Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 301
This version created on 05 October 2006

CESO:  A concept for direct imaging of extrasolar Earth-like planets
from the ground

Markus Janson, MPIA Heidelberg

We present a new concept for detecting and characterizing extrasolar
planets down to Earth-size or smaller through direct imaging.  The NWO
occulter developed by Cash and coworkers is placed in a particular
geometrical setup, where fuel requirements are small, and where the
occulter is used in combination with ground-based telescopes,
presumably leading to an extreme cost efficiency compared to other
concepts with similar science goals.  We investigate the various
aspects of the given geometry, such as the dynamics and radiation
environment of the occulter, and construct a detailed example target
list to ensure that an excellent science case can be maintained
despite the limited sky coverage.  It is found that more than 200
systems can be observed with 2-3 visits per system, using only a few
tonnes of fuel.  For each system, an Earth-sized planet with Earth
albedo can be found in the habitable zone in less than 2 hours.  
