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Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MIPS Instrument Handbook


S18.7 (Release Date: Jan 09)


BQD: headers for Scan & Photometry include now


ZODIMIN = in [MJy/sr] minimum zodiacal background in AOR

ZODIMAX = in [MJy/sr] maximum zodiacal background in AOR

ZODIMED = in [MJy/sr] median zodaical background in AOR


S18.0 (June 08)


Header information updated


WCS CD matrix keywords were added to the Post-BCD file headers.

The CDELT1, CDELT2, and CROTA2 keywords have been preserved but were placed

in comments to avoid any confusion when handled by astronomical software.

The following keywords were added to the BCD, CBCD, and Post-BCD image files:

PXSCAL1, and PXSCAL2, and PA. The keywords are the pixel scale along axis 1

and axis 2 in arcsec/pixel and the position angle of axis 2 (East of North)

in degrees. Keywords containing additional information on the AOR mapping

parameters have been added in a separate section of the header.



S17 (Release Date: Jan 08)




- bcd.log now archived

- linearized.fits now saved to sandbox in preparation for AOR spotflats and enhanced pbcds

- slow scan missing/bad flat has been fixed




- SED bit rejection for pbcd products changed, resulting in improved mosaics and improved spectra especially for faint sources.

- Code change for stim solution: if Stim - background < 0, value set to NaN, i.e. that stim will not be used in deriving the stim solution. Also, instead of extrapolated stim solutions (which can also lead to negative fluxes) nearest in time Stim-BKG value will be used for calibration. Not necessarily correct, but better than unphysical negative solution. Dramatically improves appearance for very bright photometry source, does not affect normal flux level AORs.

- dark and illumination correction images can now be retrieved for Ge. This was not possible up to now due to a software bug.


S16 (Release Date: Apr 07)


**NOTE** As of the end of August 2007, all the MIPS Campaigns (Nominal Operation and IOC/SV) have been reprocessed and archived with S16. This version of the software includes the latest calibration factors as presented in the calibration papers in the PASP September 2007 issue (for 24, 70 & 160um). The impact on the data is minimum, but makes everything (analysis & data) self-consistent.


Furthermore, the SED data is being reprocessed (S16.1.1) to update the header information and to include a very small change in the wavelength calibration (~0.5um).


S16.0.1 and S16.1.0 Pipeline items for MIPS




A couple of bugs were found in the MIPS 24um pipeline that affected high flux density observations. Essentially, 24um point sources above 2 Jy or extended emission above 600 MJy/sr. This has been fixed in S16. Prior to these fixes the uncertainty at these levels ranges from a couple of percent [close to the mentioned thresholds] to 10-15% [at the highest reliable dynamic range of the 24um detector, e.g. ~2500 MJy/sr]. Most science programs at 24um won't be affected by these changes.


   1. Modules SATMASK, DESATSLOPE, SLOPECORR and DROOPCOR were updated and corrected.

   2. In other to acommodate ''timing observations'' where time accuracy is important, some header keywords in the BCDs are now given with more significant figures, and the Heliocentric Julian Date has been added.


            DATE_OBS Date & time at DCE start

            MJD_OBS [days] MJD at DCE start (JD-2400000.5)

            HMJD_OBS [days] Corresponding Heliocen. Mod. Julian Date

            UTCS_OBS [sec] J2000 ephem. time at DCE start

            SCLK_OBS [sec] SCLK time (since 1/1/1980) at DCE start

            SPTZR_X [km] Heliocentric J2000 x position

            SPTZR_Y [km] Heliocentric J2000 y position

            SPTZR_Z [km] Heliocentric J2000 z position

            SPTZR_VX [km/s] Heliocentric J2000 x velocity

            SPTZR_VY [km/s] Heliocentric J2000 y velocity

            SPTZR_VZ [km/s] Heliocentric J2000 z velocity

            SPTZR_LT [sec] One-way light time to Sun's center

            ET_OBS [sec] Ephemeris time (seconds past J2000 epoch)

            SAMPTIME [sec] Sample integration time

            EXPTIME [sec] Effective integration time per pixel

            COADD Ge coadd parameter




   1. The above mentioned header keywords were also added to the Ge:Ga BCDs.


S15.0.4 (Release Date: Dec 06)


S15.4.0 Pipeline items for MIPS




   1. No changes under S15




   1. Standard Deviation (STD) mosaics for both the filtered and unfiltered products.

   2. BUNC (uncertainty) images are used to make filtered mosaic products.

   3. A new FBUNC (filtered uncertainty) mosaic image is part of the products.


S14.4.0 (Release Date: Jul 06)


S14.4.0 Pipeline items for MIPS




   1. Modification of linearity correction algorithm.

   2. Reduction in number of files archived.




   1. SED PostBCD pipeline: Implemented SED coadds and extraction for online processing, previously only available offline.

   2. TPM PostBCD pipeline: Implemented TPM coadds for online processing.

   3. Updated PostBCD outlier rejection. Now mopex rejects with respect to the median (threshold_option=1) instead of rejecting with respect to mean (threshold_option=2).

   4. The relative position of the 160um array was updated by about 4.55'' in array coordinates to give consistent pointing solutions with the 70um and 24um arrays.

   5. Offline BCD pipeline and filtering tools for Ge made public. The GeRT now supports all MIPS science modes and can be run on the Mac and Linux machines.

   6. Fixed SED bug which affected the SED bmasks.