Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 277
This version created on 05 October 2006

Simulating Extrasolar Planet Populations for Direct Imaging Surveys

Eric Nielsen, Steward Observatory University of Arizona
Laird Close, Steward Observatory University of Arizona
Beth Biller, Steward Observatory University of Arizona

As direct imaging surveys are being designed and carried out to detect
extrasolar planets around young, nearby stars it is important to
carefully evaluate the criteria for selection of target stars, as well
as the predicted success of a given planet-finding system.  We have
developed a routine to simulate an ensemble of a large number of
planets around each potential target stars, and to determine what
fraction can be reliably detected using a system's predicted or
observed sensitivity curve (The maximum flux ratio between the parent
star and a detectable planet as a function of projected angular
radius).  Each planet has a randomly assigned semi-major axis, mass,
and eccentricity (following extrapolations of detected radial velocity
planets), as well as viewing angles and orbital phase.  The orbital
parameters give a projected separation for each planet, while the mass
is converted into a flux ratio in the appropriate bandpass of the
detector using the models of Burrows et al.  (2003);  this allows the
simulated planets to be directly evaluated against the system's
sensitivity curve.  Since this method requires basic parameters (age,
distance, spectral type, apparent magnitude) for each target star, a
target list can be constructed the maximizes the likelihood of
detecting planets, or competing instrument designs can be evaluated
with respect to their predicted success for a given survey.  This
method has already been employed to select targets for the
Simultaneous Differential Imaging surveys (Biller et al.  2004)
conducted at the VLT and MMT.
