Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 192
This version created on 05 October 2006

Interferometric Measurement of PMS Stellar Diameters and hence Ages

Michal Simon, SUNY-Stony Brook

The diameter of a 0.5 msun 2MY old PMS star decreases to about half
its value by age 10MY (eg the PMS evolutionary tracks of the Lyons
group), and presents an angular diameter of 0.2 mas at 50  pc
distance.  Recent stellar diameter measurements of nearby MS stars
with the VLT and CHARA IR interferometers achieve uncertainties of a
few hundredths mas.  Song and Zuckerman have recently discovered a
large number of PMS stars in nearby moving groups at distances as
close as 20  pc.  Measurement of diameters of PMS stars thus seems
within reach.  This will enable determination of their relative ages,
at least, and with reference to evolutionary tracks judged reliable,
absolute ages.
