Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
IRS Instrument Handbook

Table of Contents

Chapter 1.        Introduction.

1.1          Document Purpose and Scope.

1.2          Basic Definitions.

1.3          IRS Essentials.

1.4          Standard Acknowledgements for IRS Publications.

1.5          How to Contact Us.

Chapter 2.        Instrument Description.

2.1          Overview

2.2          PSF.

2.3          Short-Low (SL) Module.

2.4          Long-Low (LL) Module.

2.5          Short-High (SH) Module.

2.6          Long-High (LH) Module.

2.7          Peak-Up Imaging.

2.8          Detectors.

2.8.1      Bias and Detective Quantum Efficiency in LL and LH

2.8.2      Array Temperature Control and Annealing.

2.8.3      IRS Detector Characteristics.

2.9          Electronics.

2.9.1      Combined Electronics Sybsystem

2.9.2      Analog Signal Processing.

2.9.3      Array Clock and Operation.

2.10       Sensitivity.

2.10.1         Equations for Calculating Sensitivity and Signal-To-Noise for Point Sources.

2.10.2         Spectroscopic Sensitivity to Point Sources in the Faint-Source Limit

2.10.3         Spectroscopic Sensitivity Correction for Extended Sources.

2.10.4         Spectroscopic Sensitivity Correction for Bright Sources.

2.10.5         Imaging Sensitivity to Point Sources.

Chapter 3.        Operating Modes.

3.1          Staring-Mode Spectroscopy.

3.1.1      Standard Staring Mode.

3.1.2      Peak-Up Only Staring Mode.

3.2          Mapping-Mode Spectroscopy.

3.3          Peak-up Imaging (PUI)

Chapter 4.        Calibration.

4.1          Spectroscopic Calibration.

4.1.1      Dark frames.

4.1.2      Flat fields.

4.1.3      Wavelength Calibration.

4.1.4      Spectrophotometric Calibration for Point-Sources.

4.1.5      Spectrophotometric Calibration for Extended Sources.

4.2          Peak-Up Imaging (PUI) Calibration.

4.2.1      Sky Darks.

4.2.2      Sky Flats.

4.2.3      Point Spread Function (PSF) and Point Response Function (PRF)

4.2.4      Photometric Calibration.

4.3          Peak-Up Acquisition (PUA) Calibration.

Chapter 5.        Pipeline Processing.

5.1          Description of Modules in the BCD Pipeline.

5.1.1      CVTI2R4.

5.1.2      SNEST_IRS.

5.1.3      DNTOFLUX.

5.1.4      RADHIT_SAT.

5.1.5      SATCOR.

5.1.6      DROOPOP.

5.1.7      ROWDROOP.

5.1.8      SNEST_IRS2.

5.1.9      DARKBASE.

5.1.10         CUBESUB.

5.1.11         LINEARIZ.

5.1.12         RADHIT.

5.1.13         DARKDRIFT.

5.1.14         SLOPE_FINDER.

5.1.15         DROOPRES.

5.1.16         REMOVSTRAYCROSS.

5.1.17         FLATAP.

5.1.18         VELOCITY.

5.1.19         FPGEN

5.1.20         HDRUPD8.

5.2          Notes on Uncertainty Propagation in the BCD Pipeline.

5.3          Description of Modules in the Dark Calibration Pipeline (Creation of dark.fits)

5.3.1      Dark Calibration Pre-Processing Pipeline.

5.3.2      Dark Calibration Ensemble Pipeline.

5.4          Description of Modules in the Peak-Up Cutouts Pipeline.

5.4.1      CROPFITS.

5.4.2      DNTOFLUX.

5.5          Description of Modules in the 2-Dimensional Coadder Pipeline.

5.5.1      COADD2D

5.6          Description of Modules in the Background Subtraction Pipeline.

5.6.1      IMSUBTRACT.

5.7          Description of Modules in the Spectral Extraction Pipeline.

5.7.1      PROFILE.

5.7.2      RIDGE.

5.7.3      EXTRACT.

5.7.4      IRS_TUNE.

5.7.5      TBL2FITS.

Chapter 6.        Data Products.

6.1          Classes of Spitzer Data Products.

6.2          File Naming Convention.

6.2.1      Raw and Level 1 (BCD) Data.

6.2.2      Level 2 (PBCD) Data.

6.2.3      Calibration Data.

6.3          Spectroscopic Data Products.

6.3.1      Raw Data.

6.3.2      Calibration Data.

6.3.3      Level 1, Basic Calibrated Data, or BCDs.

6.3.4      Level 2 (Post-BCD) Data.

6.4          Peak-Up Acquisition (PUA) Products.

6.5          Bit Masks.

6.5.1      Pixel Mask - pmask.fits.

6.5.2      DCE Mask - dmask.fits.

6.5.3      BCD Mask - bmask.fits.

6.5.4      Co-added Masks - c2msk.fits and bkmsk.fits.

6.5.5      Masked Pixels in the Extracted Spectra - spect.tbl, spec2.tbl, tune.tbl, bksub.tbl

6.6          Header Keywords.

6.6.1      Basic Keywords.

6.6.2      Exposure Time.

6.6.3      Reconstructed Pointing.

6.6.4      FOVID and FOVNAME.

6.6.5      Example IRS Data.

Chapter 7.        Data Features and Artifacts.

7.1          Peak-Up Imaging (PUI)

7.1.1      Saturated Data.

7.1.2      Latent Images.

7.1.3      Rogue Pixels.

7.2          All Spectral Modules.

7.2.1      Saturated Data.

7.2.2      Rogue Pixels and NaNs.

7.2.3      Radhits on rogue pixels.

7.2.4      Severe Jailbars.

7.2.5      Latent Charge.

7.3          Low Resolution (SL and LL) Spectral Modules.

7.3.1      Low-Resolution Nonrepeatability.

7.3.2      Order Mismatches.

7.3.3      Curvature in SL1.

7.3.4      LL1 24 micron Deficit

7.3.5      Incorrect Droop and Rowdroop corrections following peakup saturation.

7.3.6      Wiggles in Optimally Extracted SL spectra.

7.3.7      Residual Fringes in SL and LL.

7.3.8      SL 14 micron Teardrop.

7.4          High Resolution (SH and LH) Spectral Modules.

7.4.1      LH Tilts from Residual Dark.

7.4.2      LH Orders 1-3 Red Tilts.

7.4.3      High-res vs. Low-res spectral slope difference.

7.4.4      SH Spectral Ghosts.

7.5          Solved Issues.

7.5.1      Bug in S18.7 High-resolution IRS Post-BCD products (Solved in S18.18)

7.5.2      Low-Res Nod 1 vs. Nod 2 Flux Offset (solved in S15)

7.5.3      LL Nonlinearity Correction Too Large (solved in S14)

7.5.4      Tilted SH and LH Flatfields (solved in S14)

7.5.5      Bumps in LH Near 20 Microns (solved in S15)

7.5.6      Mismatched LH Orders (solved in S17)

7.5.7      LL Salt and Pepper Rogues (solved in S17)

Chapter 8.        Introduction to Data Analysis.

8.1          Summary of Data Reduction Software.

8.2          Data Reduction Steps for IRS Spectroscopic Modules.

8.2.1      Basic Steps.

8.2.2      Optional Steps.

8.2.3      Transit or Eclipse Spectra.

8.3          Data Reduction Steps for IRS Peak-Up Imaging (PUI)

Chapter 9.        IRS Enhanced Spectrophotometric Products.

9.1          Introduction.

9.2          Merged Spectra.

9.3          Calculated Values for Merged Spectra.

9.3.1      SNR Estimates  (keywords: SNR_SL2, SNR_SL1, SNR_LL2, SNR_LL1)

9.3.2      Spectrophotometry (keywords: IRAC8, IRAS12, IRS16, IRS22, MIPS24, IRAS25)

9.3.3      Source Colors (keywords: mips24_irac8, mips24_irs16, irs16_irac8, iras25_iras12)

9.3.4      Extracted Source Positions (keywords: RA, DEC, RA_SL, DEC_SL, RA_LL, DEC_LL)

9.3.5      Spatial Profile Widths (keywords:  WIDTH_SL2, WIDTH_SL1, WIDTH_LL2, WIDTH_LL1)

9.3.6      Order Ratios (keywords: RATIO_SL2_SL1, RATIO_Sl1_LL2, RATIO_LL1_LL2)

9.4          Description of Catalog Data.

9.5          Computation of IRS Synthetic Photometry.

Appendix A.        Version Log.

Appendix B.         Acronyms.

Appendix C.        Pipeline History Log.

Appendix D.        Example IRS BCD File Header.

Appendix E.         List of Figures.

Appendix F.         List of Tables.