Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 169
This version created on 05 October 2006

Characterizing the solar neighborhood:  High resolution spectroscopy
of nearby FGK stars

Raquel Martínez-Arnaiz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM
Jesus Maldonado,  Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM & Universidad
 Autonoma de Madrid UAM
David Montes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid UCM
Carlos Eiroa, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid UAM
Benjamin Montesinos, Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia & Laboratorio
 de Astrofisica Espacial y Fisica Fundamental
Ignasi Ribas, Institut de Ciencies de l'Espai
Enrique Solano, Laboratorio de Astrofisica Espacial y Fisica Fundamental

This contribution describe our ongoing long-term high resolution
spectroscopic study of nearby (d < 25 pc), FGK stars with the aim of
characterizing the local properties of the Galaxy, in particular, the
star formation history.  A total of 136 stars have been observed up to
now.  118 out of 136 in two observing runs (July 2005, January 2006)
with the FOCES spectrograph in Calar Alto Almería, and 18 out of 136
in two observing runs (November 2005, February 2006) with SARG
spectrograph in La Palma.  The spectra have already been reduced and
are now being analysed.  Accurate estimates of fundamental stellar
parameters, like effective temperatures (spectral types) and
rotational velocities as well as radial velocities, Lithium abundance
and several chromospheric activity tracers allow us to ascribe the
stars to different moving groups and to analyze the chromospheric
activity/rotation/age relationships in groups of stars with different
ages.  We would like to remark that the sample of stars we are
observing constitute the natural places to look for the presence of
extra-solar planets and planetary systems.  An optimal knowledge of
the host stars is required to infer the nature, formation and
evolution of planets.  In addition, this knowledge is essential for
the success of future space missions, like Darwin, aiming to detect
Earth-like planets, to characterize planetary atmospheres and to carry
out comparative planetology.
