Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 256
This version created on 05 October 2006

Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems:  Placing Our Solar
System in Context

Michael R. Meyer, Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona
 and the FEPS Collaboration (

We summarize results from the Spitzer Legacy Science Program
"Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems".  The main science
goals of the program are to:  a) characterize the transition from
primordial to debris disks;  b) constrain the lifetime of gas-rich
disks capable of forming giant planets;  and c) explore the diversity
of planetary architectures surrounding mature sun-like stars.  Our
sample is comprised of 328 sun-like stars spanning a range in age from
3 Myr to 3 Gyr.  We focus on the latest results from the program
including a survey for molecular hydrogen emission with the IRS,
evolution of the 24 micron excess emission, structure and frequency of
outer debris disks, and the connection between debris, metallicity,
and the presence of radial velocity planets.
