Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 127
This version created on 05 October 2006

FUSE Observations of 40  Eri B (and C!)

Brian Wood, University of Colorado and JILA

We observed the white dwarf 40  Eri B with the Far Ultraviolet
Explorer (FUSE) on 2003 December 20  and 2004 August 27.  The main
purpose of these observations is to detect and measure ISM absorption
lines against the far UV continuum of the hot white dwarf in order to
obtain abundances for the ISM very near to the Sun, given that 40  Eri
lies at a distance of only 5.04 pc.  We will report on results of
these measurements.  However, in the FUSE spectra we also find
variable O VI emission lines, which are surely not from 40  Eri B.
They must instead be from 40  Eri C, an M4.5 Ve companion to 40  Eri
B, which unexpectedly fell within the MDRS aperture during the FUSE
observations.  We will measure fluxes for these lines and assess their
level of variability.
