Cool Stars 14 - Submitted Abstract # 375
This version created on 05 October 2006

Review of Coronagraphic Laboratory Results

N. Jeremy Kasdin, Princeton University

The most significant accomplishments over the past year or two in the
effort to develop a coronagraphic system for finding terrestrial
planets have occurred in the laboratory.  In numerous locations, from
Japan to the United States to Europe, coronagraphic approaches to high
contrast have moved from theoretical concepts to experimental systems.
In combination with various adaptive optics (AO) systems, contrasts
from 10^-10  in monochromatic light to 10^-6 broadband have been
achieved.  It is the success or failure in the laboratory that will
ultimately determine the viability of a coronagraph for finding
planets.  In this talk I will review the various approaches being
attempted in laboratories around the world and present the latest
results in contrast and bandwidth with and without AO.  
