Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 114
This version created on 05 October 2006

Effect of the solar magnetic field structures on thermodynamic
properties and spectroscopic observables in the solar atmosphere.

Tayeb Aiouaz, High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research

The solar magnetic field has its footpoints in the photosphere,
extends through the chromosphere, transition region, to finally fill
the whole solar corona.  Strong flux concentrations are located within
the boundaries of supergranular convection cells.  These boundaries
are the network lanes observed in Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) emission
lines which display increasing width with height through the solar
atmosphere.  We will present a three dimensional model of the solar
atmosphere above the quiet supergranular network.  The model combines
a 3D MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD) code with calculations of synthetic EUV
emission lines and includes the solar atmosphere all the way from the
chromosphere to the corona.  The MHD code uses the result of a
potential field extrapolation as initial condition for the magnetic
field in the framework of a recent study of the magnetic field
topology on the supergranular network expansion (Aiouaz & Rast, 2006).
We will report on the role of the magnetic field topology at low
heights on the magnetic structuring higher up in the atmosphere
(transition region, corona).  The results of the model will be related
to results of recent properties of EUV observations as observed with
the spectrometer SUMER on board the SOlar and Heliospheric
Observatorty (SOHO).
