Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 239
This version created on 05 October 2006

Cool Evolved Stars in a Spitzer/IRAC Survey of the Galactic Center

Solange Ramirez, IPAC/Caltech
Susan Stolovy, SSC
Richard Arendt, SSAI/GSFC
Angela Cotera, SETI
Daniel Gezari, GSFC
Jack Hewitt, Northwestern U.
Jenifer Karr, Academia Sinica
Casey Law, Northwestern U.
Harvey Moseley, GSFC
Kris Sellgren, OSU
Howard Smith, CfA
Randall Smith, GSFC
Farhad Yusef-Zadeh, Northwestern U.

We present a discussion of the point source extraction procedure for
Spitzer Space Telescope/IRAC observations of the central 280  x 210
pc (2 x 1.5 degrees) of the Galaxy.  Measurements of the fluxes of
point sources using PRF fitting and aperture photometry at 3.6, 4.5,
5.8, and 8.0  microns were merged with 2MASS JHK photometry to produce
a catalogue of 1,265,215 sources.  We will discuss the distribution of
point sources with galactic latitude and longitude, the characteristic
point source colors, the shape of the color magnitude diagrams and the
spectral energy distributions.  We will focus on properties of cool
evolved stars within our sample.
