Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 125
This version created on 05 October 2006

Doppler Imaging of T Tauri Stars in the TW Hya Association

Mairead Skelly, Imperial College London
Yvonne Unruh, Imperial College London
Andrew Collier Cameron, University of St. Andrews
John Barnes, University of Hertfodrshire
Jean-Francois Donati, Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse
Warwick Lawson, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra
Brad Carter, University of Southern Queensland

We present Doppler images of two rapidly rotating diskless T Tauri
stars from the TW Hydrae association - TWA 6 and TWA 17.  These images
have been constructed using spectra from AAT/UCLES.  The total
observing time was 3+3 nights, with a 5 night gap.  As three nights
allows full phase coverage of both stars, two maps of each can be
produced.  Least Squares Deconvolution was applied to make use of a
large number of spectral lines to achieve the high signal to noise
ratios required for Doppler imaging.  Using the deconvolved lines, we
measure a projected equatorial rotation velocity of 75 km/s for TWA 6,
which is somewhat greater than the previously reported value of 55
km/s.  The deconvolved lines enable reconstruction of surface spot
distributions of the stellar surfaces.  We present here surface maps
of the two stars and a discussion of the stellar parameters.
