Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 322
This version created on 05 October 2006

Stellar Ages

Eric Mamajek, Harvard/CfA

Stellar ages remain one of the most poorly constrained, but most
desired, astronomical quantities. The sources of hazard in assigning
ages to individual field stars are plentiful, including, but certainly
not limited to: input physics and input abundances to theoretical
models, systematic errors in observations of age diagnostics,
dispersion of age diagnostics in coeval samples, intrinsic variability
of age diagnostics in the stars themselves, erroneous
cluster/association memberships, unresolved stellar multiplicity,
etc. The primary focus of this session's talks is recent results
relevant to the calibration and estimation of ages for cool stars.

Splinter session topics/themes:

    * Age-dating using depletion of Li and Be
    * Ages of benchmark associations, open clusters, and globular clusters
    * Ages of benchmark binary systems
    * Understanding stellar angular momentum evolution, and improving
age-activity relations
    * Consistency between Pre-MS and Post-MS evolutionary tracks
    * Sources of uncertainty in ages derived from evolutionary tracks
    * Asteroseismological constraints on stellar ages
    * Age diagnostics for field stars

