Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MIPS Instrument Handbook


8.2.7        Example: 160 micron faint point source survey

Compared to the 70-micron array, the 160 micron detectors are generally better behaved due to the faster time constants - this means less filtering and/or custom-offline processing is required.  Lack of redundancy is a major issue for most 160 micron observations (only 8x4 seconds in this example). 


Figure 8.11 is a mosaic of the standard non-filtered BCDs produced by the pipeline for the XFLS verification field.  As with the 70 micron data, some responsivity streaks are visible in the in-scan direction, and some stim flash residuals are visible in the cross-scan direction.  Figure 8.12 shows a mosaic of the filtered BCDs produced by the pipeline, e.g., the *fbcd files.  This may be sufficient for most users interested in faint point sources.

Figure 8.11: Mosaic of MIPS-160 default scan BCDs from the extragalactic FLS.


Figure 8.12: Mosaic of MIPS-160 filtered scan BCDs (*fbcd files).