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Spitzer Documentation & Tools
Calls for Proposals

The Calls for Proposals invited investigators worldwide to submit proposals for Spitzer Space Telescope time. They include guides for planning and submitting proposals to the Spitzer Science Center.

Spitzer Cycle 14 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1 MB) - December 2017
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 13 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.4 MB) - February 2016
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 12 Call for Proposals (PDF, 793 KB) - June 2015
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 11 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1 MB) - July 2014
This Call invited investigators to submit Exploration Science, General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 10 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.6 MB) - May 2013
This Call invited investigators to submit Exploration Science, General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 9 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.5 MB) - May 2012
This Call invited investigators to submit Exploration Science, General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 8 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.3 MB) - October 2010
This Call invited investigators to submit Exploration Science, General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 7 Call for Proposals (PDF, 842 KB) - January 2010
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer and Snapshot proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 6 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.08 MB) - July 2008
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer and Exploration Science proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 5 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.3 MB) - November 2007
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer, Legacy General Observer, Archival Research, Theoretical Research, and Guaranteed Time Observer proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 4 Call for Proposals (PDF, 652 KB) - November 2006
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer, Legacy General Observer, Archival Research, Theoretical Research, and Guaranteed Time Observer proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 3 Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.35 MB) - November 2005
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer, Legacy General Observer, Archival Research, Theoretical Research, and Guaranteed Time Observer proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 2 Call for Proposals (PDF, 472 KB) - November 2004
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer, Archival Research, Theoretical Research and Spitzer HST General Observer proposals.

Spitzer Cycle 1 General Observer Education and Public Outreach Call for Proposals (PDF, 440 KB) - October 2004
This Call invited accepted Cycle 1 General Observers (GOs) and Archival Researchers (ARs) to submit proposals for an Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) supplement to the parent research program.

Spitzer Cycle 1 Call for Proposals (PDF, 227 KB) - November 2002
This Call invited investigators to submit General Observer and Archival Research proposals.

SIRTF Legacy Science Program Selected - 17 November 2000

The SIRTF Science Center (SSC) at the California Institute of Technology, on behalf of NASA and the SIRTF Project Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, announces the selection of projects that will comprise the SIRTF Legacy Science Program. Six investigations were chosen following a competitive scientific review held at the SSC in October. These projects will utilize 3160 hours of SIRTF observing time, primarily in the first year of the mission, to conduct large and coherent science investigations. The processed data and post-pipeline data products from these projects will create substantial databases that will be invaluable for archival research, and in planning subsequent programs on SIRTF or on other space-borne, airborne, and ground-based observatories. See the Legacy Programs page for more information.

SSC Receives Legacy Science Proposals - 22 September 2000

The SSC received 28 proposals in response to the Legacy Science Call for Proposals. Investigators requested a total of 16,885 hours of SIRTF observing time, an over-subscription of 5.6. The selection of approved projects will be announced in mid- to late November, and the teams will be established and funded by December 2000. A post-selection Legacy Science Workshop will be held at the SSC on January 12-13, 2001 and is timed to immediately follow the semi-annual American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in San Diego. The approved teams will have until April 2001 to submit revisions to their proposed projects, based upon recommendations of the Time Allocation Committee and the SSC Director. The SSC will be submitting a request to the AAS to host a special session at the June 2001 summer meeting in Pasadena, in which the approved teams will describe their observing plans and any post-pipeline data products to be developed for use by the general community. See the Legacy Programs page for more information.

Legacy Science Program Letters of Intent - 3 August 2000

The SSC received 33 Letters of Intent (LoI) from Principal Investigators proposing to participate in the SIRTF Legacy Science Program. Of this total, 28 teams are led by U.S.-based PIs, although most of the proposing teams include international participation. Legacy Science proposals are due at 5:00 p.m. (PDT), September 15, 2000. The selection of approved projects will be announced in November, and the teams will be established and funded by December 2000. A post-selection Legacy Science Workshop will be held at the SSC on January 12-13, 2001 and is timed to follow the semi-annual American Astronomical Society meeting in San Diego. See the Legacy Programs page for more information.

Legacy Science Call for Proposals (Final) Issued - June 2000

The second and final version of the SIRTF Legacy Science Projects Call for Proposals (PDF, 1.17 MB) (CP) was issued by the SSC on June 30, 2000. The substantive changes from the first (draft) version of the CP, released on April 28, are summarized at the beginning of the final CP. Additional information about the SIRTF Legacy Programs is available.