Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 298
This version created on 05 October 2006

Flaring Cool Dwarf Stars in the GALEX Ultraviolet Sky Surveys

Jonathan Wheatley, UC Berkeley
Barry Welsh, UC Berkeley
Stanley Browne, UC Berkeley
Andrew West, UC Berkeley
Oswald Siegmund, UC Berkeley
Mark Seibert, Caltech

Since June 2003, the NASA GALEX mission has been surveying the sky at
ultraviolet wavelengths from 1350-2800  Angstroms, observing much of
the sky away from the galactic plane (abs(b)>20  degrees).  In the
course of its surveys, GALEX has serendipitously detected hundreds of
energetic flares on M-dwarf stars, with an unprecedented
time-resolution of <0.01s.  These high time-resolution photometric
data in two bands (FUV and NUV) can be used to place constraints on
flare models and determine flare frequency.  GALEX has also obtained a
single grism spectrum of a flare event on the M-type dwarf 2MASS
