Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 341
This version created on 05 October 2006

High--Contrast Imaging in the L-band with MMT/Clio and the 6pc Survey:
Exploring the Closest Exoplanets through Angular Differential Imaging

Daniel Apai, Univ. of Arizona
Meyer Michael, Univ. of Arizona
Phil Hinz, Univ. of Arizona
Ari Heinze, Univ. of Arizona
Suresh Sivanandam, Univ. of Arizona
Matthew Kenworthy, Univ. of Arizona

I will describe the novel Clio high-contrast camera at the MMT and
report on the first results from three ongoing L-band exoplanet
surveys for giant planets surrounding:  1) white dwarfs (PI:
Sivanandam);  2) young Solar-type stars (PI:  Heinze);  and 3) all
stars within 6 pc (PI:  Apai), which I will discuss in more depth.
Clio is uniquely sensitive to older planets enabling us to image
extrasolar giant planets between 2 and 30  AU from their host stars in
the solar neighborhood.  The 6pc Survey will provide a census of
massive giant planets and planetary-mass brown dwarfs orbiting all
stars within 6 pc from the Sun.  Identified exoplanets will serve as
prime targets for follow-up observations, while the observed mass
distribution of companions as a function of orbital radius, will
provide powerful constraints on theories of binary star and planet
