Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 312
This version created on 05 October 2006

The Spitzer Space Telescope Extended Mission

G. Helou, Spitzer Science Center, Caltech
B.T. Soifer, Spitzer Science Center, Caltech

After Spitzer runs out of liquid Helium, it will still be possible to
operate two of the IRAC channels at essentially undegraded
performance.  The research community will still be extracting novel
science from the archive, and last but not least, the Spitzer Science
Center will be carrying out final processing for the data from the
cryogenic mission.  The Spitzer Science Center is working with the
Spitzer project and NASA to define the guiding principles of a Warm
Spitzer Mission that exploits these science opportunities in a
cost-effective fashion.  A key element of the planning for the Warm
Spitzer Mission is participation by the user community in assessing
the scientific potential of a warm Spitzer Observatory, and in
considering the various means to realize that potential.  
