Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 119
This version created on 05 October 2006

Direct Imaging of Stellar Surfaces:  Results from the Stellar Imager
(SI) Vision Mission Study

Kenneth Carpenter, NASA's GSFC
Carolus Schrijver, LMATC
Margarita Karovska, SAO

The Stellar Imager (SI) is a UV-Optical, Space-Based Interferometer
designed to enable 0.1 milli-arcsecond (mas) spectral imaging of
stellar surfaces and stellar interiors (via asteroseismology) and of
the Universe in general.  SI is identified as a "Flagship and Landmark
Discovery Mission" in the 2005 Sun Solar System Connection (SSSC)
Roadmap and as a candidate for a "Pathways to Life Observatory" in the
Exploration of the Universe Division (EUD) Roadmap (May, 2005).  The
ultra-sharp images of the Stellar Imager will revolutionize our view
of many dynamic astrophysical processes:  The 0.1 mas resolution of
this deep-space telescope will transform point sources into extended
sources, and snapshots into evolving views.  SI's science focuses on
the role of magnetism in the Universe, particularly on magnetic
activity on the surfaces of stars like the Sun.  SI's prime goal is to
enable long-term forecasting of solar activity and the space weather
that it drives in support of the Living With a Star program in the
Exploration Era.  SI will also revolutionize our understanding of the
formation of planetary systems, of the habitability and climatology of
distant planets, and of many magneto-hydrodynamically controlled
processes in the Universe.  In this paper we will discuss the results
of the SI Vision Mission Study, elaborating on the science goals of
the SI Mission and a mission architecture that could meet those goals.
Additional information on the SI mission concept and related
technology development can be found at URL:
