Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 165
This version created on 05 October 2006

Uncertainties in Brown Dwarf Models

Travis Barman, Lowell Observatory

Brown dwarf discoveries now span a considerable range in temperature,
mass, and age down to newly formed (or still forming!) objects,
planetary masses, and extremely cool atmospheres.  These observational
discoveries have revealed many successes and failures of our current
state-of-the-art theoretical models.  Models in the form of synthetic
spectra, isochrones, and mass-luminosity diagrams provide conveniently
packaged descriptions for "the theory" of brown dwarfs.  However,
buried inside are many assumptions, approximations, and a variety of
arbitrary choices.  Nevertheless, these models are very powerful tools
for inferring the basic properties of brown dwarfs despite their
limitations.  This talk will summarize the current state of
spectroscopic models and the challenges they face with an emphasis on
the L/T spectral type transition, low-gravity dwarfs, and modeling low
metallicity sub-dwarfs.
