Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 133
This version created on 05 October 2006

Spectroscopic properties of UV Ceti-type stars

Ines Crespo-Chacon, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
David Montes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Javier Lopez-Santiago, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo
Maria Jose Fernandez-Figueroa, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Due to instrumental limitations, time-resolved studies of UV Ceti-type
flare stars have been generally carried out using photometric
observations.  However, high resolution spectra are needed to
characterize these stars.  We have analysed high resolution echelle
spectra of a sample of K7 and M dwafs classified as flare stars (UV
Ceti-type).  The observations cover a wavelength range that includes
different optical chromospheric activity indicators such as the Balmer
series and some Ca II, He I, Mg I and Na I lines.  Several flux-flux
and flux-rotational velocity relationships have been studied in
detail.  The results have been compared with those reported for other
cool stars, finding clear differences between them.
