Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 280
This version created on 05 October 2006

Discovery and characterization of Brown Dwarfs using Virtual
Observatory tools.

Enrique Solano, INTA-LAEFF, Madrid, Spain
Eduardo Martín, IAC, Spain
Jose A. Caballero, MPI, Heidelberg, Germany
M. Luisa Valdivielso, IAC, Spain
David Barrado y Navascues, INTA-LAEFF, Madrid, Spain

Brown dwarfs are intrinsically faint objects so their detection is not
straightforward.  Although the advent of global surveys at deep
optical and near-infrared wavebands like 2MASS, SDSS or DENIS allowed
mining the sky through an appropriate combination of colours and/or
proper motion information alleviating, at least partly, this
situation, the reality is that building a census of substellar objects
implies the discovery of a statistically significant number of them
through queries that combine attributes available from different
archives, an approach out of the scope of the "classical" research
methodology but that perfectly fits in the framewok of the Virtual
Observatory as demonstrated by the discovery of a new L-type brown
dwarf during the 2003 NVO Science Demonstration.  Also, the
characterization of the stellar mass function at the lower end has
been identified as a key Science Case by two of the most important VO
initiatives:  AstroGrid and EURO-VO.  In this poster we describe the
methodology and lines of work that, in the field of detection and
characterization of brown dwarfs, are being developed in the framework
of the Spanish Virtual Observatory.
