Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 263
This version created on 05 October 2006

The Legacy of John Bahcall

Marc Pinsonneault, Ohio State University

John Bahcall played an central role in modern astronomy.  His numerous
contributions to stellar astrophysics will be reviewed, with a focus
on studies of the Sun.  I will argue that the current solar abundance
controversy has many of the same elements as the solar neutrino
problem that John played a decisive role in solving.  The combination
of helioseismology and interiors theory can be used to predict the
absolute abundances in the Sun.  There is a conflict between this
abundance scale and the one predicted by recent stellar atmospheres
calculations, indicating that there are unrecognized issues in one or
both theories.  Finally, the resolution of this problem will have
broad consequences which will be discussed.
