2. Fixed erroneous application of droop correction to first difference image
S13.0.2 (Release Date: Nov 05)
S13.0.2 Pipeline items for MIPS
General MIPS:
1. Added to the BCD headers an estimate of the background at the corresponding time & position using the SSC model (same as SPOT).
* ZODY_EST = Zodiacal Background Estimate
* ISM_EST = Interstellar Medium Estimate
* CIB_EST = Cosmic IR Background Estimate
2. Added - when necessary - the WARMFLAG keyword to track future MIPS warm campaigns
1. New calibration factor (2% different - see version 2.3 of MIPS DH)
2. NaNs now set properly in the P-mask pixels and hard saturated pixels from the difference image.
1. New calibration factor for both 70 (11% change) and 160 (6% change - see version 2.3 of MIPS DH)
2. Improved calibration files for SED (IC and response function).
3. SED Post-BCD Products are now delivered. They include: On and Off source mosaics, uncertainty and coverage maps and extracted spectrum/a.
4. Improved radhit/sloper for 160um (reject reads after strong RH and updated thresholds; small updates for 70um).
5. Fixed bugs associated with the propagation of NaNs.
6. More flexibility in filtering. In particular, switched the order of column filter and high-pass time filter for 70um for default processing.
7. Making std error images for post-BCD processing (for good coverage std images are better than unc images for source extraction).
8. Updated the GeRT to allow for multi-thread processing and compatibility with Linux and Mac. (GeRT in testing now, to be released in early 2006)
S12.0 (Release Date: May 05)
S12.0 Pipeline items for MIPS
1. For mips24, execute science/post-BCD threads following initial processing of dedicated flatfield data thru flatfield thread.
2. Functionality to process mips24 SUR-mode Total Power Mode (TPM) data.
3. Updates to pointing transfer to compute orthogonal PTGDIFF (X,Y) components for all MIPS arrays.
4. Updates to pointing transfer and DB schema to load an additional 12 QA MIPS diagnostics into the QA_ptg_Xfer table.
5. As part of mips24 post-BCD processing, create an unnormalized median product of all BCDs for every science AOR.
6. Updated mips24 science threads to use automated ''spot'' and scan-mirror-dependent flatfield picking. spot-dependent flatfield library was made offline.
7. New pipeline thread to perform pointing refinement of MIPS24 scan-legs and subsequent refinement of BCDs therein.
1. Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) pipeline modified to take additional calibration files.
2. Total Power Mode pipeline implemented.
3. Hipass filter - for filtered BCDs - enhanced with sigma errors calculated from data.
4. A FITS keyword to track cdf file versions (important to track the reprocessing history of the data).
5. Use of ensembles for scan map AORs (this groups together scan legs and allows a better stim interpolation, and therefore, calibration).
Please see this important note about correction factors for MIPS data for S10 and S11.
S11.0 (Release Date: Nov 04)
S11.0 Pipeline Items for MIPS
1. Updated mask bits distinguishing between hard and soft saturation for MIPS-24.
1. Uniform absolute calibration for all modes and campaigns (no additional scale factors to put data on same calibration scale as needed for S10).
2. Application of the electronic-nonlinearity (1-2% effect on input DN).
3. Application of column filter for 70um point source fbcd products.
4. Online production of mosaics for the point-source filtered fbcds, i.e., make mosaics for both default BCDs (msaic.fits) and from the filtered fbcds (mfilt.fits).
S10.5 (Release Date: 8 Aug 04)
S10.5 Pipeline Items for MIPS
1. Two MIPS-Ge BCD products are produced, one optimized for point sources and another BCD which maintains extended source emission.
S10.0 (Release Date: 14 Apr 04)
S10.0 Data Items for MIPS
1. Problem with the pointing for mips24 being off by about 1.2 arcsecond (0.5 pixel) has been fixed.
2. The 24um ''read-2'' effect can produce a slight gradient across the frame. S10.0 includes the ''rowfluxcorr'' algorithm, which is used to correct for a gradient of order a few % along rows in BCDs.
3. Outstanding problems are the presence of bright-source artifacts. An example is when there's a bright source in a BCD, there appear to be strong jailbars in the bottom half of the array (to be fixed in S12).
4. Occasional bad flat or missing scan-mirror dependent flats in the system thus affecting the BCD/mosaic quality. The latter is expected to be minimal.
1. Include a more sophisticated MIPS-Ge high-pass filter.
S10.0 Pipeline Items for MIPS
All Channels:
The units of image data have been changed from microJy/arcsec^2 to MJy/str.
S9.5 (Release Date: 20 Feb 04)
S9.5 Data Items for MIPS
1. Problem with the pointing for mips24 being off by about 1.2 arcsecond (0.5 pixel) (to be fixed in S10.0).
2. Scan-mirror dependent flats not used judiciously so the mosaics can look a little blotchy.
3. The 24um ''read-2'' effect can produce a slight gradient across the frame (to be fixed in S10.0).