Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
IRS Flats

Users who wish to derive their own flats for IRS data should see the IRS Instrument Handbook for a description of the procedure adopted during the Spitzer cold mission. Here we provide a tarfile (Tar File, 77 KB) containing IDL programs written to illustrate the flatmaking process for the Long Low module in more detail. They are not supported tools. Below is a list of the individual programs, along with a brief description of each.

1. makeflat.pro – This is the main program.

2. comb_nl.pro – Combines the data and makes a median and a mean file.

3. conwavlr.pro (conwavhr.pro) – Interpolates the model spectrum onto the wavsamp in 1-D.

4. de_extract.pro – Converts the 1-D spectrum into a 2-D file. The program de_extract.pro lives within a package called poly_mask_new which contains the program de_extract.pro, read_tbl.pro and poly_mask.pro.

5. irsclean_mask.pro – this is within the IRSCLEAN software package.

6. flattenitir.pro – example of low resolution version of program that removes the spectral variation. The high resolution version simply goes through orders 11-20 instead of 1-3.