Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 297
This version created on 05 October 2006

The Spitzer MIPS 24 micron Photometric Light Curve of the Eclipsing
M-Dwarf Binary GU Boo

Kaspar von Braun, Michelson Science Center / Caltech
Gerard T. van Belle, Michelson Science Center / Caltech
David Ciardi, Michelson Science Center / Caltech
Stefanie Wachter, Spitzer Science Center / Caltech
Donald Hoard, Spitzer Science Center / Caltech

We present a carefully controlled set of Spitzer 24 micron MIPS time
series observations of the low mass eclipsing binary star GU Boötes.
These observations serve to characterize the MIPS-24 observing
techniques of the spacecraft, precisely establishing the photometric
repeatability of this instrument at the tens of microJy level.  The
data aim to substantiate the previously announced GO-1 and upcoming
GO-2 observations of extrasolar planet transits at similar levels of
precision.  An additional science return is the first-ever long
wavelength characterization of such a low-mass object's light curve,
allowing for improved characterization of the components' linear
radii, in addition to other aspects of their surface morphology.  In
this presentation, we show GU Boo's 24 micron light curve and give our
estimates concerning astrophysical parameters of the binary system.  
