Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 218
This version created on 05 October 2006

Young Stellar Objects in the epsilon Chamaeleontis Group:  Probing
Proto-planetary Disk Systems in the HD 102437 Field with the

David Huenemoerder, MIT
Norbert Schulz, MIT
Paola Testa, MIT
Kazunori Ishibashi, MIT
Claude Canizares, MIT

We have obtained a 145 ks Chandra/HETGS observation of X-ray luminous
and accreting Herbig Ae star, HD 104237-A (DX Cha), and classical T
Tauri stars (CTTS) in the nearby (116 parsec) young (2 My) stellar
group Epsilon Chamaeleontis.  Our main goals are to test plausible
candidate models of magnetic and accretion generated X-ray emission
through plasma diagnostics of He-like triplet lines, and to survey
spectra and variability of CTTS.  Component A (spectral type A0-A8)
was bright enough to provide a well exposed high resolution spectrum.
Ne IX did not unambiguously indicate high density (the O VII lines
were not detected).  Other lines and the continuum indicate the
presence of high temperature plasma, similar to coronal sources.
Component A was also significantly variable.  For CTT components D and
E (respective spectral types M and K), we have obtained good low
resolution CCD spectra and light curves.  Component C, proposed to be
a brown dwarf, was detected and was variable.
