Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 344
This version created on 05 October 2006

Telescope to Observe Planetary Systems (TOPS)

Olivier Guyon, Subaru Telescope/University of Arizona
James R.P. Angel, University of Arizona
Charles Bowers, Goddard Space Flight Center
James Burge, University of Arizona
Adam Burrows, University of Arizona
Johanan Codona, University of Arizona
Thomas Greene, NASA Ames
Masanori Iye, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
James Kasting, Pennsylvania State University
Hubert Martin, University of Arizona
Donald W. McCarthy Jr. , University of Arizona
Victoria Meadows, IPAC Caltech
Michael Meyer, University of Arizona
Eugene A. Pluzhnik, Subaru Telescope
Norman Sleep, Stanford University
Tony Spears, LOGYX
Motohide Tamura, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Domenick Tenerelli, Lockheed Martin Space Corporation
Robert Vanderbei, Princeton University
Bruce Woodgate, Goddard Space Flight Center
Robert A. Woodruff, Lockheed Martin Space Corporation
Neville J. Woolf, University of Arizona

The Telescope to Observe Planetary Systems (TOPS) is a proposed space
mission to image in the visible (0.4-0.9 micron) planetary systems of
nearby stars simultaneously in 16 spectral bands (resolution R~20).
For the ~10  most favorable stars, it will have the sensitivity to
discover 2 R_E rocky planets within habitable zones and characterize
their surfaces or atmospheres through spectrophotometry.  Many more
massive planets and debris discs will be imaged and characterized for
the first time.  Combining results from these surveys will enable, for
the first time, a comprehensive view of evolving solar systems
including gas giant and terrestrial mass planets, as well as
dust-producing belts of planetesimals such as are found in our own
solar system.  With a 1.2m visible telescope, the proposed mission
achieves its power by exploiting the most efficient and robust
coronagraphic and wavefront control techniques.  The Phase-Induced
Amplitude Apodization (PIAA) coronagraph used by TOPS allows planet
detection at 2 lambda/d with nearly 100% throughput and preserves the
telescope angular resolution.  An efficient focal plane wavefront
sensing scheme accurately measures wavefront aberrations which are fed
back to the telescope active primary mirror.  Fine wavefront control
is also performed independently in each of 4 spectral channels,
resulting in a system that is robust to wavefront chromaticity.  
