  +14:36:22.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-10-30 18:16:47.5     18059264  IRAC-0000 - 3C175.1                     
BN Mon                    06:21:58.00  +07:20:60.00  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-10-30 18:23:33.0     17627136  BN Mon E1                               
GL0273                    07:27:24.49  +05:13:32.90  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-10-30 18:28:17.7     17981696  epoch2-GL0273                           
brc26                     07:03:47.17  -11:45:47.40  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-10-30 18:34:29.3     17511680  IRAC-brc26                              
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.62   2006-10-30 18:49:50.8     20598528  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_7           
HD209952-clus             22:08:13.99  -46:57:39.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.22   2006-10-30 19:32:23.2     20622592  mag2t2 - HD209952-clus                  
HD209952-clus             22:08:13.99  -46:57:39.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.22   2006-10-30 19:35:18.0     20623616  mag2t12 - HD209952-clus                 
HD209952-clus             22:08:13.99  -46:57:39.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.82   2006-10-30 19:40:12.2     20624640  mag2t30 - HD209952-clus                 
47 Tuc-clus               00:24:05.22  -72:04:57.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.62   2006-10-30 19:52:06.6     20634624  47Tuct2                                 
47 Tuc-clus               00:24:05.22  -72:04:57.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      12.65   2006-10-30 19:57:26.2     20634880  47Tuct12hdr                             
47 Tuc-clus               00:24:05.22  -72:04:57.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      19.82   2006-10-30 20:06:47.3     20635136  47Tuct30                                
HD15008-clus              02:21:44.94  -68:39:33.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-30 20:24:57.9     20625408  mag4t2 - HD15008-clus                   
HD15008-clus              02:21:44.94  -68:39:33.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-30 20:27:51.3     20627456  mag4t12 - HD15008-clus                  
HD15008-clus              02:21:44.94  -68:39:33.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-30 20:32:44.5     20629504  mag4t30 - HD15008-clus                  
HD44431-clus              05:59:47.22  -84:13:38.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.21   2006-10-30 20:43:33.9     20625920  mag4t2 - HD44431-clus                   
HD44431-clus              05:59:47.22  -84:13:38.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.21   2006-10-30 20:46:27.7     20627968  mag4t12 - HD44431-clus                  
HD44431-clus              05:59:47.22  -84:13:38.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.81   2006-10-30 20:51:21.9     20630016  mag4t30 - HD44431-clus                  
HD43107-clus              06:08:44.26  -68:50:36.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-30 21:02:01.1     20626944  mag4t2 - HD43107-clus                   
HD43107-clus              06:08:44.26  -68:50:36.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-30 21:04:54.9     20628992  mag4t12 - HD43107-clus                  
HD43107-clus              06:08:44.26  -68:50:36.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-30 21:09:48.9     20631040  mag4t30 - HD43107-clus                  
HD42701-clus              06:06:50.55  -67:16:60.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-30 21:18:50.1     20626176  mag4t2 - HD42701-clus                   
HD42701-clus              06:06:50.55  -67:16:60.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-30 21:21:43.5     20628224  mag4t12 - HD42701-clus                  
HD42701-clus              06:06:50.55  -67:16:60.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-30 21:26:36.9     20630272  mag4t30 - HD42701-clus                  
HD041371-clus             06:00:07.71  -64:18:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-30 21:35:56.5     20626688  mag4t2 - HD041371-clus                  
HD041371-clus             06:00:07.71  -64:18:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-30 21:38:50.1     20628736  mag4t12 - HD041371-clus                 
HD041371-clus             06:00:07.71  -64:18:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-30 21:43:43.7     20630784  mag4t30 - HD041371-clus                 
HD39608-clus              05:49:36.46  -60:40:34.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-30 21:53:11.7     20625664  mag4t2 - HD39608-clus                   
HD39608-clus              05:49:36.46  -60:40:34.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-30 21:56:05.3     20627712  mag4t12 - HD39608-clus                  
HD39608-clus              05:49:36.46  -60:40:34.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-30 22:01:03.7     20629760  mag4t30 - HD39608-clus                  
HD053501-clus             06:59:50.54  -67:54:59.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.21   2006-10-30 22:14:25.2     20622336  mag2t2 - HD053501-clus                  
HD053501-clus             06:59:50.54  -67:54:59.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.21   2006-10-30 22:17:18.8     20623360  mag2t12 - HD053501-clus                 
HD053501-clus             06:59:50.54  -67:54:59.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.81   2006-10-30 22:22:12.8     20624384  mag2t30 - HD053501-clus                 
HD044594-clus             06:20:06.14  -48:44:27.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-30 22:33:19.4     20627200  mag4t2 - HD044594-clus                  
HD044594-clus             06:20:06.14  -48:44:27.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-30 22:36:13.0     20629248  mag4t12 - HD044594-clus                 
HD044594-clus             06:20:06.14  -48:44:27.90  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-30 22:41:06.4     20631296  mag4t30 - HD044594-clus                 
HD014943-clus             02:22:54.67  -51:05:31.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.22   2006-10-30 22:53:33.2     20631552  mag6t2 - HD014943-clus                  
HD014943-clus             02:22:54.67  -51:05:31.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.82   2006-10-30 22:56:28.2     20633088  mag6t30 - HD014943-clus                 
HD014943-clus             02:22:54.67  -51:05:31.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.22   2006-10-30 23:04:59.0     20632320  mag6t12 - HD014943-clus                 
HD014943-clus             02:22:54.67  -51:05:31.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      26.07   2006-10-30 23:09:54.4     20635392  mag6t100 - HD014943-clus                
HD191854-clus             20:10:13.33  +43:56:44.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-30 23:43:39.0     20631808  mag6t2 - HD191854-clus                  
HD191854-clus             20:10:13.33  +43:56:44.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-30 23:46:32.6     20632576  mag6t12 - HD191854-clus                 
HD191854-clus             20:10:13.33  +43:56:44.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-30 23:51:26.8     20633344  mag6t30 - HD191854-clus                 
HD191854-clus             20:10:13.33  +43:56:44.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      26.05   2006-10-30 23:59:56.6     20635904  mag6t100 - HD191854-clus                
HD173976-clus             18:44:30.13  +60:20:56.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-31 00:25:29.1     20623104  mag2t2 - HD173976-clus                  
HD173976-clus             18:44:30.13  +60:20:56.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-31 00:28:22.3     20624128  mag2t12 - HD173976-clus                 
HD173976-clus             18:44:30.13  +60:20:56.50  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-31 00:33:15.5     20625152  mag2t30 - HD173976-clus                 
HD173398-clus             18:40:56.41  +62:44:58.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.20   2006-10-31 00:42:24.3     20626432  mag4t2 - HD173398-clus                  
HD173398-clus             18:40:56.41  +62:44:58.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.20   2006-10-31 00:45:17.5     20628480  mag4t12 - HD173398-clus                 
HD173398-clus             18:40:56.41  +62:44:58.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.80   2006-10-31 00:50:10.5     20630528  mag4t30 - HD173398-clus                 
HD159330-clus             17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       6.21   2006-10-31 01:00:17.7     20622848  mag2t2 - HD159330-clus                  
HD159330-clus             17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap       8.21   2006-10-31 01:03:11.5     20623872  mag2t12 - HD159330-clus                 
HD159330-clus             17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1164 iracmap      11.81   2006-10-31 01:08:05.3     20624896  mag2t30 - HD159330-clus                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-31 02:38:28.6     20612096  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_8       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-31 02:39:02.1     20621568  anneal                                  
Mrk 3                     06:15:36.36  +71:02:15.10  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 iracmap       5.88   2006-10-31 02:54:15.0     17637888  IRAC-CTAGN                              
SN 2004dj                 07:37:17.04  +65:35:57.80  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap       8.42   2006-10-31 02:58:29.8     18274560  04dj-IRAC-1                             
SDSS074729.24+0434607.5   07:47:29.24  +43:46:07.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-10-31 03:06:15.8     18094592  IRAC-0000 - SDSS074729.24+0434607.5     
SDSS075058.21+0421617.0   07:50:58.21  +42:16:17.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-10-31 03:11:21.0     18091520  IRAC-0000 - SDSS075058.21+0421617.0     
ugc 3997                  07:44:38.74  +40:21:58.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.70   2006-10-31 03:16:30.0     19185152  IRAC-0019                               
SDSS073802.37+0383116.3   07:38:02.37  +38:31:16.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-10-31 03:26:31.6     18103296  IRAC-0000 - SDSS073802.37+0383116.3     
SDSS074417.47+375317.2    07:44:17.47  +37:53:17.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-10-31 03:31:31.0     18076672  IRAC-0000 - SDSS074417.47+375317.2      
GJ1093                    06:59:28.90  +19:20:53.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-31 03:38:40.4     17989632  epoch2-GJ1093                           
NGC2359-bowshock          07:18:29.13  -13:13:01.50  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 iracmap      41.59   2006-10-31 03:46:09.6     18384896  NGC2359-bowshock-IRAC                   
SDSS210225.75-0060903.9   21:02:25.75  -06:09:03.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.88   2006-10-31 04:35:53.8     18096128  IRAC-0000 - SDSS210225.75-0060903.9     
2MA2104-1037              21:04:14.90  -10:37:37.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-10-31 04:41:27.9     17995776  epoch2-2MA2104-1037                     
2MA2228-4310              22:28:28.90  -43:10:26.20  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-10-31 04:49:21.8     18007296  epoch2-2MA2228-4310                     
HD216847                  22:57:22.01  -56:52:30.70  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.52   2006-10-31 04:55:28.8     19080448  IRAC-0019                               
ESO146-G14                22:13:00.43  -62:04:03.41  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.49   2006-10-31 05:01:00.1     18887424  IRAC - ESO146-G14                       
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.62   2006-10-31 05:11:33.1     20598784  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_8           
HD189733                  20:00:38.00  +22:41:60.00  Vidal-Madjar      ALFRED       30590 irac        268.03   2006-10-31 05:20:47.9     20678400  P30590_hd189733_fpa13only_stare         
I20462                    20:48:16.60  +34:27:24.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.07   2006-10-31 09:54:46.5     17500160  IRAC-0020                               
FF Aql                    18:58:14.75  +17:21:39.30  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-10-31 10:04:59.1     18681344  IRAC_FF_Aql                             
I19306                    19:32:55.10  +14:13:36.90  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.04   2006-10-31 10:10:22.0     17509632  IRAC-0033                               
HD183263                  19:28:24.57  +08:21:29.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-10-31 10:18:15.4     17556992  NSEXOII-039                             
DR Ser                    18:47:21.02  +05:27:18.60  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-10-31 10:27:14.1     17631232  DR Ser E1                               
eta Aql                   19:52:28.37  +01:00:20.40  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       6.03   2006-10-31 10:32:19.5     18683392  IRAC_eta_Aql                            
U Aql                     19:29:21.36  -07:02:38.70  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-10-31 10:36:50.5     18680320  IRAC_U_Aql                              
I19157                    19:18:22.50  -02:42:09.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      13.66   2006-10-31 10:41:48.4     17499136  IRAC-0016                               
IRAS 18576+0341           19:00:10.93  +03:45:48.00  Fazio             LBVS         30188 iracmap      10.44   2006-10-31 10:53:36.4     17334784  IRAC-LBV-0006                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-31 12:03:32.7     20612352  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_9       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-31 12:05:19.3     20621824  anneal                                  
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.61   2006-10-31 12:22:58.3     20599040  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_9           
MONR2                     06:12:50.00  -06:44:20.82  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      95.18   2006-10-31 12:39:22.1     15572736  MonR2_epoch1                            
MONR2                     06:13:13.55  -06:23:14.48  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.44   2006-10-31 14:09:07.8     15567616  MonR2_epoch1 - 0001                     
MONR2                     06:12:11.39  -06:02:25.98  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.60   2006-10-31 15:38:09.5     15567360  MonR2_epoch1 - 0002                     
MONR2                     06:12:17.97  -05:39:34.34  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      72.39   2006-10-31 17:07:16.2     15567104  MonR2_epoch1 - 0003                     
MONR2                     06:07:01.17  -07:17:05.32  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.46   2006-10-31 18:15:31.8     15566848  MonR2_epoch1 - 0004                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-10-31 21:22:00.6     20612608  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_10      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-10-31 21:24:01.2     20619008  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.57   2006-10-31 21:35:06.4     20595968  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30_1           
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.58   2006-10-31 21:44:06.2     20602112  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12_1             
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.58   2006-10-31 21:49:32.4     20601600  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30_1            
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.58   2006-10-31 21:58:05.4     20601088  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30_1            
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.58   2006-10-31 22:06:18.6     20600576  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30_1            
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.91   2006-10-31 22:14:54.2     20603136  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.89   2006-10-31 22:19:28.4     20603648  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2_1      
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.91   2006-10-31 22:24:55.6     20596480  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.60   2006-10-31 22:29:41.6     20602624  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12_1       
IRAS19458+0944            19:48:15.70  +09:52:05.00  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-10-31 22:40:08.6     17526016  IRAC-gto2-ulirg033                      
HD196885                  20:39:51.88  +11:14:58.70  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-10-31 22:43:32.2     17558272  NSEXOII-044                             
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.61   2006-10-31 22:54:11.0     20599296  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_10          
MONR2                     06:06:16.84  -06:55:43.67  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.53   2006-10-31 23:10:29.4     15566592  MonR2_epoch1 - 0005                     
MONR2                     06:06:45.82  -06:33:43.82  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.53   2006-11-01 00:39:37.7     15566336  MonR2_epoch1 - 0006                     
MONR2                     06:07:11.85  -06:11:36.34  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.52   2006-11-01 02:08:42.4     15566080  MonR2_epoch1 - 0007                     
MONR2                     06:06:27.51  -05:50:04.53  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.60   2006-11-01 03:37:46.3     15565824  MonR2_epoch1 - 0008                     
MONR2                     06:07:24.81  -05:25:34.35  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      94.58   2006-11-01 05:06:55.5     16936448  MonR2_epoch1 - 0009                     
MONR2                     06:07:31.59  -05:00:55.69  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 iracmap      70.71   2006-11-01 06:35:59.8     16940032  MonR2_epoch1 - 0010                     
225-02                    07:06:28.50  -11:38:47.47  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.14   2006-11-01 07:44:05.7     14773760  IRAC-0001 - 225-02                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-01 10:40:54.0     20612864  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c36_octnov_11      
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         11.45   2006-11-01 10:43:05.3     20619264  anneal                                  
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      10.67   2006-11-01 10:52:43.2     20608512  skydrk_0.02_subarray - NEP c36 lateOct e
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       6.19   2006-11-01 11:00:04.1     20608768  skydrk_0.1_subarray - NEP c36 lateOct ea
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       9.04   2006-11-01 11:02:51.9     20609024  skydrk_0.4_subarray - NEP c36 lateOct ea
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.13   2006-11-01 11:08:36.0     20609280  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar - NEP c36 lateOct e
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.13   2006-11-01 11:13:21.8     20606720  skydrk_2 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov - 0
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.40   2006-11-01 11:18:04.6     20607488  skydrk_12hdr - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      11.05   2006-11-01 11:26:00.2     20606976  skydrk_12 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov - 
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      17.32   2006-11-01 11:33:37.2     20607744  skydrk_30hdr - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      16.30   2006-11-01 11:47:29.6     20607232  skydrk_30 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov - 
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      41.77   2006-11-01 12:00:22.0     20608256  skydrk_100hdr - NEP c36 lateOct early No
NEP c36 lateOct early Nov 17:39:20.00  +68:58:30.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap      54.56   2006-11-01 12:38:44.1     20608000  skydrk_100 - NEP c36 lateOct early Nov -
zody_field_21             20:15:21.96  -26:58:59.77  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap     240.58   2006-11-01 13:37:40.5     20609792  skyflt_zody_field_21_c36_octnov_1       
HD195061                  20:29:33.21  -18:13:12.22  Reach             CAL_IRAC_113  1139 iracmap       8.61   2006-11-01 17:36:01.7     20599552  IRAC_calstar_HD195061_s2l12_11          
CL1002+6858               10:02:07.60  +68:58:49.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 iracmap      47.91   2006-11-01 17:53:35.7     16812800  CL1002+6858irac                         
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_123  1239 irac         14.94   2006-11-01 18:42:07.1     20622080  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-01 20:52:54.1     20649728  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_27b                  20:30:26.75  -24:06:34.05  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1878 mipsphot    175.53   2006-11-01 21:04:10.9     20668928  calflt-36MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-01 23:56:01.7     20657920  anneal                                  
zodi_27b                  20:30:26.75  -24:06:34.05  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1878 mipsscan    139.06   2006-11-02 00:03:20.9     20669184  calflt-36MC-fastscan.aor                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 00:30:00.0     21118208  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 00:30:00.0     21117952  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 00:30:00.0     21118464  anneal                                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 00:30:00.0     21117696  anneal                                  
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips         16.68   2006-11-02 02:26:07.7     20648960  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips         16.42   2006-11-02 02:43:01.2     20667136  mips_drk70160cvz                        
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-02 03:01:24.8     20646400  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot     17.60   2006-11-02 03:05:37.5     20646656  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-02 03:21:46.4     20646144  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot     17.59   2006-11-02 03:26:22.2     20646912  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 03:42:16.0     20655104  anneal                                  
HIP89937                  18:21:04.23  +72:43:55.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 03:49:05.3     19806208  AOR_2 - HIP89937                        
HIP86340                  17:38:33.93  +71:19:58.48  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-11-02 03:59:31.3     19803648  AOR_3 - HIP86340                        
HIP86141                  17:36:13.48  +71:52:42.44  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 04:11:31.7     19843328  AOR_2 - HIP86141                        
HIP81813                  16:42:38.23  +68:06:10.81  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 04:22:18.6     19793920  AOR_2 - HIP81813                        
HIP82860                  16:56:01.96  +65:08:05.77  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 04:32:42.5     19874048  AOR_2 - HIP82860                        
HIP79755                  16:16:42.16  +67:14:20.33  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 04:43:27.4     19780608  AOR_2 - HIP79755                        
A2292                     17:57:06.70  +53:51:38.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-11-02 04:55:32.0     18663936  MIPSP-0013                              
HIP91009                  18:33:55.91  +51:43:06.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 05:14:53.8     19859712  AOR_2 - HIP91009                        
ugc 11318                 18:39:12.25  +55:38:30.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.75   2006-11-02 05:25:30.3     19206912  MIPSP-0052                              
HIP94336                  19:12:04.87  +49:51:24.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 05:47:44.0     19833856  AOR_2 - HIP94336                        
HIP89474                  18:15:32.41  +45:12:32.67  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 05:59:06.7     19814912  AOR_2 - HIP89474                        
HIP98792                  20:03:51.62  +23:20:20.23  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-02 06:12:24.6     19784960  AOR_1 - HIP98792                        
HIP98828                  20:04:10.01  +25:47:24.54  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-02 06:16:20.6     19869696  AOR_1 - HIP98828                        
HIP102040                 20:40:45.20  +19:56:10.06  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-11-02 06:21:29.9     19858944  AOR_2 - HIP102040                       
HIP103256                 20:55:07.13  +13:10:39.06  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-02 06:32:42.0     19745024  AOR_2 - HIP103256                       
HIP104092                 21:05:19.78  +07:04:05.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-02 06:43:52.1     19869952  AOR_2 - HIP104092                       
Mrk509                    20:44:09.74  -10:43:24.50  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-02 06:56:15.5     18518272  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - Mrk509           
Vaisala-Oterma                1000238 Vaisala-Oterm  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-11-02 07:09:35.6     19560192  seppcon-139P-VO-1st                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 07:13:09.7     20651264  anneal                                  
LINEAR (P/1998 VS24)          1000243 LINEAR (P/199  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-11-02 07:27:10.4     19580672  seppcon-P98VS24-LIN-1st                 
t2B                       20:13:18.58  -15:48:49.71  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.90   2006-11-02 07:35:58.9     20026112  t2B_SE100_302_N04                       
Anderson-LINEAR               1000328 Anderson-LINE  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     36.86   2006-11-02 10:10:22.5     19562240  seppcon-148P-AndLIN-1st                 
LINEAR (P/1998 VS24)          1000243 LINEAR (P/199  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-11-02 10:50:15.3     19575808  seppcon-P98VS24-LIN-2nd                 
Vaisala-Oterma                1000238 Vaisala-Oterm  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-11-02 11:01:01.3     19589888  seppcon-139P-VO-2nd                     
V4332 Sgr                 18:50:36.70  -21:23:29.60  Ashok             NOVALIKE     20581 mipsphot     19.28   2006-11-02 11:08:40.5     14867712  MIPSP-V4332Sgr                          
G30.535+0.021new          18:46:59.36  -02:07:24.70  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipsphot      8.46   2006-11-02 11:27:25.7     20196608  UCHII-24small-70fine - G30.535+0.021new 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 12:33:53.8     20660736  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
t2B                       20:09:15.50  -16:01:45.87  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.90   2006-11-02 12:44:39.3     20021504  t2B_SE100_301_N04                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 15:10:44.4     20663552  anneal                                  
Anderson-LINEAR               1000328 Anderson-LINE  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     36.86   2006-11-02 15:24:46.8     19591680  seppcon-148P-AndLIN-2nd                 
HIP102119                 20:41:42.59  -22:19:24.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-11-02 15:58:45.2     19765760  AOR_3 - HIP102119                       
HIP102264                 20:43:15.98  -29:25:27.34  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 16:11:48.5     19809280  AOR_2 - HIP102264                       
HIP103768                 21:01:39.24  -32:31:28.93  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 16:22:31.3     19884032  AOR_2 - HIP103768                       
HIP105312                 21:19:45.32  -26:21:12.68  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-11-02 16:33:30.9     19851776  AOR_2 - HIP105312                       
HIP105341                 21:20:13.74  -19:51:13.14  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-02 16:44:24.1     19842048  AOR_2 - HIP105341                       
HIP104239                 21:07:10.57  -13:55:22.84  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-11-02 16:55:17.4     19849216  AOR_2 - HIP104239                       
SDSS210225.75-0060903.9   21:02:25.75  -06:09:03.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-02 17:06:14.8     18132480  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS210225.75-0060903.9    
HIP107625                 21:48:00.10  -40:15:24.32  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.09   2006-11-02 17:14:00.4     19878912  AOR_4 - HIP107625                       
HIP107143                 21:42:10.28  -41:07:31.84  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.09   2006-11-02 17:28:23.4     19895808  AOR_4 - HIP107143                       
HIP105184                 21:18:27.42  -43:20:04.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 17:43:22.0     19868160  AOR_2 - HIP105184                       
HIP105911                 21:27:01.48  -44:48:29.67  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-11-02 17:53:33.3     19894784  AOR_3 - HIP105911                       
HIP106696                 21:36:41.55  -50:50:44.80  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 18:06:32.4     19774720  AOR_2 - HIP106696                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 18:18:09.3     20666368  anneal                                  
HIP110109                 22:18:15.98  -53:37:41.78  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 18:24:14.6     19794176  AOR_2 - HIP110109                       
HIP112117                 22:42:36.90  -47:12:41.04  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-11-02 18:35:07.9     19823360  AOR_2 - HIP112117                       
HIP111983                 22:40:58.76  -46:12:07.30  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.09   2006-11-02 18:45:10.8     19849984  AOR_4 - HIP111983                       
HIP116491                 23:36:18.19  -48:35:17.14  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.30   2006-11-02 19:00:47.2     19864064  AOR_5 - HIP116491                       
HIP114996                 23:17:25.77  -58:14:08.24  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-02 19:18:29.4     19827712  AOR_2 - HIP114996                       
HIP1031                   00:12:50.15  -57:54:45.20  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-11-02 19:29:26.8     19827456  AOR_2 - HIP1031                         
HIP1349                   00:16:54.13  -52:39:03.00  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-02 19:40:05.4     19842560  AOR_2 - HIP1349                         
G54.094-0.060_tweak       19:31:43.79  +18:42:27.20  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-11-02 19:57:18.2     20028160  G54.0-MIPS-SED_tweak                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 20:53:53.7     20666880  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
IC5063                    20:52:02.30  -57:04:08.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-02 21:07:10.4     18516480  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - IC5063           
NGC6752-offsets           19:10:51.78  -59:58:54.70  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot     15.97   2006-11-02 21:12:07.2     17313280  n6752_70                                
RCS211852-6334.6          21:18:52.00  -63:34:36.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.80   2006-11-02 21:27:00.6     19246848  MIPS24core z3poor RCS211852-6334.6      
RCS212134-6335.8          21:21:34.00  -63:35:48.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     56.07   2006-11-02 21:50:42.4     19241216  MIPS24core z1poor RCS212134-6335.8      
HDFS2 ll                  22:32:14.00  -60:38:60.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 mipsphot     42.65   2006-11-02 22:44:59.3     19160064  MIPS-HDFS2-3                            
HIP107705                 21:49:06.33  -72:06:10.40  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-11-02 23:28:40.7     19804160  AOR_3 - HIP107705                       
HIP107022                 21:40:29.51  -74:04:26.17  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 23:41:04.1     19859200  AOR_2 - HIP107022                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-02 23:53:15.0     20649984  anneal                                  
HIP110712_19              22:25:53.85  -75:00:54.40  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-02 23:58:14.9     19820288  AOR_2 - HIP110712_19                    
HIP114859                 23:15:58.75  -81:22:20.43  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 00:09:08.1     19774464  AOR_2 - HIP114859                       
HIP2021                   00:25:49.79  -77:15:13.02  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 00:19:44.6     19759616  AOR_2 - HIP2021                         
HIP169                    00:02:09.00  -68:16:52.39  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 00:30:52.6     19850496  AOR_2 - HIP169                          
HIP436                    00:05:17.54  -67:50:01.26  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 00:40:32.4     19878144  AOR_2 - HIP436                          
HIP3497                   00:44:39.44  -65:39:03.42  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-03 00:51:08.9     19752192  AOR_2 - HIP3497                         
HIP4473                   00:57:20.76  -62:14:43.52  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-03 01:01:34.9     19857920  AOR_2 - HIP4473                         
HIP5842                   01:15:01.45  -68:49:07.56  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 01:12:26.1     19879168  AOR_2 - HIP5842                         
HIP9236                   01:58:46.47  -61:34:11.17  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-03 01:23:29.8     19740416  AOR_2 - HIP9236                         
HIP9044                   01:56:32.92  -60:13:34.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-11-03 01:33:30.6     19812608  AOR_3 - HIP9044                         
HIP12351                  02:39:01.16  -58:11:13.65  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-11-03 01:46:21.4     19823104  AOR_3 - HIP12351                        
HIP14587                  03:08:22.61  -60:10:20.43  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.08   2006-11-03 01:59:07.9     19802880  AOR_4 - HIP14587                        
HIP9007                   01:55:57.98  -51:36:29.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-03 02:15:01.0     19789056  AOR_2 - HIP9007                         
HIP15774                  03:23:17.36  -49:59:29.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-11-03 02:26:32.0     19857664  AOR_2 - HIP15774                        
HIP22122                  04:45:38.27  -50:04:29.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 02:38:03.0     19762176  AOR_2 - HIP22122                        
PicA-West                 05:19:26.37  -45:45:57.30  Rieke             PICA         30337 mipsphot      9.61   2006-11-03 02:48:56.3     17607168  MIPSP-PICA-West                         
PicA-East                 05:20:07.79  -45:47:44.00  Rieke             PICA         30337 mipsphot      7.62   2006-11-03 02:55:20.1     17607424  MIPSP-PICA-East                         
RCS051908-4323.3          05:19:08.00  -43:23:18.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.81   2006-11-03 03:00:32.5     19250432  MIPS24core z4rich RCS051908-4323.3      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-03 03:30:52.6     20650240  anneal                                  
RCS051834-4325.1          05:18:34.00  -43:25:06.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     73.22   2006-11-03 03:30:55.0     19243776  MIPS24core z1rich RCS051834-4325.1      
RCS051855-4315.0          05:18:55.00  -43:15:00.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.81   2006-11-03 04:40:51.3     19244288  MIPS24core z2poor RCS051855-4315.0      
HIP25775                  05:30:14.03  -42:41:51.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-11-03 05:05:10.9     19753728  AOR_3 - HIP25775                        
HIP27323                  05:47:18.23  -48:31:32.92  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 05:18:16.3     19878400  AOR_2 - HIP27323                        
HIP27887                  05:54:04.17  -60:01:24.94  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 05:29:34.7     19840256  AOR_2 - HIP27887                        
W Men                     05:26:24.52  -71:11:11.80  Evans             NYESBAGS3    30077 mipsphot     40.17   2006-11-03 05:40:44.8     17744640  MIPSP_WMen                              
TPMPole                   06:00:00.00  -66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-11-03 06:18:52.8     18695680  MIPS_TPMPole_S36                        
HIP35296                  07:17:29.52  -46:58:41.25  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-03 06:32:18.1     19821056  AOR_1 - HIP35296                        
HIP32366                  06:45:22.83  -31:47:39.25  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 06:37:37.9     19766272  AOR_2 - HIP32366                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-03 06:56:46.7     20650496  anneal                                  
4u 0614+09                06:17:07.30  +09:08:13.00  Migliari          0614_JETS    30803 mipsphot     59.53   2006-11-03 06:57:42.7     19018496  MIPSP-0614                              
t2B                       20:05:11.83  -16:14:20.61  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.90   2006-11-03 08:06:34.1     20024320  t2B_SE100_300_N04                       
PKS1938-15                19:41:15.15  -15:24:30.94  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     20.97   2006-11-03 10:34:31.8     14430976  MIPSP-0055                              
G30.535+0.021_new         18:46:59.36  -02:07:24.70  Carey             UCHIIRHO     20778 mipssed       6.66   2006-11-03 10:54:42.9     20028416  G30.5-MIPS-SED_tweak                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-03 12:09:53.4     20650752  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
XBSJ204043-004548         20:40:43.46  +00:45:48.20  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     68.41   2006-11-03 12:21:36.4     18611456  MIPSP-0016                              
hip 103931                21:03:29.51  -01:34:46.80  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.85   2006-11-03 13:28:01.0     17343744  MIPSP-0127-earlyf                       
TPMPole                   18:00:00.00  +66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-11-03 13:54:59.9     18693120  MIPS_TPMPole_N36                        
HD131873                  14:50:42.33  +74:09:19.80  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot     20.51   2006-11-03 14:08:12.7     20645632  MIPS-CALMC36-NF- HD131873               
HIP53327                  10:54:25.68  +76:03:57.69  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-11-03 14:27:27.1     19836672  AOR_3 - HIP53327                        
HIP54952                  11:15:11.26  +73:28:31.70  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-03 14:39:56.9     19793664  AOR_2 - HIP54952                        
HIP49868                  10:10:59.14  +75:08:30.40  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.07   2006-11-03 14:50:37.5     19837440  AOR_4 - HIP49868                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-03 15:06:59.0     20651008  anneal                                  
HIP46343                  09:26:52.48  +75:56:02.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 15:12:12.5     19893760  AOR_2 - HIP46343                        
CL1002+6858m70            10:02:07.60  +68:58:49.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     29.17   2006-11-03 15:26:04.1     16813312  CL1002+6858m70                          
CL1002+6858               10:02:07.60  +68:58:49.00  Rines             KRINES       20225 mipsphot     17.78   2006-11-03 15:52:04.3     16813056  CL1002+6858m24                          
HIP45038                  09:10:23.54  +67:08:02.41  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 16:07:54.3     19776000  AOR_2 - HIP45038                        
HIP43534                  08:52:00.46  +66:07:54.26  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 16:18:09.8     19892480  AOR_2 - HIP43534                        
HIP45333                  09:14:20.54  +61:25:23.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-03 16:28:54.7     19798272  AOR_2 - HIP45333                        
SDSS090037.89+550318.0    09:00:37.89  +55:03:18.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-03 16:39:43.8     18120448  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS090037.89+550318.0     
ugc 4380                  08:24:31.83  +54:51:13.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.76   2006-11-03 16:45:10.9     19200512  MIPSP-0026                              
HIP40170                  08:12:14.36  +51:54:23.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-11-03 17:06:40.7     19840512  AOR_3 - HIP40170                        
SDSS082836.39+504826.5    08:28:36.39  +50:48:26.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-03 17:19:10.4     18122496  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS082836.39+504826.5     
A646                      08:22:09.60  +47:05:54.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-11-03 17:24:20.8     18637312  MIPSP-0043 - A646                       
SDSS082229.78+0442705.2   08:22:29.78  +44:27:05.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-03 17:43:06.9     18140928  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS082229.78+0442705.2    
SDSS082012.62+431358.5    08:20:12.62  +43:13:58.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-03 17:47:48.0     18112768  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS082012.62+431358.5     
SDSS074729.24+0434607.5   07:47:29.24  +43:46:07.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-03 17:53:15.1     18130944  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS074729.24+0434607.5    
SDSS075058.21+0421617.0   07:50:58.21  +42:16:17.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-03 17:58:08.7     18127872  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS075058.21+0421617.0    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-03 18:08:21.4     20651520  anneal                                  
ugc 3997                  07:44:38.74  +40:21:58.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.75   2006-11-03 18:09:57.6     19198720  MIPSP-0019                              
SDSS073802.37+0383116.3   07:38:02.37  +38:31:16.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-03 18:31:16.8     18139648  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS073802.37+0383116.3    
3C396cent                 19:04:18.67  +05:26:30.80  Rho               SNRIRSSURVEY 30585 mipssed      14.67   2006-11-03 18:45:24.1     18551296  3C396cent-MIPS-SED                      
IRDC5A                    19:04:07.40  +05:08:48.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-11-03 18:56:58.2     17811456  MIPSE - IRDC5A                          
IRDC3D                    18:57:08.80  +02:08:09.00  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 mipssed      15.73   2006-11-03 19:10:31.9     17804288  MIPSE - IRDC3D                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-03 20:17:27.3     20651776  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
IC5135                    21:48:19.50  -34:57:06.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-03 20:29:50.3     18516736  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - IC5135           
HD207129 - 70cluster      21:48:15.75  -47:18:13.00  Bryden            RESOLVEDDISK 30157 mipsphot     86.07   2006-11-03 20:34:57.5     17853440  MIPS70fine-HD207129                     
HIP104440                 21:09:23.17  -73:10:25.37  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-03 22:00:43.9     19804416  AOR_2 - HIP104440                       
HIP98106                  19:56:16.11  -72:21:53.41  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-03 22:11:28.8     19776256  AOR_2 - HIP98106                        
XBSJ193248-723355         19:32:48.80  -72:33:55.20  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     68.40   2006-11-03 22:21:35.9     18611200  MIPSP-0015                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-03 23:28:36.7     20652800  anneal                                  
RMC 4                     00:46:54.00  -73:09:00.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     21.47   2006-11-03 23:36:11.2     19153152  MIPSP-RMC4                              
LHA 115-S 23              00:55:53.81  -72:08:59.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     21.47   2006-11-03 23:54:54.2     19153408  MIPSP-LHA115-S23                        
RMC 50                    01:44:03.88  -74:40:49.80  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-11-04 00:14:19.2     19155456  MIPSP-RMC50                             
XBSJ040658-712457         04:06:58.87  -71:24:57.70  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     68.39   2006-11-04 00:31:22.6     18608128  MIPSP-0003                              
XBSJ040758-712833         04:07:58.97  -71:28:33.50  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     68.39   2006-11-04 01:36:38.0     18608384  MIPSP-0004                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-04 02:44:58.6     20652288  anneal                                  
HD 269006                 05:02:07.39  -71:20:13.10  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-11-04 02:49:45.2     19154688  MIPSP-HD269006                          
LHA 120-S 93              05:16:31.80  -68:22:09.10  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-11-04 03:06:04.6     19153920  MIPSP-LHA120-S93                        
HD 34664                  05:13:52.99  -67:26:54.60  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-11-04 03:21:56.7     19153664  MIPSP-HD34664                           
LHA 120-S 35              05:27:18.00  -66:20:60.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     21.47   2006-11-04 03:37:59.3     19152384  MIPSP-LHA120-S35                        
HD10647 - 70cluster       01:42:29.32  -53:44:27.00  Bryden            RESOLVEDDISK 30157 mipsphot     86.07   2006-11-04 03:59:23.7     17852672  MIPS70fine-HD10647                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-04 05:31:36.7     20652032  anneal                                  
RCS043938-2904.8          04:39:38.00  -29:04:48.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot    166.43   2006-11-04 05:36:04.4     19253504  MIPS24deep z4rich RCS043938-2904.8 aor1 
S308-W                    06:53:12.80  -23:55:00.00  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 mipsphot     43.75   2006-11-04 08:22:24.7     18384384  S308_MIPS                               
HIP31592                  06:36:41.07  -19:15:21.63  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-04 09:04:09.8     19777024  AOR_1 - HIP31592                        
HIP35943                  07:24:34.23  -17:53:32.46  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-04 09:09:04.4     19771392  AOR_1 - HIP35943                        
HIP33955                  07:02:42.83  -06:47:59.63  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-04 09:14:09.6     19741184  AOR_1 - HIP33955                        
brc27                     07:03:58.71  -11:23:10.20  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-11-04 09:18:28.6     17512448  MIPSP-brc27                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-04 10:40:53.0     20653056  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP17750                  03:48:01.83  +68:40:42.58  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-04 10:59:18.8     19888896  AOR_1 - HIP17750                        
HIP32769                  06:49:57.27  +60:20:10.99  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-04 11:05:03.8     19849728  AOR_2 - HIP32769                        
NGC 2320 70 micron positi 07:05:42.03  +50:34:51.80  Young             CO-RICH-ES   20780 mipsphot    119.79   2006-11-04 11:16:11.7     15167488  ngc2320 MIPSP-70                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-04 13:13:53.7     20653824  anneal                                  
HIP33852                  07:01:38.97  +48:22:40.48  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-04 13:20:16.6     19847936  AOR_2 - HIP33852                        
HIP32919                  06:51:32.23  +47:21:59.46  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-04 13:30:30.0     19826176  AOR_2 - HIP32919                        
2002 XU93                     2127546     2002 XU93  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     99.77   2006-11-04 13:48:24.8     17764352  Cent_GO3a-04-A                          
hd 48682 - 70 cluster     06:46:44.34  +43:34:38.70  Stapelfeldt       HD48682DISK  20734 mipsphot     86.06   2006-11-04 15:25:42.2     15061504  HD48682-70nf                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-04 16:48:02.1     20653312  anneal                                  
HIP33373                  06:56:28.19  +40:04:24.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-04 16:56:26.4     19862016  AOR_2 - HIP33373                        
LINEAR (P/2003 KV2)           1000441 LINEAR (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     22.91   2006-11-04 17:12:53.1     19570688  seppcon-P03KV2-LIN-1st                  
HIP36704                  07:33:00.55  +37:01:47.65  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-04 17:33:24.1     19763968  AOR_2 - HIP36704                        
SDSS074417.47+375317.2    07:44:17.47  +37:53:17.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-04 17:43:39.6     18113024  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS074417.47+375317.2     
GRB020127                 08:15:05.70  +36:44:31.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 mipsphot     27.93   2006-11-04 17:49:04.7     17179136  MIPSP-0000 - GRB020127                  
ugc 4256                  08:10:15.19  +33:57:23.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.76   2006-11-04 18:14:37.7     19200000  MIPSP-0024                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-04 18:40:02.8     20653568  anneal                                  
MS2053                    20:56:22.50  -04:35:30.00  Tran              KTRAN-MS2053 30642 mipsphot    120.43   2006-11-04 18:56:32.2     18626560  MS2053-mipsphot2                        
MS2053                    20:56:24.50  -04:40:00.00  Tran              KTRAN-MS2053 30642 mipsphot    120.43   2006-11-04 20:53:43.9     18626304  MS2053-mipsphot1                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-04 23:45:52.8     20654080  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
LINEAR (P/2003 KV2)           1000441 LINEAR (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     22.91   2006-11-05 00:07:22.0     19566592  seppcon-P03KV2-LIN-2nd                  
HIP36357                  07:29:01.85  +31:59:39.17  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 00:27:55.2     19833344  AOR_2 - HIP36357                        
HIP36366                  07:29:06.81  +31:47:05.92  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 00:37:32.9     19829760  AOR_2 - HIP36366                        
HIP34414                  07:08:04.16  +29:50:02.13  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 00:48:13.6     19873024  AOR_2 - HIP34414                        
2002 XU93                     2127546     2002 XU93  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     99.77   2006-11-05 01:05:18.1     17764608  Cent_GO3a-04-B                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-05 02:41:07.8     20654592  anneal                                  
R0751+50                  07:51:19.95  +50:14:07.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-11-05 02:50:39.9     18637056  MIPSP-0039 - R0751+50                   
SDSS083115.89+0423316.6   08:31:15.89  +42:33:16.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-05 03:10:20.6     18133760  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS083115.89+0423316.6    
HIP33428                  06:57:04.74  +30:45:21.81  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 03:17:09.5     19772672  AOR_2 - HIP33428                        
HIP32423                  06:46:04.81  +32:33:21.24  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 03:27:31.3     19843840  AOR_2 - HIP32423                        
HIP34222                  07:05:42.22  +27:28:14.36  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 03:38:24.6     19750656  AOR_2 - HIP34222                        
HIP34567                  07:09:35.32  +25:43:41.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 03:48:38.0     19756288  AOR_2 - HIP34567                        
HIP33537                  06:58:11.78  +22:28:33.86  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 03:59:12.4     19835136  AOR_2 - HIP33537                        
HIP32010                  06:41:15.81  +23:57:25.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-05 04:09:40.5     19759360  AOR_1 - HIP32010                        
HIP30756                  06:27:45.89  +20:46:58.67  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-05 04:13:59.5     19819008  AOR_1 - HIP30756                        
HIP30630                  06:26:10.19  +18:45:23.94  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-05 04:17:47.0     19762432  AOR_1 - HIP30630                        
HIP29800                  06:16:26.66  +12:16:21.11  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-05 04:22:16.5     19892224  AOR_1 - HIP29800                        
HIP30362                  06:23:09.23  +08:54:25.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-05 04:26:27.1     19897856  AOR_1 - HIP30362                        
HIP32362                  06:45:17.32  +12:53:42.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-05 04:31:00.8     19762688  AOR_1 - HIP32362                        
HIP36551                  07:31:07.75  +14:36:48.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-05 04:35:53.3     19788288  AOR_2 - HIP36551                        
HIP37798                  07:45:01.21  +02:08:13.21  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-05 04:47:16.0     19834624  AOR_2 - HIP37798                        
HIP37349                  07:39:59.36  -03:35:52.90  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-05 04:57:54.5     19766016  AOR_2 - HIP37349                        
HIP36827                  07:34:26.14  -06:53:48.30  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-05 05:08:22.6     19821312  AOR_2 - HIP36827                        
NGC2359-bowtails          07:18:06.74  -13:13:01.50  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 mipsphot     22.71   2006-11-05 05:19:18.0     18385152  NGC2359-bowtails-MIPS24                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-05 05:43:07.5     20654848  anneal                                  
HD38858 - 70cluster       05:48:34.94  -04:05:40.70  Bryden            RESOLVEDDISK 30157 mipsphot     86.07   2006-11-05 05:48:09.2     17853696  MIPS70fine-HD38858                      
HD38858                   05:48:34.94  -04:05:40.70  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      61.82   2006-11-05 07:10:57.3     17323776  MIPSE-HD38858                           
SOri-45                   05:38:59.10  -02:47:13.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 08:19:02.5     17448192  MIPSP - SOri-45                         
SOri-48                   05:39:03.00  -02:41:27.20  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 08:30:01.0     17448960  MIPSP - SOri-48                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-05 08:47:48.9     20655360  anneal                                  
SOri-56                   05:39:25.20  -02:38:22.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 08:47:50.6     17449728  MIPSP - SOri-56                         
SOri-51                   05:39:07.60  -02:32:39.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 08:58:51.2     17449216  MIPSP - SOri-51                         
SOri-53/54                05:39:10.10  -02:31:10.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 09:09:45.5     17449472  MIPSP - SOri-53                         
SOri-0                    05:37:31.00  -02:23:43.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 09:20:56.6     17442048  MIPSP - SOri-0                          
SOri-9                    05:38:09.90  -02:51:37.70  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 09:32:14.0     17443584  MIPSP - SOri-9                          
SOri-14                   05:38:18.90  -02:51:39.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-05 09:43:08.3     17444352  MIPSP - SOri-14                         
V838 Mon                  07:04:04.85  -03:50:51.10  Ashok             NOVALIKE     20581 mipsscan    121.26   2006-11-05 09:56:42.0     14866944  MIPSC-V838Mon                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-05 12:02:11.2     20656128  anneal                                  
A2218_B                   16:35:46.10  +66:11:56.00  Dowell            DOWELL_CLUST 30823 mipsphot     87.06   2006-11-05 12:09:07.0     19044352  MIPSP-DOWELL-A2218_B-70                 
HD 207198                 21:44:53.28  +62:27:38.00  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipssed      61.82   2006-11-05 19:52:16.2     19946240  MIPSE-HD207198                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-05 19:59:28.3     20652544  anneal                                  
HIP105152                 21:18:03.19  +00:09:40.41  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-05 20:56:22.4     19876864  AOR_2 - HIP105152                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-05 22:43:52.4     20656384  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP101955                 20:39:38.13  +04:58:19.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-05 22:58:56.0     19816704  AOR_2 - HIP101955                       
HIP101150                 20:30:10.56  +26:50:33.34  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-05 23:10:48.0     19813888  AOR_1 - HIP101150                       
HD 209975                 22:05:08.79  +62:16:47.30  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipssed      37.94   2006-11-05 23:17:40.1     19952640  MIPSE-HD209975                          
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-11-05 23:55:04.0     17879808  Surace-01                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 02:28:53.0     20656640  anneal                                  
HIP53580                  10:57:37.25  +69:35:48.32  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.28   2006-11-06 02:34:39.6     19779328  AOR_5 - HIP53580                        
ugc 4107                  07:57:01.87  +49:34:02.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.75   2006-11-06 02:53:39.4     19199232  MIPSP-0021                              
SDSS083248.42+422458.8    08:32:48.42  +42:24:58.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 03:15:51.0     18117120  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS083248.42+422458.8     
SDSS082901.27+371806.1    08:29:01.27  +37:18:06.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 03:21:11.9     18125056  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS082901.27+371806.1     
2001 YH140                    2126154    2001 YH140  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot    113.74   2006-11-06 03:40:02.3     17770240  KBO_GO3a-07a-A                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 05:29:49.2     20657152  anneal                                  
HIP39064                  07:59:34.03  +20:50:34.12  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-06 05:37:47.5     19769088  AOR_2 - HIP39064                        
HIP39826                  08:08:13.03  +21:06:15.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-06 05:47:56.8     19782400  AOR_2 - HIP39826                        
5C7.17                    08:12:58.65  +26:51:41.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-11-06 05:58:31.1     18068224  MIPSP-0000 - 5C7.17                     
SDSS081520.66+273617.0    08:15:20.66  +27:36:17.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 06:05:44.2     18108672  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS081520.66+273617.0     
5C7.82                    08:17:46.88  +29:21:50.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-11-06 06:10:33.6     18068736  MIPSP-0000 - 5C7.82                     
5C7.23                    08:13:38.53  +29:16:33.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-11-06 06:17:46.7     18068480  MIPSP-0000 - 5C7.23                     
HIP40671                  08:18:10.63  +30:35:57.13  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-11-06 06:25:10.2     19817472  AOR_3 - HIP40671                        
HIP40118                  08:11:38.38  +32:27:21.07  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-06 06:37:35.7     19854080  AOR_2 - HIP40118                        
SDSS080915.88+321041.6    08:09:15.88  +32:10:41.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 06:47:26.1     18126080  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS080915.88+321041.6     
SDSS075928.29+301028.3    07:59:28.29  +30:10:28.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 06:52:32.3     18112512  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS075928.29+301028.3     
HIP39157                  08:00:32.03  +29:12:36.23  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-06 06:57:13.3     19837184  AOR_2 - HIP39157                        
SDSS075222.91+0273823.2   07:52:22.91  +27:38:23.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 07:07:30.9     18141184  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS075222.91+0273823.2    
SDSS075339.84+0250137.9   07:53:39.84  +25:01:37.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 07:12:32.9     18131712  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS075339.84+0250137.9    
SDSS074815.44+220059.5    07:48:15.44  +22:00:59.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 07:17:41.2     18107136  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS074815.44+220059.5     
HIP38657                  07:54:54.11  +19:14:07.71  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-11-06 07:22:51.5     19886080  AOR_3 - HIP38657                        
ugc 4189                  08:02:49.64  +15:48:30.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     17.50   2006-11-06 07:35:36.0     19199488  MIPSP-0022                              
HIP35389                  07:18:32.84  +17:53:41.67  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-06 07:51:23.9     19888384  AOR_2 - HIP35389                        
3C175.1                   07:14:04.68  +14:36:22.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 08:01:47.8     18065408  MIPSP-0000 - 3C175.1                    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 08:07:38.0     20656896  anneal                                  
SDSS083110.01+374209.6    08:31:10.01  +37:42:09.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 08:15:44.5     18119680  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS083110.01+374209.6     
65517 (4759 P-L)              2065517 65517 (4759 P  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-11-06 08:30:50.5     18736384  MIPSP-0031 - 4759PL                     
58539 (1997 ET16)             2058539 58539 (1997 E  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-11-06 08:39:09.6     18732800  MIPSP-0017 - 97ET16                     
97022 (1999 TT279)            2097022 97022 (1999 T  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-11-06 08:47:01.5     18732032  MIPSP-0014 - 99TT279                    
95233 (2002 CS37)             2095233 95233 (2002 C  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-11-06 08:54:51.2     18731776  MIPSP-0013 - 02CS37                     
hip 35803                 07:23:04.61  +18:16:24.30  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-11-06 08:58:04.2     17338880  MIPSP-0070-earlyf-addon                 
ugc 4189                  08:02:49.64  +15:48:30.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     13.84   2006-11-06 09:20:09.6     19199744  MIPSP-0023                              
hip 38172                 07:49:18.85  +24:29:19.40  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.83   2006-11-06 09:32:23.6     17338112  MIPSP-0065-earlyf-addon                 
hip 43625                 08:53:06.10  +52:23:24.80  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.83   2006-11-06 09:55:52.8     17336064  MIPSP-0004-earlyf                       
SBS0754+570               07:58:26.41  +56:54:22.30  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-11-06 10:18:02.4     17568000  Wu_MIPSP-0001                           
SBS0743+591B              07:47:46.76  +59:00:29.80  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-11-06 10:31:31.9     17567744  Wu_MIPSP-0000                           
hip 37283                 07:39:21.61  +50:31:42.70  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-11-06 10:48:29.0     17342976  MIPSP-0122-earlyf                       
HIP101345                 20:32:23.85  -09:51:11.32  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-11-06 11:19:27.1     19776512  AOR_2 - HIP101345                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 12:23:52.2     20657408  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
t1A                       21:39:05.77  -21:26:38.76  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-11-06 12:35:39.9     20027392  t1A_SE120_320_S07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 15:02:16.7     20659456  anneal                                  
t1A                       21:43:07.14  -21:07:01.79  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-11-06 15:10:26.6     20024576  t1A_SE120_321_S07                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 17:37:24.4     20657664  anneal                                  
t1A                       21:47:07.63  -20:47:10.72  Nesvorny          T2T          30545 mipsscan    149.91   2006-11-06 17:45:15.3     20022016  t1A_SE120_322_S07                       
XBSJ050536-290050         05:05:36.67  -29:00:50.80  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     68.42   2006-11-06 20:19:45.2     18608640  MIPSP-0005                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 21:26:32.3     20658176  anneal                                  
NGC1851-offsets           05:14:06.73  -40:02:47.80  Fazio             GLOBDUST     30031 mipsphot     54.34   2006-11-06 21:33:38.6     17314048  n1851_70                                
XBSJ031146-550702         03:11:46.12  -55:07:02.50  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     54.18   2006-11-06 22:27:24.0     18607872  MIPSP-0002                              
S1101                     23:13:58.80  -42:43:38.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.14   2006-11-06 23:22:14.4     18665472  MIPSP-0016                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-06 23:43:51.9     20658432  anneal                                  
ngc1672                   04:45:42.51  -59:14:50.20  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-06 23:51:33.9     18291968  MIPSP-NGC1672                           
HD 38489                  05:40:13.61  -69:22:48.90  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-11-06 23:57:34.6     19154432  MIPSP-HD38489                           
HD 32364                  04:57:14.33  -68:26:30.50  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-11-07 00:14:02.4     19155200  MIPSP-HD32364                           
HD 269217                 05:13:19.80  -69:22:15.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-11-07 00:30:02.9     19154176  MIPSP-HD269217                          
84819 (2002 YC21)             2084819 84819 (2002 Y  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-11-07 01:03:38.2     18732544  MIPSP-0016 - 02YC21                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-07 02:02:52.0     20658688  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP93185                  18:58:51.05  +30:10:51.54  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 02:16:16.1     19755008  AOR_1 - HIP93185                        
HD183864                  19:30:37.34  +25:07:15.00  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     22.81   2006-11-07 02:21:00.3     18674176  MIPS_HD183864                           
SDSS090812.18+514700.8    09:08:12.18  +51:47:00.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-07 02:51:14.3     18115072  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS090812.18+514700.8     
lynx2 1635                08:44:49.57  +44:21:49.88  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 mipsphot     38.53   2006-11-07 02:56:51.9     18724352  MIPS-26 lynx2 1635                      
zeta Gem                  07:04:06.53  +20:34:13.10  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot      7.60   2006-11-07 03:35:20.9     18668032  MIPS_zeta_Gem                           
HIP38625                  07:54:34.07  -01:24:44.69  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-07 03:42:32.9     19891712  AOR_2 - HIP38625                        
IRAS 07145-2914           07:16:31.21  -29:19:28.80  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 03:54:52.2     18517248  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - IR07146-2914     
MCG-05-18-002             07:16:31.21  -29:19:28.80  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 mipssed      15.73   2006-11-07 03:58:06.1     17641216  MIPSE-CTAGN - MCG-05-18-002             
HD 52089                  06:58:37.55  -28:58:19.50  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipssed       8.03   2006-11-07 04:11:33.5     19944448  MIPSE-HD52089                           
HD 38206                  05:43:21.67  -18:33:26.90  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-11-07 04:18:42.4     17328128  MIPSE-HD38206                           
zeta Lep                  05:46:57.34  -14:49:19.00  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      32.80   2006-11-07 04:49:17.4     17326336  MIPSE-zetaLep                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-07 05:25:40.9     20659712  anneal                                  
ori-submm3                05:36:24.70  -06:13:59.00  Li                DI-ORION     30645 mipssed      26.99   2006-11-07 05:27:21.2     18627328  ori-submm-3                             
ori-submm2                05:35:01.30  -05:55:34.00  Li                DI-ORION     30645 mipssed      55.09   2006-11-07 05:51:21.9     18627072  ori-submm-2                             
NGC2068-1262              05:47:17.29  +00:38:21.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 06:44:29.6     17460480  MIPSP - NGC2068-1262                    
HIP25623                  05:28:25.97  -03:30:04.13  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 06:56:56.2     19865344  AOR_1 - HIP25623                        
brc20                     05:38:04.87  -01:45:08.79  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.89   2006-11-07 07:01:02.6     17511424  MIPSP-brc20                             
NGC2068-1171              05:47:10.90  +00:32:06.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 07:08:41.9     17459712  MIPSP - NGC2068-1171                    
NGC2068-1099/1117         05:47:06.01  +00:32:08.60  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 07:19:34.1     17459200  MIPSP - NGC2068-1099                    
NGC2068-813               05:46:40.78  +00:27:22.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 07:30:36.8     17457152  MIPSP - NGC2068-813                     
NGC2068-712               05:46:31.05  +00:25:33.70  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 07:41:33.2     17456640  MIPSP - NGC2068-712                     
NGC2068-828               05:46:42.49  +00:23:01.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 07:59:18.5     17457408  MIPSP - NGC2068-828                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-07 08:00:50.4     20659200  anneal                                  
NGC2068-782               05:46:38.55  +00:22:05.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 08:10:12.8     17456896  MIPSP - NGC2068-782                     
NGC2068-843               05:46:43.86  +00:15:32.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 08:21:13.4     17457664  MIPSP - NGC2068-843                     
NGC2068-885               05:46:47.40  +00:12:59.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 08:32:09.8     17458176  MIPSP - NGC2068-885                     
NGC2068-699               05:46:30.06  +00:12:09.60  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 08:43:06.2     17456384  MIPSP - NGC2068-699                     
NGC2068-687               05:46:28.86  +00:13:30.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 08:54:00.6     17456128  MIPSP - NGC2068-687                     
NGC2068-569               05:46:18.01  +00:12:12.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 09:04:57.0     17454848  MIPSP - NGC2068-569                     
NGC2068-480               05:46:09.30  +00:13:32.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 09:15:53.4     17454336  MIPSP - NGC2068-480                     
NGC2068-326               05:45:56.31  +00:07:08.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 09:26:54.0     17453056  MIPSP - NGC2068-326                     
NGC2068-418               05:46:04.64  +00:04:58.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 09:37:50.4     17454080  MIPSP - NGC2068-418                     
NGC2068-373               05:46:00.17  +00:03:07.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 09:48:44.7     17453824  MIPSP - NGC2068-373                     
NGC2068-332               05:45:56.72  +00:00:25.30  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 09:59:41.1     17453312  MIPSP - NGC2068-332                     
NGC2068-584               05:46:19.05  +00:03:29.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 10:10:41.7     17455104  MIPSP - NGC2068-584                     
NGC2068-941               05:46:52.41  +00:20:01.60  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 10:21:52.8     17458432  MIPSP - NGC2068-941                     
NGC2068-849               05:46:44.10  +00:18:03.20  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 10:32:49.2     17457920  MIPSP - NGC2068-849                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-07 11:49:51.8     20658944  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
63951 (2001 SP62)             2063951 63951 (2001 S  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-11-07 12:02:03.2     18731264  MIPSP-0011 - 01SP62                     
HIP105038                 21:16:32.54  +09:23:36.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-07 12:07:05.2     19824640  AOR_2 - HIP105038                       
HIP104858                 21:14:28.84  +10:00:23.05  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-07 12:17:01.8     19880704  AOR_2 - HIP104858                       
HIP102851                 20:50:10.55  +29:23:02.49  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 12:29:00.1     19849472  AOR_1 - HIP102851                       
HIP102766                 20:49:16.15  +32:17:03.42  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 12:32:58.1     19782656  AOR_1 - HIP102766                       
HIP102488                 20:46:12.88  +33:58:15.32  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 12:36:45.7     19756544  AOR_1 - HIP102488                       
HIP104887                 21:14:47.60  +38:02:46.40  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 12:41:23.5     19867904  AOR_1 - HIP104887                       
HIP106400                 21:33:01.41  +62:00:10.11  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-07 12:47:12.7     19845888  AOR_1 - HIP106400                       
HIP42525                  08:40:11.92  +41:17:07.29  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-07 12:56:33.7     19797248  AOR_2 - HIP42525                        
SDSS083226.07+343414.3    08:32:26.07  +34:34:14.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-07 13:07:18.6     18123520  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS083226.07+343414.3     
SDSS083407.56+354712.0    08:34:07.56  +35:47:12.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-07 13:12:01.7     18125312  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS083407.56+354712.0     
SDSS083315.07+350647.3    08:33:15.07  +35:06:47.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-11-07 13:16:32.2     18119424  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS083315.07+350647.3     
HD 68017                  08:11:38.64  +32:27:25.70  Greaves           THICKDISKDEB 30339 mipsphot     19.27   2006-11-07 13:22:01.5     18057472  MIPSP-HD68017                           
HD 65583                  08:00:32.13  +29:12:44.50  Greaves           THICKDISKDEB 30339 mipsphot     19.27   2006-11-07 13:39:08.0     18057216  MIPSP-HD65583                           
NGC2068-663               05:46:26.64  +00:31:07.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 13:59:12.8     17455872  MIPSP - NGC2068-663                     
NGC2068-515               05:46:11.86  +00:32:25.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 14:10:09.2     17454592  MIPSP - NGC2068-515                     
NGC2068-344               05:45:57.38  +00:20:22.30  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 14:21:14.0     17453568  MIPSP - NGC2068-344                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-07 14:37:07.7     20659968  anneal                                  
NGC2068-204               05:45:44.36  +00:22:58.30  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 14:39:01.5     17452544  MIPSP - NGC2068-204                     
NGC2068-281               05:45:53.12  +00:13:24.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 14:50:20.9     17452800  MIPSP - NGC2068-281                     
NGC2068-177               05:45:41.94  +00:12:05.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 15:01:17.3     17452288  MIPSP - NGC2068-177                     
NGC2068-1211              05:47:13.85  +00:00:17.20  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 15:12:32.6     17459968  MIPSP - NGC2068-1211                    
NGC2068-1247              05:47:16.60  +00:00:56.30  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 15:23:24.8     17460224  MIPSP - NGC2068-1247                    
NGC2068-1284              05:47:19.72  +00:01:21.80  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 15:34:19.1     17460736  MIPSP - NGC2068-1284                    
NGC2068-1351              05:47:27.36  +00:05:15.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 15:45:17.6     17460992  MIPSP - NGC2068-1351                    
SOri-41                   05:38:47.90  -02:27:14.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 15:57:19.1     17447680  MIPSP - SOri-41                         
SOri-59                   05:39:32.90  -02:11:31.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 16:08:30.1     17449984  MIPSP - SOri-59                         
SOri-60                   05:39:39.40  -02:17:04.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 16:19:28.6     17450240  MIPSP - SOri-60                         
SOri-74                   05:39:40.17  -02:20:48.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 16:30:27.2     17451776  MIPSP - SOri-74                         
SOri-47                   05:39:01.40  -02:18:27.20  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 16:41:27.8     17448704  MIPSP - SOri-47                         
SOri-44                   05:38:58.30  -02:16:09.80  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 16:52:24.2     17447936  MIPSP - SOri-44                         
SOri-69                   05:38:29.16  -02:16:15.70  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 17:03:24.8     17451520  MIPSP - SOri-69                         
SOri-11                   05:38:13.20  -02:26:08.80  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 17:14:29.6     17444096  MIPSP - SOri-11                         
SOri-5                    05:38:01.00  -02:26:07.80  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 17:25:26.0     17442560  MIPSP - SOri-5                          
SOri-7                    05:38:06.70  -02:30:22.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 17:36:22.4     17443072  MIPSP - SOri-7                          
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-07 17:52:42.4     20660224  anneal                                  
SOri-15                   05:38:20.50  -02:34:08.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 17:54:09.8     17444608  MIPSP - SOri-15                         
SOri-22                   05:38:27.40  -02:35:04.30  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 18:05:04.1     17445376  MIPSP - SOri-22                         
SOri-24                   05:38:31.50  -02:35:14.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 18:15:54.2     17445888  MIPSP - SOri-24                         
SOri-23/27                05:38:32.60  -02:36:37.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 18:29:27.9     17445632  MIPSP - SOri-23                         
SOri-35                   05:38:42.20  -02:37:15.20  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 18:40:22.2     17446656  MIPSP - SOri-35                         
SOri-40                   05:38:47.80  -02:37:19.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 18:51:14.4     17447424  MIPSP - SOri-40                         
SOri-38                   05:38:44.10  -02:40:20.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 19:02:10.9     17446912  MIPSP - SOri-38                         
SOri-39                   05:38:45.30  -02:41:59.60  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 19:13:03.1     17447168  MIPSP - SOri-39                         
SOri-26/29                05:38:34.60  -02:44:05.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 19:24:01.6     17446144  MIPSP - SOri-26                         
SOri-10                   05:38:13.20  -02:45:51.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 19:35:00.1     17443840  MIPSP - SOri-10                         
SOri-6                    05:38:01.10  -02:45:37.80  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 19:45:56.5     17442816  MIPSP - SOri-6                          
SOri-75                   05:39:54.21  -02:27:32.70  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 19:57:16.0     17452032  MIPSP - SOri-75                         
SOri-64                   05:39:43.20  -02:32:43.20  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 20:08:16.6     17451008  MIPSP - SOri-64                         
SOri-63                   05:39:42.80  -02:58:53.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 20:19:29.7     17450752  MIPSP - SOri-63                         
SOri-66                   05:39:54.60  -02:46:34.10  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 20:30:40.8     17451264  MIPSP - SOri-66                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-07 20:48:23.5     20660480  anneal                                  
SOri-61                   05:39:40.00  -02:43:09.70  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 20:48:28.3     17450496  MIPSP - SOri-61                         
SOri-16                   05:38:21.20  -02:54:11.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 20:59:41.5     17444864  MIPSP - SOri-16                         
SOri-8                    05:38:08.20  -02:35:56.20  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 21:10:52.5     17443328  MIPSP - SOri-8                          
SOri-46                   05:38:59.20  -02:33:51.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 21:21:57.3     17448448  MIPSP - SOri-46                         
SOri-21                   05:38:26.60  -02:12:17.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 21:33:12.6     17445120  MIPSP - SOri-21                         
SOri-3                    05:37:54.00  -02:49:54.40  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 21:44:30.0     17442304  MIPSP - SOri-3                          
SOri-30                   05:38:38.40  -02:34:55.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-07 21:55:41.1     17446400  MIPSP - SOri-30                         
1                         05:35:21.00  -05:01:12.00  Li                DI-ORION     30645 mipssed      67.87   2006-11-07 22:07:32.0     18626816  ori-submm-1                             
ori-submm4                05:36:18.60  -06:22:11.00  Li                DI-ORION     30645 mipssed      55.19   2006-11-07 23:12:39.0     18627584  ori-submm-4                             
NGC2068-618               05:46:22.43  +00:08:52.50  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-08 00:05:52.9     17455616  MIPSP - NGC2068-618                     
NGC2068-954               05:46:53.58  +00:00:05.90  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-08 00:16:57.7     17458688  MIPSP - NGC2068-954                     
NGC2068-590/581           05:46:19.45  +00:05:20.00  Rieke             70DISKS      30470 mipsphot     14.22   2006-11-08 00:28:02.5     17455360  MIPSP - NGC2068-590                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 01:51:51.6     20660992  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips         16.68   2006-11-08 02:07:52.0     20649216  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_1                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips         16.42   2006-11-08 02:24:45.4     20667392  mips_drk70160cvz_1                      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot     17.59   2006-11-08 02:43:19.5     20647936  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_1      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-08 02:59:03.2     20647168  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_1    
HD159330                  17:30:43.57  +57:52:36.60  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-08 03:03:43.2     20647424  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-24um-HD159330_1    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipsphot     17.60   2006-11-08 03:07:51.7     20647680  MIPS-CALMC36-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_1      
HD 164058                 17:56:36.37  +51:29:20.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mipssed      31.91   2006-11-08 03:23:31.2     20645888  MIPS-CALMC36-Various-SED-HD164058       
NGC 6543                  17:58:33.42  +66:37:59.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1878 mipssed      10.60   2006-11-08 03:54:19.9     20719616  MIPS-CALMC36-Various-SED-PN-NGC6543     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 04:03:36.8     20662784  anneal                                  
2001 YH140                    2126154    2001 YH140  Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot    113.72   2006-11-08 04:23:26.8     17770496  KBO_GO3a-07a-B                          
HIP38931                  07:57:57.71  +00:48:51.85  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-11-08 06:16:22.7     19744512  AOR_2 - HIP38931                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 06:25:57.4     20661248  anneal                                  
monm5                     06:04:26.52  -06:35:00.30  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 mipsscan    176.85   2006-11-08 06:35:51.8     14636544  MIPSC-mon-5                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 09:30:19.0     20664064  anneal                                  
McNaught (C/2006 Q1)          1002411 McNaught (C/2  Wooden            2COMETS_3    30069 mipsphot     37.12   2006-11-08 09:46:21.3     20677120  MIPSP-2cm3-6AU-pre                      
NGC7172                   22:02:01.90  -31:52:11.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-11-08 10:30:48.8     18523904  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - NGC7172          
HIP106147                 21:30:03.24  -12:30:38.12  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-11-08 10:36:23.3     19814144  AOR_2 - HIP106147                       
R2129+00                  21:29:39.90  +00:05:23.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.14   2006-11-08 10:47:52.2     18659328  MIPSP-0004                              
HIP105533                 21:22:26.59  +10:52:25.91  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-11-08 11:07:30.8     19801088  AOR_2 - HIP105533                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 12:03:42.4     20662016  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
monm1                     06:15:05.00  -06:18:54.30  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 mipsscan    176.82   2006-11-08 12:24:06.7     14635520  MIPSC-mon-1                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 15:17:35.3     20661504  anneal                                  
monm4                     06:07:35.52  -05:28:40.30  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 mipsscan    153.59   2006-11-08 15:24:46.8     14636288  MIPSC-mon-4                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 17:55:43.4     20662528  anneal                                  
monm2                     06:11:15.00  -06:13:54.30  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 mipsscan    176.84   2006-11-08 18:01:43.0     14635776  MIPSC-mon-2                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1740 mips          6.83   2006-11-08 20:56:30.4     20662272  anneal                                  
monm3                     06:08:26.52  -06:36:40.30  Pipher            PIPHER       20403 mipsscan    176.84   2006-11-08 21:02:14.8     14636032  MIPSC-mon-3                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          67.09   2006-11-09 02:04:16.3     20715008  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.05   2006-11-09 03:11:15.1     20715264  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.99   2006-11-09 03:23:13.6     20689664  caldrk_IRS-36_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-09 03:35:31.2     20691200  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     24.61   2006-11-09 04:00:08.6     20680960  caldrk_IRS-36_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long      
OFF--IRAS 21101+5810      21:11:09.28  +58:18:07.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.71   2006-11-09 04:23:41.8     20321024  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS 21101+5810          
IRAS 21101+5810           21:11:29.28  +58:23:07.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.31   2006-11-09 04:38:27.6     20339712  IRS-stare IRAS 21101+5810               
PN K 3-61 2MASS coords    21:30:00.70  +54:27:27.40  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     68.51   2006-11-09 05:14:35.0     19901952  IRSS-0010-K3-61 2MASS coords            
NGC6688-clusterlo         20:12:30.91  +38:27:14.60  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 irsmap      103.76   2006-11-09 06:22:34.4     18382336  WRNEB-NGC6888-02-M                      
NGC6688-clusterhi         20:12:35.40  +38:27:22.10  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 irsmap       94.93   2006-11-09 08:03:36.2     18382592  WRNEB-NGC6688-13-M                      
NGC 6881 2MASS coords     20:10:52.45  +37:24:42.40  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     31.78   2006-11-09 09:35:20.9     19904000  IRSS-0004-NGC6881 2MASS coords          
IRAS19576+2814            19:59:39.14  +28:23:07.30  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      6.86   2006-11-09 10:05:28.4     17944576  IRSS-0060                               
MSX6C G061.8443-00.5649   19:50:08.18  +25:11:57.23  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      5.93   2006-11-09 10:10:06.4     18182912  IRSS-0008                               
MSX6C G065.2217+02.1196   19:47:24.41  +29:28:13.09  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      5.93   2006-11-09 10:13:47.2     18183168  IRSS-0009                               
Schwassmann-Wachmann 2        1000080 Schwassmann-W  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    11.63   2006-11-09 10:29:28.6     19590656  seppcon-31P-SW2                         
OFF--ESO 467-G027         22:14:19.97  -27:32:50.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-11-09 10:49:04.5     20359936  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 467-G027             
ESO 467-G027              22:14:39.97  -27:27:50.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     62.85   2006-11-09 11:25:25.7     20320768  IRS-stare ESO 467-G027                  
NGC7130                   21:48:19.40  -34:57:04.90  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      251.14   2006-11-09 12:26:38.3     17661696  IRSM-NGC7130                            
NGC7130                   21:48:15.48  -34:58:29.20  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-11-09 16:34:22.6     17664512  IRSS-LHBackg - NGC7130                  
Daniel                        1000018        Daniel  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    46.48   2006-11-09 16:53:41.6     19592704  seppcon-33P-Daniel                      
HD216847                  22:57:22.01  -56:52:30.70  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.45   2006-11-09 17:39:42.3     19089152  IRSM-0019                               
Neptune_halfway                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap      101.21   2006-11-09 17:53:26.6     14717440  Triton-Halfway                          
8536129-8706800           05:41:26.71  -08:42:24.48  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      7.68   2006-11-09 19:41:35.2     18807296  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0037                 
8542681-8618650           05:41:42.43  -08:37:07.14  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      7.68   2006-11-09 19:46:05.1     18846720  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0191                 
8569204-8666850           05:42:46.09  -08:40:00.66  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.38   2006-11-09 19:52:29.5     18848512  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0198                 
8676817+0388840           05:47:04.36  +00:23:19.82  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.45   2006-11-09 20:01:22.8     18754048  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0107                 
8570949-8577250           05:42:50.28  -08:34:38.10  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     55.19   2006-11-09 20:10:46.6     18782208  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-1464                 
8579480-8565340           05:43:10.75  -08:33:55.22  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     18.25   2006-11-09 21:03:27.7     18775552  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-1452                 
8571439-8650550           05:42:51.45  -08:39:01.98  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.39   2006-11-09 21:19:07.2     18845184  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0185                 
8567003-8669050           05:42:40.81  -08:40:08.58  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.25   2006-11-09 21:25:58.6     18841344  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0170                 
8567670-8803830           05:42:42.41  -08:48:13.79  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.91   2006-11-09 21:34:37.3     18830336  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0127                 
OFF--IRAS F06076-2139     06:09:25.74  -21:45:24.50  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.68   2006-11-09 21:42:21.0     20317184  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS F06076-2139         
IRAS F06076-2139          06:09:45.74  -21:40:24.50  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.24   2006-11-09 21:56:59.2     20359680  IRS-stare IRAS F06076-2139              
PN M 1-11 different sky   07:11:16.69  -19:51:02.90  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     13.16   2006-11-09 22:33:52.2     19903232  IRSS-0002-M1-11 no SL, different sky    
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     74.39   2006-11-09 22:48:04.2     20693760  calsfx-36A-eta1Dor                      
HD 42525                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irspeakup    39.18   2006-11-10 00:01:42.5     20678656  calpfx-36-eta1Dor                       
IRAS05355-6521            05:35:39.72  -65:19:56.40  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     16.89   2006-11-10 00:38:38.7     19008512  IRSS-05355                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-10 02:16:02.4     20716800  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.73   2006-11-10 02:27:52.4     20681472  caldrk_IRS-36_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.80   2006-11-10 02:39:32.9     20681728  caldrk_IRS-36_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     12.76   2006-11-10 02:51:13.9     20682240  caldrk_IRS-36_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-10 03:01:14.0     20691712  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     18.80   2006-11-10 03:27:38.6     20694272  calsfx-36B-sky                          
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     35.47   2006-11-10 03:43:38.4     20694016  calsfx-36B-HR7341                       
Sheliak_background        18:55:00.00  +33:30:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsmap        8.41   2006-11-10 04:17:56.1     20699136  calwav-36B-Sheliak_background           
Sheliak                   18:50:04.79  +33:21:45.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsmap       35.20   2006-11-10 04:25:49.1     20698112  calwav-36A-Sheliak                      
L723                      19:17:44.16  +19:15:23.70  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     76.42   2006-11-10 05:00:01.9     18403584  L723-IRS                                
NGC 6868                  20:09:54.07  -48:22:46.40  Rampazzo          ETG_RAMPAZZO 30256 irsstare    140.55   2006-11-10 06:16:53.4     17926912  IRSS-0031                               
Q0937+5628                09:37:38.16  +56:28:37.20  Kulkarni          DUSTYABS       277 irsstare    222.41   2006-11-10 08:46:19.5     19543296  0937+5628irs                            
8535213-2376760           05:41:24.51  -02:22:36.34  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.53   2006-11-10 12:42:38.5     18765568  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0172                 
8548151-2394560           05:41:55.56  -02:23:40.42  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.61   2006-11-10 12:49:34.9     18771200  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0200                 
8544599-2277180           05:41:47.04  -02:16:37.85  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.53   2006-11-10 12:56:30.3     18769664  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0192                 
8542606-2293290           05:41:42.25  -02:17:35.84  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.39   2006-11-10 13:03:25.8     18769152  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0187                 
8519489-2180550           05:40:46.77  -02:10:49.98  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.16   2006-11-10 13:11:54.9     18764032  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0162                 
8541552-2040010           05:41:39.72  -02:02:24.04  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.63   2006-11-10 13:19:47.2     18768384  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0183                 
8521549-2446940           05:40:51.72  -02:26:48.98  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.48   2006-11-10 13:28:52.7     18764288  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0164                 
8516377-2446080           05:40:39.30  -02:26:45.89  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.45   2006-11-10 13:35:41.8     18763520  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0160                 
8546751-2022480           05:41:52.20  -02:01:20.93  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.27   2006-11-10 13:42:40.1     18770432  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0197                 
8555500-1975960           05:42:13.20  -01:58:33.46  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.63   2006-11-10 13:51:31.6     18772736  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0208                 
8551942-1960750           05:42:04.66  -01:57:38.70  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.68   2006-11-10 13:59:40.3     18771712  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0203                 
8547163-1962250           05:41:53.19  -01:57:44.10  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.65   2006-11-10 14:06:50.3     18770688  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0198                 
8553982-2001260           05:42:09.56  -02:00:04.54  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.27   2006-11-10 14:14:00.6     18772480  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0207                 
8552419-1991330           05:42:05.81  -01:59:28.79  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.67   2006-11-10 14:21:47.5     18771968  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0204                 
8546732-1954840           05:41:52.16  -01:57:17.42  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.65   2006-11-10 14:28:57.5     18770176  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0196                 
8544915-1984310           05:41:47.80  -01:59:03.52  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.62   2006-11-10 14:36:04.5     18769920  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0194                 
8535884-2004480           05:41:26.12  -02:00:16.13  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.54   2006-11-10 14:43:06.3     18765824  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0173                 
8569085-2256490           05:42:45.80  -02:15:23.36  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.06   2006-11-10 14:50:44.0     18774272  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0218                 
8574503-2310250           05:42:58.81  -02:18:36.90  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.03   2006-11-10 14:58:11.5     18774528  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0219                 
8558846-1986200           05:42:21.23  -01:59:10.32  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.43   2006-11-10 15:05:50.1     18773504  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0213                 
8669531+0152110           05:46:46.87  +00:09:07.60  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.78   2006-11-10 15:12:55.6     18749696  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0077                 
8668764+0092720           05:46:45.03  +00:05:33.79  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     12.63   2006-11-10 15:21:41.4     18748928  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0074                 
8669751+0216490           05:46:47.40  +00:12:59.36  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     19.30   2006-11-10 15:31:17.3     18750464  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0080                 
8662027+0225240           05:46:28.86  +00:13:30.86  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.81   2006-11-10 15:47:36.6     18745088  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0044                 
8389323-5449930           05:35:34.38  -05:26:59.75  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      8.37   2006-11-10 15:59:37.0     18797824  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-2061                 
8515568-8067440           05:40:37.36  -08:04:02.78  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.57   2006-11-10 16:05:28.5     18836224  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0150                 
8530851-8132610           05:41:14.04  -08:07:57.40  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.61   2006-11-10 16:12:24.0     18814208  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0064                 
8519260-8090110           05:40:46.22  -08:05:24.40  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.60   2006-11-10 16:20:17.9     18808832  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0043                 
8519428-8120220           05:40:46.63  -08:07:12.79  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.56   2006-11-10 16:27:07.7     18821376  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0092                 
8511308-8126800           05:40:27.14  -08:07:36.48  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.49   2006-11-10 16:34:50.8     18807040  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0036                 
8508083-8237850           05:40:19.40  -08:14:16.26  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.77   2006-11-10 16:43:45.8     18848768  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0199                 
8537742-8080040           05:41:30.58  -08:04:48.14  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.67   2006-11-10 16:50:46.9     18831104  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0130                 
8540162-2279530           05:41:36.39  -02:16:46.31  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.46   2006-11-10 16:58:40.0     18767616  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0180                 
8566122-1906210           05:42:38.69  -01:54:22.36  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     12.79   2006-11-10 17:06:18.6     18773760  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0215                 
8542702-1800320           05:41:42.48  -01:48:01.15  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.89   2006-11-10 17:16:49.8     18769408  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0188                 
8373676-5192530           05:34:56.82  -05:11:33.11  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.42   2006-11-10 17:25:53.5     18828032  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0118                 
M82 sky LL                09:55:11.01  +69:31:09.90  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       10.98   2006-11-10 17:37:49.8     18376448  IRSM-la4a                               
M82 wind-N                09:55:44.50  +69:42:13.30  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       81.38   2006-11-10 17:45:37.2     18375936  IRSM-la7 north LL                       
M82 sky LL                09:55:11.01  +69:31:09.90  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       10.98   2006-11-10 19:03:46.5     18376960  IRSM-la4b                               
M82 wind-N                09:55:59.12  +69:39:22.90  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       81.38   2006-11-10 19:11:31.5     18376192  IRSM-la7 south LL                       
SN 2004am                 09:55:46.61  +69:40:38.10  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 irspeakup     9.08   2006-11-10 20:32:16.8     18273024  04am-PUI-1                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Neptune-center                    899 Neptune-cente  Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap      101.19   2006-11-10 21:45:15.9     14718208  Triton-Trailing                         
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-10 23:31:00.5     20717568  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.49   2006-11-10 23:42:55.3     20681984  caldrk_IRS-36_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     12.31   2006-11-10 23:54:08.9     20681216  caldrk_IRS-36_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     54.03   2006-11-11 00:04:00.8     20680704  caldrk_IRS-36_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.99   2006-11-11 00:53:58.1     20690176  caldrk_IRS-36_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     13.77   2006-11-11 01:07:12.6     20694784  calsfx-36C-sky                          
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     21.11   2006-11-11 01:17:52.4     20694528  calsfx-36C-ksiDra                       
M82 sky SL                09:55:11.01  +69:31:09.90  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       16.37   2006-11-11 01:39:41.2     18377216  IRSM-la3c                               
M82 wind-S                09:55:59.00  +69:39:28.40  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap      363.60   2006-11-11 01:52:51.8     18375424  IRSM-la7 south SL2                      
SDSSJ102332.00+645240.2   10:23:32.00  +64:52:40.19  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.52   2006-11-11 07:54:32.2     17799680  SDSSJ102332.00+645240.2                 
IRAS F08339+6517          08:38:23.20  +65:07:15.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.78   2006-11-11 08:31:43.9     20353024  IRS-stare IRAS F08339+6517              
NGC 2388                  07:29:04.59  +33:51:38.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     10.81   2006-11-11 08:45:30.3     20309504  IRS-stare NGC 2388                      
M82 sky SL                09:55:11.01  +69:31:09.90  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       16.37   2006-11-11 09:06:06.7     18377472  IRSM-la3d                               
M82 wind-S                09:55:59.00  +69:39:28.40  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap      363.60   2006-11-11 09:19:21.4     18375680  IRSM-la7 south SL1                      
SDSSJ103234.85+650227.9   10:32:34.85  +65:02:27.93  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.18   2006-11-11 15:21:04.2     17799936  SDSSJ103234.85+650227.9                 
NGC2787                   09:19:18.56  +69:12:12.00  Smith             JDSMITH_PAHL 30471 irsmap      151.15   2006-11-11 15:57:23.1     20414976  NGC2787-SL_LL                           
Johnson                       1000049       Johnson  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup     9.80   2006-11-11 18:40:54.3     19565312  seppcon-48P-J                           
NGC 2342                  07:09:12.01  +20:36:11.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     14.60   2006-11-11 18:49:30.2     20330752  IRS-stare NGC 2342                      
OFF--MCG+02-20-003        07:36:03.44  +11:47:34.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-11-11 19:05:45.4     20325888  IRS-stare OFF--MCG+02-20-003            
MCG+02-20-003             07:35:43.44  +11:42:34.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     69.43   2006-11-11 19:20:20.5     20353280  IRS-stare MCG+02-20-003                 
8669096+0284090           05:46:45.83  +00:17:02.72  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.95   2006-11-11 20:29:50.6     18749440  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0076                 
8668275+0258990           05:46:43.86  +00:15:32.36  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     23.46   2006-11-11 20:38:51.6     18748416  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0071                 
8663871+0047780           05:46:33.29  +00:02:52.01  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.29   2006-11-11 21:01:46.8     18746880  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0055                 
8665440+0022700           05:46:37.06  +00:01:21.72  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.30   2006-11-11 21:09:35.0     18747392  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0059                 
8662144+0049670           05:46:29.15  +00:02:58.81  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.27   2006-11-11 21:17:21.8     18745344  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0045                 
8659584+0074020           05:46:23.00  +00:04:26.47  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     16.59   2006-11-11 21:25:07.2     18743808  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0035                 
8665968+0096910           05:46:38.32  +00:05:48.88  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.32   2006-11-11 21:39:15.9     18747648  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0063                 
8664394+0112100           05:46:34.55  +00:06:43.56  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.31   2006-11-11 21:47:05.5     18747136  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0057                 
8387691-5326140           05:35:30.46  -05:19:34.10  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      7.22   2006-11-11 21:55:11.6     18797568  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-2060                 
8395780-5308510           05:35:49.87  -05:18:30.64  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.91   2006-11-11 22:00:04.5     18813184  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0060                 
8382835-5291440           05:35:18.80  -05:17:29.18  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      7.17   2006-11-11 22:07:57.7     18794752  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-2049                 
8700445+0575100           05:48:01.07  +00:34:30.36  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.14   2006-11-11 22:14:17.1     18763264  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0157                 
IRAS04340-7016            04:33:43.69  -70:09:50.50  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     17.09   2006-11-11 22:25:32.7     19012864  IRSS-04340                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          67.09   2006-11-12 00:15:15.9     20713728  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.05   2006-11-12 01:22:14.7     20715776  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.73   2006-11-12 01:34:12.9     20685056  caldrk_IRS-36_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.80   2006-11-12 01:45:53.4     20685312  caldrk_IRS-36_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-12 01:57:55.5     20691968  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     35.07   2006-11-12 02:23:46.4     20695040  calsfx-36D-HD173511                     
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     18.80   2006-11-12 02:55:35.6     20695296  calsfx-36D-sky                          
HD172728                  18:37:33.50  +62:31:35.70  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irspeakup    64.36   2006-11-12 03:11:31.3     20678912  calpfx-36-HD172728                      
OFF--MCG+12-02-001        00:53:43.88  +73:00:05.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.87   2006-11-12 04:16:08.2     20341248  IRS-stare OFF--MCG+12-02-001            
MCG+12-02-001             00:54:03.88  +73:05:05.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     27.35   2006-11-12 04:27:10.6     20371712  IRS-stare MCG+12-02-001                 
OFF--UGC 03410            06:14:40.00  +80:29:00.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-11-12 04:53:59.7     20311808  IRS-stare OFF--UGC 03410                
UGC 03410                 06:14:30.35  +80:27:00.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    118.74   2006-11-12 05:30:32.0     20322304  IRS-stare UGC 03410                     
OFF--UGC 03351            05:45:28.03  +58:37:03.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.72   2006-11-12 07:28:38.2     20324864  IRS-stare OFF--UGC 03351                
UGC 03351                 05:45:48.03  +58:42:03.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.39   2006-11-12 07:43:22.4     20332800  IRS-stare UGC 03351                     
P Cyg_background          20:17:34.00  +38:04:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsmap        8.42   2006-11-12 08:24:58.7     20698880  calwav-36E-PCyg-13-map_background       
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsmap       27.27   2006-11-12 08:32:38.4     20698368  calwav-36C-PCyg-13-map                  
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsmap       36.76   2006-11-12 09:05:45.1     20698624  calwav-36D-PCyg-02-map                  
Neptune-slitend                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap      148.42   2006-11-12 09:53:02.1     14718720  Triton-Slitend-scatter                  
PHL 1811 bkgd             21:55:05.59  -09:22:25.00  Leighly           LEIGHLY_PHL1 30426 irsstare     14.13   2006-11-12 12:19:46.5     18223616  IRSS-PHL1811bkgd                        
PHL 1811                  21:55:01.48  -09:22:24.70  Leighly           LEIGHLY_PHL1 30426 irsstare     37.88   2006-11-12 12:30:47.5     18223360  IRSS-PHL1811                            
K648.Off                  21:30:01.08  +12:10:22.50  Bernard-Salas     JBS3.HALOPNE 30652 irsstare     16.37   2006-11-12 13:07:56.2     18628096  K648.Off                                
K648                      21:29:59.40  +12:10:26.00  Bernard-Salas     JBS3.HALOPNE 30652 irsstare     27.09   2006-11-12 13:21:30.4     18627840  K648                                    
OFF--CGCG 448-020         20:57:44.38  +17:12:39.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.83   2006-11-12 13:47:00.2     20316672  IRS-stare OFF--CGCG 448-020             
CGCG 448-020              20:57:24.38  +17:07:39.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     46.78   2006-11-12 13:57:53.3     20343040  IRS-stare CGCG 448-020                  
OFF--ESO 286-G035         21:04:31.11  -43:30:36.10  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-11-12 14:46:29.0     20362240  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 286-G035             
ESO 286-G035              21:04:11.11  -43:35:36.10  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.19   2006-11-12 15:01:07.4     20323584  IRS-stare ESO 286-G035                  
HD210111                  22:08:42.64  -33:07:32.50  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.46   2006-11-12 15:38:03.6     19091968  IRSM-0031                               
UGC3755                   07:13:51.60  +10:31:19.00  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.41   2006-11-12 15:51:56.0     17466624  Wu-0015-cheap                           
8552280-8641200           05:42:05.47  -08:38:28.32  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.73   2006-11-12 16:01:03.0     18800896  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0011                 
OFF--ESO 557-G002         06:32:07.20  -17:32:16.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-11-12 16:09:41.9     20328960  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 557-G002             
ESO 557-G002              06:31:47.20  -17:37:16.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    118.18   2006-11-12 16:46:01.9     20349696  IRS-stare ESO 557-G002                  
S308                      06:53:17.14  -23:40:50.20  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 irsmap      105.82   2006-11-12 18:42:30.2     18382848  WRNEB-S308-02-M                         
S308-NW                   06:53:45.15  -23:55:15.20  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 irsmap       49.79   2006-11-12 20:25:36.8     18383104  WRNEB-S308NW-13-SCL                     
HD 53367                  07:04:25.52  -10:27:15.70  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     22.82   2006-11-12 21:18:56.6     16826880  HD 53367 IRS                            
HD011413                  01:50:54.44  -50:12:22.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.46   2006-11-12 21:43:00.6     19090432  IRSM-0024                               
SDSSJ091608.50+502126.9   09:16:08.50  +50:21:26.90  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.24   2006-11-12 21:57:16.5     17798912  SDSSJ091608.50+502126.9                 
PN K 3-60 2MASS coords    21:27:26.48  +57:39:06.20  Dinerstein        SPROCESS_PN  30430 irsstare     31.85   2006-11-12 22:38:12.1     19903744  IRSS-0005-K3-60 2MASS coords            
LONEOS (P/2005 GF8)           1000562 LONEOS (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    11.63   2006-11-12 23:26:58.0     19567104  seppcon-P05GF8-LONEOS                   
IRDC34_2b                 19:29:31.64  +18:00:33.28  Jackson           GF-IRDCS     30123 irsstare     54.56   2006-11-12 23:39:23.0     17825536  Spectrum - IRDC34_2b                    
IRAS19566+3423            19:58:32.28  +34:31:33.70  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      5.12   2006-11-13 00:32:59.4     17936128  IRSS-0043                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-13 02:05:27.0     20717824  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     12.76   2006-11-13 02:17:33.2     20685824  caldrk_IRS-36_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.48   2006-11-13 02:27:26.6     20679424  caldrk_IRS-36_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     44.19   2006-11-13 02:40:16.4     20679168  caldrk_IRS-36_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
M82 sky SL                09:55:11.01  +69:31:09.90  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       16.37   2006-11-13 03:23:00.4     18375168  IRSM-la3a                               
M82 wind-N                09:55:44.50  +69:42:13.30  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap      363.60   2006-11-13 03:36:13.2     18374656  IRSM-la7 north SL2                      
90-32_off                 10:25:53.00  +60:15:00.00  Bregman           JBREGMAN_DIF 20311 irsstare     36.77   2006-11-13 09:48:54.7     14523136  IRSS-JWG90-sky                          
SDSSJ094716.13+534944.9   09:47:16.13  +53:49:44.90  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.39   2006-11-13 10:23:56.8     17799168  SDSSJ094716.13+534944.9                 
UGC 04881                 09:15:54.69  +44:19:50.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     46.61   2006-11-13 11:00:51.9     20360960  IRS-stare UGC 04881                     
OFF--UGC 3608             06:57:54.41  +46:29:10.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.69   2006-11-13 11:46:45.5     20355840  IRS-stare OFF--UGC 3608                 
UGC 3608                  06:57:34.41  +46:24:10.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.48   2006-11-13 12:01:36.4     20335360  IRS-stare UGC 3608                      
Van Ness (P/2005 R2)          1001663 Van Ness (P/2  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    24.47   2006-11-13 12:48:25.1     19580416  seppcon-P05R2-vN                        
8562845-8151520           05:42:30.83  -08:09:05.47  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.01   2006-11-13 13:16:06.5     18822912  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0098                 
8695160+0683070           05:47:48.38  +00:40:59.05  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.13   2006-11-13 13:25:55.2     18763008  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0154                 
8692912+0682640           05:47:42.99  +00:40:57.50  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.15   2006-11-13 13:33:24.0     18762496  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0151                 
8693754+0644980           05:47:45.01  +00:38:41.93  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.17   2006-11-13 13:40:54.6     18762752  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0152                 
8690504+0656330           05:47:37.21  +00:39:22.79  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     12.85   2006-11-13 13:48:24.6     18762240  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0150                 
8689142+0668740           05:47:33.94  +00:40:07.46  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.12   2006-11-13 13:58:35.5     18761984  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0148                 
8687383+0659220           05:47:29.72  +00:39:33.19  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.20   2006-11-13 14:07:04.5     18761728  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0146                 
8686848+0663020           05:47:28.44  +00:39:46.87  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.21   2006-11-13 14:17:37.6     18761472  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0145                 
8686565+0343300           05:47:27.76  +00:20:35.88  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.28   2006-11-13 14:25:23.0     18761216  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0143                 
8683665+0323470           05:47:20.80  +00:19:24.49  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.31   2006-11-13 14:33:04.0     18759680  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0135                 
8686262+0323990           05:47:27.03  +00:19:26.36  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     12.90   2006-11-13 14:40:45.1     18760704  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0141                 
8685870+0324240           05:47:26.09  +00:19:27.26  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.30   2006-11-13 14:51:01.7     18760192  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0138                 
8682155+0306860           05:47:17.17  +00:18:24.70  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.34   2006-11-13 14:58:44.7     18758656  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0131                 
8682996+0322440           05:47:19.19  +00:19:20.78  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.85   2006-11-13 15:09:28.0     18759168  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0133                 
8681465+0312870           05:47:15.52  +00:18:46.33  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.34   2006-11-13 15:18:43.9     18758144  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0129                 
8685583+0327760           05:47:25.40  +00:19:39.94  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.30   2006-11-13 15:26:26.2     18759936  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0137                 
8686401+0087500           05:47:27.36  +00:05:15.00  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     12.04   2006-11-13 15:37:20.3     18760960  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-B-0142                 
8567545-8254250           05:42:42.11  -08:15:15.30  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.22   2006-11-13 15:47:48.2     18843392  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0178                 
8538911-7999020           05:41:33.39  -07:59:56.47  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.76   2006-11-13 15:58:24.2     18820352  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0088                 
8543224-7972850           05:41:43.74  -07:58:22.26  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.07   2006-11-13 16:06:23.4     18847488  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0194                 
8545724-8008910           05:41:49.74  -08:00:32.08  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.18   2006-11-13 16:14:44.6     18819072  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0083                 
8510403-8125910           05:40:24.97  -08:07:33.28  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.69   2006-11-13 16:21:50.6     18818560  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0081                 
8547770-7986810           05:41:54.65  -07:59:12.52  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.09   2006-11-13 16:29:27.5     18817024  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0075                 
8561044-7980730           05:42:26.51  -07:58:50.63  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.21   2006-11-13 16:37:48.8     18829568  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0124                 
8556074-7982720           05:42:14.58  -07:58:57.79  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.19   2006-11-13 16:45:19.4     18824448  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0104                 
8535781-7830800           05:41:25.87  -07:49:50.88  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.57   2006-11-13 16:55:35.5     18806528  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0033                 
8547523-7831450           05:41:54.06  -07:49:53.22  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     20.85   2006-11-13 17:03:33.9     18777344  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-1328                 
29 Vul                    20:38:31.34  +21:12:04.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     64.36   2006-11-13 17:32:31.7     20697856  calsfx-36E-29Vul                        
HD204041                  21:25:51.58  +00:32:03.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.46   2006-11-13 18:36:23.4     19091712  IRSM-0030                               
V899 Aql                  20:01:29.41  +04:25:36.30  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.26   2006-11-13 18:42:31.9     18939392  IRSS-sgal-0086                          
HD 195592                 20:30:34.97  +44:18:54.90  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare      9.65   2006-11-13 18:54:34.4     19943936  IRSS-HD195592 - SH                      
Neptune-center                    899 Neptune-cente  Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap      101.18   2006-11-13 19:16:28.0     14717696  Triton-Leading                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-13 21:55:19.2     20718080  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     54.03   2006-11-13 22:06:38.6     20684288  caldrk_IRS-36_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     24.61   2006-11-13 22:57:25.1     20684544  caldrk_IRS-36_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-13 23:18:23.0     20692224  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     13.77   2006-11-13 23:44:03.7     20695808  calsfx-36F-sky                          
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     16.99   2006-11-13 23:55:01.3     20695552  calsfx-36F-delDra                       
OFF--ESO 343-IG013        21:36:30.93  -38:27:33.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-11-14 00:17:25.2     20329984  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 343-IG013            
ESO 343-IG013             21:36:10.93  -38:32:33.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    118.30   2006-11-14 00:53:47.5     20366336  IRS-stare ESO 343-IG013                 
IRAS19190+1102            19:21:25.10  +11:08:42.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.03   2006-11-14 02:53:48.7     17929472  IRSS-0017                               
IRAS19178+1206            19:20:14.00  +12:12:24.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.03   2006-11-14 03:01:02.7     17934080  IRSS-0051                               
IRAS19176+1251            19:19:55.77  +12:57:38.20  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.03   2006-11-14 03:08:11.1     17934336  IRSS-0039                               
HD 188001                 19:52:21.76  +18:40:18.70  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare     11.67   2006-11-14 03:16:55.0     19945216  IRSS-HD188001 - SH                      
M82 sky SL                09:55:11.01  +69:31:09.90  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap       16.37   2006-11-14 03:32:13.2     18376704  IRSM-la3e                               
M82 wind-N                09:55:44.50  +69:42:13.30  Armus             LARMUS6      30542 irsmap      363.60   2006-11-14 03:45:25.2     18374912  IRSM-la7 north SL1                      
MCG+08-18-013             09:36:37.20  +48:28:27.70  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.55   2006-11-14 09:48:36.5     20373248  IRS-stare MCG+08-18-013                 
McNaught-Hughes               1000134 McNaught-Hugh  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    50.15   2006-11-14 10:12:54.6     19571456  seppcon-130P-McNH                       
spokes-brighter           06:41:06.50  +09:34:47.00  Lada              YSOS_IC348_N 30033 irsmap      178.28   2006-11-14 11:11:55.8     20053504  IRSM-NGC2264D-LL-0001                   
spokes-loose-1            06:41:01.73  +09:34:34.30  Lada              YSOS_IC348_N 30033 irsmap       30.81   2006-11-14 14:06:43.2     20049408  IRSM-NGC2264D-SL-0004                   
spokes-3rdarm             06:41:10.55  +09:34:17.80  Lada              YSOS_IC348_N 30033 irsmap       40.88   2006-11-14 14:34:18.0     20047872  IRSM-NGC2264D-SL-0007                   
8508648-7916730           05:40:20.76  -07:55:00.23  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare      9.47   2006-11-14 15:16:30.0     18829824  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0125                 
8520580-7960600           05:40:49.39  -07:57:38.16  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     12.17   2006-11-14 15:23:22.7     18804480  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0025                 
8534457-7821140           05:41:22.70  -07:49:16.10  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     12.99   2006-11-14 15:33:24.5     18833408  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0139                 
8574645-8156600           05:42:59.15  -08:09:23.76  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     11.71   2006-11-14 15:44:03.1     18805248  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0028                 
8538844-7917320           05:41:33.23  -07:55:02.35  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.08   2006-11-14 15:53:03.5     18822400  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0096                 
hv 2671                   05:33:48.94  -70:13:23.50  Clayton           HOTRCB1      30380 irsstare     27.45   2006-11-14 16:03:59.5     18144512  hv2671-1                                
Neptune_halfway                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap       35.27   2006-11-14 16:43:32.6     14719232  Triton-Halfway - Shadow                 
Neptune_halfway                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap      101.20   2006-11-14 17:20:48.6     14717952  Triton-Halfway-scatter                  
Russell 4                     1000075     Russell 4  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    77.67   2006-11-14 19:06:02.8     19578624  seppcon-94P-Rus4                        
OFF--ESO 239-IG002        22:49:59.84  -48:45:58.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.69   2006-11-14 20:23:57.2     20354048  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 239-IG002            
ESO 239-IG002             22:49:39.84  -48:50:58.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.56   2006-11-14 20:38:44.1     20318208  IRS-stare ESO 239-IG002                 
NGC 1553 + offset         04:16:10.47  -55:46:48.50  Rampazzo          ETG_RAMPAZZO 30256 irsstare     96.89   2006-11-14 21:18:17.7     17924864  IRSS-0012                               
NX Pup SKY                07:19:28.26  -44:36:11.50  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     15.23   2006-11-14 22:57:22.8     16829184  NX Pup SKY IRS                          
V734 Cyg                  19:24:46.70  +44:28:56.50  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.37   2006-11-14 23:20:45.1     18938368  IRSS-sgal-0082                          
CSS 1138                  19:26:37.40  +42:23:38.50  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.37   2006-11-14 23:31:34.9     18938624  IRSS-sgal-0083                          
IRAS19319+2214            19:34:03.58  +22:21:16.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.01   2006-11-14 23:44:00.9     17943552  IRSS-0044                               
IRAS19315+2235            19:33:41.40  +22:42:08.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.01   2006-11-14 23:50:58.4     17942016  IRSS-0013                               
MSX6C G052.2025+00.7217   19:25:00.64  +17:25:26.89  Jiang             WJIANG       30403 irsstare      8.70   2006-11-14 23:59:01.8     18182656  IRSS-0007                               
IRAS19254+1631            19:27:42.04  +16:37:24.00  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      6.86   2006-11-15 00:04:51.2     17941504  IRSS-0069                               
IC1459                    22:57:10.61  -36:27:44.00  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     47.64   2006-11-15 00:14:48.7     18257920  IC1459 IRS                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          67.09   2006-11-15 02:25:08.5     20713984  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.05   2006-11-15 03:32:07.3     20716032  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.99   2006-11-15 03:42:35.6     20690432  caldrk_IRS-36_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-15 03:54:53.4     20692480  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.49   2006-11-15 04:18:48.6     20685568  caldrk_IRS-36_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     17.50   2006-11-15 04:31:30.3     20696320  calsfx-36G-sky                          
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     31.95   2006-11-15 04:46:08.9     20696064  calsfx-36G-HR6606                       
8552157-8190720           05:42:05.18  -08:11:26.59  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.09   2006-11-15 05:26:20.7     18824192  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0103                 
I19336                    19:36:17.50  -03:53:25.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare     10.40   2006-11-15 05:43:26.3     17503744  IRSS-0016                               
AC114                     22:58:49.79  -34:48:47.00  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    308.00   2006-11-15 05:55:49.6     17672448  IRS-lens-AC114                          
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.78   2006-11-15 11:04:25.0     18266112  IRSS-N66offln                           
NX Pup                    07:19:28.26  -44:35:11.50  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     15.20   2006-11-15 11:25:19.5     16827904  NX Pup IRS                              
1H 0707-495               07:08:41.48  -49:33:06.30  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare     31.48   2006-11-15 11:36:47.6     14447360  NLS1-0003                               
1H 0707-495 off           07:08:41.48  -49:34:54.30  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare      9.13   2006-11-15 12:04:53.4     16421888  NLS1-0003-off                           
N66                       00:59:03.00  -72:10:40.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      358.53   2006-11-15 12:24:00.8     18262272  IRSM-SMCN66ln                           
SN 2004dj                 07:37:17.04  +65:35:57.80  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 irspeakup     7.73   2006-11-15 18:30:46.7     18275328  04dj-PUI-1                              
MRK6                      06:52:12.25  +74:25:37.50  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.20   2006-11-15 18:37:10.5     17953792  IRSS-0009                               
8576836-8303060           05:43:04.41  -08:18:11.02  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     13.30   2006-11-15 19:12:34.6     18850304  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0205                 
8576640-8652630           05:43:03.94  -08:39:09.47  Houck             DMW2         30706 irsstare     10.03   2006-11-15 19:22:35.9     18828800  IRSS-G-DMW-ORION-A-0121                 
Neptune-center                    899 Neptune-cente  Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap       35.27   2006-11-15 19:53:46.0     14720256  Triton-Trailing - shadow                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-15 21:53:17.6     20718336  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-15 22:04:58.8     20692736  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     12.76   2006-11-15 22:28:55.5     20684032  caldrk_IRS-36_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_1 
HD166780 sky              18:08:38.85  +57:57:16.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     18.80   2006-11-15 22:39:58.7     20696832  calsfx-36H-sky                          
HD 166780                 18:08:38.85  +57:58:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     35.07   2006-11-15 22:55:45.6     20696576  calsfx-36H-HD166780                     
70micron4                 10:41:17.92  +59:58:23.20  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     42.13   2006-11-15 23:31:54.9     17410560  IRSS-0003                               
DDO122                    12:24:25.30  +70:20:01.00  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-11-16 00:12:37.6     17467904  Wu-0020-cheap                           
NGC4589 IRS               12:37:25.03  +74:11:30.80  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     20.92   2006-11-16 00:17:46.6     18255360  NGC4589 IRS                             
NGC3516                   11:06:47.49  +72:34:06.90  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.54   2006-11-16 00:37:01.8     17955072  IRSS-0015                               
KR Cam                    06:04:02.00  +59:32:19.10  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.42   2006-11-16 00:57:42.9     18919936  IRSS-sgal-0009                          
SN 2004dj                 07:37:17.04  +65:35:57.80  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irspeakup    20.89   2006-11-16 01:09:28.6     17972736  PUI-sn2004dj-7                          
SN2004dj                  07:37:17.04  +65:35:57.80  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irsstare    157.63   2006-11-16 01:27:22.0     17969152  IRS-2004dj-7                            
FSC0729+6118              07:29:12.10  +61:18:53.50  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.18   2006-11-16 04:02:54.6     17540096  IRSS-e-dww-FSC01                        
MRK9                      07:36:56.98  +58:46:13.40  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.55   2006-11-16 04:16:48.6     17954048  IRSS-0010                               
DDO48                     07:58:54.20  +58:02:33.00  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.41   2006-11-16 04:43:51.5     17467648  Wu-0019-cheap                           
NHS6                      08:32:02.52  +52:47:12.90  Georgakakis       XNORMAL1     30605 irsstare     48.21   2006-11-16 04:49:36.8     18600448  IRSS-0000 - NHS6                        
NHS7                      08:32:28.21  +52:36:22.70  Georgakakis       XNORMAL1     30605 irsstare     10.64   2006-11-16 05:34:50.7     18600704  IRSS-0000 - NHS7                        
NGC2552                   08:19:20.53  +50:00:34.70  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare     28.50   2006-11-16 05:43:12.7     17465088  Wu-0009                                 
UGC4393                   08:26:04.39  +45:58:03.51  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 irsstare     23.40   2006-11-16 06:09:37.1     18890240  IRSS - UGC4393                          
nebula_A                  07:03:57.71  -03:57:47.30  Su                V838MONGO3   30472 irsmap      127.17   2006-11-16 06:34:16.8     18245120  IRSM-NebulaA                            
1437 Diomedes                 2001437 1437 Diomedes  Houck             GTO2_DPC     30228 irsstare     32.21   2006-11-16 09:00:37.6     17586688  IRSS-1437diomedes                       
UGC11680                  21:07:45.80  +03:52:40.40  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.45   2006-11-16 09:31:42.4     17963776  IRSS-0053                               
NGC 7192                  22:06:50.16  -64:18:58.50  Rampazzo          ETG_RAMPAZZO 30256 irsstare    175.62   2006-11-16 10:03:41.2     17927424  IRSS-0039                               
Eurybates                     2003548     Eurybates  Houck             GTO2_DPC     30228 irsstare     66.06   2006-11-16 13:16:50.2     17585408  IRSS-3548eurybates                      
NGC7293                   22:29:38.55  -20:50:13.60  Rieke             LATTER_SE       77 irsstare    101.78   2006-11-16 14:24:37.6     20677888  IRSS-NGC7293-CS                         
NGC7293-LH-background     22:29:38.55  -20:50:13.60  Rieke             LATTER_SE       77 irsstare     25.01   2006-11-16 16:01:52.3     20678144  IRSS-NGC7293-SKY                        
Neptune-slitend                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap      148.41   2006-11-16 16:31:51.7     14718464  Triton-Slitend                          
IC5179                    22:16:05.10  -36:52:31.00  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-11-16 18:59:27.8     17664768  IRSS-LHBackg - IC5179                   
IC5179                    22:16:09.09  -36:50:37.50  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      251.03   2006-11-16 19:10:27.3     17661952  IRSM-IC5179                             
Sersic159Halpha           23:13:58.80  -42:43:38.00  Jaffe             WJAFFE       30117 irsstare     44.54   2006-11-16 23:20:14.9     17790976  Sersic159Halpha-LL1+LL2                 
NGC7314                   22:35:46.20  -26:03:01.30  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare     20.35   2006-11-17 00:03:45.4     18514432  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - NGC7314           
NGC7314_background        22:36:00.00  -26:01:25.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare      8.85   2006-11-17 00:20:53.0     20300288  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - NGC7314_background
ESO 602-G025              22:31:25.48  -19:02:04.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.61   2006-11-17 00:28:11.1     20350464  IRS-stare ESO 602-G025                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-17 02:05:35.3     20718592  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.49   2006-11-17 02:15:51.7     20683776  caldrk_IRS-36_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     12.31   2006-11-17 02:27:05.1     20684800  caldrk_IRS-36_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-17 02:36:42.1     20692992  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     33.26   2006-11-17 03:01:55.6     20697088  calsfx-36I-HD163466                     
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     35.06   2006-11-17 03:33:15.9     20703232  calsfx-36D-HD173511_2                   
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     18.80   2006-11-17 04:05:04.9     20703488  calsfx-36D-sky_2                        
bump203                   10:40:12.86  +59:27:12.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.26   2006-11-17 04:25:07.6     17414912  IRSS-0021 - bump203                     
bump232                   10:37:07.80  +59:12:04.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.30   2006-11-17 05:49:26.1     17422080  IRSS-0021 - bump232                     
bump229                   10:46:53.08  +59:26:52.20  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.17   2006-11-17 07:14:01.1     17421312  IRSS-0021 - bump229                     
bump209                   10:44:36.56  +59:32:52.40  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.33   2006-11-17 08:38:05.3     17416448  IRSS-0021 - bump209                     
70micron8                 10:44:27.38  +60:07:25.80  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     37.49   2006-11-17 10:02:20.8     17411584  IRSS-0007                               
FSC0927+5412              09:27:03.07  +54:12:06.60  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     16.18   2006-11-17 10:38:35.8     17540608  IRSS-e-dww-FSC03                        
MRK79                     07:42:32.80  +49:48:34.70  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     18.30   2006-11-17 10:53:56.8     17954304  IRSS-0011                               
NHS4                      08:31:14.62  +52:42:25.30  Georgakakis       XNORMAL1     30605 irsstare     23.10   2006-11-17 11:10:31.3     18599936  IRSS-0000 - NHS4                        
AO Gem                    07:56:56.01  +31:10:02.10  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.53   2006-11-17 11:32:54.1     18925568  IRSS-sgal-0031                          
CSS 1160                  19:49:01.50  +00:29:11.60  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.01   2006-11-17 11:56:32.1     18938880  IRSS-sgal-0084                          
1998 UT18                     2085774     1998 UT18  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irspeakup    12.47   2006-11-17 12:16:56.7     17755648  wic-1998UT18-phot                       
HD 52089 with bkg         06:58:37.55  -28:58:19.50  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 irsstare      7.18   2006-11-17 12:43:14.6     19951104  IRSS-HD52089 - LH                       
CSS 427                   07:53:46.24  -32:04:55.10  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.59   2006-11-17 12:51:23.9     18925312  IRSS-sgal-0030                          
HD 62542 - Cluster        07:42:37.22  -42:13:47.80  Li                AIGENLIGO2   20420 irsstare    153.30   2006-11-17 12:59:19.0     15664896  IRSS-0008                               
W Men                     05:26:24.52  -71:11:11.80  Evans             NYESBAGS3    30077 irsstare     41.10   2006-11-17 15:32:37.2     17741312  IRSS-WMen                               
OFF--IRAS F06592-6313     07:00:00.26  -63:12:52.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.68   2006-11-17 16:12:09.8     20346624  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS F06592-6313         
IRAS F06592-6313          06:59:40.26  -63:17:52.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.22   2006-11-17 16:26:52.4     20324352  IRS-stare IRAS F06592-6313              
IRAS06111-7023            06:10:32.02  -70:24:40.80  Sahai             PPNLMC       30788 irsstare     17.04   2006-11-17 17:03:16.9     19013120  IRSS-06111                              
OFF--ESO 077-IG014        23:21:25.45  -69:07:47.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-11-17 17:20:24.6     20323840  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 077-IG014            
ESO 077-IG014             23:21:05.45  -69:12:47.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    118.47   2006-11-17 17:56:43.6     20351744  IRS-stare ESO 077-IG014                 
NGC 7079                  21:32:35.25  -44:04:03.20  Rampazzo          ETG_RAMPAZZO 30256 irsstare    210.68   2006-11-17 19:54:46.8     17927168  IRSS-0036                               
IC5135                    21:48:19.50  -34:57:06.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare     20.19   2006-11-17 23:24:02.3     18507008  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - IC5135            
IC5135_background         21:48:12.00  -34:59:30.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare      8.80   2006-11-17 23:40:58.4     20304896  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - IC5135_background 
1998 UT18                     2085774     1998 UT18  Van Cleve         COLLISION    30080 irspeakup    12.47   2006-11-17 23:59:28.8     17755904  wic-1998UT18-phot-shadow                
Neptune-Slitend-cal               899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap       21.96   2006-11-18 00:17:02.5     15892992  Triton-Slitend-NepCal                   
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          67.09   2006-11-18 01:42:55.9     20714240  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.05   2006-11-18 02:49:54.7     20716288  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.72   2006-11-18 03:00:19.6     20683264  caldrk_IRS-36_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.80   2006-11-18 03:11:59.9     20683520  caldrk_IRS-36_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.48   2006-11-18 03:23:55.2     20679936  caldrk_IRS-36_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_1    
SSGSS_faint_cl11          10:41:10.45  +58:15:23.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    21.75   2006-11-18 03:38:22.7     20579584  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl11                    
SSGSS_faint_cl10          10:38:58.62  +58:22:33.90  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    21.68   2006-11-18 03:57:02.9     20579840  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl10                    
SSGSS_faint_cl06          10:44:27.39  +59:44:29.60  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.93   2006-11-18 04:15:58.2     20583936  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl06                    
SSGSS_bright_cl07         10:41:22.55  +58:53:31.20  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.10   2006-11-18 04:40:01.0     20576000  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl07                   
SSGSS_faint_cl04          10:32:53.96  +58:06:33.00  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.53   2006-11-18 05:03:19.0     20584448  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl04                    
SSGSS_bright_cl04         10:36:53.49  +57:54:42.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    22.27   2006-11-18 05:26:42.0     20576768  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl04                   
SSGSS_bright_cl07_back    10:41:22.55  +58:53:31.20  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      149.12   2006-11-18 05:46:31.3     20575488  SSGSS_bright_cl07_SH                    
0852+3435                 08:52:44.70  +34:35:40.40  Kulkarni          DUSTYABS       277 irsstare    252.48   2006-11-18 08:15:28.3     19542784  0852+3435irs                            
70micron14                10:39:46.28  +58:27:50.90  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     49.87   2006-11-18 12:27:39.7     17413120  IRSS-0013                               
IRAS 08201+2801           08:23:12.64  +27:51:40.07  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-11-18 13:17:36.7     18208768  IRSI-jd-mega008                         
IRAS 08449+2332           08:47:50.22  +23:21:10.34  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-11-18 13:21:26.6     18209024  IRSI-jd-mega009                         
IRAS07598+6508 sky        08:04:30.46  +64:59:00.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     22.68   2006-11-18 13:27:59.7     20697600  calsfx-36J-sky                          
IRAS07598+6508            08:04:30.46  +64:59:52.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     38.30   2006-11-18 13:47:46.3     20697344  calsfx-36J-redagn6                      
70micron3                 10:36:37.16  +58:42:17.20  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     57.76   2006-11-18 14:25:00.3     17410304  IRSS-0002                               
70micron17                10:37:52.16  +57:50:48.60  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     32.77   2006-11-18 15:20:07.2     17413888  IRSS-0016                               
IRAS 08474+1813           08:50:18.32  +18:02:01.08  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-11-18 15:53:14.2     18209280  IRSI-jd-mega010                         
HD73667                   08:39:50.79  +11:31:21.60  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     64.35   2006-11-18 16:08:01.6     16007168  HD73667_IRS                             
HD 69351                  08:16:26.47  -03:13:33.90  Abraham           FSTARS2005   20707 irsstare     15.03   2006-11-18 17:11:16.5     15014144  IRSS-HD69351                            
OFF--IRAS 07251-0248      07:27:57.62  -02:49:54.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-11-18 17:24:47.0     20326912  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS 07251-0248          
IRAS 07251-0248           07:27:37.62  -02:54:54.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.21   2006-11-18 17:39:28.5     20346112  IRS-stare IRAS 07251-0248               
V838 Mon                  07:04:04.85  -03:50:51.10  Su                V838MONGO3   30472 irsmap       62.09   2006-11-18 19:52:41.5     18244608  IRSM-V838Mon                            
V838Mon-LH-bak            07:04:04.85  -03:50:51.10  Su                V838MONGO3   30472 irsstare     10.45   2006-11-18 20:51:24.8     18244864  IRSS-V838Mon-LH-bak                     
spokes-loose-2            06:40:57.00  +09:33:01.40  Lada              YSOS_IC348_N 30033 irsmap       54.76   2006-11-18 21:00:51.5     20048128  IRSM-NGC2264D-SL-0006                   
SDSS J212843.42+002435.6  21:28:43.42  +00:24:35.74  Shang             SHANGPSQ     30075 irsstare     82.47   2006-11-18 22:07:29.4     17729536  IRSS-PSQ - SDSS J212843.42+002435.6     
FSC22017+0319             22:04:19.17  +03:33:50.20  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.78   2006-11-18 23:26:37.7     17964032  IRSS-0054                               
IRAS 21077+3358           21:09:50.81  +34:10:30.85  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-11-18 23:56:22.6     18212608  IRSI-jd-mega029                         
IRAS 20286+1846           20:30:54.48  +18:56:37.74  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-11-19 00:03:22.8     18212352  IRSI-jd-mega028                         
IRAS19193+1804            19:21:31.64  +18:10:09.60  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare     10.03   2006-11-19 00:10:12.0     17933568  IRSS-0058                               
I19306                    19:32:55.10  +14:13:36.90  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare      9.53   2006-11-19 00:18:07.1     17509888  IRSS-0033                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-19 01:55:08.0     20718848  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     44.19   2006-11-19 02:07:05.5     20679680  caldrk_IRS-36_100-DCVZN-SH-long_1       
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     12.31   2006-11-19 02:46:27.6     20683008  caldrk_IRS-36_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_1 
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsmap       44.03   2006-11-19 02:57:17.5     20699648  calwav-36G-HR6606-spatial               
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     74.39   2006-11-19 03:50:41.5     20701952  calsfx-36A-eta1Dor_2                    
HD62542-Back              07:49:10.70  -42:52:30.70  Li                AIGENLIGO2   20420 irsstare     53.03   2006-11-19 05:05:22.1     14664192  IRSS-0007                               
HD 64802                  07:54:11.01  -35:52:38.20  Gordon            KGORDON_IR_E 20146 irsstare     32.79   2006-11-19 05:55:51.1     14205952  IRSS-HD64802                            
OFF--AM 0702-601          07:03:44.14  -60:10:21.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-11-19 06:27:56.0     20312576  IRS-stare OFF--AM 0702-601              
AM 0702-601               07:03:24.14  -60:15:21.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     69.31   2006-11-19 06:42:44.2     20348928  IRS-stare AM 0702-601                   
N57C                      05:33:10.63  -67:42:42.80  Morris            WRRINGS      30544 irsmap       90.02   2006-11-19 07:50:42.8     18385408  WRNEB-N57C-02-M                         
OFF--NGC 1572             04:23:02.81  -40:31:03.10  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.73   2006-11-19 09:29:42.1     20321280  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 1572                 
NGC 1572                  04:22:42.81  -40:36:03.10  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.35   2006-11-19 09:44:30.5     18047232  IRS-stare NGC 1572                      
OFF--MCG-05-12-006        04:52:24.96  -32:54:26.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.87   2006-11-19 10:21:10.0     20343552  IRS-stare OFF--MCG-05-12-006            
MCG-05-12-006             04:52:04.96  -32:59:26.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     27.66   2006-11-19 10:32:21.5     20373504  IRS-stare MCG-05-12-006                 
CSS 361                   07:30:55.24  -31:03:25.20  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     12.78   2006-11-19 11:00:21.1     18924288  IRSS-sgal-0026                          
HD084123                  09:44:06.88  +42:03:03.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.45   2006-11-19 11:16:01.1     19087104  IRSM-0011                               
SDSS J1105+6022           11:05:53.68  +60:22:28.70  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-11-19 11:21:37.1     17467136  Wu-0017-cheap                           
SDSSJ110912.40+612346.7   11:09:12.40  +61:23:46.70  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.46   2006-11-19 11:26:19.8     17800192  SDSSJ110912.40+612346.7                 
SSGSS_faint_cl05          10:49:27.46  +59:32:53.20  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    21.84   2006-11-19 12:02:06.9     20584192  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl05                    
SSGSS_faint_cl07          10:48:04.02  +58:51:36.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.49   2006-11-19 12:20:54.0     20583680  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl07                    
SSGSS_faint_cl12          10:45:37.77  +58:11:40.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.64   2006-11-19 12:44:24.2     20579328  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl12                    
SSGSS_bright_cl08         10:43:39.07  +58:02:50.50  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    18.57   2006-11-19 13:08:01.6     20575744  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl08                   
SSGSS_faint_cl09          10:43:32.35  +57:40:19.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    22.45   2006-11-19 13:23:32.7     20582912  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl09                    
SSGSS_faint_cl02          10:39:11.25  +57:16:16.90  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.31   2006-11-19 13:43:00.5     20585216  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl02                    
SSGSS_faint_cl03          10:35:57.84  +57:25:00.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.50   2006-11-19 14:06:18.9     20584704  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl03                    
bump217                   10:47:54.66  +58:39:06.00  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.28   2006-11-19 14:30:08.4     17418496  IRSS-0021 - bump217                     
70micron12                10:44:39.44  +58:29:58.60  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     42.26   2006-11-19 15:54:30.6     17412608  IRSS-0011                               
70micron15                10:45:47.08  +59:42:51.60  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     67.82   2006-11-19 16:34:06.3     17413376  IRSS-0014                               
MRK206                    12:24:17.03  +67:26:23.58  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 irsstare     19.66   2006-11-19 17:40:46.0     18889472  IRSS - MRK206                           
IRAS 18588+3517           19:00:41.20  +35:21:27.01  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare     42.98   2006-11-19 18:02:02.0     18205440  IRSS-jd-mega027                         
IRAS 18588+3517_backgroun 19:00:41.21  +35:20:48.51  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare      9.13   2006-11-19 18:41:34.3     19548928  IRSS-jd-mega027_background              
IRAS 20286+1846           20:30:54.48  +18:56:37.74  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare     42.96   2006-11-19 18:50:34.7     18205696  IRSS-jd-mega028                         
IRAS 20286+1846_backgroun 20:30:54.50  +18:55:37.74  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare      9.13   2006-11-19 19:30:08.7     19549696  IRSS-jd-mega028_background              
Mrk509                    20:44:09.74  -10:43:24.50  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare     20.17   2006-11-19 19:39:10.5     18508288  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - Mrk509            
Mrk509_background         20:44:14.00  -10:46:14.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 irsstare      8.79   2006-11-19 19:56:04.0     20306176  Gorjian-irs-xrayagn - Mrk509_background 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.15   2006-11-19 21:23:17.2     20719104  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     54.03   2006-11-19 21:34:35.9     20686080  caldrk_IRS-36_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     24.61   2006-11-19 22:25:22.3     20686336  caldrk_IRS-36_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     18.80   2006-11-19 22:48:34.3     20702464  calsfx-36B-sky_2                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     35.47   2006-11-19 23:04:33.9     20702208  calsfx-36B-HR7341_2                     
N22 south                 00:47:57.00  -73:17:37.50  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-11-19 23:46:39.8     18261760  IRSM-SMCN22sh1                          
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.92   2006-11-20 05:37:53.9     18265856  IRSS-N22offsh                           
N22 north                 00:48:04.00  -73:14:00.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-11-20 05:53:12.5     18262016  IRSM-SMCN22sh2                          
N66 south                 00:58:57.00  -72:12:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-11-20 11:52:55.5     18262528  IRSM-SMCN66sh1                          
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.92   2006-11-20 17:44:11.6     18266368  IRSS-N66offsh                           
N66 north                 00:59:15.00  -72:09:05.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-11-20 17:59:34.7     18262784  IRSM-SMCN66sh2                          
OFF--ESO 244-G012         01:18:28.31  -44:22:43.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.88   2006-11-20 23:53:05.5     20348416  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 244-G012             
ESO 244-G012              01:18:08.31  -44:27:43.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     27.70   2006-11-21 00:04:18.7     20368384  IRS-stare ESO 244-G012                  
IRAS 22116+0437           22:14:10.30  +04:52:26.08  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.81   2006-11-21 00:34:18.3     18213120  IRSI-jd-mega032                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          67.09   2006-11-21 02:04:04.6     20714496  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          12.05   2006-11-21 03:11:03.4     20716544  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     14.99   2006-11-21 03:21:18.2     20689920  caldrk_IRS-36_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_1
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     27.41   2006-11-21 03:33:35.7     20691456  caldrk_IRS-36_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     24.61   2006-11-21 03:58:12.8     20682752  caldrk_IRS-36_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_1    
ksiDra sky                17:53:31.73  +56:50:51.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     13.78   2006-11-21 04:20:20.8     20702976  calsfx-36C-sky_2                        
ksi Dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irsstare     21.12   2006-11-21 04:30:59.5     20702720  calsfx-36C-ksiDra_2                     
bump208                   10:45:51.63  +59:42:34.90  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.02   2006-11-21 04:52:59.8     17416192  IRSS-0021 - bump208                     
SSGSS_bright_cl02         10:46:52.75  +56:15:06.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    25.59   2006-11-21 06:17:30.1     20577280  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl02                   
HD 189733                 20:00:43.71  +22:42:39.10  Grillmair         GRILLMAIR    30473 irs         351.66   2006-11-21 06:47:11.4     20645376  HD 189733_Single_Point_30473            
Catalina (P/2005 JQ5)         1000567 Catalina (P/2  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   108.85   2006-11-21 13:10:42.9     19585792  seppcon-P05JQ5-Cata                     
bump220                   10:48:45.20  +56:10:55.90  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.30   2006-11-21 15:00:03.4     17419008  IRSS-0021 - bump220                     
70micron5                 10:52:52.90  +56:21:35.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     67.87   2006-11-21 16:24:20.8     17410816  IRSS-0004                               
SSGSS_bright_cl06         10:53:24.66  +57:12:30.90  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    18.60   2006-11-21 17:29:02.8     20576256  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl06                   
SSGSS_bright_cl01         10:57:19.79  +57:57:06.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    15.05   2006-11-21 17:44:46.3     20577536  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl01                   
SSGSS_faint_cl13          10:59:04.88  +58:19:20.00  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    18.34   2006-11-21 17:56:44.7     20579072  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl13                    
SSGSS_bright_cl03         10:38:56.54  +57:15:49.00  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    22.45   2006-11-21 18:12:31.0     20577024  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl03                   
ksi dra                   17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1576  1576 irsmap       60.29   2006-11-21 18:36:11.7     20753664  long_lo_latents                         
Neptune-center                    899 Neptune-cente  Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap       35.27   2006-11-21 19:46:55.1     14719488  Triton-Leading - Shadow                 
Neptune-slitend                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap       50.94   2006-11-21 20:23:47.9     14719744  Triton-Slitend - shadow                 
Neptune_halfway                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap       35.27   2006-11-21 21:16:20.7     14720000  Triton-Halfway-scatter - shadow         
Neptune-slitend                   899                Spencer           TRITON_TEMP  20446 irsmap       50.94   2006-11-21 21:53:14.7     14720512  Triton-Slitend-scatter - shadow         
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1437  1437 irs          67.09   2006-11-21 22:48:26.7     20714752  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-22 01:43:40.3     20808192  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_1          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-22 01:46:17.0     20803072  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.58   2006-11-22 01:56:35.7     20784640  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.58   2006-11-22 02:05:30.9     20791808  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.58   2006-11-22 02:10:55.7     20791296  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.58   2006-11-22 02:19:26.1     20790784  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.58   2006-11-22 02:27:37.3     20790272  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.91   2006-11-22 02:36:13.3     20792832  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.89   2006-11-22 02:40:47.7     20793344  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.93   2006-11-22 02:45:59.7     20785152  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.60   2006-11-22 02:50:38.7     20792320  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.62   2006-11-22 03:03:42.8     20785920  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_1            
Geminga                   06:33:54.15  +17:46:12.90  Chakrabarty       FALLBACK     30822 iracmap     277.23   2006-11-22 03:10:32.5     19037952  IRAC-Geminga-2                          
Gl_285                    07:44:40.17  +03:33:08.80  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.15   2006-11-22 07:46:14.4     18009344  epoch2-GL285                            
Z1665                     08:23:21.70  +04:22:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-11-22 07:51:36.0     18647552  IRAC-0007                               
R0821+07                  08:21:02.40  +07:51:47.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-11-22 07:59:45.0     18661120  IRAC-0049                               
LHS2021                   08:30:32.70  +09:47:14.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 08:07:48.4     17991424  epoch2-LHS2021                          
SDSS084723.67+0011010.4   08:47:23.67  +01:10:10.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-22 08:13:25.0     18100736  IRAC-0000 - SDSS084723.67+0011010.4     
2MA0835-0819              08:35:42.60  -08:19:24.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 08:19:16.2     17997056  epoch2-2MA0835-0819                     
brc50                     07:40:28.52  -43:06:20.25  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-11-22 08:26:34.6     17512704  IRAC-brc50                              
2MA0348-6022              03:48:07.70  -60:22:27.09  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.81   2006-11-22 08:34:28.6     17581568  2MA0348-initial                         
2MA2331-4718              23:31:23.80  -47:18:27.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-11-22 08:50:23.8     18007552  epoch2-2MA2331-4718                     
S1101                     23:13:58.80  -42:43:38.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-11-22 08:55:18.4     18665728  IRAC-0058                               
GL0887                    23:05:52.04  -35:51:11.10  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-11-22 09:03:54.3     17988864  epoch2-GL0887                           
GL0866ABC                 22:38:33.40  -15:18:07.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 09:10:09.4     17988352  epoch2-GL0866ABC                        
2MA2224-0158              22:24:43.80  -01:58:52.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 09:15:58.9     17997824  epoch2-2MA2224-0158                     
R2129+00                  21:29:39.90  +00:05:23.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-11-22 09:21:55.9     18659584  IRAC-0046                               
SDSS215541.74+0122818.8   21:55:41.74  +12:28:18.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.87   2006-11-22 09:31:10.7     18105344  IRAC-0000 - SDSS215541.74+0122818.8     
DB2001+9                  20:32:27.80  +38:51:26.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-22 09:38:55.7     18914560  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+9                    
IRAS21272+2514            21:29:29.40  +25:27:55.10  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       5.78   2006-11-22 09:45:43.7     17526784  IRAC-gto2-ulirg036                      
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-22 10:02:29.9     20808448  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_2          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-22 10:18:55.2     20805632  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      10.67   2006-11-22 10:25:30.9     20795648  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-22 10:30:22.2     20805888  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.19   2006-11-22 10:32:51.3     20795904  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       9.04   2006-11-22 10:35:39.2     20796160  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.13   2006-11-22 10:41:23.2     20796416  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.13   2006-11-22 10:46:08.0     20793856  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.40   2006-11-22 10:50:49.2     20794624  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.04   2006-11-22 10:58:44.8     20794112  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      17.31   2006-11-22 11:06:20.6     20794880  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      16.30   2006-11-22 11:20:12.6     20794368  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      41.77   2006-11-22 11:33:09.4     20795392  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      54.55   2006-11-22 12:11:30.5     20795136  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_9              08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap     240.56   2006-11-22 13:09:34.0     20796672  skyflt_zody_field_9                     
7b                        09:16:01.18  +29:27:49.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      56.04   2006-11-22 17:08:41.5     17843968  IRAC-0004 - 7b                          
ugc 4189                  08:02:49.64  +15:48:30.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.19   2006-11-22 18:03:47.7     19185920  IRAC-0022                               
2MA0746+2000              07:46:42.60  +20:00:32.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 18:09:50.3     17992704  epoch2-2MA0746+2000                     
SDSS074815.44+220059.5    07:48:15.44  +22:00:59.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:14:25.5     18070784  IRAC-0000 - SDSS074815.44+220059.5      
2MA0755+2212              07:55:48.00  +22:12:18.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 18:19:27.1     18003456  epoch2-2MA0755+2212                     
SDSS075339.84+0250137.9   07:53:39.84  +25:01:37.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:24:15.3     18095360  IRAC-0000 - SDSS075339.84+0250137.9     
SDSS075222.91+0273823.2   07:52:22.91  +27:38:23.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:29:29.3     18104832  IRAC-0000 - SDSS075222.91+0273823.2     
SDSS075928.29+301028.3    07:59:28.29  +30:10:28.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:34:46.4     18076160  IRAC-0000 - SDSS075928.29+301028.3      
5C7.23                    08:13:38.53  +29:16:33.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:39:59.8     18063360  IRAC-0000 - 5C7.23                      
5C7.82                    08:17:46.88  +29:21:50.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:44:52.2     18063616  IRAC-0000 - 5C7.82                      
SDSS081520.66+273617.0    08:15:20.66  +27:36:17.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:49:52.6     18072320  IRAC-0000 - SDSS081520.66+273617.0      
5C7.17                    08:12:58.65  +26:51:41.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 18:54:43.6     18063104  IRAC-0000 - 5C7.17                      
ugc 4368                  08:22:44.96  +24:17:48.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.68   2006-11-22 19:00:03.4     19186688  IRAC-0025                               
ugc 4189                  08:02:49.64  +15:48:30.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.19   2006-11-22 19:10:50.0     19186176  IRAC-0023                               
ugc 4458                  08:32:11.30  +22:33:38.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-11-22 19:17:17.2     19187200  IRAC-0027                               
2MA0825+2115              08:25:19.70  +21:15:52.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 19:22:47.8     18000128  epoch2-2MA0825+2115                     
5C7.242                   08:25:42.70  +24:40:21.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-22 19:27:38.6     18063872  IRAC-0000 - 5C7.242                     
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.64   2006-11-22 19:34:34.6     20786176  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_2            
CR Gem                    06:34:23.92  +16:04:30.30  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.92   2006-11-22 19:41:23.8     17627648  CR Gem E1                               
GL0280AB                  07:39:18.12  +05:13:29.90  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-22 19:46:16.6     17981952  epoch2-GL0280AB                         
brc27                     07:03:58.71  -11:23:10.20  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.72   2006-11-22 19:52:27.0     17512192  IRAC-brc27                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-22 21:40:31.7     20807936  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov            
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-22 21:41:21.3     20802816  anneal                                  
UGC7020A                  12:02:37.06  +64:22:35.30  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.91   2006-11-22 21:55:19.9     18197248  IRAC-UGC7020A                           
WD0937+505                09:40:22.70  +50:21:05.60  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.43   2006-11-22 22:21:10.5     19068928  IRAC-0007                               
a0620                     06:22:44.45  +00:20:44.70  McClintock        JEFFMC       30616 iracmap     474.72   2006-11-22 22:49:16.5     18618112  IRAC-0001                               
a0620                     06:22:44.45  +00:20:44.70  McClintock        JEFFMC       30616 iracmap     474.72   2006-11-23 06:39:50.1     18618624  IRAC-0003                               
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.64   2006-11-23 14:41:40.5     20786432  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_3            
ugc 4458                  08:32:11.30  +22:33:38.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.20   2006-11-23 14:49:34.1     19187456  IRAC-0028                               
2c                        05:21:47.69  -48:21:25.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.27   2006-11-23 15:01:02.6     17841408  IRAC-0006 - 2c                          
2MA0348-6022              03:48:07.70  -60:22:27.09  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.81   2006-11-23 15:13:12.7     17581824  2MA0348-day                             
WD0133-548                01:35:38.70  -54:35:27.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.83   2006-11-23 15:28:05.5     17872640  IRAC-WD0133-548                         
GJ1001B                   00:04:34.80  -40:44:06.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-23 15:50:02.9     17998336  epoch2-GJ1001B                          
GL0001                    00:05:24.42  -37:21:26.50  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-11-23 15:54:59.7     17978368  epoch2-GL1                              
A4059                     23:57:00.67  -34:45:31.70  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.68   2006-11-23 15:59:41.3     18666240  IRAC-0059                               
GL0876Ap                  22:53:16.74  -14:15:49.30  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-11-23 16:09:46.3     17988608  epoch2-GL0876Ap                         
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-11-23 16:13:35.3     19344640  GL876_GO3_5                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-23 16:31:41.8     19344896  HD216845_GO3_5                          
GRB 060522                21:31:44.80  +02:53:10.30  Berger            CC-GRB-HIGHZ 20000 iracmap     260.13   2006-11-23 16:55:52.5     19624448  GRB060522                               
sdss2116-07               21:16:40.30  -07:24:52.70  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.94   2006-11-23 21:13:51.5     17869056  IRAC-sdss2116-07                        
WD2054-050                20:56:47.79  -04:50:39.80  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-11-23 21:22:39.1     17870848  IRAC-2054-050                           
HD210111                  22:08:42.64  -33:07:32.50  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-11-23 21:33:23.5     19083520  IRAC-0031                               
X Aqr                     22:18:39.32  -20:54:04.10  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-11-23 21:39:28.7     17622784  X Aqr E2                                
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-11-23 21:43:37.8     19345152  GL876_GO3_6                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-23 22:01:44.3     19345408  HD216845_GO3_6                          
mrk900                    21:29:59.61  +02:24:51.00  Bergvall          REDHALODUST2 30720 iracmap      58.74   2006-11-23 22:25:54.5     18857984  IRAC - - mrk900                         
JDROP6                    21:03:57.60  +03:16:28.20  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      56.12   2006-11-23 23:22:24.0     20040448  JDROP6_IRAC2                            
WD2056+033                20:58:46.74  +03:31:51.10  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.41   2006-11-24 00:15:35.4     19073280  IRAC-0027                               
HD195019                  20:28:18.64  +18:46:10.20  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.60   2006-11-24 00:30:41.4     17557760  NSEXOII-042                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-24 02:02:17.3     20808960  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_4          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-24 02:03:05.8     20806400  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.64   2006-11-24 02:24:41.3     20786688  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_4            
SDSS090153.42+0065915.6   09:01:53.42  +06:59:15.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 02:32:35.9     18105856  IRAC-0000 - SDSS090153.42+0065915.6     
LHS2065                   08:53:36.10  -03:29:32.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-24 02:38:36.1     17992192  epoch2-LHS2065                          
Elatus                        2031824      1999 UG5  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.59   2006-11-24 02:52:49.7     15131136  IRAC-31824_Elatus                       
GJ337C                    09:12:14.70  +14:59:40.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-24 03:54:07.4     18001664  epoch2-GJ337C                           
Z2089                     09:00:36.80  +20:53:43.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.66   2006-11-24 03:59:27.4     18660096  IRAC-0047                               
NGC2778                   09:12:24.38  +35:01:38.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-11-24 04:08:33.4     18032128  T78I_NGC2778                            
SDSS093023.28+0403111.0   09:30:23.28  +40:31:11.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 04:31:21.6     18101504  IRAC-0000 - SDSS093023.28+0403111.0     
SDSS093332.71+414945.0    09:33:32.71  +41:49:45.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 04:36:19.2     18088448  IRAC-0000 - SDSS093332.71+414945.0      
SDSS094644.72+414304.5    09:46:44.72  +41:43:04.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 04:41:32.6     18080000  IRAC-0000 - SDSS094644.72+414304.5      
6CE 0943+3958             09:46:18.59  +39:44:18.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 04:46:39.4     18060544  IRAC-0000 - 6CE 0943+3958               
SDSS091216.88+0420314.2   09:12:16.88  +42:03:14.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 04:52:18.6     18094336  IRAC-0000 - SDSS091216.88+0420314.2     
SDSS090142.41+425631.0    09:01:42.41  +42:56:31.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-11-24 04:57:24.8     18082560  IRAC-0000 - SDSS090142.41+425631.0      
SDSS091011.01+463617.8    09:10:11.01  +46:36:17.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-11-24 05:02:45.6     18075392  IRAC-0000 - SDSS091011.01+463617.8      
IRAS08208+3211            08:23:54.62  +32:02:12.00  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.90   2006-11-24 05:09:24.0     17521920  IRAC-gto2-ulirg017                      
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.79   2006-11-24 05:23:41.3     19345664  GL876_GO3_7                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-24 05:41:48.6     19345920  HD216845_GO3_7                          
Fomalhaut                 22:57:39.05  -29:37:20.00  Marengo           FAB2         30754 iracmap     258.76   2006-11-24 06:04:59.2     18951936  Fomalhaut E1 IRAC12                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-24 11:22:00.5     20809216  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_5          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-24 11:22:50.6     20806656  anneal                                  
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.93   2006-11-24 11:38:58.7     20955136  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_2          
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-11-24 11:50:03.4     19346176  GL876_GO3_8                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-24 12:08:09.2     19346432  HD216845_GO3_8                          
IRAS21293-0154            21:31:53.49  -01:41:43.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       5.77   2006-11-24 12:32:00.9     17527040  IRAC-gto2-ulirg037                      
ERO2MASS1                 21:13:51.02  +00:28:31.40  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.02   2006-11-24 12:35:34.5     18611712  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS1                   
ERO2MASS3                 20:48:37.25  +00:24:37.30  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.03   2006-11-24 12:39:22.9     18612224  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS3                   
ERO2MASS2                 20:56:29.76  -06:50:55.40  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.03   2006-11-24 12:43:11.3     18611968  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS2                   
JDROP6                    21:03:57.60  +03:16:28.20  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      20.74   2006-11-24 12:47:29.7     20040704  JDROP6_IRAC1                            
4C05.84                   22:25:14.66  +05:27:09.40  Stockton          Z2.5-STOCKTO 30240 iracmap     134.74   2006-11-24 13:07:07.9     17909248  IRAC-0004                               
GRB051221                 21:54:48.60  +16:53:27.20  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 iracmap       9.38   2006-11-24 15:20:23.2     19050496  IRAC-GRB051221                          
HD209458                  22:03:10.80  +18:53:04.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.63   2006-11-24 15:27:15.0     17559040  NSEXOII-047                             
WD2048+263                20:50:20.77  +26:30:39.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-11-24 15:36:50.6     17875200  IRAC-WD2048+263                         
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-11-24 15:48:58.3     19342592  GL876_GO3_1                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-24 16:07:04.0     19342848  HD216845_GO3_1                          
HDFS2                     22:31:58.70  -60:36:10.00  Labbe             MUSYC_C3     30873 iracmap     204.73   2006-11-24 16:32:17.6     19160320  IRAC-HDFS2                              
WD2343-481                23:46:02.86  -47:51:01.90  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.82   2006-11-24 19:55:05.0     17870592  IRAC-2343-481                           
WD2345-447                23:48:16.40  -44:28:07.00  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.83   2006-11-24 20:15:25.8     17877760  IRAC-WD2345-447                         
WD0011-399                00:13:47.28  -39:37:25.00  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.86   2006-11-24 20:36:03.6     17868800  IRAC-0011-399                           
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-11-24 20:58:37.0     19343104  GL876_GO3_2                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-24 21:16:42.5     19343360  HD216845_GO3_2                          
HD188015                  19:52:04.54  +28:06:01.40  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-11-24 21:43:00.6     17557504  NSEXOII-041                             
Elatus                        2031824      1999 UG5  Emery             JPE-CEN-KBO- 20769 iracmap      63.59   2006-11-24 22:14:04.6     15131392  IRAC-Elatus2                            
WD0816+297                08:19:33.27  +29:33:36.50  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.42   2006-11-24 23:16:00.3     19075072  IRAC-0012                               
2MA0937+2931              09:37:34.70  +29:31:42.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-24 23:31:02.1     18006016  epoch2-2MA0937+2931                     
SDSS100940.46+465525.0    10:09:40.46  +46:55:25.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 23:37:04.7     18088192  IRAC-0000 - SDSS100940.46+465525.0      
SDSS100835.81+0513927.8   10:08:35.81  +51:39:27.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 23:42:38.5     18100992  IRAC-0000 - SDSS100835.81+0513927.8     
SDSS102349.40+0522151.2   10:23:49.40  +52:21:51.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 23:47:52.7     18102272  IRAC-0000 - SDSS102349.40+0522151.2     
SDSS104542.18+525112.6    10:45:42.18  +52:51:12.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 23:53:15.7     18077696  IRAC-0000 - SDSS104542.18+525112.6      
SDSS104935.77+0554950.6   10:49:35.77  +55:49:50.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-24 23:58:34.9     18099712  IRAC-0000 - SDSS104935.77+0554950.6     
GL0380                    10:11:22.14  +49:27:15.30  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 00:04:22.7     17982464  epoch2-GL0380                           
HD_76644                  08:59:12.45  +48:02:30.60  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 00:10:07.1     18009856  epoch2-HD776644                         
DB2001+3                  20:04:52.90  +29:11:45.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-25 00:21:41.8     18913280  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+3                    
BDSB2003+16               19:55:00.00  +27:12:57.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-25 00:27:03.6     18912768  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+16                 
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-25 01:35:26.8     20809472  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_6          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-25 01:36:20.4     20806912  anneal                                  
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.93   2006-11-25 01:52:25.2     20955392  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_3          
NGC 3690                  11:28:31.88  +58:33:45.20  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.69   2006-11-25 01:59:51.0      4999680  TNG-SN-NGC3690-05                       
Z3916                     11:14:21.90  +58:23:20.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.66   2006-11-25 02:05:48.2     18662144  IRAC-0051                               
SDSS114700.39+0620008.1   11:47:00.39  +62:00:08.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 02:14:03.2     18104320  IRAC-0000 - SDSS114700.39+0620008.1     
NGC3945                   11:53:13.73  +60:40:32.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.95   2006-11-25 02:18:59.6     18033920  T78I_NGC3945                            
2MA1237+6526              12:37:39.20  +65:26:15.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 02:41:46.0     18006528  epoch2-2MA1237+6526                     
SDSS115027.25+0665848.0   11:50:27.25  +66:58:48.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 02:46:53.1     18104064  IRAC-0000 - SDSS115027.25+0665848.0     
3C268.1                   12:00:20.16  +73:00:45.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 02:52:37.2     18059776  IRAC-0000 - 3C268.1                     
NGC4589                   12:37:25.03  +74:11:30.80  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.94   2006-11-25 02:57:46.7     18035456  T78I_NGC4589                            
A2146                     15:56:13.80  +66:20:55.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.66   2006-11-25 03:21:32.3     18663168  IRAC-0053                               
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-11-25 03:37:17.5     19343616  GL876_GO3_3                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-25 03:55:23.0     19343872  HD216845_GO3_3                          
hck-22c                   22:18:53.00  +00:44:54.00  Hu                SMITTY       30526 iracmap     271.64   2006-11-25 04:18:35.9     18347264  IRAC-0002                               
cosmic_eye                21:35:12.69  -01:01:43.00  Ellis             LBGIMG         280 iracmap      17.91   2006-11-25 08:47:43.3     20813056  IRAC_eye                                
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-11-25 09:04:50.7     19344128  GL876_GO3_4                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-11-25 09:22:56.3     19344384  HD216845_GO3_4                          
HD216770                  22:55:53.71  -26:39:31.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-11-25 09:45:45.1     17559552  NSEXOII-049                             
HD204041                  21:25:51.58  +00:32:03.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-11-25 09:56:16.3     19083264  IRAC-0030                               
HD183864                  19:30:37.34  +25:07:15.00  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-11-25 10:03:55.3     18678784  IRAC_HD183864                           
BDSB2003+14               19:40:22.00  +27:18:29.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.91   2006-11-25 10:08:33.3     18912256  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+14                 
V584 Aql                  20:10:29.83  -01:37:40.80  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-11-25 10:15:51.5     17617408  V584 Aql E1                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-25 11:23:25.1     20809728  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_7          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-25 11:24:20.2     20807168  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.65   2006-11-25 11:45:42.4     20787456  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_7            
I06556                    06:58:30.30  +16:19:26.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.08   2006-11-25 11:52:00.9     17496320  IRAC-0000                               
SDSS080915.88+321041.6    08:09:15.88  +32:10:41.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 12:01:14.1     18089728  IRAC-0000 - SDSS080915.88+321041.6      
ugc 4256                  08:10:15.19  +33:57:23.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.68   2006-11-25 12:06:13.2     19186432  IRAC-0024                               
GRB020127                 08:15:05.70  +36:44:31.00  Le Floc'h         DARK_GRB_DDT   272 iracmap      15.57   2006-11-25 12:16:14.2     17183488  IRAC-0001 - GRB020127                   
SDSS082901.27+371806.1    08:29:01.27  +37:18:06.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 12:29:12.6     18088704  IRAC-0000 - SDSS082901.27+371806.1      
SDSS083110.01+374209.6    08:31:10.01  +37:42:09.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 12:34:00.0     18083328  IRAC-0000 - SDSS083110.01+374209.6      
SDSS083407.56+354712.0    08:34:07.56  +35:47:12.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 12:39:06.4     18088960  IRAC-0000 - SDSS083407.56+354712.0      
SDSS083226.07+343414.3    08:32:26.07  +34:34:14.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 12:43:59.2     18087168  IRAC-0000 - SDSS083226.07+343414.3      
ugc 4622                  08:50:20.19  +41:17:21.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.68   2006-11-25 12:49:42.2     19187968  IRAC-0030                               
SDSS083248.42+422458.8    08:32:48.42  +42:24:58.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 12:59:46.2     18080768  IRAC-0000 - SDSS083248.42+422458.8      
SDSS083115.89+0423316.6   08:31:15.89  +42:33:16.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 13:04:26.4     18097408  IRAC-0000 - SDSS083115.89+0423316.6     
SDSS082012.62+431358.5    08:20:12.62  +43:13:58.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 13:09:32.0     18076416  IRAC-0000 - SDSS082012.62+431358.5      
SDSS082229.78+0442705.2   08:22:29.78  +44:27:05.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 13:14:28.0     18104576  IRAC-0000 - SDSS082229.78+0442705.2     
A646                      08:22:09.60  +47:05:54.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-11-25 13:19:40.2     18647296  IRAC-0006                               
SDSS082836.39+504826.5    08:28:36.39  +50:48:26.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 13:27:46.2     18086144  IRAC-0000 - SDSS082836.39+504826.5      
ugc 4380                  08:24:31.83  +54:51:13.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.68   2006-11-25 13:33:09.8     19186944  IRAC-0026                               
SDSS090037.89+550318.0    09:00:37.89  +55:03:18.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 13:43:29.0     18084096  IRAC-0000 - SDSS090037.89+550318.0      
SDS0857+5708              08:57:58.50  +57:08:51.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 13:48:35.4     18000896  epoch2-SDS0857+5708                     
NGC2768                   09:11:37.50  +60:02:14.00  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.93   2006-11-25 13:53:23.6     18031872  T78I_NGC2768                            
SDS0926+5847              09:26:15.40  +58:47:21.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 14:15:33.2     18002688  epoch2-SDS0926+5847                     
SDSS094441.47+555752.9    09:44:41.47  +55:57:52.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-11-25 14:20:28.4     18086400  IRAC-0000 - SDSS094441.47+555752.9      
SDSS094811.89+0551726.5   09:48:11.89  +55:17:26.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-11-25 14:25:18.1     18093312  IRAC-0000 - SDSS094811.89+0551726.5     
SDSS093759.44+0542427.3   09:37:59.44  +54:24:27.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-11-25 14:30:21.7     18094080  IRAC-0000 - SDSS093759.44+0542427.3     
SDSS094740.01+515456.8    09:47:40.01  +51:54:56.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 14:35:37.9     18085632  IRAC-0000 - SDSS094740.01+515456.8      
Z2701                     09:52:49.20  +51:53:06.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-11-25 14:40:28.9     18649856  IRAC-0012                               
SDSS095227.30+504850.7    09:52:27.30  +50:48:50.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 14:48:13.1     18075648  IRAC-0000 - SDSS095227.30+504850.7      
SDSS092829.86+0504836.6   09:28:29.86  +50:48:36.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-11-25 14:53:35.9     18096384  IRAC-0000 - SDSS092829.86+0504836.6     
SDSS091921.56+504855.4    09:19:21.56  +50:48:55.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 14:58:34.9     18079232  IRAC-0000 - SDSS091921.56+504855.4      
2MA0908+5032              09:08:38.00  +50:32:09.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 15:03:35.3     17999360  epoch2-2MA0908+5032                     
SDSS090812.18+514700.8    09:08:12.18  +51:47:00.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-25 15:08:03.7     18078720  IRAC-0000 - SDSS090812.18+514700.8      
SDSS093303.50+0460440.2   09:33:03.50  +46:04:40.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 15:13:51.5     18101248  IRAC-0000 - SDSS093303.50+0460440.2     
SDSS092257.86+0444651.8   09:22:57.86  +44:46:51.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.84   2006-11-25 15:19:00.5     18100480  IRAC-0000 - SDSS092257.86+0444651.8     
SDSS1004+4112             10:04:34.90  +41:12:40.00  Kochanek          KOCHANEK1004 20277 iracmap     135.12   2006-11-25 15:24:44.3     14483968  IRAC-0002                               
SDSS102111.57+0611415.0   10:21:11.57  +61:14:15.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 17:38:33.2     18091264  IRAC-0000 - SDSS102111.57+0611415.0     
1b                        09:20:52.95  +30:27:56.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      10.66   2006-11-25 17:45:59.8     17839104  IRAC-0001 - 1b                          
sdss0753+42               07:53:13.28  +42:30:01.60  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-11-25 17:55:41.8     17868288  IRAC-sdss0753+42                        
ugc 4036                  07:51:54.74  +73:00:56.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.70   2006-11-25 18:06:10.0     19185408  IRAC-0020                               
ugc 3701                  07:11:42.68  +72:10:09.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.70   2006-11-25 18:16:10.8     19184896  IRAC-0018                               
2MA0532+8246              05:32:53.46  +82:46:46.50  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 18:27:02.8     18001152  epoch2-2MA0532+8246                     
2MA0717+5705              07:17:16.30  +57:05:43.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-25 18:33:44.4     17999616  epoch2-2MA0717+5705                     
R0751+50                  07:51:19.95  +50:14:07.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.65   2006-11-25 18:39:17.0     18647040  IRAC-0005                               
ugc 4107                  07:57:01.87  +49:34:02.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.70   2006-11-25 18:46:57.1     19185664  IRAC-0021                               
HD49674                   06:51:30.52  +40:52:03.90  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.64   2006-11-25 18:58:17.9     17550336  NSEXOII-013                             
WD0657+320                07:00:51.66  +31:57:44.00  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      11.00   2006-11-25 19:07:05.7     17873920  IRAC-WD0657+320                         
SDSS090708.06+0052227.3   09:07:08.06  +05:22:27.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-25 19:18:26.7     18094848  IRAC-0000 - SDSS090708.06+0052227.3     
UGC4703                   08:58:27.40  +06:19:41.00  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.50   2006-11-25 19:23:33.3     18888704  IRAC - UGC4703                          
BDSB2003+84               06:38:28.00  +00:44:41.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.95   2006-11-25 19:33:05.7     18901504  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+84                 
BDSB2003+90               06:59:41.00  -04:51:44.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.92   2006-11-25 19:39:06.1     18902016  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+90                 
BDSB2003+93               06:57:15.00  -08:19:48.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.92   2006-11-25 19:44:30.1     18901760  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+93                 
BDSB2003+94               07:00:51.00  -08:56:33.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.91   2006-11-25 19:49:26.3     18902272  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+94                 
BDSB2003+95               07:16:33.00  -09:25:20.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-25 19:54:53.7     18902784  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+95                 
DBSB2003T3+4              07:32:10.00  -16:58:15.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-25 20:00:56.5     18903040  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+4                
DBSB2003T3+7              07:35:34.00  -18:45:34.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-25 20:06:11.5     18903552  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+7                
DBSB2003T3+8              07:35:39.00  -18:48:50.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-25 20:10:44.3     18903808  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+8                
DBSB2003T3+10             07:35:27.00  -22:23:55.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-25 20:16:08.7     18903296  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+10               
WD0743-340                07:45:38.73  -33:47:50.00  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-11-25 20:22:26.7     17871616  IRAC-WD0743-340                         
NGC 2477                  07:52:06.00  -38:31:60.00  Frinchaboy        PMFASTRO     30800 iracmap      65.06   2006-11-25 20:31:06.3     19017216  IRAC-0021                               
cl Melotte 66             07:26:23.00  -47:39:60.00  Frinchaboy        PMFASTRO     30800 iracmap      65.06   2006-11-25 21:33:17.2     19016448  IRAC-0018                               
2a                        05:22:15.72  -48:18:18.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap       8.72   2006-11-25 22:36:28.0     17840640  IRAC-0007                               
MCG-05-18-002             07:16:31.21  -29:19:28.80  Rieke             CTAGN        30443 iracmap       5.88   2006-11-25 22:44:43.6     17638144  IRAC-CTAGN - MCG-05-18-002 - 0000       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-26 00:09:57.5     20809984  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_8          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-26 00:10:50.1     20807424  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.67   2006-11-26 00:32:20.1     20787712  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_8            
DLS-R3                    09:15:32.00  +30:00:00.00  Fazio             GTO          30478 iracmap     297.15   2006-11-26 00:41:00.9     17646592  DLS-R3                                  
SDSS104537.69+0484914.6   10:45:37.69  +48:49:14.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-26 05:35:13.2     18091776  IRAC-0000 - SDSS104537.69+0484914.6     
A795                      09:24:05.30  +14:10:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.66   2006-11-26 05:43:09.4     18647808  IRAC-0008                               
HD074873                  08:46:56.02  +12:06:35.80  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-11-26 05:51:56.4     19080960  IRAC-0021                               
XBSJ083737+255151         08:37:37.07  +25:51:51.20  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      10.39   2006-11-26 05:58:03.8     18604544  IRAC-0006                               
ic5146_irac0              21:53:09.70  +47:17:14.15  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      38.95   2006-11-26 06:13:18.4     19991040  IRAC_ic5146_0_1                         
ic5146_irac1              21:46:11.55  +47:31:41.83  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      80.55   2006-11-26 06:48:15.8     19978752  IRAC_ic5146_1_1 - 0001                  
ceph_irac1                22:21:58.20  +75:07:32.60  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      25.49   2006-11-26 08:06:18.9     19969280  IRAC_ceph_1_1                           
ceph_irac6                20:40:36.10  +67:23:08.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      17.58   2006-11-26 08:29:44.5     19995648  IRAC_ceph_6_1                           
ceph_irac7                20:39:36.70  +67:07:53.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      11.48   2006-11-26 08:43:48.1     19963392  IRAC_ceph_7_1                           
ceph_irac2                22:00:09.20  +76:33:04.80  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      29.81   2006-11-26 08:53:33.7     20000512  IRAC_ceph_2_1                           
ceph_irac3                21:59:58.30  +76:54:36.20  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      21.11   2006-11-26 09:19:40.6     19967488  IRAC_ceph_3_1                           
ceph_irac4                21:03:02.00  +68:13:31.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      25.40   2006-11-26 09:38:34.2     19997184  IRAC_ceph_4_1                           
ceph_irac5                21:02:02.70  +67:48:47.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      34.96   2006-11-26 10:00:14.0     19965696  IRAC_ceph_5_1                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-26 11:51:23.3     20810240  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_9          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-26 11:52:12.9     20803328  anneal                                  
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.93   2006-11-26 12:08:23.7     20955648  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_4          
IRAS23515-2917            23:54:06.52  -29:01:00.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.92   2006-11-26 12:20:57.3     17527296  IRAC-gto2-ulirg038                      
WD2120+054                21:22:34.90  +05:42:41.00  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.42   2006-11-26 12:27:08.9     19073536  IRAC-0028                               
NGC7052                   21:18:33.05  +26:26:48.70  Evans             EVANSAARON   30877 iracmap      10.76   2006-11-26 12:42:29.5     19168000  IRAC-0001-ngc7052                       
DT Cyg                    21:06:30.24  +31:11:04.80  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-11-26 12:51:02.5     18678528  IRAC_DT_Cyg                             
X Cyg                     20:43:24.19  +35:35:16.10  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       7.12   2006-11-26 12:56:07.7     18680576  IRAC_X_Cyg                              
wd2215+388                22:18:01.14  +39:08:44.20  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.68   2006-11-26 13:02:00.3     19024384  IRAC-0005                               
ic5146_irac1              21:46:11.94  +47:31:37.88  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      80.55   2006-11-26 13:31:50.9     20003584  IRAC_ic5146_1_2 - 0001                  
ceph_irac1                22:21:58.20  +75:07:32.60  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      25.49   2006-11-26 14:49:59.6     19969024  IRAC_ceph_1_2                           
ceph_irac6                20:40:36.10  +67:23:13.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      17.58   2006-11-26 15:13:21.2     19995136  IRAC_ceph_6_2                           
ceph_irac7                20:39:36.70  +67:07:58.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      11.48   2006-11-26 15:27:24.6     19963136  IRAC_ceph_7_2                           
ceph_irac2                22:00:09.20  +76:33:09.80  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      29.81   2006-11-26 15:37:11.0     20000256  IRAC_ceph_2_2                           
ceph_irac3                21:59:58.30  +76:54:41.20  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      21.11   2006-11-26 16:03:18.2     19967232  IRAC_ceph_3_2                           
ceph_irac4                21:03:02.00  +68:13:36.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      25.40   2006-11-26 16:22:11.8     19996928  IRAC_ceph_4_2                           
ceph_irac5                21:02:02.70  +67:48:52.00  Allen             LALLEN_C2D2  30574 iracmap      34.96   2006-11-26 16:43:51.3     19965184  IRAC_ceph_5_2                           
DB2001+6                  20:29:36.90  +39:01:15.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-26 17:17:43.7     18914048  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+6                    
AA Cyg                    20:04:27.61  +36:49:00.50  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.89   2006-11-26 17:23:19.9     17622016  AA Cyg E1                               
GL0820AB                  21:06:53.95  +38:44:57.90  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.32   2006-11-26 17:27:31.1     17987328  epoch2-GL0820AB                         
PV Ceph flow              20:45:54.00  +67:57:38.80  Arce              GIANTHH      30760 iracmap     229.53   2006-11-26 17:34:25.3     18955008  PV Cep outflow                          
sn 2004et                 20:35:25.33  +60:07:17.70  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      31.53   2006-11-26 21:16:46.3     17966848  IRAC-2004et-4                           
sn 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 iracmap      31.52   2006-11-26 21:44:49.3     17965568  IRAC-2002hh-4                           
DB2001+23                 20:45:37.60  +44:15:21.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-26 22:14:48.5     18915840  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+23                   
DB2001+22                 20:42:33.50  +42:56:50.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-26 22:19:55.6     18915584  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+22                   
DB2001+16                 20:38:29.00  +42:06:25.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-26 22:24:57.9     18914816  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+16                   
BDSB2003+18               20:01:10.00  +33:11:09.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-11-26 22:31:20.6     18913024  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+18                 
I19399                    19:42:05.50  +23:18:59.00  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.05   2006-11-26 22:37:37.9     17499648  IRAC-0018                               
NGC6819                   19:41:18.09  +40:11:12.30  Frinchaboy        PMFASTRO     30800 iracmap      30.52   2006-11-26 22:46:24.7     19016192  IRAC-0011                               
TW_PsA                    22:56:24.05  -31:33:56.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.16   2006-11-26 23:19:58.9     18008064  epoch2-TWPsA                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-27 01:05:32.3     20810496  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_10         
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-27 01:06:19.5     20803584  anneal                                  
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.68   2006-11-27 01:28:04.1     20788224  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_10           
NGC 2371                  07:25:34.66  +29:29:26.30  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.03   2006-11-27 01:35:20.9     17589760  IRAC-PN2-0002                           
SDSS090910.09+012135.7    09:09:10.09  +01:21:35.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-27 01:49:39.7     18073088  IRAC-0000 - SDSS090910.09+012135.7      
DLS-L3                    09:23:31.99  +30:00:00.00  Fazio             GTO          30478 iracmap     297.24   2006-11-27 01:57:13.9     17645824  DLS-L3                                  
1a                        09:20:26.42  +30:29:36.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      10.66   2006-11-27 06:49:24.1     17838592  IRAC-0001                               
1a                        09:20:26.42  +30:29:36.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.27   2006-11-27 06:56:48.5     17838336  IRAC-0000                               
1b                        09:20:52.95  +30:27:56.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.27   2006-11-27 07:06:45.8     17838848  IRAC-0000 - 1b                          
1c                        09:21:10.80  +30:27:52.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      31.67   2006-11-27 07:16:42.0     17839360  IRAC-0002                               
9                         09:21:23.50  +30:13:05.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      29.92   2006-11-27 07:45:04.2     17846272  IRAC-0005 - 9                           
9                         09:21:23.50  +30:13:05.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      56.03   2006-11-27 08:11:38.0     17846016  IRAC-0004 - 9                           
1d                        09:19:35.06  +30:31:55.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      56.02   2006-11-27 09:04:28.9     17839872  IRAC-0004                               
1d                        09:19:35.06  +30:31:55.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      29.92   2006-11-27 09:57:06.7     17840128  IRAC-0005                               
SBS0935+495               09:38:24.00  +49:18:17.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-11-27 10:25:57.9     17561344  Wu_IRAC-0002                            
DLS-R2                    09:16:52.00  +30:00:00.00  Fazio             GTO          30478 iracmap     297.09   2006-11-27 10:43:22.3     17646336  DLS-R2                                  
DLS-R1                    09:18:12.00  +30:00:00.00  Fazio             GTO          30478 iracmap     297.09   2006-11-27 15:35:11.2     17646080  DLS-R1                                  
ugc 4555                  08:44:08.27  +34:43:02.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.67   2006-11-27 20:28:22.0     19187712  IRAC-0029                               
SDSS083315.07+350647.3    08:33:15.07  +35:06:47.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-27 20:38:22.8     18083072  IRAC-0000 - SDSS083315.07+350647.3      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-27 22:05:00.3     20811008  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_12         
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-27 22:05:38.4     20804096  anneal                                  
MRK206                    12:24:17.03  +67:26:23.58  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.50   2006-11-27 22:22:55.3     18885376  IRAC - MRK206                           
SDSS J123743.08+630144.8  12:37:43.08  +63:01:44.90  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      22.35   2006-11-27 22:30:06.5     18248448  IRAC-1237p6301                          
Feige 55                  12:04:38.60  +60:32:08.30  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      24.42   2006-11-27 22:50:04.1     18229760  IRAC-F55                                
SBS1134+598               11:37:43.73  +59:35:34.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-11-27 23:11:57.7     17562368  Wu_IRAC-0006                            
SDSS112023.23+540427.1    11:20:23.23  +54:04:27.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-27 23:19:03.7     18087680  IRAC-0000 - SDSS112023.23+540427.1      
NGC3499                   11:03:11.03  +56:13:18.20  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.90   2006-11-27 23:24:19.1     18195200  IRAC-NGC3499                            
RE1032+532                10:32:09.90  +53:29:35.40  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      72.58   2006-11-27 23:48:49.2     18230784  IRAC-RE1032                             
SDSS105126.97+0474719.1   10:51:26.97  +47:47:19.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-28 00:58:58.8     18098944  IRAC-0000 - SDSS105126.97+0474719.1     
IRAS10091+4704            10:12:16.74  +46:49:42.90  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-11-28 01:04:53.0     17522176  IRAC-gto2-ulirg018                      
HD084123                  09:44:06.88  +42:03:03.10  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.51   2006-11-28 01:07:47.8     19078400  IRAC-0011                               
1c                        09:21:10.80  +30:27:52.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      17.16   2006-11-28 01:13:43.0     17839616  IRAC-0003                               
10                        09:16:03.50  +30:27:14.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      26.26   2006-11-28 01:27:58.5     17846784  IRAC-0013 - 10                          
10                        09:16:03.50  +30:27:14.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      50.49   2006-11-28 01:50:52.9     17846528  IRAC-0012 - 10                          
DLS                       09:19:32.40  +30:00:00.00  Fazio             GTO          30478 iracmap     297.09   2006-11-28 02:38:24.9     17645056  DLS-Center                              
6CE 1011+3632             10:14:12.89  +36:17:18.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-28 07:32:20.5     18060800  IRAC-0000 - 6CE 1011+3632               
6CE 1019+3924             10:22:55.25  +39:08:49.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-28 07:37:44.9     18061312  IRAC-0000 - 6CE 1019+3924               
KUG1013+381               10:16:24.49  +37:54:45.72  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap      15.12   2006-11-28 07:42:48.0     18887168  IRAC - KUG1013+381                      
DDO68                     09:56:45.70  +28:49:35.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.19   2006-11-28 07:56:05.8     17567488  Wu_IRAC-0026                            
WASP2-ch24-bl             20:30:43.02  +06:27:18.24  Wheatley          WASP12         282 irac         10.66   2006-11-28 08:12:25.3     20952064  p282_IRAC_WASP2_ecl_ch24_1_ci_12s       
WASP2-ch24                20:30:51.56  +06:26:00.57  Wheatley          WASP12         282 irac        200.54   2006-11-28 08:23:11.4     20952576  p282_IRAC_WASP2_ecl_ch24_1_12s          
WASP2-ch24-bl             20:30:43.02  +06:27:18.24  Wheatley          WASP12         282 irac         10.66   2006-11-28 11:40:58.2     20952320  p282_IRAC_WASP2_ecl_ch24_1_co_12s       
DLS-L1                    09:20:52.00  +30:00:00.00  Fazio             GTO          30478 iracmap     297.09   2006-11-28 12:10:53.7     17645312  DLS-L1                                  
DLS-L2                    09:22:12.00  +30:00:00.00  Fazio             GTO          30478 iracmap     297.09   2006-11-28 17:02:52.6     17645568  DLS-L2                                  
SBS0754+570               07:58:26.41  +56:54:22.30  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.19   2006-11-28 21:58:31.8     17561088  Wu_IRAC-0001                            
7c                        09:15:54.54  +29:33:14.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      29.93   2006-11-28 22:08:12.0     17844736  IRAC-0005 - 7c                          
NGC 2841 A/B              09:22:21.50  +50:50:33.00  Calzetti          OUTDISKS     30753 iracmap      41.44   2006-11-28 22:37:37.3     18949376  IRAC-N2841                              
NGC 2841 A/B              09:22:21.50  +50:50:33.00  Calzetti          OUTDISKS     30753 iracmap      37.63   2006-11-28 23:15:41.1     18950656  IRAC-N2841 - A                          
SDSS084028.34+323229.4    08:40:28.34  +32:32:29.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.83   2006-11-28 23:52:33.7     18081280  IRAC-0000 - SDSS084028.34+323229.4      
GJ1111                    08:29:49.50  +26:46:37.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       6.83   2006-11-28 23:58:15.8     17982208  epoch2-GJ1111                           
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.69   2006-11-29 00:04:51.8     20788736  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_12           
PKS0745-191               07:47:31.35  -19:17:39.70  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.64   2006-11-29 00:14:16.2     18667776  IRAC-0062                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-29 02:05:23.1     20811520  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_14         
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-29 02:06:18.4     20804608  anneal                                  
NGC7360                   22:43:33.95  +04:09:04.20  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      27.00   2006-11-29 02:27:09.3     18199552  IRAC-NGC7360                            
SSA22_IRAC                22:17:34.00  +00:17:01.00  Fazio             SSA22        30328 iracmap     338.72   2006-11-29 02:51:50.1     17600512  IRAC-0004                               
NGC7047                   21:16:27.64  +00:49:35.40  Rieke             SLUGS        30348 iracmap      10.95   2006-11-29 08:28:12.4     17403392  IRAC-NGC7047                            
RX J0822.0-4300           08:21:58.20  -43:00:22.00  Chakrabarty       FALLBACK     30822 iracmap     340.11   2006-11-29 08:45:38.1     19037440  IRAC-PupA-deep                          
HD70642                   08:21:28.14  -39:42:19.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.62   2006-11-29 14:22:19.5     17551104  NSEXOII-016                             
257.6-00.7                08:25:36.74  -39:05:54.62  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      69.39   2006-11-29 14:29:56.5     14774272  IRAC-0001 - 257.6-00.7                  
ESO489-G56                06:26:16.98  -26:15:56.24  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap      15.12   2006-11-29 15:37:04.7     18887680  IRAC - ESO489-G56                       
NGC 2090 A/B              05:47:09.50  -34:11:27.00  Calzetti          OUTDISKS     30753 iracmap      37.67   2006-11-29 15:50:22.7     18950400  IRAC-n2090 - A                          
RE0558-373                05:58:14.60  -37:34:26.00  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      38.42   2006-11-29 16:34:08.6     18228480  IRAC-RE0558                             
2b                        05:21:59.95  -48:16:08.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.27   2006-11-29 17:10:42.2     17841152  IRAC-0006 - 2b                          
2c                        05:21:47.69  -48:21:25.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap       8.72   2006-11-29 17:20:37.2     17841664  IRAC-0007 - 2c                          
NGC 1617                  04:31:39.53  -54:36:08.20  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      27.35   2006-11-29 17:27:28.4     18285056  IRAC-NGC1617                            
NGC 1672                  04:45:42.51  -59:14:50.20  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      39.17   2006-11-29 17:52:08.4     18288128  IRAC-NGC1672                            
2MA0348-6022              03:48:07.70  -60:22:27.09  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.81   2006-11-29 18:28:47.0     17582080  2MA0348-week                            
cl Berkeley 39            07:46:42.00  -04:35:60.00  Frinchaboy        PMFASTRO     30800 iracmap      40.37   2006-11-29 18:46:47.2     19016960  IRAC-0020                               
WD0747+073B               07:50:15.59  +07:11:35.40  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.95   2006-11-29 19:25:01.7     17867776  IRAC-0747+073AB                         
R Gem                     07:07:21.27  +22:42:12.70  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.92   2006-11-29 19:34:53.9     17619968  R Gem E1                                
7b                        09:16:01.18  +29:27:49.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      29.93   2006-11-29 19:40:21.9     17844224  IRAC-0005 - 7b                          
6CE 1017+3712             10:20:39.99  +36:57:02.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-29 20:08:54.1     18061056  IRAC-0000 - 6CE 1017+3712               
[RC2]A1116+51             11:19:34.30  +51:30:12.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.19   2006-11-29 20:15:17.3     17565696  Wu_IRAC-0019                            
SDSS122832.94+0603735.1   12:28:32.94  +60:37:35.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-29 20:22:42.3     18093568  IRAC-0000 - SDSS122832.94+0603735.1     
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.71   2006-11-29 20:33:02.4     20789248  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12_14           
NGC 2392                  07:29:10.73  +20:54:42.90  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      14.02   2006-11-29 20:39:43.2     17589504  IRAC-PN2-0001                           
B2 0738+31                07:41:10.70  +31:12:00.20  Uchiyama          UCHIYAMA_JET 30854 iracmap      78.50   2006-11-29 20:51:50.4     19064576  IRAC-0738                               
JnEr 1                    07:57:52.60  +53:25:18.00  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      25.36   2006-11-29 22:09:06.8     17594880  IRAC-PN2-0021                           
I01005                    01:04:45.54  +79:26:46.30  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 iracmap      10.08   2006-11-29 22:34:36.0     17505536  IRAC-0003                               
IRAS10156+3705            10:18:34.54  +36:49:51.80  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-11-29 22:46:22.9     17522432  IRAC-gto2-ulirg019                      
TON 320                   08:27:05.50  +31:30:08.60  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      72.51   2006-11-29 22:50:33.7     18231808  IRAC-Ton320                             
V614 Mon                  07:01:01.95  -03:15:09.10  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.91   2006-11-30 00:02:56.7     17628160  V614 Mon E1                             
HD72659                   08:34:03.19  -01:34:05.60  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.61   2006-11-30 00:07:58.7     17551360  NSEXOII-017                             
DBSB2003T3+18             08:22:52.00  -42:07:58.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.92   2006-11-30 00:18:46.7     18904320  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+18               
DB2001+35                 07:08:39.00  -04:19:07.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.92   2006-11-30 00:27:06.6     18902528  IRAC-0000 - DB2001+35                   
T Ind                     21:20:09.48  -45:01:18.80  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-11-30 00:40:53.8     17632768  T Ind E1                                
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NEP c37 Nov               17:40:19.92  +68:56:38.40  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 iracmap       3.93   2006-11-30 02:27:50.4     20812288  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c37_nov_17         
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         11.45   2006-11-30 02:29:49.8     20805376  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      10.67   2006-11-30 02:39:40.5     20951040  skydrk_0.02_subarra1                    
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.19   2006-11-30 02:47:01.0     20951296  skydrk_0.1_subarra1                     
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       9.04   2006-11-30 02:49:48.9     20951552  skydrk_0.4_subarra1                     
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.12   2006-11-30 02:55:32.9     20951808  skydrk_0.4|2_stella1                    
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.12   2006-11-30 03:00:17.1     20949248  skydrk_2_1                              
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.40   2006-11-30 03:04:58.5     20950016  skydrk_12hdr_1                          
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.04   2006-11-30 03:12:53.7     20949504  skydrk_12_1                             
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      17.31   2006-11-30 03:20:29.9     20950272  skydrk_30hdr_1                          
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      16.30   2006-11-30 03:34:21.4     20949760  skydrk_30_1                             
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      41.77   2006-11-30 03:47:12.8     20950784  skydrk_100hdr_1                         
Best NEP                  17:39:55.92  +68:58:58.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      54.55   2006-11-30 04:25:34.6     20950528  skydrk_100_1                            
zody_field_9              08:04:20.30  +15:08:38.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap     240.69   2006-11-30 05:23:40.2     20796928  skyflt_zody_field_9_1                   
NQ Pup                    07:53:05.27  -11:37:29.40  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.88   2006-11-30 09:22:58.6     17620480  NQ Pup E1                               
SDSS092753.52+0053637.0   09:27:53.52  +05:36:37.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.85   2006-11-30 09:28:31.6     18099968  IRAC-0000 - SDSS092753.52+0053637.0     
ugc 7244                  12:14:18.08  +59:36:55.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.70   2006-11-30 09:37:54.0     19191296  IRAC-0044                               
SBS1150+599               11:53:28.87  +59:41:56.70  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap      18.72   2006-11-30 09:47:58.7     17562624  Wu_IRAC-0007                            
SBS1129+576               11:32:02.54  +57:22:45.70  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-11-30 10:04:08.1     17562112  Wu_IRAC-0005                            
SBS1115+597               11:18:47.45  +59:26:01.90  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-11-30 10:10:40.9     17561856  Wu_IRAC-0004                            
IRAS13352+6402            13:36:51.15  +63:47:04.70  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.91   2006-11-30 10:18:32.5     17523712  IRAC-gto2-ulirg024                      
SBS1102+606               11:05:53.68  +60:22:28.70  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap      15.12   2006-11-30 10:22:12.1     18886144  IRAC - SBS1102+606                      
SBS0943+563B              09:47:13.06  +56:06:07.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.18   2006-11-30 10:35:35.7     17561600  Wu_IRAC-0003                            
TrES2-ch24-bl             19:07:41.63  +49:23:38.36  Harrington        JH-ESP-TOO   30129 irac         10.66   2006-11-30 10:46:52.9     20956416  p30129_IRAC_TrES2_ecl_ch24_1_ci         
TrES2-ch24                19:07:03.63  +49:19:21.36  Harrington        JH-ESP-TOO   30129 irac        236.40   2006-11-30 10:57:42.1     20956160  p30129_IRAC_TrES2_ecl_ch24_1            
TrES2-ch24-bl             19:07:41.63  +49:23:38.36  Harrington        JH-ESP-TOO   30129 irac         10.66   2006-11-30 14:50:51.5     20956672  p30129_IRAC_TrES2_ecl_ch24_1_co         
SDSS224159.43+0142055.2   22:41:59.43  +14:20:55.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.89   2006-11-30 15:15:49.7     18097920  IRAC-0000 - SDSS224159.43+0142055.2     
SDSS J130332.42+621900.3  13:03:32.42  +62:19:00.30  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      47.86   2006-11-30 15:28:07.5     18249472  IRAC-1303p6219                          
SDSS J120715.45+595342.9  12:07:15.46  +59:53:43.00  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      58.78   2006-11-30 16:13:48.0     18249216  IRAC-1207p5953                          
ERO2MASS10                08:25:02.06  +47:16:52.00  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       6.04   2006-11-30 17:12:28.4     18614016  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS10                  
UGC4393                   08:26:04.39  +45:58:03.51  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.50   2006-11-30 17:15:35.6     18886656  IRAC - UGC4393                          
NGC3011                   09:49:41.18  +32:13:15.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.90   2006-11-30 17:24:05.8     18193920  IRAC-NGC3011                            
S UMa                     12:43:56.68  +61:05:35.50  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.90   2006-11-30 17:50:55.0     17621248  S UMa E2                                
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.58   2006-11-30 17:56:41.9     20784896  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30_1           
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.58   2006-11-30 18:05:39.5     20792064  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12_1             
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.58   2006-11-30 18:11:03.9     20791552  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30_1            
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.57   2006-11-30 18:19:33.3     20791040  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30_1            
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap      11.57   2006-11-30 18:27:44.9     20790528  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30_1            
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.91   2006-11-30 18:36:20.7     20793088  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.89   2006-11-30 18:40:56.3     20793600  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2_1      
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       6.93   2006-11-30 18:46:05.9     20785408  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.60   2006-11-30 18:50:44.1     20792576  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12_1       
HD55677                   07:14:31.29  +13:51:36.80  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1140 iracmap       8.72   2006-11-30 19:03:59.1     20785664  IRAC_calstar_HD55677_s2l12              
SN 2004am                 09:55:46.61  +69:40:38.10  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap      12.45   2006-11-30 19:14:41.9     18272256  04am-IRAC-1                             
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1240 irac         14.94   2006-11-30 19:27:27.7     20807680  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-11-30 21:46:36.8     20893952  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_28a                  21:05:07.43  -21:54:04.38  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1879 mipsphot    175.54   2006-11-30 21:58:24.2     20938240  calflt-37MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-01 00:50:29.8     20896768  anneal                                  
zodi_28b                  21:32:18.53  -19:52:22.73  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_187  1879 mipsscan    138.95   2006-12-01 00:58:32.8     20938496  calflt-37MC-fastscan.aor                
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips         16.42   2006-12-01 03:23:57.0     20910592  mips_drk70160cvz                        
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips         16.68   2006-12-01 03:40:33.6     20892928  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-01 04:01:20.4     20899584  anneal                                  
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-01 04:06:09.3     20913152  MIPS-CALMC37-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipsphot     17.61   2006-12-01 04:10:42.9     20913408  MIPS-CALMC37-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588        
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipsphot     17.59   2006-12-01 04:27:02.3     20913664  MIPS-CALMC37-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
SDSS115027.25+0665848.0   11:50:27.25  +66:58:48.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 04:44:51.8     18140416  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS115027.25+0665848.0    
HIP56199                  11:31:13.15  +63:09:27.39  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.07   2006-12-01 04:50:10.6     19821824  AOR_4 - HIP56199                        
SDSS114700.39+0620008.1   11:47:00.39  +62:00:08.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 05:04:44.1     18140672  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS114700.39+0620008.1    
ugc 7244                  12:14:18.08  +59:36:55.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.77   2006-12-01 05:10:00.7     19204864  MIPSP-0044                              
Z3916                     11:14:21.90  +58:23:20.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-12-01 05:32:08.2     18661888  MIPSP-0009                              
SDSS104935.77+0554950.6   10:49:35.77  +55:49:50.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 05:51:07.0     18136064  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS104935.77+0554950.6    
SDSS104542.18+525112.6    10:45:42.18  +52:51:12.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 05:56:15.3     18114048  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS104542.18+525112.6     
SDSS102349.40+0522151.2   10:23:49.40  +52:21:51.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:01:29.8     18138624  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS102349.40+0522151.2    
HIP50125                  10:13:57.44  +52:30:18.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-01 06:06:21.3     19749376  AOR_3 - HIP50125                        
SDSS100835.81+0513927.8   10:08:35.81  +51:39:27.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:18:32.2     18137344  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS100835.81+0513927.8    
SN 2004dj                 07:37:17.04  +65:35:57.80  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:25:31.6     18276096  04dj-MIPS-1                             
SDSS093759.44+0542427.3   09:37:59.44  +54:24:27.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:32:12.2     18130432  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS093759.44+0542427.3    
SDSS094740.01+515456.8    09:47:40.01  +51:54:56.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:37:22.5     18121984  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS094740.01+515456.8     
SDSS095227.30+504850.7    09:52:27.30  +50:48:50.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:42:09.9     18112000  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS095227.30+504850.7     
SDSS100940.46+465525.0    10:09:40.46  +46:55:25.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:47:34.9     18124544  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS100940.46+465525.0     
SDSS104537.69+0484914.6   10:45:37.69  +48:49:14.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 06:53:14.6     18128128  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS104537.69+0484914.6    
hip 47436                 09:39:57.80  +35:20:09.40  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-12-01 06:59:44.7     17341952  MIPSP-0116-earlyf                       
hip 47403                 09:39:28.05  +35:14:35.10  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-12-01 07:27:23.6     17342464  MIPSP-0118-earlyf                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-01 07:29:12.2     20902400  anneal                                  
hip 44728                 09:06:51.22  +38:16:42.40  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     17.22   2006-12-01 07:49:20.6     17336832  MIPSP-0013-earlyf                       
95567 (2002 EN108)            2095567 95567 (2002 E  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-12-01 08:20:54.3     18733312  MIPSP-0019 - 02EN108                    
89909 (2002 ET2)              2089909 89909 (2002 E  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-12-01 08:28:41.9     18735872  MIPSP-0029 - 02ET2                      
85256 (1993 TC14)             2085256 85256 (1993 T  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-12-01 08:38:27.0     18735616  MIPSP-0028 - 93TC14                     
SDSS084723.67+0011010.4   08:47:23.67  +01:10:10.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 08:43:10.2     18137088  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS084723.67+0011010.4    
SDSS090910.09+012135.7    09:09:10.09  +01:21:35.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 08:48:39.4     18109440  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS090910.09+012135.7     
HIP42430                  08:39:07.79  -22:39:39.41  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-01 08:55:28.4     19898112  AOR_2 - HIP42430                        
HIP39757                  08:07:32.60  -24:18:15.14  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-01 09:06:27.9     19871488  AOR_1 - HIP39757                        
HIP38939                  07:58:04.55  -25:37:37.57  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-01 09:10:28.0     19740672  AOR_1 - HIP38939                        
HIP38594                  07:54:10.73  -25:18:10.10  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-01 09:13:58.8     19802112  AOR_1 - HIP38594                        
HIP38910                  07:57:48.56  -33:57:05.87  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-01 09:18:45.0     19747840  AOR_1 - HIP38910                        
HIP38423                  07:52:15.43  -34:42:18.10  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-01 09:22:28.4     19763712  AOR_1 - HIP38423                        
brc50                     07:40:28.52  -43:06:20.25  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-12-01 09:27:08.4     17512960  MIPSP-brc50                             
DC2573-25                 08:17:05.24  -39:54:15.50  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 mipssed      51.55   2006-12-01 09:35:21.2     18401024  DC2573-25-MIPSsed                       
HIP34890                  07:13:06.84  -63:20:37.80  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-01 10:26:16.7     19765504  AOR_2 - HIP34890                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-01 11:39:40.6     20905216  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HD131873                  14:50:42.33  +74:09:19.80  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipsphot     20.50   2006-12-01 11:56:41.0     20912640  MIPS-CALMC37-NF-HD131873                
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-01 12:15:49.2     17880320  Surace-03                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-01 14:46:04.1     20909824  anneal                                  
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-01 14:52:20.2     17880576  Surace-04                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-01 17:26:44.3     20908032  anneal                                  
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-01 17:31:36.8     17880832  Surace-05                               
HIP51468                  10:30:46.59  +59:45:02.09  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.07   2006-12-01 20:05:03.3     19858176  AOR_4 - HIP51468                        
SDSS102111.57+0611415.0   10:21:11.57  +61:14:15.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 20:19:36.8     18127616  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS102111.57+0611415.0    
HIP51547                  10:31:43.16  +57:06:58.33  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.27   2006-12-01 20:24:59.7     19763200  AOR_5 - HIP51547                        
SN 2004am                 09:55:46.61  +69:40:38.10  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-01 20:43:11.3     18273792  04am-MIPS-1                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-01 21:43:41.4     20910336  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.23   2006-12-01 22:01:54.0     16798208  N2547_map_02                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 00:56:42.7     20894464  anneal                                  
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.23   2006-12-02 01:03:19.2     16798464  N2547_map_03                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 03:58:53.7     20894720  anneal                                  
HD 45348                  06:23:57.11  -52:41:44.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipssed      31.91   2006-12-02 04:06:44.0     20912896  MIPS-CALMC37-Various-SED-HD45348        
HIP45839                  09:20:44.15  -05:45:15.20  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-12-02 04:40:22.5     19778816  AOR_3 - HIP45839                        
HIP43790                  08:55:07.64  +01:32:40.08  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-02 04:53:48.8     19836928  AOR_3 - HIP43790                        
SDSS090708.06+0052227.3   09:07:08.06  +05:22:27.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-02 05:06:37.4     18131200  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS090708.06+0052227.3    
HIP45383                  09:14:53.62  +04:26:34.35  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-02 05:11:33.1     19782912  AOR_2 - HIP45383                        
SDSS092753.52+0053637.0   09:27:53.52  +05:36:37.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-02 05:22:01.2     18136320  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS092753.52+0053637.0    
HIP46580                  09:29:54.60  +05:39:19.25  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-02 05:26:29.7     19840768  AOR_2 - HIP46580                        
SDSS090153.42+0065915.6   09:01:53.42  +06:59:15.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-02 05:37:18.7     18142208  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS090153.42+0065915.6    
HIP43557                  08:52:16.46  +08:03:44.92  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-02 05:42:20.7     19885568  AOR_2 - HIP43557                        
HIP42173                  08:35:51.21  +06:37:21.02  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-02 05:52:59.3     19868928  AOR_3 - HIP42173                        
R0821+07                  08:21:02.40  +07:51:47.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-12-02 06:05:35.3     18660864  MIPSP-0007                              
Z1665                     08:23:21.70  +04:22:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-12-02 06:24:32.0     18637568  MIPSP-0044 - Z1665                      
HIP40774                  08:19:18.98  +01:20:19.53  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-02 06:43:18.1     19872768  AOR_2 - HIP40774                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 06:56:52.9     20894208  anneal                                  
hip 41573                 08:28:36.01  +01:14:51.00  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.42   2006-12-02 07:00:20.5     17346560  MIPSP-0300-earlyf                       
HD 71155                  08:25:39.63  -03:54:23.10  Rieke             DEBRIS_SED   30156 mipssed      47.31   2006-12-02 07:28:43.4     17328384  MIPSE-HD71155                           
HIP40239                  08:13:08.39  -13:55:04.63  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-02 08:14:27.5     19744000  AOR_2 - HIP40239                        
HIP38382                  07:51:46.26  -13:53:55.36  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-02 08:25:10.3     19852288  AOR_2 - HIP38382                        
PKS0745-191               07:47:31.35  -19:17:39.70  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-12-02 08:35:53.0     18667520  MIPSP-0020                              
HIP36210                  07:27:25.25  -51:24:09.51  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-02 08:57:06.0     19777280  AOR_1 - HIP36210                        
HIP2081                   00:26:17.15  -42:18:24.20  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-12-02 09:08:58.0     19771904  AOR_3 - HIP2081                         
HIP3588                   00:45:48.48  -41:54:33.63  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.29   2006-12-02 09:21:42.4     19774208  AOR_5 - HIP3588                         
SDSS215541.74+0122818.8   21:55:41.74  +12:28:18.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-02 09:43:32.0     18141696  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS215541.74+0122818.8    
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 10:56:41.2     20894976  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-02 11:12:48.1     17881088  Surace-06                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 13:42:36.1     20895232  anneal                                  
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-02 13:49:19.1     17881344  Surace-07                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 16:19:12.8     20895488  anneal                                  
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-02 16:25:48.0     17881600  Surace-08                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 18:55:46.9     20895744  anneal                                  
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-02 19:02:17.0     17881856  Surace-09                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-02 21:36:26.1     20896000  anneal                                  
IRAC Dark Field           17:40:03.60  +69:00:15.50  Surace            SURACE_MIPS7 30222 mipsphot    152.99   2006-12-02 21:41:33.6     17882112  Surace-10                               
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-03 01:22:40.9     20896256  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
RCS215248-0609.4          21:52:48.00  -06:09:24.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot    137.03   2006-12-03 01:33:00.9     19251968  MIPS24deep z3poor RCS215248-0609.4 aor2 
RCS215248-0609.4          21:52:48.00  -06:09:24.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot    137.03   2006-12-03 03:46:42.5     19251712  MIPS24deep z3poor RCS215248-0609.4 aor1 
RCS215223-0503.8          21:52:23.00  -05:03:48.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     82.33   2006-12-03 06:00:53.4     19245568  MIPS24core z2rich RCS215223-0503.8      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-03 07:19:39.7     20897024  anneal                                  
HIP109084                 22:05:51.17  -11:54:52.12  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-03 07:28:09.9     19867136  AOR_2 - HIP109084                       
sl6-clus                      1000136                Fazio             COMDUSTGO3   30010 mipsphot     52.38   2006-12-03 07:44:59.7     17310208  trail-sl6                               
HIP110996                 22:29:15.35  -30:01:11.80  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-03 08:35:34.3     19762944  AOR_2 - HIP110996                       
HIP111960                 22:40:43.60  -29:40:27.97  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-03 08:45:49.8     19871232  AOR_2 - HIP111960                       
HIP114156                 23:07:07.14  -23:09:35.68  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.08   2006-12-03 08:56:57.7     19824128  AOR_4 - HIP114156                       
HIP114361                 23:09:40.56  -67:43:59.69  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-03 09:15:09.3     19794432  AOR_2 - HIP114361                       
HIP115123                 23:19:05.32  -60:31:14.64  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-03 09:26:10.9     19781376  AOR_2 - HIP115123                       
HIP114416                 23:10:20.63  -68:50:17.70  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-12-03 09:37:18.9     19874816  AOR_3 - HIP114416                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-03 10:37:57.4     20897536  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
HIP112190                 22:43:21.23  -06:24:04.87  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.89   2006-12-03 10:49:03.3     19799552  AOR_3 - HIP112190                       
HIP111888                 22:39:50.85  +04:06:58.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.09   2006-12-03 11:02:35.9     19785472  AOR_4 - HIP111888                       
A2495                     22:50:19.60  +10:54:13.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.14   2006-12-03 11:18:06.0     18643968  MIPSP-0139 - A2495                      
HIP112870                 22:51:26.55  +13:58:13.17  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-12-03 11:37:02.6     19741440  AOR_2 - HIP112870                       
SDSS224159.43+0142055.2   22:41:59.43  +14:20:55.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-03 11:47:24.4     18134272  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS224159.43+0142055.2    
HIP110640                 22:24:45.44  +22:33:03.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.89   2006-12-03 11:53:23.1     19764224  AOR_3 - HIP110640                       
HIP109176                 22:07:00.82  +25:20:42.61  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-12-03 12:06:22.1     19766784  AOR_2 - HIP109176                       
HIP108156                 21:54:45.15  +32:19:41.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-03 12:21:29.2     19842816  AOR_2 - HIP108156                       
HIP107310                 21:44:08.68  +28:44:31.99  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-03 12:32:09.8     19879680  AOR_2 - HIP107310                       
HIP108028                 21:53:05.35  +20:55:49.24  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-03 12:43:05.2     19787776  AOR_2 - HIP108028                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-03 12:55:33.6     20897792  anneal                                  
A2390_A                   21:53:35.20  +17:42:18.00  Dowell            DOWELL_CLUST 30823 mipsphot     87.06   2006-12-03 13:00:20.1     19044864  MIPSP-DOWELL-A2390_A-70                 
120347 (2004 SB60)            2120347                Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot    113.81   2006-12-03 14:34:48.7     17769728  KBO_GO3a-06-A                           
HIP115445                 23:23:05.10  -10:45:49.47  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.90   2006-12-03 16:28:30.7     19798528  AOR_3 - HIP115445                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-03 16:40:09.4     20898048  anneal                                  
HIP115126                 23:19:06.82  -13:27:31.33  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-12-03 16:47:57.8     19780096  AOR_2 - HIP115126                       
HIP116215                 23:32:49.56  -16:50:45.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-12-03 16:58:40.5     19777536  AOR_2 - HIP116215                       
HIP117081                 23:44:07.37  -27:11:45.82  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.69   2006-12-03 17:10:03.2     19896064  AOR_2 - HIP117081                       
HIP118261                 23:59:13.58  -26:02:55.35  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.30   2006-12-03 17:20:33.3     19779072  AOR_5 - HIP118261                       
HIP116763                 23:39:51.38  -32:44:38.29  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-03 17:38:13.5     19742976  AOR_2 - HIP116763                       
RCS234220-3534.3          23:42:20.00  -35:34:18.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     26.82   2006-12-03 17:48:37.4     19248640  MIPS24core z3rich RCS234220-3534.3      
RCS234717-3634.4          23:47:17.00  -36:34:24.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     38.38   2006-12-03 18:12:46.5     19245824  MIPS24core z2rich RCS234717-3634.4      
A4059                     23:57:00.67  -34:45:31.70  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.12   2006-12-03 18:48:38.1     18665984  MIPSP-0017                              
HIP1837                   00:23:15.96  -33:10:02.17  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.09   2006-12-03 19:07:53.7     19888640  AOR_4 - HIP1837                         
HIP1768                   00:22:23.73  -27:02:00.08  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.90   2006-12-03 19:23:17.5     19784192  AOR_3 - HIP1768                         
W60                       00:03:28.98  -30:19:27.20  Stauffer          BLANCO2006   30022 mipsphot     32.49   2006-12-03 19:36:12.4     17692672  MIPS phot W60                           
PKS2211-17NEW             22:14:25.76  -17:01:36.17  Tadhunter         2JYPHOT      20233 mipsphot     20.97   2006-12-03 20:08:45.8     20638208  MIPSP-0064                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-03 21:18:14.6     20898560  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.22   2006-12-03 21:36:28.6     16799232  N2547_map_06                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-04 00:31:15.2     20898816  anneal                                  
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.22   2006-12-04 00:37:55.9     16799489  N2547_map_07 [version 1]                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-04 03:39:04.6     20899072  anneal                                  
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.22   2006-12-04 03:44:44.1     16798720  N2547_map_04                            
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-04 06:42:46.4     20899328  anneal                                  
NGC 2547                  08:10:25.00  -49:10:53.00  Lada              NGC2547_MIPS 20124 mipsscan    178.22   2006-12-04 06:46:11.4     16798976  N2547_map_05                            
TPMPole                   06:00:00.00  -66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-12-04 09:43:01.9     18695936  MIPS_TPMPole_S37                        
HD 66811                  08:03:35.05  -40:00:11.30  Lanz              OSTAR03      30030 mipssed       8.03   2006-12-04 09:57:02.9     19942144  MIPSE-HD66811                           
brc56                     08:42:59.54  -39:59:56.10  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.87   2006-12-04 10:03:21.4     17513984  MIPSP-brc56                             
RS Pup                    08:13:04.22  -34:34:42.70  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 mipsphot     20.61   2006-12-04 10:11:32.1     18672384  MIPS_RS_Pup                             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-04 11:55:40.3     20899840  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.39   2006-12-04 12:13:47.9     19939328  EHDFN-33                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-04 15:06:09.1     20900096  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.38   2006-12-04 15:11:34.0     19910912  EHDFN-21                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-04 18:01:20.1     20900352  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.38   2006-12-04 18:06:28.1     19918080  EHDFN-12                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-04 21:47:39.1     20900608  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.20   2006-12-04 22:05:49.3     19933184  EHDFN-42                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-05 00:53:48.5     20900864  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.20   2006-12-05 01:00:35.0     19917824  EHDFN-13                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-05 03:48:41.6     20901120  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.38   2006-12-05 03:55:16.5     19933440  EHDFN-41                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-05 06:49:21.9     20901376  anneal                                  
NGC3011                   09:49:41.18  +32:13:15.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-12-05 06:58:15.1     18186752  MIPSP-NGC3011                           
XBSJ083737+255151         08:37:37.07  +25:51:51.20  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     13.98   2006-12-05 07:10:08.1     18608896  MIPSP-0006                              
120347 (2004 SB60)            2120347                Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot    113.81   2006-12-05 07:40:49.4     17769984  KBO_GO3a-06-B                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-05 10:28:39.9     20901632  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.40   2006-12-05 10:46:52.5     19918336  EHDFN-11                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-05 13:34:59.8     20901888  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.38   2006-12-05 13:41:52.9     19932672  EHDFN-43                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-05 16:30:06.8     20902656  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.38   2006-12-05 16:36:51.2     19909632  EHDFN-23                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-05 19:29:23.0     20902144  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.20   2006-12-05 19:34:39.3     19940096  EHDFN-31                                
hip 45389                 09:14:57.85  +38:36:33.60  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.82   2006-12-05 22:26:31.0     17342720  MIPSP-0120-earlyf                       
TPMPole                   18:00:00.00  +66:33:38.55  Jayaraman         EARTHRING3   30667 mipstp       14.17   2006-12-05 22:52:58.5     18693376  MIPS_TPMPole_N37                        
HIP107346                 21:44:29.94  +41:35:51.19  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-05 23:08:02.4     19865600  AOR_1 - HIP107346                       
HIP108092                 21:53:59.24  +41:46:42.00  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-05 23:11:49.9     19761152  AOR_1 - HIP108092                       
RCS231526-0046.7          23:15:26.00  +00:46:42.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     73.38   2006-12-05 23:19:36.5     19243520  MIPS24core z1rich RCS231526-0046.7      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-06 01:39:39.6     20903168  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.37   2006-12-06 01:58:00.8     19910400  EHDFN-22                                
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-06 04:45:58.7     20903424  anneal                                  
EHDFN                     12:36:58.41  +62:14:41.10  Dickinson         MARKDICKINSO 30948 mipsphot    171.39   2006-12-06 04:52:57.0     19939840  EHDFN-32                                
HIP102101                 20:41:28.24  +57:25:48.84  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-06 07:45:55.7     19761920  AOR_1 - HIP102101                       
HIP102870                 20:50:33.30  +52:54:01.62  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-06 07:50:10.5     19843584  AOR_1 - HIP102870                       
ngc7217                   22:07:52.38  +31:21:33.40  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 07:56:35.3     18292224  MIPSP-NGC7217                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-06 08:01:47.9     20903680  anneal                                  
ngc7177                   22:00:41.24  +17:44:17.00  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 08:09:54.4     18291712  MIPSP-NGC7177                           
120178 (2003 OP32)            2120178                Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     77.40   2006-12-06 08:23:46.9     17767680  KBO_GO3a-02-A                           
cosmic_eye                21:35:12.69  -01:01:43.00  Ellis             LBGIMG         280 mipsphot     35.39   2006-12-06 09:42:05.6     20812800  MIPS_24_eye                             
89108 (2001 TE208)            2089108 89108 (2001 T  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-12-06 10:23:35.9     18734080  MIPSP-0022 - 01TE208                    
HIP1936                   00:24:26.29  -27:01:35.71  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.70   2006-12-06 10:29:32.4     19884288  AOR_2 - HIP1936                         
GRB050709                 23:01:26.96  -38:58:39.50  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 mipsphot     13.00   2006-12-06 10:41:41.2     19049728  MIPSP-GRB050709                         
LHA 115-S 18              00:54:07.90  -72:41:44.00  Kastner           MCBESTARS    30869 mipsphot     18.62   2006-12-06 10:55:25.4     19941376  MIPSP-LHA115-S18                        
NGC7314                   22:35:46.20  -26:03:01.30  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-06 11:15:37.5     18524416  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - NGC7314          
NGC526a                   01:23:54.39  -35:03:55.70  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-06 11:22:54.8     20298752  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - NGC526a - 0001   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-06 12:16:27.5     20903936  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
LINEAR (P/2003 HT15)          1000445 LINEAR (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     31.72   2006-12-06 12:30:23.3     19565056  seppcon-P03HT15-LIN-1st                 
35156 (1993 FH59)             2035156 35156 (1993 F  Hsieh             HHMBCALBEDO  30678 mipsphot      5.55   2006-12-06 13:07:24.2     18729216  MIPSP-0003 - 93FH59                     
RCS231953+0038.0          23:19:53.00  +00:38:00.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot    137.11   2006-12-06 13:11:10.7     19254016  MIPS24deep z4rich RCS231953+0038.0 aor2 
RCS231953+0038.0          23:19:53.00  +00:38:00.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot    137.11   2006-12-06 15:24:56.4     19253760  MIPS24deep z4rich RCS231953+0038.0 aor1 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-06 17:38:19.7     20904448  anneal                                  
L1221                     22:28:07.32  +69:00:39.10  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 mipssed      15.73   2006-12-06 17:52:01.2     18401536  L1221-MIPSsed                           
A2146                     15:56:13.80  +66:20:55.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-12-06 18:08:22.7     18662912  MIPSP-0011                              
SDSS122832.94+0603735.1   12:28:32.94  +60:37:35.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 18:29:02.1     18129920  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS122832.94+0603735.1    
SDSS133713.06+0610749.0   13:37:13.06  +61:07:49.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 18:35:00.7     18127360  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS133713.06+0610749.0    
HIP62512                  12:48:39.54  +60:19:11.28  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-06 18:43:34.5     19754240  AOR_2 - HIP62512                        
SDSS121529.56+0533555.9   12:15:29.56  +53:35:55.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 18:54:42.4     18136576  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS121529.56+0533555.9    
SDSS115120.46+543733.1    11:51:20.46  +54:37:33.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 19:00:03.3     18106880  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS115120.46+543733.1     
HIP57493                  11:47:03.55  +50:58:17.70  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     17.08   2006-12-06 19:05:24.2     19770880  AOR_4 - HIP57493                        
SDSS112023.23+540427.1    11:20:23.23  +54:04:27.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 19:20:27.0     18124032  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS112023.23+540427.1     
SDSS105126.97+0474719.1   10:51:26.97  +47:47:19.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-06 19:26:10.9     18135296  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS105126.97+0474719.1    
HIP42697                  08:42:07.36  -42:55:46.60  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-06 19:38:01.8     19834880  AOR_1 - HIP42697                        
LINEAR (P/2003 HT15)          1000445 LINEAR (P/200  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot     31.72   2006-12-06 19:57:56.2     19560960  seppcon-P03HT15-LIN-2nd                 
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-06 21:28:39.4     20893696  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
MIPS target g129 g134     21:50:53.83  -05:40:51.00  Rieke             CNOC2GROUPSM 30827 mipsphot    147.50   2006-12-06 21:38:59.0     17477376  MIPS target g129 g134                   
MIPS target g138          21:50:36.50  -05:36:50.00  Rieke             CNOC2GROUPSM 30827 mipsphot     75.56   2006-12-07 00:03:09.7     17477632  MIPS target g138                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 01:15:01.9     20904960  anneal                                  
MIPS24 Group 1            22:17:28.90  +00:07:21.00  Colbert           BLOB06       30600 mipsphot    166.52   2006-12-07 01:24:04.6     19593216  SSA22-MIPS-Group1                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 04:07:03.7     20905472  anneal                                  
SSA22 Deep                22:17:31.00  +00:14:17.00  Colbert           BLOB06       30600 mipsphot    117.02   2006-12-07 04:14:11.4     19593984  SSA22-MIPS-Deep1                        
SSA22 Deep                22:17:31.00  +00:14:17.00  Colbert           BLOB06       30600 mipsphot     95.68   2006-12-07 06:07:49.2     19593472  SSA22-MIPS-Deep2                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 07:40:02.2     20905728  anneal                                  
ugc 12391                 23:08:57.18  +12:02:52.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.82   2006-12-07 07:49:46.6     19207168  MIPSP-0053                              
wd2312-024                23:15:18.81  -02:09:39.90  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-12-07 08:15:55.2     19021824  MIPSP-0015                              
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 09:38:39.2     20904704  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
MIPS target g139 and g137 21:50:23.10  -05:51:10.50  Rieke             CNOC2GROUPSM 30827 mipsphot    147.75   2006-12-07 09:49:02.0     17476864  MIPS target g139 g137                   
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 12:13:00.6     20905984  anneal                                  
Abell2597Cluster-1        23:25:19.73  -12:07:27.40  Jaffe             WJAFFE       30117 mipsphot    104.56   2006-12-07 12:23:44.0     17792000  Abell2597-MIPS1                         
Abell2597Cluster-2        23:25:19.73  -12:07:27.40  Jaffe             WJAFFE       30117 mipsphot    104.57   2006-12-07 14:04:51.0     17791744  Abell2597-MIPS2                         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 15:46:01.5     20906496  anneal                                  
120178 (2003 OP32)            2120178                Stansberry        KBOREDUX     30081 mipsphot     77.41   2006-12-07 16:02:51.0     17767936  KBO_GO3a-02-B                           
HIP55507                  11:22:05.62  +46:54:29.18  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.28   2006-12-07 17:26:28.4     19839744  AOR_5 - HIP55507                        
HIP51248                  10:28:03.95  +48:46:59.71  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-07 17:44:23.2     19896576  AOR_2 - HIP51248                        
HIP51525                  10:31:23.85  +45:31:29.68  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-07 17:54:55.5     19758336  AOR_2 - HIP51525                        
HIP50505                  10:18:51.98  +44:02:51.86  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-07 18:05:21.5     19835392  AOR_2 - HIP50505                        
HD 89744                  10:22:14.80  +41:14:26.30  Lowrance          LOWRANCE     20795 mipsphot     20.46   2006-12-07 18:15:49.5     15177217  MIPSP-HD 89744B [version 1]             
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 18:32:58.5     20906240  anneal                                  
6CE 1019+3924             10:22:55.25  +39:08:49.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-12-07 18:40:41.7     18066432  MIPSP-0000 - 6CE 1019+3924              
6CE 1017+3712             10:20:39.99  +36:57:02.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-12-07 18:48:15.7     18066176  MIPSP-0000 - 6CE 1017+3712              
6CE 1011+3632             10:14:12.89  +36:17:18.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-12-07 18:55:41.3     18065920  MIPSP-0000 - 6CE 1011+3632              
HIP49699                  10:08:43.12  +34:14:31.83  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-07 19:03:17.5     19859968  AOR_2 - HIP49699                        
HIP49081                  10:01:00.36  +31:55:22.46  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-07 19:13:41.4     19826688  AOR_2 - HIP49081                        
HIP47080                  09:35:39.07  +35:48:34.39  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-07 19:24:36.7     19792384  AOR_2 - HIP47080                        
RCS092821+3646.5          09:28:21.00  +36:46:30.00  Ellingson         ELLINGSON    30940 mipsphot     73.15   2006-12-07 19:34:43.8     19242496  MIPS24core z1rich RCS092821+3646.5      
SDSS J085332.78+393148.8  08:53:32.78  +39:31:48.80  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     42.86   2006-12-07 20:46:06.2     18252544  MIPSP-0853p3931                         
SDSS093023.28+0403111.0   09:30:23.28  +40:31:11.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 21:27:20.8     18137856  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS093023.28+0403111.0    
SDSS093332.71+414945.0    09:33:32.71  +41:49:45.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 21:32:08.1     18124800  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS093332.71+414945.0     
HIP47690                  09:43:25.66  +42:41:23.88  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-07 21:37:10.1     19836416  AOR_3 - HIP47690                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-07 21:49:16.6     20906752  anneal                                  
SDSS094644.72+414304.5    09:46:44.72  +41:43:04.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 21:56:14.1     18116352  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS094644.72+414304.5     
6CE 0943+3958             09:46:18.59  +39:44:18.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-12-07 22:01:11.9     18065664  MIPSP-0000 - 6CE 0943+3958              
HIP45963                  09:22:25.73  +40:12:01.32  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.27   2006-12-07 22:09:11.1     19843072  AOR_5 - HIP45963                        
SDSS091216.88+0420314.2   09:12:16.88  +42:03:14.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 22:26:09.3     18130688  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS091216.88+0420314.2    
SDSS090142.41+425631.0    09:01:42.41  +42:56:31.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 22:31:09.2     18118912  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS090142.41+425631.0     
HIP44248                  09:00:38.08  +41:46:56.50  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-07 22:35:52.3     19800320  AOR_2 - HIP44248                        
ugc 4622                  08:50:20.19  +41:17:21.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.77   2006-12-07 22:46:07.8     19201536  MIPSP-0030                              
SDSS091011.01+463617.8    09:10:11.01  +46:36:17.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 23:08:13.2     18111744  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS091011.01+463617.8     
SDSS092257.86+0444651.8   09:22:57.86  +44:46:51.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 23:13:23.6     18136832  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS092257.86+0444651.8    
SDSS093303.50+0460440.2   09:33:03.50  +46:04:40.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-07 23:18:27.7     18137600  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS093303.50+0460440.2    
A851_A                    09:43:00.30  +46:59:26.00  Dowell            DOWELL_CLUST 30823 mipsphot     87.05   2006-12-07 23:25:54.3     19040256  MIPSP-DOWELL-A851_A-70                  
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-08 02:00:48.9     20907008  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
brc26                     07:03:47.17  -11:45:47.40  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 mipsphot      9.89   2006-12-08 02:21:34.6     17511936  MIPSP-brc26                             
Kowalski (P/2005 W3)          1002312 Kowalski (P/2  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-12-08 02:38:08.6     19575552  seppcon-P05W3-Kwlski-1st                
HIP46549                  09:29:34.82  -05:22:21.35  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-08 02:43:31.6     19856640  AOR_3 - HIP46549                        
ugc 5180                  09:42:03.33  +00:20:11.30  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     17.50   2006-12-08 02:56:34.9     19201792  MIPSP-0031                              
HIP40375                  08:14:35.72  +13:01:22.88  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-12-08 03:14:01.3     19795712  AOR_3 - HIP40375                        
HIP40910                  08:20:55.29  +14:04:14.96  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-12-08 03:26:26.9     19858688  AOR_3 - HIP40910                        
HIP42499                  08:39:50.74  +11:31:17.99  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-08 03:39:26.0     19876352  AOR_2 - HIP42499                        
hip 41226                 08:24:45.40  +17:10:54.30  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     23.83   2006-12-08 03:50:29.7     17344000  MIPSP-0128-earlyf                       
HIP44295                  09:01:17.42  +15:15:54.60  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-08 04:12:47.7     19787008  AOR_3 - HIP44295                        
Kowalski (P/2005 W3)          1002312 Kowalski (P/2  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 mipsphot      7.51   2006-12-08 04:33:15.6     19569664  seppcon-P05W3-Kwlski-2nd                
ugc 5180                  09:42:03.33  +00:20:11.30  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     13.83   2006-12-08 04:38:42.7     19202048  MIPSP-0032                              
HIP48411                  09:52:11.17  +03:13:18.58  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-08 04:50:25.3     19833600  AOR_2 - HIP48411                        
A795                      09:24:05.30  +14:10:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-12-08 05:02:11.0     18637824  MIPSP-0050 - A795                       
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-08 05:19:36.7     20907264  anneal                                  
HIP45170                  09:12:17.30  +14:59:47.65  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-08 05:27:46.1     19834368  AOR_3 - HIP45170                        
hip 45699                 09:18:58.83  +17:42:19.30  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     15.62   2006-12-08 05:40:22.1     17336576  MIPSP-0011-earlyf                       
ugc 4458                  08:32:11.30  +22:33:38.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     17.50   2006-12-08 05:54:46.1     19200768  MIPSP-0027                              
HIP44072                  08:58:38.51  +20:32:46.93  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.27   2006-12-08 06:10:27.7     19846144  AOR_5 - HIP44072                        
Z2089                     09:00:36.80  +20:53:43.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     15.71   2006-12-08 06:26:46.0     18659840  MIPSP-0005                              
5C7.242                   08:25:42.70  +24:40:21.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-12-08 06:40:59.6     18068992  MIPSP-0000 - 5C7.242                    
ugc 4368                  08:22:44.96  +24:17:48.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.78   2006-12-08 06:48:12.6     19200256  MIPSP-0025                              
ugc 4458                  08:32:11.30  +22:33:38.00  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     13.84   2006-12-08 07:09:44.5     19201024  MIPSP-0028                              
westko-clus                   1000104                Fazio             COMDUSTGO3   30010 mipsphot     45.38   2006-12-08 07:27:44.5     17310464  trail-westko                            
HIP47201                  09:37:11.27  +22:41:37.75  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.87   2006-12-08 08:11:17.5     19780864  AOR_3 - HIP47201                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-08 08:22:24.0     20907520  anneal                                  
HIP50384                  10:17:14.33  +23:06:21.88  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-08 08:31:37.0     19848960  AOR_2 - HIP50384                        
HIP45617                  09:17:53.47  +28:33:34.49  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-08 08:43:16.4     19828736  AOR_2 - HIP45617                        
HIP44955                  09:09:30.42  +32:49:04.73  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.27   2006-12-08 08:53:59.2     19747328  AOR_5 - HIP44955                        
SDSS084028.34+323229.4    08:40:28.34  +32:32:29.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 09:11:30.9     18117632  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS084028.34+323229.4     
ugc 4555                  08:44:08.27  +34:43:02.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.77   2006-12-08 09:16:32.9     19201280  MIPSP-0029                              
HIP52600                  10:45:21.46  +38:30:43.48  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     19.27   2006-12-08 09:40:25.3     19770112  AOR_5 - HIP52600                        
HIP54426                  11:08:13.89  +38:25:36.23  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-12-08 09:57:42.3     19831552  AOR_3 - HIP54426                        
A1068                     10:40:44.40  +39:57:12.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-12-08 10:10:45.6     18638336  MIPSP-0057 - A1068                      
Z2701                     09:52:49.20  +51:53:06.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.10   2006-12-08 10:31:04.0     18649600  MIPSP-0000                              
SDSS092829.86+0504836.6   09:28:29.86  +50:48:36.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 10:50:11.1     18132736  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS092829.86+0504836.6    
HIP46853                  09:32:50.73  +51:40:34.31  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.67   2006-12-08 10:54:54.3     19869184  AOR_2 - HIP46853                        
SDSS091921.56+504855.4    09:19:21.56  +50:48:55.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 11:05:16.1     18115584  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS091921.56+504855.4     
SDSS094441.47+555752.9    09:44:41.47  +55:57:52.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 11:11:02.1     18122752  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS094441.47+555752.9     
SDSS094811.89+0551726.5   09:48:11.89  +55:17:26.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 11:15:41.0     18129664  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS094811.89+0551726.5    
HIP61946                  12:41:44.62  +55:43:28.79  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     14.88   2006-12-08 11:23:14.0     19896832  AOR_3 - HIP61946                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-08 12:30:38.7     20907776  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips         16.68   2006-12-08 12:49:32.9     20893440  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ_2                   
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips         16.42   2006-12-08 13:06:26.3     20911104  mips_drk70160cvz_2                      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipsphot     17.59   2006-12-08 13:25:25.6     20932608  MIPS-CALMC37-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711_2      
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-08 13:41:13.5     20932096  MIPS-CALMC37-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398_2    
HD163588                  17:53:31.73  +56:52:21.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mipsphot     17.61   2006-12-08 13:45:59.8     20932352  MIPS-CALMC37-ROUTINE-Ge-HD163588_2      
hip 72130                 14:45:16.62  +65:19:47.90  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.43   2006-12-08 14:03:22.1     17347584  MIPSP-0304-earlyf                       
XBSJ143835+642928         14:38:35.12  +64:29:28.30  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     68.40   2006-12-08 14:31:09.3     18610432  MIPSP-0012                              
HIP68184                  13:57:32.00  +61:29:35.98  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-08 15:37:42.2     19742208  AOR_2 - HIP68184                        
SDSS134213.27+602142.8    13:42:13.27  +60:21:42.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 15:47:59.8     18113536  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS134213.27+602142.8     
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-08 15:53:16.4     20908288  anneal                                  
SDSS J133219.65+622716.0  13:32:19.66  +62:27:16.00  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     20.46   2006-12-08 15:59:48.7     18252288  MIPSP-1332p6227                         
SDSS J130332.42+621900.3  13:03:32.42  +62:19:00.30  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     35.39   2006-12-08 16:18:08.6     18253056  MIPSP-1303p6219                         
SDSS J123743.08+630144.8  12:37:43.08  +63:01:44.90  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     13.00   2006-12-08 16:51:22.0     18252032  MIPSP-1237p6301                         
SDSS J121221.56+534127.9  12:12:21.56  +53:41:27.90  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     13.00   2006-12-08 17:03:08.7     18251776  MIPSP-1212p5341                         
SBS1221+545B              12:24:23.01  +54:14:47.50  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-12-08 17:13:44.1     17570048  Wu_MIPSP-0009                           
SBS1219+559               12:21:28.98  +55:38:23.30  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-12-08 17:27:01.0     17569792  Wu_MIPSP-0008                           
SBS1227+563               12:30:07.36  +56:05:13.20  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-12-08 17:40:13.8     17570304  Wu_MIPSP-0010                           
SBS1235+559               12:37:36.93  +55:41:04.40  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     24.66   2006-12-08 17:53:24.4     17570560  Wu_MIPSP-0011                           
SDSS J120715.45+595342.9  12:07:15.46  +59:53:43.00  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 mipsphot     42.86   2006-12-08 18:16:09.6     18252800  MIPSP-1207p5953                         
UGC7020A                  12:02:37.06  +64:22:35.30  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-12-08 18:57:07.5     18189824  MIPSP-UGC7020A                          
ngc3992                   11:57:35.98  +53:22:28.30  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 19:08:37.4     18291200  MIPSP-NGC3992                           
NGC3870                   11:45:56.60  +50:11:59.10  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-12-08 19:13:54.1     18189312  MIPSP-NGC3870                           
[RC2]A1116+51             11:19:34.30  +51:30:12.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-12-08 19:24:29.5     17572608  Wu_MIPSP-0019                           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1741 mips          6.83   2006-12-08 19:38:39.5     20908544  anneal                                  
NGC3499                   11:03:11.03  +56:13:18.20  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 mipsphot     12.56   2006-12-08 19:45:19.4     18187776  MIPSP-NGC3499                           
SBS0943+563B              09:47:13.06  +56:06:07.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-12-08 19:56:43.1     17568512  Wu_MIPSP-0003                           
SBS0935+495               09:38:24.00  +49:18:17.10  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 mipsphot     15.86   2006-12-08 20:10:52.4     17568256  Wu_MIPSP-0002                           
hip 50366                 10:17:00.89  +47:18:30.40  Rieke             EARLYFDEBRIS 30211 mipsphot     30.42   2006-12-08 20:24:55.5     17347840  MIPSP-0305-earlyf                       
XBSJ112026+431520         11:20:26.72  +43:15:20.30  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 mipsphot     68.40   2006-12-08 20:54:12.9     18609152  MIPSP-0007                              
HIP56809                  11:38:44.50  +45:06:30.46  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.68   2006-12-08 22:00:29.1     19776768  AOR_2 - HIP56809                        
ugc 6869                  11:53:41.37  +47:51:31.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     10.26   2006-12-08 22:11:01.4     19204096  MIPSP-0040                              
A1361                     11:43:39.50  +46:21:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.11   2006-12-08 22:18:53.2     18638592  MIPSP-0066 - A1361                      
SDSS143844.80+621154.5    14:38:44.80  +62:11:54.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-08 22:40:08.3     18117888  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS143844.80+621154.5     
wd2215+388                22:18:01.14  +39:08:44.20  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 mipsphot     31.64   2006-12-08 22:50:41.6     19021312  MIPSP-0013                              
NGC7213                   22:09:16.25  -47:09:60.00  Gorjian           GORJIAN_SY_V 30572 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-08 23:26:45.9     18524160  Gorjian-mips-xrayagn - NGC7213          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          67.09   2006-12-09 01:24:45.5     20943872  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.05   2006-12-09 02:31:44.3     20944128  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.99   2006-12-09 02:42:31.4     20918272  caldrk_IRS-37_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-09 02:54:48.6     20922368  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     24.61   2006-12-09 03:19:25.6     20917248  caldrk_IRS-37_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long      
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     18.80   2006-12-09 03:42:20.5     20926720  calsfx-37B-sky                          
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     35.47   2006-12-09 03:58:19.0     20926464  calsfx-37B-HR7341                       
HD68420                   08:10:08.41  -49:00:43.40  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     53.09   2006-12-09 04:43:00.8     14152192  IRSS-WernerAstars-52                    
CD-48 3540                08:09:51.07  -49:11:18.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.14   2006-12-09 05:33:08.8     14152704  IRSS-WernerAstars-54                    
NSV17775                  08:10:06.07  -49:14:18.10  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     52.95   2006-12-09 06:08:06.0     14151936  IRSS-WernerAstars-51                    
N76 sh1                   01:03:50.00  -72:02:40.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-12-09 07:01:49.8     18263296  IRSM-SMCN76sh1                          
N76 sh2                   01:03:08.00  -72:03:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-12-09 13:01:08.4     18263552  IRSM-SMCN76sh2                          
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.93   2006-12-09 18:52:24.1     18266880  IRSS-N76offsh                           
N83                       01:14:40.00  -73:19:10.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-12-09 20:53:18.1     18264064  IRSM-SMCN83sh                           
N84                       01:13:52.50  -73:16:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      353.91   2006-12-10 02:44:05.4     18264320  IRSM-SMCN84sh                           
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.93   2006-12-10 08:34:57.4     18267392  IRSS-N83N84offsh                        
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     74.39   2006-12-10 08:52:32.9     20926208  calsfx-37A-eta1Dor                      
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-10 11:49:34.5     20945408  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.72   2006-12-10 11:59:57.0     20917504  caldrk_IRS-37_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.80   2006-12-10 12:11:37.1     20917760  caldrk_IRS-37_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     12.76   2006-12-10 12:23:17.6     20919296  caldrk_IRS-37_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-10 12:33:17.2     20922624  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
SSGSS_faint_cl06          10:44:27.39  +59:44:29.60  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      325.14   2006-12-10 13:01:03.3     20581376  SSGSS_faint_cl06                        
SSGSS_bright_cl02_back    10:46:52.75  +56:15:06.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      148.54   2006-12-10 18:23:56.9     20588032  SSGSS_bright_cl02_SH                    
SSGSS_faint_cl08          10:48:17.76  +57:24:10.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      322.84   2006-12-10 20:49:50.2     20580864  SSGSS_faint_cl08                        
SSGSS_faint_cl03          10:35:57.84  +57:25:00.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      323.18   2006-12-11 02:21:26.5     20582144  SSGSS_faint_cl03                        
SSGSS_faint_cl04          10:32:53.96  +58:06:33.00  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      324.53   2006-12-11 07:39:29.1     20581888  SSGSS_faint_cl04                        
SSGSS_bright_cl03_back    10:38:56.54  +57:15:49.00  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      129.64   2006-12-11 13:09:54.2     20580096  SSGSS_bright_cl03_SH                    
SSGSS_bright_cl01_back    10:57:19.79  +57:57:06.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap       88.87   2006-12-11 15:17:09.4     20583424  SSGSS_bright_cl01_SH                    
SSGSS_bright_cl06_back    10:53:24.66  +57:12:30.90  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      108.69   2006-12-11 16:43:16.5     20584960  SSGSS_bright_cl06_SH                    
SSGSS_bright_cl04_back    10:36:53.49  +57:54:42.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      129.47   2006-12-11 18:29:24.7     20585728  SSGSS_bright_cl04_SH                    
SSGSS_bright_cl08_back    10:43:39.07  +58:02:50.50  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      108.39   2006-12-11 20:36:09.5     20580352  SSGSS_bright_cl08_SH                    
SSGSS_faint_cl01          10:53:55.02  +56:26:38.60  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    22.11   2006-12-11 22:21:42.2     20585472  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl01                    
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     18.81   2006-12-11 22:44:31.5     20928768  calsfx-37C-sky                          
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     35.09   2006-12-11 23:00:19.0     20928512  calsfx-37C-HR6348                       
P Cyg_background          20:17:34.00  +38:04:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsmap        8.41   2006-12-11 23:35:28.1     20929792  calwav-37D-PCyg-13-map_background       
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsmap       27.24   2006-12-11 23:43:08.6     20929280  calwav-37B-PCyg-13-map                  
P Cyg                     20:17:47.20  +38:01:58.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsmap       36.70   2006-12-12 00:07:47.0     20929536  calwav-37C-PCyg-02-map                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-12 02:06:03.6     20945664  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.49   2006-12-12 02:16:42.4     20915456  caldrk_IRS-37_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     12.31   2006-12-12 02:27:55.9     20915200  caldrk_IRS-37_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate   
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     54.03   2006-12-12 02:37:47.7     20914944  caldrk_IRS-37_105b-DCVZN-LH-long        
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.99   2006-12-12 03:27:44.8     20919552  caldrk_IRS-37_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_2
WR8                       07:44:58.22  -31:54:29.60  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare    147.99   2006-12-12 03:50:03.9     14236672  IRSS- WR8                               
WR8-OFF                   07:45:03.50  -31:53:26.80  Crowther          WRSTARNEON   20154 irsstare     34.63   2006-12-12 06:15:09.3     14238208  IRSS- WR8-OFF                           
offSMC                    01:09:40.00  -73:31:30.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsstare     17.78   2006-12-12 06:51:12.9     18266624  IRSS-N76offln                           
N76                       01:03:30.00  -72:02:40.00  Bolatto           SMCSPECMAP   30491 irsmap      356.56   2006-12-12 07:06:16.6     18263040  IRSM-SMCN76ln                           
hbc559                    08:13:56.06  -36:08:01.90  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     12.68   2006-12-12 13:04:34.4     14921728  IRSS-0022                               
cg30-31-bg1               08:09:34.70  -36:05:26.70  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     56.99   2006-12-12 13:14:32.0     14898176  COREIRS-0019                            
cg30-31-bg3               08:09:31.34  -36:04:03.50  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     33.13   2006-12-12 14:08:11.2     14898432  COREIRS-0020                            
bhr16-bg2                 08:05:21.35  -39:09:30.40  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     29.67   2006-12-12 14:47:35.8     14896128  COREIRS-0011                            
ESO 313-10                08:42:16.22  -40:33:33.20  Acke              BRAMACKE     20308 irsstare     20.13   2006-12-12 15:17:09.5     16825856  ESO 313-10 IRS                          
CD-49 3390                08:10:24.39  -49:23:17.50  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.77   2006-12-12 15:34:22.7     14157056  IRSS-WernerAstars-71                    
CD-49 3371                08:08:45.70  -49:23:48.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.00   2006-12-12 16:08:59.8     14153984  IRSS-WernerAstars-59                    
CD-48 3539                08:09:50.50  -49:13:20.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.14   2006-12-12 16:43:47.9     14155008  IRSS-WernerAstars-63                    
CD-48 3575                08:11:03.22  -49:00:37.30  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.15   2006-12-12 17:18:49.1     14154240  IRSS-WernerAstars-60                    
CD-48 3541                08:09:52.14  -49:11:03.00  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     38.14   2006-12-12 17:54:04.3     14153216  IRSS-WernerAstars-56                    
CPD-48 1496               08:09:26.68  -49:14:37.10  Werner            GOWERNER2005 20132 irsstare     37.90   2006-12-12 18:29:13.0     14153472  IRSS-WernerAstars-57                    
29 Vul                    20:38:31.34  +21:12:04.20  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     64.37   2006-12-12 19:14:58.4     20925440  calsfx-37E-29Vul                        
V2362_Cyg_sv3             21:11:32.46  +44:48:03.70  Woodward          CEW-CY3-NVTO 30007 irsstare     49.51   2006-12-12 20:21:53.7     17678592  IRSS-0013-GN_A_srcv3                    
V2362Cyg_bkg_v3           21:11:27.78  +44:48:27.60  Woodward          CEW-CY3-NVTO 30007 irsstare     23.91   2006-12-12 21:08:09.3     17678848  IRSS-0013-GN_A_bkgv3                    
UGC 12150                 22:41:12.21  +34:14:56.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.57   2006-12-12 21:31:31.9     20368640  IRS-stare UGC 12150                     
NGC 7332                  22:37:24.54  +23:47:54.00  Rampazzo          ETG_RAMPAZZO 30256 irsstare    150.57   2006-12-12 21:43:32.6     17927680  IRSS-0040                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          67.09   2006-12-13 01:24:19.9     20942592  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.05   2006-12-13 02:31:18.7     20944384  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.72   2006-12-13 02:43:09.2     20918784  caldrk_IRS-37_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.80   2006-12-13 02:54:49.3     20919040  caldrk_IRS-37_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-13 03:06:50.9     20922880  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
SSGSS_bright_cl05_back    10:52:02.03  +56:33:01.50  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      149.33   2006-12-13 03:34:42.5     20578304  SSGSS_bright_cl05_SH                    
SSGSS_faint_cl01          10:53:55.02  +56:26:38.60  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      322.21   2006-12-13 06:03:27.0     20582656  SSGSS_faint_cl01                        
SSGSS_bright_cl06         10:53:24.66  +57:12:30.90  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      180.75   2006-12-13 11:29:43.6     20586496  SSGSS_bright_cl06                       
SSGSS_faint_cl09          10:43:32.35  +57:40:19.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      323.30   2006-12-13 14:27:37.2     20580608  SSGSS_faint_cl09                        
bump212                   10:51:52.74  +56:47:19.20  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     86.32   2006-12-13 19:50:38.3     17417216  IRSS-0021 - bump212                     
bump205                   10:45:14.39  +57:57:08.90  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.18   2006-12-13 21:12:20.1     17415424  IRSS-0021 - bump205                     
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     18.80   2006-12-13 22:40:40.5     20927232  calsfx-37D-sky                          
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     35.07   2006-12-13 22:56:27.3     20926976  calsfx-37D-HD173511                     
CGCG 453-062              23:04:56.55  +19:33:07.10  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     15.46   2006-12-13 23:33:47.9     20364544  IRS-stare CGCG 453-062                  
IRAS 23028+0725           23:05:20.07  +07:41:45.70  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-12-13 23:47:38.5     18213632  IRSI-jd-mega034                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-14 01:04:23.1     20945920  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     12.76   2006-12-14 01:14:58.0     20920576  caldrk_IRS-37_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.48   2006-12-14 01:24:51.4     20914176  caldrk_IRS-37_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     44.19   2006-12-14 01:37:41.1     20914432  caldrk_IRS-37_100-DCVZN-SH-long_2       
SSGSS_bright_cl05         10:52:02.03  +56:33:01.50  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.03   2006-12-14 02:20:42.8     20576512  SSGSS_PUI_bright_cl05                   
SSGSS_faint_cl08          10:48:17.76  +57:24:10.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irspeakup    26.28   2006-12-14 02:43:45.4     20583168  SSGSS_PUI_faint_cl08                    
SSGSS_faint_cl07          10:48:04.02  +58:51:36.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      323.05   2006-12-14 03:07:24.3     20581120  SSGSS_faint_cl07                        
SSGSS_bright_cl01         10:57:19.79  +57:57:06.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      138.19   2006-12-14 08:27:45.9     20587776  SSGSS_bright_cl01                       
SSGSS_bright_cl08         10:43:39.07  +58:02:50.50  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      179.08   2006-12-14 10:45:26.4     20585984  SSGSS_bright_cl08                       
SSGSS_faint_cl05          10:49:27.46  +59:32:53.20  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      322.60   2006-12-14 13:48:45.1     20581632  SSGSS_faint_cl05                        
SSGSS_bright_cl07         10:41:22.55  +58:53:31.20  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      266.59   2006-12-14 19:08:43.4     20586240  SSGSS_bright_cl07                       
70micron16                10:48:30.58  +59:18:10.30  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     42.36   2006-12-14 23:32:19.7     17413632  IRSS-0015                               
70micron10                10:55:09.00  +58:49:34.40  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     24.53   2006-12-15 00:11:50.9     17412096  IRSS-0009                               
1146+59                   11:48:50.36  +59:24:56.40  Stocke            STOCKE_IRS   30515 irspeakup     7.88   2006-12-15 00:34:23.2     18322688  IRSI-js-cso001                          
I01005                    01:04:45.54  +79:26:46.30  Fazio             CERRIGO      30036 irsstare      9.60   2006-12-15 00:43:31.2     17505792  IRSS-0008                               
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-15 02:04:19.2     20946176  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     54.03   2006-12-15 02:16:20.1     20915712  caldrk_IRS-37_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_2      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     24.61   2006-12-15 03:07:06.5     20918528  caldrk_IRS-37_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_2    
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-15 03:28:04.8     20923136  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
SSGSS_faint_cl13          10:59:04.88  +58:19:20.00  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      259.51   2006-12-15 03:56:23.1     20577792  SSGSS_faint_cl13                        
SSGSS_bright_cl02         10:46:52.75  +56:15:06.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      265.71   2006-12-15 08:13:30.7     20587520  SSGSS_bright_cl02                       
SSGSS_bright_cl03         10:38:56.54  +57:15:49.00  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      225.05   2006-12-15 12:36:34.2     20587264  SSGSS_bright_cl03                       
bump206                   10:53:08.24  +59:14:47.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.33   2006-12-15 16:27:26.9     17415680  IRSS-0021 - bump206                     
70micron6                 10:53:23.62  +59:00:09.80  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     57.40   2006-12-15 17:51:47.0     17411072  IRSS-0005                               
70micron18                10:58:40.61  +58:21:24.90  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     67.67   2006-12-15 18:46:22.4     17414144  IRSS-0017                               
70micron11                10:54:04.30  +56:38:45.60  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     31.95   2006-12-15 19:53:36.1     17412352  IRSS-0010                               
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     13.77   2006-12-15 20:24:30.1     20927744  calsfx-37F-sky                          
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     16.90   2006-12-15 20:35:25.0     20927488  calsfx-37F-delDra                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          67.09   2006-12-15 21:59:19.3     20943104  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.05   2006-12-15 23:06:18.1     20944640  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.99   2006-12-15 23:18:10.5     20920832  caldrk_IRS-37_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_3
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-15 23:30:27.8     20923392  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.49   2006-12-15 23:54:22.6     20916224  caldrk_IRS-37_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_2 
SSGSS_faint_cl10          10:38:58.62  +58:22:33.90  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      259.39   2006-12-16 00:09:39.2     20578816  SSGSS_faint_cl10                        
SSGSS_bright_cl04         10:36:53.49  +57:54:42.70  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      223.69   2006-12-16 04:28:59.8     20587008  SSGSS_bright_cl04                       
SSGSS_faint_cl11          10:41:10.45  +58:15:23.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      259.14   2006-12-16 08:12:12.6     20578560  SSGSS_faint_cl11                        
SSGSS_faint_cl02          10:39:11.25  +57:16:16.90  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      322.75   2006-12-16 12:35:32.1     20582400  SSGSS_faint_cl02                        
SSGSS_bright_cl05         10:52:02.03  +56:33:01.50  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      266.26   2006-12-16 17:58:01.5     20586752  SSGSS_bright_cl05                       
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     17.50   2006-12-16 22:22:43.2     20928256  calsfx-37G-sky                          
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     31.91   2006-12-16 22:37:16.1     20928000  calsfx-37G-HR6606                       
HD 239722                 21:38:14.06  +59:10:03.10  Massa             EXTINCTIONEM 30459 irsmap       18.45   2006-12-16 23:14:23.5     18238976  IRSM-0017                               
GY Lac                    22:47:46.19  +55:18:13.40  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     11.79   2006-12-16 23:29:57.1     18939904  IRSS-sgal-0088                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-17 00:54:30.3     20946432  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-17 01:07:07.2     20923648  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     12.76   2006-12-17 01:31:03.8     20918016  caldrk_IRS-37_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1   
SSGSS_faint_cl12          10:45:37.77  +58:11:40.10  Schiminovich      SSGSS        30742 irsmap      324.01   2006-12-17 01:44:55.9     20578048  SSGSS_faint_cl12                        
FSC10026+4949             10:05:52.92  +49:34:42.20  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare    136.46   2006-12-17 07:07:41.7     19142144  IRSS-FSC10026+4949                      
FSC10026 Background       10:05:60.00  +49:36:00.00  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare     69.15   2006-12-17 09:20:54.4     19142400  IRSS-FSC10026 Background                
HD166780 sky              18:08:38.85  +57:57:16.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     18.81   2006-12-17 10:32:24.1     20924928  calsfx-37H-sky                          
HD 166780                 18:08:38.85  +57:58:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     35.09   2006-12-17 10:48:11.0     20924672  calsfx-37H-HD166780                     
OFF--NGC 3221             10:22:40.26  +21:39:22.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     49.39   2006-12-17 11:26:54.1     20344832  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 3221                 
NGC 3221                  10:22:20.26  +21:34:22.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     62.94   2006-12-17 12:13:19.6     20325376  IRS-stare NGC 3221                      
IRAS F10173+0828          10:20:00.24  +08:13:32.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.58   2006-12-17 13:15:18.7     20314880  IRS-stare IRAS F10173+0828              
OFF--IRAS 08355-4944      08:37:21.87  -49:49:30.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.81   2006-12-17 13:30:53.6     20325632  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS 08355-4944          
IRAS 08355-4944           08:37:01.87  -49:54:30.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     27.04   2006-12-17 13:41:40.8     20344320  IRS-stare IRAS 08355-4944               
OFF--MCG -01-60-022       23:42:20.91  -03:31:54.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.71   2006-12-17 14:23:10.3     20346368  IRS-stare OFF--MCG -01-60-022           
MCG -01-60-022            23:42:00.91  -03:36:54.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.29   2006-12-17 14:37:55.2     20363008  IRS-stare MCG -01-60-022                
OFF--MCG-02-01-051/2      00:19:10.90  -10:17:36.70  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.86   2006-12-17 15:14:53.8     20352768  IRS-stare OFF--MCG-02-01-051/2          
MCG-02-01-051/2           00:18:50.90  -10:22:36.70  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     27.61   2006-12-17 15:26:03.5     20313088  IRS-stare MCG-02-01-051/2               
NGC 7592                  23:18:22.60  -04:24:58.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    113.83   2006-12-17 15:53:10.6     20308992  IRS-stare NGC 7592                      
OFF--NGC 0232             00:43:05.83  -23:28:41.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.72   2006-12-17 17:46:56.6     20361472  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 0232                 
NGC 0232                  00:42:45.83  -23:33:41.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     69.45   2006-12-17 18:01:43.6     20342016  IRS-stare NGC 0232                      
OFF--ESO 353-G020         01:35:11.26  -36:03:14.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.71   2006-12-17 19:10:10.0     20338944  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 353-G020             
ESO 353-G020              01:34:51.26  -36:08:14.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.74   2006-12-17 19:25:09.0     20366080  IRS-stare ESO 353-G020                  
OFF--ESO 297-G011/012     01:36:44.14  -37:15:25.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.71   2006-12-17 20:00:58.2     20365056  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 297-G011/012         
ESO 297-G011/012          01:36:24.14  -37:20:25.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     69.56   2006-12-17 20:15:48.3     20342272  IRS-stare ESO 297-G011/012              
OFF--ESO 203-IG001        04:47:09.55  -48:28:30.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-12-17 21:26:01.1     20370688  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 203-IG001            
ESO 203-IG001             04:46:49.55  -48:33:30.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     62.74   2006-12-17 22:02:24.0     20334080  IRS-stare ESO 203-IG001                 
NEAT (P/2004 F3)              1000486  NEAT (P/2004  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    11.63   2006-12-17 23:18:44.7     19586816  seppcon-P04F3-NEAT                      
NGC 7591                  23:18:16.25  +06:35:09.10  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.60   2006-12-17 23:30:42.4     20309760  IRS-stare NGC 7591                      
IRAS 22055+3024           22:07:49.66  +30:39:39.73  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-12-17 23:44:04.7     18212864  IRSI-jd-mega031                         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-18 00:54:30.0     20946688  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.49   2006-12-18 01:06:40.1     20916992  caldrk_IRS-37_160-DCVZN-1-SL-moderate_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     12.31   2006-12-18 01:17:53.8     20915968  caldrk_IRS-37_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_2 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-18 01:27:30.9     20923904  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
A2390c                    21:53:34.54  +17:42:03.30  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    307.90   2006-12-18 02:01:19.6     17672192  IRS-lens-A2390c                         
A2390b                    21:53:34.45  +17:42:21.70  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    237.69   2006-12-18 07:06:14.4     17671936  IRS-lens-A2390b                         
A2390a                    21:53:33.25  +17:42:10.90  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    237.69   2006-12-18 11:00:56.6     17671680  IRS-lens-A2390a                         
A851                      09:42:54.55  +46:58:44.30  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare    267.36   2006-12-18 15:13:55.7     17669888  IRS-lens-A851                           
HD163466                  17:52:25.37  +60:23:46.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     33.27   2006-12-18 19:43:50.3     20925184  calsfx-37I-HD163466                     
IRAS08572+3915sky         09:00:25.38  +39:02:60.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     22.72   2006-12-18 20:20:15.7     20925952  calsfx-37J-sky                          
IRAS08572+3915            09:00:25.38  +39:03:54.30  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     37.97   2006-12-18 20:40:16.4     20925696  calsfx-37J-redagn2                      
OFF--ESO 255-IG007        06:27:41.70  -47:05:36.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.82   2006-12-18 21:22:51.4     20332032  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 255-IG007            
ESO 255-IG007             06:27:21.70  -47:10:36.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     66.71   2006-12-18 21:33:59.0     20362496  IRS-stare ESO 255-IG007                 
hbc556                    08:10:30.90  -36:01:46.40  Wright            DUST_CMW     20611 irsstare     11.78   2006-12-18 22:40:09.9     14922752  IRSS-0026                               
CSS 466                   08:07:49.79  -35:53:60.00  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     10.69   2006-12-18 22:51:17.4     18927104  IRSS-sgal-0037                          
CSS 453                   08:02:49.09  -41:54:08.90  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.37   2006-12-18 22:58:28.7     18926336  IRSS-sgal-0034                          
CSS 472                   08:09:07.88  -43:16:46.40  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.37   2006-12-18 23:09:23.3     18927360  IRSS-sgal-0038                          
HD007908                  01:18:25.37  -23:00:47.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.46   2006-12-18 23:26:38.5     19086336  IRSM-0008                               
A2667                     23:51:40.00  -26:04:52.00  Rieke             EGAMI        30775 irsstare     87.39   2006-12-18 23:32:50.5     17672704  IRS-lens-A2667                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          67.09   2006-12-19 02:05:23.1     20942848  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.05   2006-12-19 03:12:21.9     20944896  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.72   2006-12-19 03:23:19.7     20920064  caldrk_IRS-37_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.80   2006-12-19 03:35:00.3     20920320  caldrk_IRS-37_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_3 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.48   2006-12-19 03:46:55.6     20914688  caldrk_IRS-37_120a-DCVZN-1-LL-long_2    
HR 7341 sky               19:18:35.50  +49:33:20.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     18.81   2006-12-19 04:00:39.2     20957440  calsfx-37B-sky_2                        
HR 7341                   19:18:37.87  +49:34:10.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     35.49   2006-12-19 04:16:38.3     20957184  calsfx-37B-HR7341_2                     
OFF--IC 0563/4            09:46:41.10  +03:09:16.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     39.67   2006-12-19 04:58:15.2     20360448  IRS-stare OFF--IC 0563/4                
IC 0563/4                 09:46:21.10  +03:04:16.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    118.41   2006-12-19 05:34:27.5     20364288  IRS-stare IC 0563/4                     
IRAS F09111-1007          09:13:36.50  -10:19:29.70  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    100.36   2006-12-19 07:32:03.0     20335616  IRS-stare IRAS F09111-1007              
OFF--ESO 432-IG006        08:44:47.21  -31:36:50.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.67   2006-12-19 09:11:50.2     20344064  IRS-stare OFF--ESO 432-IG006            
ESO 432-IG006             08:44:27.21  -31:41:50.80  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     69.34   2006-12-19 09:26:40.4     20373760  IRS-stare ESO 432-IG006                 
Ara                           2000849           Ara  Lim               MASTEROIDS1  20481 irsmap       73.70   2006-12-19 10:45:41.2     14740736  IRSM-849_Ara                            
15                        09:19:47.81  +02:31:43.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-12-19 12:06:46.8     15069696  hao_sdssagn_0015                        
NEAT (P/2005 R1)              1001662  NEAT (P/2005  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup    29.98   2006-12-19 12:35:27.5     19586304  seppcon-P05R1-NEAT                      
HD82106                   09:29:54.82  +05:39:18.50  Ciardi            FGKM_HZ_IRS  20463 irsstare     24.04   2006-12-19 13:03:54.0     16003584  HD82106_IRS                             
Mrk 1239                  09:52:19.10  -01:36:43.50  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare     31.54   2006-12-19 13:26:37.7     14450176  NLS1-0014                               
Mrk 1239 off              09:52:19.10  -01:35:13.50  Lutz              NLS1         20241 irsstare      9.13   2006-12-19 13:54:45.3     16423424  NLS1-0014-off                           
pg1012+008                10:14:54.90  +00:33:36.80  Ogle              PGQSOTORI    20142 irsstare     33.65   2006-12-19 14:02:10.1     14191616  IRSS-0015                               
70                        10:15:36.21  +00:54:59.30  Hao               HAO_SDSSAGN  20741 irsstare     25.19   2006-12-19 14:32:41.7     15083776  hao_sdssagn_0070                        
19752 (2000 CH67)             2019752 19752 (2000 C  Houck             GTO2_DPC     30228 irsstare     36.41   2006-12-19 15:00:40.2     17587200  IRSS-2000ch67                           
FSC1005+0037              10:05:16.52  +00:37:59.40  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     15.91   2006-12-19 15:34:24.0     17541632  IRSS-e-dww-FSC07                        
SDSS J1044+0353           10:44:57.80  +03:53:13.10  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-12-19 15:48:53.6     17466368  Wu-0014-cheap                           
IRAS 10339+1548           10:36:37.93  +15:32:42.03  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-12-19 15:54:58.9     18209792  IRSI-jd-mega014                         
LINEAR                        1000511        LINEAR  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   132.77   2006-12-19 16:03:46.0     19591168  seppcon-160P-LIN                        
iras 10558+3845           10:58:39.34  +38:29:06.60  Leitherer         SOUZA        20589 irsstare     36.44   2006-12-19 18:16:15.9     14874368  IRSS-10558                              
arp148                    11:03:53.20  +40:50:57.00  Appleton          APPLETON     20369 irsstare     44.64   2006-12-19 18:50:14.0     15694592  IRSS-RINGS-arp148                       
NGC 3448/UGC 6016 CLUSTER 10:54:39.03  +54:18:19.30  Zezas             IG_AO2       20140 irsstare     33.05   2006-12-19 19:33:59.2     16304896  SIGS_IRS- NGC 3448/UGC 6016 CLUSTER     
DDO68                     09:56:45.70  +28:49:35.00  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 irspeakup     8.06   2006-12-19 20:06:36.0     17575168  Wu_IRSI-0002                            
For ISAAC 01              02:40:06.66  -34:23:22.20  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     66.57   2006-12-19 20:22:10.7     18052096  IRSS-LG-For-01                          
MAG 29                    00:59:53.68  -33:38:30.80  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     58.13   2006-12-19 21:31:48.7     18050816  IRSS-LG-Scl-01                          
BoBn 1                    00:37:16.02  -13:42:58.00  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare     53.63   2006-12-19 22:29:44.7     18055936  IRSS-LG-Sgr-09                          
IRAS 23019+3405           23:04:21.16  +34:21:47.73  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     7.88   2006-12-19 23:24:57.9     18213376  IRSI-jd-mega033                         
BD+02 4571                22:51:31.97  +03:42:24.40  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     14.84   2006-12-19 23:33:27.5     18940160  IRSS-sgal-0089                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-20 00:49:29.5     20946944  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     44.19   2006-12-20 01:03:37.7     20913920  caldrk_IRS-37_100-DCVZN-SH-long         
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     12.31   2006-12-20 01:43:00.1     20916736  caldrk_IRS-37_170-DCVZN-1-LL-moderate_3 
ALW Scl 3                 00:59:58.94  -33:28:35.20  Zijlstra          LOCAL_ZIJLST 30333 irsstare    175.93   2006-12-20 02:02:33.7     18051072  IRSS-LG-Scl-02                          
HR6348 sky                17:01:16.92  +60:40:25.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     18.81   2006-12-20 05:05:27.6     20959488  calsfx-37C-sky_2                        
HR6348                    17:01:16.92  +60:38:55.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     35.09   2006-12-20 05:21:15.2     20959232  calsfx-37C-HR6348_2                     
IC 5298                   23:16:00.67  +25:33:24.30  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     16.29   2006-12-20 05:59:24.1     20356608  IRS-stare IC 5298                       
OFF--NGC 7679             23:29:06.62  +03:35:41.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.70   2006-12-20 06:15:10.3     20371968  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 7679                 
NGC 7679                  23:28:46.62  +03:30:41.40  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.26   2006-12-20 06:29:53.1     20350720  IRS-stare NGC 7679                      
SDSSJ232159.06+000738.8   23:21:59.06  +00:07:38.80  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.12   2006-12-20 07:06:02.6     17797120  SDSSJ232159.06+000738.8                 
SDSSJ233837.10-002810.3   23:38:37.10  +00:28:10.40  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.14   2006-12-20 07:42:10.3     17797376  SDSSJ233837.10-002810.3                 
BB-1.Off                  00:37:18.30  -13:42:50.80  Bernard-Salas     JBS3.HALOPNE 30652 irsstare     32.50   2006-12-20 08:20:03.7     18628608  BB-1.Off                                
BB-1                      00:37:16.03  -13:42:58.60  Bernard-Salas     JBS3.HALOPNE 30652 irsstare     84.35   2006-12-20 08:49:28.2     18628352  BB-1                                    
mkn938                    00:11:06.55  -12:06:26.30  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.40   2006-12-20 10:12:15.2     17956864  IRSS-0023                               
HD000319                  00:07:46.90  -22:30:30.80  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.46   2006-12-20 10:31:14.1     19090176  IRSM-0023                               
OFF--NGC 7771             23:51:44.90  +20:11:43.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.88   2006-12-20 10:38:55.4     20337664  IRS-stare OFF--NGC 7771                 
NGC 7771                  23:51:24.90  +20:06:43.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     67.30   2006-12-20 10:50:03.3     20318720  IRS-stare NGC 7771                      
3C 454.3                  22:53:57.75  +16:08:53.60  Wehrle            BLAZARS      30785 irsstare     38.78   2006-12-20 11:56:15.4     19717376  IRSS-3C 454.3 visit 1                   
IRAS 23028+0725           23:05:20.07  +07:41:45.70  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare     43.36   2006-12-20 12:33:27.8     18206976  IRSS-jd-mega034                         
IRAS 23028+0725_backgroun 23:05:20.07  +07:40:45.70  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare      9.13   2006-12-20 13:13:27.0     19546368  IRSS-jd-mega034_background              
CE Lac                    22:43:44.88  +43:26:00.30  Hony              HONY_SSTARS  30737 irsstare     13.40   2006-12-20 13:23:12.6     18939648  IRSS-sgal-0087                          
IRAS22036+5306            22:05:30.29  +53:21:32.80  Garcia-Lario      REDPAGB      30258 irsstare      6.88   2006-12-20 13:35:18.2     17928960  IRSS-0024                               
IRAS F22231-0512          22:25:47.26  -04:57:01.40  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare    122.75   2006-12-20 13:53:12.1     19140608  IRSS-IRASF22231-0512                    
IRAS F22231Background     22:25:47.26  -04:58:00.00  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare     62.51   2006-12-20 15:53:03.0     19557888  IRSS-IRASF22231Background               
IRAS 22116+0437           22:14:10.30  +04:52:26.08  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare     42.80   2006-12-20 16:53:56.7     18206464  IRSS-jd-mega032                         
IRAS 22116+0437_backgroun 22:14:10.31  +04:51:26.08  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irsstare      9.13   2006-12-20 17:33:19.3     19549952  IRSS-jd-mega032_background              
CGCG381-051               23:48:41.72  +02:14:23.10  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.39   2006-12-20 17:42:22.2     17965056  IRSS-0058                               
Abell2597nuc              23:25:19.73  -12:07:27.40  Jaffe             WJAFFE       30117 irsstare     44.54   2006-12-20 18:02:00.7     17790464  Abell2597nuc-LL1+LL2                    
MCG-3-58-7                22:49:37.15  -19:16:26.40  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     29.66   2006-12-20 18:45:05.5     17964288  IRSS-0055                               
eta1 Dor                  06:06:09.38  -66:02:22.60  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     74.39   2006-12-20 19:18:00.1     20956928  calsfx-37A-eta1Dor_2                    
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-20 21:42:59.2     20947200  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     54.03   2006-12-20 21:54:35.5     20916480  caldrk_IRS-37_105b-DCVZN-LH-long_3      
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     24.61   2006-12-20 22:45:21.8     20919808  caldrk_IRS-37_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_3    
HD173511 sky              18:41:49.54  +61:34:00.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     18.80   2006-12-20 23:07:36.1     20957952  calsfx-37D-sky_2                        
HD 173511                 18:41:40.59  +61:32:47.10  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     35.07   2006-12-20 23:23:23.1     20957696  calsfx-37D-HD173511_2                   
70micron1                 10:54:32.72  +57:52:45.70  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     49.68   2006-12-20 23:59:58.4     17409792  IRSS-0000                               
70micron2                 10:48:27.68  +57:56:23.10  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     50.01   2006-12-21 00:46:47.6     17410048  IRSS-0001                               
70micron9                 10:40:57.58  +56:52:37.10  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     50.01   2006-12-21 01:34:13.5     17411840  IRSS-0008                               
70micron13                10:48:47.14  +57:23:37.70  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     45.08   2006-12-21 02:21:30.3     17412864  IRSS-0012                               
bump201                   10:53:34.60  +57:42:42.30  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.07   2006-12-21 03:03:44.8     17414400  IRSS-0021                               
bump202                   10:43:43.93  +57:13:22.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.41   2006-12-21 04:28:04.5     17414656  IRSS-0021 - bump202                     
bump204                   10:55:39.93  +57:17:11.90  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     86.14   2006-12-21 05:55:05.0     17415168  IRSS-0021 - bump204                     
bump207                   10:46:43.29  +57:58:51.00  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.31   2006-12-21 07:16:49.7     17415936  IRSS-0021 - bump207                     
bump210                   10:40:11.61  +58:05:42.70  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.45   2006-12-21 08:41:10.3     17416704  IRSS-0021 - bump210                     
bump211                   10:46:32.93  +56:35:30.30  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     86.96   2006-12-21 10:06:03.2     17416960  IRSS-0021 - bump211                     
bump213                   10:40:34.35  +58:23:14.60  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.06   2006-12-21 11:39:09.9     17417472  IRSS-0021 - bump213                     
bump214                   10:48:43.22  +58:45:37.80  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.37   2006-12-21 13:03:18.6     17417728  IRSS-0021 - bump214                     
bump215                   10:49:22.65  +56:40:32.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.59   2006-12-21 14:28:21.5     17417984  IRSS-0021 - bump215                     
bump216                   10:42:32.04  +57:54:39.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.16   2006-12-21 15:53:16.2     17418240  IRSS-0021 - bump216                     
bump218                   10:44:27.54  +59:38:11.80  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.48   2006-12-21 17:17:45.7     17418752  IRSS-0021 - bump218                     
bump221                   10:46:56.24  +59:40:08.00  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.37   2006-12-21 18:42:20.2     17419264  IRSS-0021 - bump221                     
bump222                   10:50:56.09  +56:28:23.00  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.51   2006-12-21 20:07:36.2     17419520  IRSS-0021 - bump222                     
bump223                   10:43:49.42  +57:54:38.70  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.07   2006-12-21 21:32:31.5     17419776  IRSS-0021 - bump223                     
bump224                   10:59:08.46  +57:45:11.40  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.14   2006-12-21 22:57:04.2     17420032  IRSS-0021 - bump224                     
NGC3982                   11:56:28.10  +55:07:30.60  Fazio             12MS         30291 irsstare     20.62   2006-12-22 00:22:44.5     17961728  IRSS-0043                               
DDO150                    12:48:22.87  +51:09:52.90  Houck             BCD_SPECTRA_ 30669 irsstare      7.43   2006-12-22 00:41:42.3     17468416  Wu-0022-cheap                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          67.09   2006-12-22 01:57:52.0     20943360  anneal                                  
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.05   2006-12-22 03:04:50.2     20945152  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.99   2006-12-22 03:15:19.0     20922112  caldrk_IRS-37_200-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-short1_4
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-22 03:27:36.2     20924160  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     24.61   2006-12-22 03:52:13.1     20921088  caldrk_IRS-37_110a-DCVZN-1-SL-long_4    
delDra sky                19:11:25.30  +67:37:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     13.77   2006-12-22 04:14:37.9     20958464  calsfx-37F-sky_2                        
del Dra                   19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     16.88   2006-12-22 04:25:32.0     20958208  calsfx-37F-delDra_2                     
bump225                   10:32:05.16  +57:48:17.50  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.16   2006-12-22 04:43:30.5     17420288  IRSS-0021 - bump225                     
bump226                   10:46:27.83  +59:28:43.40  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.24   2006-12-22 06:08:15.0     17420544  IRSS-0021 - bump226                     
bump227                   10:46:14.90  +59:41:34.30  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.42   2006-12-22 07:32:27.4     17420800  IRSS-0021 - bump227                     
bump228                   10:41:39.78  +57:37:23.90  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.32   2006-12-22 08:57:22.1     17421056  IRSS-0021 - bump228                     
bump230                   10:44:02.56  +59:32:04.70  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.37   2006-12-22 10:22:00.6     17421568  IRSS-0021 - bump230                     
bump231                   10:41:29.26  +58:17:12.30  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     87.13   2006-12-22 11:55:28.9     17421824  IRSS-0021 - bump231                     
70micron7                 10:59:43.83  +57:25:25.00  Houck             DGFSWIREGTO  30364 irsstare     67.75   2006-12-22 13:20:04.1     17411328  IRSS-0006                               
IC694                     11:28:33.80  +58:33:46.50  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      101.67   2006-12-22 14:25:37.9     17660416  IRSM-IC694                              
IC694                     11:28:38.80  +58:35:46.50  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-12-22 16:03:57.5     17663232  IRSS-LHBackg - IC694                    
NGC3690                   11:28:30.80  +58:33:44.00  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      101.67   2006-12-22 16:14:55.7     17660160  IRSM-NGC3690                            
NGC3690                   11:28:35.80  +58:35:44.20  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-12-22 17:53:15.3     17662976  IRSS-LHBackg - NGC3690                  
NGC4258                   12:18:57.50  +47:18:14.30  Smith             JDSMITH_PAHL 30471 irsmap      298.73   2006-12-22 18:06:11.5     18241024  NGC4258-SL_LL                           
NGC4258-BG                12:19:39.73  +47:22:35.20  Smith             JDSMITH_PAHL 30471 irsstare     22.67   2006-12-22 23:01:45.4     18241280  NGC4258-BG                              
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-23 00:37:31.7     21059328  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.72   2006-12-23 00:48:02.2     21058048  caldrk_IRS-37_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.79   2006-12-23 00:59:42.5     21058304  caldrk_IRS-37_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_1 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     12.76   2006-12-23 01:11:23.1     20921856  caldrk_IRS-37_150b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short1_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-23 01:21:22.8     21059072  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
HR6606 sky                17:37:15.00  +72:26:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     17.50   2006-12-23 01:46:32.5     20958976  calsfx-37G-sky_2                        
HR6606                    17:37:08.88  +72:27:20.90  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     31.91   2006-12-23 02:01:04.2     20958720  calsfx-37G-HR6606_2                     
SDSSJ144507.30+593649.9   14:45:07.30  +59:36:49.90  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.38   2006-12-23 02:32:30.7     17796352  SDSSJ144507.30+593649.9                 
SDSSJ135724.52+652505.8   13:57:24.52  +65:25:05.90  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.21   2006-12-23 03:09:16.2     17795584  SDSSJ135724.52+652505.8                 
OFF--VV 250a              13:15:54.96  +62:12:29.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.80   2006-12-23 03:45:17.4     20327680  IRS-stare OFF--VV 250a                  
VV 250a                   13:15:34.96  +62:07:29.20  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     46.83   2006-12-23 03:55:56.9     20356864  IRS-stare VV 250a                       
SDSSJ120815.94+512325.7   12:08:15.94  +51:23:25.70  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.35   2006-12-23 04:41:32.3     17800704  SDSSJ120815.94+512325.7                 
NGC4138                   12:09:29.78  +43:41:07.10  Smith             JDSMITH_PAHL 30471 irsmap      306.50   2006-12-23 05:18:13.7     18240768  NGC4138-SL_LL                           
PG 1206+459               12:08:58.01  +45:40:35.90  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare     73.12   2006-12-23 10:22:12.5     19143168  IRSS-PG1206+459                         
PG 1206 Background        12:09:00.00  +45:41:30.00  Nikola            ZEUS_SPITZER 30862 irsstare     37.57   2006-12-23 11:32:04.2     19143424  IRSS-PG1206 Background                  
SDSSJ111255.26+552928.8   11:12:55.26  +55:29:28.80  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.20   2006-12-23 12:08:40.5     17800448  SDSSJ111255.26+552928.8                 
SDSSJ100654.83+445642.8   10:06:54.83  +44:56:42.80  Barth             SMALLESTSEYF 30119 irsstare     38.56   2006-12-23 12:46:03.3     17799424  SDSSJ100654.83+445642.8                 
Slaughter-Burnham             1000087 Slaughter-Bur  Fernandez         SEPPCON      30908 irspeakup   130.93   2006-12-23 13:46:00.8     19559936  seppcon-56P-SB                          
bhr16-yso3                08:05:34.24  -39:09:30.80  Boogert           ABOOGERT     20604 irsstare     74.40   2006-12-23 15:59:11.9     14895872  COREIRS-0010                            
BHR16-VELLO2              08:05:25.91  -39:09:05.20  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     42.07   2006-12-23 17:12:15.5     18403328  BHR16-VELLO2-IRS                        
BHR16-VELLO1              08:05:21.55  -39:10:11.60  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     45.65   2006-12-23 17:51:25.6     18403072  BHR16-VELLO1-IRS                        
DC2573-25                 08:17:05.24  -39:54:15.50  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     95.93   2006-12-23 18:35:31.3     18400768  DC2573-25-IRS                           
CG30-31                   08:09:32.62  -36:05:21.00  Dunham            MDUNHAM@ASTR 30563 irsstare     42.46   2006-12-23 20:09:37.3     18402048  CG30-31-IRS                             
2002 RN109                    3221149    2002 RN109  Jewitt            JEWITTCLOIDS 20796 irspeakup    90.08   2006-12-23 20:56:55.5     15185664  dcjcloidsRN109                          
NGC7052                   21:18:33.05  +26:26:48.90  Kaneda            X-RAY-ELLIPT 30483 irsstare     62.83   2006-12-23 22:35:33.7     18257664  NGC7052 IRS                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          12.15   2006-12-24 00:49:20.7     20947456  anneal                                  
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.72   2006-12-24 00:59:50.9     20921344  caldrk_IRS-37_210-DCVZN-1-SL+LL-moderate
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     14.79   2006-12-24 01:11:31.2     20921600  caldrk_IRS-37_140b-DCVZN-SH+LH-short2_4 
NCVZ-dark-spot            17:15:50.00  +65:25:37.00  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsstare     27.41   2006-12-24 01:23:32.9     20924416  caldrk_IRS-37_130b-DCVZN-SH+LH-moderate_
sn2004et                  20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Meikle            SN_MISC3     30292 irsstare     82.56   2006-12-24 01:50:18.4     17969408  IRS-2004et-3                            
V2362_Cyg_sv4             21:11:32.46  +44:48:03.70  Woodward          CEW-CY3-NVTO 30007 irsstare     49.50   2006-12-24 03:11:54.4     17679104  IRSS-0014-GN_A_srcv4                    
V2362Cyg_bkg_v4           21:11:27.78  +44:48:27.60  Woodward          CEW-CY3-NVTO 30007 irsstare     23.90   2006-12-24 03:58:10.0     17679360  IRSS-0014-GN_A_bkgv4                    
OFF--IRAS 23436+5257      23:45:45.43  +53:19:01.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     17.74   2006-12-24 04:21:42.3     20351488  IRS-stare OFF--IRAS 23436+5257          
IRAS 23436+5257           23:46:05.43  +53:14:01.60  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     38.72   2006-12-24 04:36:34.6     20372480  IRS-stare IRAS 23436+5257               
NGC 7752/3                23:46:58.62  +29:27:32.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare    113.98   2006-12-24 05:15:05.3     20311552  IRS-stare NGC 7752/3                    
MCG-03-04-014             01:10:08.93  -16:51:09.90  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     13.59   2006-12-24 07:10:46.3     20342528  IRS-stare MCG-03-04-014                 
NGC3110                   10:04:02.12  -06:28:29.10  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsmap      251.26   2006-12-24 07:31:34.9     17659648  IRSM-NGC3110                            
NGC3110                   10:04:06.90  -06:30:29.00  Rieke             AALONSO      30577 irsstare     14.13   2006-12-24 11:39:29.1     17662464  IRSS-LHBackg - NGC3110                  
ZwCl 3146                 10:23:39.50  +04:11:10.80  McNamara          SUPERCAV     20345 irsstare    255.56   2006-12-24 12:00:50.7     15834880  IRSS-2a-Zw3146                          
IC 2810                   11:25:45.07  +14:40:36.00  Armus             LARMUS5      30323 irsstare     24.44   2006-12-24 16:15:53.4     20354560  IRS-stare IC 2810                       
IRAS 11180+1623           11:20:41.76  +16:06:56.77  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-12-24 16:37:27.3     18210304  IRSI-jd-mega017                         
IRAS 11028+3130           11:05:37.52  +31:14:31.82  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-12-24 16:42:16.1     18210048  IRSI-jd-mega016                         
HD091130                  10:31:51.38  +32:22:46.40  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 irsmap        6.47   2006-12-24 16:46:18.8     19085568  IRSM-0004                               
FSC1024+2642              10:24:47.39  +26:42:09.00  Houck             DWWIRAS2     30121 irsstare     15.90   2006-12-24 16:51:01.5     17541888  IRSS-e-dww-FSC08                        
IRAS 10035+2740           10:06:26.34  +27:25:45.99  Darling           DARLING_IRS  30407 irspeakup     5.80   2006-12-24 17:04:26.6     18209536  IRSI-jd-mega013                         
NGC3489_off               11:00:18.97  +13:54:04.50  Smith             JDSMITH_PAHL 30471 irsmap      275.43   2006-12-24 17:09:46.1     18241536  NGC3489-SL_LL                           
Titan                             606         Titan  Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irsmap        9.45   2006-12-24 21:56:07.1     20929024  calwav-37A-Titan                        
none                                                 Armus             CAL_IRS_1438  1438 irs          67.09   2006-12-24 22:09:23.3     20943616  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-25 00:42:42.2     20974080  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_1        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-25 00:43:14.5     20981760  anneal                                  
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.71   2006-12-25 00:55:53.4     20959744  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30             
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       8.70   2006-12-25 01:05:05.0     20965632  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12               
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.70   2006-12-25 01:10:35.8     20965120  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30              
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.70   2006-12-25 01:19:17.4     20964608  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30              
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.70   2006-12-25 01:27:38.6     20964096  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30              
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-25 01:36:21.0     20966656  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2        
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.02   2006-12-25 01:41:08.8     20967168  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2        
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.07   2006-12-25 01:46:28.4     20960256  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2            
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       8.73   2006-12-25 01:51:13.1     20966144  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12         
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-25 02:04:08.7     20995328  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_12         
A2495                     22:50:19.60  +10:54:13.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.38   2006-12-25 02:13:36.9     18656768  IRAC-0038                               
ugc 12391                 23:08:57.18  +12:02:52.90  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.55   2006-12-25 02:21:37.1     19193600  IRAC-0053                               
NGC7619                   23:20:14.52  +08:12:22.50  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.83   2006-12-25 02:31:50.1     18037760  T78I_NGC7619                            
NGC7727                   23:39:53.87  -12:17:34.80  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.82   2006-12-25 02:55:55.7     18038016  T78I_NGC7727                            
SDSS000524.83-0091457.1   00:05:24.83  -09:14:57.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 03:18:39.5     18096896  IRAC-0000 - SDSS000524.83-0091457.1     
GJ1002                    00:06:43.80  -07:32:22.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-25 03:23:39.1     17978624  epoch2-GJ1002                           
2MA2356-1553              23:56:54.70  -15:53:10.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-25 03:29:14.1     18005248  epoch2-2MA2356-1553                     
A11                       00:12:33.82  -16:28:06.50  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.40   2006-12-25 03:34:11.3     18665216  IRAC-0057                               
IRAS00275-2859            00:30:04.20  -28:42:25.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.85   2006-12-25 03:43:11.7     17518080  IRAC-gto2-ulirg002                      
sa68 3307                 00:14:19.98  +15:26:26.20  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap      56.10   2006-12-25 03:49:13.5     18716416  IRAC-21 sa68 3307                       
sa68 1067                 00:17:07.75  +15:38:28.09  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap      48.71   2006-12-25 04:42:12.4     18716160  IRAC-20 sa68 1067                       
JDROP2_swap               23:24:46.48  +14:32:58.20  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      55.85   2006-12-25 05:29:27.8     20039424  JDROP2_IRAC2                            
3c454.3                   22:53:57.75  +16:08:53.60  Wehrle            BLAZARS      30785 iracmap      10.60   2006-12-25 06:23:28.7     19716608  3c454.3 irac visit 1                    
WD2331+290                23:34:20.97  +29:18:39.50  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.31   2006-12-25 06:33:03.7     19074048  IRAC-0029                               
NGC 7217                  22:07:52.38  +31:21:33.40  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      26.96   2006-12-25 06:48:31.5     18288384  IRAC-NGC7217                            
psi And                   23:46:02.05  +46:25:13.00  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       5.95   2006-12-25 07:14:56.3     18682624  IRAC_psi_And                            
SDSS150133.92+613733.8    15:01:33.92  +61:37:33.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 07:23:26.3     18090496  IRAC-0000 - SDSS150133.92+613733.8      
SDSS143844.80+621154.5    14:38:44.80  +62:11:54.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 07:28:39.3     18081536  IRAC-0000 - SDSS143844.80+621154.5      
SDSS134213.27+602142.8    13:42:13.27  +60:21:42.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-25 07:34:25.1     18077184  IRAC-0000 - SDSS134213.27+602142.8      
SDSS133713.06+0610749.0   13:37:13.06  +61:07:49.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-25 07:39:11.9     18091008  IRAC-0000 - SDSS133713.06+0610749.0     
A1767                     13:36:08.10  +59:12:24.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.40   2006-12-25 07:44:14.1     18652672  IRAC-0022                               
SDSS133733.30+0590622.6   13:37:33.30  +59:06:22.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-25 07:51:23.8     18106368  IRAC-0000 - SDSS133733.30+0590622.6     
SDSS134357.62+575442.5    13:43:57.62  +57:54:42.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 07:56:15.4     18086912  IRAC-0000 - SDSS134357.62+575442.5      
SDSS133749.64+550102.2    13:37:49.64  +55:01:02.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 08:01:30.4     18077440  IRAC-0000 - SDSS133749.64+550102.2      
SDSS132957.15+0540505.9   13:29:57.15  +54:05:05.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 08:06:22.2     18102016  IRAC-0000 - SDSS132957.15+0540505.9     
SDSS134934.65+534117.0    13:49:34.65  +53:41:17.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 08:11:38.4     18075904  IRAC-0000 - SDSS134934.65+534117.0      
SDSS131103.20+551354.4    13:11:03.20  +55:13:54.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-25 08:17:19.4     18084864  IRAC-0000 - SDSS131103.20+551354.4      
ugc 8196                  13:06:04.48  +55:39:21.80  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.55   2006-12-25 08:22:01.2     19192064  IRAC-0047                               
SDSS125139.05+542758.1    12:51:39.05  +54:27:58.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-25 08:31:55.2     18080512  IRAC-0000 - SDSS125139.05+542758.1      
ugc 8230                  13:08:41.73  +52:46:27.40  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.56   2006-12-25 08:37:05.0     19192320  IRAC-0048                               
SDSS123259.81+513404.5    12:32:59.81  +51:34:04.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-25 08:47:32.4     18087424  IRAC-0000 - SDSS123259.81+513404.5      
SDSS122409.91+500155.5    12:24:09.91  +50:01:55.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-25 08:52:32.2     18073856  IRAC-0000 - SDSS122409.91+500155.5      
SDSS121529.56+0533555.9   12:15:29.56  +53:35:55.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-25 08:57:56.2     18100224  IRAC-0000 - SDSS121529.56+0533555.9     
SDSS115120.46+543733.1    11:51:20.46  +54:37:33.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.73   2006-12-25 09:03:14.4     18070528  IRAC-0000 - SDSS115120.46+543733.1      
UGC6570                   11:35:49.99  +35:20:06.90  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.40   2006-12-25 09:10:12.0     18195968  IRAC-UGC6570                            
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-25 10:45:27.9     20974336  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_2        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-25 10:45:59.4     20983040  anneal                                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-25 10:57:26.4     20983296  anneal                                  
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      10.15   2006-12-25 11:08:27.7     20969472  skydrk_0.02_subarray                    
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       6.05   2006-12-25 11:15:17.3     20969728  skydrk_0.1_subarray                     
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       8.90   2006-12-25 11:17:57.0     20969984  skydrk_0.4_subarray                     
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.98   2006-12-25 11:23:33.0     20970240  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar                    
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.98   2006-12-25 11:28:10.4     20967680  skydrk_2                                
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.20   2006-12-25 11:32:44.6     20968448  skydrk_12hdr                            
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      10.90   2006-12-25 11:40:28.6     20967936  skydrk_12                               
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      17.17   2006-12-25 11:47:57.2     20968704  skydrk_30hdr                            
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      16.09   2006-12-25 12:01:41.4     20968192  skydrk_30                               
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      41.59   2006-12-25 12:14:22.2     20969216  skydrk_100hdr                           
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      54.30   2006-12-25 12:52:34.3     20968960  skydrk_100                              
zody_field_c38_nearPos24_ 23:14:21.91  +00:31:49.56  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap     239.81   2006-12-25 13:50:33.0     20973312  skyflt_zody_field_c38_nearPos24         
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-25 17:51:26.2     19346688  GL876_GO3_9                             
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-25 18:09:31.6     19346944  HD216845_GO3_9                          
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.02   2006-12-25 18:31:58.6     20993792  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_6          
WD2316-064                23:19:09.51  -06:12:49.90  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.77   2006-12-25 18:36:36.8     17871360  IRAC-WD2316-064                         
A2626                     23:36:30.70  +21:08:49.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.41   2006-12-25 18:59:22.8     18657280  IRAC-0040                               
A2627                     23:36:42.37  +23:55:06.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.41   2006-12-25 19:07:12.0     18657536  IRAC-0041                               
A2622                     23:35:01.40  +27:22:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.41   2006-12-25 19:15:06.6     18657024  IRAC-0039                               
Z9077                     23:50:35.40  +29:29:40.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.42   2006-12-25 19:23:07.4     18657792  IRAC-0042                               
2MA2254+3123              22:54:18.80  +31:23:49.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-25 19:32:08.0     18003200  epoch2-2MA2254+3123                     
Gl_894.4                  23:21:36.51  +44:05:52.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.09   2006-12-25 19:38:19.0     18011392  epoch2-GL894.4                          
GL0905                    23:41:54.70  +44:10:30.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-25 19:42:56.0     17989120  epoch2-GL0905                           
hd 222143                 23:37:58.49  +46:11:58.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.09   2006-12-25 19:47:34.8     18011648  epoch2-HD222143                         
HD221756                  23:34:37.54  +40:14:11.20  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.48   2006-12-25 19:52:37.4     19083776  IRAC-0032                               
ucm2351+2321              23:53:39.58  +23:37:57.40  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.63   2006-12-25 19:59:06.4     18713856  IRAC-11 ucm2351+2321                    
ucm2304+1640              23:06:55.23  +16:56:16.20  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.60   2006-12-25 20:03:23.6     18713600  IRAC-10 ucm2304+1640                    
NGC 7177                  22:00:41.24  +17:44:17.00  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      26.99   2006-12-25 20:07:57.8     18287872  IRAC-NGC7177                            
GRB 020819                23:27:19.48  +06:15:55.90  Savaglio          SAVAGLIO     30834 iracmap       9.27   2006-12-25 20:34:30.5     19048448  IRAC-GRB020819                          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-25 21:39:53.1     20974592  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_3        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-25 21:40:24.2     20983552  anneal                                  
NGC 3690                  11:28:31.88  +58:33:45.20  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.60   2006-12-25 21:55:32.1      4998656  TNG-SN-NGC3690-01                       
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-25 22:11:04.0     19347200  GL876_GO3_10                            
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-25 22:29:09.3     19347456  HD216845_GO3_10                         
WD2251-070                22:53:53.41  -06:46:54.70  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.91   2006-12-25 22:51:42.8     17869824  IRAC-2251-070                           
HD222582                  23:41:51.53  -05:59:08.70  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.48   2006-12-25 23:01:13.8     17560064  NSEXOII-051                             
J0005-0006                00:05:52.34  +00:06:55.80  Fan               HZ_DUST      30402 iracmap     129.64   2006-12-25 23:09:55.4     18179072  IRAC-0000                               
GD246                     23:12:21.63  +10:47:04.30  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      10.63   2006-12-26 01:18:54.1     18228224  IRAC-GD246                              
JDROP2_swap               23:24:46.48  +14:32:58.20  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      20.64   2006-12-26 01:27:21.0     20039680  JDROP2_IRAC1                            
HD000319                  00:07:46.90  -22:30:30.80  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.46   2006-12-26 01:48:27.7     19081472  IRAC-0023                               
BL26                      00:08:04.50  -29:56:53.30  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.62   2006-12-26 01:54:04.8     18855168  IRAC-BL26-single                        
BL22                      00:07:41.38  -29:56:19.90  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.62   2006-12-26 02:01:22.4     18854912  IRAC-BL22-single                        
BL3                       00:07:50.59  -30:05:09.00  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.62   2006-12-26 02:08:47.0     18854400  IRAC-BL3-single                         
BL16                      00:08:13.80  -30:16:50.10  Mohanty           VLMBIN       30717 iracmap      10.62   2006-12-26 02:16:13.0     18854656  IRAC-BL16-single                        
WD0137-349                01:39:42.90  -34:42:37.00  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_WD0 30434 iracmap      41.29   2006-12-26 02:26:15.0     18232576  WD0137-IRAC                             
2MA0348-6022              03:48:07.70  -60:22:27.09  Fazio             TVAR         30179 iracmap      15.70   2006-12-26 03:07:45.8     17582336  2MA0348-month                           
DEN0021-4244              00:21:05.70  -42:44:50.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-26 03:23:34.4     17993472  epoch2-DEN0021-4244                     
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-26 03:30:54.1     19347712  GL876_GO3_11                            
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-26 03:48:59.5     19347968  HD216845_GO3_11                         
wd2312-024                23:15:18.81  -02:09:39.90  Farihi            JAYMIPS1     30807 iracmap      31.01   2006-12-26 04:12:11.7     19024896  IRAC-0007                               
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.02   2006-12-26 04:41:08.5     20993536  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_5          
HD219449                  23:15:53.49  -09:05:15.90  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.48   2006-12-26 04:45:29.7     17559808  NSEXOII-050                             
Fomalhaut                 22:57:39.05  -29:37:20.00  Marengo           FAB2         30754 iracmap     258.50   2006-12-26 04:58:36.7     18952192  Fomalhaut E2 IRAC12                     
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-26 10:38:09.1     20974848  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_4        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-26 10:38:44.0     20983808  anneal                                  
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-26 10:57:37.4     19348224  GL876_GO3_12                            
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-26 11:15:42.5     19348480  HD216845_GO3_12                         
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.02   2006-12-26 11:38:08.5     20993280  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_4          
TXS 2332+154              23:34:58.38  +15:45:50.30  Stockton          Z2.5-STOCKTO 30240 iracmap     133.57   2006-12-26 11:44:58.1     17909504  IRAC-0005                               
SDSS J133219.65+622716.0  13:32:19.66  +62:27:16.00  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      25.87   2006-12-26 14:02:59.5     18248704  IRAC-1332p6227                          
XBSJ143835+642928         14:38:35.12  +64:29:28.30  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.27   2006-12-26 14:26:57.6     18606080  IRAC-0012                               
XBSJ134656+580315         13:46:56.73  +58:03:15.40  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.28   2006-12-26 14:40:20.4     18605568  IRAC-0010                               
MRK178                    11:33:28.90  +49:14:14.00  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.40   2006-12-26 14:54:55.6     18886912  IRAC - MRK178                           
SDSS152556.23+591659.5    15:25:56.23  +59:16:59.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-26 15:04:40.0     18080256  IRAC-0000 - SDSS152556.23+591659.5      
3C280                     12:56:57.09  +47:20:19.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-26 15:11:49.4     18059520  IRAC-0000 - 3C280                       
SDSS122339.34+461118.7    12:23:39.34  +46:11:18.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-26 15:17:30.7     18076928  IRAC-0000 - SDSS122339.34+461118.7      
ugc 6869                  11:53:41.37  +47:51:31.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.55   2006-12-26 15:23:00.9     19190272  IRAC-0040                               
NGC4026                   11:59:25.19  +50:57:42.10  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.83   2006-12-26 15:32:59.3     18034176  T78I_NGC4026                            
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-26 16:04:57.0     19348736  GL876_GO3_13                            
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-26 16:23:02.4     19348992  HD216845_GO3_13                         
sa68 8846                 00:16:31.07  +15:52:20.07  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap      85.42   2006-12-26 16:47:59.4     18716672  IRAC-22 sa68 8846                       
sa68 17169                00:16:56.24  +16:07:11.44  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap     151.87   2006-12-26 18:10:07.1     18717184  IRAC-24 sa68 17169                      
HR Peg                    22:54:35.63  +16:56:30.60  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.76   2006-12-26 20:40:58.8     17623296  HR Peg E2                               
NGC 7469                  23:03:15.62  +08:52:26.40  Lawrence          TNG-SN         108 iracmap       8.60   2006-12-26 20:47:33.2      5001984  TNG-SN-NGC7469-04                       
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-26 21:52:56.1     20975104  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_5        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-26 21:53:28.8     20984064  anneal                                  
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-26 22:12:26.7     19349248  GL876_GO3_14                            
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-26 22:30:32.0     19349504  HD216845_GO3_14                         
WD2353+026                23:56:27.77  +02:57:05.60  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.29   2006-12-26 22:54:31.1     19073792  IRAC-0030                               
ULAS 0034                 00:34:02.77  +00:52:06.70  Leggett           COOLYT         281 iracmap      57.61   2006-12-26 23:09:17.5     20890624  IRAC-ULAS0034-0001 - 0001               
3C 9                      00:20:25.32  +15:40:53.30  Uchiyama          UCHIYAMA_JET 30854 iracmap      78.15   2006-12-27 00:06:05.6     19064064  IRAC-3c9                                
ugc 9837                  15:23:51.67  +58:03:10.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.57   2006-12-27 01:28:46.6     19192832  IRAC-0050                               
ugc 6918                  11:56:28.10  +55:07:30.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.54   2006-12-27 01:41:16.6     19191040  IRAC-0043                               
SDSS J121221.56+534127.9  12:12:21.56  +53:41:27.90  Shemmer           HIZWLQ       30476 iracmap      18.62   2006-12-27 01:51:09.2     18248192  IRAC-1212p5341                          
PG1210+533                12:13:24.60  +53:03:57.40  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      37.40   2006-12-27 02:06:44.5     18229504  IRAC-PG1210                             
SBS1221+545B              12:24:23.01  +54:14:47.50  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.09   2006-12-27 02:41:17.3     17563136  Wu_IRAC-0009                            
SBS1219+559               12:21:28.98  +55:38:23.30  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.09   2006-12-27 02:47:38.1     17562880  Wu_IRAC-0008                            
SBS1235+559               12:37:36.93  +55:41:04.40  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.09   2006-12-27 02:54:08.7     17563648  Wu_IRAC-0011                            
WD1247+550                12:50:07.74  +54:47:06.40  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.91   2006-12-27 03:00:33.1     17867008  IRAC-1247+550                           
GD323                     13:04:32.20  +59:27:32.80  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      37.41   2006-12-27 03:09:16.5     18228992  IRAC-GD323                              
NGC3522                   11:06:40.46  +20:05:08.10  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.40   2006-12-27 03:47:10.9     18195456  IRAC-NGC3522                            
HD_166                    00:06:36.78  +29:01:17.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.09   2006-12-27 04:20:37.5     18008320  epoch2-HD166                            
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-27 04:29:05.8     19349760  GL876_GO3_15                            
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-27 04:47:11.4     19350016  HD216845_GO3_15                         
NGC 2610                  08:33:23.32  -16:08:57.70  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      13.85   2006-12-27 05:18:34.1     17590016  IRAC-PN2-0005                           
DBSB2003T3+37             09:22:12.00  -48:05:02.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.87   2006-12-27 05:32:46.6     18906624  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+37               
HD73256                   08:36:23.02  -30:02:15.50  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.48   2006-12-27 05:40:08.6     17551616  NSEXOII-018                             
HD075654                  08:49:52.35  -39:08:29.80  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.46   2006-12-27 05:48:58.8     19076864  IRAC-0005                               
brc56                     08:42:59.54  -39:59:56.10  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.60   2006-12-27 05:53:36.4     17513728  IRAC-brc56                              
HD_74576                  08:43:18.03  -38:52:56.60  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.09   2006-12-27 05:58:20.2     18009600  epoch2-HD74576                          
HD41004A                  05:59:49.65  -48:14:22.90  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.49   2006-12-27 06:05:32.0     17560576  NSEXOII-053                             
2a                        05:22:15.72  -48:18:18.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.20   2006-12-27 06:13:58.4     17840384  IRAC-0006                               
2b                        05:21:59.95  -48:16:08.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap       8.69   2006-12-27 06:23:52.0     17840896  IRAC-0007 - 2b                          
ngc1808                   05:07:42.34  -37:30:47.00  Fisher            DBFISHER     30496 iracmap      38.86   2006-12-27 06:30:54.4     18284800  IRAC-NGC1808                            
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.02   2006-12-27 07:16:21.7     20993024  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_3          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-27 08:24:20.1     20975360  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_6        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-27 08:24:52.6     20984320  anneal                                  
GL876                     22:53:16.73  -14:15:49.30  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      20.77   2006-12-27 08:43:51.6     19350272  GL876_GO3_16                            
HD216845                  22:56:30.12  -14:59:22.50  Deming            SUPEREARTHS  30498 iracmap      24.09   2006-12-27 09:01:57.0     19350528  HD216845_GO3_16                         
PG1115+080                11:18:16.98  +07:45:59.40  Kochanek          KOCHANEKLENS 20451 iracmap      49.72   2006-12-27 09:35:43.6     14723584  IRAC-0000 - PG1115+080 - copy           
WD1015+161                10:18:03.85  +15:51:58.90  Jura              MIKEGTO        275 iracmap      31.05   2006-12-27 10:24:03.1     17494784  IRAC-0004                               
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 10:57:20.7     20727296  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt1      
Z3179                     10:25:58.00  +12:41:09.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.38   2006-12-27 11:01:06.4     18650112  IRAC-0013                               
SDSS103347.32+0094039.0   10:33:47.32  +09:40:39.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.73   2006-12-27 11:09:04.4     18103808  IRAC-0000 - SDSS103347.32+0094039.0     
NGC3384                   10:48:16.90  +12:37:45.50  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.83   2006-12-27 11:14:32.0     18032640  T78I_NGC3384                            
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 11:40:32.8     20727040  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt2      
2MA1017+1308              10:17:07.50  +13:08:40.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-27 11:44:32.1     17996544  epoch2-2MA1017-1308                     
JDROP1                    10:47:44.76  +13:46:58.10  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      20.64   2006-12-27 11:49:56.7     20042240  JDROP1_IRAC1                            
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 12:11:27.9     20726784  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt3      
NGC3419                   10:51:17.74  +13:56:45.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.40   2006-12-27 12:15:09.1     18194688  IRAC-NGC3419                            
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 12:42:22.3     20726528  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt4      
ugc 6077                  11:00:02.38  +14:50:29.70  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.14   2006-12-27 12:46:17.6     19188736  IRAC-0033                               
2MA1047+2124              10:47:53.90  +21:24:23.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-27 12:52:33.2     18006272  epoch2-2MA1047+2124                     
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 13:01:00.0     20726016  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt5      
A1204                     11:13:20.30  +17:35:41.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.40   2006-12-27 13:05:26.5     18650880  IRAC-0015                               
ugc 6445                  11:26:29.80  +16:51:47.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.14   2006-12-27 13:13:15.9     19189248  IRAC-0036                               
ugc 6693                  11:43:31.40  +22:43:31.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.56   2006-12-27 13:19:22.3     19190016  IRAC-0039                               
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 13:34:45.4     20725504  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt6      
HD89307                   10:18:21.29  +12:37:16.00  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.48   2006-12-27 13:38:45.8     17552128  NSEXOII-020                             
HD087271                  10:04:08.38  +11:37:42.60  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.46   2006-12-27 13:46:49.8     19080192  IRAC-0018                               
ugc 6077                  11:00:02.38  +14:50:29.70  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.15   2006-12-27 13:53:08.0     19188992  IRAC-0034                               
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 14:02:40.3     20724992  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt7      
HD091130                  10:31:51.38  +32:22:46.40  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.46   2006-12-27 14:07:47.6     19076608  IRAC-0004                               
XBSJ113121+310252         11:31:21.84  +31:02:52.60  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.27   2006-12-27 14:13:54.0     18605056  IRAC-0008                               
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 14:32:05.2     20724736  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt8      
ugc 6445                  11:26:29.80  +16:51:47.50  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.15   2006-12-27 14:36:48.5     19189504  IRAC-0037                               
SDSS105408.88+0042650.4   10:54:08.88  +04:26:50.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 14:43:43.3     18106112  IRAC-0000 - SDSS105408.88+0042650.4     
GL0406                    10:56:16.34  +06:58:36.98  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-27 14:48:49.7     17983488  epoch2-GL0406                           
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 14:58:12.7     20724480  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt9      
NGC3608                   11:16:58.96  +18:08:54.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.84   2006-12-27 15:02:43.6     18033408  T78I_NGC3608                            
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 15:29:19.3     20726272  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt10     
WD1022+009                10:25:23.93  +00:43:02.00  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      22.78   2006-12-27 15:34:17.8     17877248  IRAC-WD1022+009                         
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 15:59:22.3     20725760  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt11     
SDSS100943.56+052953.9    10:09:43.56  +05:29:53.90  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.73   2006-12-27 16:04:02.4     18073600  IRAC-0000 - SDSS100943.56+052953.9      
SDSS100906.35+0023555.3   10:09:06.35  +02:35:55.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.73   2006-12-27 16:09:13.6     18106624  IRAC-0000 - SDSS100906.35+0023555.3     
SDSS102005.99+0033308.5   10:20:05.99  +03:33:08.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.73   2006-12-27 16:14:28.6     18101760  IRAC-0000 - SDSS102005.99+0033308.5     
SDSS100730.47+0050942.3   10:07:30.47  +05:09:42.30  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.73   2006-12-27 16:19:43.0     18090752  IRAC-0000 - SDSS100730.47+0050942.3     
93 Minerva                    2000093    93 Minerva  Fazio             GTOASTS      30252 iracmap       6.14   2006-12-27 16:29:40.1     20725248  GTO3_AstLC_93Minerva_epoch1_v2_pt12     
11                        10:48:21.60  -04:12:39.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      10.52   2006-12-27 16:35:12.8     17847296  IRAC-0001 - 11                          
A1084                     10:44:32.90  -07:04:08.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.40   2006-12-27 16:43:09.6     18661632  IRAC-0050                               
LH0292                    10:48:12.60  -11:20:14.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-27 16:51:13.0     17983232  epoch2-LH0292                           
SDSS110636.79-024505.2    11:06:36.79  -02:45:05.20  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 16:56:44.6     18071552  IRAC-0000 - SDSS110636.79-024505.2      
SDS1110+0116              11:10:10.00  +01:16:13.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-27 17:02:05.4     18005760  epoch2-SDS1110+0116                     
ugc 6463                  11:28:00.61  +29:30:39.40  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.55   2006-12-27 17:09:12.8     19189760  IRAC-0038                               
6CE 1129+3710             11:32:35.65  +36:54:16.40  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.74   2006-12-27 17:19:49.5     18061568  IRAC-0000 - 6CE 1129+3710               
A1068                     10:40:44.40  +39:57:12.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.40   2006-12-27 17:25:53.1     18650368  IRAC-0014                               
GL0412AB                  11:05:28.58  +43:31:36.30  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-27 17:34:10.3     17984000  epoch2-GL0412AB                         
A1361                     11:43:39.50  +46:21:22.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.38   2006-12-27 17:39:37.1     18651136  IRAC-0016                               
ugc 7416                  12:21:39.19  +40:50:56.10  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.56   2006-12-27 17:48:06.3     19191552  IRAC-0045                               
6CE 1212+3805             12:14:56.70  +37:48:51.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 17:58:07.9     18061824  IRAC-0000 - 6CE 1212+3805               
6CE 1217+3645             12:20:09.82  +36:29:06.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 18:03:05.5     18062080  IRAC-0000 - 6CE 1217+3645               
SDSS132909.25+480109.7    13:29:09.25  +48:01:09.70  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 18:09:48.9     18075136  IRAC-0000 - SDSS132909.25+480109.7      
3C289                     13:45:26.37  +49:46:32.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 18:15:02.7     18060032  IRAC-0000 - 3C289                       
SDSS145506.12+0562935.6   14:55:06.12  +56:29:35.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 18:21:14.7     18099200  IRAC-0000 - SDSS145506.12+0562935.6     
2MA1204+3212              12:04:30.40  +32:13:00.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-27 18:29:17.5     17993728  epoch2-2MA1204+3212                     
NGC4104                   12:06:38.80  +28:10:27.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 iracmap      10.41   2006-12-27 18:34:17.1     18651392  IRAC-0017                               
GL0411                    11:03:20.19  +35:58:11.60  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.09   2006-12-27 18:43:25.3     17983744  epoch2-GL0411                           
ugc 5180                  09:42:03.33  +00:20:11.30  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.14   2006-12-27 18:51:03.7     19188224  IRAC-0031                               
NGC2974                   09:42:33.28  -03:41:56.90  Fazio             ELLIPTICALS3 30318 iracmap      24.83   2006-12-27 18:56:52.5     18032384  T78I_NGC2974                            
LCDCS 0057                10:18:46.40  -12:11:53.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 iracmap      27.06   2006-12-27 19:20:19.0     17785856  LCDCS 0057-IRAC                         
11                        10:48:21.60  -04:12:39.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.20   2006-12-27 19:45:45.0     17847040  IRAC-0000 - 11                          
3                         10:49:37.89  -04:17:30.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      13.20   2006-12-27 19:55:47.6     17841920  IRAC-0000 - 3                           
3                         10:49:37.89  -04:17:30.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      10.52   2006-12-27 20:05:41.4     17842176  IRAC-0001 - 3                           
ERO2MASS9                 09:52:28.53  +00:15:26.30  Georgakakis       2MASSEROS1   30607 iracmap       5.91   2006-12-27 20:17:47.4     18613760  IRAC-0000 - ERO2MASS9                   
ugc 5180                  09:42:03.33  +00:20:11.30  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap       8.15   2006-12-27 20:21:03.0     19188480  IRAC-0032                               
4                         10:54:14.78  -05:48:51.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap       9.20   2006-12-27 20:28:17.6     17842432  IRAC-0008                               
4                         10:54:14.78  -05:48:51.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap       7.17   2006-12-27 20:34:10.2     17842688  IRAC-0009                               
8a                        10:55:10.06  -05:04:14.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      50.22   2006-12-27 20:38:23.6     17844992  IRAC-0012                               
SDSS112317.52+0051804.0   11:23:17.52  +05:18:04.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.75   2006-12-27 21:27:08.3     18102784  IRAC-0000 - SDSS112317.52+0051804.0     
HD106223                  12:13:16.90  +30:16:58.90  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.46   2006-12-27 21:34:27.3     19078912  IRAC-0013                               
WD1108+207                11:10:59.38  +20:26:05.70  Kilic             MUKREMIN     30208 iracmap      10.91   2006-12-27 21:41:02.9     17871104  IRAC-1108+207                           
XBSJ113148+311358         11:31:48.70  +31:13:58.80  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.27   2006-12-27 21:50:22.1     18605312  IRAC-0009                               
IRAS11038+3217            11:06:35.72  +32:01:46.40  Houck             ULIRGS_GTO2  30073 iracmap       4.85   2006-12-27 22:03:22.5     17522688  IRAC-gto2-ulirg020                      
WD1133+293                11:36:14.08  +29:01:31.30  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      10.85   2006-12-27 22:06:10.5     19074816  IRAC-0013                               
WD1120+439                11:22:55.21  +43:42:56.90  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      10.84   2006-12-27 22:15:57.5     19074560  IRAC-0010                               
ucm0014+1829              00:17:15.07  +18:46:17.50  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.64   2006-12-27 22:33:10.5     18711296  IRAC-01 ucm0014+1829                    
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-27 22:39:10.7     20992768  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_2          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-27 23:55:43.0     20975616  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_7        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-27 23:56:13.4     20984576  anneal                                  
ST LMi                    11:05:39.75  +25:06:28.90  Hoard             POLARS       30249 iracmap       9.09   2006-12-28 00:16:40.0     17917440  IRAC-stlmi                              
cas a                     23:23:40.00  +58:50:30.00  Rudnick           CASGO3       30153 iracmap     174.75   2006-12-28 00:30:25.8     17849344  casa-irac largemap                      
Q2343                     23:46:27.00  +12:48:19.50  Steidel           STEIDELGO3   30416 iracmap     328.35   2006-12-28 03:21:46.7     18219520  IRAC-Q2343                              
SDSS003146.07+0134629.6   00:31:46.07  +13:46:29.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.80   2006-12-28 08:47:55.6     18092800  IRAC-0000 - SDSS003146.07+0134629.6     
WD0010+280                00:13:20.98  +28:20:19.90  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.34   2006-12-28 08:54:37.8     19067904  IRAC-0003                               
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-28 09:11:56.0     20994048  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_7          
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-28 10:16:55.7     20975872  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_8        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-28 10:17:23.0     20984832  anneal                                  
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-28 10:39:33.5     20994304  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_8          
sa68 17418                00:17:45.37  +16:07:46.49  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap     247.82   2006-12-28 10:46:52.3     18717440  IRAC-25 sa68 17418                      
SN 2002hh                 20:34:44.29  +60:07:19.00  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap      12.10   2006-12-28 14:56:25.9     18269440  02hh-IRAC-2                             
HATP1-ch24-bl             22:57:51.79  +38:39:29.70  Harrington        JH-ESP-TOO   30129 irac         11.37   2006-12-28 15:08:41.3     21060864  p30129_IRAC_HATP1b_ecl_ch24_1_ci        
HATP1-ch24                22:57:42.68  +38:41:31.10  Harrington        JH-ESP-TOO   30129 irac        356.30   2006-12-28 15:20:24.5     21060608  p30129_IRAC_HATP1b_ecl_ch24_1           
HATP1-ch24-bl             22:57:51.79  +38:39:29.70  Harrington        JH-ESP-TOO   30129 irac         11.37   2006-12-28 21:19:42.6     21061120  p30129_IRAC_HATP1b_ecl_ch24_1_co        
ugc 7917                  12:44:26.21  +37:07:16.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 iracmap      12.57   2006-12-28 21:39:39.0     19191808  IRAC-0046                               
KISS J121407.7+423828.1   12:14:07.70  +42:38:28.10  Fazio             JLR_IRAC     30134 iracmap      10.63   2006-12-28 21:50:20.2     19387392  KISS_BACKUP - J121407.7+423828.1        
NGC4117                   12:07:46.11  +43:07:34.90  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.40   2006-12-28 21:58:01.8     19351296  IRAC-NGC4117                            
UGC6805                   11:50:12.29  +42:04:28.20  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.39   2006-12-28 22:21:47.6     18196992  IRAC-UGC6805                            
XBSJ112026+431520         11:20:26.72  +43:15:20.30  Severgnini        HBS_FINAL    30606 iracmap      15.26   2006-12-28 22:45:49.9     18604800  IRAC-0007                               
MRK162                    11:05:08.12  +44:44:47.20  Rieke             LOWZ_MIPS    30732 iracmap       9.41   2006-12-28 22:58:27.1     18888960  IRAC - MRK162                           
NGC3870                   11:45:56.60  +50:11:59.10  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.39   2006-12-28 23:06:12.9     18196736  IRAC-NGC3870                            
NGC5173                   13:28:25.30  +46:35:29.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.43   2006-12-28 23:31:41.3     18197760  IRAC-NGC5173                            
SBS1538+584               15:39:56.92  +58:15:33.40  Houck             BCD_SED_GTO  30172 iracmap       9.10   2006-12-28 23:57:22.7     17564160  Wu_IRAC-0013                            
WD1635+608                16:36:35.44  +60:42:01.30  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.29   2006-12-29 00:04:36.7     19072768  IRAC-0025                               
TOOT1140                  00:08:30.80  +36:21:48.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.80   2006-12-29 00:23:58.9     18064640  IRAC-0000 - TOOT1140                    
BDSB2003+35               22:56:17.00  +58:31:14.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.89   2006-12-29 00:31:50.6     18916096  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+35                 
BDSB2003+37               22:59:06.00  +59:28:33.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.90   2006-12-29 00:36:50.8     18916864  IRAC-0000 - BDSB2003+37                 
SN 2004et                 20:35:25.36  +60:07:17.70  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap      12.10   2006-12-29 00:44:05.3     18277120  04et-IRAC-2                             
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-29 02:02:54.6     20976128  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_9        
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-29 02:03:47.8     20982016  anneal                                  
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-29 02:24:55.8     20994560  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_9          
ucm0019+2201              00:21:48.35  +22:18:05.40  Lowenthal         LCBGS_EV     30670 iracmap       5.64   2006-12-29 02:32:03.4     18711552  IRAC-02 ucm0019+2201                    
SN 2005cs                 13:29:53.37  +47:10:28.20  Sugerman          BEKS_SEEDS   30494 iracmap      12.12   2006-12-29 02:42:49.6     18279168  05cs-IRAC-1                             
Cl 1257+47                12:57:10.00  +47:37:58.00  Ulmer             ULMER        30957 iracmap      77.97   2006-12-29 02:52:40.0     20637952  IRAC-CL1257+47                          
UGC6637                   11:40:24.86  +28:22:25.60  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.40   2006-12-29 04:09:27.7     18196224  IRAC-UGC6637                            
UGC6655                   11:41:50.63  +15:58:25.40  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.42   2006-12-29 04:34:01.5     18196480  IRAC-UGC6655                            
PG1057+719                11:00:34.20  +71:38:02.90  Burleigh          BURLEIGH_HOT 30432 iracmap      71.36   2006-12-29 05:01:38.7     18231040  IRAC-PG1057                             
HD111604                  12:50:10.74  +37:31:01.00  Kamp              LAMBOO       30858 iracmap       7.46   2006-12-29 06:12:40.0     19079424  IRAC-0015                               
arp270                    10:49:52.50  +32:59:21.00  Krmpotic          ERNEST       20671 iracmap      12.83   2006-12-29 06:19:26.4     20638464  IRAC-0002                               
JDROP1                    10:47:44.76  +13:46:58.10  Malkan            Z10NICPAR    30008 iracmap      56.27   2006-12-29 06:30:57.0     20041728  JDROP1_IRAC2                            
COSMOS 16                 09:57:58.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     130.96   2006-12-29 07:25:58.4     21061632  Cosmos 16 - new                         
8a                        10:55:10.06  -05:04:14.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      26.11   2006-12-29 09:35:03.6     17845248  IRAC-0013                               
8b                        10:55:35.74  -04:59:33.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      26.11   2006-12-29 09:57:52.2     17845760  IRAC-0013 - 8b                          
257.6+02                  08:36:35.75  -37:31:22.84  Majewski          ARGUS        20499 iracmap      65.61   2006-12-29 10:24:36.0     14774528  IRAC-0001 - 257.6+02                    
RS Pup                    08:13:04.22  -34:34:42.70  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       6.94   2006-12-29 11:26:32.6     18680064  IRAC_RS_Pup                             
brc55                     08:41:13.03  -40:52:03.30  Fazio             LALLEN_BRC   30050 iracmap       7.60   2006-12-29 11:31:23.3     17513216  IRAC-brc55                              
hd77581                   09:02:06.86  -40:33:16.90  Noriega-Crespo    ALBERTONC    30088 iracmap      37.11   2006-12-29 11:36:37.0     17775616  IRAC-hd77581                            
vela X-1                  09:02:06.86  -40:33:16.90  Iping             VELACAM      30174 iracmap      41.24   2006-12-29 12:09:32.6     17858304  IRAC-0001                               
DBSB2003T3+35             09:15:11.00  -47:28:32.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.87   2006-12-29 12:48:41.0     18906112  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+35               
SW Vel                    08:43:38.69  -47:24:11.20  Evans             CEPHEIDS     30666 iracmap       8.27   2006-12-29 12:54:20.4     18676480  IRAC_SW_Vel                             
CL1054-1245               10:54:40.70  -12:45:20.00  Lehnert           MLEHNERTLBGS 20706 iracmap     234.92   2006-12-29 13:12:04.7     14994944  CL1054-1245                             
NGC 3242                  10:24:46.11  -18:38:32.60  Fazio             PNE-2        30285 iracmap      13.83   2006-12-29 17:04:41.5     17590528  IRAC-PN2-0007                           
LCDCS 0188                10:59:09.50  -12:53:15.00  Finn              EDISFR       30102 iracmap      27.10   2006-12-29 17:16:44.5     17786112  LCDCS 0188-IRAC                         
HD99492                   11:26:46.28  +03:00:22.80  Fazio             SCHUSTER     30136 iracmap      10.50   2006-12-29 17:42:15.5     17552384  NSEXOII-021                             
WD1115+166                11:17:55.15  +16:21:29.00  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      16.27   2006-12-29 17:51:19.1     19069952  IRAC-0014                               
SAGE-offset               05:29:00.00  -45:57:00.00  Meixner           SAGE         20203 iracmap      26.03   2006-12-29 18:11:51.3     21060352  SAGE_IRAC_OFF_NEW                       
IC 2391                   08:40:12.00  -53:04:00.00  Rieke             MIPS_IC2391  30802 iracmap     191.27   2006-12-29 18:37:07.7     17476608  IC2391_IRAC_map                         
DBSB2003T3+23             08:48:48.00  -42:54:27.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.86   2006-12-29 21:41:41.7     18905088  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+23               
DBSB2003T3+26             08:46:34.00  -43:54:28.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.86   2006-12-29 21:46:35.1     18904832  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+26               
HD_102647                 11:49:03.58  +14:34:19.40  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-29 21:56:41.1     18010112  epoch2-HD102647                         
GL0071                    01:44:04.09  -15:56:14.90  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-29 22:12:35.8     17979904  epoch2-GL0071                           
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-30 00:07:19.8     20976640  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_11       
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-30 00:08:12.4     20982528  anneal                                  
TOOT1066                  00:13:48.30  +34:56:57.60  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.80   2006-12-30 00:27:32.6     18064896  IRAC-0000 - TOOT1066                    
COSMOS 15                 09:59:38.00  +01:35:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     190.54   2006-12-30 00:43:10.8     21062144  Cosmos 15 - epoch 2 - new               
COSMOS 15                 09:59:32.00  +01:37:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     190.52   2006-12-30 03:50:09.4     21062400  Cosmos 15 - epoch 3 - new               
COSMOS 16                 09:57:58.00  +01:35:30.00  Sanders           SCOSMOS      20070 iracmap     130.96   2006-12-30 06:57:02.5     21061888  Cosmos 16 - epoch 2 - new               
WD0956+045                09:58:37.23  +04:21:34.40  Holberg           HOLBERG_COMP 30856 iracmap      10.85   2006-12-30 09:05:09.8     19069184  IRAC-0008                               
NGC3032                   09:52:08.17  +29:14:10.40  Kannappan         JESSE        30406 iracmap      26.46   2006-12-30 09:15:19.2     18194176  IRAC-NGC3032                            
AR UMa                    11:15:44.68  +42:58:22.50  Hoard             POLARS       30249 iracmap      10.55   2006-12-30 09:40:47.7     17917184  IRAC-aruma                              
DEN1058-1509              10:58:32.00  -15:09:55.00  Luhman            KLUHMAN3     30298 iracmap       7.25   2006-12-30 09:52:54.9     17990656  epoch2-DEN1058-1509                     
8b                        10:55:35.74  -04:59:33.00  Wittman           DLS          30150 iracmap      50.22   2006-12-30 09:58:29.3     17845504  IRAC-0012 - 8b                          
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-30 10:57:05.5     20995072  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2_11         
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-30 12:05:32.2     20973824  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06          
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-30 12:07:53.0     20981504  anneal                                  
TOOT1267                  00:15:31.00  +36:12:16.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 iracmap       7.80   2006-12-30 13:58:35.5     18065152  IRAC-0000 - TOOT1267                    
WASP1b-ch24-bl            00:20:33.00  +31:58:32.00  Wheatley          WASP12         282 irac         11.32   2006-12-30 14:04:01.5     21059840  p282_IRAC_WASP1b_ecl_ch24_1_ci          
WASP1b-ch24               00:20:44.16  +31:58:20.10  Wheatley          WASP12         282 irac        452.44   2006-12-30 14:15:26.5     21059584  p282_IRAC_WASP1b_ecl_ch24_1             
WASP1b-ch24-bl            00:20:33.00  +31:58:32.00  Wheatley          WASP12         282 irac         11.32   2006-12-30 21:41:19.5     21061376  p282_IRAC_WASP1b_ecl_ch24_1_co          
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-30 22:08:33.7     20976896  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06_12       
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      10.15   2006-12-30 22:20:22.5     20972288  skydrk_0.02_subarray_1                  
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         11.45   2006-12-30 22:25:43.4     20982784  anneal                                  
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       6.05   2006-12-30 22:27:11.9     20972544  skydrk_0.1_subarray_1                   
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       8.90   2006-12-30 22:29:51.7     20972800  skydrk_0.4_subarray_1                   
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.98   2006-12-30 22:35:28.0     20973056  skydrk_0.4|2_stellar_1                  
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.98   2006-12-30 22:40:04.0     20970496  skydrk_2_1                              
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.20   2006-12-30 22:44:37.2     20971264  skydrk_12hdr_1                          
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      10.90   2006-12-30 22:52:20.4     20970752  skydrk_12_1                             
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      17.17   2006-12-30 22:59:48.6     20971520  skydrk_30hdr_1                          
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      16.09   2006-12-30 23:13:31.6     20971008  skydrk_30_1                             
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      41.59   2006-12-30 23:26:10.8     20972032  skydrk_100hdr_1                         
Best NEP c38 Dec 06       17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      54.30   2006-12-31 00:04:22.4     20971776  skydrk_100_1                            
zody_field_c38_nearPos24_ 23:14:21.91  +00:31:49.56  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap     239.86   2006-12-31 01:01:53.2     20973568  skyflt_zody_field_c38_nearPos24_1       
1812095                   18:12:09.56  +63:29:42.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.71   2006-12-31 05:04:04.7     20960000  IRAC_calstar_1812095_s12l30_1           
KF09T1                    17:59:23.03  +66:02:56.20  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       8.70   2006-12-31 05:13:13.9     20965888  IRAC_calstar_KF09T1_s2l12_1             
KF08T3                    17:55:16.20  +66:10:11.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.70   2006-12-31 05:18:41.5     20965376  IRAC_calstar_KF08T3_s12l30_1            
KF06T2                    17:58:37.90  +66:46:52.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.70   2006-12-31 05:27:22.5     20964864  IRAC_calstar_KF06T2_s12l30_1            
KF06T1                    17:57:58.50  +66:52:29.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap      11.70   2006-12-31 05:35:42.9     20964352  IRAC_calstar_KF06T1_s12l30_1            
NPM1p67.0536              17:58:54.52  +67:47:37.30  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.03   2006-12-31 05:44:22.9     20966912  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p67.0536_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p68.0422              18:47:19.68  +68:16:44.60  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.02   2006-12-31 05:49:04.9     20967424  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p68.0422_spt4l2_1      
NPM1p60.0581              17:24:52.27  +60:25:50.70  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       8.73   2006-12-31 05:54:31.1     20966400  IRAC_calstar_NPM1p60.0581_s2l12_1       
HD165459                  18:02:30.74  +58:37:38.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.07   2006-12-31 06:00:55.1     20960512  IRAC_calstar_HD165459_spt4l2_1          
HD218528                  23:08:49.41  -08:48:28.10  Reach             CAL_IRAC_114  1141 iracmap       7.04   2006-12-31 06:11:29.5     20992256  IRAC_calstar_HD218528_spt4l2            
DBSB2003T3+17             08:20:54.00  -36:12:57.00  Figer             DFIGER       30734 iracmap       7.88   2006-12-31 06:24:07.1     18904064  IRAC-0000 - DBSB2003T3+17               
SS Peg                    22:33:58.33  +24:33:54.00  Fazio             AGB_GTO      30411 iracmap       5.76   2006-12-31 06:39:44.9     17619200  SS Peg E2                               
Best NEP c38 Dec06        17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       3.93   2006-12-31 07:18:01.6     20985856  IRAC_latent_safe_nep_c38_Dec06          
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       6.05   2006-12-31 07:30:00.9     20987648  skydrk_pha0.1_subarray                  
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       4.65   2006-12-31 07:32:46.6     20987904  skydrk_pha0.4|2_stellar                 
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       7.98   2006-12-31 07:34:07.0     20986112  skydrk_pha2                             
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      11.20   2006-12-31 07:38:40.6     20986880  skydrk_pha12hdr                         
none                                                 Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 irac         11.66   2006-12-31 07:44:37.0     20988160  anneal                                  
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      10.90   2006-12-31 07:46:23.8     20986368  skydrk_pha12                            
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap       5.16   2006-12-31 07:53:53.6     20986624  skydrk_pha30                            
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      12.21   2006-12-31 07:55:44.8     20987392  skydrk_pha100hdr                        
Best NEP                  17:40:07.20  +69:00:36.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_116  1163 iracmap      54.30   2006-12-31 08:04:38.8     20987136  skydrk_pha100                           
Patten-CVZ-Dark01         17:59:13.36  +66:12:33.00  Reach             CAL_IRAC_124  1241 irac         14.94   2006-12-31 08:56:36.2     20985088  IRAC_nom_short_flood_cal_s30l12         
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-12-31 11:22:39.4     21002240  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
zodi_30a[340]             22:43:46.26  -02:39:36.95  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_188  1880 mipsphot    175.54   2006-12-31 11:36:46.2     20996608  calflt-38MC-24photsmall - smd           
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-12-31 14:30:09.8     21002496  anneal                                  
zodi_30b                  23:00:15.74  +04:27:58.74  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_188  1880 mipsscan    138.92   2006-12-31 14:37:11.6     20996864  calflt-38MC-fastscan.aor                
HD173398                  18:40:56.40  +62:44:58.00  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mipsphot      6.33   2006-12-31 16:57:46.3     20998912  MIPS-CALMC38-ROUTINE-24um-HD173398      
HD180711                  19:12:33.30  +67:39:41.50  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mipsphot     17.54   2006-12-31 17:02:09.5     20999424  MIPS-CALMC38-ROUTINE-Ge-HD180711        
mips_ier910-DarkCVZ       17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips         16.68   2006-12-31 17:18:24.7     21001728  mips_24umDrk-DrkCVZ                     
mips_drk70160cvz          17:15:50.00  +65:25:25.40  Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips         16.42   2006-12-31 17:35:16.0     21056256  mips_drk70160cvz                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-12-31 17:55:58.0     21030912  anneal                                  
A2218_A                   16:35:59.90  +66:12:42.00  Dowell            DOWELL_CLUST 30823 mipsphot    164.49   2006-12-31 17:59:59.2     19044096  MIPSP-DOWELL-A2218_A-160                
HIP78527                  16:01:53.09  +58:33:57.01  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.66   2006-12-31 20:42:51.9     19900416  AOR_2 - HIP78527                        
HIP76315                  15:35:20.22  +60:05:11.86  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.66   2006-12-31 20:53:26.3     19751680  AOR_2 - HIP76315                        
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-12-31 21:07:17.1     21036544  anneal                                  
SDSS152556.23+591659.5    15:25:56.23  +59:16:59.50  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-31 21:10:18.2     18116608  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS152556.23+591659.5     
ugc 9837                  15:23:51.67  +58:03:10.60  Swaters           DISKMASS1    30894 mipsphot     23.73   2006-12-31 21:15:03.4     19206400  MIPSP-0050                              
SDSS150133.92+613733.8    15:01:33.92  +61:37:33.80  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-31 21:36:43.6     18126848  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS150133.92+613733.8     
SDSS145506.12+0562935.6   14:55:06.12  +56:29:35.00  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot      7.43   2006-12-31 21:42:15.0     18135552  MIPSP-0000 - SDSS145506.12+0562935.6    
HIP71181                  14:33:28.73  +52:54:33.25  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.66   2006-12-31 21:47:40.0     19773952  AOR_2 - HIP71181                        
HIP65378                  13:23:55.74  +54:55:29.09  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.65   2006-12-31 21:58:58.5     19740160  AOR_2 - HIP65378                        
HIP66781                  13:41:13.40  +56:43:38.27  Koerner           NSTARS_3     30490 mipsphot     12.65   2006-12-31 22:09:16.1     19751424  AOR_2 - HIP66781                        
A1767                     13:36:08.10  +59:12:24.00  O'Dea             ODEA_CLUSTER 30659 mipsphot     21.09   2006-12-31 22:19:33.7     18645504  MIPSP-0080 - A1767                      
none                                                 Noriega-Crespo    CAL_MIPS_174  1742 mips          6.83   2006-12-31 23:39:39.2     21039360  anneal                                  
earth                                                                                                                                              downlink                                
TOOT1140                  00:08:30.80  +36:21:48.10  Jarvis            MJARVIS      30344 mipsphot     10.00   2006-12-31 23:52:40.5     18069760  MIPSP-0000 - TOOT1140