Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
IRAC Instrument Handbook
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Appendix J. List of Tables

Table 2.1: IRAC image quality properties. The second set of numbers for channels 1 and 2 are for the warm mission, and the rest of the numbers are for the cryogenic mission. Noise pixels are defined in Section 2.2.2.

Table 2.2: IRAC channel characteristics.

Table 2.3: IRAC read noise. The second set of numbers in channels 1 and 2 are for the warm mission.

Table 2.4: Useful quantities for IRAC sensitivity calculations. The second set of numbers in channels 1 and 2 are for the warm mission.

Table 2.5: Background brightness in IRAC channels. The second set of numbers in channels 1 and 2 are for the warm mission. Iν fS is the expected background brightness on the detectors, FνBG is the flux density on each pixel due to the background brightness, and B is the background brightness on the detectors in electrons per second units, using the FLUXCONV values given in Section 4.3 of this Handbook, and the Gain values in Table 2.4.

Table 2.6: Fowler numbers for IRAC frames. The numbers in parentheses are for channels 1 and 2 in the warm mission if different from the cryogenic values. Wait ticks are defined in Section 2.4.3.

Table 2.7: IRAC High Dynamic Range (HDR) framesets.

Table 2.8: IRAC point-source sensitivity, based on Equation (2.6), low background (1σ, μJy). The second set of numbers in parentheses for channels 1 and 2 are for the warm mission.

Table 2.9:  Same as Table 2.8 but for medium background (1σ, μJy).

Table 2.10: Same as Table 2.8 but for high background (1σ, μJy).

Table 2.11: Maximum unsaturated point source (in mJy), as a function of IRAC frame time. The second set of numbers in parentheses are for channels 1 and 2 are in the warm mission.

Table 3.1: Characteristics of the dither patterns.

Table 4.1: IRAC primary calibrator quoted flux densities and color corrections.

Table 4.2: The photometric calibration and zero magnitude flux densities for IRAC. Warm mission corrections are given as the second set of values in channels 1 and 2. Note that at the beginning of the warm mission the calibration was changing frequently. Different FLUXCONV values for these first months can be found on IRSA’s IRAC web pages (under “Warm IRAC Characteristics”).

Table 4.3: IRAC nominal wavelengths and bandwidths. Rmax is the maximum spectral response.

Table 4.4: Color corrections for power-law spectra, .

Table 4.5: Color corrections for blackbody spectra.

Table 4.6: Color corrections for zodiacal light spectrum.

Table 4.7: Color corrections for NGC 7023 (PAH-dominated) spectrum.

Table 4.8: Cryogenic and warm IRAC aperture corrections (warm corrections are given as the second set of values in channels 1 and 2). The radius is in native (≈ 1.2 arcsecond) pixels. To get arcseconds, multiply these numbers by the pixel size from Table 2.1.

Table 4.9: Pointing uncertainties.

Table 5.1: Bandwidth correction coefficients.

Table 6.1: Sample IRAC file names.

Table 7.1: Definition of bits in the pmask. The pipeline used all the bits.

Table 7.2: Definition of bits in the “imask.” The pipeline used bits 3 and 8-14.

Table 7.3: Fluence thresholds required for warm mission channel 2 residual image flagging.

Table 7.4: Warm mission residual image durations.

Table 7.5: Coefficients for channel 1 and 2 ghost locations.

Table 8.1: IRAC extended source photometric correction coefficients.

Table 8.2: IRAC surface brightness correction factors.

Table 8.3: Approximate levels of the residual fluxes as a function of channel and frame time.


Appendix K. Appendix List of Tables


Table C.1: Correction factors for PRF flux densities.

Table D.1: Examples of datasets with known noise pixel spikes.


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