Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 267
This version created on 05 October 2006

A 1 sq.  Degree BVI Survey of IC 4665:  New Insights into Rotation,
Magnetic Activity and Lithium Evolution During the Late Pre-main

David James, Vanderbilt University
Phillip Cargile, Vanderbilt University
Willem-Jan de Wit, Observatoire de Grenoble
Christopher Saling, Vanderbilt University

We present high quality results of a 1 sq.  degree CCD BVI survey of
the central region of the young (30-50  Myr) cluster IC 4665.  These
data are compared to less robust, and in some cases 'relative',
photometry results presented by Prosser (1993), whose survey only
covered the central 41' x 32' square region.  Our dataset will be used
to derive more accurate physical stellar parameters for the cluster's
solar-type members, in order to re-assess the available rotation
period, X-ray luminosity and lithium abundance data ensembles which
already exist for this cluster.  Evolution comparisons will be made to
the similar-age clusters NGC 2547, IC 2391 and IC 2602, as well as to
early pre-main sequence stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster (~1 Myr) and
main sequence stars in the Pleiades (80-100  Myr).
