Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 190
This version created on 05 October 2006

Sigma Orionis in X-rays, Chandra and XMM observations

Nancy Adams-Wolk, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
Scott Wolk, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
Frederick Walter, University at Stony Brook
Bradley Spitzbart, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
William Sherry, National Solar Observatory

We present observations of Sigma Orionis from the Chandra and XMM
observatories.  Using tools from the ANCHORS pipeline production, we
cross-correlate the X-ray data and present the spectra and X-ray
luminosity function.  We will discuss the data, the reduction methods,
and the ANCHORS tools that were used.  ANCHORS is a web based archive
of point sources observed during Chandra observations of regions of
star formation.  It is designed to aid both the X-ray astronomer with
a desire to compare X-ray datasets and the star formation astronomer
wishing to compare stars across the spectrum.  Automated pipeline
processing ensures consistent analysis techniques for direct
comparisons among clusters and observing epochs.  This is the first
attempt to use ANCHORS software on an HRC Chandra dataset, instead of
ACIS.  This work will lead to the use of HRC data being included in
the ANCHORS archive.
