Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MIPS Instrument Handbook

6.2.2        Level 2: Post-BCD products

All MIPS post-BCD files have a basic filename pattern that is similar to the BCD files:  SPITZER_M+channel_aorkey_dcenum _version_Enum_type.suffix.  The letter ''E'' in this example stands for ''ensemble'' product, but it can also be an ''A'' for ''ancillary'' product.  In the case of an ensemble product, ''dcenum'' refers to the first dce that was used in the ensemble creation, ''version'' refers to the version of that first dce, and ''Enum'' is the ensemble number.


The most important post-BCD file types for most users are the mosaicked files; these provide at the very least a quick look at your data.  Most Ge users in particular will want to regenerate the mosaics along with the rest of the post-BCD products with parameters customized for a particular application; see section 8.2 below for some examples.


A complete list of the file types for MIPS-24 are listed in Table 6.1, the file types for MIPS-70 and MIPS-160 are listed in Table 6.2. The file types for MIPS-SED are listed in Table 6.4, located within the MIPS-SED chapter. Additional information on these files, as well as any updates to this information between document releases, is posted on the IRSA MIPS website.


Table 6.1: Complete list of file types for MIPS-24. 

Abbreviation Type Contents of file
*raw.fits Raw Raw pixel data with final product header and pointing; 1st plane is slope, 2nd plane is the first difference image.
*bcd.fits, *bcd.log BCD BCD image (and log file from its creation); saturated values in the slope image have been replaced by the first difference values above a threshold.
*bunc.fits BCD Error image associated with the BCD image.
*brmsk.fits BCD Outlier mask image associated with BCD.
*bbmsk.fits BCD Bit mask associated with BCD, where different bits signify important characteristics of the data; bit definition in Table 6.7.  
*slope.fits BCD Calibrated BCD slope image.
*slunc.fits BCD Error image associated with the slope image.
*diff.fits BCD Calibrated first difference image.
*dfunc.fits BCD Error image associated with the first difference image.
*ebcd.fits EBCD Enhanced BCD (see section 6.3.4)
*ebcd.log EBCD Enhanced BCD log
*ebmsk.fits  EBCD Enhanced BCD mask
*ebunc.fits  EBCD Enhanced BCD Uncertainty
*ediff.fits EBCD Enhanced BCD Difference
*edunc.fits   EBCD Enhanced BCD Difference Uncertainty
*ermsk.fits1   EBCD Radhit (rejection) Mask
*eslpe.fits EBCD Enhanced BCD Slope
*eslun.fits EBCD Enhanced BCD Slope Uncertainty
*maic.fits, *munc.fits, *mcov.fits Post-BCD Output fits images and log for mosaic routine; in order: image, uncertainties, and coverage map.
*bmed.fits Post-BCD Median of all stacked BCDs in AOR
*bmedu.fits Post-BCD Uncertainty in median BCD stack
*gflat.fits Calibration Gain flat, spot-free from campaign flat. (for EBCDs)
*gfmsk.fits Calibration Gain flat mask. (for EBCDs)
*sflat.fits Calibration Shifted spot flat cube. (for EBCDs)
*sfunc.fits   Calibration Spot-flat uncertainty. (for EBCDs)  
*sfcsm.fits Calibration Spot-flat CSM_PRED array, a 1-d array. (for EBCDs)
*flat.fits Calibration Gain flat for BCD (not EBCD) pipeline
*fcmask.fits Calibration Gain flat field mask for BCD (not EBCD) pipeline.
*spotmap*.fits Calibration Spotmap for each BCD matched from a large library of spotmaps.
*dark*sur1.fits Calibration Dark for DCENUM=0
*dark*sur1_cmask.fits Calibration Dark mask for DCENUM=0
*dark*sur1_uncert.fits Calibration Dark uncertainty for DCENUM=0
*dark*sur2.fits Calibration Dark for DCENUM>0
*dark*sur2_cmask.fits Calibration Dark mask for DCENUM>0
*dark*sur2_uncert.fits Calibration Dark uncertainty for DCENUM>0
*lincal.fits Calibration MIPS 24um non-linearity correction factors
*lincal_cmask.fits Caibration Non-linearity mask
*rowfluxcorr.fits Calibration Rowdroop correction
*rowfluxcorr_uncert.fits Calibration Rowdroop correction uncertainty
*PRF_mosaic.fits Calibration TinyTim generated PRF file for use with profile fitting
*pmask.fits Calibration Bad pixel mask. (See section 6.5)
*cdelt12_distort.tbl Calibration Cdelt12 distortion coefficents
*fluxconv.tbl Calibration Calibration data file used to convert to MJy/sr
*instrument_fov.tbl Calibration MIPS field of view parameters
*mirrorparameters.tbl Calibration Mirror parameters for pointing transfer
*PRF_Map.tbl Calibration PRF parameters

1Please note that for DCENUM=0, the ersmk.fits (radhit pixel rejection mask) file is not made because it is a product of MOPEX, the mosaicker pipeline, and MOPEX omits data with DCENUM=0 because they are not well-calibrated compared to all the other MIPS-24 data.


Table 6.2: Complete list of file types for MIPS-70 and MIPS-160. 

Abbreviation Type Contents of file
*raw.fits Raw Raw pixel data with pointing in header.
*bcd.fits BCD Calibrated BCD image.
*fbcd.fits BCD Filtered calibrated BCD image; the median filter is optimized for point sources on a uniform background.  Use at your own risk for other applications.
*bunc.fits BCD Error image associated with BCD image.
*bmask.fits BCD Bit mask associated with the BCD image, where different bits signify important characteristics of the data; bit definition in Table 6.8.  
*maic.fits, *munc.fits, *mcov.fits Post-BCD Output FITS images for mosaic routine; in order: image, uncertainties, coverage map.
*mfilt.fits, *mfunc.fits, *mfcov.fits Post-BCD Output filtered FITS images for mosaic routine; in order: image, uncertainties, coverage map.
*mosst.fits Post-BCD Standard deviation image associated with unfiltered mosaic image (*maic.fits).
*mfstd.fits Post-BCD Standard deviation image associated with filtered mosaic image (*mfilt.fits).
*ilcorr.fits Calibration Illumination correction file
*ilcorr_c.fits Calibration Illumination correction mask
*ilcorr_u.fits Calibration Illumination correction uncertainty
*dark.fits Calibration Dark file image
*dark_c.fits Calibration Dark mask
*dark_u.fits Calibration Dark uncertainty
*enl.fits Calibration Electronic non-linearity
*sat.fits Calibration Hard saturation
*rnoise.fits Calbration Read noise image
*PRF_mosaic.fits Calibration Empirically generated PRF file for use with profile fitting
*pmask.fits Calibration Bad pixel mask. (See section 6.5)
*cdelt12_distort.tbl Calibration Cdelt12 distortion coefficents
*fluxconv.tbl Calibration Calibration data file used to convert to MJy/sr
*instrument_fov.tbl Calibration MIPS field of view parameters
*mirrorparameters.tbl Calibration Mirror parameters for pointing transfer
*PRF_Map.tbl Calibration PRF parameters