Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
IRS Instrument Handbook

Appendix D.         Example IRS BCD File Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard                                 


NAXIS   =                    2 / STANDARD FITS FORMAT                          

NAXIS1  =                  128 /                                               

NAXIS2  =                  128 /                                                

ORIGIN  = 'Spitzer Science Center' / Organization generating this FITS file    

CREATOR = 'S18.18.0'           / SW version used to create this FITS file      

TELESCOP= 'Spitzer '                                                            

INSTRUME= 'IRSX    '                                                           

CAL_SET = 'C18.18POST44.A'     / ID for the set of CAL files used              

CHNLNUM =                    2 / 0=SL, 1=SH, 2=LL, 3=LH                         

FILENAME= 'IRSX.2.0029037824.0006.0000.01.mipl.fits' / File name               

FILETYPE= 'fits-irs2d-flux'                                                    

EXPTYPE = 'sp      '           / Exposure Type                                 

REQTYPE = 'AOR     '           / Request type (AOR,IER, or SER)                

AOT_TYPE= 'IrsStare'           / Observation Template Type                     

AORLABEL= 'IRSS-chalo-0001'    / AOR Label                                     

FOVID   =                   44 / Field of View ID                              

FOVNAME = 'IRS_Long-Lo_2nd_Order_1st_Position' / Field of View Name            

READMODE= 'RAW     '           / Readout Mode                                  


          / PROPOSAL INFORMATION                                               


OBSRVR  = 'Greg Sloan'         / Observer Name                                 

OBSRVRID=                  121 / Observer ID of Principal Investigator         

PROCYCL =                    8 / Proposal Cycle                                

PROGID  =                50835 / Program ID                                     

PROTITLE= 'Carbon stars in the Galactic Halo' / Program Title                  

PROGCAT =                   29 / Program Category                              


          / TIME AND EXPOSURE INFORMATION                                      


DATE_OBS= '2009-04-11T16:06:20.459' / Date & time (UTC) at DCE start            

MJD_OBS =        54932.6710701 / [days] MJD in UTC at DCE start (JD-2400000.5) 

UTCS_OBS=        292737980.459 / [sec] DCE start time from noon Jan 1, 2000 UTC

SCLK_OBS=        923933419.849 / [sec] SCLK time (since 1/1/1980) at DCE start 

SAMPTIME=               1.0486 / [sec] Sample integration time                 

REQMODE =                    5 / ID for mode or type of request                

EXPSTRTC=            923933412 / Exposure Start Timestamp Coarse               

EXPSTRTF=                32104 / Exposure Start Timestamp Fine                 

GRPARVTC=            923933427 / [sec] Coarse Spacecraft Group Time            

GRPARVTF=                    0 / [sec] Fine Spacecraft Group Time              

AIRSCMDN=                    3 / Commanded number of DCEs for IRS              

AIRS_DET=                    2 / Selected IRS detector for exposure command    

AIRSEXPM=                    1 / Current Mode of the IRS Exp Manager           

GRPTIME =               2.0972 / [sec] Group (w/ spin) integration time        

DEADTIME=               6.2916 / [sec] Reset + boost(s) time                   

RAMPTIME=                14.68 / [sec] Ramp (total DCE) integration time       

EXPTOT_T=                44.04 / [sec] Integr. time for all DCEs in exposure   

AIRSERCT=                    0 / Number of IRS exposure errors                 


          / TARGET AND POINTING INFORMATION                                     


OBJECT  = 'CHALO TI13'         / Target Name                                   

OBJTYPE = 'TargetFixedSingle'  / Target Type                                   

RA_HMS  = '04h21m29.1s'        / [hh:mm:ss.s] RA_SLT or CRVAL1 in sexagesimal  

DEC_DMS = '+01d29m17s'         / [dd:mm:ss] DEC_SLT or CRVAL2 in sexagesimal   

RA_RQST =     65.3637500000001 / [deg] Commanded RA referenced to commanded FOV

DEC_RQST=     1.48705555555556 / [deg] Commanded Dec referenced to commanded FOV

PA_RQST =     262.356928767253 / [deg] Requested pos. angle of axis 2 (E of N) 

PM_RA   =                   0. / [arcsec/yr] Proper Motion in RA (J2000)       

PM_DEC  =                   0. / [arcsec/yr] Proper Motion in Dec (J2000)      

CRDER1  = 0.000302498507801645 / [deg] Uncertainty in RA of SI boresight       

CRDER2  = 0.000302461340759974 / [deg] Uncertainty in DEC of SI boresight      

SIGRA   =   0.0176762389149214 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion of RA over DCE        

SIGDEC  =   0.0316553090927486 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion of DEC over DCE       

SIGPA   =    0.188770005148309 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion of PA over DCE        

PTGDIFF =    0.422257353245084 / [arcsec] offset btwn actual and rqsted pntng  

PTGDIFFX=    0.400841625846125 / [arcsec] requested - actual pntg along axis 1 

PTGDIFFY=   -0.132764960894904 / [arcsec] requested - actual pntg along axis 2 

RA_REF  =     65.3637500000001 / [deg] Commanded RA (J2000) of ref. position   

DEC_REF =     1.48705555555556 / [deg] Commanded Dec (J2000) of ref. position  

USEDBPHF=                    T / T if Boresight Pointing History File was used.

RMS_JIT =   0.0226969447120985 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE                

RMS_JITY=   0.0146893379764364 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE along Y        

RMS_JITZ=   0.0173024463321832 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE along Z        

RA_FOV  =     65.3638565378498 / [deg] RA at FOVID averaged over DCE           

DEC_FOV =     1.48710469910878 / [deg] DEC at FOVID averaged over DCE          

PA_FOV  =    -96.4445028752934 / [deg] PA at FOVID averaged over DCE           

RA_SLT  =     65.3714256313725 / [deg] RA at slit center averaged over DCE     

DEC_SLT =     1.48795931158312 / [deg] DEC at slit center averaged over DCE    

PA_SLT  =    -96.4443064690493 / [deg] PA at slit center averaged over DCE     

RA_XSLT =     65.4243298797844 / [deg] RA at center of non-targeted slit       

DEC_XSLT=     1.49389479890495 / [deg] DEC at center of non-targeted slit      

PA_XSLT =    -96.4429326690905 / [deg] PA at center of non-targeted slit       

CSDRADEC=  7.5491397168745E-06 / [deg] Costandard deviation in RA and Dec      

CSD_JTYZ=   -0.014708125573636 / [arcsec] Costandard deviation of jitter in YZ 

BPHFNAME= 'BPHF.0923918400.03.pntg' / Boresight Pointing History Filename      

FOVVERSN= 'BodyFrames_FTU_22b.xls' / FOV/BodyFrames file version used          

VHELCORR=                -27.8 / [km/sec] Correction to heliocentric velocity  

VLSRCORR=                -43.2 / [km/sec] Correction to local standard of rest 

SPTZR_X =    -141084631.827707 / [km] Heliocentric x position                  

SPTZR_Y =       47361201.45924 / [km] Heliocentric y position                  

SPTZR_Z =      19225916.467843 / [km] Heliocentric z position                  

SPTZR_VX=            -10.22257 / [km/sec] Heliocentric x velocity              

SPTZR_VY=           -25.563618 / [km/sec] Heliocentric y velocity              

SPTZR_VZ=           -11.674611 / [km/sec] Heliocentric z velocity              

ET_OBS  =        292738046.645 / [sec] DCE start time (TDB seconds past J2000) 

HMJD_OBS=        54932.6704811 / Corresponding Heliocen. Mod. Julian Date      



          / PHOTOMETRY (IRS IMAGING)                                           


BUNIT   = 'e-/sec  '           / Units of image data                           


          / SPECTROPHOTOMETRY IRS SL, LL (CHNLNUM 0, 2)                        


FLXCON01=          3753.664062 / [electrons/sec/Jy] Flux conversion Order 1    

FLXERR01=                124.5 / Flux conversion uncertainties Order 1         

FLXCON02=          3893.388672 / [electrons/sec/Jy] Flux conversion Order 2    

FLXERR02=                124.5 / Flux conversion uncertainties Order 2         

FLXCON03=          3760.086914 / [electrons/sec/Jy] Flux conversion Bonus Order

FLXERR03=                124.5 / Flux conversion uncertainties Order 3         


          / GENERAL MAPPING KEYWORDS                                           


DBEXPOID=             10636652 / Current Exposure ID                           


          / IRS PEAKUP KEYWORDS                                                


PKUPMODE= 'IRS     '           / Peakup mode (none, IRS, or PCRS)              

PKUPACCU= 'High    '           / Peakup Accuracy (high, moderate,low)          

PKUPFILT= 'BLUE    '           / Peakup filter (blue or red)                   

PKUPFLUX=                  27. / Flux density of peakup target for IRS [mJy] or

PKUPXTND=                    F / Extended source (T/F)                         

ISPUPOS =                    T / PU target given in absolute positions (T) or re

PKUPRA  =     65.6815416666667 / [deg] RA peakup position                      

PKUPDEC =     1.49736111111111 / [deg] Dec peakup position                      

PM_PKRA =                0.008 / [''/yr]Proper motion for RA peakup position   

PM_PKDEC=               -0.035 / [''/yr]Proper motion for Dec peakup position  

HP_CENQ =                    0 / Peakup centroid quality code                   

APKUPCEN=                    1 / Status of the peakup centroid                 

AXCNTRD1=                10796 / [centipixels] X value of the brightest centroid

AYCNTRD1=                 2799 / [centipixels] Y value of the brightest centroid

AXCNTRD2=                 9603 / [centipixels] X value of the second brightest c

AYCNTRD2=                 2214 / [centipixels] Y value of the second brightest c

AINTENS1=               134686 / [counts] Intensity value of the brightest centr

AINTENS2=                29297 / [counts] Intensity value of the second brightes

APKUPXCE=                10796 / [centipixels] X value of the centroid to be ret

APKUPYCE=                 2799 / [centipixels] Y value of the centroid to be ret



          / DATA FLOW KEYWORDS                                                 


DATE    = '2010-09-18T00:10:01' / [YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC] file creation date 

AORKEY  = '29037824'           / AOR or EIR key. Astrnmy Obs Req/Instr Eng Req 

EXPID   =                    6 / Exposure ID (0-9999)                           

DCENUM  =                    0 / DCE number (0-9999)                           

TLMGRPS =                    8 / Number of expected telemetry groups           

FILE_VER=                    1 / Version of the raw file made by SIS            

RAWNAME = 'IRSX.2.0029037824.0006.0000.01.mipl.fits' / Raw data file name      

SIS_SVER= 'J5.3    '           / SIS SW VERsion                                

CPT_VER = '3.1.11  '           / Channel Param Table FOS version               

CTD_VER = '3.0.94S '           / Cmded telemetry data version                  

EXPDFLAG=                    F / (T/F) expedited DCE                           

MISS_LCT=                    0 / Total Missed Line Cnt in this FITS            

MANCPKT =                    F / T if this FITS is Missing Ancillary Data      

MISSDATA=                    F / T if this FITS is Missing Image Data          

PAONUM  =                 3410 / PAO Number                                    

CAMPAIGN= 'IRSX011100'         / Campaign                                      

DCEID   =            118724600 / Data-Collection-Event ID                      

DCEINSID=             24611816 / DCE Instance ID                               

DPID    =            326654834 / Data Product Instance ID                      

PIPENUM =                  201 / Pipeline Script Number                        

SOS_VER =                   1. / Data-Product Version                          

PLVID   =                   10 / Pipeline Version ID                            

CALID   =                    4 / CalTrans Version ID                           

ORIGIN0 = 'JPL_FOS '           / site where RAW FITS files was written         

CREATOR0= 'J5.3    '           / SW system that created RAW FITS                


GAIN1   =                  4.6 / e/DN conversion (readout channel 1)           

GAIN2   =                  4.6 / e/DN conversion (readout channel 2)           

GAIN3   =                  4.6 / e/DN conversion (readout channel 3)           

GAIN4   =                  4.6 / e/DN conversion (readout channel 4)           

BASECH1 =             37215.08 / Trimmed mean channel 1 signal in reference unil

BASECH2 =             39129.25 / Trimmed mean channel 2 signal in reference unil

BASECH3 =             37441.98 / Trimmed mean channel 3 signal in reference unil

BASECH4 =             34813.46 / Trimmed mean channel 4 signal in reference unil


HISTORY *0 (imported)                                                          

HISTORY job.c ver: 1.50                                                        

HISTORY TRANHEAD                  v.         13.1, ran Fri Sep 17 17:08:54 2010

HISTORY CALTRANS                 v.        4.0, ran Fri Sep 17 17:09:03 2010   

HISTORY cvti2r4           v.  1.31 A61025, generated  9/17/10 at 17:09:11      

HISTORY DNTOFLUX                  v.          4.2, ran Fri Sep 17 17:09:20 2010

HISTORY imagest           v.  1.80 A61012, generated  9/17/10 at 17:09:29      

HISTORY  input: cvte.fits                                                      

HISTORY  unc.: cvte_unc.fits                                                    

HISTORY DROOPOP                   v.     3.700000, ran Fri Sep 17 17:09:33 2010

HISTORY DARKBASE                  v.     2.200000, ran Fri Sep 17 17:09:43 2010

HISTORY CUBESUB                   v.     3.200000, ran Fri Sep 17 17:09:46 2010

HISTORY lineariz          v.  1.39 A40318, generated  9/17/10 at 17:09:50      

HISTORY  input: cubesub.fits                                                   

HISTORY  model: ./cal/lincal.fits                                              

HISTORY DARKDRIFT                 v.          4.1, ran Fri Sep 17 17:10:01 2010

HISTORY DROOPRES                  v.     2.200000, ran Fri Sep 17 17:10:08 2010

HISTORY FLATAP                    v. 1.500   Fri Sep 17 17:10:13 2010          

HISTORY CALTRANS                 v.        4.0, ran Fri Sep 17 17:19:12 2010   

HISTORY PTNTRAN                   v.          1.4, ran Fri Sep 17 17:19:16 2010

HISTORY PTNTRAN                   v.          1.4, ran Fri Sep 17 17:19:16 2010

HISTORY PTNTRAN                   v.          1.4, ran Fri Sep 17 17:19:17 2010

HISTORY FPGen                     v.         1.26, ran Fri Sep 17 17:19:19 2010

FBIDDARK=                 1177                                                 

FBIDFLAT=                  763                                                  

FBIDLNCR=                   24                                                 

FBIDLNMD=                  765                                                 

FBIDOMSK=                   31                                                  

FBIDPMSK=                  762                                                 

FBIDWSMP=                 1208                                                 

FBIDUMSK=                   68                                                  

FBIDWSOF=                 1209                                                 

FBIDWSOM=                 1210                                                 

FBIDWSWA=                 1207                                                 

FBIDFLXC=                 1204                                                 

FBIDFMSK=                   73                                                 

FBIDCALS=                 1215                                                 

FBIDLNSC=                  766                                                 

HISTORY CALTRANS                 v.        4.0, ran Fri Sep 17 17:34:53 2010