Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 201
This version created on 05 October 2006

Six New Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries below 1Msun

Mercedes Lopez-Morales, Carnegie Institution of Washington
J. Scott Shaw, University of Georgia at Athens
Jeffrey L. Coughlin, Emory University

We report the discovery of six new detached low-mass eclipsing
binaries with masses between 0.40  and 0.95 Msun.  We present full V,
R and I-band light curves for each system and preliminary mass,
radius, and effective temperature estimations for each component star.
The estimated radii of the stars appear consistently larger than the
values predicted by the models of Baraffe et al.  (1998) for masses
below ~ 0.8 Msun.  For stars more massive than 0.8 Msun the
discrepancy with the models lessens significantly.  The masses are
estimated from the mass-ratio vs.  radius-ratio relation of known
low-mass eclipsing binaries and the width of the eclipses.
Temperatures are estimated from the colors of the stars.  Radial
velocity measurements are still necessary to determine more accurate
values of those parameters.
