Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 347
This version created on 05 October 2006

IRAC study of Very-Low Mass Pleiades Members

Patrick Lowrance, Spitzer Science Center.
John Stauffer, Spitzer Science Center.

Imaging in all four IRAC bands has been obtained for known members of
the Pleiades cluster ranging in mass from the top of the main sequence
to the faintest known cluster members, using the "cluster" mode.  One
goal of the observations will be to define the single-star main
sequence through the four IRAC bands at solar metallicity and Pleiades
age (100  Myr) .  Comparison to these and older VLM stars will help
empirically establish the gravity sensitivity of IRAC colors at these
low temperatures.  The second goal is the search for previously
unknown, very low mass (substellar down to 10  Mjup) “free-floating”
members that happen to be near the targeted members.  Recent results
in this search will be presented.  
