Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 120
This version created on 05 October 2006

Slowing Embedded Migration

Ian Dobbs-Dixon, UC Santa Cruz
D.N.C. Lin, UC Santa Cruz
Shengtai Li, LANL
Hui Li, LANL

Type I planetary migration, low mass planets embedded in their nascent
disk, has been a continual problem for planet formation.  Both linear
theory and a limited number of numerical simulations have suggested
that inward migration timescales are too rapid to allow for planetary
growth.  We present a series of highly resolved numerical simulations
of planet-disk interaction.  Here we concentrate on the effects of
both a self-gravity treatment for the disk and non-linear
instabilities initiated by the vorticity gradient generated by the
planets spiral shocks.  We show that while both these effects slow the
planets migration, the non-linear interaction between the planet and
the vorticies generated by the fluid instability slows the migration
sufficiently to allow for mass growth and gas capture.
