Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 117
This version created on 05 October 2006

Integral-field spectroscopy of GQ Lup b

Andreas Seifahrt, ESO Garching
Ralph Neuhaeuser, AIU Jena
Peter Hauschildt, University of Hamburg

We present new mid-resolution (R=2000-4000) near infrared (JHK)
spectra of GQ Lup b taken with the integral-field spectrograph SINFONI
at the VLT.  GQ Lup b is a low-mass proper-motion companion to the
1(+/-1) Myr old T-Tauri star GQ Lup A and is supposedly of planetary
mass according to recent theoretical models.  We compare the measured
spectra with the newest generation of synthetic PHOENIX spectra and
derive new limits on Teff and logg, which in turn allows a more
precise mass determination of GQ Lup b.
