Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MIPS Instrument Handbook

8.3   Making Your Own MIPS SED Mosaics

You also have the option of making your own mosaics with the offline SED mosaicking tool ''mosaic_sed.pl'' which is equivalent to the post-BCD pipeline if you use the same values for the controlling parameters as the pipeline.  The tool is a part of the MOPEX package and is downloadable from the website. 


There may be some advantages to doing your own mosaics.  For example, you can do further data manipulation at the BCD level before mosaicking; you can also use a different interpolation option than the default one.  If you have a raster map you can use this offline tool to produce a big mosaic using all the raster points. 


The program uses a NameList file as an input.  In this file you specify lists of image to process and where the results should be output.  The instructions on this NameList file as well as how to set up and run this program are given in the MOPEX document on ''mosaic_sed.pl''.