Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools

Sample MIPS PRFs for use with APEX

  • mips24_prf_mosaic_2.45_4x.fits (FITS, 70 KB) - produced by running PRF_estimate.pl on Orion Trapezium region mosaic of 2.45 arcsec/pix with a resampling factor of 4 (created Oct 05)
  • mips70_prf_mosaic_4.0_4x.fits (FITS, 34 KB) - produced by running PRF_estimate.pl on xFLS mosaic of 4.0 arcsec/pix with a resampling factor of 4 (created Jun 05)
  • mips160_prf_mosaic_8.0_4x.fits (FITS, 34 KB) - produced by running PRF_estimate.pl on xFLS mosaic of 8.0 arcsec/pix with a resampling factor of 4 (created Apr 05)
  • mips24_prf_mosaic_stinytim_2.5_4x.fits (FITS, 155 KB) - produced by STinyTim on mosaic of 2.5 arcsec/pix with a resampling factor of 4 (created Oct 05)
  • mips24_prf_bcd_stinytim_4x.fits (FITS, 53 KB) - produced by STinyTim on bcd with a resampling factor of 4 (created Jun 04)
Note that the PRF can be a function of mirror position, position on array, and color of object, so we strongly encourage you to derive PRFs for your specific case if at all possible.