Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 123
This version created on 05 October 2006

Search for long-term infrared variability in young eruptive stars with
the Spitzer Space Telescope

Agnes Kospal, Konkoly Observatory, visitor at IPAC, Caltech
Peter Abraham, Konkoly Observatory
David Ardila, Spitzer Science Center, IPAC, Caltech

We investigate the brightness evolution of young eruptive stars (FU
Orionis- and EX Lupi-type stars, most of them having K or M spectral
type) in the infrared wavelength regime.  We combine IRAC, IRS and
MIPS data to obtain the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the
stars, and compare these SEDs with earlier ones derived from IRAS,
ISO, as well as ground-based observations.  The observed flux
variations are used to gather information on the structure and
energetics of the circumstellar material and on its role in the
eruption.  We discuss the observed infrared variability in the
framework of the existing models for young eruptive stars.
