Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 282
This version created on 05 October 2006

Stellar Activity on Local Association (7-100  Myr) Dwarfs and Its
Potential Influence on Their Protoplanetary Systems

Alexander Brown, University of Colorado
Graham Harper, University of Colorado
Thomas Ayres, University of Colorado

Young stars have very high levels of stellar activity (e.g.  UV and
X-ray emission) that can strongly affect the formation and evolution
of their protoplanetary systems.  The high energy emission, both as
radiation and particles, resulting from magnetic activity on the
central star influences the thermal structure of disks, the formation
process of planetesimals, and the photoexcitation and photoionization
of protoplanets and young planetary atmospheres.  The dwarfs of the
Local Association, whose ages range from 7 Myr to 200  Myr, are a
remarkable sample of young stars very close to the Sun (typically
nearer than 50  pc) that permit the detailed study of the early
evolution of stellar activity.  We describe our FUV (FUSE and HST) and
X-ray (Chandra and XMM) observations of Local Association dwarf stars
and the overall high energy (FUV/EUV/X-ray) radiation fields from such
stars.  Major observational efforts that are included are our FUSE
Cycle 6/7 Legacy project on the 12 Myr old Beta Pic Moving Group and
our FUSE Cycle 7 Survey project on the 30  Myr old Tucana-Horologium
Moving Group.
