Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 254
This version created on 05 October 2006

OSIRIS Spectral Imaging of Closely Separated Binaries

M.W. McElwain
S.A. Metchev
J.E. Larkin
M. Barczys
C. Iserlohe
A. Krabbe
A. Quirrenbach
J. Weiss
S.A. Wright

We present OSIRIS spectral imaging of small separation (< 2") high
contrast binary systems resolved with the Keck adaptive optics (AO)
system.  With a spectral resolution of 3800  and diffraction limited
sampling.  OSIRIS is ideal for observing binary systems, because it
can simultaneously measure the astrometric, photometric, and
spectroscopic properties of a system.  In addition, OSIRIS can sample
the complex speckle pattern of bright nearby stars, identify speckles,
and subsequently suppress these artifacts with post-processing
algorithms.  We employ speckle and spectral suppression techniques to
search for non-stellar (brown dwarf and planetary) companions in the
halos of nearby, young stars.
