Data Access
Spitzer Documentation & Tools
MIPS Instrument Handbook



Appendix D.      MIPS BCD File Header


SIMPLE  =                    T / Fits standard

BITPIX  =                  -32 / -32 = 4-BYTE FLOAT, 16 = 2-BYTE INTEGER

NAXIS   =                    2 / STANDARD FITS FORMAT

NAXIS1  =                  128 / STANDARD FITS FORMAT

NAXIS2  =                  128 / STANDARD FITS FORMAT

ORIGIN  = 'Spitzer Science Center' / Organization generating this FITS file

CREATOR = 'S18.12.0'           / SW version used to create this FITS file

FILETYPE= 'Main image with saturated slope pixels replaced' / Image type

TELESCOP= 'Spitzer '           / Spitzer Space Telescope

INSTRUME= 'MIPS    '           / Spitzer Space Telescope instrument ID

CHNLNUM =                    1 / This image: 1=24um,2=70um,3=160um

AOT_TYPE= 'MipsPhot'           / Observation Template Type

AORLABEL= 'MIPSP-001'          / AOR Label

REQTYPE = 'AOR     '           / Request type (AOR, IER, or SER)

EXPTYPE = 'pht     '           / Exposure Type

FOVID   =                  111 / Field of View ID for Commanded Pointing

FOVNAME = 'MIPS_70um_default_small_FOV1' / Field of View Name for Commanded Poin

PRIMEARR=                    2 / (1=prime,2=not prime,3=not valid)

RDOUTMOD= 'SUR     '           / Readout mode

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OBSRVR  = 'User Mysterious'    / Observer Name (Last, First)

OBSRVRID=                  591 / Observer ID of Principal Investigator

PROCYCL =                    4 / Proposal Cycle

PROGID  =                 3555 / Program ID

PROTITLE= 'Census of Nearby Astronomy' / Program Title

PROGCAT =                   30 / Program Category

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DATE_OBS= '2004-12-25T12:36:22.885' / Date & time at DCE start

MJD_OBS =        53364.5252649 / [days] MJD at DCE start (JD-2400000.5)

HMJD_OBS=         53364.527286 / [days] Corresponding Heliocen. Mod. Julian Date

UTCS_OBS=        157250182.885 / [sec] J2000 ephem. time at DCE start

SCLK_OBS=        788445530.151 / [sec] SCLK time (since 1/1/1980) at DCE start

SPTZR_X =      12943498.778469 / [km] Heliocentric J2000 x position

SPTZR_Y =     136919179.699039 / [km] Heliocentric J2000 y position

SPTZR_Z =       61906273.15274 / [km] Heliocentric J2000 z position

SPTZR_VX=           -29.643153 / [km/s] Heliocentric J2000 x velocity

SPTZR_VY=             2.218454 / [km/s] Heliocentric J2000 y velocity

SPTZR_VZ=             0.555427 / [km/s] Heliocentric J2000 z velocity

SPTZR_LT=           503.082587 / [sec] One-way light time to Sun's center

ET_OBS  =        157250247.069 / [sec] Ephemeris time (seconds past J2000 epoch)

SAMPTIME=             0.524288 / [sec] Sample integration time

EXPTIME =                 9.96 / [sec] Integration time per pixel per BCD

IGN_FRM1=                    1 / Initial frames ignored for dcenum = 0

IGN_FRM2=                    1 / Initial frames ignored for dcenum > 0

SATTHDIF=                 3000 / [DN/SAMPTIME] Saturation Thres. in difference

BOOSTFRM=                    F / T if DCE with bias boost

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DRICRTYP=                    0 / Readout (jailbar) corr. type (0=add, 1=mult)

DRIROEXC=                    1 / Readout chan. excluded from backgrnd.(0 = None)

DRIBKGND=             28.71306 / Background estimate for readout corr. (MJy/sr)

DRICORR1=           -0.0155812 / Value subtracted from readout chan. 1 (MJy/sr)

DRICORR2=           0.02950604 / Value subtracted from readout chan. 2 (MJy/sr)

DRICORR3=          0.006658931 / Value subtracted from readout chan. 3 (MJy/sr)

DRICORR4=          -0.03616497 / Value subtracted from readout chan. 4 (MJy/sr)

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OBJECT  = '2ndStarToTheLeft'   / Object Name

OBJTYPE = 'TargetFixedSingle'  / Object Type

CRVAL1  =     4.67411748468823 / [deg] RA at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 averaged over DCE

CRVAL2  =     30.7836819259082 / [deg] DEC at CRPIX1,CRPIX2 averaged over DCE

RA_HMS  = '00h18m41.8s'        / [hh:mm:ss.s] CRVAL1 as sexigesimal

DEC_DMS = '+30d47m01s'         / [dd:mm:ss] CRVAL2 as sexigesimal

CD1_1   = 0.000662521671553711 / [deg/pix] CD matrix element 1_1

CD1_2   = 0.000216196769364234 / [deg/pix] CD matrix element 1_2

CD2_1   = 0.000206849911868398 / [deg/pix] CD matrix element 2_1

CD2_2   = -0.000689758045754793 / [deg/pix] CD matrix element 2_2

RADESYS = 'ICRS    '           / International Celestial Reference System

EQUINOX =                2000. / Equinox for ICRS celestial coord. system

CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN-SIP'       / RA---TAN with distortion in pixel space

CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN-SIP'       / DEC--TAN with distortion in pixel space

CRPIX1  =                 64.5 / Reference pixel along axis 1

CRPIX2  =                 64.5 / Reference pixel along axis 2

CRDER1  = 0.000302817912732396 / [deg] Uncertainty in CRVAL1

CRDER2  = 0.000310227340971778 / [deg] Uncertainty in CRVAL2

UNCRTPA =  0.00173141556123278 / [deg] Uncertainty in position angle

CSDRADEC= -3.96827849099566E-05 / [deg] Costandard deviation in RA and Dec

SIGRA   =  0.00995321683674971 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion in RA over DCE

SIGDEC  =    0.012893579799308 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion in DEC over DCE

SIGPA   =    0.023538054297016 / [arcsec] RMS dispersion of PA over DCE

RA_REF  =     4.58708333333336 / [deg] Commanded RA (J2000) of ref. position

DEC_REF =     30.9561111111111 / [deg] Commanded Dec (J2000) of ref. position

RA_RQST =     4.67438563100378 / [deg] Requested RA at CRPIX1

DEC_RQST=     30.7828569421983 / [deg] Requested Dec at CRPIX2

PA_RQST =     253.183572010275 / [deg] Reqst. pos. angle of TPF Z axis (E of N)

PA      =     162.597002022419 / [deg] pos. angle of axis 2 (E of N,+=CCW)

PXSCAL1 =    -2.49861956108361 / [arcsec/pix] Scale for axis 1 at CRPIX1,CRPIX2

PXSCAL2 =     2.60224775411189 / [arcsec/pix] Scale for axis 2 at CRPIX1,CRPIX2

PM_RA   =                   0. / [arcsec/yr] Proper Motion in RA (J2000)

PM_DEC  =                   0. / [arcsec/yr] Proper Motion in Dec (J2000)

CSM_PRED=               1877.5 / [DAC] Predicted mirror start pos

CSM_SKY =             69.11006 / [arcsec] Predicted mirror start pos on sky

CSM_RATE=                   0. / [milli-arcsec/sec] Mirror scan rate

CSM_AVG =             0.626502 / [degree] Average mirror position during exposur

SPOT_X  =             116.5679 / [pix] X-position of spot

SPOT_Y  =             123.8449 / [pix] Y-position of spot

RMS_JIT =   0.0127988574634452 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE

RMS_JITY=   0.0110659867771283 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE along Y

RMS_JITZ=  0.00643076115386099 / [arcsec] RMS jitter during DCE along Z

CSD_JTYZ=  0.00721015496077727 / [arcsec] YZ costandard deviation of jitter

PTGDIFF =     3.08355809766194 / [arcsec] offset btwn actual and rqsted pntng

PTGDIFFX=   0.0969196073613785 / [arcsec] rqsted - actual pntng along axis 1

PTGDIFFY=     3.08214166222852 / [arcsec] rqsted - actual pntng along axis 2

USEDBPHF=                    T / T if Boresight Pointing History File was used

BPHFNAME= 'BPHF.0788443200.03.pntg' / Boresight Pointing History Filename

FOVVERSN= 'BodyFrames_FTU_20b.xls' / FOV/BodyFrames file version used

RECONFOV= 'MIPS_24um_center'   / Reconstructed Field of View

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A_ORDER =                    3 / polynomial order, axis 1, detector to sky

A_0_2   =        -6.287562E-05 / distortion coefficient

A_0_3   =        -6.606639E-09 / distortion coefficient

A_1_1   =         0.0002184317 / distortion coefficient

A_1_2   =         1.027904E-07 / distortion coefficient

A_2_0   =        -0.0001010024 / distortion coefficient

A_2_1   =        -1.125812E-08 / distortion coefficient

A_3_0   =         8.059269E-08 / distortion coefficient

A_DMAX  =             1.618317 / [pixel] maximum correction

B_ORDER =                    3 / polynomial order, axis 2, detector to sky

B_0_2   =         0.0002625803 / distortion coefficient

B_0_3   =         7.147519E-08 / distortion coefficient

B_1_1   =        -2.792293E-05 / distortion coefficient

B_1_2   =         4.286775E-08 / distortion coefficient

B_2_0   =         4.292149E-05 / distortion coefficient

B_2_1   =         4.423702E-08 / distortion coefficient

B_3_0   =          3.79311E-08 / distortion coefficient

B_DMAX  =              1.37512 / [pixel] maximum correction

AP_ORDER=                    3 / polynomial order, axis 1, sky to detector

AP_0_1  =         -1.97579E-07 / distortion coefficient

AP_0_2  =         6.294245E-05 / distortion coefficient

AP_0_3  =        -4.004898E-08 / distortion coefficient

AP_1_0  =        -3.160691E-07 / distortion coefficient

AP_1_1  =        -0.0002182317 / distortion coefficient

AP_1_2  =         1.846447E-08 / distortion coefficient

AP_2_0  =         0.0001009683 / distortion coefficient

AP_2_1  =        -6.633405E-08 / distortion coefficient

AP_3_0  =        -5.067885E-08 / distortion coefficient

BP_ORDER=                    3 / polynomial order, axis 2, sky to detector

BP_0_1  =         1.957661E-07 / distortion coefficient

BP_0_2  =        -0.0002625803 / distortion coefficient

BP_0_3  =         6.809677E-08 / distortion coefficient

BP_1_0  =        -3.653805E-07 / distortion coefficient

BP_1_1  =         2.823293E-05 / distortion coefficient

BP_1_2  =        -7.624991E-08 / distortion coefficient

BP_2_0  =         -4.29349E-05 / distortion coefficient

BP_2_1  =         6.350271E-10 / distortion coefficient

BP_3_0  =        -4.766764E-08 / distortion coefficient

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          / PHOTOMETRY

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BUNIT   = 'MJy/sr  '           / Units of image data

FLUXCONV=               0.0447 / Flux Conv. factor (DN/s to BUNIT)

GAIN    =                   5. / e/DN conversion

ZODY_EST=             24.89214 / [MJy/sr] Zodiacal Background Estimate

ISM_EST =            0.1823817 / [MJy/sr] Interstellar Medium Estimate

CIB_EST =                   0. / [MJy/sr] Cosmic IR Background Estimate

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CYCLENUM=                    1 / Current cycle number

CLPOSNUM=                    1 / Current cluster position

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SELEC24 =                    T / MIPS-24 selected

LARGE24 =                    F / MIPS-24 Field Size; T=large, F=small

NCYCL24 =                    1 / Number of MIPS-24 photometry cycles

SELEC70 =                    T / MIPS-70 selected

LARGE70 =                    F / MIPS-70 Field Size; T=large, F=small

FINESCAL=                    F / Image scale (T= fine, F=default)

NCYCL70 =                    2 / Number of MIPS-70 photometry cycles

SELEC160=                    F / MIPS-160 selected

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CE_SIDE =                    1 / Common Electronics Side (1=A,2=B)

GRPARVTC=         7.884455E+08 / [Sec] Coarse Spacecraft Group Time

GRPARVTF=             0.687874 / [Sec] Fine Spacecraft Group Time

CRSESYNC=            788445529 / [Sec] Mirror Sync Pulse Coarse Time

FINESYNC=               41070. / [1/65535 Sec] Mirror Sync Pulse Fine Time

CSM_MOD =                    0 / CSMM Mode: 0=Chop,1=Ramp

DCE_FRMS=                   84 / [Fr/DCE] Ge Frames per DCE Command

FRMFLYBK=                    4 / [Frames] CSMM Flyback Duration

CSM_SLP =                 511. / [DAC/s] CSMM Ramp Slope Command

DCE_CALC=                    6 / DCEs per Calibration Cycle Command

ACREJCNT=                    0 / Command Reject Counter

AIRSPCNT=                    0 / Invalid Response Count

ALIMVCNT=                    0 / Limit Violation  Counter

AFIFOBAD=                    1 / Science Data FIFO Bad Half Full Interrupts

ASDMGRFA=                    0 / SDM Groups Not Accepted By CDH

ALSTERLD=                 3732 / Last Error Id

ALSTERPM=                    1 / Last Error Parameter

ATOTALER=                    6 / Total Errors Posted Count

CSM_POS =               29944. / [DAC] CSMM Position Output

CSM_POSF=     23760.3333333333 / [DAC] CSMM Fine Position DAC

CSM_POSC=     16732.6666666667 / [DAC] CSMM Coarse Position DAC

ANCSMCUR=    -539.536576666667 / [uAmps]

ANCSMGN =    -14.9433215555556 / CSMM Gain Adjustment DAC

CSM_OFFS=     2367.14527777778 / [arcsec] CSMM Position Offset DAC Output

ANCSMPS1=                2007. / [DAC] CSMM Scanpos1 Command

ANCSMPS2=                2007. / [DAC] CSMM Scanpos2 Command

ANCSMRP1=                2307. / [DAC] CSMM Relpos1 Command

ANCSMRP2=                3602. / [DAC] CSMM Relpos2 Command

ANCSMSTP=                -259. / [DAC] CSMM Scanoffset Command

CMD_DCES=                   13 / Number of DCEs in Exposure

CSM_OOLC=                    0 / CSMM Out Of Limits Count

SC_SYNCC=                40484 / Total HTG CSMM to SC Synch Pulse Count

GROUPCNT=                    4 / MIPS Group Count Per DCE

GROUPIDX=                   74 / MIPS Exp. Manager Index for Next SDM Group

ANIMCYFC=                   84 / Frames per Image Cycle Commanded

ANHTGEFC=                  429 / HTG Frames In Exposure Counter

IMGCYCLC=                20878 / Total Image Cycles Since HTG Ready

EXPIMGCY=                    5 / Image Cycles in Exposure Counter

ANCALCYC=                    4 / DCEs completed in Calibration Cycle

D24FRAME=                61994 / Total D24 Frame Count

D24EXPDC=                    4 / D24 DCEs in Exposure Counter

CMD_T_24=                 5.15 / [Deg_K]

AD24TMPA=             5.156204 / [Deg_K]

AD24TMPB=              5.13661 / [Deg_K]

ACSMMTMP=             1.267753 / [Deg_K]

ACEBOXTM=             13.00376 / [Deg_C]

AD24STMI=                   0. / [uAmps]

AD24HTRI=             104.8543 / [uAmps]

AVDSUBV =             3.492988 / [Volts] VD Sub Voltage

APROFF1V=             5.907892 / [Volts]

APROFF2V=             5.904685 / [Volts]

APROFF3V=             5.903617 / [Volts]

APROFF4V=             5.903403 / [Volts]

AD24ANLI=             1181.821 / [uAmps]

ABASTMCR=            788427678 / Coarse Component of CE Base Time

ABASTMFN=                15353 / Fine Component of CE Base Time

AFSWMJRV=                    3 / CE Flight Software Major Version Number

AFSWMINV=                    2 / CE Flight Software Minor Version Number

AD24PWEN=                    1 / Det 24u Power Enable Commanded State

AD24SITM=                    0 / Det 24u Temperature Sensor Status

AD24PWRS=                    1 / Det 24u Power Enable Status

AD24TMSE=                    1 / Det 24u Temperature Sensor Comanded State

AD24STMC=                    0 / Det 24u  Stimulator Enable Commanded State

A24HTDAC=                  244 / D24 Heater DAC Load Value

A24HTCMD=                    1 / MIPS D24 Heater Enable Commanded State

AD24ANLS=                    0 / MIPS D24 Anneal Status

A24HTMEN=                    1 / D24 Heater Monitor Enable Status

HSPLSTMF=                60546 / MIPS Scan Mirror Pulse Timestamp Fine

SC_AT_Q1=            0.7792743 / ATDT_SC_QUATERNION_Q1

SC_AT_Q2=           -0.1274316 / ATDT_SC_QUATERNION_Q2

SC_AT_Q3=            0.2363692 / ATDT_SC_QUATERNION_Q3

SC_AT_Q4=            0.5662352 / ATDT_SC_QUATERNION_Q4

SC_R8_X =           0.09427691 / [asec/s]

SC_R8_Y =          -0.03779747 / [asec/s]

SC_R8_Z =           0.02729783 / [asec/s]

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DATE    = '2009-12-08T04:25:11' / [YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC] file creation date

ORIGIN0 = 'JPL_FOS '           / Site where raw-FITS file was written

CREATOR0= 'JPL_FOS SIS'        / SW system that created raw-FITS file

SIS_SVER= 'J5.3    '           / SIS SW VERsion of CREATOR0

AORKEY  =             11254784 / AOR or IER key. Astro. Obs Req/Instr Eng Req

DS_IDENT= 'ads/sa.spitzer#0011254784' / Data Set Identification for ADS/journals

EXPID   =                    3 / Exposure ID (0-9999)

DCENUM  =                    4 / DCE number (0-9999)

TLMGRPS =                    9 / Number of expected telemetry groups

FILE_VER=                    1 / Version of the raw file made by SIS

RAWDATE = '2004-12-25T13:10:25' / SIS file creation date

RAWFILE = 'MIPS.1.0011254784.0003.0004.01.mipl.fits' / Raw data file name

CPT_VER = '3.0.98  '           / Channel Param Table FOS versioN

EXPDFLAG=                    F / (T/F) expedited DCE

MISS_LCT=                    0 / Total Missed Line Cnt in this FITS

MANCPKT =                    F / T if this FITS is Missing Ancillary Data

MISSDATA=                    F / T if this FITS is Missing Image Data

PAONUM  =                  987 / PAO Number

CAMPAIGN= 'MIPS007100'         / Campaign

DCEID   =             25153227 / Data-Collection-Event ID

DCEINSID=              5382760 / DCE Instance ID

DPID    =            290022187 / Data Product Instance ID

PIPENUM =                  405 / Pipeline Script Number

PLSCRPID=                 1061 / Pipeline Script ID

SOS_VER =                    1 / Data-Product Version

PLVID   =                    1 / Pipeline Version ID

CALID   =                    1 / CalTrans Version ID

CTD_VER = '3.0.94S '           / Commanded telemetry data version

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EPIDSFLT= '6378803 '           / Super-flat ensemble product ID

FBIDDARK= '184623  '           / Dark fallback product ID

FBIDSPOT= '177178  '           / Spot-map fallback product ID

SPOTMAP = 'mips24spotmap_NP_0._1877.75_x116.542_y123.884.fits' / Spot-map used

FBIDNONL= '23850   '           / Non-linearity fallback product ID

FBIDROWF= '23851   '           / Row-flux corr. fallback product ID

FBIDPMSK= '23839   '           / Pixel-mask fallback product ID

FBIDDNT = '183891  '           / DN-to-Flux single file fallback ID

SCETDARK= '1980-01-01 00:16:40' / Dark product acquisition time

SCETSFLT= '2004-12-22 04:00:07' / Super-flat acquisition time

SCETSPOT= '1980-01-01 00:00:00' / Spot-map acquisition time

SCETNONL= '1980-01-01 00:16:40' / Non-linearity acquisition time

SCETROWF= '1980-01-01 00:16:40' / Row-flux corr. acquisition time

SCETPMSK= '1980-01-01 00:16:40' / Pixel-mask acquisition time

SCETDNT = '1980-01-01 00:16:40' / Time of DN-to-Flux single fallback file

HISTORY job.c ver: 1.50

HISTORY TRANHEAD                  v.         13.0, ran Mon Dec  7 20:24:47 2009

HISTORY CALTRANS                 v.        4.0, ran Mon Dec  7 20:24:56 2009

HISTORY cvti2r4           v.  1.31 A61025, generated 12/07/09 at 20:25:02

HISTORY SATMASK                   v.     3.100000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:02 2009

HISTORY DNTOFLUX                  v.          4.1, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:03 2009

HISTORY SLOPERROR                 v.     3.000000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:03 2009

HISTORY rowfluxcorr       v.  2.2  A40318, generated 12/07/09 at 20:25:05

HISTORY DESATSLOPE                v.     3.400000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:06 2009

HISTORY DROOPOP                   v.     3.800000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:07 2009

HISTORY CUBESUB                   v.     3.200000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:08 2009

HISTORY SLOPECORR                 v.     4.700000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:08 2009

HISTORY FLATAP                    v. 1.500   Mon Dec  7 20:25:09 2009

HISTORY DNTOFLUX                  v.          4.1, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:10 2009

HISTORY DARKDRIFT                 v.          4.1, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:10 2009

HISTORY SATMASK                   v.     3.100000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:25:11 2009

HISTORY CALTRANS                 v.        4.0, ran Mon Dec  7 20:35:50 2009

HISTORY MIRRORSYNCH               v.     4.700000, ran Mon Dec  7 20:35:53 2009

HISTORY PTNTRAN                   v.          1.4, ran Mon Dec  7 20:35:58 2009

HISTORY BGMODEL                   v.          1.0, ran Mon Dec  7 20:36:06 2009

HISTORY FPGen                     v.         1.25, ran Mon Dec  7 20:36:10 2009