Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 240
This version created on 05 October 2006

CNO Abundances in the Really Cool Stars at the Galactic Center

Kris Sellgren, Ohio State University
K. Cunha, NOAO
V. V. Smith, NOAO
S. V. Ramirez, IPAC
R. D. Blum, NOAO
D. M. Terndrup, Ohio State University

We have obtained high-resolution near-infrared spectra, with PHOENIX
on Gemini-S, of stars in the Galactic Center.  Our sample was chosen
from our previous stellar [Fe/H] abundance study in the Galactic
Center (Ramirez et al.  2000).  Our ultimate goals are to measure
alpha-elemental abundances, in order to understand the enrichment
history of the Galactic Center by Type SNe II, and to measure CNO
abundances, to search for extra mixing in Galactic Center stars caused
by their close proximity (0.5 - 1.9 pc) to the Galactic nucleus and
its supermassive blackhole.  We will present a status report on our
analysis of these data, with an emphasis on the CNO abundances of
these Galactic Center luminous, cool stars.
