Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MIPS Instrument Handbook


Appendix E.       List of Figures

Figure 2.1: Schematic diagram of the MIPS optical train, detectors.

Figure 2.2: (Top) A 24 micron PSF with the display parameters stretched to show the central peak and first ring only. (Bottom). The same 24 micron PSF with the display parameters stretched to show the full PSF in the same 5 x 5 arcminute field of view.

Figure 2.3: Pre-launch response of the 24 micron band including detector and filter spectral response.

Figure 2.4: Pre-launch response of the 70 micron band including detector and filter spectral response.

Figure 2.5: Pre-launch response of the 160 micron band including detector and filter spectral response.

Figure 2.6: Pre-launch SED spectral response including detector, filters, and grating efficiency.

Figure 2.7: 70 micron array 4x32 submodule.

Figure 2.8: Assembled 70 micron focal plane.

Figure 2.9: 1x5 submodule of the 160 micron array showing discrete pixel elements, integrating cavities, and readout.

Figure 2.10: Stressing rig for the 160 micron array viewed edge-on.

Figure 2.11: Fully-assembled 160 micron focal plane array showing 4 stressing rigs, each containing two 1x5 submodules, and showing the photon concentrator cones.

Figure 2.12: Schematic response characteristics of a bulk photoconductor.

Figure 2.13: Measured response of a pixel of the MIPS 70 micron array to a sudden increase in illumination from a dark background.

Figure 2.14: Electronic schematic for MIPS/IRS combined electronics package.

Figure 2.15: MIPS software block diagram.

Figure 2.16: Sensitivity in scan map mode at 24 micron.

Figure 2.17: Sensitivity for photometry at 24 micron, compact source (i.e., one that can always be kept on the array during the measurement).

Figure 3.1: Photometry/Super Resolution for compact sources with the 24 micron array.

Figure 3.2: Observing a large-diameter source at 24 micron.

Figure 3.3: Photometry of a compact source with the 70 micron array.

Figure 3.4: Simulated source detections on the array during the compact source photometry AOT in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.5: Photometry of a large source at 70 micron.

Figure 3.6: Simulated source detections on the array during the large source photometry AOT shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.7: Positions of the source relative to the 160 micron array during the compact source photometry AOT.

Figure 3.8: Simulated visualization of individual frames in the first cycle of the 160 micron small source photometry AOT shown in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.9: Photometry of a 4'x5.3' region at 160 micron.

Figure 3.10: The data acquisition sequence for the 160 micron large-source option.

Figure 3.11: Asteroid Harmonia observed using the 160 micron enhanced mode during MC42 (July 2007).

Figure 3.12: A comparison of photometric observations of 3C371 at 160 micron using the enhanced mode (left) and the 'default' small-field mode (right), obtained during MC41 (2007 June).

Figure 3.13: Source positions on the 70 micron array during the super resolution AOT for a compact source.

Figure 3.14: Source detections on the array during the 70 micron compact source super resolution photometry AOT shown in Figure 3.13.

Figure 3.15: Strategy for obtaining super resolution observations over a field of 2.5'x2.5'.

Figure 3.16: Schematic representation of synchronization of scan mirror motions, telescope scan, and stimulator flashes.

Figure 3.17: Operation of 24 and 70 micron arrays during scan mapping.

Figure 3.18: MIPS operation at 160 micron in scan map mode.

Figure 3.19: Schematic representation of SED mode; see text.

Figure 4.1: MIPS flat field positions indicated on a DIRBE 140 micron all-sky map.

Figure 4.2: An SED spectrum of the bright planetary nebula NGC 6543.

Figure 4.3: The ratio of the measured-to-predicted flux densities for SED calibration stars at (a) 60 micron, (b) 71.4 micron, and (c) 80 micron, as a function of the predicted 71.4 micron flux density.

Figure 4.4: Comparisons of SED fluxes (as a solid line) with IRAS 60 and 100 micron fluxes for the galaxy NGC 4418.

Figure 4.5: Example source from 24 micron Extragalactic First-Look Survey (XFLS) for example aperture corrections.

Figure 4.6: Example aperture corrections for 24 micron data (see text). The FWHM is 5.9 arcsec.

Figure 5.1: MIPS 24 micron pipeline.

Figure 5.2: Automated MIPS-24 pipeline products : raw data (DCE).

Figure 5.3: Automated MIPS-24 pipeline products: single BCD.

Figure 5.4: Automatically-produced mosaic combining multiple BCDs from a photometry observation.

Figure 5.5: Automatically-produced mosaic combining multiple BCDs from a scan map observation.

Figure 5.6: MIPS Ge (70 and 160 micron) science pipeline.

Figure 5.7: The MIPS post-BCD pipeline.

Figure 6.1: Illustration of two typical BCD images taken respectively at the two dither positions of the SED mode.

Figure 6.2: An example of an overall smooth (spot-free) gainflat image.

Figure 6.3: Example spotmap images.

Figure 6.4: A small field photometry example, demonstrating the S18.12 EBCD flat fielding improvements.

Figure 6.5: An example of the significant improvement of 24 micron data taken in parallel mode.

Figure 6.6: Plot of the post-BCD extracted spectrum (squares) from an observation of the star.

Figure 6.7: Bad pixel mask for 24 microns.

Figure 6.8: Bad pixel mask (pmask) for MIPS-70 data.

Figure 6.9: Bad pixel mask (pmask) for MIPS-160 data.

Figure 7.1: Sample MIPS-24 photometry mosaic product (several combined BCDs) from before the read-2 correction.

Figure 7.2: Sample subsection of MIPS-24 scan map.

Figure 7.3: Two MIPS-24 flat fields at two different scan mirror positions.

Figure 7.4: Pick-off mirror spots before (left, circled in red), and after (right) using scan mirror position dependent flats on a calibration star observation.

Figure 7.5: Map of the spot locations based on 24 micron observations.

Figure 7.6: Results of dividing mismatched position-dependent flat from the data - zoom in on just one spot.

Figure 7.7: Example of 'jailbar' effect from a saturated point source.

Figure 7.8: Example of short-lived bright latents.

Figure 7.9: Initial BCD affected by bright sources.

Figure 7.10: BCD after additive jailbar correction.

Figure 7.11: BCD after 'self-calibration' to correct dark latents.

Figure 7.12: Example of dark latents all by themselves.

Figure 7.13: Example of long-lived bright latents with newer dark latents.

Figure 7.14: BCDs from AORs later in the campaign where the data in Figure 7.13 were obtained.

Figure 7.15: Evidence of slow response drift in two ELAIS-N1 deep 24 micron fields.

Figure 7.16: Very rare glint - fake ~12 Jy source seen ~1.5 degrees from ~1500 Jy source.

Figure 7.17: Example of single frame with zero-level offset. No background matching was performed in creating this mosaic.

Figure 7.18: Beware of asteroids! Most of the point sources in this frame are asteroids.

Figure 7.19: Examples of several of the most common MIPS-70 artifacts.

Figure 7.20: Default mosaic from 4 AORs of unfiltered MIPS-70 BCDs.

Figure 7.21: Automatically-produced mosaics of NGC 300.

Figure 7.22: Effects of extrapolated stim calibration.

Figure 7.23: 160 micron image of an asteroid; compare to next 2 figures.

Figure 7.24: 160 micron image of a star; compare to previous and next figure.

Figure 7.25: Scaled asteroid - this is the brightness of the photosphere compared to the leak.

Figure 7.26: Another view of the spectral leak.

Figure 7.27: Examples of 70 micron fine scale reprocessing discussed in text.

Figure 7.28: Applying the same technique to a small raster map observation.

Figure 8.1: Example mosaic before, with long-term bright latents and weak jailbars, and after self-calibration, where those effects are well-corrected.

Figure 8.2: Example mosaic before, with long-term dark latents, and after self calibration of photometry data using non-prime data.

Figure 8.3: Another example of self-calibration removing dark latents, this time in a large scan map. Left is before, right is after.

Figure 8.4: NGC 300 in 24 microns, rotated to have north up. The left image is the standard post-BCD mosaic.

Figure 8.5: Default mosaic from filtered MIPS-70 BCDs, constructed from 4 AORs.

Figure 8.6: A flowchart describing possible pathways for analysis of scan map post-BCD Ge data processing.

Figure 8.7: Step 1: mosaic of initial default 70 micron scan BCDs (1 AOR) from the extragalactic First Look Survey.

Figure 8.8: Step 2: mosaic of time-filtered 70 micron scan BCDs for 1 AOR.

Figure 8.9: Step 3: mosaic of column-filtered 70 micron scan BCDs for 1 AOR.

Figure 8.10: Step 4: mosaic of 4 AORs processed with both column and time filter.

Figure 8.11: Mosaic of MIPS-160 default scan BCDs from the extragalactic FLS.

Figure 8.12: Mosaic of MIPS-160 filtered scan BCDs (*fbcd files).

Figure 8.13: Mosaic of 70 micron BCDs from NGC 300.

Figure 8.14: Example of offline processing using the GeRT using a series of images of NGC 7331.

Figure 8.15: Mosaic of unfiltered and filtered.

Figure 8.16: Scan map of the molecular cloud L1228 at 160 microns from the Galactic First Look Survey (2 degrees long).

Figure 8.17: As above, but using the filtered BCDs.

Figure 8.18 : The integrated flux of the L1228 mosaic on the cross-scan direction along the scanning direction for the unfiltered and filtered.