Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 103
This version created on 05 October 2006

KECK HIRES Spectroscopy of Candidate Post T Tauri Stars

Eric Bubar, Clemson University
Jeremy King, Clemson University
David Soderblom, Space Telescope Science Institute
Constantine Deliyannis, Indiana University
Roggie Boone, Clemson University

We use high-signal-to-noise (between ~ 200-500), high resolution (R ~
45,000) KECK HIRES spectroscopy of 13 candidate post T Tauri stars in
the field to derive basic physical parameters, lithium abundances and
radial velocities.  We utilize qualitative age information determined
from Li abundances, chromospheric emission and kinematic UV plane
positions to distinguish pre and post main sequence objects.  Based on
these criteria and H-R diagram position, we identify 5 probable post T
Tauri stars.  We also examine irregular variability using the
HIPPARCOS photometry annex, and search for the presence of infrared
