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Spitzer Documentation & Tools
Visiting Graduate Students

Program Description

The Spitzer Science Center (SSC) had six-month graduate student fellowships designed to allow students from other institutions throughout the world to visit the SSC and perform astronomical research in close association with a SSC staff member. The aim of the program was to provide a graduate student from another institution with the opportunity of working at the SSC during the Spitzer mission, and to share in the excitement of NASA's fourth Great Observatory.

Funding from the SSC was provided for a 6-month period via a monthly stipend, airfare to the SSC from the home institution and some start-up expenses. Typically 4-5 students were accepted on the program per year. Students would normally begin work at the SSC in July and leave in Late Jan/Early February the following year.

List of Visting Graduate Students


  • Jed McKinney (UMass, Amherst) with L. Armus on "Understanding Star Formation and Black Hole Growth in Luminous Infrared Galaxies"


  • Savannah Jacklin (Vanderbilt) with S. Calchi Novatti on "UKIRT Microlensing Survey"


  • Avani Gowardhan (Cornell) with J. Mazzarella and L. Armus on "Understanding Star Formation and Black Hole Formation in Luminous Infrared Galaxies"
  • Rebecca Larson (UT Austin) with P. Capak on "The Spitzer-Euclid-WFIRST Legacy Survey"


  • Lisa Dang (McGill) with S. Novati on "Microlensing Parallax for Exoplanets Toward the Bulge"


  • Li-Yen Hsu (IfA, Hawaii) with E. Murphy and V. Desai on "The Jansky-VLA Frontier Fields Legacy Survey"


  • V. Zachary Golkhou (ASU) with J. Surace on "SNe in Star Forming Galaxies with PTF"


  • Wanggi Lim (U Fla) with S. Carey on "Measuring the mid-infrared extinction law in infrared dark clouds"
  • Aditya Togi (U. Toledo) with L. Armus on "Understanding Luminous galaxies with Herschel and Spitzer"


  • George Privon (UVA) with J. Mazzarella on "Dynamical Modeling of Luminous Infrared Galaxy Mergers Hosting AGN"


  • Shoubaneh Hemmati (UC Riverside) - with James Colbert on "Massive Galaxies in a z=1.6 Quasar Over-Density"
  • Daniel Masters (UC Riverside) - with Peter Capak and Harry Teplitz on "The Faint End Of The Quasar Luminosity Function"


  • Anita Titmarsh (Tasmania Univ., Australia) - with Alberto Noriega-Crespo, Roberta Paladini and Sean Carey on "The radio-FIR correlation for HII regions within the Milky Way"


  • Hanea Inami (JAXA, Japan) - with Lee Armus on "Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs)."
  • Carl Melis (UCLA - with David Ardila on "Observational and theoretical studies of debris disks."
  • Carolyn Moore (U. Wyoming) - with Lin Yan on "High redshift, IR luminous galaxies and optical spectroscopy"
  • Matthew Thomson (U. Sussex, UK) - with Ranga-Ram Chary on "Type Ia Supernovae at High Redshift"
  • Yipeng Wang (Nanjing University, China) - with Mark Lacy on "Characterizing type-1 and type-2 quasar host galaxies."


  • Amelia Bayo-Aran (University of Madrid) - working with John Stauffer on "Studies of low mass stars and brown dwarfs in young open clusters" .
  • Mark Frost (University of Sussex) - working with Jason Surace on "Search for high-z Supernovae and other Transients in the IRAC Dark Field".
  • Jack Hewitt (Northwestern University) - working with Jeonghee Rho on "Spectroscopy Survey of Supernova Remnants in the Inner Galaxy: Interactions with Molecular Clouds and Shock Processing of Dust."
  • Jillian Meyer (University of Washington) - working with Patrick Ogle on "The nature of the quasar central engines".
  • Hyunjin Shim (University of Korea) - working with Harry Teplitz on "Multi-wavelength study of galaxy evolution in GOODS and other deep fields"
  • Visiting Grad Students (Unofficially, not part of the program but already in Pasadena)
    • Benjamin Magnelli (CEA-Saclay, France)
    • Audrey Galametz (ESO, Garching)

  • Sonali Shukla (Vanderbilt Uni) - with Patrick Lowrance on Disks around Brown Dwarfs
  • Agnes Kospal (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary) - with David Ardila on Circumstellar Disks
  • Greg Brunner (Rice Uni) - with Kartik Sheth on IRS Spectral Maps of M51
  • Nicolas Flagey (IAS, Orsay, France) - with Alberto Noriega-Crespo/Sean Carey on the Eagle Nebula
  • Visiting Grad Students (Unofficially, not part of the program)
    • Pedro Beirao (Leiden Univ., Netherlands) - with Phil Appleton on understanding Arp 143, the Taffy and M82 with Spitzer(+/GALEX)
    • Benjamin Bertincourt (France) - with George Helou on Emission Line Galaxies in a Deep IRS Spectral Map of GOODS-N

  • Carrie Bridge (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
  • Andreea Petric (Columbia Univ, NY)
  • Maria Morales-Calderon (LAEFF-INTA, Spain)
  • Basmah Riaz (Delaware)
  • David Salaman (Sussex)
  • Ivana Damjanov (Belgrade)


  • Adam Muzzin (Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
  • Eric Murphy (Yale)
  • Ian McNabb (Denver)
  • Visiting Grad Students (Unofficially, not part of the program)
    • Odysseus Dionatos (Rome Observatory)
    • Roberta Johnson (Cal State Uni, Long Beach)

  • Carolyn Brinkworth
  • Anna Sajina
  • Mike Kelley