Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 189
This version created on 05 October 2006

NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA):  A Lot More Than Just Data

Anastasia Alexov, California Institute of Technology

Attendees of the Cool Stars meeting are likely familiar with
IRSA-curated legacy data sets like 2MASS and IRAS, but IRSA continues
to ingest and serve other data that may also be of interest to the
Cool Stars community.  Examples are data from MSX, SWAS, ISO, IRTS and
the Spitzer Space Telescope.  IRSA is not only an IR data warehouse
but is also a toolshed for a number of value-added services in support
of proposal and observing run preparation, catalog querying,
visualizing data, interacting with other data archives, cross-mission
data inventorying, image sub-setting and computing interstellar
reddening integrated along a line of sight through the Galaxy.  Of
particular interest to Cool Stars researchers are the Spitzer Legacy
data sets.  The final Spitzer Legacy I Enhanced Products along with
ancillary data are scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2006 to the
Spitzer Science Center and IRSA.  These will be made available through
IRSA's search engines within the following year.  In the meantime IRSA
serves Legacy I Enhanced Products from previous data deliveries.  IRSA
is working with the Spitzer Legacy II and III teams for future data
curation, starting in Fall 2006.  IRSA is also developing a searchable
interface to the entire Spitzer Archive Data.  The status of Legacy
I/II/III data at IRSA, along with a status of Spitzer archive
connectivity will be discussed.
