AORKEY = 10315264
PI = Kathleen Kraemer
PROGID = 3121
PROTITLE = Infrared Dark Clouds in the Inner Galaxy
OBJECT = DF15.05+0.09
PKUPACCU = Moderate
PKUPFLUX = 100.300
PTGDIFF (ACQ) = 0.085509768
PTGDIFF (SS) = 30.864780
ACQ XC = 12008
ACQ YC = 1896
SS XC = 11095
SS YC = 2801
The sence is complex. A bright source at the very edge of the field
was correctly centroided in ACQ, moved to the SS and then to the slit.
It's likely that the science target was lost, but observer should
double check. (Note that the source closest to the ACQ aim point was
only the 3rd brightest thing in the field).